
Defines functions plotfit2pdf plot.drcfit print.drcfit drcfit

Documented in drcfit plot.drcfit plotfit2pdf print.drcfit

### fit different models to each dose-response curve and choose the best fit 
drcfit <- function(itemselect,  
                   information.criterion = c("AICc", "BIC", "AIC"),
                   postfitfilter = TRUE,
                   preventsfitsoutofrange = TRUE,
                   enablesfequal0inGP = TRUE,
                   enablesfequal0inLGP = TRUE,
                   progressbar = TRUE, 
                   parallel = c("no", "snow", "multicore"), ncpus)
    # Checks
    if (!inherits(itemselect, "itemselect"))
        stop("Use only with 'itemselect' objects, created with the function itemselect.")
    parallel <- match.arg(parallel, c("no", "snow", "multicore"))
    if (parallel == "multicore" & .Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        parallel <- "snow"
        warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                        "As the multicore option is not supported on Windows it was replaced by snow."))
    if ((parallel == "snow" | parallel == "multicore") & missing(ncpus)) 
        stop("You have to specify the number of available processors to parallelize the fitting.")
    if (parallel != "no") 
        progressbar <- FALSE
    if (progressbar)
        cat("The fitting may be long if the number of selected items is high.\n")
    # definition of necessary data
    selectindex <- itemselect$selectindex
    adjpvalue <- itemselect$adjpvalue
    dose <- itemselect$omicdata$dose
    doseranks <- as.numeric(as.factor(itemselect$omicdata$dose)) 
    data <- itemselect$omicdata$data 
    data.mean <- itemselect$omicdata$data.mean 
    containsNA <- itemselect$omicdata$containsNA
    # calculations for starting values and other uses
    dosemin <- min(dose)
    dosemax <- max(dose)
    dosemed <- stats::median(dose[dose!=0])
    doseu <- as.numeric(colnames(data.mean)) # sorted unique doses
    # number of points per dose-response curve
    npts <- length(dose)
    ndoses <- length(unique(dose))
    lessthan5doses <- ndoses < 5
    nselect <- length(selectindex)
    # Information criterion definition 
    AICdigits <- 2 # number of digits for rounding the AIC values
    information.criterion <- match.arg(information.criterion, c("AICc", "BIC", "AIC"))
    # kcrit gives the argument k to pass to function AIC()
    # depending of the number of parameters of the model 
    # (1 to 5, corresponding to the index of the vector)
    if (information.criterion == "AIC")
        kcrit <- rep(2, 5) 
    } else
        if (information.criterion == "AICc")
            nparwithsigma <- 1:5 + 1
            kcrit <- 2*npts /(npts - nparwithsigma - 1)
        } else # BIC last choice
            lnpts <- log(npts)
            kcrit <- rep(lnpts, 5)
    # progress bar
    if (progressbar)
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(selectindex), style = 3)
    # function to fit all the models an choose the best on one item
    fitoneitem <- function(i) 
        keeplin <- TRUE
        keepExpo <- TRUE
        keepHill <- TRUE
        keepLGauss <- TRUE
        keepGauss <- TRUE
        equalcdG <- FALSE # use to define the value of c equal to d in the Gauss4p model if needed
        equalcdLG <- FALSE # use to define the value of c equal to d in the LGauss4p model if needed
        fequal0LG <- FALSE # use to define the value of f at 0 in the LGauss5p model if needed
        fequal0G <- FALSE # use to define the value of f at 0 in the Gauss5p model if needed
        signal <- data[selectindex[i], ]
        signalm <- as.vector(data.mean[selectindex[i],]) # means per dose
        signalmin <- min(signal, na.rm = TRUE)
        signalmax <- max(signal,na.rm = TRUE)
        # preparation of data for modelling with nls 
        dset <- data.frame(signal = signal, dose = dose, doseranks = doseranks)
        if (containsNA)
            if (any(!stats::complete.cases(dset)))
                if (any(!stats::complete.cases(signalm)))
                  doseu <- doseu[!is.na(signalm)]
                  signalm <- signalm[!is.na(signalm)]
                # removing lines with NA values for the signal
                dset <- dset[stats::complete.cases(dset$signal), ]
                npts <- nrow(dset)
                ndoses <- length(unique(dset$dose))
                lessthan5doses <- ndoses < 5
                # kcrit gives the argument k to pass to function AIC()
                # dependeing of the number of parameters of the model 
                # (1 to 5, corresponding to the index of the vector)
                if (information.criterion == "AIC")
                    kcrit <- rep(2, 5) 
                } else
                    if (information.criterion == "AICc")
                        nparwithsigma <- 1:5 + 1
                        kcrit <- 2*npts /(npts - nparwithsigma - 1)
                    } else # BIC last choice
                        lnpts <- log(npts)
                        kcrit <- rep(lnpts, 5)
        # for choice of the linear trend (decreasing or increasing)
        modlin <- stats::lm(signal ~ doseranks, data = dset)
        increaseranks <- stats::coef(modlin)[2] >= 0
        increaseminmax <- dset$dose[which.min(dset$signal)] < dset$dose[which.max(dset$signal)]
        # for choice of the quadratic trend (Ushape or Umbrella shape)
        modquad <- stats::lm(signal ~ doseranks + I(doseranks^2), data = dset)
        Ushape <- stats::coef(modquad)[3] >= 0
        ################ Expo fit (npar = 3) ###############################
        if (keepExpo)
            # fit of the exponential model with two starting values for abs(e)
            # 0.1*max(dose) or max(dose)
            startExpo3p.1 <- startvalExp3pnls.1(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                                increase = increaseranks,
                                                Ushape = Ushape)
            startExpo3p.2 <- startvalExp3pnls.2(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                                increase = increaseranks,
                                                Ushape = Ushape)
            if ((increaseranks & !Ushape) | (!increaseranks & Ushape)) # e < 0
