
Defines functions coef.mixedSdfResults vcov.mixedSdfResults print.summary.mixedSdfResults summary.mixedSdfResults run_mix mixed.sdf

Documented in mixed.sdf

#' @title EdSurvey Mixed-Effects Model
#' @description Fits a linear weighted mixed-effects model.
#' @param formula a \ifelse{latex}{\code{formula}}{\code{\link[stats]{formula}}}
#'                for the multilevel regression or mixed model. See Examples and the vignette titled
#'                \emph{\href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Mixed_Models.pdf}{Methods Used for Estimating Mixed-Effects Models in EdSurvey}}
#'                for more details on how to specify a mixed model. If \emph{y} is
#'                left blank, the default subject scale or subscale variable
#'                will be used. (You can find the default using
#'                \code{\link{showPlausibleValues}}.) If \emph{y} is a variable
#'                for a subject scale or subscale (one of the names shown by
#'                \code{\link{showPlausibleValues}}), then that subject scale
#'                or subscale is used.
#' @param data an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} or a \code{light.edsurvey.data.frame}
#' @param weightVars character vector indicating weight variables for
#'                   corresponding levels to use. The \code{weightVar} must be
#'                   the weights for the \code{edsurvey.data.frame}. The weight variables
#'                   must be in the order of level (from lowest to highest level).
#' @param weightTransformation a logical value to indicate whether the function
#'                             should standardize weights before using it in the
#'                             multilevel model. If set to \code{TRUE}, the
#'                             function will look up standard weight
#'                             transformation methods often used for a specific
#'                             survey. Weight transformation can be found in the vignette titled
#'                             \emph{\href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Mixed_Models.pdf}{Methods Used for Estimating Mixed-Effects Models in EdSurvey}}.
#'                             If set to \code{FALSE} or if the survey of the specified \code{data} does
#'                             not have a standard weight transformation method,
#'                             raw weights will be used.
#' @param recode a list of lists to recode variables. Defaults to \code{NULL}. Can be set as
#'                  \code{recode=}\code{list(}\code{var1} \code{=} \code{list(}\code{from=} \code{c("a",} \code{"b",} \code{"c"),} \code{to=} \code{"d"))}.
#'                  See Examples in \ifelse{latex}{\code{lm.sdf}}{\code{\link{lm.sdf}}}.
#' @param defaultConditions a logical value. When set to the default value of
#'                          \code{TRUE}, uses the default conditions stored in
#'                          an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} to subset the data.
#'                          Use \code{print} on an \code{edsurvey.data.frame}
#'                          to see the default conditions.
#' @param tolerance depreciated, no effect
#' @param nQuad depreciated, no effect
#' @param verbose an integer; when set to \code{1}, it will print out
#'                the brief progress of the function \code{mix.sdf}.
#'                Users can use these traced messages for further diagnosis.
#'                When set to \code{2}, it will print
#'                out the detailed progress, including temporary estimates
#'                   during the optimization. Defaults to \code{0}, which
#'                   will run the function without output.
#' @param family this argument is depreciated; please use the \code{WeMix}
#'               package's \code{mix} function directly for binomial models.
#' @param centerGroup a list in which the name of each element is the name of the aggregation level,
#' and the element is a formula of variable names to be group mean centered. For example, to group mean center
#'  gender and age within the group student: \code{list("student"= ~gender+age)}. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which means
#'  predictors are not adjusted by group centering. See Examples in the \code{WeMix} function \ifelse{latex}{\code{mix}}{\code{\link[WeMix]{mix}}}.
#' @param centerGrand  a formula of variable names to be grand mean centered. For example, to center the
