
Defines functions unfactor fixALVarEstInputRows cumsum2 getEstAL print.achievementLevels recodeEdf sortALResults assertArgument cov2VarEstPart col2VarEstInputs renameLevelsToVariables calAL achievementLevels

Documented in achievementLevels print.achievementLevels

#' @title Achievement Levels
#' @description Returns achievement levels using weights and variance estimates appropriate for the \code{edsurvey.data.frame}.
#' @param achievementVars character vector indicating variables to be included in the achievement
#'                        levels table, potentially with a subject scale or subscale. When the subject
#'                        scale or subscale is omitted, the default subject scale or subscale is
#'                        used. You can find the default composite scale and all subscales using the
#'                        function \code{\link{showPlausibleValues}}.
#' @param aggregateBy character vector specifying variables by which to aggregate achievement levels. The percentage
#'                    column sums up to 100 for all levels of all variables specified here. When set to the
#'                    default of \code{NULL}, the percentage column sums up to 100 for all
#'                    levels of all variables specified in \code{achievementVars}.
#' @param data      an \code{edsurvey.data.frame}
#' @param weightVar  character string indicating the weight variable to use.
#'                   Only the name of the
#'                   weight variable needs to be included here, and any
#'                   replicate weights will be automatically included.
#'                   When this argument is \code{NULL}, the function uses the default.
#'                   Use \code{\link{showWeights}} to find the default.
#' @param cutpoints numeric vector indicating cutpoints. Set to standard NAEP cutpoints for
#'                  Basic, Proficient, and Advanced by default.
#' @param jrrIMax    a numeric value. When using the jackknife variance estimation method, the default estimation option, \code{jrrIMax=1}, uses the
#'                   sampling variance from the first plausible value as the component for sampling variance estimation. The \eqn{V_{jrr}}
#'                   term (see \href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Statistics.pdf}{\emph{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}} for the definition of \eqn{V_{jrr}})
#'                   can be estimated with any number of plausible values, and values larger than the number of
#'                   plausible values on the survey (including \code{Inf}) will result in all plausible values being used.
#'                   Higher values of \code{jrrIMax} lead to longer computing times and more accurate variance estimates.
#' @param dropOmittedLevels a logical value. When set to the default value (\code{TRUE}), it drops those levels in all factor variables
#'                          that are specified in \code{achievementVars} and \code{aggregateBy}.
#'                          Use \code{print} on an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} to see the omitted levels.
#' @param defaultConditions a logical value. When set to the default value of \code{TRUE}, uses the default
#'                          conditions stored in an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} to subset the data.
#'                          Use \code{print} on an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} to see the default
#'                          conditions.
#' @param recode a list of lists to recode variables. Defaults to \code{NULL}. Can be set as
#'               \code{recode} \code{=} \code{list(var1=} \code{list(from=c("a",} \code{"b",} \code{"c"),} \code{to ="d"))}. See Examples.
#' @param returnDiscrete logical indicating if discrete achievement levels should be returned. Defaults
#'                       to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param returnCumulative logical indicating if cumulative achievement levels should be returned. Defaults
#'                         to \code{FALSE}. The first and last categories are the same as defined for discrete levels.
#' @param returnNumberOfPSU a logical value set to \code{TRUE} to return the number of
#'                          primary sampling units (PSUs)
#' @param returnVarEstInputs a logical value set to \code{TRUE} to return the
#'                           inputs to the jackknife and imputation variance
#'                           estimates, which allows for the computation
#'                           of covariances between estimates.
#' @param omittedLevels this argument is deprecated. Use \code{dropOmittedLevels}.
#' @author Huade Huo, Ahmad Emad, and Trang Nguyen
#' @details The \code{achievementLevels} function applies appropriate weights
#'          and the variance estimation method for each
#'          \code{edsurvey.data.frame}, with several arguments for customizing
#'          the aggregation and output of the analysis
#'          results. Namely, by using these optional arguments, users can choose
#'          to generate the percentage of students
#'          performing at each achievement level (discrete), generate the
#'          percentage of students performing at or above each achievement level
#'          (cumulative),
#'          calculate the percentage distribution of students by achievement
#'          level (discrete or cumulative) and
#'          selected characteristics (specified in \code{aggregateBy}), and
#'          compute the percentage distribution of students
#'          by selected characteristics within a specific achievement level.
#' \subsection{Calculation of percentages}{
#'          The details of the methods are shown in the vignette titled
#' \href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Statistics.pdf}{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey} in
#'          \dQuote{Estimation of Weighted Percentages When Plausible Values Are Present} and are used to calculate
#'          all cumulative and discrete probabilities.
#'          When the requested achievement levels are discrete (\code{returnDiscrete = TRUE}),
#'          the percentage \eqn{\mathcal{A}} is the percentage of students (within the categories specified in \code{aggregateBy})
#'          whose scores lie in the range  \eqn{[cutPoints_i, cutPoints_{i+1}), i = 0,1,...,n}.
#'          \code{cutPoints} is the score thresholds provided by the user with \eqn{cutPoints_0} taken
#'          to be 0. \code{cutPoints} are set to NAEP standard cutpoints for achievement levels by default.
#'          To aggregate by a specific variable, for example, \code{dsex}, specify \code{dsex} in \code{aggregateBy}
#'          and all other variables in \code{achievementVars}. To aggregate by subscale, specify
#'          the name of the subscale (e.g., \code{num_oper}) in \code{aggregateBy} and all other variables in
#'          \code{achievementVars}.
#'          When the requested achievement levels are cumulative (\code{returnCumulative = TRUE}),
#'          the percentage \eqn{\mathcal{A}} is the percentage of students (within the categories specified in \code{aggregateBy})
#'          whose scores lie in the range  [\eqn{cutPoints_i}, \eqn{\infty}), \eqn{i = 1, 2, ..., n-1}. The
#'          first and last categories are the same as defined for discrete levels.
#' }
#' \subsection{Calculation of standard error of percentages}{
#'          The method used to calculate the standard error of the percentages is described in the vignette titled
#'          \href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Statistics.pdf}{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}
#'          in the sections \dQuote{Estimation of the Standard Error of Weighted Percentages When Plausible Values Are Present, Using the Jackknife Method}
#'          and \dQuote{Estimation of the Standard Error of Weighted Percentages When Plausible Values Are Not Present, Using the Taylor Series Method.}
#'          For \dQuote{Estimation of the Standard Error of Weighted Percentages When Plausible Values Are Present, Using the Jackknife Method,}
#'         the value of \code{jrrIMax} sets the value of \eqn{m^*}.
#' }
#' @return
#' A \code{list} containing up to two data frames, one discrete achievement levels (when \code{returnDiscrete} is \code{TRUE})
#' and one for cumulative achievement levels (when \code{returnCumulative} is \code{TRUE}). The \code{data.frame} contains the following columns:
#' \item{Level}{one row for each level of the specified achievement cutpoints}
#' \item{Variables in achievementVars}{one column for each variable in \code{achievementVars}
#' and one row for each level of each variable in \code{achievementVars}}
#' \item{Percent}{the percentage of students at or above each achievement level aggregated as specified by \code{aggregateBy}}
#' \item{StandardError}{the standard error of the percentage, accounting for the survey sampling methodology.
#'                             See the vignette titled \href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Statistics.pdf}{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}.}
#' \item{N}{the number of observations in the incoming data (the
#'                  number of rows when \code{omittedLevels} and
#'                  \code{defaultConditions} are set to \code{FALSE})}
#' \item{wtdN}{the weighted number of observations in the data}
#' \item{nPSU}{the number of PSUs at or above each achievement level aggregated as specified by \code{aggregateBy}. Only returned with \code{returnNumberOfPSU=TRUE}.}
#' @references
#' Rubin, D. B. (1987). \emph{Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys}. New York, NY: Wiley.
#' @importFrom data.table setDT melt data.table ':=' rbindlist .N .SD as.data.table setkeyv
#' @example man/examples/achievementLevels.R
#' @export
achievementLevels <- function(achievementVars = NULL,
                              aggregateBy = NULL,
                              cutpoints = NULL,
                              returnDiscrete = TRUE,
                              returnCumulative = FALSE,
                              weightVar = NULL,
                              jrrIMax = 1,
                              dropOmittedLevels = TRUE,
                              defaultConditions = TRUE,
                              recode = NULL,
                              returnNumberOfPSU = FALSE,
                              returnVarEstInputs = FALSE,
                              omittedLevels = deprecated()) {
  call <- match.call()

