aue.access | EcoGenetics slot standard notation. Returns an accessor to... |
aue.ad2wg | Transforming an adyacency matrix into a local weight matrix... |
aue.aggregated_df | Generate aggregated dataframe |
aue.check_class | Obtain the classes for each column of a data frame | | Circle perimeter | | Radial distance to a point. |
aue.dataAngle | Angles for an XY coordinates matrix |
aue.df2image | Transforming a data frame into a raster |
aue.dummy2af | Converion from dummy allele matrix to frequencies |
aue.ellipse | Solid ellipse |
aue.formatLine | Remove spaces in a line of text |
aue.fqal | Allelic frequencies |
aue.genlab | Generation of generic labels of constant length |
aue.geom.dist | Weight matrices based on different geometries |
aue.get_os | Detect operative system |
aue.image2df | Transforming a raster into a data frame with cartesian... | | Identification of polymorphic loci |
aue.phenosimil | Phenotypic similarity for vector, matrix or data frame... |
aue.point | Solid circle |
aue.rescale | Scaling a data frame or matrix to [0, 1] or [-1, 1] ranges |
aue.rm.nonpoly | Remotion of non polymorphic loci |
aue.rmspaces | Remove spaces and tabs at the begining and the end of each... |
aue.rotate | Rotation of a matrix |
aue.seqlist | Creation of a sequence of numbers in matrix or list format,... |
aue.sort | Ordering the content of cells in a matrix. Ordering alleles... |
aue.split_categorical | Split categorical variable into levels, using a second factor... |
aue.square | Solid square |
check_ecogen | check_ecogen |
check_ecopop | check_ecopop |
coordinates | coordinates |
dot-printaccess | printaccess |
E | E |
eco | eco |
eco2 | eco2 |
eco3 | eco3 |
eco4 | eco4 |
eco.alfreq | Allelic frequency histograms for an ecogen genetic data frame |
eco.association | Chi-square and Fisher's exact test for association of loci... |
eco.autol-methods | show eco.lsa |
eco.bearing | Angular Spatial Weights |
eco.cbind | Combining ecogen objects by column |
eco.clear | Clearing the working environment, maintaining only the... |
eco.convert | Conversion utility for genetic data |
eco.cormantel | Mantel and partial Mantel correlograms, omnidirectional and... |
eco.correlog | Moran's I, Geary's C and bivariate Moran's I correlograms,... |
eco.correlogB-class | eco.correlogB |
eco.correlog-class | eco.correlog-class |
eco.correlog-methods | globalplot |
eco.detrend | Detrending spatial data with polynomial interpolation |
eco.detrend-class | eco.detrend class |
eco.detrend-methods | show eco.detrend |
eco_dom | eco_dom |
eco.dom_af | Compute allele frequencies for dominant data using different... |
eco.fill_ecogen_with_df | Importation of data frames to ecogen |
eco.fill_ecogen_with_ecopop | Importation of ecopop to ecogen |
eco.format | Format tool for genetic data |
eco.formula | Formula construction for ecogen objects |
ecogen | Creating a new ecogen object |
ecogen2ecopop | Conversion form ecogen to ecopop |
ecogen2geneland | Creating input data for Geneland with an ecogen object |
ecogen2genepop | Exporting an ecogen genetic data frame into Genepop format |
ecogen2genind | Conversion form ecogen to genind and genind to ecogen |
ecogen2gstudio | Conversion from ecogen to gstudio and gstudio to ecogen |
ecogen2hierfstat | Converting an ecogen genetic data frame into a hierfstat data... |
ecogen2spagedi | Exporting an ecogen genetic data frame into SPAGeDi format |
ecogen-class | ecogen class |
EcoGenetics-accessors | Generic accessors for EcoGenetics objects |
ecogenetics_devel | EcoGenetic devel site |
EcoGenetics-package | Management and Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data in... |
ecogenetics_tutorial | EcoGenetic tutorial site |
ecogen-methods | names |
eco.gsa | Global spatial analysis |
eco.gsa-class | eco.gsa class |
eco.gsa-methods | show eco.gsa |
eco.IBD | plot eco.IBD |
eco.IBD-class | eco.IBD class |
eco.IBD-methods | show eco.IBD |
eco.kin.hardy | Kinship and relationship estimation for dominant markers |
eco.kin.loiselle | Obtention of the multilocus Loiselle's Fij matrix |
eco.lagweight | Obtention of a list of spatial weights for classes defined by... |
eco.lagweight-class | eco.lagweight class |
eco.lagweight-methods | show eco.lagweight |
ecolist-class | ecolist class |
eco.listlsa-class | eco.listlsa |
eco.listlsa-method | listplot |
eco.listw2ew | Conversion from listw to ecoweight |
eco.lmtree | Fitting Multiple Linear Regression models by stepwise AIC... |
eco.lmtree.mctree-summary | Summary for eco.lmtree output |
eco.lmtree-methods | show eco.mlm |
eco.lock | eco.lock |
eco.lock-ecogen-method | Lock rows in an ecogen object |
eco.lock-ecopop-method | Lock rows in an ecogen object |
eco.lsa | Local spatial analysis |
eco.lsa-class | eco.lsa class |
eco.lsa-methods | plot eco.lsa |
eco.malecot | Global and local kinship analysis |
eco.mantel | Mantel and partial Mantel tests, with truncation option |
eco.mctree-class | eco.mctree-class |
