#' @title PISA YAFS (Young Adult Follow-up Study)
#' @description Opens a connection to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) YAFS 2016 data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param datPath a character value of the file location where the data file (.dat) file is saved.
#' @param spsPath a character value of the file location where the SPSS (.sps) script file is saved to parse the \code{datPath} data file.
#' @param esdf_PISA2012_USA (optional) an \code{} of the USA PISA 2012 data if planning to analyze the PISA YAFS data alongside the USA PISA 2012 dataset.
#' @details Reads in the unzipped files for the PISA YAFS. The PISA YAFS dataset is a follow-up study of a subset of the students who
#' participated in the PISA 2012 USA study. It can be analyzed on its own as a singular dataset or optionally merged with the PISA 2012 USA data,
#' in which case there will be two sets of weights in the merged dataset (the default PISA YAFS weights and the PISA 2012 USA weights).
#' @return An \code{} for the PISA YAFS dataset if the \code{esdf_PISA2012_USA} parameter is \code{NULL}. If the PISA 2012 USA \code{} is specified for the \code{esdf_PISA2012_USA}
#' parameter, then the resulting dataset will return an \code{} allowing analysis for a combined dataset.
#' @seealso \code{\link{readPISA}}
#' @author Tom Fink
#' @example man/examples/readPISA_YAFS.R
#' @export
readPISA_YAFS <- function(datPath = file.path(getwd(), "PISA_YAFS2016_Data.dat"),
spsPath = file.path(getwd(), "PISA_YAFS2016_SPSS.sps"),
esdf_PISA2012_USA = NULL) {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
datPath <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(datPath), winslash = "/"))
spsPath <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(spsPath), winslash = "/"))
if (!file.exists(datPath)) {
stop(eout(paste0("Cannot find specified ", sQuote("datPath"), " file ", sQuote(datPath), ".")))
if (!file.exists(spsPath)) {
stop(eout(paste0("Cannot find specified ", sQuote("spsPath"), " file ", sQuote(spsPath), ".")))
if (is.null(esdf_PISA2012_USA)) {
esdf_PISA2012_USA <- NULL
hasPISA2012_USA <- FALSE
} else {
checkDataClass(esdf_PISA2012_USA, c(""))
if (esdf_PISA2012_USA$survey != "PISA") {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("esdf_PISA2012_USA"), " must be for the 2012 United States of American PISA survey."))
if (esdf_PISA2012_USA$country != "United States of America") {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("esdf_PISA2012_USA"), " must be for the 2012 United States of American PISA survey."))
if (esdf_PISA2012_USA$year != "2012") {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("esdf_PISA2012_USA"), " must be for the 2012 United States of American PISA survey."))
hasPISA2012_USA <- TRUE
fileFormat <- parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS(spsPath)
fileFormat <- validateFWF_FileFormat(fileFormat) # ensure no FWF spacing gaps
lafObj <- laf_open_fwf(datPath, fileFormat$dataType, fileFormat$Width, column_names = fileFormat$variableName)
# validate LaF can read data
tryCatch(lafObj[1, ],
error = function(e) {
fileFormat <- identifyPISA_YAFS_Weights(fileFormat)
weights <- buildPISA_YAFS_WeightList(fileFormat)
attr(weights, "default") <- "w_yfstuwt"
fileFormat <- identifyPVVARS_PISA_YAFS(fileFormat)
pvs <- buildPVVARS_PISA_YAFS(fileFormat)
attr(pvs, "default") <- "lit"
omittedLevels <- c("NA", "N/A", "Not Applicable", "Invalid", "No Response", NA, "(Missing)", "ESO non-respondents", "Valid Skip", "Not Answered")
# achievement level definition
achList <- list()
achLevel <- c(176, 226, 276, 326, 376)
names(achLevel) <- c("Proficiency Level 1", "Proficiency Level 2", "Proficiency Level 3", "Proficiency Level 4", "Proficiency Level 5")
achList$Literacy <- achLevel
achList$Numeracy <- achLevel
subj <- c("Literacy", "Numeracy")
surveyName <- "PISA YAFS"
