
Defines functions iChk4Geos geosd geomean validn repeatedRows2Keep rSquared.lm rSquared.default rSquared iChkCumSum pcumsum rcumsum peek perc iOddEven is.even logbtcf lagratio headtail fishR fact2num col2rgbt iCapFirst capFirst

Documented in capFirst col2rgbt fact2num fishR geomean geosd headtail is.even lagratio logbtcf pcumsum peek perc rcumsum repeatedRows2Keep rSquared rSquared.default rSquared.lm validn

#' @title Capitalizes the first letter of first or all words in a string.
#' @description Capitalizes the first letter of first or all words in a string.
#' @param x A single string.
#' @param which A single string that indicates whether all (the default) or only the first words should be capitalized.
#' @return A single string with the first letter of the first or all words capitalized.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## Capitalize first letter of all words (the default)
#' capFirst("Derek Ogle")
#' capFirst("derek ogle")
#' capFirst("derek")
#' ## Capitalize first letter of only the first words
#' capFirst("Derek Ogle",which="first")
#' capFirst("derek ogle",which="first")
#' capFirst("derek",which="first")

#' ## apply to all elements in a vector
#' vec <- c("Derek Ogle","derek ogle","Derek ogle","derek Ogle","DEREK OGLE")
#' capFirst(vec)
#' capFirst(vec,which="first")
#' ## check class types
#' class(vec)
#' vec1 <- capFirst(vec)
#' class(vec1)
#' fvec <- factor(vec)
#' fvec1 <- capFirst(fvec)
#' class(fvec1)
#' @export
capFirst <- function(x,which=c("all","first")) {
  ## Get the class of the object
  cls <- class(x)
  ## Perform a check
  if (!inherits(cls,c("character","factor"))) STOP("'capFirst' only works with 'character' or 'factor' objects.")
  ## Capitalize the one word or the words in the vector
  if (length(x)==1) x <- iCapFirst(x,which)
  else x <- apply(matrix(x),MARGIN=1,FUN=iCapFirst,which=which)
  ## Change the class to what the original was
  if (cls=="factor") x <- as.factor(x)
  ## Return the object

## Internal Function
iCapFirst<- function(x,which=c("all","first")) {
  # See whether all or just the first word should have the first letter capitalized
  which <- match.arg(which)
  # Only process if not NA
  if (!is.na(x)) {
    # convert entire string to lower case ...
    x <- tolower(x)
    # then split on space if more than one word
    s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
    if (which=="first") {
      # convert first letters of first word to upper-case    
      s1 <- toupper(substring(s, 1,1)[1])
      # attach capitalized first letter to rest of lower-cased original string
      x <- paste(s1,substring(x,2),sep="",collapse=" ")
    } else {
      # convert first letters of all words to upper-case
      s1 <- toupper(substring(s, 1,1))
      # attach capitalized first letter to rest of lower-cased separated strings
      x <- paste(s1,substring(s,2),sep="",collapse=" ")

#' @title Converts an R color to RGB (red/green/blue) including a transparency (alpha channel).
#' @description Converts an R color to RGB (red/green/blue) including a transparency (alpha channel). Similar to \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}} except that a transparency (alpha channel) can be included.
#' @param col A vector of any of the three kinds of R color specifications (i.e., either a color name (as listed by \code{\link[grDevices]{colors}}()), a hexadecimal string of the form "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa" (see \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}), or a positive integer i meaning \code{\link[grDevices]{palette}}()[i].
#' @param transp A numeric vector that indicates the transparency level for the color. The transparency values must be greater than 0. Transparency values greater than 1 are interpreted as the number of points plotted on top of each other before the transparency is lost and is, thus, transformed to the inverse of the transparency value provided.
#' @return A vector of hexadecimal strings of the form "#rrggbbaa" as would be returned by \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @seealso See \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}} for similar functionality.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' col2rgbt("black")
#' col2rgbt("black",1/4)
#' clrs <- c("black","blue","red","green")
#' col2rgbt(clrs)
#' col2rgbt(clrs,1/4)
#' trans <- (1:4)/5
#' col2rgbt(clrs,trans)
#' @export
col2rgbt <- function(col,transp=1) {
  if (length(transp)==1) transp <- rep(transp,length(col))
  if (length(col)!=length(transp))
    STOP("Length of 'transp' must be 1 or same as length of 'col'.")