  if (lifecycle::is_present(omittedLevels)) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("4.0.0", "achievementLevels(omittedLevels)", "achievementLevels(dropOmittedLevels)")
    dropOmittedLevels <- omittedLevels
  if (!is.logical(dropOmittedLevels)) stop("The ", sQuote("dropOmittedLevels"), " argument must be logical.")

  # parse this allowing c("a", "b"), or just a or "a".
  achievementVars <- iparse(substitute(achievementVars), x = data)
  aggregateBy <- iparse(substitute(aggregateBy), x = data)

  achievementVars <- if (is.null(achievementVars)) NULL else tolower(achievementVars)
  aggregateBy <- if (is.null(aggregateBy)) NULL else tolower(aggregateBy)

  alResultDfList <- list()

  if (inherits(data, "edsurvey.data.frame.list")) {
    ll <- length(data$datalist)
    labels <- apply(data$covs, 1, function(x) {
      paste(as.character(x), collapse = ":")
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      labels <- as.character(c(1:ll))

    warns <- c()
    for (i in 1:ll) {
      sdf <- data$datalist[[i]]
      temp <- tryCatch(
        suppressWarnings(alResult <- calAL(achievementVars, aggregateBy, sdf, cutpoints, returnDiscrete,
          returnCumulative, weightVar, jrrIMax, dropOmittedLevels, defaultConditions,
          defaultConditionsMissing = missing(defaultConditions),
          returnVarEstInputs = returnVarEstInputs,
          returnNumberOfPSU = returnNumberOfPSU
        error = function(cond) {
          warns <<- c(warns, labels[i])
      if (inherits(temp, "achievementLevels")) {
        alResultDfList[[labels[i]]] <- alResult
    if (length(warns) > 0) {
      if (length(warns) > 1) {
        datasets <- "datasets"
      } else {
        datasets <- "dataset"
      warning(paste0("Could not process ", datasets, " ", pasteItems(warns), ". Try running this call with just the affected ", datasets, " for more details."))
    class(alResultDfList) <- "achievementLevels"
  } else {
    alResult <- calAL(achievementVars, aggregateBy, data, cutpoints, returnDiscrete,
      returnCumulative, weightVar, jrrIMax, dropOmittedLevels, defaultConditions,
      defaultConditionsMissing = missing(defaultConditions),
      returnVarEstInputs = returnVarEstInputs, returnNumberOfPSU = returnNumberOfPSU

calAL <- function(achievementVars = NULL,
                  aggregateBy = NULL,
                  cutpoints = NULL,
                  returnDiscrete = TRUE,
                  returnCumulative = FALSE,
                  weightVar = NULL,
                  jrrIMax = 1,
                  omittedLevels = TRUE,
                  defaultConditions = TRUE,
                  recode = NULL,
                  defaultConditionsMissing = FALSE,
                  returnVarEstInputs = FALSE,
                  returnNumberOfPSU = returnNumberOfPSU) {
  als <- getAttributes(data, "achievementLevels")

