#' Runs a comparison of any group of years in the record.
#' \code{runGroups} provides comparisons of results, in terms of
#' flow-normalized concentration and flow-normalized flux for any groups of years
#' of years in the water quality record. Comparison could involve the
#' use of the "wall" and/or use of "generalized flow-normalization".
#' These two concepts are described in detail in the vignette:
#' \code{vignette("Enhancements", package = "EGRET")}.
#' @details
#' When using generalized flow-normalization, it is best to have the Daily data frame
#' extend well beyond the years that are in the Sample data frame. Ideally,
#' the Daily data frame would start windowSide years before the
#' start of the Sample data set, if the data exist to provide for that. Generally
#' that isn't possible for the end of the record because the Sample data
#' may end very close to the present. To the extent that is possible therefore, it is better to
#' include more discharge data after the end of the Sample record.
#' Also note that in the case run in the examples don't do that,
#' because the data set needs to be appropriate for stationary flow
#' normalization as well (and package size considerations make it difficult to
#' include specialized examples).
#' @export
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes
#' @param group1firstYear decimal year. Starting year of first group.
#' @param group1lastYear decimal year. Ending year of first group.
#' @param group2firstYear decimal year. Starting year of second group.
#' @param group2lastYear decimal year. Ending year of second group.
#' @param windowSide integer. The width of the flow normalization window on each side of the year being estimated.
#' A common value is 11, but no default is specified. If stationary flow normalization is to be used, then windowSide = 0 (this means that
#' flow-normalization period for all years is the same).
#' @param flowBreak logical. Is there an abrupt break in the discharge record, default is FALSE.
#' @param Q1EndDate The Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) which is the last day, just before the flowBreak.
#' @param QStartDate The first Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) used in the flow normalization method. Default is
#' NA, which makes the QStartDate become the first Date in eList$Daily.
#' @param QEndDate The last Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) used in the flow normalization method. Default is NA,
#' which makes the QEndDate become the last Date in eList$Daily.
#' @param wall logical. Whether there is an abrupt break in the concentration versus discharge relationship due to some major change in
#' pollution control or water management. Default is FALSE.
#' @param surfaceStart The Date (or character in YYYY-MM-DD) that is the start of the WRTDS model to be estimated and the first of the
#' daily outputs to be generated. Default is NA, which means that the surfaceStart is based on the date of the first sample.
#' @param surfaceEnd The Date (or character in YYYY-MM-DD) that is the end of the WRTDS model to be estimated and the last of the daily outputs
#' to be generated. Default is NA, which means that the surfaceEnd is based on the date of the last sample.
#' @param sample1EndDate The Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) of the last date just before the wall. Default = NA.
#' A date must be specified if wall = TRUE.
#' @param sampleStartDate The Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) of the first sample to be used. Default is NA which sets it
#' to the first Date in eList$Sample.
#' @param sampleEndDate The Date (as character in YYYY-MM-DD) of the last sample to be used.
#' Default is NA which sets it to the last Date in eList$Sample.
#' @param paLong numeric integer specifying the length of the period of analysis, in months, 1<=paLong<=12.
#' Default is NA, which will use the paLong in the eList$INFO data frame. See also \code{\link{setPA}}.
#' @param paStart numeric integer specifying the starting month for the period of analysis, 1<=paStart<=12.
#' Default is NA, which will use the paStart in the eList$INFO data frame. See also \code{\link{setPA}}.
#' @param windowY numeric specifying the half-window width in the time dimension, in units of years, default is 7
#' @param windowQ numeric specifying the half-window width in the discharge dimension, units are natural log units, default is 2
#' @param windowS numeric specifying the half-window with in the seasonal dimension, in units of years, default is 0.5
#' @param minNumObs numeric specifying the miniumum number of observations required to run the weighted regression, default is 100
#' @param minNumUncen numeric specifying the minimum number of uncensored observations to run the weighted regression, default is 50
#' @param verbose logical specifying whether or not to display progress message
#' @param fractMin numeric specifying the minimum fraction of the observations required to run the weighted regression, default is 0.75. The
#' minimum number will be the maximum of minNumObs and fractMin multiplied by total number of observations.