                # Fit of the 3 par model
                Expo3p.1 <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formExp3p, start = startExpo3p.1, data = dset, 
                                                            lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf), 
                                                            upper = c(Inf, Inf, 0),
                                                            algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                Expo3p.2 <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formExp3p, start = startExpo3p.2, data = dset, 
                                                            lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf), 
                                                            upper = c(Inf, Inf, 0),
                                                            algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
            } else # e > 0
                # Fit of the 3 par model
                Expo3p.1 <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formExp3p, start = startExpo3p.1, data = dset, 
                                                            lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, 0), 
                                                            algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                Expo3p.2 <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formExp3p, start = startExpo3p.2, data = dset, 
                                                            lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, 0), 
                                                            algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
            #### convergence of both models
            if ((!inherits(Expo3p.1, "try-error")) & (!inherits(Expo3p.2, "try-error")))
                AICExpo3p.1 <- round(stats::AIC(Expo3p.1, k = kcrit[3]), digits = AICdigits)
                AICExpo3p.2 <- round(stats::AIC(Expo3p.2, k = kcrit[3]), digits = AICdigits)
                if (AICExpo3p.1 < AICExpo3p.2)
                    Expo <- Expo3p.1
                    AICExpoi <- AICExpo3p.1
                } else
                    Expo <- Expo3p.2
                    AICExpoi <- AICExpo3p.2
            } else
                #### no convergence of both models
                if (inherits(Expo3p.1, "try-error") & inherits(Expo3p.2, "try-error"))
                    # keepExpo <- FALSE
                    AICExpoi <- Inf
                    Expo <- Expo3p.1 # we could have given Expo3p.2
                } else 
                    #### convergence only of Expo3p.2
                    if ((!inherits(Expo3p.2, "try-error")) & inherits(Expo3p.1, "try-error"))
                        Expo <- Expo3p.2
                        AICExpoi <- round(stats::AIC(Expo3p.2, k = kcrit[3]), digits = AICdigits) 
                    } else
                        #### convergence only of Expo3p.1
                        if ((!inherits(Expo3p.1, "try-error")) & inherits(Expo3p.2, "try-error"))
                            Expo <- Expo3p.1
                            AICExpoi <- round(stats::AIC(Expo3p.1, k = kcrit[3]), digits = AICdigits) 
        } else (AICExpoi <- Inf)
        ################## Hill fit (npar = 4) ##########################
        if (keepHill)
            startHill <- startvalHillnls2(x = dose, y = signal, xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                          increase = increaseminmax)
            Hill <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formHill, start = startHill, data = dset, 
                                                    lower = c(0, -Inf, -Inf, 0), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
            if (!inherits(Hill, "try-error"))
                AICHilli <- round(stats::AIC(Hill, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
            } else 
                # keepHill <- FALSE
                AICHilli <- Inf
        } else (AICHilli <- Inf)
        ################# LGauss fit ####################
        if (keepLGauss)
            if (!lessthan5doses)
                startLGauss5p <- startvalLGauss5pnls(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                                     Ushape = Ushape)
                LGauss5p <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formLGauss5p, start = startLGauss5p, data = dset,
                                                            lower = c(0, -Inf, -Inf, 0, -Inf), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                LGauss5psucces <- !inherits(LGauss5p, "try-error")
                # state a failure if the fitted model is out of the range of the signal
                if (LGauss5psucces & preventsfitsoutofrange)
                    LGauss5psucces <- !fLGauss5poutofrange(LGauss5p, signalmin, signalmax)
            startLGauss4p <- startvalLGauss4pnls(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                                 Ushape = Ushape)
            LGauss4p <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formLGauss4p, start = startLGauss4p, data = dset,
                                                        lower = c(0, -Inf, 0, -Inf), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
            LGauss4psucces <- !inherits(LGauss4p, "try-error")
            # state a failure if the fitted model is out of the range of the signal
            if (LGauss4psucces & preventsfitsoutofrange)
                LGauss4psucces <- !fLGauss4poutofrange(LGauss4p, signalmin, signalmax)
            if (lessthan5doses)
                if (LGauss4psucces)
                    equalcdLG <- TRUE
                    LGauss <- LGauss4p
                    AICLGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(LGauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                } else (AICLGaussi <- Inf)
            } else # if (lessthan5doses)
                #### convergence of both models
                if ((LGauss4psucces) & (LGauss5psucces))
                    AICLGauss4p <- round(stats::AIC(LGauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                    AICLGauss5p <- round(stats::AIC(LGauss5p, k = kcrit[5]), digits = AICdigits)
                    if (AICLGauss5p < AICLGauss4p)