  # Determine if the user supplied variables for calculating achievementlevels,
  # otherwise just use the default plausible value
  if (is.null(achievementVars)) {
    achievementVars <- attributes(getAttributes(data, "pvvars"))$default

  # Check to see only one variable in all the supplied variables has plausible values
  vars <- unique(c(achievementVars, aggregateBy))
  n.pvs <- sum(sapply(vars, FUN = function(x) hasPlausibleValue(x, data)))

  # Determine if weight supplied, otherwise use default weight
  if (is.null(weightVar)) {
    wgt <- attributes(getAttributes(data, "weights"))$default
  } else {
    wgt <- weightVar
  assertArgument(wgt, data)

  # Get yvar, if no yvar is specified
  has.pv <- sum(sapply(vars, FUN = function(x) hasPlausibleValue(x, data)))

  if (has.pv == 0) {
    achievementVars <- attributes(getAttributes(data, "pvvars"))$default
    vars <- c(vars, achievementVars)
  yvar <- as.list(vars[sapply(vars, FUN = function(x) hasPlausibleValue(x, data))])
  achievementVarsNoPV <- vars[sapply(vars, FUN = function(x) !hasPlausibleValue(x, data))]
  aggregateByNoPV <- unlist(sapply(aggregateBy, function(x) {
    if (hasPlausibleValue(x, data)) {

  # with yvar in hand check for linking error
  linkingError <- detectLinkingError(data, yvar)
  if (length(aggregateByNoPV) == 0) {
    aggregateByNoPV <- NULL

  if (linkingError) {
    pvs <- list(getPlausibleValue(yvar, data))
    if (jrrIMax != 1) {
      warning("The linking error variance estimator only supports ", dQuote("jrrIMax=1"), ". Resetting to 1.")
      jrrIMax <- 1
  } else {
    # non-linking error case
    pvs <- lapply(yvar, function(x) {
      getPlausibleValue(x, data)
  jrrIMax <- min(jrrIMax, sapply(pvs, length))

  getDataVarNames <- c(vars, wgt)
  tryCatch(getDataVarNames <- c(getDataVarNames, PSUStratumNeeded(returnNumberOfPSU, data)),
    error = function(e) {
      warning(paste0("Stratum and PSU variables are required for this call and are not on the incoming data. Ignoring ", dQuote("returnNumberOfPSU=TRUE"), "."))
      returnNumberOfPSU <<- FALSE

  # get the data. This is most of the arguments
  getDataArgs <- list(
    data = data,
    varnames = getDataVarNames,
    returnJKreplicates = TRUE,
    drop = FALSE,
    omittedLevels = omittedLevels,
    recode = recode,
    includeNaLabel = TRUE,
    dropUnusedLevels = TRUE
  # Default conditions should be included only if the user set it. This adds the argument only if needed
  if (!defaultConditionsMissing) {
    getDataArgs <- c(getDataArgs, list(defaultConditions = defaultConditions))
  # avoid 0 rows warning
  suppressWarnings(edfDT <- do.call(getData, getDataArgs))
  edfDT <- setDT(edfDT)
  # Remove zero-weight cases
  edfDTnrow <- nrow(edfDT)
  for (i in seq_along(pvs)) {
    # only need to filter by first PV
    vi <- pvs[[i]][1]
    edfDT <- edfDT[!is.na(get(vi)), ]
  # update nrow
  edfDTnrow <- nrow(edfDT)
  edfDT <- edfDT[eval(parse(text = paste0(wgt, " > 0", sep = " "))), ]
  if (nrow(edfDT) < edfDTnrow) {
    warning("Removing ", edfDTnrow - nrow(edfDT), " rows with nonpositive weight from analysis.")
    edfDTnrow <- nrow(edfDT)


  if (length(vars[!vars %in% unlist(yvar)]) == 0) {
    vars <- c(yvar, "1")

  # Determine if the user supplied cutpoints.
  # If the user did not supply cutpoints, get the default ones stored in sdf
  if (is.null(cutpoints)) {
    alsCutpoints <- lapply(yvar, function(x) {
      ALattr <- getAttributes(data, "pvvars")[[x]]$achievementLevel
      temp <- as.numeric(ALattr)
      names(temp) <- names(ALattr)
  } else {
    if (length(yvar) == 1) {
      if (!is.list(cutpoints)) {
        cutpoints <- list(cutpoints)
    cutpoints <- lapply(cutpoints, function(x) {
      xn <- names(x)
      x <- as.numeric(x)
      names(x) <- xn
    if (any(is.na(unlist(cutpoints)))) {
      stop("Cut points must be numeric and non-missing.")
    if (length(cutpoints) != length(yvar)) {
      stop("If you specify the cut points, you must specify them for every plausible value.")
    alsCutpoints <- cutpoints

  alsCutpoints <- lapply(alsCutpoints, function(x) {
    if (is.null(names(x))) {
      names(x) <- paste0("Level ", seq(1, length(x), 1))
  names(alsCutpoints) <- unlist(yvar)

  jkWeights <- getWeightJkReplicates(wgt, data)