if (hasPISA2012_USA) {
subj <- c(subj, esdf_PISA2012_USA$subject)
dataList <- buildPISA_YAFS_DataListMerged(lafObj, fileFormat, esdf_PISA2012_USA)
# adjust other details about the to accomodate both datasets
weights <- c(weights, esdf_PISA2012_USA$weights)
attr(weights, "default") <- "w_yfstuwt"
pvs <- c(pvs, esdf_PISA2012_USA$pvvars)
attr(pvs, "default") <- "lit"
achList <- c(achList, esdf_PISA2012_USA$achievementLevels)
psuVar <- esdf_PISA2012_USA$psuVar
stratumVar <- esdf_PISA2012_USA$stratumVar
omittedLevels <- unique(c(omittedLevels, esdf_PISA2012_USA$omittedLevels))
validateFactorLabels <- TRUE
surveyName <- "PISA YAFS merged w/ USA PISA 2012"
} else {
dataList <- buildPISA_YAFS_DataList(lafObj, fileFormat) # PISA YAFS Only
psuVar <- NULL
stratumVar <- NULL
validateFactorLabels <- FALSE
userConditions = list(),
defaultConditions = NULL,
dataList = dataList,
weights = weights,
pvvars = pvs,
subject = subj,
year = "2016",
assessmentCode = "Longitudinal",
dataType = "Longitudinal Data",
gradeLevel = "",
achievementLevels = achList, # no achievement levels
omittedLevels = omittedLevels,
survey = surveyName,
country = "USA",
psuVar = psuVar,
stratumVar = stratumVar,
jkSumMultiplier = 0.05, # same as PISA specification
validateFactorLabels = validateFactorLabels, # the validateFactorLabels will check in `getData` if all values have a defined label, any missing labels will be automatically added.
reqDecimalConversion = FALSE
) # decimal conversion is not needed
# identified the ELS weights based on the file format data.frame and marks them as weights TRUE/FALSE in the fileFormat
identifyPISA_YAFS_Weights <- function(fileFormat) {
varNames <- fileFormat$variableName
# identify weight vars
wgtVars <- grep("^W_YFSTUWT$", varNames, value = TRUE, = TRUE)
# TRUE/FALSE on if the variable is a weight at all
fileFormat$weights <- fileFormat$variableName %in% wgtVars
# prepares the weight list for the based on the identified TRUE weights in the fileFormat
buildPISA_YAFS_WeightList <- function(fileFormat) {
wgtVars <- fileFormat[fileFormat$weights == TRUE, "variableName"]
# no wgts found
if (length(wgtVars) == 0) {
weights <- list()
for (xWgt in wgtVars) {
tempVar <- tolower(substr(xWgt, 1, 6)) # grab the left 6 characters
wgtPattern <- paste0("^", tempVar, "R\\d+$")
ujkz <- unique(tolower(grep(wgtPattern, fileFormat$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE)))
ujkz <- ujkz[ujkz != tempVar] # remove the weight value itself from the replicates
ujkz <- gsub(tempVar, "", ujkz, = TRUE) # strip away and leave just the numeric variable name ending as a string
ujkz <- gsub("R", "", ujkz, = TRUE)
if (length(ujkz) > 0) {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = paste0(tempVar, "r"), jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- xWgt
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
buildPISA_YAFS_DataList <- function(dataLaF, fileFormat) {
dataList <- list()
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["Data"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = dataLaF,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
levelLabel = "Data",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
buildPISA_YAFS_DataListMerged <- function(dataLaF, fileFormat, esdf_pisa2012_USA) {
dataList <- list()
# fileformat columns are different between PISA USA 2012 (14 cols) and PISA YAFS (11 cols) from the read-in
# normalize them otherwise errors occur in getData
pisaDL <- esdf_pisa2012_USA$dataList[[1]]
pisaDL$levelLabel <- "PISA2012_USA"
pFF <- pisaDL$fileFormat
pFF <- pFF[colnames(fileFormat)]
# fix issue for having 'repeat' as a variable name which is a reserved keyword in R.
# this gets automatically fixed in the LaF package to a variable name of 'repeat.' so this corrects that issue!
pFF$variableName[pFF$variableName %in% c("repeat")] <- paste0(pFF$variableName[pFF$variableName %in% c("repeat")], ".")
