direct.sum <- function (D1, D2, ..., tiebreak = letters)
## taken from package by Bill Venables
## commented out class "design"
## added code for keeping contrasts
l <- list(...)
if (length(l))
return(Recall(D1, Recall(D2, ..., tiebreak = tiebreak[-1]),
tiebreak = tiebreak))
f1 <- lapply(D1, "is.factor")
cc <- function(x) {if (is.factor(x)) contrasts(x) else NULL}
c1 <- lapply(D1, "cc")
E1 <- lapply(D1, function(x, n2) rep(x, rep(n2, length(x))),
f2 <- lapply(D2, "is.factor")
c2 <- lapply(D2, "cc")
E2 <- lapply(D2, function(x, n1) rep(x, n1), nrow(D1))
D <- c(E1, E2)
if (any(i <- duplicated(names(D))))
names(D)[i] <- paste(names(D)[i], tiebreak[1], sep = "")
## reinstate contrasts for factors to previous state
ff <- function(x, f, c){
if (f) contrasts(x) <- c
D <- mapply("ff", D, f=c(f1,f2), c=c(c1,c2),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
D <-
# class(D) <- c("design", class(D))
} <- function (design1, design2, ..., randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL)
creator <-
workhorse <- function(design1, design2, ...){
## taken from package by Bill Venables
## needed as inner function, since postprocessing is not to be racalled
nam <- deparse(substitute(design2)) ## just in case, for one-column design2
l <- list(...)
if (length(l))
return(Recall(design1, Recall(design2, ...)))
if (!"design" %in% class(design1)){
warning("design1 is not of class design, all design information is lost")
cn <- NULL
if (is.numeric(design2)) cn <- nam
if (! design2 <- data.frame(design2)
if (is.null(cn)) colnames(design2) <- nam
aus <- direct.sum(design1, design2, ..., tiebreak = letters)
if (randomize){
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
aus <- aus[sample(nrow(aus)),]
di1 <-
if (di1$type %in% c("FrF2.blocked", "FrF2.splitplot", "crossed", "FrF2.param", "param") | length(grep("folded",di1$type))>0)
stop("crossing blocked designs, splitplot designs, folded designs, crossed designs or parameter designs is not supported")
if (!is.null(di1$format)) stop("crossing wide format designs is not supported")
if (!is.null(di1$response.names)) stop("crossing designs with responses is not supported")
ro1 <- run.order(design1)
if (di1$repeat.only) stop("only last design can have repeat.only replications")
des1 <- undesign(design1)
desn1 <- desnum(design1)
if ("design" %in% class(design2)){
di2 <-
if (any(di2$type %in% c("FrF2.blocked", "FrF2.splitplot", "crossed", "FrF2.param", "param")) | length(grep("folded",di2$type))>0)
stop("crossing blocked designs, splitplot designs, folded designs, crossed designs or parameter designs is not supported")
if (!is.null(di2$format)) stop("crossing wide format designs is not supported")
if (!is.null(di2$response.names)) stop("crossing designs with responses is not supported")
ro2 <- run.order(design2)
des2 <- undesign(design2)
desn2 <- desnum(design2)
if ( | is.matrix(design2) | is.list(design2) | is.array(design2))
stop("design2 must be a vector or a data frame of class design")
else { ##redo vector into design object
tab <- table(design2)
repl <- 1
if (!min(tab)==max(tab)) type2 <- "vector.unbalanced"
else if (max(tab)>1) {type2 <- "vector.replicated"
repl <- max(tab)
else type2 <- "vector"
nruns <- length(design2)
if (type2=="vector.replicated") nruns <- round(nruns/repl)
nfactors <- 1
factor.names <- list(names(tab))
names(factor.names) <- nam
ro2 <- data.frame( = match(design2, names(tab)), = 1:length(design2))
ro2$ <- ro2$
if (!type2=="vector") for (i in 1:length(design2))
ro2$[i] <- paste(ro2$[i],
desn2 <- NULL
if (is.numeric(design2))
desn2 <- matrix(design2,ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, nam))
if (is.character(design2)) design2 <- factor(design2, levels=unique(design2))
des2 <- design2 <-
if (!is.null(nam)) colnames(des2) <- colnames(design2) <- nam
class(design2) <- c("design","data.frame")
if (is.null(desn2))
desnum(design2) <- desn2 <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~",nam)),design2)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
else desnum(design2) <- desn2
run.order(design2) <- ro2 <- di2 <- list(type=type2, nruns=nruns,
nfactors=nfactors, factor.names=factor.names,
replications=repl, repeat.only=NULL,
randomize=NULL, seed=NULL, creator=nam)
if (any(duplicated(c(colnames(design1),colnames(design2)))))
stop ("duplicated factor names are not permitted when crossing designs")
D <-,des2))
class (D) <- c("design", "data.frame")
Dn <- as.matrix(direct.sum(,
rownames(Dn) <- rownames(D)
desnum(D) <- Dn
touter <- function(obj1,obj2,FUN,...) t(outer(obj1,obj2,FUN=FUN,...))