  # Gather information about the call.
  npv <- min(sapply(pvs, length))
  callVars <- list(
    achievementVars = achievementVars,
    aggregateBy = aggregateBy,
    cutpoints = alsCutpoints,
    weightVar = wgt,
    jrrIMax = jrrIMax,
    npv = npv,
    varMethod = "jackknife",
    njk = length(jkWeights)
  # Show levels of achievement Vars
  levelsOfEdfDT <- sapply(edfDT, levels)
  levelsOfEdfDT[sapply(levelsOfEdfDT, is.null)] <- NULL
  levelsOfEdfDTGrid <- expand.grid(levelsOfEdfDT)
  levelsOfEdfDTGrid <- levelsOfEdfDTGrid[ , intersect(unique(c(aggregateByNoPV, colnames(levelsOfEdfDTGrid))), colnames(levelsOfEdfDTGrid)), drop = FALSE]
  # Calculate discrete achievement levels
  pvs <- lapply(pvs, function(x) {
  discreteDT <- edfDT
  for (i in seq_along(pvs)) {
    discreteDT <- recodeEdf(discreteDT, pvs[[i]], alsCutpoints[[i]], returnCumulative = FALSE)
  discreteOrder <- lapply(alsCutpoints, function(x) {
    sortALResults(x, returnCumulative = FALSE)

  calculateALStatF <- function(achievementVars, data, aggregateBy, cum = FALSE) {
    f <- function(pv, w, short = TRUE) {
      # calculate overall sum of weights
      # eval requested by data.table, unique because some variables will be in both achievementVars and aggregateBy
      aggregateBy2 <- aggregateBy
      for (i in seq_along(aggregateBy2 == "Level")) {
        aggregateBy2[aggregateBy2 == "Level"][i] <- pv[names(aggregateBy2[aggregateBy2 == "Level"])[i] == names(pv)]
      for (byVar_i in aggregateBy2) {
        if (is.null(levels(data[ , get(byVar_i)]))) {
          stop(paste0(sQuote(byVar_i), " is continuous. You must use only factors, or character variables, and scores with plausible values with achievementLevels. Consider recasting ", sQuote(byVar_i), " as a factor and trying again."))
      for (achiVar_i in achievementVars) {
        if (is.null(levels(data[ , get(achiVar_i)]))) {
          stop(paste0(sQuote(achiVar_i), " is continuous. You must use only factors, or character variables, and scores with plausible values with achievementLevels. Consider recasting ", sQuote(achiVar_i), " as a factor and trying again."))
      byVars <- unique(c(pv, achievementVars, aggregateBy2))
      d1 <- data[ , list(N = .N, wtdN = sum(get(w))), by = byVars]
      # make sure every level is populated and ordered for output
      allLevels <- do.call(expand.grid, lapply(byVars, function(x) {
        levels(data[ , get(x)])
      colnames(allLevels) <- byVars
      setkeyv(d1, byVars)
      d1 <- d1[allLevels, ]
      # this generates NAs, set them to 0
      d1[is.na(d1)] <- 0
      if (cum) {
        # now cumsum by non-aggregateBy
        nonAgg <- byVars[!byVars %in% pv[1]]
        d1 <- d1[ , wtdN2 := cumsum2(.SD$wtdN), by = nonAgg]
        d1 <- d1[ , N := cumsum2(.SD$N), by = nonAgg]
        # aggregate by aggregateBy
        if (pv[1] %in% aggregateBy2) {
          d1 <- d1[ , Denom := sum(.SD$wtdN2), by = aggregateBy2]
        } else {
          d1 <- d1[ , Denom := sum(.SD$wtdN), by = aggregateBy2]
        d1 <- d1[ , DenomGroup := .GRP, by = aggregateBy2]
        d1 <- d1[ , Percent := wtdN2 * 100 / Denom, by = aggregateBy2]
        # rename levels to cumulative level names
        x <- d1[ , get(pv[1])]
        lvls <- levels(x)
        lvls[-length(lvls)] <- gsub("^At", "At or Above", lvls[-length(lvls)])
        x <- factor(x, levels(x), lvls)
        d1 <- d1[ , (pv[1]) := x]
        d1 <- d1[ , "Denom" := NULL]
        if (pv[1] %in% aggregateBy2) {
          d1 <- d1[ , "wtdN" := NULL]
          colnames(d1)[colnames(d1) == "wtdN2"] <- "wtdN"
        } else {
          d1 <- d1[ , "wtdN3" := wtdN]
          d1 <- d1[ , "wtdN" := NULL]
          colnames(d1)[colnames(d1) == "wtdN2"] <- "wtdN"
      } else {
        # aggregate according to aggregateBy
        d1 <- d1[ , Percent := wtdN * 100 / sum(.SD$wtdN), by = aggregateBy2]
        d1 <- d1[ , DenomGroup := .GRP, by = aggregateBy2]
      d1 <- as.data.frame(d1)
      if (short) {

  stat_al <- calculateALStatF(
    achievementVars = achievementVarsNoPV,
    data = discreteDT,
    aggregateBy = aggregateByNoPV,
    cum = FALSE
  stat_alC <- calculateALStatF(
    achievementVars = achievementVarsNoPV,
    data = discreteDT,
    aggregateBy = aggregateByNoPV,
    cum = TRUE
  # estimator and also calculates necessary statistics for imputation variance estimator
  estAL <- lapply(pvs, function(x) {
    paste0(x, "_lvl")
  names(estAL) <- unlist(yvar)
  names(pvs) <- unlist(yvar)