pisaDL$fileFormat <- pFF
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["PISA2012_USA"]] <- pisaDL
dataList[["PISA_YAFS"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = dataLaF,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
levelLabel = "PISA_YAFS",
forceMerge = FALSE,
parentMergeLevels = c("PISA2012_USA", "PISA2012_USA"),
parentMergeVars = c("schoolid", "stidstd"),
mergeVars = c("schoolid", "stidstd"),
ignoreVars = NULL, # only overlapping variables are the merge variables so you don't need to specify anything
isDimLevel = FALSE
identifyPVVARS_PISA_YAFS <- function(fileFormat) {
# find the index postions of the PVVAR variables
pvIdx <- which(grepl("^PV[0-9]+(LIT|NUM)$", fileFormat$variableName, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
# pull out the weight (1 to 10) value
wtVal <- gsub("[A-z]", "", fileFormat$variableName[pvIdx], = TRUE)
fileFormat$pvWt[pvIdx] <- wtVal
pvvar <- tolower(substr(fileFormat$variableName[pvIdx], nchar(fileFormat$variableName[pvIdx]) - 2, nchar(fileFormat$variableName[pvIdx])))
fileFormat$Type[pvIdx] <- pvvar
# builds the list of pvvars from the passed fileformat data.frame
buildPVVARS_PISA_YAFS <- function(fileFormat, defaultPV = "lit") {
pvFields <- subset(fileFormat, nchar(fileFormat$Type) > 0) # type is identified in identifyPVVARS_PISA_YAFS function
constructs <- unique(pvFields$Type)
pvvars <- vector("list", length(constructs))
names(pvvars) <- constructs
for (i in names(pvvars)) {
varList <- tolower(pvFields$variableName[pvFields$Type == i]) # don't sort here to keep them in 1-10 order (as ordered in the data)
achLevel <- c(176, 226, 276, 326, 376)
names(achLevel) <- c("Proficiency Level 1", "Proficiency Level 2", "Proficiency Level 3", "Proficiency Level 4", "Proficiency Level 5")
pvvars[[i]] <- list(varnames = varList, achievementLevel = achLevel)
# test if defaultPV in the list and make it default::otherwise set it to the first pvvar in the list
if (defaultPV %in% names(pvvars)) {
attr(pvvars, "default") <- defaultPV
} else {
attr(pvvars, "default") <- names(pvvars)[1]
# parses the SPSS script accompanying the PISA YAFS fixed-width data file into a formated fileFormat object
parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS <- function(spssFP) {
if (!file.exists(spssFP)) {
stop(paste0("Unable to locate ", dQuote("spssFP"), " file at location: ", dQuote(spssFP)))
lines <- readLines(spssFP)
lines <- lines[!(nchar(trimws(lines, which = "both")) == 0)] # remove empty lines
functionStartRow <- list()
functionStartRow$fileHandle <- which(grepl("^FILE HANDLE", lines, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
functionStartRow$dataList <- which(grepl("^DATA LIST", lines, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
functionStartRow$variableLabels <- which(grepl("^VARIABLE LABELS", lines, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
functionStartRow$missingValues <- which(grepl("^MISSING VALUES", lines, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
functionStartRow$valueLabels <- which(grepl("^VALUE LABELS", lines, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
functionPart <- list()
functionPart$fileHandle <- getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part(lines, functionStartRow$fileHandle)
functionPart$dataList <- getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part(lines, functionStartRow$dataList)
functionPart$variableLabels <- getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part(lines, functionStartRow$variableLabels)
functionPart$missingValues <- getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part(lines, functionStartRow$missingValues)
functionPart$valueLabels <- getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part(lines, functionStartRow$valueLabels)