#' variable education by overall mean of education: \code{~education}. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which means predictors
#' are not adjusted by grand centering.
#' @param fast depreciated, no effect
#' @param ... other potential arguments to be used in \ifelse{latex}{\code{mix}}{\code{\link[WeMix]{mix}}}
#' @details
#' This function uses the \code{mix} call in the \code{WeMix} package to fit mixed models.
#' When the outcome does not have plausible values, the variance estimator directly from
#' the \code{mix} function is used; these account for covariance at the top level
#' of the model specified by the user.
#' When the outcome has plausible values, the coefficients are estimated in the same
#' way as in \code{lm.sdf}, that is, averaged across the plausible values.
#' In addition, the variance of the coefficients is estimated
#' as the sum of the variance estimate from the \code{mix} function and the
#' imputation variance. The formula for the imputation variance is, again, the same
#' as for \code{lm.sdf},
#' with the same estimators as in the vignette titled
#' \href{https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/EdSurvey-Statistics.pdf}{\emph{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}}.
#' In the section
#' \dQuote{Estimation of Standard Errors of Weighted Means When Plausible Values Are Present, Using the Jackknife Method}
#' in the formula for \eqn{V_{imp}}, the variance
#' and estimates of the variance components are estimated with the same formulas as
#' the regression coefficients.
#' @return
#' A \code{mixedSdfResults} object with the following elements:
#'    \item{call}{the original call used in \code{mixed.sdf} }
#'    \item{formula}{the formula used to fit the model}
#'    \item{coef}{a vector of coefficient estimates}
#'    \item{se}{a vector with the standard error estimates of the coefficients and the standard error of the variance components}
#'    \item{vars}{estimated variance components of the model}
#'    \item{levels}{the number of levels in the model}
#'    \item{ICC}{the intraclass correlation coefficient of the model}
#'    \item{npv}{the number of plausible values}
#'    \item{ngroups}{a \code{data.frame} that includes the number of observations for each group}
#'    \item{n0}{the number of observations in the original data}
#'    \item{nused}{the number of observations used in the analysis}
#'    \item{model.frame}{the data used in the model}
#' If the formula does not involve plausible values, the function will return the following additional elements:
#'    \item{lnlf}{the likelihood function }
#'    \item{lnl}{the log-likelihood of the model }
#' If the formula involves plausible values, the function will return the following additional elements:
#'    \item{Vimp}{the estimated variance from uncertainty in the scores}
#'    \item{Vjrr}{the estimated variance from sampling}
#' @references
#' Rabe-Hesketh, S., & Skrondal, A. (2006). Multilevel modelling of complex
#' survey data. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A
#' (Statistics in Society), 169}(4), 805--827.
#' @author Paul Bailey, Trang Nguyen, and Claire Kelley
#' @seealso \ifelse{latex}{WeMix \code{mix} function}{\code{\link[WeMix]{mix}}} and \code{\link{lm.sdf}}
#' @example \man\examples\mixed.sdf.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom WeMix mix
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @importFrom lme4 lFormula
mixed.sdf <- function(formula,
                      weightVars = NULL,
                      weightTransformation = TRUE,
                      recode = NULL,
                      defaultConditions = TRUE,
                      tolerance = 0.01,
                      nQuad = NULL,
                      verbose = 0,
                      family = NULL,
                      centerGroup = NULL,
                      centerGrand = NULL,
                      fast = FALSE,
                      ...) {
  call <- match.call()
  # save this call
  call0 <- call
  if (!missing(nQuad) & is.null(family)) {
    warning(paste0("The ", sQuote("nQuad"), " argument is depreciated for linear models."))
  if (!missing(tolerance) & is.null(family)) {
    warning(paste0("The ", sQuote("tolerance"), " argument is depreciated."))
  if (!missing(fast)) {
    warning(paste0("The ", sQuote("fast"), " argument is depreciated."))
  if (!missing(family)) {
    stop(paste0("The ", dQuote("family"), " argument is depreciated; plase use the ", dQuote("WeMix"), " package's ", dQuote("mix"), " function direclty for binomial models."))