  if (linkingError) {
    estAL0 <- estAL[[1]]
    impAL <- grepl("_imp_", estAL0)
    sampAL <- grepl("_samp_", estAL0)
    # estimation yvars
    estAL <- list(estAL0[!(impAL | sampAL)])
    names(estAL) <- unlist(yvar)
    # imputation yvars
    impAL <- list(estAL0[impAL])
    names(impAL) <- unlist(yvar)
    # sampling yvars
    sampAL <- list(estAL0[sampAL])
    names(sampAL) <- unlist(yvar)
  if (returnDiscrete) {
    if (linkingError) {
      discreteEst <- getEstAL(
        pvEst = estAL,
        stat = stat_al,
        wgt = wgt
    } else {
      discreteEst <- getEstAL(
        pvEst = estAL,
        stat = stat_al,
        wgt = wgt
      # setup containers for sampling variance estimates
      dvarm <- matrix(NA, nrow = jrrIMax, ncol = nrow(discreteEst$est))
    # setup containers for variance estimates
    discVarEstInputs <- list()
    discVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- data.frame()
    discVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- data.frame()
    cn <- colnames(discreteEst$est)
    cn <- cn[!cn %in% c("N", "wtdN", "Percent")]
    d0 <- cbind(row = paste0("Row", 1:nrow(discreteEst$est)), discreteEst$est[ , cn, drop = FALSE])
    # renames lit_level to variable1...
    d0 <- renameLevelsToVariables(d0, estAL)
  if (returnCumulative) {
    if (linkingError) {
      cumEst <- getEstAL(
        pvEst = estAL,
        stat = stat_alC,
        wgt = wgt
    } else {
      cumEst <- getEstAL(
        pvEst = estAL,
        stat = stat_alC,
        wgt = wgt
      cvarm <- matrix(NA, nrow = jrrIMax, ncol = nrow(cumEst$est))
    # setup containers for variance estimates
    cumVarEstInputs <- list()
    cumVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- data.frame()
    cumVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- data.frame()
    cn <- colnames(cumEst$est)
    cn <- cn[!cn %in% c("N", "wtdN", "Percent")]
    c0 <- cbind(row = paste0("Row", 1:nrow(cumEst$est)), cumEst$est[ , cn, drop = FALSE])
    c0 <- renameLevelsToVariables(c0, estAL)
  jkSumMult <- getAttributes(data, "jkSumMultiplier")

  for (pvi in 1:jrrIMax) { # for each PV (up to jrrIMax)
    if (returnDiscrete) {
      if (linkingError) {
        T0 <- discreteEst$est$Percent
        names(T0) <- paste0("Row", seq_along(T0))
        dimpVar <- getLinkingImpVar(
          data = NULL,
          pvImp = impAL[[1]],
          ramCols = ncol(getRAM()),
          stat = stat_al,
          wgt = wgt,
          T0 = T0,
          T0Centered = FALSE
        dsampVar <- getLinkingSampVar(
          data = NULL,
          pvSamp = sampAL[[1]],
          stat = stat_al,
          rwgt = jkWeights,
          T0 = T0,
          T0Centered = FALSE
        # jrrIMax always 1, no need to rbind
        discVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- fixALVarEstInputRows(dsampVar$veiJK, d0)
        discVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- fixALVarEstInputRows(dimpVar$veiImp, d0)
      } else {
        thispvs <- unlist(lapply(estAL, function(x) {
        res <- getVarEstJK(
          stat = stat_al,
          yvar = thispvs,
          wgtM = jkWeights,
          co0 = discreteEst$est$Percent - discreteEst$coef[pvi, ],
          jkSumMult = jkSumMult,
          pvName = pvi
        discVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- rbind(discVarEstInputs[["JK"]], fixALVarEstInputRows(res$veiJK, d0))
        dvarm[pvi, ] <- res$VsampInp
    if (returnCumulative) {
      if (linkingError) {
        T0 <- cumEst$est$Percent
        names(T0) <- paste0("Row", seq_along(T0))
        cimpVar <- getLinkingImpVar(
          data = NULL,
          pvImp = impAL[[1]],
          ramCols = ncol(getRAM()),
          stat = stat_alC,
          wgt = wgt,
          T0 = T0,
          T0Centered = FALSE
        csampVar <- getLinkingSampVar(
          data = NULL,
          pvSamp = sampAL[[1]],
          stat = stat_alC,
          rwgt = jkWeights,
          T0 = T0,
          T0Centered = FALSE
        # jrrIMax always 1, no need to rbind
        cumVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- fixALVarEstInputRows(csampVar$veiJK, c0)
        cumVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- fixALVarEstInputRows(cimpVar$veiImp, c0)
      } else {
        thispvs <- unlist(lapply(estAL, function(x) {
        res <- getVarEstJK(
          stat = stat_alC,
          yvar = thispvs,
          wgtM = jkWeights,
          co0 = cumEst$est$Percent - cumEst$coef[pvi, ],
          jkSumMult = jkSumMult,
          pvName = pvi
        jkv <- merge(c0, res$veiJK, by.y = "variable", by.x = "row", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
        jkv$variable <- NULL
        colnames(jkv)[colnames(jkv) %in% "row"] <- "variable"
        cumVarEstInputs[["JK"]] <- rbind(cumVarEstInputs[["JK"]], fixALVarEstInputRows(jkv, c0))
        cvarm[pvi, ] <- res$VsampInp

