
Defines functions externalNormalization blankSubstraction correctNatAb13C normalizeIS dataCorrection readfadatafile searchFAisotopes searchIS addFA changeFArt removeFA curateFAannotations plotFA annotateFA

Documented in addFA annotateFA blankSubstraction changeFArt correctNatAb13C curateFAannotations dataCorrection externalNormalization normalizeIS plotFA readfadatafile removeFA searchFAisotopes searchIS

# annotateFA
#' FA annotation
#' FA annotation
#' @param msbatch msbatch obtained from LipidMS package.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm.
#' @param rt Optional. Numeric vector of length two specifying the rt range to
#' search for FA.
#' @param adducts character vector specifying adducts.
#' @param db FA database. Data frame with three columns: formula, total (number
#' of carbons and double bounds, i.e. "18:1") and Mass.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msbatch <- annotateFA(msbatch, dmz = 5)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
annotateFA <- function(msbatch,
                       dmz = 5,
                       adducts = c("M-H"),

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!msbatch$grouping$grouped){
    stop("msbatch must be grouped.")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check that all msobjects have an mslevel 1
  whichmslevel1 <- which(unlist(lapply(msbatch$msobjects, function(x)
    1 %in% unique(x$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel))))
  if (length(whichmslevel1) != nrow(msbatch$metaData)){
    warning("Removing samples with no MS1 level for alignment")
    msbatch$metaData <- msbatch$metaData[whichmslevel1,]
    msbatch$msobjects <- msbatch$msobjects[whichmslevel1]

  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(msbatch$features$RT),
  dbs <- LipidMS::assignDB()
  if (missing(db)){
    dbs$fadb <- FAMetA::fattyacidsdb
  } else {
    dbs$fadb <- db

  # Annotate FA
  fas <- LipidMS::findCandidates(msbatch$features[msbatch$features$isotope == "[M+0]",],
                                 db = dbs$fadb,
                                 ppm = dmz,
                                 rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = 5,
                                 dbs = dbs)
  fas <- fas[order(fas$cb, fas$RT),]

  # add an identifier to trace FAs
  fas$ID <- 1:nrow(fas)

  # Save results
  fas <- fas[,unlist(sapply(c("ID", "cb", "adducts", "ppms",
                              colnames(msbatch$features)), match, colnames(fas)))]
  fas$cb <- paste("FA(", fas$cb, ")", sep="")
  colnames(fas)[1:4] <- c("ID", "FAid", "Adducts", "ppm")
  msbatch$fas <- fas[,c("ID", "FAid", "Adducts", "mz", "RT", "iniRT", "endRT")]


# plot FAs
#' Plot FA EICs
#' Plot FA EICs
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm for EIC extraction.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msbatch with saved plots.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msbatch <- annotateFA(msbatch, dmz = 5)
#' plots <- plotFA(msbatch, dmz = 10)
#' pdf("FAs.pdf")
#' for (p in 1:length(plots)){
#'   print(plots[[p]])
#' }
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
plotFA <- function(msbatch, dmz, verbose = TRUE){

  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  on.exit(graphics::par(oldpar, new = FALSE))
  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")

  if (missing(dmz)){
    dmz <- msbatch$grouping$parameters$dmz

  plots <- list()
  counter <- 1
  # for each fa (unique molecular formula)
  for (fa in unique(msbatch$fas$FAid)){
    # subset all isomers for that FA
    isomers <- msbatch$fas[msbatch$fas$FAid == fa,]
    mz <- mean(isomers$mz)
    # define RT range
    iniRT <- min(isomers$iniRT)-20
    if (iniRT < 0){iniRT <- 0}
    endRT <- max(isomers$endRT)+20

    # Extract EIC
    eics <- list()
    for (s in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
      e <- msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$rawData$MS1[abs(msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$rawData$MS1$mz - mz)*1e6/mz <= dmz,, drop = FALSE]
      e <- e[e$RT >= iniRT & e$RT <= endRT,]
      if (nrow(e) > 0){
        eics[[s]] <- e[order(e$RT), c("RT", "int")]
      } else {
        eics[[s]] <- data.frame()
    maxint <- max(unlist(lapply(eics, function(x) if(nrow(x) > 0){max(x$int, na.rm = TRUE)} else {0})), na.rm = TRUE)