  formula0 <- formula
  # if users specify an edsurvey.data.frame or light.edsurvey.data.frame,
  # weightVars will be defined for each supported survey if not provided.
  # for each survey supported by edsurvey
  checkDataClass(data, c("edsurvey.data.frame", "light.edsurvey.data.frame"))
  # if the weight var is not set, use the default
  survey <- getAttributes(data, "survey")
  if (is.null(weightVars)) {
    if (survey == "PISA") {
      weightVars <- c("w_fstuwt", "w_fschwt")
    } else if (survey %in% c("TIMSS", "TIMSS Advanced")) {
      weightVars <- c("totwgt", "schwgt")
    } else {
      stop("mixed.sdf currently only supports automated weights for PISA, TIMSS, and TIMSS Advanced. If you use another survey, please specify your own weights. ")
    call$weightVars <- weightVars # update weightVars argument in the call

  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
    stop(paste0(sQuote("formula"), " argument must be of class formula."))

  # check if there is an outcome variable and set it to the default if it is missing
  zeroLengthLHS <- attr(terms(formula), "response") == 0
  if (zeroLengthLHS) {
    yvar <- attributes(getAttributes(data, "pvvars"))$default
    formula <- update(formula, new = substitute(yvar ~ ., list(yvar = as.name(yvar))))
  } else {
    yvar <- all.vars(formula[[2]])
  } # End of if/else: if (zeroLengthLHS)
  # check if LHS is pv and if so get all values and set flag "pv" to TRUE
  pv <- hasPlausibleValue(yvar, data)
  yvars <- yvar
  linkingError <- detectLinkingError(data, yvars)
  if(linkingError) {
    stop("mixed.sdf does not support estimation with linking error.")
  if (pv) {
    yvars <- getPlausibleValue(yvar, data)

  # Get data
  getDataArgs <- list(
    data = data,
    varnames = unique(c(all.vars(formula), weightVars, yvars)),
    returnJKreplicates = FALSE,
    drop = FALSE,
    omittedLevels = FALSE,
    recode = recode,
    includeNaLabel = TRUE,
    dropUnusedLevels = TRUE

  # Default conditions should be included only if the user set it. This adds the argument only if needed
  if (!missing(defaultConditions)) {
    getDataArgs <- c(getDataArgs, list(defaultConditions = defaultConditions))

  # edf is the actual data
  edf <- do.call(getData, getDataArgs)
  rawN <- nrow(edf)

  # drop zero-weight case
  for (wgt in weightVars) {
    if (any(!(!is.na(edf[ , wgt]) & edf[ , wgt] > 0))) {
      warning("Removing ", sum(!(!is.na(edf[ , wgt]) & edf[ , wgt] > 0)), " rows with 0 or NA weight on ", dQuote(wgt), " from analysis.")
      edf <- edf[!is.na(edf[ , wgt]) & edf[ , wgt] > 0, ]

  # deal with plausible values
  pvy <- hasPlausibleValue(yvar, data) # pvy is the plausible values of the y variable
  yvars <- yvar
  lyv <- length(yvars)
  if (any(pvy)) {
    yvars <- getPlausibleValue(yvar, data)
  } else {
    # if not, make sure that this variable is numeric
    edf[ , "yvar"] <- as.numeric(eval(formula[[2]], edf))
    formula <- update(formula, new = substitute(yvar ~ ., list(yvar = as.name(yvar))))
    yvars <- "yvar"
  } # End of if statment: any(pvy)

  yvar0 <- yvars[1]
  # this allows that variable to not be dynamic variable, it is explicitly defined to be yvar0
  if (!is.null(family) && family$family %in% c("binomial")) { # if using binomial set y to 1 only if it has the highest value
    if (any(pvy)) {
      for (i in seq_along(yvars)) {
        # PV, so we have not evaluated the I() yet (if any)
        for (yvi in seq_along(pvy)) {
          if (pvy[yvi]) {
            edf[ , yvar[yvi]] <- edf[ , getPlausibleValue(yvar[yvi], data)[i]]
        edf[ , yvars[i]] <- as.numeric(eval(formula[[2]], edf))
      oneDef <- max(edf[ , yvars], na.rm = TRUE)
      for (i in yvars) {
        edf[ , i] <- ifelse(edf[ , i] %in% oneDef, 1, 0)
    } else {
      # for non-PV, I() has been evaluated
      oneDef <- max(edf[ , yvars], na.rm = TRUE)
      edf[ , yvar0] <- ifelse(edf$yvar %in% oneDef, 1, 0)

  # Get Group names
  formula <- update(formula, as.formula(paste0(yvar0, " ~ .")))

  # start by getting the lme4 parsed formula
  lformula <- lFormula(formula = formula, data = edf)

  # get the group names (ie level 2+ variables) from the formula
  # get the unparsed group names, this could include, e.g. a:b
  unparsedGroupNames <- names(lformula$reTrms$cnms)
  # a function to parse these
  groupParser <- function(groupi) {
    # have base::all.vars parse the group name
    all.vars(formula(paste0("~", groupi)))