#' @param edgeAdjust logical specifying whether to use the modified method for calculating the windows at the edge of the record.
#' The edgeAdjust method tends to reduce curvature near the start and end of record. Default is TRUE.
#' @param oldSurface logical specifying whether to use the original surface, or create a new one. Default is FALSE.
#' @param saveOutput logical. If \code{TRUE}, a text file will be saved in the working directory of the printout of
#' what is in the console output. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fileName character. Name to save the output file if \code{saveOutput=TRUE}.
#' @return Dataframe with 7 columns and 2 rows. The first row is about trends in concentration (mg/L), the second column is about trends in flux (million kg/year).
#' The data frame has a number of attributes.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Column Name \tab Description \cr
#' Total Change \tab The difference between the results for group2 - group1 (x22 - x11). \cr
#' CQTC \tab CQTC is the "Concentration v. Q Trend Component." It is the component of total change due to the change in the CQR (Concentration Discharge Relationship). (x20 - x10). \cr
#' QTC \tab QTC is the "Q Trend Component." It is the component of total change due to the trend in the QD (Discharge Distribution). (x22 - x11 - x20 + x10). \cr
#' x10 \tab The estimated value based on the CQR computed for the years in group1, integrated over the QD for the entire timespan of the Daily data frame (or the
#' period QStartDate and to QEndDate if these are specified).\cr
#' x11 \tab The estimated value based on the CQR for the years in group1, integrated over the QD specified by the user for group1. \cr
#' x20 \tab The estimated value based on the CQR computed for the years in group2, integrated over the QD for the entire period of record. \cr
#' x22 \tab The estimated value based on the CQR for the years in group2, integrated over the QD specified by the user for group2. \cr
#' }
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \donttest{
#'#Option 1: Use all years for group flow normalization.
#'groupOut_1 <- runGroups(eList, windowSide = 0,
#' group1firstYear = 1980, group1lastYear = 1990,
#' group2firstYear = 1995, group2lastYear = 2005)
#'# Option 2: Use sliding window.
#'# In each case it is a 23 year window (23 = 1 + 2 * 11)
#'groupOut_2 <- runGroups(eList, windowSide = 11,
#' group1firstYear = 1980, group1lastYear = 1990,
#' group2firstYear = 1995, group2lastYear = 2005)
#'# Option 3: Flow normalization is based on splitting the flow record at 1990-09-30
#'# But in years before the break it uses all flow data from before the break,
#'# and years after the break uses all flow data after the break
#'groupOut_3 <- runGroups(eList, windowSide = 0,
#' group1firstYear = 1980, group1lastYear = 1990,
#' group2firstYear = 1995, group2lastYear = 2005,
#' flowBreak = TRUE,
#' Q1EndDate = "1990-09-30")
#'# Option 4: Flow normalization is based on splitting the flow record at 1990-09-30
#'# but before the break uses a 23 year window of years before the break
#'# after the break uses a 23 year window of years after the break
#'groupOut_4 <- runGroups(eList, windowSide = 11,
#' group1firstYear = 1980, group1lastYear = 1990,
#' group2firstYear = 1995, group2lastYear = 2005,
#' flowBreak = TRUE,
#' Q1EndDate = "1990-09-30")
#' }
runGroups <- function (eList, windowSide,
