
Defines functions tree.detection.single.scan

Documented in tree.detection.single.scan

tree.detection.single.scan <- function(data, single.tree = NULL,
                                       dbh.min = 4, dbh.max = 200, h.min = 1.3,
                                       ncr.threshold = 0.1, tls.resolution = list(),
                                       stem.section = NULL, stem.range = NULL, breaks = NULL,
                                       slice = 0.1, understory = NULL, bark.roughness = 1,
                                       den.type = 1, d.top = NULL,
                                       plot.attributes = NULL,
                                       save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL){


  data <- data.table::setDT(data)

  #### Checking some function arguments ####

  # Obtaining working directory for saving files
    dir.result <- getwd()

  # Converting arguments to International System of Units
  # Arguments of the forest inventory

  .dbh.min <- dbh.min / 100
  .dbh.max <- dbh.max / 100

  # Arguments of the TLS precision
  # If resolution is defined by points distance at a certain distance from TLS (mm/m):

    stop("The argument tls.resolution must be defined")

  .point.dist <- tls.resolution$point.dist / 1000
  .tls.dist <- tls.resolution$tls.dist

  # If resolution is defined by angles (?):
  .vertical.angle <- tls.resolution$vertical.angle * 2 * pi / 360
  .horizontal.angle <- tls.resolution$horizontal.angle * 2 * pi / 360

  # Define angle aperture according to available TLS resolution parameters:

  # Angular resolution:


    .alpha.v <- .vertical.angle
    .alpha.h <- .horizontal.angle

  } else {

    .alpha.v <- atan((.point.dist / 2) / .tls.dist) * 2
    .alpha.h <- .alpha.v


  # Obtaining Cartesian coordinates (x,y) from center

  kk <- data[data$phi < (pi/2) & data$prob.selec == 1, c("x", "y", "phi", "rho")]

  x.center <- mean(kk$x - sin(kk$phi) * kk$rho)
  y.center <- mean(kk$y - cos(kk$phi) * kk$rho)


  #### Detecting possible areas with trees in the point cloud ####

    woody <- data[data$GLA <= 0, ]
    woody <- woody[!is.na(woody$x) & !is.na(woody$y) & !is.na(woody$z), ]} else {woody <- data}

  # Statistical filtering of a point cloud
  # Implements the Statistical Outliers Removal (SOR)

  message("Statistical filtering of the whole point cloud")

  woody <- woody[, c("x", "y", "z")]
  woody <- VoxR::filter_noise(data = data.table::setDT(woody), store_noise = TRUE, message = FALSE)

  noise <- woody[woody$Noise == 2, ]

  woody <- woody[woody$Noise == 1, ]

  woody <- merge(data, woody[, c("x", "y", "z")], by = c("x", "y", "z"), all = FALSE)
  noise <- merge(data, noise, by = c("x", "y", "z"), all = FALSE)

  # Detection of stem part without shrub vegetation and crown

  message("Detecting tree stem axes")

  stem <- woody[woody$prob.selec == 1, ]

  # Defining the vertical section in which trees are detected


    stem.section <- .getStem(stem)
    stem.section <- c(stem.section$x, stem.section$x + stem.section$diff)
    stem <- stem[stem$z > stem.section[1] & stem$z < stem.section[2], ]

  } else {

    stem <- stem[stem$z > stem.section[1] & stem$z < stem.section[2], ]


  stem <- VoxR::vox(stem[, c("x", "y", "z")], res = 0.03)
  stem <- stem[, c("x", "y", "z", "npts")]

  stem <- VoxR::project_voxels(stem)
  # plot(stem$x, stem$y, asp = 1, col = "grey")

  # Filtering pixels - double branch peeling

  stem.2 <- NULL

  stem <- stem[stem$npts > mean(stem$npts) & stem$ratio > mean(stem$ratio) & stem$nvox > mean(stem$nvox), ]
  # points(stem$x, stem$y, col = "green")


      stem.2 <- stem[stem$npts > mean(stem$npts), ]

    stem <- stem[stem$npts > mean(stem$npts) & stem$ratio > mean(stem$ratio) & stem$nvox > mean(stem$nvox), ]


  buf <- sf::st_as_sf(stem, coords = c("x","y"))
  # sf::st_crs(buf) <- "+proj=utm +zone=19 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +unit=m"
  buf <- sf::st_buffer(buf, max(.dbh.min, 0.5))
  buf <- sf::st_cast(sf::st_union(buf), "POLYGON")


  if(!is.null(understory) & is.null(single.tree)){

    buf.2 <- sf::st_as_sf(stem.2, coords = c("x","y"))
    # sf::st_crs(buf) <- "+proj=utm +zone=19 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +unit=m"
    buf.2 <- sf::st_buffer(buf.2, max(.dbh.min, 0.5))

    buf.2 <- sf::st_difference(sf::st_union(buf.2), buf, 0.1)