                        LGauss <- LGauss5p
                        AICLGaussi <- AICLGauss5p
                    } else
                        LGauss <- LGauss4p
                        equalcdLG <- TRUE
                        AICLGaussi <- AICLGauss4p
                } else
                    #### no convergence of both models
                    if ((!LGauss4psucces) & (!LGauss5psucces))
                        # keepLGauss <- FALSE
                        AICLGaussi <- Inf
                        LGauss <- LGauss5p # we could have given LGauss4p
                    } else 
                        #### convergence only of LGauss4p
                        if ((LGauss4psucces) & (!LGauss5psucces))
                            equalcdLG <- TRUE
                            LGauss <- LGauss4p
                            AICLGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(LGauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                        } else
                            #### convergence only of LGauss5p
                            if ((LGauss5psucces) & (!LGauss4psucces))
                                LGauss <- LGauss5p
                                AICLGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(LGauss5p, k = kcrit[5]), digits = AICdigits)
                            } else (AICLGaussi <- Inf)
                # If LGauss5p chosen, try with f = 0
                if (enablesfequal0inLGP & (is.finite(AICLGaussi)) & (!equalcdLG))
                    parLG5p <- stats::coef(LGauss)
                    startLprobit <- list(b = parLG5p["b"], c = parLG5p["c"], d = parLG5p["d"], e = parLG5p["e"])
                    Lprobit <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formLprobit, start = startLprobit, data = dset, 
                                                               lower = c(0, -Inf, -Inf, 0), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                    if (!inherits(Lprobit, "try-error"))
                        AICwithfat0 <- round(stats::AIC(Lprobit, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                        if (AICwithfat0 <= AICLGaussi)
                            AICLGaussi <- AICwithfat0
                            LGauss <- Lprobit
                            fequal0LG <- TRUE
            } # END of if (lessthan5doses) 
        } # END of if (keepLGauss)
        ################### Gauss fit ########################
        if (keepGauss)
            if (!lessthan5doses)
                startGauss5p <- startvalGauss5pnls(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                                   Ushape = Ushape)
                Gauss5p <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formGauss5p, start = startGauss5p, data = dset, 
                                                           lower = c(0, -Inf, -Inf, 0, -Inf), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                Gauss5psucces <- !inherits(Gauss5p, "try-error")
                # state a failure if the fitted model is out of the range of the signal
                if (Gauss5psucces & preventsfitsoutofrange)
                    Gauss5psucces <- !fGauss5poutofrange(Gauss5p, signalmin, signalmax)
            startGauss4p <- startvalGauss4pnls(xm = doseu, ym = signalm,  
                                               Ushape = Ushape)
            Gauss4p <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formGauss4p, start = startGauss4p, data = dset, 
                                                       lower = c(0, -Inf, 0, -Inf), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
            Gauss4psucces <- !inherits(Gauss4p, "try-error")
            # state a failure if the fitted model is out of the range of the signal
            if (Gauss4psucces & preventsfitsoutofrange)
                Gauss4psucces <- !fGauss4poutofrange(Gauss4p, signalmin, signalmax)
            if (lessthan5doses)
                if (Gauss4psucces)
                    equalcdG <- TRUE
                    Gauss <- Gauss4p
                    AICGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(Gauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                } else (AICGaussi <- Inf)
            } else # if (lessthan5doses)
                #### convergence of both models
                if ((Gauss4psucces) & (Gauss5psucces))
                    AICGauss4p <- round(stats::AIC(Gauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                    AICGauss5p <- round(stats::AIC(Gauss5p, k = kcrit[5]), digits = AICdigits)
                    if (AICGauss5p < AICGauss4p)
                        Gauss <- Gauss5p
                        AICGaussi <- AICGauss5p
                    } else
                        Gauss <- Gauss4p
                        equalcdG <- TRUE
                        AICGaussi <- AICGauss4p
                } else
                    #### no convergence of both models
                    if ((!Gauss4psucces) & (!Gauss5psucces))
                        # keepGauss <- FALSE
                        AICGaussi <- Inf
                        Gauss <- Gauss5p # we could have given Gauss4p
                    } else 
                        #### convergence only of Gauss4p
                        if ((Gauss4psucces) & (!Gauss5psucces))
                            equalcdG <- TRUE
                            Gauss <- Gauss4p
                            AICGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(Gauss4p, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                        } else
                            #### convergence only of Gauss5p
                            if ((Gauss5psucces) & (!Gauss4psucces))
                                Gauss <- Gauss5p
                                AICGaussi <- round(stats::AIC(Gauss5p, k = kcrit[5]), digits = AICdigits)
                            } else (AICGaussi <- Inf)
                # If Gauss5p chosen, try with f = 0
                if (enablesfequal0inGP & (is.finite(AICGaussi)) & (!equalcdG))
                    parG5p <- stats::coef(Gauss)
                    startprobit <- list(b = parG5p["b"], c = parG5p["c"], d = parG5p["d"], e = parG5p["e"])
                    probit <- suppressWarnings(try(stats::nls(formprobit, start = startprobit, data = dset, 