group1firstYear, group1lastYear,
group2firstYear, group2lastYear,
surfaceStart = NA, surfaceEnd = NA,
flowBreak = FALSE,
Q1EndDate = NA, QStartDate = NA, QEndDate = NA,
wall = FALSE, oldSurface = FALSE, fractMin = 0.75,
sample1EndDate = NA, sampleStartDate = NA,
sampleEndDate = NA,
paStart = NA, paLong = NA,
minNumObs = 100, minNumUncen = 50,
windowY = 7, windowQ = 2, windowS = 0.5,
edgeAdjust = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
saveOutput = FALSE,
fileName = "temp.txt") {
stop("Please check eList argument")
localSample <- getSample(eList)
localDaily <- getDaily(eList)
localsurfaces <- getSurfaces(eList)
if ({
sampleStartDate <- localSample$Date[1]
} else {
sampleStartDate <- as.Date(sampleStartDate)
numSamples <- length(localSample$Date)
sampleEndDate <- localSample$Date[numSamples]
} else {
sampleEndDate <- as.Date(sampleEndDate)
QStartDate <- localDaily$Date[1]
} else {
QStartDate <- as.Date(QStartDate)
numQDays <- length(localDaily$Date)
QEndDate <- localDaily$Date[numQDays]
} else {
QEndDate <- as.Date(QEndDate)
if(all(c("paStart") %in% names(eList$INFO))){
paStart <- eList$INFO$paStart
} else {
paStart <- 10
} else {
eList$INFO$paStart <- paStart
if(all(c("paLong") %in% names(eList$INFO))){
paLong <- eList$INFO$paLong
} else {
paLong <- 12
} else {
eList$INFO$paLong <- paLong
localDaily <- localDaily[localDaily$Date >= QStartDate &
localDaily$Date <= QEndDate, ]
firstSample <- localSample$Date[1]
lastSample <- localSample$Date[length(localSample$Date)]
localSample <- localSample[localSample$Date >= sampleStartDate &
localSample$Date <= sampleEndDate, ]
if (is.null(surfaceStart) || {
surfaceStart <- surfaceStartEnd(paStart, paLong, sampleStartDate,
surfaceStart <- as.Date(surfaceStart)
if (is.null(surfaceEnd) || {
surfaceEnd <- surfaceStartEnd(paStart, paLong, sampleStartDate,
surfaceEnd <- as.Date(surfaceEnd)
eList <- as.egret(eList$INFO, localDaily, localSample, localsurfaces)
if (wall) {
if ( {
stop("if there is a wall, the user must specify sample1EndDate")
sample1EndDate <- as.Date(sample1EndDate)
sample2StartDate <- as.Date(sample1EndDate) + 1
sample1StartDate <- as.Date(sampleStartDate)
sample2EndDate <- as.Date(sampleEndDate)
surfaces <- stitch(eList, surfaceStart = surfaceStart,
surfaceEnd = surfaceEnd, sample1StartDate = sampleStartDate,
sample1EndDate = sample1EndDate, sample2StartDate = sample2StartDate,
sample2EndDate = sampleEndDate, windowY = windowY, fractMin = fractMin,
windowQ = windowQ, windowS = windowS, minNumObs = minNumObs,
minNumUncen = minNumUncen, edgeAdjust = edgeAdjust)
} else {
sample1StartDate <- as.Date(sampleStartDate)
sample2StartDate <- as.Date(sampleStartDate)
sample1EndDate <- as.Date(sampleEndDate)
sample2EndDate <- as.Date(sampleEndDate)
if (oldSurface) {
if (all( {
message("No surface included in eList, running estSurface function")
oldSurface <- FALSE
} else {
surfaces <- localsurfaces
if (!oldSurface) {
surfaces <- estSurfaces(eList, surfaceStart = surfaceStart,
surfaceEnd = surfaceEnd, windowY = windowY, windowQ = windowQ,
windowS = windowS, minNumObs = minNumObs, minNumUncen = minNumUncen,
edgeAdjust = edgeAdjust, verbose = verbose)
eListS <- as.egret(eList$INFO, localDaily, localSample, surfaces)
# set up a version of dateINFO for the stationary flow case
flowStart <- as.Date(surfaceStart)
flowEnd <- as.Date(surfaceEnd)
flowNormStart <- as.Date(QStartDate)
flowNormEnd <- as.Date(QEndDate)