    # Detection of stem part without shrub vegetation and crown

    buf.2 <- buf.2[sf::st_area(buf.2) > (pi / 4)*(.dbh.min + 0.1) ^ 2]

    if(length(buf.2) < 1){

      stem.2 <- NULL

    } else {

      stem.2 <- woody[woody$prob.selec == 1, ]

      stem.3 <- sf::st_intersects(buf, sf::st_as_sf(stem.2, coords = c("x","y")))
      stem.3 <- data.table::setDT(as.data.frame(stem.3))
      colnames(stem.3) <- c("tree", "code")
      stem.2$code <- as.numeric(row.names(stem.2))
      stem.2 <- merge(stem.2, stem.3, by = "code", all = FALSE)
      # stem.2 <- subset(stem.2, select = -code)
      stem.2 <- stem.2[, 2:ncol(stem.2)]


      if(nrow(stem.2) < 1)
        stem.2 <- NULL




  woody.2 <- sf::st_intersects(buf, sf::st_as_sf(woody, coords = c("x","y")))
  woody.2 <- data.table::setDT(as.data.frame(woody.2))
  colnames(woody.2) <- c("tree", "code")
  woody$code <- as.numeric(row.names(woody))
  woody <- merge(woody, woody.2, by = "code", all = FALSE)
  # woody <- subset(woody, select = -code)
  woody <- woody[, 2:ncol(woody)]

  # woody <- woody[woody$tree %in% eje$tree, ]
  woody <- woody[!is.na(woody$tree), ]

  rm(buf, woody.2)

  # If there is only one tree in the point cloud


    filter <- data.frame(table(stem$tree))
    filter <- filter[order(filter$Freq, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    stem <- stem[stem$tree == filter$Var1[1], ]
    # stem$tree <- 1


  # Breaks argument

    breaks <- seq(from = 0.4, to = max(woody$z), by = 0.3)
    breaks <- breaks[-length(breaks)]}

  # rm(stem)

  # Assigning points to trees previously detected

  # woody.2 <- sf::st_intersects(buf, sf::st_as_sf(woody, coords = c("x","y")))
  # woody.2 <- data.table::setDT(as.data.frame(woody.2))
  # colnames(woody.2) <- c("tree", "code")
  # woody$code <- as.numeric(row.names(woody))
  # woody <- merge(woody, woody.2, by = "code", all = FALSE)
  # woody <- subset(woody, select = -code)
  # woody <- woody[!is.na(woody$tree), ]
  # rm(buf, woody.2)

  # Estimating NCR threshold when RGB are available

  # if(!is.null(data$GLA)){
  #   ncr <- data[data$GLA > 0, ]
  #   ncr <- as.matrix(ncr[, c("point", "x", "y", "z")])
  #   ncr.threshold <- ncr_point_cloud_double(ncr[1:10000, ])
  #   ncr.threshold <- mean(ncr.threshold$ncr, na.rm = TRUE)}

  #### Starting with clustering process ####

  .filteraux <- data.frame(cluster = as.numeric(),
                           center.x = as.numeric(), center.y = as.numeric(),
                           center.phi = as.numeric(), center.rho = as.numeric(),
                           center.r = as.numeric(), center.theta = as.numeric(),
                           radius = as.numeric(),
                           n.pts = as.numeric(), n.pts.red = as.numeric(),
                           phi.left = as.numeric(), phi.right = as.numeric(),
                           arc.circ = as.numeric(), sec = as.numeric())