  # apply the parser to each random effect, and unique them
  groupNames <- rev(unique(unlist(lapply(unparsedGroupNames, groupParser))))

  # checking whether level matches requirements
  if (length(groupNames) == 0) {
    stop("The formula only indicates one level. Use lm.sdf instead.")

  if (length(weightVars) != length(groupNames) + 1) {
    stop(paste0("The model requires ", length(groupNames) + 1, " weights."))

  level <- length(groupNames) + 1

  # Construct standardized weights called 'pwt1' for level 1 weights and 'pwt2' for level 2 weights
  # The standardization method varies across different surveys
  if (!weightTransformation) {
    # no weight transformations
    for (wi in seq_along(weightVars)) {
      edf[[paste0("pwt", wi)]] <- edf[ , weightVars[wi]]
  } else {
    # weight transformations by survey
    if (survey == "PISA") {
      edf$sqw <- edf[ , weightVars[1]]^2
      sumsqw <- aggregate(as.formula(paste0("sqw ~ ", groupNames)), data = edf, sum)
      sumw <- aggregate(as.formula(paste0(weightVars[1], "~", groupNames)), data = edf, sum)
      edf$sumsqw <- sapply(edf[ , groupNames], function(s) sumsqw$sqw[sumsqw[ , groupNames] == s])
      edf$sumw <- sapply(edf[ , groupNames], function(s) sumw[sumw[ , groupNames] == s, weightVars[1]])
      edf$pwt1 <- edf[ , weightVars[1]] * (edf$sumw / edf$sumsqw)
      edf$pwt2 <- edf[ , weightVars[2]]
      edf$sqw <- NULL
      edf$sumsqw <- NULL
      edf$sumw <- NULL
    } else if (survey %in% c("TIMSS", "TIMSS Advanced")) {
      edf$pwt1 <- edf[ , weightVars[1]] / edf[ , weightVars[2]]
      edf$pwt2 <- edf[ , weightVars[2]]
    } else { # For other survey data in edsurvey, users need to specify their own weights
      edf$pwt1 <- edf[ , weightVars[1]]
      edf$pwt2 <- edf[ , weightVars[2]]
  } # end if (!weightTransformation)

  # Remove omittedLevels from the data.frame edf
  lev <- unlist(getAttributes(data, "omittedLevels", errorCheck = FALSE)) # here we already know it is an edsurvey.data.frame or light.edsurvey.data.fram
  keep <- rep(0, nrow(edf))
  for (i in 1:ncol(edf)) {
    vari <- names(edf)[i]
    keep <- keep + (tolower(edf[ , vari]) %in% tolower(lev))
  if (sum(keep > 0) > 0) {
    # only omit if something gets omitted
    edf <- edf[keep == 0, , drop = FALSE]

  # make copy of formula to be modified during interations through plausible values.
  formula_pv <- formula

  # load summary function from WeMix
  summary.WeMixResults <- getFromNamespace("summary.WeMixResults", "WeMix")

  if (!pv) {
    # there are no plausible values, just a single outcome
    res <- run_mix(
      nQuad = nQuad, call = call, formula = formula, edf = edf,
      verbose = verbose, family = family, center_group = centerGroup, center_grand = centerGrand,
      tolerance = tolerance, fast = fast, ...

    # get enrivonment of WeMix likelihood function to later extract covariance from
    env <- environment(res$lnlf)

    # use summary to extract variances.
    model_sum <- summary.WeMixResults(res)
    res$se <- c(model_sum$coef[ , 2], model_sum$vars[ , 2])
    names(res$se) <- c(row.names(model_sum$coef), row.names(model_sum$vars))
    res$vars <- model_sum$vars[ , 1]
    names(res$vars) <- row.names(model_sum$vars)
    # Remove some return values
    res$CMODE <- NULL
    res$CMEAN <- NULL
    res$hessian <- NULL
    res$call <- call0
    res$formula <- call0$formula