dateInfoStationary <- data.frame(flowNormStart, flowNormEnd, flowStart,
flowEnd, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# end of stationary set up
if (windowSide <= 0 && !flowBreak) {
flowStart <- as.Date(surfaceStart)
flowEnd <- as.Date(surfaceEnd)
flowNormStart <- as.Date(QStartDate)
flowNormEnd <- as.Date(QEndDate)
dateInfo <- data.frame(flowNormStart, flowNormEnd, flowStart,
flowEnd, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else if (windowSide > 0 && !flowBreak) {
option <- 2
dateInfo <- makeDateInfo(windowSide, surfaceStart, surfaceEnd,
QStartDate, QEndDate)
} else if (windowSide <= 0 && flowBreak) {
Q1EndDate <- as.Date(Q1EndDate)
Q2StartDate <- as.Date(Q1EndDate) + 1
flowStart <- c(as.Date(surfaceStart), as.Date(Q2StartDate))
flowEnd <- c(as.Date(Q1EndDate), as.Date(surfaceEnd))
flowNormStart <- c(as.Date(QStartDate), as.Date(Q2StartDate))
flowNormEnd <- c(as.Date(Q1EndDate), as.Date(QEndDate))
dateInfo <- data.frame(flowNormStart, flowNormEnd, flowStart,
flowEnd, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
Q1EndDate <- as.Date(Q1EndDate)
Q2StartDate <- as.Date(Q1EndDate) + 1
dateInfo1 <- makeDateInfo(windowSide, surfaceStart, Q1EndDate,
QStartDate, Q1EndDate)
dateInfo2 <- makeDateInfo(windowSide, Q2StartDate, surfaceEnd,
Q2StartDate, QEndDate)
dateInfo <- rbind(dateInfo1, dateInfo2)
eListOut <- flexFN(eListS, dateInfo, flowNormStartCol = "flowNormStart",
flowNormEndCol = "flowNormEnd", flowStartCol = "flowStart",
flowEndCol = "flowEnd", oldSurface = oldSurface)
# redo the eList for stationary flow
eListOutStationary <- flexFN(eListS, dateInfoStationary, flowNormStartCol = "flowNormStart",
flowNormEndCol = "flowNormEnd", flowStartCol = "flowStart",
flowEndCol = "flowEnd", oldSurface = oldSurface)
eListOut$INFO$wall <- wall
if (!oldSurface) {
eListOut$INFO$surfaceStart <- surfaceStart
eListOut$INFO$surfaceEnd <- surfaceEnd
DailyFlex <- eListOut$Daily
DailySta <- eListOutStationary$Daily
annFlex <- setupYears(DailyFlex, paLong = paLong, paStart = paStart)
annFlex$year <- floor(annFlex$DecYear + (annFlex$PeriodLong / 12) * 0.5)
annSta <- setupYears(DailySta, paLong = paLong, paStart = paStart)
annSta$year <- floor(annSta$DecYear + (annSta$PeriodLong / 12) * 0.5)
annFlex1 <- annFlex[annFlex$DecYear >= group1firstYear & annFlex$DecYear <= group1lastYear,]
annSta1 <- annSta[annSta$DecYear >= group1firstYear & annSta$DecYear <= group1lastYear,]
annFlex2 <- annFlex[annFlex$DecYear >= group2firstYear & annFlex$DecYear <= group2lastYear,]
annSta2 <- annSta[annSta$DecYear >= group2firstYear & annSta$DecYear <= group2lastYear,]
c11 <- mean(annFlex1$FNConc, na.rm = TRUE)
f11 <- mean(annFlex1$FNFlux, na.rm = TRUE)
c22 <- mean(annFlex2$FNConc, na.rm = TRUE)
f22 <- mean(annFlex2$FNFlux, na.rm = TRUE)
c10 <- mean(annSta1$FNConc, na.rm = TRUE)
f10 <- mean(annSta1$FNFlux, na.rm = TRUE)
c20 <- mean(annSta2$FNConc, na.rm = TRUE)
f20 <- mean(annSta2$FNFlux, na.rm = TRUE)
# this next part comes right out of the runPairs code on June 13, 2018)
cDeltaTotal <- c22 - c11
cRSpart <- c20 - c10
cFDpart <- cDeltaTotal - cRSpart
fDeltaTotal <- f22 - f11
fRSpart <- f20 - f10
fFDpart <- fDeltaTotal - fRSpart
groupResults <- = 7, nrow = 2))
colnames(groupResults) <- c("TotalChange", "CQTC", "QTC",
"x10", "x11", "x20", "x22")
rownames(groupResults) <- c("Conc", "Flux")
groupResults[1, ] <- c(cDeltaTotal, cRSpart, cFDpart, c10,
c11, c20, c22)
groupResults[2, ] <- 0.00036525 * c(fDeltaTotal, fRSpart,