  .filteraux.2 <- data.frame(cluster = as.numeric(),
                             center.x = as.numeric(), center.y = as.numeric(),
                             center.phi = as.numeric(), center.rho = as.numeric(),
                             center.r = as.numeric(), center.theta = as.numeric(),
                             radius = as.numeric(),
                             n.pts = as.numeric(), n.pts.red = as.numeric(),
                             phi.left = as.numeric(), phi.right = as.numeric(),
                             circ = as.numeric(), arc.circ = as.numeric(), sec = as.numeric())

  slice <- slice / 2

  for(cuts in breaks){

    message("Computing section: ", cuts, " m")

    .cut <- woody[which(woody$z > (cuts-slice-0.05) & woody$z < (cuts+slice+0.05)), , drop = FALSE]

    if(nrow(.cut) < 50){next}

    .cut <- as.data.frame(.cut)

    .cut <- .ncr.remove.slice.double(.cut)

    .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$ncr < ncr.threshold | is.na(.cut$ncr)), , drop = FALSE]

    # Restrict to slice corresponding to cuts m +/- 5 cm
    .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$z > (cuts-slice) & .cut$z < (cuts+slice)), , drop = FALSE]

    # DBSCAN parameters
    .eps <- 2 * (tan(.alpha.h / 2) * (max(.cut$r) / cos(mean(.cut$slope, na.rm = TRUE))) * 2)

    # Clustering
    .error <- try(suppressMessages(dbscan::dbscan(.cut[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE], eps = .eps)))
    if(class(.error)[1] == "try-error"){
      message("No computed section: ", cuts, " m")
      next} else {
    .dbscan <- dbscan::dbscan(.cut[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE], eps = .eps, minPts = 15)
    .cut$cluster <- .dbscan$cluster
    .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$cluster > 0), , drop = FALSE]}

    # Checking if there are clusters
    if(nrow(.cut) < 15){next}

    .cut$sec <- cuts

    .filter <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(.cut, .cut$cluster), .sections.single.scan, .cut = .cut,
                                     .alpha.v = .alpha.v, .alpha.h = .alpha.h,
                                     .dbh.min = .dbh.min, .dbh.max = .dbh.max,
                                     slice = slice * 2, bark.roughness = bark.roughness,
                                     x.center = x.center, y.center = y.center))

    .filteraux<-rbind(.filteraux, .filter)

    # Second...

      .cut <- stem.2[which(stem.2$z > (cuts-slice-0.05) & stem.2$z < (cuts+slice+0.05)), , drop = FALSE]

      if(nrow(.cut) < 50){next}

      .cut <- .ncr.remove.slice.double(.cut)

      # .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$ncr < ncr.threshold | is.na(.cut$ncr)), , drop = FALSE]
      .cut <- woody[woody$z > (cuts-2*slice-0.05) & woody$z < cuts, , drop = FALSE]

      # Restrict to slice corresponding to cuts m +/- 5 cm

      # .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$z > (cuts-slice) & .cut$z < (cuts+slice)), , drop = FALSE]
      .cut <- .cut[.cut$z > (cuts-2*slice) & .cut$z < cuts, , drop = FALSE]

      # DBSCAN parameters

      .eps <- 2 * (tan(.alpha.h / 2) * (max(.cut$r) / cos(mean(.cut$slope, na.rm = TRUE))) * 2)

      # Clustering

      .error <- try(suppressMessages(dbscan::dbscan(.cut[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE], eps = .eps, minPts = 15)))
      if(class(.error)[1] == "try-error"){
        message("No computed section: ", cuts, " m")
        next} else {
          .dbscan <- dbscan::dbscan(.cut[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE], eps = .eps)
          .cut$cluster <- .dbscan$cluster
          .cut <- .cut[which(.cut$cluster > 0), , drop = FALSE]}

      # Checking if there are clusters

      if(nrow(.cut) < 1){next}

      # Assigning section to the slice

      .cut$sec <- cuts

      # Selection of those cluster belonging to trees

      .filter <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(.cut, .cut$cluster), .sections.single.scan, .cut = .cut,
                                       .alpha.v = .alpha.v, .alpha.h = .alpha.h,
                                       .dbh.min = .dbh.min, .dbh.max = .dbh.max,
                                       slice = slice * 2, bark.roughness = bark.roughness,
                                       x.center = x.center, y.center = y.center))

      .filteraux.2 <- rbind(.filteraux.2, .filter)}

  }# End of cuts loop

  #### Assigning sections to tree axis ####

  if(nrow(.filteraux) < 1 & nrow(.filteraux.2) < 1) {

    warning("No tree was detected")