                                                              lower = c(0, -Inf, -Inf, 0), algorithm = "port"), silent = TRUE))
                    if (!inherits(probit, "try-error"))
                        AICwithfat0 <- round(stats::AIC(probit, k = kcrit[4]), digits = AICdigits)
                        if (AICwithfat0 <= AICGaussi)
                            AICGaussi <- AICwithfat0
                            Gauss <- probit
                            fequal0G <- TRUE
            } # END of if (lessthan5doses) 
        } # END of if (keepGauss)
        ######### Fit of the linear model ############################    
        if (keeplin)
            lin <- stats::lm(signal ~ dose, data = dset)
            AIClini <- round(stats::AIC(lin, k = kcrit[2]), digits = AICdigits)
        } else (AIClii <- Inf)
        ######## Fit of the null model (constant) ###########################
        constmodel <- stats::lm(signal ~ 1, data = dset)
        AICconsti <-  round(stats::AIC(constmodel, k = kcrit[1]), digits = AICdigits)
        ######### Choice of the best fit #####################################
        AICvec <- c(AICGaussi, AICLGaussi, AICHilli, AICExpoi, AIClini)
        # the nb. of the model, 1 to 5, is used in the following with the last
        # being the null model : nb. 6
        indmodeli <- which.min(AICvec)
        AICmin <- AICvec[indmodeli]
        if (AICmin > AICconsti - 2) # we keep the null model
            fit <- constmodel
            indmodeli <- 6 # constant model
            nbpari <- 1
            b.i <- NA
            c.i <- mean(dset$signal)
            d.i <- NA
            e.i <- NA
            f.i <- NA
            SDres.i <- stats::sigma(constmodel)
        } else
            if (indmodeli == 1)
                fit <- Gauss
                par <- stats::coef(fit)
                b.i <- par["b"]
                c.i <- ifelse(equalcdG, par["d"], par["c"])
                d.i <- par["d"]
                e.i <- par["e"]
                f.i <- ifelse(fequal0G, 0, par["f"])
                SDres.i <- stats::sigma(fit)
                if (enablesfequal0inGP)
                    nbpari <- ifelse(equalcdG | fequal0G, 4, 5)
                } else
                    nbpari <- ifelse(equalcdG, 4, 5)
            } else
                if (indmodeli == 2)
                    fit <- LGauss
                    par <- stats::coef(fit)
                    b.i <- par["b"]
                    c.i <- ifelse(equalcdLG, par["d"], par["c"])
                    d.i <- par["d"]
                    e.i <- par["e"]
                    f.i <- ifelse(fequal0LG, 0, par["f"])
                    SDres.i <- stats::sigma(fit)
                    if (enablesfequal0inLGP)
                        nbpari <- ifelse(equalcdLG | fequal0LG, 4, 5)
                    } else
                        nbpari <- ifelse(equalcdLG, 4, 5)
                } else
                    if (indmodeli == 3)
                        fit <- Hill
                        par <- stats::coef(fit)
                        b.i <- par["b"]
                        c.i <- par["c"]
                        d.i <- par["d"]
                        e.i <- par["e"]
                        f.i <- NA
                        SDres.i <- stats::sigma(fit)
                        nbpari <- 4
                    } else
                        if (indmodeli == 4)
                            fit <- Expo
                            par <- stats::coef(fit)
                            b.i <- par["b"]
                            c.i <- NA
                            d.i <- par["d"]
                            e.i <- par["e"]
                            f.i <- NA
                            SDres.i <- stats::sigma(fit)
                            nbpari <- 3
                        } else
                            if (indmodeli == 5)
                                fit <- lin
                                par <- stats::coef(fit)
                                b.i <- par[2]
                                c.i <- NA
                                d.i <- par[1]
                                e.i <- NA
                                f.i <- NA
                                SDres.i <- stats::sigma(fit)
                                nbpari <- 2
        # diagnostics on residuals (quadratic trend on residuals) 
        # answer to the question: correct mean function ?
        dset$resi <- stats::residuals(fit)
        modquad.resi <- stats::lm(resi ~ doseranks + I(doseranks^2), data = dset)
        mod0.resi <- stats::lm(resi ~ 1, data = dset)
        resimeantrendPi <- stats::anova(modquad.resi, mod0.resi)[[6]][2]
        # diagnostics on absolute value of residuals 
        # answer to the question of homoscedasticity ?
        # (quadratic trend on abs(residuals)) 
        dset$absresi <-abs(dset$resi)
        modquad.absresi <- stats::lm(absresi ~ doseranks + I(doseranks^2), data = dset)
        mod0.absresi <- stats::lm(absresi ~ 1, data = dset)
        resivartrendPi <- stats::anova(modquad.absresi, mod0.absresi)[[6]][2]
        if (progressbar)
            utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        return(c(indmodeli, nbpari, b.i, c.i, d.i, e.i, f.i, SDres.i,
                 AIClini, AICExpoi, AICHilli, AICLGaussi, 
    } ##################################### END of fitoneitem
    # Loop on items
    # parallel or sequential computation
    if (parallel != "no") 
        if (parallel == "snow") type <- "PSOCK" else if (parallel == "multicore") type <- "FORK"
        clus <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpus, type = type)
        res <- parallel::parSapply(clus, 1:nselect, fitoneitem)
    } else
        res <- sapply(1:nselect, fitoneitem)
    # close progress bar
    if (progressbar) close(pb)
    dres <- as.data.frame(t(res))
    # colnames(dres) <- c("model", "nbpar", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "SDres",
    #                     "AIC.L", "AIC.E", "AIC.H", "AIC.lP", "AIC.lGP", "AIC.GP",
    #                     "resimeantrendP", "resivartrendP")
    colnames(dres) <- c("model", "nbpar", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "SDres",
                        "AIC.L", "AIC.E", "AIC.H", "AIC.lGP", "AIC.GP",