    varsmat0 <- model_sum$varsmat
    groupSum <- varsmat0[!duplicated(varsmat0$Level), c("Level", "Group")]
    groupSum$Group[groupSum$Level == 1] <- "Obs"
    groupSum$"n size" <- rev(res$ngroups)
    for (i in seq_along(res$wgtStats)) {
      groupSum$"mean wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- res$wgtStats[[i]]$mean
      groupSum$"sum wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- res$wgtStats[[i]]$sum
    res$groupSum <- groupSum

    varsmat0 <- res$varDF
    # put the corred vcov in it
    m <- length(yvars)

    varsmat <- varsmat0[is.na(varsmat0$var2), c("level", "grp", "var1", "vcov", "SEvcov")]
    varsmat$st <- sqrt(varsmat$vcov)
    # add variance estimates
    colnames(varsmat) <- c("Level", "Group", "Name", "Variance", "Std. Error", "Std.Dev.")
    res$varsmatSum <- varsmat
    res$VC <- model_sum$cov_mat
  } else { # run the plausible values version
    # iterate through the plausible values
    results <- list()
    variances <- list()
    pvi <- 0
    for (value in yvars) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
        eout(paste0("Estimating mixed model with ", value, " as the outcome."))
      pvi <- pvi + 1

      # for each iteration update formula to have the plausible value we are dealing with as the dependent
      formula_pv <- update(formula_pv, as.formula(paste(value, "~.")))
      # when a warning or message gets passed, just keep going, unless it is the first pv, then share them as a message
      model <- withCallingHandlers(
          nQuad = nQuad, call = call, formula = formula_pv,
          edf = edf, verbose = verbose, family = family, center_group = centerGroup, center_grand = centerGrand,
          tolerance = tolerance, ...
        warning = function(w) {
          if (pvi != 1) { # only print the warning the first time
          } else {
        message = function(c) {
          if (pvi != 1) {
      # save results
      results[[value]] <- model
      # use summary to extract variances
      model_sum <- summary.WeMixResults(model)
      variances[[value]] <- c(model_sum$coef[ , "Std. Error"]^2, model_sum$varDF$SEvcov^2)
      if (verbose > 1) {
    res <- results[[1]]

    varsmat0 <- model_sum$varsmat
    groupSum <- varsmat0[!duplicated(varsmat0$Level), c("Level", "Group")]
    groupSum$Group[groupSum$Level == 1] <- "Obs"
    groupSum$"n size" <- rev(res$ngroups)
    for (i in seq_along(res$wgtStats)) {
      groupSum$"mean wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- res$wgtStats[[i]]$mean
      groupSum$"sum wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- res$wgtStats[[i]]$sum
    res$groupSum <- groupSum

    M <- length(yvars)
    co0 <- (1 / M) * Reduce(
      lapply(results, function(r) {
    res$B <- (1 / (M - 1)) * Reduce(
      "+", # add up the matrix results of the sapply
      lapply(results, function(r) {
        # within each PV set, calculate the outer product
        # (2.19 of Van Buuren)
        co <- coef(r) - co0
        outer(co, co)
    res$Ubar <- (1 / M) * Reduce(
      lapply(results, function(r) {
    res$VC <- res$Ubar + ((M + 1) / M) * res$B

    # NULL out things that dont exist for PVs
    res$lnl <- NULL
    res$lnlf <- NULL
    res$CMODE <- NULL
    res$CMEAN <- NULL
    res$hessian <- NULL
    res$SE <- NULL
    res$call <- call
    res$PVresults <- results
    # get enrivonment of WeMix likelihood function to later extract covariance from
    env <- environment(results[[1]]$lnlf)
    # Coefficients are just average value
    avg_coef <- rowSums(matrix(sapply(results, function(x) {
    }), nrow = length(results[[1]]$coef))) / length(yvars)
    names(avg_coef) <- names(results[[1]]$coef)

    # calcuate imputation variance for SEs and Residuals
    M <- length(yvars)
    imputation_var <- ((M + 1) / ((M - 1) * M)) * rowSums(matrix(sapply(results, function(x) {
      x$coef - avg_coef
    })^2, nrow = length(avg_coef)))

    res$coef <- avg_coef
    # Variation in coefficients comes from imputation and also sampling
    sampling_var <- colSums(Reduce(rbind, variances)) / length(yvars)
    names(sampling_var) <- c(names(avg_coef), names(results[[1]]$vars))