    .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


  else {

    eje <- .stem.assignment.single.scan(.filteraux, stem.section, breaks)

    if(nrow(.filteraux.2) > 0 & sum(c(.filteraux.2$circ, .filteraux.2$arc.circ)) > 0){

      # Assigning sections to tree axis

      eje.2 <- .stem.assignment.single.scan(.filteraux.2, stem.section, breaks)

      eje.2$tree <- eje.2$tree +  max(eje$tree)

      eje <- rbind(eje[, c("tree", "sec", "x", "y")], eje.2[, c("tree", "sec", "x", "y")])

      .filter <- rbind(.filteraux, .filteraux.2)
      rm(.filteraux, .filteraux.2)

    }  else {

      .filter <- .filteraux


    .filter <- .stem.assignment.single.scan.2(.filter, eje, stem.section, x.center, y.center, single.tree)

    if(nrow(.filter) < 1){

    warning("No tree was detected")

    .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    # Export all section detected
    .filter <- .filter[order(.filter$tree, .filter$sec), , drop = FALSE]
    .stem <- .filter[, c("tree", "sec", "center.x",  "center.y", "radius")]
    .stem$radius <- .stem$radius * 200
    colnames(.stem) <- c("tree", "sec", "x",  "y", "dbh")

    # Calculate of taper coefficient as the slope coefficient of linear regression

    # .taper <- .filter[.filter$sec >= 1 & .filter$sec <= 1.6, c("tree", "sec", "radius"), drop = FALSE]
    .taper <- .filter[, c("tree", "sec", "radius"), drop = FALSE]

    .slope.tree <- data.frame(tree = as.numeric(), slope = as.numeric())

    for(i in unique(.taper$tree)){

      .taper.i <- .taper[.taper$tree == i, ]

      if(nrow(.taper.i) < 2){

        .slope <- data.frame(tree = i, slope = NA)

      } else {

        .lm <- stats::lm(radius ~ sec, data = .taper.i)
        .slope <- data.frame(tree = i, slope = stats::coef(.lm)[2])


      .slope.tree <- rbind(.slope.tree, .slope)


    .filter <- merge(.filter, .slope.tree, by = "tree")

    # If a new column ("dif") is created containing the difference between dbh and
    # section from which radius is estimated, number of used sections (or cuts)
    # will not be important. An estimated radius will always exist
    .filter$dif <- 1.3 - .filter$sec
    .filter$radio.est <- ifelse(.filter$dif == 0, .filter$radius, .filter$radius + .filter$slope * .filter$dif)
    .filter <- .filter[!is.na(.filter$radio.est), ]

    # When there are not enough tree to the linear model, and tress were
    # detected at at different sections than 1.3 m, we assume these radius
    # as dbh. This could happen in very few situations.
    # .filter$radio.est <- ifelse(is.na(.filter$radio.est), .filter$radius, .filter$radio.est)
    # .filter$radio.est2 <- ifelse(is.na(.filter$radio.est2), .filter$radius2, .filter$radio.est2)

    top.lim <- max(1.3, abs(max(stem.section) - 1.3))

    .radio.est <- data.frame(radio.est = as.numeric())

    for (i in unique(.filter$tree)) {

      .dat <- .filter[which(.filter$tree == i), ]
      .dat$dif <- abs(.dat$dif)

      if(min(.dat$dif) > top.lim)

      .dat <- .dat[order(.dat$dif), ]

      if(.dat$dif[1] == 0 & .dat$arc.circ[1] == 1){

        .dat <- .dat[1, ]

      } else if (nrow(.dat) > 1 & .dat$dif[1] == 0) {

        .dat <- .dat[.dat$dif == 0 | .dat$dif == .dat$dif[2], ]

      } else{

        .dat <- .dat[.dat$dif == min(.dat$dif), ]


      .out <- data.frame(radio.est = mean(.dat$radio.est, na.rm = TRUE))
      .radio.est <- rbind(.radio.est, .out)


    # Tree normal section coordinates
    .filteraux <- data.frame(tree = as.numeric(),
                             filter = as.numeric(),

                             center.x = as.numeric(),
                             center.y = as.numeric(),
                             center.phi = as.numeric(),
                             phi.left = as.numeric(),
                             phi.right = as.numeric(),
                             center.rho = as.numeric(),
                             center.r = as.numeric(),
                             center.theta = as.numeric(),