                        "resimeantrendP", "resivartrendP")
    dres <- cbind(data.frame(id = row.names(data)[selectindex], 
                             irow = selectindex, 
                             adjpvalue = adjpvalue),
    # correction of dres$resimeantrendP and dres$resivartrendP
    # using Benjamini Hochberg method
    # not done to be more cautious and alert about potential heteroscedasticity pb
    # and eliminate bad fits
    # dres$resimeantrendadjP <- p.adjust(dres$resimeantrendP, method = "BH")
    # dres$resivartrendadjP <- p.adjust(dres$resivartrendP, method = "BH")
    # removing of null models (const, model no 6) and 
    # fits eliminated by the quadratic trend test on residuals
    if (postfitfilter)
        lines.success <- (dres$model != 6) & 
            ((dres$resimeantrendP > 0.05) | is.na(dres$resimeantrendP))
        # is.na(resimeantrendP because anova of two models with very close RSS
        # may return NA for pvalue)
    } else
        lines.success <- (dres$model != 6) 
    dres.failure <- dres[!lines.success, ]
    dfail <- dres.failure[, c("id", "irow", "adjpvalue")]
    dfail$cause <- character(length = nrow(dfail))
    dfail$cause[dres.failure$model == 6] <- "constant.model"
    dfail$cause[dres.failure$model != 6] <- "trend.in.residuals"
    dres <- dres[lines.success, ]
    # update of nselect
    nselect <- nrow(dres)
    dc <- dres[, c("id", "irow", "adjpvalue", "model", "nbpar", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "SDres")]
    dresitests <- dres[, c("resimeantrendP", "resivartrendP")]
    modelnames <- c("Gauss-probit", "log-Gauss-probit", "Hill", "exponential", "linear")
    dc$model <- modelnames[dc$model] 
    # Calculation of the theoretical value at the control : y0
    # of the theoretical value at the maximal dose : yatdosemax
    # of the theoretical signal range on the range of tested concentration : yrange
    # of the maximal change of y from its value at the minimal dose : maxychange
    # of the x-value that corresponds to the extremum for U and bell curves : xextrem
    y0 <- numeric(length = nselect)
    yatdosemax <- numeric(length = nselect)
    yrange <- numeric(length = nselect)
    maxychange <- numeric(length = nselect)
    xextrem <- numeric(length = nselect)
    xextrem[1:nselect] <- NA # will remain at NA for monotonic curves
    yextrem <- numeric(length = nselect)
    yextrem[1:nselect] <- NA # will remain at NA for monotonic curves
    # calculation of y0, maxychange and yrange for linear curves
    indlin <- which(dc$model == "linear")
    vb <- dc$b[indlin]
    vd <- dc$d[indlin]
    ydosemin <- flin(dosemin, vb, vd)
    ydosemax <- flin(dosemax, vb, vd)
    yatdosemax[indlin] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indlin] <- abs(ydosemin - ydosemax)
    y0[indlin] <- vd
    maxychange[indlin] <- yrange[indlin]
    # calculation of y0 and yrange for exponential curves
    indExpo <- which(dc$model == "exponential")
    vb <- dc$b[indExpo]
    vd <- dc$d[indExpo]
    ve <- dc$e[indExpo]
    ydosemin <- fExpo(dosemin, vb, vd, ve) 
    ydosemax <- fExpo(dosemax, vb, vd, ve)
    yatdosemax[indExpo] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indExpo] <- abs(ydosemin - ydosemax)
    y0[indExpo] <- vd
    maxychange[indExpo] <- yrange[indExpo]
    # calculation of y0 and yrange for Hill curves
    indHill <- which(dc$model == "Hill")
    vb <- dc$b[indHill]
    vc <- dc$c[indHill]
    vd <- dc$d[indHill]
    ve <- dc$e[indHill]
    ydosemin <- fHill(dosemin, vb, vc, vd, ve)
    ydosemax <- fHill(dosemax, vb, vc, vd, ve)
    yatdosemax[indHill] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indHill] <- abs(ydosemin - ydosemax)
    y0[indHill] <- vd
    maxychange[indHill] <- yrange[indHill]
    # calculation of y0, xextrem and yrange for Gauss-probit curves
    # when f != 0
    indGP <- which(dc$model == "Gauss-probit"& dc$f != 0)
    vb <- dc$b[indGP]
    vc <- dc$c[indGP]
    vd <- dc$d[indGP]
    ve <- dc$e[indGP]
    vf <- dc$f[indGP]
    xextr <- xextrem[indGP] <- ve + (vc - vd)*vb/(vf*sqrt(2*pi)) 
    yextr <- yextrem[indGP] <- fGauss5p(xextr, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    ydosemin <- fGauss5p(dosemin, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    ydosemax <- fGauss5p(dosemax, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    yatdosemax[indGP] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indGP] <- pmax(abs(ydosemin - yextr), abs(yextr - ydosemax))
    maxychange[indGP] <- pmax(abs(ydosemin - yextr), abs(ydosemax - ydosemin))
    y0[indGP] <- fGauss5p(0, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    # when f == 0
    indGPf0 <- which((dc$model == "Gauss-probit" & dc$f == 0))
    vb <- dc$b[indGPf0]
    vc <- dc$c[indGPf0]
    vd <- dc$d[indGPf0]
    ve <- dc$e[indGPf0]
    vf <- dc$f[indGPf0]
    ydosemin <- fGauss5p(dosemin, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    ydosemax <- fGauss5p(dosemax, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    yatdosemax[indGPf0] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indGPf0] <- abs(ydosemin - ydosemax)
    y0[indGPf0] <- fGauss5p(0, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    maxychange[indGPf0] <- yrange[indGPf0]
    # calculation of y0, xextrem and yrange for log-Gauss-probit curves
    # when f != 0
    indlGP <- which(dc$model == "log-Gauss-probit" & dc$f != 0)
    vb <- dc$b[indlGP]
    vc <- dc$c[indlGP]
    vd <- dc$d[indlGP]
    ve <- dc$e[indlGP]
    vf <- dc$f[indlGP]
    xextr <- xextrem[indlGP] <- exp(log(ve) + (vc - vd)*vb/(vf*sqrt(2*pi))) 
    yextr <- yextrem[indlGP] <- fLGauss5p(xextr, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf) 
    ydosemin <- fLGauss5p(dosemin, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    ydosemax <- fLGauss5p(dosemax, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    yatdosemax[indlGP] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indlGP] <- pmax(abs(ydosemin - yextr), abs(yextr - ydosemax))
    maxychange[indlGP] <- pmax(abs(ydosemin - yextr), abs(ydosemax - ydosemin))
    y0[indlGP] <- vd
    # when f == 0
    indlGPf0 <- which(dc$model == "log-Gauss-probit" & dc$f == 0)
    vb <- dc$b[indlGPf0]
    vc <- dc$c[indlGPf0]
    vd <- dc$d[indlGPf0]