## March 7 2016: removed superfluous "t" in the line below
## (thanks to Bill Dunlap for spotting this bug)
ro <-"touter",ro1, ro2, "paste", sep="_"))
run.order(D) <- ro
## create reasonable content for
## accomodate randomize and replications
## function for combining design info from two designs
cc <- function(d1,d2){
if (is.list(d1) & is.list(d2)) return(list(d1,d2))
if (is.list(d1) & !is.list(d2)) return(c(d1,list(d2)))
if (is.list(d2) & !is.list(d1)) return(c(list(d1),d2))
if (!(is.list(d1) | is.list(d2))) return(c(list(d1),list(d2)))
cc.alias <- function(d1,d2){
if (is.list(d1) & is.list(d2)) return(list(d1,d2))
if (is.list(d1) & !is.list(d2)) return(list(d1,list(d2)))
if (is.list(d2) & !is.list(d1)) return(list(list(d1),d2))
if (!(is.list(d1) | is.list(d2))) return(list(list(d1),list(d2)))
cc.quan <- function(d1,d2){
if (is.null(d1)) d1 <- rep(NA, di1$nfactors)
if (is.null(d2)) d2 <- rep(NA, di2$nfactors)
return(c(d1, d2))
di <- vector("list") ## empty list
for (nn in union(names(di1), names(di2))){
if (nn=="quantitative") di[[nn]] <- cc.quan(di1[[nn]],di2[[nn]])
if (nn=="aliased") di[[nn]] <- cc.alias(di1[[nn]],di2[[nn]])
if (!nn %in% c("quantitative","aliased"))
di[[nn]] <- cc(di1[[nn]],di2[[nn]])
## manually combine infos that is requested to be correct for interim
## processing of recursive procedure (otherwise assignment of throws error)
di$factor.names <- c(factor.names(design1),factor.names(design2))
if (!is.list(di$selected.columns))
di$selected.columns <- list(di1$selected.columns ,di2$selected.columns )
if (is.null(di$cross.nruns)) di$cross.nruns <- unlist(di$nruns)
else di$cross.nruns <- c(di1$nruns, di$cross.nruns)
di$nruns <- prod(unlist(di$nruns))
if (is.null(di$cross.replications)) di$cross.replications <- unlist(di$replications)
else di$cross.replications <- c(di1$replications, di$cross.replications)
di$replications <- prod(unlist(di$replications)) <- di
if (any(unlist(di$repeat.only)) & di$replications>di2$replications)
warning("repeat.only replications and proper replications mixed in one crossed design, this does not work with any post-processing!")
D <- workhorse(design1, design2, ...)
## no postprocessing, if design1 was not a design
if (!"design" %in% class(D)) return(D)
## postprocessing for designs
di <-
## has valid lists for many entries
## has list with always only 2 elements for nruns and replications
## modify design info
## mandatory entries
## nruns and replications treated inside the workhorse function already
di$cross.nruns <- unlist(di$cross.nruns)
di$cross.replications <- unlist(di$cross.replications)
di$cross.nfactors <- unlist(di$nfactors)
di$nfactors <- sum(di$cross.nfactors)
di$cross.types <- unlist(di$type)
di$type <- "crossed"
di$cross.randomize <- unlist(di$randomize)
di$cross.seed <- di$seed
di$randomize <- randomize
di$seed <- seed
if (is.null(di$seed)) di["seed"] <- list(NULL)
di$creator <- list(original=di$creator, modify=creator)
di$cross.repeat.only <- unlist(di$repeat.only)
di$repeat.only <- any(di$cross.repeat.only)
## character string entries that may or may not be filled
unliststr <- function(obj) if (is.null(obj)) "" else obj
di$origin <- sapply(di$origin, "unliststr")
if (all(di$origin=="")) di$origin <- NULL
di$comment <- sapply(di$comment, "unliststr")
if (all(di$comment=="")) di$comment <- NULL
di$generating.oa <- sapply(di$generating.oa, "unliststr")
if (all(di$generating.oa=="")) di$generating.oa <- NULL
di$format <- sapply(di$format, "unliststr")
if (all(di$format=="")) di$format <- NULL
## integer or logical entries that may or may not be filled
unlistnumlog <- function(obj, replace=NA) if (is.null(obj)) replace else obj
if (is.null(unlist(di$clear))) di$clear <- NULL else
di$clear <- sapply(di$clear, "unlistnumlog")
if (is.null(unlist(di$res3))) di$res3 <- NULL else
di$res3 <- sapply(di$res3, "unlistnumlog")
if (is.null(unlist(di$ncube))) di$ncube <- NULL else
di$ncube <- sapply(di$ncube, "unlistnumlog")
if (is.null(unlist(di$ncenter))) di$ncenter <- NULL else
di$ncenter <- sapply(di$ncenter, "unlistnumlog")
if (is.null(unlist(di$residual.df))) di$residual.df <- NULL else
di$residual.df <- sapply(di$residual.df, "unlistnumlog")
## vector or list entries that may or may not be filled
## selected.columns treated inside function already
if (is.null(unlist(di$selected.columns))) di$selected.columns <- NULL
di$cross.selected.columns <- di$selected.columns
di$selected.columns <- NULL
if (is.null(unlist(di$map))) di$map <- NULL
di$ <- di$map
di$map <- NULL
if (is.null(unlist(di$nlevels))) di$nlevels <- NULL
di$cross.nlevels <- di$nlevels
if (!any(sapply(di$nlevels,"is.null"))) di$nlevels <- unlist(di$nlevels)
else di$nlevels <- NULL
if (is.null(unlist(di$aliased))) di$aliased <- NULL
if (is.null(unlist(di$generators))) di$generators <- NULL
if (is.null(unlist(di$catlg.entry))) di$catlg.entry <- NULL
## postprocess alias list, if exists
if (!is.null(di$aliased)){
dia <- di$aliased