                             sec.x = as.numeric(),
                             sec.y = as.numeric(),
                             sec.max = as.numeric(),

                             horizontal.distance = as.numeric(), # repeated line
                             radius = as.numeric(),

                             partial.occlusion = as.numeric(),

                             n.pts = as.numeric(),
                             n.pts.red = as.numeric())

    for (i in unique(.filter$tree)) {

      .dat <- .filter[which(.filter$tree == i), ]
      .dat <- .dat[order(abs(.dat$dif)), ]

      .sec.x <- .dat$center.x[nrow(.dat)]
      .sec.y <- .dat$center.y[nrow(.dat)]
      .sec.max <- .dat$sec[nrow(.dat)]

      .dat$sec.x <- .sec.x
      .dat$sec.y <- .sec.y
      .dat$sec.max <- .sec.max

      .dat$filter <- nrow(.dat)

      if(nrow(.dat) > 3)
        .dat <- .dat[1:3, ]

      if(min(abs(.dat$dif)) > top.lim)

      .filteraux <- rbind(.filteraux, .dat)


    if(nrow(.filteraux) < 1){

      warning("No tree was detected")

      .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    # Dendrometric variables
    .tree <- data.frame(tree = tapply(.filteraux$tree, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        filter = tapply(.filteraux$filter, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),

                        x = tapply(.filteraux$center.x, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        y = tapply(.filteraux$center.y, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),

                        sec.x = tapply(.filteraux$sec.x, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        sec.y = tapply(.filteraux$sec.y, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        sec.max = tapply(.filteraux$sec.max, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),

                        phi = tapply(.filteraux$center.phi, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        phi.left = tapply(.filteraux$phi.left, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        phi.right = tapply(.filteraux$phi.right, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        rho = tapply(.filteraux$center.rho, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        r = tapply(.filteraux$center.r, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        theta = tapply(.filteraux$center.theta, .filteraux$tree, mean,na.rm = TRUE),

                        horizontal.distance = tapply(.filteraux$center.rho, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE), # repeated line
                        radius = .radio.est$radio.est,

                        partial.occlusion = tapply(.filteraux$arc.circ, .filteraux$tree, min, na.rm = TRUE),

                        n.pts = tapply(.filteraux$n.pts, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                        n.pts.red = tapply(.filteraux$n.pts.red, .filteraux$tree, mean, na.rm = TRUE))


    # Cheking if there are negative radious

    .tree <- .tree[.tree$radius > 0, ]

    if(nrow(.tree) < 1){

      warning("No tree was detected")

      .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    # Cheking minimum and maximum radius defined in the arguments

    .tree <- .tree[.tree$radius >= .dbh.min / 2 & .tree$radius <= .dbh.max / 2, ]

    if(nrow(.tree) < 1){

      warning("No tree was detected")

      .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    # Selecting only those trees with more than one section detected when more than two breaks have been specified

    if(length(breaks) > 3)
      .tree <- .tree[.tree$filter > 1, ]

    if(nrow(.tree) < 1){

      warning("No tree was detected")

      .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    # Remove duplicated trees and ordering by distance and numbering trees from 1 to n trees

    .tree <- .tree[!duplicated(.tree$x) & !duplicated(.tree$y), ]
    .tree <- .tree[!duplicated(.tree$sec.x) & !duplicated(.tree$sec.y), ]

    if(nrow(.tree) < 1){

      warning("No tree was detected")

      .tree <- .no.trees.detected.single(data, d.top, plot.attributes, dir.result, save.result)


    .tree <- .tree[order(.tree$rho), ]
    .tree$tree <- 1:nrow(.tree)

    # Detecting possible trees overlaped

    # if(nrow(.tree) < 2 & !is.null(single.tree)){.tree.2 <- .tree}
    if(nrow(.tree) < 2){.tree.2 <- .tree}

    if(nrow(.tree) > 1 & is.null(single.tree)){

      .tree.2 <- data.frame(tree = as.numeric(), filter = as.numeric(),

                            x = as.numeric(), y = as.numeric(),

                            sec.x = as.numeric(), sec.y = as.numeric(), sec.max = as.numeric(),

                            phi = as.numeric(), rho = as.numeric(), r = as.numeric(), theta = as.numeric(),

                            horizontal.distance = as.numeric(), radius = as.numeric(),

                            partial.occlusion = as.numeric(),

                            n.pts = as.numeric(), n.pts.red = as.numeric())

      for (i in unique(.tree$tree)) {

        if(nrow(.tree[.tree$tree == i, ]) < 1)