    ve <- dc$e[indlGPf0]
    vf <- dc$f[indlGPf0]
    ydosemin <- fLGauss5p(dosemin, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    ydosemax <- fLGauss5p(dosemax, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf)
    yatdosemax[indlGPf0] <- ydosemax
    yrange[indlGPf0] <- abs(ydosemin - ydosemax)
    y0[indlGPf0] <- vd
    maxychange[indlGPf0] <- yrange[indlGPf0]
    # definition of trend and typology
    typology <- character(length = nselect)
    trend <- character(length = nselect)
    if (nselect !=0)
        for (i in 1:nselect) 
            di <- dc[i,]
            if (di$model == "exponential" & di$e > 0 & di$b > 0) 
            {typology[i] <- "E.inc.convex"
            trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                if (di$model == "exponential" & di$e <= 0 & di$b > 0) 
                {typology[i] <- "E.dec.convex"
                trend[i] <- "dec"} else
                    if (di$model == "exponential" & di$e <= 0 & di$b <= 0) 
                    {typology[i] <- "E.inc.concave"
                    trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                        if (di$model == "exponential" & di$e > 0 & di$b <= 0) 
                        {typology[i] <- "E.dec.concave"
                        trend[i] <- "dec"} else
                            if (di$model == "Hill" & di$c > di$d) 
                            {typology[i] <- "H.inc"
                            trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                                if (di$model == "Hill" & di$c <= di$d) 
                                {typology[i] <- "H.dec"
                                trend[i] <- "dec"} else
                                    if (di$model == "log-Gauss-probit" & di$f < 0) 
                                    {typology[i] <- "lGP.U"
                                    trend[i] <- "U"
                                    } else
                                        if (di$model == "log-Gauss-probit" & di$f >=0) 
                                        {typology[i] <- "lGP.bell"
                                        trend[i] <- "bell"
                                        } else
                                            if (di$model == "Gauss-probit" & di$f < 0) 
                                            {typology[i] <- "GP.U"
                                            trend[i] <- "U"
                                            } else
                                                if (di$model == "Gauss-probit" & di$f >=0) 
                                                {typology[i] <- "GP.bell"
                                                trend[i] <- "bell"
                                                } else
                                                    if (di$model == "linear" & di$b > 0) 
                                                    {typology[i] <- "L.inc"
                                                    trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                                                        if (di$model == "linear" & di$b <= 0) 
                                                        {typology[i] <- "L.dec"
                                                        trend[i] <- "dec"} 
            if (enablesfequal0inLGP)
                if (di$model == "log-Gauss-probit" & di$f == 0) 
                    if (di$c > di$d) 
                    { typology[i] <- "lGP.inc"
                    trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                        if (di$c <= di$d) 
                        {typology[i] <- "lGP.dec"
                        trend[i] <- "dec"} 
            if (enablesfequal0inGP)
                if (di$model == "Gauss-probit" & di$f == 0) 
                    if (di$c > di$d) 
                    { typology[i] <- "GP.inc"
                    trend[i] <- "inc"} else
                        if (di$c <= di$d) 
                        {typology[i] <- "GP.dec"
                        trend[i] <- "dec"} 
        } # END of the for
    } else
        warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n", 
                        "THERE IS NO SUCCESSFUL FIT."))
    dc$typology <- typology
    # correction of the trend and typology for Gauss-probit curves with xextrem == 0
    indnullxextr <- which((dc$model == "Gauss-probit") & (xextrem == 0))
    trend[indnullxextr] <- ifelse(dc$f[indnullxextr] > 0, "dec", "inc") 
    typology[indnullxextr] <- ifelse(dc$f[indnullxextr] > 0, "GP.dec", "GP.inc") 
    dc$trend <- factor(trend)
    dc$y0 <- y0
    dc$yatdosemax <- yatdosemax
    dc$yrange <- yrange
    dc$maxychange <- maxychange
    dc$xextrem <- xextrem
    dc$yextrem <- yextrem
    # number of null models
    n.failure <- length(itemselect$selectindex) - nrow(dc)
    dc$model <- factor(dc$model, # to specify the order
                       levels = c("Hill", "linear", "exponential", "Gauss-probit", "log-Gauss-probit"))
    dc$typology <- factor(dc$typology)
    dAIC <- dres[, c("AIC.L", "AIC.E", "AIC.H", "AIC.lGP", "AIC.GP")] 
    reslist <- list(fitres = dc, omicdata = itemselect$omicdata,  
                    information.criterion = information.criterion, information.criterion.val = dAIC,
                    n.failure = n.failure, unfitres = dfail, 
                    residualtests = dresitests ) 
    return(structure(reslist, class = "drcfit"))

print.drcfit <- function(x, ...)
    if (!inherits(x, "drcfit"))
        stop("Use only with 'drcfit' objects.")
    cat("Results of the fitting using the", x$information.criterion, "to select the best fit model\n")
    ttrend <- table(x$fitres$trend)
    tfit <- table(x$fitres$model)
    nsucces <- nrow(x$fitres)
    nfirstselect <- x$n.failure + nsucces
    if (x$n.failure > 0)
        cat(strwrap(paste(x$n.failure, "dose-response curves out of", nfirstselect, "previously selected were removed 
                       because no model could be fitted reliably.")), fill = TRUE)
    ncaseheterosced <- length(which(x$residualtests$resivartrendP < 0.05))
    ntot <- nrow(x$residualtests)
    pc.heterosced <- round(ncaseheterosced / ntot * 100)
    if (pc.heterosced > 50)
        cat(strwrap(paste0(pc.heterosced, "% of the fitted dose-response curves show a significant heteroscedasticity. 