    # Extract peak for each isomer
    peaks <- list()
    for (p in 1:nrow(isomers)){
      peaks[[p]] <- list()
    for (p in 1:nrow(isomers)){
      iniRT2 <- isomers$iniRT[p]
      endRT2 <- isomers$endRT[p]
      for (s in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
        e <- eics[[s]]
        e <- e[e$RT >= iniRT2 & e$RT <= endRT2,]
        if (nrow(e) > 0){
          peaks[[p]][[s]] <- e[order(e$RT), c("RT", "int")]
        } else {
          peaks[[p]][[s]] <- data.frame()

    # Plot each isomer
    palette <- c("#42858C", "#FE9300", "#870E75", "#3E71A8",
                 "#7F8E39", "#5F3659", "#E5C616",
                 "#16A08CFF", "#FE6900", "#628395", "#C5D86D", "#969696FF",
                 "#358359FF", "#9F4D23FF", "#D86C4FFF", "#170C2EFF",
                 "#473B75FF", "#F19C1FFF",
                 "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677", "#88CCEE",
                 "#44AA99", "#332288", "#AA4499", "#999933",
                 "#882255", "#661100", "#6699CC", "#888888")
    if (nrow(isomers) > length(palette)){
      colors <- grDevices::colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y|white|light', grDevices::colors(), invert = T)]
      colors <- sample(colors, size = (nrow(isomers) - length(palette)))
      palette <- c(palette, colors)

    for (p in 1:nrow(isomers)){
      grDevices::pdf(NULL) # use a pdf NULL device to save plots to an object
      grDevices::dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
      graphics::par(mar = c(3,4,4,1), mgp=c(2,1,0), bg = "white")
      startat <- 1
      start <- FALSE
      while (!start){
        if (nrow(eics[[startat]]) > 0){
          smt <- tryCatch({stats::predict(stats::smooth.spline(eics[[startat]]$RT,
                                          x = eics[[startat]]$RT)},
                          error = function(e) {return(list(x = eics[[startat]]$RT,
                                                           y = eics[[startat]]$int))})

          smt$y[smt$y < 0] <- 0

          plot(smt$x, smt$y, type = "l", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, maxint),
               xlim = c(iniRT, endRT),
               col = scales::alpha("grey", 0.7),
               main = paste("ID: ", isomers$ID[p], "; ", fa, "; EIC: ",
                            round(isomers$mz[p],3), "; RT: ",
                            round(isomers$iniRT[p]), "-",
               xlab = "RT (sec)", ylab = "Intensity")
          start <- TRUE
        } else if (nrow(eics[[startat]]) == 0 & startat < length(msbatch$msobjects)) {
          startat <- startat + 1
        } else {
          if(verbose){cat("No peaks found")}
          plot(0, xlim = c(iniRT, endRT), ylim = c(0, 100), type = "l", lwd = 2,
               col = scales::alpha("grey", 0.7),
               main = paste(fa, "; EIC: ", round(isomers$mz[p],3), "; RT: ",
                            round(isomers$iniRT[p]), "-", round(isomers$endRT[p]),
               xlab = "RT (sec)", ylab = "Intensity")
      if (length(eics) > startat){
        if (start){
          for (i in (startat+1):length(eics)){
            if (nrow(eics[[i]]) > 0){
              smt <- tryCatch({stats::predict(stats::smooth.spline(eics[[i]]$RT,
                                                                   eics[[i]]$int, spar=0.05),
                                              x = eics[[i]]$RT)},
                              error = function(e) {return(list(x = eics[[i]]$RT,
                                                               y = eics[[i]]$int))})

              smt$y[smt$y < 0] <- 0
              lines(smt$x, smt$y, type = "l", lwd = 2,
                    col = scales::alpha("grey", 0.7))

      for (i in 1:length(peaks[[p]])){
        if (nrow(peaks[[p]][[i]]) > 0){
          smt <- tryCatch({stats::predict(stats::smooth.spline(peaks[[p]][[i]]$RT,
                                          x = peaks[[p]][[i]]$RT)},
                          error = function(e) {return(list(x = peaks[[p]][[i]]$RT,
                                                           y = peaks[[p]][[i]]$int))})

          smt$y[smt$y < 0] <- NA
          lines(smt$x, smt$y, type = "l", lwd = 2,
                col = scales::alpha(palette[p], 0.7))
      plots[[counter]] <- grDevices::recordPlot() # save plot
      counter <- counter + 1
      invisible(grDevices::dev.off()) # close pdf NULL device