  # Gather and order returnVarEstInputs results
  if (returnDiscrete) {
    if (linkingError) {
      varI <- dimpVar$V
      varS <- dsampVar$V
      discreteEst$est$StandardError <- sqrt(varI + varS)
    } else {
      varI <- apply(dvarm, 2, mean)
      M <- nrow(discreteEst$coef)
      varS <- (M + 1) / M * apply(discreteEst$coef, 2, var)
      discreteEst$est$StandardError <- sqrt(varI + varS)
      # add varEstInputs for PV
      cn <- colnames(discreteEst$est)
      cn <- cn[!cn %in% c("N", "wtdN", "Percent", "StandardError")]
      pv <- t(discreteEst$coef)
      npv <- ncol(pv)
      colnames(pv) <- paste0("v", 1:npv)
      pv <- cbind(discreteEst$est[ , cn, drop = FALSE], pv)
      # make varEstInputs
      if (returnVarEstInputs) {
        for (i in 1:npv) {
          newdf <- pv[ , c(cn, paste0("v", i))]
          colnames(newdf)[colnames(newdf) == paste0("v", i)] <- "value"
          newdf$PV <- i
          if (any(grepl("Level$", colnames(newdf)))) {
            for (i in seq_along(names(estAL))) {
              if (i == 1) {
                newdf$variable <- newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")]
              } else {
                newdf$variable <- paste0(newdf$variable, ":", newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")])
              newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")] <- NULL
          v1 <- c("PV", "variable", "value")
          newdf <- newdf[ , c("PV", setdiff(colnames(newdf), v1), "variable", "value")]
          discVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- rbind(discVarEstInputs[["PV"]], newdf)
  if (returnCumulative) {
    if (linkingError) {
      varI <- cimpVar$V
      varS <- csampVar$V
      cumEst$est$StandardError <- sqrt(varI + varS)
    } else {
      varI <- apply(cvarm, 2, mean)
      M <- nrow(cumEst$coef)
      varS <- (M + 1) / M * apply(cumEst$coef, 2, var)
      cumEst$est$StandardError <- sqrt(varI + varS)
      # add varEstInputs for PV
      cn <- colnames(cumEst$est)
      cn <- cn[!cn %in% c("N", "wtdN", "Percent", "StandardError")]
      pv <- t(cumEst$coef)
      npv <- ncol(pv)
      colnames(pv) <- paste0("v", 1:npv)
      pv <- cbind(cumEst$est[ , cn, drop = FALSE], pv)
      if (returnVarEstInputs) {
        for (i in 1:npv) {
          newdf <- pv[ , c(cn, paste0("v", i))]
          colnames(newdf)[colnames(newdf) == paste0("v", i)] <- "value"
          newdf$PV <- i
          if (any(grepl("Level$", colnames(newdf)))) {
            for (i in seq_along(names(estAL))) {
              if (i == 1) {
                newdf$variable <- newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")]
              } else {
                newdf$variable <- paste0(newdf$variable, ":", newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")])
              newdf[ , paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")] <- NULL
          v1 <- c("PV", "variable", "value")
          newdf <- newdf[ , c("PV", setdiff(colnames(newdf), v1), "variable", "value")]
          cumVarEstInputs[["PV"]] <- rbind(cumVarEstInputs[["PV"]], newdf)
  # Create a list containing the achievement levels and the call information
  res <- list(callVars = callVars)
  if (returnDiscrete) {
    de <- discreteEst$est
    # a zero standard error should be missing
    de$StandardError[de$StandardError <= .Machine$double.eps] <- NA
    res <- c(res, list(discrete = de))
  if (returnCumulative) {
    ce <- cumEst$est
    # a zero standard error should be missing
    ce$StandardError[ce$StandardError <= .Machine$double.eps] <- NA
    res <- c(res, list(cumulative = ce))

  if (returnVarEstInputs) {
    if (returnDiscrete) {
      # assign to 0 if values are close to 0 for correct DOF correction
      discVarEstInputs$JK$value[which(abs(discVarEstInputs$JK$value) < (sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * sqrt(max(discVarEstInputs$JK$JKreplicate))))] <- 0
      discVarEstInputs$PV <- unfactor(discVarEstInputs$PV)
      rownames(discVarEstInputs$PV) <- NULL
      discVarEstInputs$JK <- unfactor(discVarEstInputs$JK)
      rownames(discVarEstInputs$JK) <- NULL
      discVarEstInputs <- col2VarEstInputs(discVarEstInputs)
      res <- c(res, list(discVarEstInputs = discVarEstInputs))
    if (returnCumulative) {
      # assign to 0 if values are close to 0 for correct DOF correction
      cumVarEstInputs$JK$value[which(abs(cumVarEstInputs$JK$value) < (sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * sqrt(max(cumVarEstInputs$JK$JKreplicate))))] <- 0
      cumVarEstInputs$PV <- unfactor(cumVarEstInputs$PV)
      rownames(cumVarEstInputs$PV) <- NULL
      cumVarEstInputs$JK <- unfactor(cumVarEstInputs$JK)
      rownames(cumVarEstInputs$JK) <- NULL
      cumVarEstInputs <- col2VarEstInputs(cumVarEstInputs)
      res <- c(res, list(cumVarEstInputs = cumVarEstInputs))
  res <- c(res, list(n0 = nrow2.edsurvey.data.frame(data), nUsed = edfDTnrow))

  stratumAndPSU <- NULL
  if (returnNumberOfPSU) {
    stratumVar <- getAttributes(data, "stratumVar")
    psuVar <- getAttributes(data, "psuVar")
    # Combine stratumVar and psuVar
    if (stratumVar %in% "JK1") {
      res$nPSU <- res$nUsed
    } else {
      edfDT <- edfDT[ , stratumAndPSU := paste0(.SD, collapse = "-"),
        .SDcols = c(stratumVar, psuVar),
        by = 1:edfDTnrow
      ][ , c(stratumVar, psuVar) := NULL]
      if (sum(is.na(edfDT$stratumAndPSU)) == 0) {
        res$nPSU <- length(unique(edfDT$stratumAndPSU))
      } else {
        warning("Cannot return number of PSUs because the stratum or PSU variables contain NA values.")