        .filt <- .tree[.tree$tree == i, ]
        .filteraux <- .tree[.tree$tree != i, ]

        if(nrow(.filteraux) < 1)

        .filteraux$dist <- sqrt((.filteraux$x - .filt$x) ^ 2 + (.filteraux$y - .filt$y) ^ 2) - .filteraux$radius - .filt$radius
        .filteraux$rho.dist <- abs(.filteraux$rho - .filt$rho) - .filteraux$radius - .filt$radius
        .filteraux$phi.dist <- abs(.filteraux$phi - .filt$phi)

        if(min(.filteraux$dist) < mean(.tree$radius) |
           .filteraux$rho.dist[.filteraux$dist == min(.filteraux$dist)] < mean(.tree$radius) &
           .filteraux$phi.dist[.filteraux$dist == min(.filteraux$dist)] < 0.1){

          .filteraux <- .filteraux[.filteraux$dist < mean(.tree$radius) | .filteraux$rho.dist < mean(.tree$radius) & .filteraux$phi.dist < 0.1, ]

          .filteraux <- rbind(.filt, .filteraux[ , 1:(ncol(.filteraux)-3)])

          .filt <- .filteraux[.filteraux$filter == max(.filteraux$filter) & .filteraux$sec.max ==  min(.filteraux$sec.max), ]

          if(nrow(.filt) > 1)
            .filt <- .filt[.filt$partial.occlusion > 0, ]

          if(nrow(.filt) > 1)
            .filt <- .filt[1, ]

          .tree.remove <- .filteraux[.filteraux$tree != .filt$tree, ]$tree

          if(length(.tree.remove) < 1){.tree <- .tree} else {
            suppressWarnings(.tree <- .tree[.tree$tree != .tree.remove, ])

          .tree.2 <- rbind(.tree.2, .filt)

        } else {

          .tree.2 <- rbind(.tree.2, .filt)
          .tree <- .tree[.tree$tree != .filt$tree, ]




    .tree <- .tree.2

    .tree <- .tree[order(.tree$rho), ]
    .tree$tree <- 1:nrow(.tree)

    # Indicate trees with partial occlusions, those for which none of the sections
    # was identified as circumference arch (ArcCirc)
    .tree$partial.occlusion <- ifelse(.tree$partial.occlusion == 0, 1, 0)

    # Compute dbh (cm)
    .tree$dbh <- .tree$radius * 200

    # Calculate points belonging to radius unit
    # Since it will be an estimation, select sections completely visible
    # (ArcCirc == 1) in section corresponding to 1.3 m (where dbh is estimated)
    .filter$filter <- ifelse(.filter$sec == 1.3 & .filter$arc.circ == 1, 1, 0)
    .filter2 <- subset(.filter, .filter$filter == 1)

    if(nrow(.filter2) < 1)
      .filter2 <- .filter

    # Estimate number of points by cluster, with and without point cropping
    # process, corresponding to radius 1 m
    .filter2$points.radio <- .filter2$n.pts / .filter2$radius
    .filter2$points.radio.hom <- .filter2$n.pts.red / .filter2$radius

    # Average points after point cropping by m of radius
    .tree$points.m <- mean(.filter2$points.radio)
    .tree$points.m.hom <- mean(.filter2$points.radio.hom)

    # Finally, compute number of points estimated for each tree according to
    # radius
    .tree$n.pts.est <- .tree$points.m * .tree$radius
    .tree$n.pts.red.est <- .tree$points.m.hom * .tree$radius

    # Obtaining reduced point cloud
    data <- data[data$prob.selec == 1, ]
    data <- data[, c("id", "file", "x", "y", "z", "rho")]

    # If only one tree is detected, Voronoi tessellation is not working

    if(nrow(.tree) == 1){

      .P99 <- data.frame(tree = .tree$tree, h = stats::quantile(data$z, prob = 0.9999999999))