    # total se is sqrt of sampling + imputation variance
    res$se <- sqrt(sampling_var[seq_along(imputation_var)] + imputation_var)
    # ICC is mean ICC
    res$ICC <- tryCatch(
      sum(sapply(results, function(x) {
      })) / length(yvars),
      error = function(cond) {

    # average residual variance
    # grab a varDF
    varsmat0 <- results[[1]]$varDF
    # put the corred vcov in it
    m <- length(yvars)
    varsmat0$vcov <- rowSums(matrix(
      sapply(results, function(x) {
      nrow = nrow(results[[1]]$varDF)
    )) / m
    varsmat <- varsmat0[is.na(varsmat0$var2), c("level", "grp", "var1", "vcov", "SEvcov")]
    varsmat$st <- sqrt(varsmat$vcov)
    # add variance estimates
    colnames(varsmat) <- c("Level", "Group", "Name", "Variance", "Std. Error", "Std.Dev.")
    for (li in 2:max(varsmat0$level)) {
      varVC <- lapply(results, function(x) {
        vc <- as.matrix(x$varVC[[li]])
        cr <- atanh(cov2cor(vc))
        diag(cr) <- diag(vc)
      varVC <- Reduce("+", varVC) / length(varVC)
      cr <- tanh(varVC)
      # cr <- cov2cor(varVC)
      if (ncol(cr) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:ncol(cr)) {
          for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
            varsmat[varsmat$Level == li & varsmat$Name == rownames(cr)[i], paste0("Corr", j)] <- cr[i, j]

    res$varsmatSum <- varsmat
    res$vars <- varsmat[ , 4:6]
    rownames(res$vars) <- names(results[[1]]$vars)
    colnames(res$vars) <- colnames(results[[1]]$varDF)[4:6]
    # same thing for vcov
    res$varDF$vcov <- varsmat0$vcov
    # get the var of var.
    # 1, imputation is var of vars
    imputation_var_for_vars <- ((M + 1) / ((M - 1) * M)) *
      apply(sapply(results, function(x) {
      }), 1, function(x) {
        sum((x - mean(x))^2)
    # 2, sampling is mean of var of vars
    sampling_var_for_vars <- apply(sapply(results, function(x) {
    }), 1, mean)
    res$varDF$SEvcov <- sqrt(sampling_var_for_vars + imputation_var_for_vars)
    # Add on SE of residuals from sandwich estimator
    res$se <- c(res$se, sqrt(sampling_var_for_vars + imputation_var_for_vars))
    res$Vimp <- c(imputation_var, imputation_var_for_vars)
    res$Vjrr <- sampling_var
    varn <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(results[[1]]$varDF), function(ii) {
      paste(na.omit(unlist(results[[1]]$varDF[ii, 1:3])), collapse = ".")
    names(res$Vjrr) <- c(names(res$Vjrr)[1:(length(res$Vjrr) - length(varn))], varn)
    names(res$Vimp) <- names(res$Vjrr)
    names(res$se) <- names(res$Vjrr)
    # move formula to top
    res$formula <- res$call$formula
  } # end if(pv)

  res$npv <- length(yvars)
  res$n0 <- rawN
  res$nUsed <- nrow(edf)
  res$model.frame <- edf

  # get group numbers, which is burried in the covariance matrix constructor (cConstructor)
  ngrp <- res$varDF
  ngrp <- ngrp[ , c("grp", "ngrp", "level")]
  ngrp <- ngrp[!duplicated(ngrp$level), ]
  names(ngrp) <- c("Group Var", "Observations", "Level")
  res$ngroups <- ngrp

  # zero out things not needed
  nullOut <- c(
    "ranefs", "theta", "invHessian", "is_adaptive", "sigma", "cov_mat",
    "varDF", "varVC", "var_theta", "PVresults", "SE"
  for (ni in seq_along(nullOut)) {
    res[[nullOut[ni]]] <- NULL

  class(res) <- "mixedSdfResults"