fFDpart, f10, f11, f20, f22)
groupInfo <- c(paStart, paLong, group1firstYear, group1lastYear, group2firstYear, group2lastYear)
names(groupInfo) <- c("paStart", "paLong", "group1firstYear", "group1lastYear",
"group2firstYear", "group2lastYear")
attr(groupResults, "groupInfo") <- groupInfo
attr(groupResults, "dateInfo") <- dateInfo
SampleBlocks <- c(sample1StartDate, sample1EndDate, sample2StartDate,
sample2EndDate, surfaceStart, surfaceEnd)
names(SampleBlocks) <- c("sample1StartDate", "sample1EndDate",
"sample2StartDate", "sample2EndDate", "surfaceStart", "surfaceEnd")
attr(groupResults, "SampleBlocks") <- SampleBlocks
Other <- list(minNumObs = minNumObs, minNumUncen = minNumUncen, fractMin = fractMin,
windowY = windowY, windowQ = windowQ, windowS = windowS,
wall = wall, edgeAdjust = edgeAdjust, QStartDate = as.Date(QStartDate),
QEndDate = as.Date(QEndDate))
attr(groupResults, "Other") <- Other
if(verbose) printGroups(eList, groupResults)
#' Print information about group analysis
#' Prints the information from the \code{runGroups} function.
#' This could be used to save the output to a text file.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes
#' @param groupResults output of \code{runGroups}.
#' @export
#' @return text to console
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \donttest{
#' groupOut_1 <- runGroups(eList, windowSide = 0,
#' group1firstYear = 1980, group1lastYear = 1990,
#' group2firstYear = 1995, group2lastYear = 2005)
#' printGroups(eList, groupOut_1)
printGroups <- function(eList, groupResults){
SampleBlocks <- attr(groupResults, "SampleBlocks")
Other <- attr(groupResults, "Other")
sample1EndDate <- SampleBlocks["SampleBlocks"]
groupInfo <- attr(groupResults, "groupInfo")
dateInfo <- attr(groupResults, "dateInfo")
cat("\n ", eList$INFO$shortName, "\n ", eList$INFO$paramShortName)
periodName <- setSeasonLabelByUser(eList$INFO$paStart, eList$INFO$paLong)
cat("\n ", periodName, "\n")
if (Other$wall)
cat("\n Sample data set was partitioned with a wall right after ",
as.character(sample1EndDate), "\n")
cat("\n Change estimates for\n average of", groupInfo["group2firstYear"]," through",groupInfo["group2lastYear"],
" minus average of", groupInfo["group1firstYear"]," through", groupInfo["group1lastYear"], "\n")
totChange <- format(groupResults[1, 1], digits = 3)
c22 <- groupResults[1, "x22"]
c11 <- groupResults[1, "x11"]
cRSpart <- groupResults[1, "CQTC"]
cFDpart <- groupResults[1, "QTC"]
f22 <- groupResults[2, "x22"]
f11 <- groupResults[2, "x11"]
fRSpart <- groupResults[2, "CQTC"]
fFDpart <- groupResults[2, "QTC"]
totChangePct <- add_plus(100 * ((c22 - c11)/c11))
cat("\n For concentration: total change is ", totChange,
cat("\n expressed as Percent Change is ", totChangePct)
pctRS <- add_plus(100 * (cRSpart/c11))
pctFD <- add_plus(100 * (cFDpart/c11))
cat("\n\n Concentration v. Q Trend Component ", pctRS, "\n Q Trend Component ",
pctFD, " \n\n")
totChange <- format(groupResults[2, 1], digits = 3)
totChangePct <- add_plus(100 * ((f22 - f11)/f11))
cat("\n For flux: total change is ", totChange, "million kg/year")
cat("\n expressed as Percent Change is ", totChangePct, "%")
pctRS <- add_plus(100 * (fRSpart/f11))
pctFD <- format(100 * (fFDpart/f11), digits = 2)
cat("\n\n Concentration v. Q Trend Component ", pctRS, "\n Q Trend Component ",
pctFD, " \n\n")
print(groupResults, digits = 2)
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