#' @title Converts "numeric" factor levels to numeric values.
#' @description Converts \dQuote{numeric} factor levels to numeric values.
#' @param object A vector with \dQuote{numeric} factor levels to be converted to numeric values.
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' junk <- factor(c(1,7,2,4,3,10))
#' str(junk)
#' junk2 <- fact2num(junk)
#' str(junk2)
#' if (interactive()) {
#' bad <- factor(c("A","B","C"))
#' # This will result in an error -- levels are not 'numeric'
#' bad2 <- fact2num(bad)
#' @export
fact2num <- function(object) {
  ## Don't continue if object is not a factor or character 
  ## i.e., does not fit the purpose of this function
  if (!inherits(object,c("factor","character")))
    STOP("'object' is not a factor or character and",
         "does not fit the purpose of this function.")
  ## Convert factor to character and then numeric
  suppressWarnings(res <- as.numeric(as.character(object)))
  ## If all na's then stop because values were not numeric-like, else return
  if (all(is.na(res)))
    STOP("Conversion aborted because all levels in 'object' are not 'numbers'.")
  else as.vector(res)

#' @title Opens web pages associated with the fishR website.
#' @description Opens web pages associated with the \href{https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/}{fishR website} in a browser. The user can open the main page or choose a specific page to open.
#' @param where A string that indicates a particular page on the fishR website to open.
#' @param open A logical that indicates whether the webpage should be opened in the default browser. Defaults to \code{TRUE}; \code{FALSE} is used for unit testing.
#' @return None, but a webpage will be opened in the default browser.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Opens an external webpage ... only run interactively
#' fishR()            # home page
#' fishR("posts")     # blog posts (some examples) page
#' fishR("books")     # examples page
#' fishR("IFAR")      # Introduction to Fisheries Analysis with R page
#' fishR("AIFFD")     # Analysis & Interpretation of Freshw. Fisher. Data page
#' fishR("packages")  # list of r-related fishereis packages
#' fishR("data")      # list of fisheries data sets
#' }
#' @export
fishR <- function(where=c("home","posts","books","IFAR","AIFFD",
                  open=TRUE) {
  where <- match.arg(where)
  tmp <- "https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/"
         home=     { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"") },
         posts=    { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"blog/") },
         books=    { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"pages/books.html") },
         IFAR=     { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"pages/books.html#introductory-fisheries-analyses-with-r") },
         AIFFD=    { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"pages/books.html#analysis-and-interpretation-of-freshwater-fisheries-data-i") },
         packages= { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"pages/packages.html") },
         data=     { tmp <- paste0(tmp,"pages/data_fishR_alpha.html")}
  if (open) utils::browseURL(tmp)

#' @title Shows rows from the head and tail of a data frame or matrix.
#' @description Shows rows from the head and tail of a data frame or matrix.
#' @param x A data frame or matrix.
#' @param n A single numeric that indicates the number of rows to display from each of the head and tail of structure.
#' @param which A numeric or string vector that contains the column numbers or names to display. Defaults to showing all columns.
#' @param addrownums If there are no row names for the MATRIX, then create them from the row numbers.
#' @param \dots Arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix or data.frame with 2*n rows.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @note If \code{n} is larger than the number of rows in \code{x} then all of \code{x} is displayed.
#' @seealso \code{peek}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' headtail(iris)
#' headtail(iris,10)
#' headtail(iris,which=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Species"))
#' headtail(iris,which=grep("Sepal",names(iris)))
#' headtail(iris,n=200)
#' ## Make a matrix for demonstration purposes only
#' miris <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4])
#' headtail(miris)
#' headtail(miris,10)
#' headtail(miris,addrownums=FALSE)
#' headtail(miris,10,which=2:4)
#' ## Make a tbl_df type from tibble ... note how headtail()
#' ## is not limited by the tbl_df restriction on number of
#' ## rows to show (but head() is).
#' if (require(tibble)) {
#'   iris2 <- as_tibble(iris)
#'   class(iris2)
#'   headtail(iris2,n=15)
#'   head(iris2,n=15)
#' }
#' @export
headtail <- function(x,n=3L,which=NULL,addrownums=TRUE,...) {
  ## Some checks
  if (!(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)))
    STOP("'x' must be a matrix or data.frame.")
  if (length(n)!=1L)
    STOP("'n' must be a single number.")
  ## Remove tbl_df class if it exists
  if ("tbl_df" %in% class(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
  ## Process data.frame
  N <- nrow(x)
  if (n>=N) tmp <- x
  else {
    h <- utils::head(x,n,...)
    if (addrownums) {
      if (is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(h) <- paste0("[",seq_len(n),",]")
    } else rownames(h) <- NULL
    t <- utils::tail(x,n,addrownums,...)
    tmp <- rbind(h,t)
  if (!is.null(which)) tmp <- tmp[,which]