# curateFAannotations
#' Modify FA annotations
#' Modify FA annotations
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param faid data frame with 7 columns (ID, FAid, Adducts, mz, RT, iniRT and
#' endRT) containing curated FAs.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm.
#' @description after FA annotation using \link{annotateFA}, the resulting
#' data frame can be modified to remove rows with unwanted annotation, iniRT and
#' endRT can be changed to redefine peak limits and extra rows may be written to
#' add new annotations. FAid should also be modified to contain unique names
#' such as "FA(16:1)n7" and "FA(16:1)n10" instead of generic "FA(16:1)". For
#' unknown fatty acids use FA(16:1)nx (nx, ny and nz are availables for all FA).
#' Internal standards can also be added to normalize data later. Leave ID and
#' Adducts columns empty, write "IS" at the FAid column and add mz, RT, iniRT
#' and endRT information.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msbatch <- annotateFA(msbatch, dmz = 5)
#' plots <- plotFA(msbatch, dmz = 10)
#' pdf("FAs.pdf")
#' for (p in 1:length(plots)){
#'   print(plots[[p]])
#' }
#' dev.off()
#' write.csv(msbatch$fas, file="faid.csv", row.names=FALSE)
#' faid <- read.csv("faid_curated.csv", sep=",", dec=".")
#' msbatch <- curateFAannotations(msbatch, faid)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
curateFAannotations <- function(msbatch, faid, dmz = 10){

  # check arguments (por acabar)
  faid$FAid <- gsub("[ \\.]", "", faid$FAid)

  msbatch$fas$iniRT <- round(msbatch$fas$iniRT, 4)
  msbatch$fas$endRT <- round(msbatch$fas$endRT, 4)
  faid$iniRT <- round(faid$iniRT, 4)
  faid$endRT <- round(faid$endRT, 4)
  rownames(msbatch$fas) <- msbatch$fas$ID

  if (any(duplicated(faid$FAid))){
    message(paste(unique(faid$FAid[duplicated(faid$FAid)]), collapse=", "), "duplicated.")
    stop("Compound names (FAid column) must be unique.")
  if (any(duplicated(faid$ID) & !is.na(faid$ID))){
    stop("ID must be unique.")

  faid <- faid[order(faid$ID),]
  # remove FA
  toremove <- msbatch$fas$ID[!msbatch$fas$ID %in% faid$ID]
  if (length(toremove) > 0){
    msbatch <- removeFA(msbatch, ids = toremove)

  msbatch$fas <- msbatch$fas[unlist(sapply(msbatch$fas$ID, match, faid$ID)),]
  msbatch$fas <- msbatch$fas[!is.na(msbatch$fas$FAid),]
  # change FA
  tochange <- faid$ID[which(faid$iniRT[faid$ID %in% msbatch$fas$ID] != msbatch$fas$iniRT |
                      faid$endRT[faid$ID %in% msbatch$fas$ID] != msbatch$fas$endRT)]
  if (length(tochange) > 0){
    msbatch <- changeFArt(msbatch, id = tochange,
                          from = faid$iniRT[unlist(sapply(tochange, match, faid$ID))],
                          to = faid$endRT[unlist(sapply(tochange, match, faid$ID))])

  # add new FA
  toadd <- which(is.na(faid$ID) & faid$FAid != "IS")
  if (length(toadd) > 0){
    msbatch <- addFA(msbatch, dmz=dmz, faid = faid$FAid[toadd],
                     adducts = faid$Adducts[toadd],
                     mz = faid$mz[toadd],
                     from = faid$iniRT[toadd],
                     to = faid$endRT[toadd])

  # update FAid
  msbatch$fas$FAid[msbatch$fas$ID %in% faid$ID] <-
    faid$FAid[unlist(sapply(faid$ID[faid$ID %in% msbatch$fas$ID], match, msbatch$fas$ID))]

  msbatch$fas <- msbatch$fas[order(msbatch$fas$FAid),]

  # search IS
  if (any(faid$FAid == "IS")){
    is <- which(faid$FAid == "IS")
    msbatch <- searchIS(msbatch, mz = faid$mz[is], rt = faid$RT[is],
                        minRT = faid$iniRT[is], maxRT = faid$endRT[is],
                        dmz = dmz)