## postprocess generators, if exist
dig <- di$generators ## may be NULL
if (di$nfactors<=50){
nam <- Letters[1:di$nfactors]
sepchar <- ""
nam <- paste("F",1:di$nfactors,sep="")
sepchar <- ":"
for (i in 1:length(di$aliased)){
if (!is.null(dia[[i]])){
if (di$cross.nfactors[i] <=50){
namalt <- Letters[1:di$cross.nfactors[i]]
sepcharalt <- ""
namalt <- paste("F",1:di$cross.nfactors[i],sep="")
sepcharalt <- ":"
if (i>1)
nami <- nam[(1:di$cross.nfactors[i])+sum(di$cross.nfactors[1:(i-1)])]
else nami <- nam[1:di$cross.nfactors[1]]
if (!all(namalt==nami)){
## replace backward so that overlap between namalt and nam
## is not problematic (namalt>=nam)
for (j in length(namalt):1){
## identical sepchar
if (sepcharalt==":" | sepchar==""){
## the following code relies on the fact tha both sepchars are equal
## (which they should be, since >50 factors cannot occur in individual design if not also in crossed)
dia[[i]][["legend"]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],"=",sep=""),paste(nami[j],"=",sep=""),dia[[i]][["legend"]])
## main
## factor before equal or next factor
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([=",sepcharalt,"[:alpha:]]{1})",sep=""),
## last factor
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""), nami[j], dia[[i]][["main"]])
## now fi2
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([=",sepcharalt,"[:alpha:]]{1})",sep=""),
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""), nami[j],dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
## finally fi3
if (!is.null(dia[[i]][["fi3"]])){
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([=",sepcharalt,"[:alpha:]]{1})",sep=""),
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""), nami[j],dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
## dig, if not null
if (!is.null(dig[[i]])){
## factor before equal or next factor
dig[[i]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([=",sepcharalt,"[:alpha:]]{1})",sep=""),
## last factor
dig[[i]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""), nami[j], dig[[i]])
## sepcharalt "" and sepchar ":"
## also means that alt is an individual letter, while new is not
## only letter that could be problematic: F
dia[[i]][["legend"]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],sep=""),paste(nami[j],sep=""),dia[[i]][["legend"]])
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],sep=""),paste(nami[j],sep=""),dia[[i]][["main"]])
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- gsub(paste("=",namalt[j],sep=""),paste("=",nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dia[[i]][["main"]])
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"=",sep=""),paste(nami[j],"=",sep=""),dia[[i]][["main"]])
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([[:alpha:]{1}])",sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,"\\1",sep=""),dia[[i]][["main"]])
dia[[i]][["main"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""),nami[j],dia[[i]][["main"]])
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- sub(paste("=",namalt[j],sep=""),paste("=",nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"=",sep=""),paste(nami[j],"=",sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([[:alpha:]{1}])",sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,"\\1",sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
dia[[i]][["fi2"]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""),nami[j],dia[[i]][["fi2"]])
if (!is.null(dia[[i]][["fi3"]])){
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- sub(paste("=",namalt[j],sep=""),paste("=",nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"=",sep=""),paste(nami[j],"=",sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([[:alpha:]{1}])",sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,"\\1",sep=""),dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
dia[[i]][["fi3"]] <- sub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""),nami[j],dia[[i]][["fi3"]])
if (!is.null(dig[[i]])){
## factor before equal or next factor
dig[[i]] <- sub(paste("^",namalt[j],sep=""),paste(nami[j],sep=""),dig[[i]])
## last factor
dig[[i]] <- gsub(paste("=",namalt[j],sep=""),paste("=",nami[j],sepchar,sep=""),dig[[i]])
dig[[i]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"=",sep=""),paste(nami[j],"=",sep=""),dig[[i]])
dig[[i]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"([[:alpha:]{1}])",sep=""),paste(nami[j],sepchar,"\\1",sep=""),dig[[i]])
dig[[i]] <- gsub(paste(namalt[j],"$",sep=""),nami[j],dig[[i]])
di$aliased <- dia
di$generators <- dig
} <- di
## now randomize if requested
if (randomize){
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
if (!di$repeat.only) D <- D[sample(nrow(D)),]
else {repl.repeatonly <- di$cross.replications[length(di$cross.replications)]
D <- D[rep(repl.repeatonly*(sample(1:round(nrow(D)/repl.repeatonly))-1),each=repl.repeatonly) +
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