# get a list of each individual parts pieces of info
dl <- parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_DataList(functionPart$dataList)
varLbl <- parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_VariableLabels(functionPart$variableLabels)
valLbl <- parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_ValueLabels(functionPart$valueLabels)
dict <- list(
"variableName" = character(0),
"Start" = integer(0),
"End" = integer(0),
"Width" = integer(0),
"Decimal" = integer(0),
"Labels" = character(0),
"labelValues" = character(0),
"Type" = character(0),
"pvWt" = character(0),
"dataType" = character(0),
"weights" = character(0)
dict$variableName <- dl$variableName
dict$Start <- dl$Start
dict$End <- dl$End
dict$Width <- dl$Width
i <- 1
for (var in dict$variableName) {
xLbl <- varLbl$varDesc[tolower(varLbl$variableName) == tolower(var)]
xValLbl <- valLbl$valLblDesc[tolower(valLbl$variableName) == tolower(var)]
xAttr <- dl$Attributes[tolower(dl$variableName) == tolower(var)]
xAttr <- gsub("(", "", xAttr, fixed = TRUE)
xAttr <- gsub(")", "", xAttr, fixed = TRUE)
dict$Labels[[i]] <- ifelse(length(xLbl) > 0, xLbl, "")
dict$labelValues[[i]] <- ifelse(length(xValLbl) > 0, xValLbl, "")
if (grepl("^[0-9]+$", xAttr)) { # a numeric digit here indicates it's decimal formatting, meaning it's a decimal value
dict$Decimal[[i]] <- as.numeric(xAttr)
dict$dataType[[i]] <- "numeric"
} else if (grepl("^A$", xAttr, = TRUE)) { # the 'A' tells you it's alphanumeric/character value
dict$Decimal[[i]] <- NA
dict$dataType[[i]] <- "character"
} else { # otherwise the default is integer
dict$Decimal[[i]] <- 0
dict$dataType[[i]] <- "integer"
i <- i + 1
} # end for(var in dict$variableName)
dict$Type <- rep("", times = length(dict$variableName)) # default
dict$pvWt <- rep("", times = length(dict$variableName)) # default
dict$weights <- rep(FALSE, times = length(dict$variableName)) # default value::to be calced later
return(data.frame(dict, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
getSPSS_PISA_YAFS_Part <- function(lines, startLineNo) {
linePart <- lines[startLineNo:length(lines)]
endPositions <- grepl("[.]$", linePart)
endPos <- which(endPositions, arr.ind = TRUE)[1]
parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_DataList <- function(lines) {
dl <- list(
variableName = character(0),
Start = integer(0),
End = integer(0),
Width = integer(0),
Attributes = character(0)
fullStr <- trimws(paste0(lines, collapse = " "), which = "both") # easier to work with one large string vs an array in this context
argItems <- unlist(strsplit(fullStr, "/", fixed = TRUE)) # split by '/' character. creates vector of 2 items. first item is the function call; second item are the arguments
valParts <- unlist(strsplit(trimws(argItems[2], which = "both"), " ", fixed = TRUE)) # get the function arguments and parse them into individual pieces
valParts <- valParts[!(nchar(trimws(valParts, which = "both")) == 0)]
varIdx <- which(grepl("^[A-z].*", valParts, = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
vars <- tolower(valParts[varIdx])
pos <- valParts[varIdx + 1]
attr <- rep("", times = length(vars))
# gather the attributes as applicable for the variable
iPos <- 1 # need incremental index for assigning back to the 'attr' vector
for (i in varIdx) {
x <- i + 2 # attributes are 3rd agument after the variable name in the sequence. these are always contained in parenthesis: "(A)" or "(6)" for example
if (x <= length(valParts)) {
testVal <- valParts[x]
if (grepl("^[(].*[)]", testVal)) {
attr[iPos] <- grep("^[(].*[)]", testVal, value = TRUE) # only grabs the parenthesis and the value inside the parens
} else {
attr[iPos] <- ""
iPos <- iPos + 1
} # end for(i in varIdx)
attr <- gsub(".", "", attr, fixed = TRUE) # remove any periods, only really applicable for the last item if next to the '.' terminator