  class(res) <- "achievementLevels"

renameLevelsToVariables <- function(data, estAL) {
  cn <- colnames(data)
  levels <- c()
  data$variable <- ""
  for (i in seq_along(names(estAL))) {
    leveli <- paste0(names(estAL)[i], "_Level")
    if (i == 1) {
      data$variable <- data[ , leveli]
    } else {
      levels <- cartFactor(data$variable, data[ , leveli])
      data$variable <- factor(paste0(as.character(data$variable), ":", as.character(data[ , leveli])), levels = levels, labels = levels)
    data[ , leveli] <- NULL

# fix pre-varEstInputs from achievementLevels to have all column in variable
col2VarEstInputs <- function(varEstInputs) {
  res <- lapply(varEstInputs, cov2VarEstPart)

# fix pre-varEstInputs PV and JK from achievementLevels to have all column in variable
# puts other variables into the "variable" column with colon delimiters
cov2VarEstPart <- function(varEstInput) {
  cn <- colnames(varEstInput)
  cnr <- cn[!cn %in% c("PV", "variable", "value", "JKreplicate")]
  for (i in seq_along(cnr)) {
    varEstInput$variable <- paste0(varEstInput$variable, ":", cnr[i], "=", varEstInput[ , cnr[i]])
    varEstInput[ , cnr[i]] <- NULL

assertArgument <- function(arguments, data) {
  argumentName <- deparse(substitute(arguments))
    "data" = {
      # Check data supplied are correct
      checkDataClass(arguments, c(
    "als" = {
      cutpoints <- get("cutpoints", envir = parent.frame())
      if (arguments[1] == "Not Found" & is.null(cutpoints)) {
        stop(paste0("Default achievement levels not found. The ", sQuote("cutpoints"), " argument must be set."))
    "wgt" = {
      if (arguments == "") {
        stop("Argument ", sQuote("weightVar"), " is required.")
      if (!(arguments %in% attributes(getAttributes(data, "weights"))$names)) {
          "Argument ", sQuote("weightVar"), " value of ", sQuote(arguments),
          " is not available on the data."
    "yvar" = {
      # Check to see if at least one plausible value variable identified
      if (length(arguments) == 0) {
        stop(paste0("At least one variable in ", sQuote("achievementVars"), " must have plausible values to calculate achievement levels."))
    "edfDT" = {
      # check if there is any data
      if (nrow(arguments) <= 0) {
        stop(paste0("No data to analyze. Check if there are complete cases."))
    "cutpoints" = {
      # check if cutpoints are numeric
      if (!is.numeric(arguments)) {
        stop(paste0(dQuote("cutpoints"), " must be numeric values."))

sortALResults <- function(als, returnCumulative) {
  sortList <- paste0("Below ", names(als)[1])
  if (!returnCumulative) {
    for (i in seq_along(als)) {
      sortList <- c(sortList, paste0("At ", names(als)[i]))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:(length(als) - 1)) {
      sortList <- c(sortList, paste0("At or Above ", names(als)[i]))
    sortList <- c(sortList, paste0("At ", tail(names(als), n = 1)))

# Recode edf with achievement levels
recodeEdf <- function(edfDT, pvs, als, returnCumulative, cumulativeLevel = 0) {
  levelCols <- paste0(pvs, "_lvl")
  # clean existing level columns
  junk <- intersect(levelCols, names(edfDT))
  if (length(junk) > 0) {
    edfDT <- edfDT[ , (junk) := NULL]

  # build level columns for each pv
  if (!returnCumulative) {
    discreteLabels <- c(paste0("Below ", names(als)[1]), paste0("At ", names(als)[1]))
    if (length(als) > 1) {
      discreteLabels <- c(discreteLabels, paste0("At ", names(als)[2:length(als)]))
    edfDT <- edfDT[ , (levelCols) := lapply(.SD, function(c) {
      cut(c, breaks = c(-Inf, als, Inf), labels = discreteLabels, right = FALSE)
    .SDcols = pvs
  } else {
    edfDT <- edfDT[ , (levelCols) := lapply(.SD, function(c) {
      ifelse(c < als[cumulativeLevel], "Other", paste0("At or Above ", names(als)[cumulativeLevel]))
    .SDcols = pvs

#' @title Print AchievementLevels Results
#' @description Prints details of discrete and cumulative achievement levels
#'  calculated using weights and variance
#' estimates appropriate for the \code{edsurvey.data.frame}.
#' @param x             an \code{achievementLevels} object
#' @param printCall     a logical value; by default (\code{TRUE}), prints details about plausible
#'                      values and weights used for calculating achievement levels
#' @param printDiscrete a logical value; by default (\code{TRUE}), prints discrete achievement
#'                      levels if they are present in \code{x}
#' @param printCumulative a logical value; by default (\code{TRUE}), prints cumulative achievement
#'                        levels if they are present in \code{x}
#' @param use_es_round a logical value; use the EdSurvey rounding functions before printing
#' @param ... these arguments are not passed anywhere and are included only for compatibility
#' @method print achievementLevels
#' @author Huade Huo and Ahmad Emad
#' @export
print.achievementLevels <- function(x, printCall = TRUE, printDiscrete = TRUE, printCumulative = TRUE, use_es_round=getOption("EdSurvey_round_output"), ...) {
  if(use_es_round) {
    x <- es_round(x)
  if ("callVars" %in% names(x)) {
    ll <- "1"
  } else {
    ll <- names(x)