                       (non constant variance).")), fill = TRUE)
    cat("Distribution of the chosen models among the", nsucces, "fitted dose-response curves:\n")
    cat("Distribution of the trends (curve shapes) among the", nsucces, "fitted dose-response curves:\n")
    # ttypology <- table(x$fitres$typology)
    # cat("Distribution of the typology of the ",nsucces," fitted dose-response curves :\n")
    # print(ttypology)

plot.drcfit <- function(x, items, 
                        plot.type = c("dose_fitted", "dose_residuals","fitted_residuals"), 
                        dose_log_transfo = TRUE, 
                        BMDoutput, BMDtype = c("zSD", "xfold"), ...)
    plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type, c("dose_fitted", "dose_residuals","fitted_residuals"))  
    if (!inherits(x, "drcfit"))
        stop("Use only with 'drcfit' objects.")
        items <- 20
    if(!( is.numeric(items) | is.character(items)) )
        stop("Wrong argument 'items'. It must be a number inferior or equal to 20 or
    a character vector indicating the identifiers of the items who want to plot.")
    if (is.numeric(items))
        inditems <- 1:min(nrow(x$fitres),items)
        subd <- x$fitres[inditems, ]
    } else
        if (is.character(items))
            inditems <- match(items, x$fitres$id)
            if (any(is.na(inditems)))
                stop("At least one of the chosen items was not selected as responding. You should use targetplot() in that case.")
            subd <- x$fitres[inditems, ]
    subd$id <- factor(subd$id, levels = subd$id)
    g <- plotfitsubset(subd, 
                       dose = x$omicdata$dose, 
                       data = x$omicdata$data, 
                       data.mean = x$omicdata$data.mean, 
                       npts = 500,
                       plot.type = plot.type, 
                       dose_log_transfo = dose_log_transfo) + theme_classic()
    addBMD <- FALSE
    addCI <- FALSE
    ## optional add of BMD values on fits
    if (!(missing(BMDoutput)) & (plot.type == "dose_fitted"))
        BMDtype <- match.arg(BMDtype, c("zSD", "xfold")) 
        addBMD <- TRUE
        if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdcalc") | inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
            bmdres <- BMDoutput$res
            subbmdres <- BMDoutput$res[inditems, ]
            if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot")) addCI <- TRUE else addCI <- FALSE
            if (any(subd$id != subbmdres$id) | any(subd$yrange != subbmdres$yrange))
                warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                                "To add BMD values on the plot you must 
                        first apply bmdcalc() (and if you want also BMD confidence intervals
                        bmdboot()) on the R object of class drcfit that is specified as first
                        argument of the current plot function, and then 
                        give in the argument BMDoutput the R object given in output
                    of bmdcalc() or bmdboot()."))
                addBMD <- FALSE
            } else
                if (BMDtype == "zSD")
                    zvalue <- BMDoutput$z
                    subbmdres$lowhline <- subbmdres$y0 - zvalue * subbmdres$SDres
                    subbmdres$uphline <- subbmdres$y0 + zvalue * subbmdres$SDres
                    subbmdres$BMD <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD
                    if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
                        subbmdres$BMDlower <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD.lower
                        subbmdres$BMDupper <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD.upper
                } else  # so BMDxfold
                    xvalue <- BMDoutput$x
                    subbmdres$lowhline <- subbmdres$y0 * (1 + xvalue/100)
                    subbmdres$uphline <- subbmdres$y0 * (1 - xvalue/100)
                    subbmdres$BMD <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold
                    if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
                        addCI <- TRUE
                        subbmdres$BMDlower <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold.lower
                        subbmdres$BMDupper <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold.upper
        } else
            warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                            "To add BMD values on the plot you must 
                        first apply bmdcalc() (and if you want also BMD confidence intervals
                        bmdboot()) on the R object of class drcfit that is specified as first
                        argument of the current plot function, and then 
                        give in the argument BMDoutput the R object given in output
                    of bmdcalc() or bmdboot()."))
            addBMD <- FALSE
    }# END if !missing(BMDoutput)
    if (addBMD)
        subbmdres$id <- factor(subbmdres$id, levels = subd$id)
        g <- g + geom_vline(data = subbmdres,
                            aes(xintercept = .data$BMD), 
                            linetype = 1, colour = "red") +
            # geom_ribbon(data = subbmdres,
            #             aes(ymin = .data$lowhline, 
            #                  ymax = .data$uphline), 
            #             fill = "red", alpha = 0.1)
            geom_hline(data = subbmdres, aes(yintercept = .data$uphline),
                       linetype = 3, colour = "red") +
            geom_hline(data = subbmdres, aes(yintercept = .data$lowhline),
                       linetype = 3,colour = "red")
        if (addCI)
            g <- g + geom_vline(data = subbmdres, aes(xintercept = .data$BMDlower), 
                                linetype = 2,colour = "red") +
                geom_vline(data = subbmdres, aes(xintercept = .data$BMDupper), 
                           linetype = 2, colour = "red") 

plotfit2pdf <- function(x, items, 
                        plot.type = c("dose_fitted", "dose_residuals", "fitted_residuals"), 
                        dose_log_transfo = TRUE, 
                        BMDoutput, BMDtype = c("zSD", "xfold"),
                        nrowperpage = 6, ncolperpage = 4,
                        path2figs = getwd())
    plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type, c("dose_fitted", "dose_residuals", "fitted_residuals"))  
    if (!inherits(x, "drcfit"))
        stop("Use only with 'drcfit' objects.")