eco.merge | Merging two ecogen objects. Ordering the rows of an ecogen... |
eco.mlm-class | eco.mlm-class |
eco.multilsa-class | eco.multilsa class |
eco.multilsa-method | plot eco.multilsa |
eco.NDVI | Generation of atmospherically corrected NDVI and MSAVI2... | | Postprocessing for NDVI and MSAVI2 temporal series of Landsat... |
eco.nei_dist | Estimate Nei distance matrix |
eco.old2new | eco.old2new |
eco.old2new-ecogen-method | Update an old ecogen or ecopop object to version >= 1.5.0-1 |
eco.old2new-ecopop-method | Update an old ecogen or ecopop object to a version compatible... |
eco.order | Functions deprecated in EcoGenetics version 1.2.0-2 |
eco.pairtest | Kruskall - Wallis + Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney U) and aov +... |
eco.plotCorrelog | eco.plotCorrelog |
eco.plotCorrelogB | eco.plotCorrelogB |
eco.plotGlobal | GSA plot methods |
eco.plotLocal | eco.plotLocal |
eco.plotWeight | Plot for a connection network |
ecopop | Creating a new ecopop object |
ecopop2genpop | Conversion form ecopop to genpop and genpop to ecopop |
ecopop-class | ecopop class |
ecopop_counts2af | ecopop_counts2af |
ecopop-methods | names | | Log posterior probability plot for Geneland repetitions with... |
eco.rasterplot | Rasterplot graphs |
eco.rasterplot-eco.multilsa-method | rasterplot graph for eco.lsa results |
eco.rbind | Combining ecogen objects by row |
eco.remove | Creating an updated ecogen object by removing results of the... |
eco.slide.con | Sliding a window along a connection network |
eco.slide.matrix | Sliding window for matrix data |
eco.split | Splitting an ecogen object by group |
eco.subset | Subsetting an ecogen object by group |
eco.theilsen | Theil-sen regression for a raster time series, with... |
eco.unlock | eco.unlock |
eco.unlock-ecogen-method | Unlock rows in an ecogen object |
eco.unlock-ecopop-method | Unlock rows in an ecogen object |
eco.variogram | Empirical variogram |
eco.variogram-class | eco.variogram class |
eco.weight | Spatial weights |
eco.weight-class | eco.weight class |
eco.weight-methods | show eco.weight |
environment | environment |
forestplot-methods | Forestplot graphs |
G | G |
genepop2ecogen | Importing a Genepop file |
genotype | genotype |
genotype_dom | genotype_dom |
grf.multiplot | Multiple plot function for ggplot |
grf.seqmultiplot | Plot a ggplot sequence in layers of n plots arranged in k... |
int.break | breaks obtention |
int.check.colnames | Check column names |
int.check.con | Check a connection network | | Check factor name consistency in a data frame and returns the... |
int.check.ncod | Check ploidy and number of digits per allele |
int.check.numeric | Check numeric format in a data frame |
int.check.rownames | Check row names |
int.check.to_numeric | check if elements are numbers and if not convert the matrix... |
int.check.vnames | Check a vector of names |
int.corvarToDeg | eco.correlog output to degrees list |
int.crosscor | Cross correlation. Internal. |
int.df2genind | importer |
int.geary | Geary internal. |
int.gendata2genind | int.gendata2genind |
int.gendata-class | int.gendata |
int.genind | constructor |
int.genind2df | export |
int.genind2gendata | int.genind2gendata |
int.genind-class | int.genind |
int.jackknife | d-Jackknife estimation. |
int.joincount | Join-count statistic, internal. |
int.kin.loiselle | obtetion of multilocus Loiselle's Fij matrix |
int.mantel | Mantel and partial Mantel tests, internal. |
int.moran | Moran internal. |
int.multiplot | int.multiplot method. Graphical processing of multiple... |
int.multiplot-class | int.multiplot class |
int.multitable | Table construction for multiple test result. |
int.order | Ordering the rows of the data frames contained in an ecogen... |
int.popdata-class | int.popdata class |
int.random.test | random test |
is.locked | is.locked |
is.locked-ecogen-method | Test if rows of an ecogen object are locked |
is.locked-ecopop-method | Test if rows of an ecopop object are locked |
is.meta | Detection of metacharacters |
is.wholenumber | test whole number |
meta2char | Metachacter to character |
misc.2symmetric | Conversion of a non symmetric binary matrix into symmetric. |
misc.dlatlon2distm | Computing a distance matrix in meters among points in decimal... |
misc.parse.filter | Filter a raster using a conditional expression and values in... |
misc.undimmattg | Creates a matrix without diagonal, in row order |
my_ecopop | my_ecopop |
P | P |
phenotype | phenotype |
pipe | Pipe operator |
plot-eco.gsa-ANY-method | Plot for eco.gsa objects |
plot-eco.weight-ANY-method | Plot for a connection network |
rankplot-methods | Rankplot graphs |
S | S |
spagedi2ecogen | Importing a SPAGeDi file, via conversion to ecogen |
structure | structure |
sub-sub-ecogen-numeric-missing-method | [[ |
sub-subset-ecogen-numeric-missing-method | [[<- |
tab | tab |
table.sokal | table.sokal |
XY | XY |
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