  for (i in ll) {
    if ("callVars" %in% names(x)) {
      x1 <- x
    } else {
      x1 <- x[[i]]

    if (length(ll) != 1) {
      cat("\n\nOutput for dataset ", i, "\n")

    if (printCall) {
      cv <- x1$callVars
      # comment form PB, I'm not sure what makes the most sense here. Look at print.summary.lm.sdf function
      avs <- paste(cv$achievementVars, collapse = ", ")
      p0 <- FALSE
      if (nchar(avs) > 0) {
        cat(paste0("\nAchievementVars: ", avs, "\n"))
        p0 <- TRUE
      ab <- paste(cv$aggregateBy, collapse = ", ")
      if (nchar(ab) > 0) {
        if (!p0) {
        cat(paste0("aggregateBy: ", ab, "\n"))
        p0 <- TRUE
      if (p0) {
      cat(paste0("Achievement Level Cutpoints:\n"))
      if (length(cv$cutpoints) > 1) {
        lapply(names(cv$cutpoints), function(name) {
          cat(paste0(name, ":\n"))
          cat(cv$cutpoints[[name]], "\n")
      } else {
        cat(cv$cutpoints[[1]], "\n\n")
      cat(paste0("Plausible values: ", cv$npv, "\n"))
      cat(paste0("jrrIMax: ", cv$jrrIMax, "\n"))
      cat(paste0("Weight variable: ", sQuote(cv$weight), "\n"))
      cat(paste0("Variance method: ", cv$varMethod, "\n"))
      if (!is.na(cv$njk)) {
        cat(paste0("JK replicates: ", cv$njk, "\n"))
      cat(paste0("full data n: ", x1$n0, "\n"))
      cat(paste0("n used: ", x1$nUsed, "\n"))
      if (!is.null(x1$nPSU)) {
        cat(paste0("n PSU: ", x1$nPSU, "\n"))
    if (printDiscrete & !is.null(x1$discrete)) {
      print(x1$discrete, row.names = FALSE)
    if (printCumulative & !is.null(x1$cumulative)) {
      print(x1$cumulative, row.names = FALSE)

getEstAL <- function(pvEst, stat, wgt, longReturn = TRUE) {
  # just pass names
  pv0 <- unlist(lapply(pvEst, function(x) {
  T_0 <- stat(pv = pv0, w = wgt, short = FALSE)
  for (i in seq_along(pvEst)) {
    colnames(T_0)[i] <- paste0(names(pvEst)[i], "_Level")
  T_n <- matrix(0, ncol = nrow(T_0), nrow = length(pvEst[[1]]))
  T_n[1, ] <- T_0$Percent
  if (length(pvEst[[1]]) > 1) {
    for (n in 2:length(pvEst[[1]])) {
      pvi <- unlist(lapply(pvEst, function(x) {
      st <- stat(pv = pvi, w = wgt, short = FALSE)
      T_0$wtdN <- T_0$wtdN + st$wtdN
      T_0$N <- T_0$N + st$N
      T_0$Percent <- T_0$Percent + st$Percent
      T_n[n, ] <- st$Percent
  T_0$wtdN <- T_0$wtdN / length(pvEst[[1]])
  T_0$N <- T_0$N / length(pvEst[[1]])
  # force wtdN/denom to agree with percent
  if ("wtdN3" %in% colnames(T_0)) {
    # use aggregation weighted N
    T_0$Denom <- ave(T_0$wtdN3, T_0$DenomGroup, FUN = sum)
    T_0$wtdN3 <- NULL
  } else {
    T_0$Denom <- ave(T_0$wtdN, T_0$DenomGroup, FUN = sum)
  T_0$Percent <- 100 * T_0$wtdN / T_0$Denom
  T_0$Denom <- NULL # we do not need this now
  T_0$DenomGroup <- NULL # we do not need this now
  Ta <- T_0$Percent
  colnames(T_n) <- paste0("Row", 1:ncol(T_n))
  names(Ta) <- paste0("Row", 1:ncol(T_n))
  for (i in seq_along(pvEst)) {
    colnames(T_0)[colnames(T_0) == names(pvEst)[i]] <- paste0(names(pvEst)[i], "_Level")
  T_n <- -1 * t(t(T_n) - T_0$Percent)
  res <- list(est = T_0, coef = T_n)

# helper function to calculate cumulative achievement levels
cumsum2 <- function(x) {
  return(c(x[1], rev(cumsum(rev(x[-1])))))

fixALVarEstInputRows <- function(vei, namedData) {
  icn <- intersect(colnames(namedData), colnames(vei))
  icn <- setdiff(icn, "variable")
  for (vi in icn) {
    namedData[ , vi] <- NULL
  res <- merge(namedData, vei, by.x = "row", by.y = "variable", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
  vn <- colnames(namedData)
  vn <- vn[!vn %in% "row"]
  res$row <- NULL
  cn <- colnames(res)
  cn <- cn[!cn %in% c("PV", vn, "value")]
  res <- res[ , c("PV", cn, vn, "value")]
  ov <- list(res$PV)
  if ("JKreplicate" %in% colnames(res)) {
    ov <- c(ov, list(res$JKreplicate))
  for (vni in seq_along(vn)) {
    ov <- c(ov, list(res[ , vn[vni]]))
  res <- res[do.call(order, ov), ]

unfactor <- function(x) {
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    if (inherits(x[ , i], "factor")) {
      x[ , i] <- as.character(x[ , i])

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