# clean up the start/end positions and calculate the width of the field
sp <- rep(-1, times = length(vars))
ep <- rep(-1, times = length(vars))
posTemp <- strsplit(pos, "-", fixed = TRUE)
for (i in seq_along(posTemp)) {
if (length(posTemp[[i]]) > 1) {
sp[i] <- as.numeric(posTemp[[i]][1])
ep[i] <- as.numeric(posTemp[[i]][2])
} else {
sp[i] <- as.numeric(posTemp[[i]][1])
ep[i] <- as.numeric(posTemp[[i]][1])
# build the output list
dl$variableName <- tolower(vars)
dl$Start <- sp
dl$End <- ep
dl$Width <- (ep - sp) + 1
dl$Attributes <- attr
parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_VariableLabels <- function(lines) {
varLbl <- list(
variableName = character(0),
varDesc = character(0)
parts <- trimws(lines, which = "both")
parts <- parts[!grepl("^VARIABLE LABELS", parts)]
# splitting by the double-quote character of the line as each line is it's own variable
subParts <- strsplit(parts, "\"", fixed = TRUE)
vars <- rep("", times = length(subParts))
desc <- rep("", times = length(subParts))
for (i in seq_along(subParts)) {
vars[i] <- tolower(trimws(subParts[[i]][1], which = "both"))
desc[i] <- paste(trimws(subParts[[i]][-1], which = "both"), collapse = "")
# prep output
varLbl$variableName <- vars
varLbl$varDesc <- desc
parseSPSS_PISA_YAFS_ValueLabels <- function(lines) {
valLbl <- list(
variableName = character(0),
valLblDesc = character(0)
parts <- lines[!grepl("^VALUE LABELS", lines)]
fullStr <- paste(parts, collapse = "|@*@|") # picked this delimiter as it's highly unlikely to be included as a value label or variable name
subParts <- strsplit(fullStr, " /") # the '/' character denotes a separate assignment definition item so split on that, must have three spaces before the '/'
subParts <- subParts[[1]] # only on item, that will have 1 to n character vectors
# need index for applying labels to the list as there can be multiple variables assigned to the same valueLabel definition
iLbl <- 1
for (i in seq_along(subParts)) {
strVal <- subParts[i]
strVal <- unlist(strsplit(strVal, "|@*@|", fixed = TRUE)) # resplit by this to get each line separately
lblDefIdx <- which(grepl("\\d.*[\"].*[\"]", strVal), arr.ind = TRUE)
lblDef <- strVal[lblDefIdx]
varDef <- strVal[-lblDefIdx]
varDef <- paste(trimws(varDef, which = "both"), collapse = " ") # merge all the lines together as one string
varDef <- unlist(strsplit(varDef, " ", fixed = TRUE)) # split the joined string into each token
varDef <- varDef[!(nchar(varDef) == 0)] # remove any empty tokens; only the var names remain
lblDef <- strsplit(lblDef, "\"", fixed = TRUE)
val <- rep(-1, times = length(lblDef))
txt <- rep("", times = length(lblDef))
testVal <- trimws(lblDef[[1]][1], which = "both") # check the first element of the lblDef to see if the value argument has a value or is empty. empty signifies it's a character value
if (nchar(testVal) > 0 && grepl("^[0-9]*$", testVal, = TRUE)) {
for (j in seq_along(lblDef)) {
val[j] <- as.numeric(trimws(lblDef[[j]][1]))
txt[j] <- trimws(paste(lblDef[[j]][-1], sep = "", collapse = ""))
} else {
for (j in seq_along(lblDef)) {
lblDef[[j]] <- lblDef[[j]][!(nchar(trimws(lblDef[[j]])) == 0)] # remove any empty tokens
val[j] <- trimws(lblDef[[j]][1])
txt[j] <- trimws(paste(lblDef[[j]][-1], sep = "", collapse = ""))
} # end for(j in seq_along(lblDef)
} # end else if(nchar(testVal)>0 && grepl("^[0-9]*$",testVal, = TRUE))
# loop through all the item variables and paste in the valueLabel definition to flatten it
for (xVar in varDef) {
valLbl$variableName[[iLbl]] <- tolower(xVar)
valLbl$valLblDesc[[iLbl]] <- paste(val, txt, sep = "=", collapse = "^")
iLbl <- iLbl + 1 # increment the label index
} # end if(nchar(testVal)>0 && grepl("^[0-9]*$",testVal, = TRUE))
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