#' @title Ratio of lagged observations.
#' @description Computes the ratio of lagged observations in a vector.
#' @details This function behaves similarly to \code{diff()} except that it returns a vector or matrix of ratios rather than differences.
#' @param x A numeric vector or matrix.
#' @param lag An integer representing the lag \sQuote{distance}.
#' @param direction A string that indicates the direction of calculation. A \code{"backward"} indicates that \sQuote{latter} values are divided by \sQuote{former} values. A \code{"forward"} indicates that \sQuote{former} values are divided by \sQuote{latter} values. See examples.
#' @param recursion An integer that indicates the level of recursion for the calculations. A \code{1} will simply compute the ratios. A \code{2}, for example, will compute the ratios, save the result, and then compute the ratios of the results using the same \code{lag}. See examples.
#' @param differences Same as \code{recursion}. Used for symmetry with \code{\link[base]{diff}}.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to \code{diff()}.
#' @return A vector or matrix of lagged ratios.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{diff}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## Backward lagged ratios
#' # no recursion
#' lagratio(1:10,1)
#' lagratio(1:10,2)
#' # with recursion
#' lagratio(1:10,1,2)
#' lagratio(1:10,2,2)
#' ## Forward lagged ratios
#' # no recursion
#' lagratio(10:1,1,direction="forward")
#' lagratio(10:1,2,direction="forward")
#' # with recursion
#' lagratio(10:1,1,2,direction="forward")
#' lagratio(10:1,2,2,direction="forward")
#' @export
lagratio <- function(x,lag=1L,recursion=1L,differences=recursion,
                     direction=c("backward","forward"),...) {
  ## Some checks
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
    STOP("Will not work with zeros in 'x'.")
    STOP("Function does not work for 'POSIXt' objects.")
  if (!recursion>0) STOP("'recursion' value must be >0.")
  ## Flip vector if ratio direction is forward
  if (direction=="forward") x <- rev(x)
  ## Compute lagged ratio
  res <- exp(diff(log(x),lag=lag,differences=differences,...))
  ## Flip the resulting vector if direction is forward
  if (direction=="forward") res <- rev(res)
  ## Return the result

#' @title Constructs the correction-factor used when back-transforming log-transformed values.
#' @description Constructs the correction-factor used when back-transforming log-transformed values according to Sprugel (1983). Sprugel's main formula -- exp((syx^2)/2) -- is used when syx is estimated for natural log transformed data. A correction for any base is obtained by multiplying the syx term by log_e(base) to give exp(((log_e(base)*syx)^2)/2). This more general formula is implemented here (if, of course, the base is exp(1) then the general formula reduces to the original specific formula).
#' @param obj An object from \code{lm}.
#' @param base A single numeric that indicates the base of the logarithm used.
#' @return A numeric value that is the correction factor according to Sprugel (1983).
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @references Sprugel, D.G. 1983. Correcting for bias in log-transformed allometric equations. Ecology 64:209-210.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # toy data
#' df <- data.frame(y=rlnorm(10),x=rlnorm(10))
#' df$logey <- log(df$y)
#' df$log10y <- log10(df$y)
#' df$logex <- log(df$x)
#' df$log10x <- log10(df$x)
#' # model and predictions on loge scale
#' lme <- lm(logey~logex,data=df)
#' ( ploge <- predict(lme,data.frame(logex=log(10))) )
#' ( pe <- exp(ploge) )
#' ( cfe <- logbtcf(lme) )
#' ( cpe <- cfe*pe )
#' # model and predictions on log10 scale
#' lm10 <- lm(log10y~log10x,data=df)
#' plog10 <- predict(lm10,data.frame(log10x=log10(10)))
#' p10 <- 10^(plog10)
#' ( cf10 <- logbtcf(lm10,10) )
#' ( cp10 <- cf10*p10 )
#' # cfe and cf10, cpe and cp10 should be equal
#' all.equal(cfe,cf10)
#' all.equal(cpe,cp10)
#' @rdname logbtcf
#' @export
logbtcf <- function(obj,base=exp(1)) {
  if (!all(class(obj)=="lm")) STOP("'obj' must be from lm().")