    # a ggplot alternative
        items <- x$fitres$id
    if(!( is.numeric(items) | is.character(items)) )
        stop("Wrong argument 'items'. It must be a number inferior or equal to 20 or
        a character vector indicating the identifiers of the items who want to plot.")
    if (is.numeric(items))
        inditems <- 1:min(nrow(x$fitres), items)
        subd <- x$fitres[1:min(nrow(x$fitres), items), ]
    } else
        if (is.character(items))
            inditems <- match(items, x$fitres$id)
            if (any(is.na(inditems)))
                stop("At least one of the chosen items was not selected as responding. You should use targetplot() in that case.")
            subd <- x$fitres[inditems, ]
    file2plot <- paste0(path2figs, "/drcfitplot.pdf")
    message(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                    paste0("Figures are stored in ", normalizePath(path2figs), ".")))
    grDevices::pdf(file2plot, width = 7, height = 10, onefile = TRUE) # w and h in inches
    nplotsperpage <- nrowperpage * ncolperpage
    npage <- ceiling(nrow(subd) / nplotsperpage)
    addBMD <- FALSE
    addCI <- FALSE
    if (!(missing(BMDoutput)) & (plot.type == "dose_fitted"))
        BMDtype <- match.arg(BMDtype, c("zSD", "xfold")) 
        addBMD <- TRUE
        if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdcalc") | inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
            bmdres <- BMDoutput$res
            subbmdres <- BMDoutput$res[inditems, ]
            if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot")) addCI <- TRUE else addCI <- FALSE
            if (any(subd$id != subbmdres$id) | any(subd$yrange != subbmdres$yrange))
                warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                                "To add BMD values on the plot you must 
                        first apply bmdcalc() (and if you want also BMD confidence intervals
                        bmdboot()) on the R object of class drcfit that is specified as first
                        argument of the current plot function, and then 
                        give in the argument BMDoutput the R object given in output
                    of bmdcalc() or bmdboot()."))
                addBMD <- FALSE
            } else
                if (BMDtype == "zSD")
                    zvalue <- BMDoutput$z
                    subbmdres$lowhline <- subbmdres$y0 - zvalue * subbmdres$SDres
                    subbmdres$uphline <- subbmdres$y0 + zvalue * subbmdres$SDres
                    subbmdres$BMD <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD
                    if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
                        subbmdres$BMDlower <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD.lower
                        subbmdres$BMDupper <- subbmdres$BMD.zSD.upper
                } else  # so BMDxfold
                    xvalue <- BMDoutput$x
                    subbmdres$lowhline <- subbmdres$y0 * (1 + xvalue/100)
                    subbmdres$uphline <- subbmdres$y0 * (1 - xvalue/100)
                    subbmdres$BMD <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold
                    if (inherits(BMDoutput, "bmdboot"))
                        addCI <- TRUE
                        subbmdres$BMDlower <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold.lower
                        subbmdres$BMDupper <- subbmdres$BMD.xfold.upper
        } else
            warning(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
                            "To add BMD values on the plot you must 
                        first apply bmdcalc() (and if you want also BMD confidence intervals
                        bmdboot()) on the R object of class drcfit that is specified as first
                        argument of the current plot function, and then 
                        give in the argument BMDoutput the R object given in output
                    of bmdcalc() or bmdboot()."))
            addBMD <- FALSE
    }# END if !missing(BMDoutput)
    for (i in 1:npage)
        if (i == npage) indmax <- nrow(subd) else indmax <- i*nplotsperpage
        ind2plot <- seq((i-1)*nplotsperpage + 1,indmax, 1)
        g <- plotfitsubset(subd[ind2plot, ], 
                           dose = x$omicdata$dose, 
                           data = x$omicdata$data, 
                           data.mean = x$omicdata$data.mean, 
                           npts = 500,
                           plot.type = plot.type, 
                           dose_log_transfo = dose_log_transfo, 
                           nr = nrowperpage, 
                           nc = ncolperpage) + theme_classic()
        if (addBMD)
            data4BMDadd <- subbmdres[ind2plot, ]
            # to keep the ordering of items by p-value and not by alphabetic order
            data4BMDadd$id <- factor(data4BMDadd$id, levels = data4BMDadd$id)
            g <- g + geom_vline(data = data4BMDadd,
                                aes(xintercept = .data$BMD), 
                                linetype = 1, colour = "red") +
                # geom_ribbon(data = subbmdres[ind2plot, ],
                #             aes(ymin = .data$lowhline, 
                #                  ymax = .data$uphline), 
                #             fill = "red", alpha = 0.1)
                geom_hline(data = data4BMDadd, aes(yintercept = .data$uphline),
                           linetype = 3, colour = "red") +
                geom_hline(data = data4BMDadd, aes(yintercept = .data$lowhline),
                           linetype = 3,colour = "red")
            if (addCI)
                g <- g + geom_vline(data = data4BMDadd, aes(xintercept = .data$BMDlower), 
                                    linetype = 2,colour = "red") +
                    geom_vline(data = data4BMDadd, aes(xintercept = .data$BMDupper), 
                               linetype = 2, colour = "red") 

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