# remove incorrect FA
#' Remove incorrect FA annotations
#' Remove incorrect FA annotations
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param ids integer vector specifying FA ids to be removed.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
removeFA <- function(msbatch, ids){

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check FA info
  if (missing(ids)){
    stop("FA IDs are required to remove them from annotation results")

  # Remove FA
  msbatch$fas <- msbatch$fas[!msbatch$fas$ID %in% ids,]


# changeFArt
#' Modify rt peak limits of annotated FAs
#' Modify rt peak limits of annotated FAs
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param id integer vector specifying FA ids to be modified.
#' @param from numeric vector specifying the peak start.
#' @param to numeric vector specifying the peak end.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
changeFArt <- function(msbatch, id, from, to){

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check FA info
  if (missing(id)){
    stop("FA ID is required")
  if (missing(from)){
    stop("from argument is required. When does the peak start?")
  if (missing(to)){
    stop("to argument is required. When does the peak end?")
  if (length(id) != length(from) || length(id) != length(to)){
    stop(" id, from and to vectors must have the same length")

  # Change FA RTs
  for (i in 1:length(id)){
    msbatch$fas$iniRT[msbatch$fas$ID == id[i]] <- from[i]
    msbatch$fas$endRT[msbatch$fas$ID == id[i]] <- to[i]


# addFA
#' Add missing FA annotations
#' Add missing FA annotations
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm.
#' @param faid character vector specifying FA names (i.e. "FA(16:1)").
#' @param adducts character vector specifying adducts.
#' @param mz numeric vector specifying FA mz.
#' @param from numeric vector specifying the peak start.
#' @param to numeric vector specifying the peak end.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
addFA <- function(msbatch, dmz = 5, faid, adducts = "M-H", mz, from, to){

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check FA info
  if (missing(faid)){
    stop("FA ID is required")
  if (length(adducts) == 1){
    adducts <- rep(adducts, length(faid))
  if (missing(mz)){
    stop("mz is required")
  if (missing(from)){
    stop("from argument is required. When does the peak start?")
  if (missing(to)){
    stop("to argument is required. When does the peak end?")
  if (length(faid) != length(from) || length(faid) != length(to)){
    stop("faid, adducts, from and to vectors must have the same length")

  # add FA
  idstart <- max(msbatch$fas$ID)+1
  id <- idstart
  for (f in 1:length(faid)){
    newrow <- c(ID = id,
                FAid = faid[f],
                Adducts = adducts[f],
                mz = mz[f],
                RT = mean(from[f], to[f]),
                iniRT = from[f],
                endRT = to[f])
    msbatch$fas <- rbind(msbatch$fas, newrow)
    id <- id + 1
  # tonumeric <- which(!colnames(msbatch$fas) %in% c("FAid", "Adducts", "isotope"))
  tonumeric <- which(!colnames(msbatch$fas) %in% c("FAid", "Adducts"))
  msbatch$fas[,tonumeric] <- apply(msbatch$fas[,tonumeric], 2, as.numeric)


# searchIS
#' Search internal stardards.
#' Search internal stardards.
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param mz numeric vector specifying IS mz.
#' @param rt numeric vector specifying IS rt.
#' @param minRT numeric vector specifying lower limits for IS rt.
#' @param maxRT numeric vector specifying upper limits for IS rt.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm.
#' @return annotated msbatch.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
searchIS <- function(msbatch, mz, rt, minRT, maxRT, dmz = 10){

  if(length(mz) != length(rt)){
    stop("mz and rt vectors must have the same length")

  is <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(mz)){
    matches <- mzMatch(mz[i], msbatch$features$mz, ppm = dmz)
    matches <- matches[seq(1, length(matches), 2)]
    rts <- msbatch$features$RT[matches]
    if (length(rts) > 0){
      rts <- rts[rts <= maxRT[i] & rts >= minRT[i]]

    if (length(rts) > 0){
      matches <- matches[which.min(abs(rts - rt[i]))]
      is[[i]] <- as.numeric(msbatch$features[matches, colnames(msbatch$features) %in%
      is[[i]][is[[i]] == 0] <- 1
    } else {
      is[[i]] <- rep(1, nrow(msbatch$metaData))
  is <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, is))
  colnames(is) <- make.names(msbatch$metaData$sample)
  rownames(is) <- make.names(mz)
  msbatch$IS <- is