    } else {

      # Voronoi tessellation

      .tree.2 <- .tree[ , c("tree", "sec.x", "sec.y"), drop = FALSE]
      .tree.2 <- .tree.2[!duplicated(.tree.2$sec.x) & !duplicated(.tree.2$sec.y), ]
      colnames(.tree.2) <- c("tree", "x", "y")
      .tree.2$tree <- 1:nrow(.tree.2)

      .sec <- .tree[ , c("tree", "sec.max", "radius"), drop = FALSE]
      .sec$tree <- 1:nrow(.sec)
      # .sec$radius <- ifelse(.sec$radius < 0, 0.1, .sec$radius)

      .voro <- data[, c("x", "y", "z")]
      .voro <- sf::st_as_sf(.voro, coords = c("x", "y"))

      .tree.2 <- sf::st_as_sf(.tree.2, coords = c("x", "y"))
      .voronoi <- sf::st_buffer(.tree.2, dist = .sec$radius * 3)
      .voro <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_intersection(.voro, .voronoi))

      .voronoi <- sf::st_collection_extract(sf::st_voronoi(do.call(c, sf::st_geometry(.tree.2))))

      .tree.3 <- sf::st_intersects(.voronoi, .tree.2)
      .tree.3 <- data.frame(id = 1:length(.tree.3),
                            tree = unlist(.tree.3, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE))
      .tree.3 <- merge(.tree.3, .sec, by = "tree")
      .voro$tree <- unlist(sf::st_intersects(.voro, .voronoi))

      # Compute height percentile P99.9
      .P99 <- sapply(sort(unique(.tree.3$id)),
                     function(id, voro, tree.3) {
                       sec.max <- .tree.3[.tree.3$id == id, "sec.max"]
                       z <- voro$z[voro$tree == id & voro$z > sec.max]
                       if(length(z) < 1) {
                         P99 <- 0
                         names(P99) <- tree.3[tree.3$id == id, "tree"]
                       } else {
                         P99 <-
                           height_perc_cpp(rho_seq = Inf, z = z, rho = z)[, "P99.9"]
                         names(P99) <- tree.3[tree.3$id == id, "tree"]}
                     voro = .voro, tree.3 = .tree.3)
    .P99 <- data.frame(tree = names(.P99), h = .P99)

    rm(.tree.2, .tree.3, .voro)


    # Remove possible trees above "h.min" (1.3 m by default)

    .P99 <- .P99[.P99$h >= h.min, ]
    .tree <- merge(.tree, .P99, by = "tree", all = FALSE)


    # Assigning dbh to stem dataset

    .stem <- merge(.stem, .tree[, c("tree", "h")], by = "tree")
    .stem <- .stem[.stem$sec != 1.3, ]
    .tree$sec <- 1.3
    .stem <- rbind(.stem, .tree[, c("tree", "sec", "x", "y", "dbh", "h")])
    .tree <- .tree[, -ncol(.tree)]
    .stem <- .stem[order(.stem$tree, .stem$sec), , drop = FALSE]
    colnames(.stem) <- c("tree", "sec", "x", "y", "dhi", "h")
    .stem <- merge(.stem, .tree[, c("tree", "dbh")], by = "tree", all.x = TRUE)
    colnames(.stem) <- c("tree", "hi", "x", "y", "dhi", "h", "dbh")

    # Cheking the trees h
    .stem <- merge(.stem[, c("tree", "hi", "x", "y", "dhi", "dbh")],
                   data.frame(tree = unique(.stem$tree),
                              h = do.call(rbind, lapply(split(.stem[, c("hi", "h")], .stem$tree), max))),
                   all.x = TRUE, by = "tree")

    # Compute volume (m3)

    if(length(table(.stem$hi)) > 3 & is.null(d.top)){

      # Stem curve

      stem.v <- .volume(.stem, id = data$id[1])
      .tree <- merge(.tree, stem.v, all = TRUE)

    } else if (length(table(.stem$hi)) > 3 & !is.null(d.top)) {

      stem.v <- .volume(.stem, d.top, id = data$id[1])
      .tree <- merge(.tree, stem.v, all = TRUE)