# helper function
run_mix <- function(nQuad, call, formula, edf, verbose, tolerance, family, center_group, center_grand, fast, ...) {
  verboseAll <- ifelse(verbose >= 2, TRUE, FALSE) # set verbosity for WeMix to true if overall verbosity is 2
  # linear models do not use nquad nor fast, drop those
  if (is.null(family)) {
    res <- mix(formula, data = edf, weights = c("pwt1", "pwt2"), verbose = verboseAll, center_group = center_group, center_grand = center_grand, ...)
  if (!is.null(nQuad)) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
      message(sQuote("nQuad"), " argument is specified so ", sQuote("tolerance"), " argument will not be used. It's recommended that users try incrementing ", sQuote("nQuad"), " to check whether the estimates are stable. ")
    res <- mix(formula, data = edf, weights = c("pwt1", "pwt2"), verbose = verboseAll, nQuad = nQuad, family = family, center_group = center_group, center_grand = center_grand, fast = fast, ...)
    call$tolerance <- NULL
    res$call <- call
  } else {
    # specify a starting nQuad
    nQuad <- Inf
    diff <- Inf
    if (verbose > 0) {
      eout("Trying nQuad = ", nQuad, ".")
    res0 <- mix(formula,
      data = edf, weights = c("pwt1", "pwt2"), verbose = verboseAll, nQuad = nQuad, family = family,
      center_group = center_group, center_grand = center_grand, fast = fast, ...

    while (diff > tolerance) {
      nQuad <- nQuad + 2
      if (verbose > 0) {
        eout("Trying nQuad = ", nQuad, ".")
      res <- mix(formula, data = edf, weights = c("pwt1", "pwt2"), verbose = verboseAll, nQuad = nQuad, family = family, center_group = center_group, center_grand = center_grand, fast = fast, ...)
      # diff is the percentage difference of new lnl and old lnl
      diff <- abs(res$lnl - res0$lnl) / abs(res0$lnl)
      res0 <- res

    # Return results
    call$nQuad <- nQuad
    res$call <- call
    class(res) <- "mixedSdfResults"
  } # end else if(!is.null(nQuad))

#' @method summary mixedSdfResults
#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
#' @export
summary.mixedSdfResults <- function(object, ...) {
  # in the plausible values case there is no lnl and variance is already calcuated
  object$coef <- cbind(Estimate = object$coef, "Std. Error" = object$se[seq_along(object$coef)], "t value" = object$coef / object$se[seq_along(object$coef)])
  object$vars <- object$varmatSum
  class(object) <- "summary.mixedSdfResults"

#' @method print summary.mixedSdfResults
#' @export
print.summary.mixedSdfResults <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), nsmall = 2, use_es_round=getOption("EdSurvey_round_output"), ...) {
  if(use_es_round) {
    x <- es_round(x)
  eout(paste0("Formula: ", paste(deparse(x$call$formula), collapse = ""), "\n"))

  if (x$npv > 1) {
    eout(paste0("Plausible Values: ", x$npv))
  eout("Number of Groups:")
  print(x$groupSum, digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall, row.names = FALSE, ...)

  eout("Variance terms:")
  vars <- x$vars
  cori <- 1
  corvi <- paste0("Corr", cori)
  while (corvi %in% colnames(vars)) {
    vars[[corvi]] <- as.character(round(vars[[corvi]], 2))
    cori <- cori + 1
    corvi <- paste0("Corr", cori)
  print(vars, na.print = "", row.names = FALSE, digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall, ...)
  eout("Fixed Effects:")
  printCoefmat(x$coef, digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall, ...)
  if (x$npv == 1) { # only print lnl if non plausible values case
    eout(paste0("lnl=", format(x$lnl, nsmall = 2)))
  if (!is.na(x$ICC)) {
    if (x$npv != 1) {
    eout(paste0("Intraclass Correlation= ", format(x$ICC, nsmall = 3, digits = 3)))

#' @method vcov mixedSdfResults
#' @export
vcov.mixedSdfResults <- function(object, ...) {

#' @method coef  mixedSdfResults
#' @export
coef.mixedSdfResults <- function(object, ...) {

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EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.