#' @name is.odd
#' @title Determine if a number is odd or even.
#' @description Determine if a number is odd or even.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return A logical vector of the same length as x.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords manip
#' @aliases is.odd is.even
#' @examples
#' ## Individual values
#' is.odd(1)
#' is.odd(2)
#' is.even(3)
#' is.even(4)
#' ## Vector of values
#' d <- 1:8
#' data.frame(d,odd=is.odd(d),even=is.even(d))

#' @rdname is.odd
#' @export
is.odd <- function (x) iOddEven(x,1)

#' @rdname is.odd
#' @export
is.even <- function(x) iOddEven(x,0)

## Internal function
iOddEven <- function(x,checkval) {
  if (!is.vector(x)) STOP("'x' must be a vector.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) STOP("'x' must be numeric.")
  x%%2 == checkval

#' @title Computes the percentage of values in a vector less than or greater than (and equal to) some value.
#' @description Computes the percentage of values in a vector less than or greater than (and equal to) a user-supplied value.
#' @details This function is most useful when used with an apply-type of function.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param val A single numeric value.
#' @param dir A string that indicates whether the percentage is for values in \code{x} that are \dQuote{greater than and equal} \code{"geq"}, \dQuote{greater than} \code{"gt"}, \dQuote{less than and equal} \code{"leq"}, \dQuote{less than} \code{"lt"} the value in \code{val}. 
#' @param na.rm A logical that indicates whether \code{NA} values should be removed (DEFAULT) from \code{x} or not.
#' @param digits A single numeric that indicates the number of decimals the percentage should be rounded to.
#' @return A single numeric that is the percentage of values in \code{x} that meet the criterion in \code{dir} relative to \code{val}.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' ## vector of values
#' ( tmp <- c(1:8,NA,NA) )
#' ## percentages excluding NA values
#' perc(tmp,5)
#' perc(tmp,5,"gt")
#' perc(tmp,5,"leq")
#' perc(tmp,5,"lt")
#' ## percentages including NA values
#' perc(tmp,5,na.rm=FALSE)
#' perc(tmp,5,"gt",na.rm=FALSE)
#' perc(tmp,5,"leq",na.rm=FALSE)
#' perc(tmp,5,"lt",na.rm=FALSE)
#' @export
perc <- function(x,val,dir=c("geq","gt","leq","lt"),na.rm=TRUE,
                 digits=getOption("digits")) {
  ## Some checks
  dir <- match.arg(dir)
  if (!inherits(x,c("numeric","integer")))
    STOP("'perc' only works for numeric vectors.")
  if (length(val)>1)
    WARN("Only the first value of 'val' was used.")
  ## Find sample size (don't or do include NA values)
  n <- ifelse(na.rm,length(x[!is.na(x)]),length(x))
  ## Compute percentage in dir(ection) of val(ue), but return
  ##   a NaN if the x has no valid values
  if (n==0) return(NaN)
  else { # find values that fit criterion
           geq= {tmp <- x[x>=val]},
           gt = {tmp <- x[x>val]},
           leq= {tmp <- x[x<=val]},
           lt = {tmp <- x[x<val]}
    ) # end switch
    ## must remove NA values (even if asked not to because they
    ## will appear to be less than val ... i.e., NAs were included
    ## in n above if asked for but they should not be included in
    ## the vector of values that fit the criterion) to find
    ## number that match the criterion
    tmp <- length(tmp[!is.na(tmp)])