# searchFAisotopes
#' Search FA isotopes
#' Search FA isotopes
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param dmz mz tolerance in ppm.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and isotope peaks.
#' @return fadata list.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fadata <- searchFAisotopes(msbatch, dmz = 10, coelCutoff = 0.4)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
searchFAisotopes <- function(msbatch,
                             dmz = 5,
                             coelCutoff = 0.7){

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check FA info

  # Change msbatch structure to make it compatible with LipidMS::searchIsotopes
  features <- msbatch$features
  msbatch$features <- msbatch$fas
  msbatch$features$LipidMSid <- gsub("n[a-z]|n[0-9]*", "", msbatch$features$FAid)
  intmatrix <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(msbatch$fas),
  colnames(intmatrix) <- make.names(msbatch$metaData$sample)
  msbatch$features <- data.frame(cbind(msbatch$features, intmatrix))
  msbatch$features$minmz <- msbatch$features$maxmz <- msbatch$features$minRT <-
    msbatch$features$maxRT <- msbatch$features$npeaks <- msbatch$features$group <-
    msbatch$features$isotope <- msbatch$features$isoGroup <- NA
  msbatch$features <- msbatch$features[,c("ID", "FAid", "LipidMSid", "Adducts", colnames(features))]

  # Search isotopes for all identified FA
  isotopes <- searchIsotopesmsbatch(msbatch,
                                    label = "13C",
                                    adductsTable = LipidMS::adductsTable,
                                    ppm = dmz,
                                    coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  msbatch$features <- msbatch$features[,c("ID", "FAid", "Adducts", "mz", "RT",
                                          "iniRT", "endRT")]

  # add identifiers to isotopes
  ids <- msbatch$features$ID
  m0 <- which(isotopes$Isotope == "[M+0]")
  m0 <- c(m0, nrow(isotopes)+1)

  newids <- rep(0, nrow(isotopes))
  for (r in 1:(length(m0)-1)){
    newids[m0[r]:(m0[r+1]-1)] <- ids[r]
  isotopes <- data.frame(ID = newids, isotopes)

  isotopes <- isotopes[order(isotopes$ID, isotopes$mz),]

  # Save results
  # undo structure changes
  msbatch$fas <- msbatch$features
  msbatch$features <- features
  # save results
  isotopes$LipidMSid <- msbatch$fas$FAid[unlist(sapply(isotopes$ID, match, msbatch$fas$ID))]
  colnames(isotopes)[2] <- "FAid"
  msbatch$isotopes <- isotopes

  # get fadata list
  fadata <- msbatch2fadata(msbatch, msbatch$fas)


# readfadatafile
#' read FA data from a csv file.
#' read FA data from a csv file.
#' @param file csv file name.
#' @param sep column delimiter.
#' @param dec character used for decimal points.
#' @description First rows must contain metadata information such
#' as sample groups (row named sampletype) and any other extra information like
#' protein levels for external normalization. Then, the following row must
#' contain a Compound and Label columns followed by all sample names.
#' FA names must be unique and omega series must be indicated
#' (i.e. FA(20:4)n3, FA(24:1)n9, FA(16:0)). Unknown FA series can be named as nx,
#' ny, nz to differentiate between isomers. Labels must be specified with integer
#' numbers for 0 to maximum number of carbons.
#' @return fadata.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fadata <- readfadatafile("externafadata.csv", sep=",", dec=".")
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
readfadatafile <- function(file, sep = ",", dec = "."){

  # read fadata file
  if (tools::file_ext(file) != "csv"){
    stop("Input file must be a csv")
  data <- read.csv(file, header = FALSE, sep = sep, dec = dec)
  if (!all(c("sampletype", "Label") %in% data[,2])){
    stop("Please check input format")

  # read metadata
  toptable <- 1:(which(data[,2] == "Label")-1)
  metadata <-  t(data[toptable, 2:ncol(data), drop=FALSE])
  colnames(metadata) <- metadata[1,]
  metadata <- metadata[2:nrow(metadata),, drop=FALSE]