    } else if (length(table(.stem$hi)) <= 3 & !is.null(d.top)) {

      den.type <- 1
      n <- den.type
      # Paraboloid volume

      .tree$v <- pi * (.tree[, "h"] ^ (n + 1) / (n + 1)) * ((.tree[, "dbh"] / 200) ^ 2 / (.tree[, "h"] - 1.3) ^ n)
      h.lim <- (((d.top / 200) ^ 2) / ((.tree[, "dbh"] / 200) ^ 2 / (.tree[, "h"] - 1.3) ^ n)) ^ (1 / n)
      .tree$v.com <- pi * ((.tree[, "h"] ^ (n + 1) - h.lim ^ (n + 1)) / (n + 1)) * ((.tree[, "dbh"] / 200) ^ 2 / (.tree[, "h"] - 1.3) ^ n)
      .tree$v.com <- ifelse(.tree$v.com < 0, 0, .tree$v.com)
      .tree$h.com <- h.lim

    } else {

      den.type <- 1
      n <- den.type

      .tree$v <- pi * (.tree[, "h"] ^ (n + 1) / (n + 1)) * ((.tree[, "dbh"] / 200) ^ 2 / (.tree[, "h"] - 1.3) ^ n)


    .stem <- .stem[, c("tree", "x", "y", "dhi", "dbh", "hi", "h")]
    .stem <- .stem[order(.stem$tree, .stem$hi), , drop = FALSE]

      .stem$id <- data$id[1]
      .stem <- .stem[, c("id", "tree", "x", "y", "dhi", "dbh", "hi", "h")]}

    # Straighness analysis

    straightness <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(.stem, .stem$tree), .straightness, stem.range = stem.range))

    .tree <- merge(.tree, straightness, by = "tree")

                     file = file.path(dir.result, "stem.curve.csv"),
                     row.names = FALSE)


    # If plot identification (id) is not available
    if(is.null(data$id) & is.null(.tree$v.com)){

      .tree <- .tree[, c("tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "horizontal.distance", "dbh", "h", "v", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion"), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(.tree) <- c("tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "h.dist", "dbh", "h", "v", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion")

    } else if (is.null(data$id) & !is.null(.tree$v.com)) {

      .tree <- .tree[, c("tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "horizontal.distance", "dbh", "h", "h.com", "v", "v.com", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion"), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(.tree) <- c("tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "h.dist", "dbh", "h", "h.com", "v", "v.com", "n.pts", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion")

    } else if (!is.null(data$id) & is.null(.tree$v.com)) {

      # If plot identification (id) is available

      .tree$id <- data$id[1]
      .tree$file <- data$file[1]

      .tree <- .tree[, c("id", "file", "tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "horizontal.distance", "dbh", "h", "v", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion"), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(.tree) <- c("id", "file", "tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "h.dist", "dbh", "h", "v", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion")

    } else {

      # If plot identification (id) is available

      .tree$id <- data$id[1]
      .tree$file <- data$file[1]

      .tree <- .tree[, c("id", "file", "tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "horizontal.distance", "dbh", "h", "h.com", "v", "v.com", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion"), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(.tree) <- c("id", "file", "tree", "x", "y", "phi", "phi.left", "phi.right", "h.dist", "dbh", "h", "h.com", "v", "v.com", "SS.max", "sinuosity", "n.pts", "n.pts.red", "n.pts.est", "n.pts.red.est", "partial.occlusion")



  .tree <- .tree[order(.tree$h.dist), ]
  .tree$tree <- 1:nrow(.tree)

  # Removing values of 0 in n.pts
  .tree$n.pts <- ifelse(.tree$n.pts < 1, 0.01, .tree$n.pts)
  .tree$n.pts.red <- ifelse(.tree$n.pts.red < 1, 0.01, .tree$n.pts.red)
  .tree$n.pts.est <- ifelse(.tree$n.pts.est < 1, 0.01, .tree$n.pts.est)
  .tree$n.pts.red.est <- ifelse(.tree$n.pts.red.est < 1, 0.01, .tree$n.pts.red.est)

  # Lastly, aggregate attributes table
    .tree <- merge(.tree, plot.attributes, by = "id", all = FALSE)


                     file = file.path(dir.result, "tree.tls.csv"),
                     row.names = FALSE)


    .data.red <- noise[which(noise$prob.selec == 1), , drop = FALSE]

    vroom::vroom_write(.data.red, path = file.path(dir.result, paste("noise_", .data.red$file[1], sep = "")), delim = ",", progress = FALSE)




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