#' Box plot of the water quality data by month
#' @description
#' Data come from named list, which contains a Sample dataframe with the sample data,
#' and an INFO dataframe with metadata.
#' Box widths are proportional to the square root of the number of samples in the month.
#' Although there are a lot of optional arguments to this function, most are set to a logical default.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Sample and INFO dataframes
#' @param printTitle logical variable if TRUE title is printed, if FALSE not printed (this is best for a multi-plot figure)
#' @param cex numerical value giving the amount by which plotting symbols should be magnified
#' @param cex.axis magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex
#' @param cex.main magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex
#' @param tcl number defaults to 0.5, specifies length of tick marks as fraction of height of a line of text
#' @param tinyPlot logical variable, if TRUE plot is designed to be plotted small as part of a multi-plot figure, default is FALSE.
#' @param logScale logical if TRUE y plotted in log axis
#' @param customPar logical defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, par() should be set by user before calling this function
#' @param las numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels, see ?par
#' @param showXLabels logical defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, the x axis label is not plotted
#' @param showYLabels logical defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, the y axis label is not plotted
#' @param showXAxis logical defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, the x axis is not plotted
#' @param showYAxis logical defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, the y axis is not plotted
#' @param concLab object of concUnit class, or numeric represented the short code,
#' or character representing the descriptive name. By default, this argument sets
#' concentration labels to use either Concentration or Conc (for tiny plots). Units
#' are taken from the eList$INFO$param.units. To use any other words than
#' "Concentration" see \code{vignette(topic = "units", package = "EGRET")}.
#' @param monthLab object of monthLabel class, or numeric represented the short code,
#' or character representing the descriptive name.
#' @param \dots arbitrary graphical parameters that will be passed to genericEGRETDotPlot function (see ?par for options)
#' @keywords graphics water-quality statistics
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{boxplot}}
#' @export
#' @import methods
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' # Water year:
#' boxConcMonth(eList)
#' # Graphs consisting of Jun-Aug
#' eList <- setPA(eList, paStart=6,paLong=3)
#' boxConcMonth(eList)
#' spanish_month <- new("monthLabel",
#' monthAbbrev = c("enero", "feb", "marzo", "abr",
#' "mayo", "jun", "jul", "agosto", "set",
#' "oct", "nov", "dic"),
#' monthFull = c("enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril",
#' "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre",
#' "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre"),
#' monthSingle = c("E", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J",
#' "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"))
#' boxConcMonth(eList, monthLab = spanish_month,
#' showXLabels = FALSE, printTitle = FALSE)
boxConcMonth <- function(eList, printTitle = TRUE,
cex = 0.8, cex.axis = 1.1,
cex.main = 1.1, las = 1,
logScale = FALSE, tcl = 0.5,
tinyPlot = FALSE, customPar = FALSE,
showYLabels = TRUE, concLab = 1,
showXLabels = TRUE, showXAxis = TRUE,
showYAxis = TRUE,
monthLab = 1, ...) {
localINFO <- getInfo(eList)
localSample <- getSample(eList)
if(sum(c("paStart","paLong") %in% names(localINFO)) == 2){
paLong <- localINFO$paLong
paStart <- localINFO$paStart
} else {
paLong <- 12
paStart <- 10
localSample <- if(paLong == 12) localSample else selectDays(localSample,paLong,paStart)
title2 <- if(paLong == 12) "" else setSeasonLabelByUser(paStartInput = paStart,paLongInput=paLong)
#This function makes a boxplot of log concentration by month
#Box width is proportional to the square root of the sample size
plotTitle <- if(printTitle) paste(localINFO$shortName, "\n", localINFO$paramShortName,"\nBoxplots of sample values by month") else ""
# nameList <- sapply(c(1:12),function(x){monthINFO[[x]]@monthSingle})
if (is.numeric(monthLab)){
monthInfo <- monthInfo[shortCode=monthLab][[1]]
} else if (is.character(monthLab)){
monthInfo <- monthInfo[monthLab][[1]]
} else {
monthInfo <- monthLab
nameList <- monthInfo@monthAbbrev
namesListFactor <- factor(nameList, levels = nameList)
monthList <- nameList[localSample$Month]
monthList <- factor(monthList, levels = nameList)
tempDF <- data.frame(month = monthList,
conc = localSample$ConcAve)
maxY <- 1.02*max(localSample$ConcHigh, na.rm = TRUE)
ySpan <- c(0,maxY)
logScaleText <- "y"
} else {
logScaleText <- ""
if (tinyPlot) {
if (!customPar) par(mar = c(4,5,1,0.1),cex.lab = cex.axis, tcl = 0.5)
names <- monthInfo@monthSingle
} else {
if (!customPar) par(mar=c(5,6,4,2)+0.1,cex.lab=cex.axis,tcl=0.5)
names <- monthInfo@monthAbbrev
yInfo <- generalAxis(x = tempDF$conc,
maxVal = maxY,
minVal = min(localSample$ConcHigh, na.rm=TRUE),
tinyPlot = tinyPlot,
logScale = logScale,
concLab = concLab,
units = localINFO$param.units)
yTicksLab <- prettyNum(yInfo$ticks)
boxplot(tempDF$conc ~ tempDF$month,
ylim = c(yInfo$bottom,yInfo$top),
yaxs = "i",
yTicks = yInfo$ticks,
varwidth = TRUE, yaxt = "n",
names = names,
xlab = if(showXLabels) "Month" else "",
ylab = if(showYLabels) yInfo$label else "",
main = plotTitle,
cex = cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = cex.main,
las = las, tcl = tcl,
log = logScaleText,
} else {
if (!tinyPlot) mtext(title2,side=3,line=-1.5)
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