  # Clean input data
  cnames <- data[which(data[,2] == "Label"),]
  if (any(!cnames[1:2] %in% c("Compound", "Label"))){
    stop("Two first columns must be Compound and Label")
  if (nrow(metadata) != ncol(data) - 2){
    stop("Check groups")

  # read data
  data <- data[(which(data[,2] == "Label")+1):nrow(data), , drop = FALSE]
  colnames(data) <- as.character(cnames)

  fattyacids <- data[,c("Compound", "Label")]
  fattyacids <- fattyacids[!apply(fattyacids, 1, function(x) all(x == "")),]
  fattyacids$Label <- as.numeric(fattyacids$Label)
  data <- data[,3:ncol(data) , drop = FALSE]
  data <- data[!apply(data, 1, function(x) all(x == "")),, drop=FALSE]
  data <- data.frame(apply(data, 2, as.numeric))

  data <- data[order(fattyacids$Compound, fattyacids$Label),, drop = FALSE]
  fattyacids <- fattyacids[order(fattyacids$Compound, fattyacids$Label),]
  rownames(data) <- paste(fattyacids$Compound, "_M+", fattyacids$Label, sep="")

  metadata <- data.frame(sample = colnames(data), metadata)

  # extract IS info
  if(any(fattyacids$Compound == "IS")){
    IS <- data[fattyacids$Compound == "IS",, drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    IS <- t(data.frame(IS = rep(1, nrow(metadata))))
  data <- data[fattyacids$Compound != "IS", , drop=FALSE]
  fattyacids <- fattyacids[fattyacids$Compound != "IS", , drop=FALSE]

  # tidy data
  M <- as.numeric(sapply(unique(fattyacids$Compound), function(x){
    unlist(strsplit(x, "[():]"))[2]

  compounds <- unique(fattyacids$Compound)
  newdata <- c()
  newfattyacids <- c()
  for (c in 1:length(compounds)){
    comp <- data[fattyacids$Compound == compounds[c], , drop = FALSE]
    ss <- sapply(0:M[c], match, fattyacids$Label[fattyacids$Compound == compounds[c]])
    ss <- unlist(lapply(ss, function(x) if(length(x) == 0){NA}else{x}))
    comp <- comp[ss, , drop = FALSE]
    comp[is.na(comp)] <- 0
    mdata <- data.frame(Compound = compounds[c], Label = 0:M[c])
    newdata <- rbind(newdata, comp)
    newfattyacids <- rbind(newfattyacids, mdata)

  colnames(IS) <- colnames(newdata)
  # create fadata
  fadata <- list(metadata = metadata, fattyacids = newfattyacids, IS = IS,
                 intensities = newdata)
  fadata$metadata <- fadata$metadata[order(colnames(fadata$intensities)),]
  if ("IS" %in% names(fadata)){
    fadata$IS <- fadata$IS[,order(colnames(fadata$intensities)), drop=FALSE]
  fadata$intensities <- fadata$intensities[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound,
                             order(colnames(fadata$intensities)), drop = FALSE]
  fadata$fattyacids <- fadata$fattyacids[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound,
                                               fadata$fattyacids$Label),, drop = FALSE]


# dataCorrection
#' Data correction for natural abundance of 13C and data normalization using
#' internal standards followed by blank substraction.
#' Data correction for natural abundance of 13C and data normalization using
#' internal standards followed by blank substraction.
#' @param fadata fadata list.
#' @param correct13C logical. If TRUE, data is corrected for natural abundance
#' of 13C. Set to FALSE if data has been already been corrected.
#' @param blankgroup name used to define blank samples group.
#' @param externalnormalization column name at the metadata data frame of any
#' additional measure that must be used to normalize data (i.e. protein).
#' @param resolution resolution of the mass spectrometer.
#' @param purity13C purity of the tracer employed.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return corrected fadata.
#' @references Su X, Lu W, Rabinowitz J (2017). Metabolite Spectral Accuracy on 
#' Orbitraps. Analytical Chemistry, 89(11), 5940-5948, PMID: 28471646, R package 
#' version 0.2.4 (2021), <https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00396>. 
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ssdata <- dataCorrection(ssexamplefadata, blankgroup="Blank")
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
dataCorrection <-function(fadata,
                          correct13C = TRUE,
                          blankgroup = "blank", 
                          externalnormalization = c(),
                          resolution = 140000, 
                          purity13C = 0.99,
                          verbose = TRUE){

  # Check arguments
  if (!is.list(fadata) | length(fadata) < 3 |
      !all(c("metadata", "fattyacids", "intensities") %in% names(fadata))){
    stop("fadata must be a list with at least 3 elements: metadata, fattyacids
         (data.frame with two columns: Compound and Label) and intensities.")

  # Correct data
  if (correct13C){
    if(verbose){cat("Data correction for natural abundance of 13C...")}
    fadata <- correctNatAb13C(fadata, resolution = resolution, purity = purity13C)
  if ("IS" %in% names(fadata)){
    if(verbose){cat("Data normalization with internal standards...")}
    fadata <- normalizeIS(fadata, verbose = verbose)
  if (length(blankgroup) > 0){
    if(verbose){cat("Blank substraction...")}
    fadata <- blankSubstraction(fadata, blankgroup = blankgroup, verbose = verbose)
  if (length(externalnormalization) > 0){
    if(verbose){cat("External normalization...")}
    fadata <- externalNormalization(fadata, 
                                    externalnormalization = externalnormalization,
                                    verbose = verbose)

  # update fadata
  falist <- lapply(unique(fadata$fattyacids$Compound), function(x)
    fadata$intensities[fadata$fattyacids$Compound==x, ,drop=FALSE])
  mid <- do.call(rbind, lapply(falist, function(x) apply(x, 2, function(y) y/sum(y))))
  rownames(mid) <- paste(fadata$fattyacids$Compound, "_M+", fadata$fattyacids$Label, sep="")
  poolsize <- do.call(rbind, lapply(falist, function(x) apply(x, 2, sum)))
  rownames(poolsize) <- unique(fadata$fattyacids$Compound)
  relativepoolsize <- apply(poolsize, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
  if (nrow(poolsize) == 1){
    relativepoolsize <- t(as.data.frame(relativepoolsize))
  rownames(relativepoolsize) <- rownames(poolsize)
  fadata$mid <- mid
  fadata$poolsize <- poolsize
  fadata$relativepoolsize <- relativepoolsize


# normalizeIS
#' Data normalization using internal stardards.
#' Data normalization using internal stardards.
#' @param fadata fadata list.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return normalised fadata by IS.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
normalizeIS <-function(fadata, verbose = TRUE){

  # Check arguments
  if (!is.list(fadata) | length(fadata) < 3 |
      !all(c("metadata", "fattyacids", "intensities") %in% names(fadata))){
    stop("fadata must be a list with at least 3 elements: metadata, fattyacids
         (data.frame with two columns: Compound and Label) and intensities.")

  if (!"IS" %in% names(fadata)){
    if(verbose){cat("No IS data available.")}
  } else {
    if (nrow(fadata$IS) == 0){
      if(verbose){cat("No IS data available.")}
    if (all(fadata$IS[1,] == 1)){
      if(verbose){cat("No IS data available.")}

  # Normalize by IS
  if ("IS" %in% names(fadata)){
    if (nrow(fadata$IS) > 0){
      fadata$intensities <- sweep(fadata$intensities, 2,
                                  apply(fadata$IS, 2, prod), `/`)
      fadata$IS <- sweep(fadata$IS, 2,
                         apply(fadata$IS, 2, prod), `/`)


# correctNatAb13C
#' correct data for natural abundance of 13C using accucor algorithm.
#' correct data for natural abundance of 13C using accucor algorithm.
#' @param fadata fadata.
#' @param resolution resolution of the mass spectrometer.
#' @param purity purity of the tracer employed.
#' @return corrected fadata.
#' @references Su X, Lu W, Rabinowitz J (2017). “Metabolite Spectral Accuracy on 
#' Orbitraps.” Analytical Chemistry, 89(11), 5940-5948, PMID: 28471646, R package 
#' version 0.2.4 (2021), <https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00396>.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
correctNatAb13C <- function(fadata, resolution = 140000, purity = 0.99){

  # Check arguments
  if (!is.list(fadata) | length(fadata) < 3 |
      !all(c("metadata", "fattyacids", "intensities") %in% names(fadata))){
    stop("fadata must be a list with at least 3 elements: metadata, fattyacids
         (data.frame with two columns: Compound and Label) and intensities.")

  # Prepare data: order each compound by label and get composition
  fadata$intensities <- fadata$intensities[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound,
                                   fadata$fattyacids$Label),, drop = FALSE]

  fadata$fattyacids <- fadata$fattyacids[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound,
                                           fadata$fattyacids$Label),, drop = FALSE]

  fas <- fadata$fattyacids$Compound
  fas <- data.frame(t(sapply(fas, function(x){
    x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "[()]"))
    class <- x[1]
    cdb <- x[2]
    return(c(class, cdb))
  colnames(fas) <- c("Class", "CDB")
  formulas <- do.call(rbind, apply(fas, 1, getFormula,
                                   dbs = list(fadb = FAMetA::fattyacidsdb)))[,1]

  # Correct natural abundance of 13C using accucor package
  CorrMatrix <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(fadata$intensities), nrow=0)
  for (f in unique(fadata$fattyacids$Compound)){

    ss <- which(fadata$fattyacids$Compound == f)
    form <- unique(formulas[ss[order(fadata$fattyacids$Label[ss])]])
    fa <- fadata$intensities[ss[order(fadata$fattyacids$Label[ss])],, drop = FALSE]
    label <- fadata$fattyacids$Label[ss[order(fadata$fattyacids$Label[ss])]]
    corrected <- accucor::carbon_isotope_correction(formula = form,
                                                     datamatrix = as.matrix(fa),
                                                     label = label,
                                                     Resolution = resolution,
                                                     purity = purity,
                                                     ReportPoolSize = FALSE)
    CorrMatrix <- rbind(CorrMatrix, corrected)
  CorrMatrix <- data.frame(CorrMatrix)
  colnames(CorrMatrix) <- colnames(fadata$intensities)

  # save results
  fadata$intensities <- CorrMatrix


# blankSubstraction
#' substract blank samples.
#' substract blank samples.
#' @param fadata fadata.
#' @param blankgroup name used to define blank samples group.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return blank substracted fadata.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
blankSubstraction <- function(fadata, blankgroup = "blank", verbose = TRUE){

  # Check arguments
  if (!is.list(fadata) | length(fadata) < 3 |
      !all(c("metadata", "fattyacids", "intensities") %in% names(fadata))){
    stop("fadata must be a list with at least 3 elements: metadata, fattyacids
         (data.frame with two columns: Compound and Label) and intensities.")

  # Substract mean of blank samples intensities and remove them
  if (any(toupper(fadata$metadata$sampletype) == toupper(blankgroup))){
    blank <- apply(fadata$intensities[,toupper(fadata$metadata$sampletype) == toupper(blankgroup), drop=FALSE],
                   1, mean, na.rm = T)
    fadata$intensities <- fadata$intensities - blank
    fadata$intensities[fadata$intensities < 0] <- 0
    fadata$intensities <- fadata$intensities[,toupper(fadata$metadata$sampletype) != toupper(blankgroup),
                               drop = FALSE]
    fadata$IS <- fadata$IS[,toupper(fadata$metadata$sampletype) != toupper(blankgroup),
                                             drop = FALSE]
    fadata$metadata <- fadata$metadata[toupper(fadata$metadata$sampletype) != toupper(blankgroup),,
                                   drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    if(verbose){cat("No blank samples to substract. Use blankgroup argument to 
    indicate the group name for blank samples.")}


# externalNormalization
#' External normalization using additional measures (i.e. protein levels).
#' External normalization using additional measures (i.e. protein levels).
#' @param fadata fadata list.
#' @param externalnormalization column names of metadata data frame used to
#' define external measures.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return normalised fadata by external measures.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
externalNormalization <-function(fadata, externalnormalization, verbose = TRUE){

  # Check arguments
  if (!is.list(fadata) | length(fadata) < 3 |
      !all(c("metadata", "fattyacids", "intensities") %in% names(fadata))){
    stop("fadata must be a list with at least 3 elements: metadata, fattyacids
         (data.frame with two columns: Compound and Label) and intensities.")

  if (length(externalnormalization) == 0){
    if(verbose){cat("No external measures available")}
  } else {
    fadata$metadata[,externalnormalization] <-
      apply(fadata$metadata[,externalnormalization, drop=FALSE], 2, as.numeric)
    vec <- apply(fadata$metadata[,externalnormalization, drop=FALSE], 1, prod)
    fadata$intensities <- sweep(fadata$intensities, 2, vec, `/`)


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