#' @title Peek into (show a subset of) a data frame or matrix.
#' @description Shows the first, last, and approximately evenly spaced rows from a data frame or matrix.
#' @param x A data frame or matrix.
#' @param n A single numeric that indicates the number of rows to display.
#' @param which A numeric or string vector that contains the column numbers or names to display. Defaults to showing all columns.
#' @param addrownums If there are no row names for the MATRIX, then create them from the row numbers.
#' @return A matrix or data.frame with n rows.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @author A. Powell Wheeler, \email{powell.wheeler@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{headtail}
#' @note If \code{n} is larger than the number of rows in \code{x} then all of \code{x} is displayed.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' peek(iris)
#' peek(iris,n=6)
#' peek(iris,n=6,which=c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Species"))
#' peek(iris,n=6,which=grep("Sepal",names(iris)))
#' peek(iris,n=200)
#' ## Make a matrix for demonstration purposes only
#' miris <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4])
#' peek(miris)
#' peek(miris,n=6)
#' peek(miris,n=6,addrownums=FALSE)
#' peek(miris,n=6,which=2:4)
#' ## Make a tbl_df type from dplyr ... note how peek() is not limited by
#' ## the tbl_df restriction on number of rows to show (but head() is).
#' if (require(dplyr)) {
#'   iris2 <- tbl_df(iris)
#'   class(iris2)
#'   peek(iris2,n=6)
#'   head(iris2,n=15)
#' }
#' @export
peek <- function(x,n=20L,which=NULL,addrownums=TRUE) {
  ## Some checks
  if (!(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x))) 
    STOP("'x' must be a matrix or data.frame.")
  if (length(n)!=1L) STOP("'n' must be a single number.")
  if (n<1L) STOP("'n' must be greater than 0.")
  ## Remove tbl_df class if it exists
  if ("tbl_df" %in% class(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
  ## Get number of rows in x
  N <- nrow(x)
  ## If asked for is greater than size then just return x
  if (n>=N) tmp <- x
  else {
    rows <- c(1,round((1:(n-2))*(N/(n-1)),0),N)
    tmp <- x[rows,]
    if (addrownums) {
      if (is.null(rownames(tmp))) rownames(tmp) <- rows
    } else rownames(tmp) <- NULL
  if (!is.null(which)) tmp <- tmp[,which]

#' @name rcumsum
#' @title Computes the prior to or reverse cumulative sum of a vector.
#' @description Computes the prior-to (i.e., the cumulative sum prior to but not including the current value) or the reverse (i.e., the number that large or larger) cumulative sum of a vector. Also works for 1-dimensional tables, matrices, and data.frames, though it is best used with vectors.
#' @note An \code{NA} in the vector causes all returned values at and after the first \code{NA} for \code{pcumsum} and at and before the last \code{NA} for \code{rcumsum} to be \code{NA}. See the examples.
#' @param x a numeric object.
#' @return A numeric vector that contains the prior-to or reverse cumulative sums.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cumsum}}.
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' ## Simple example
#' cbind(vals=1:10,
#'       cum=cumsum(1:10),
#'       pcum=pcumsum(1:10),
#'       rcum=rcumsum(1:10))
#' ## Example with NA
#' vals <- c(1,2,NA,3)
#' cbind(vals,
#'       cum=cumsum(vals),
#'       pcum=pcumsum(vals),
#'       rcum=rcumsum(vals))
#' ## Example with NA
#' vals <- c(1,2,NA,3,NA,4)
#' cbind(vals,
#'       cum=cumsum(vals),
#'       pcum=pcumsum(vals),
#'       rcum=rcumsum(vals))
#' ## Example with a matrix
#' mat <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5),nrow=1)
#' cumsum(mat)
#' pcumsum(mat)
#' rcumsum(mat)
#' ## Example with a table (must be 1-d)
#' df <- sample(1:10,100,replace=TRUE)
#' tbl <- table(df)
#' cumsum(tbl)
#' pcumsum(tbl)
#' rcumsum(tbl)
#' ## Example with a data.frame (must be 1-d)
#' df <- sample(1:10,100,replace=TRUE)
#' tbl <- as.data.frame(table(df))[,-1]
#' cumsum(tbl)
#' pcumsum(tbl)
#' rcumsum(tbl)

#' @rdname rcumsum
#' @export
rcumsum <- function(x) {

#' @rdname rcumsum
#' @export
pcumsum <- function(x) {

## Internal function for Xcumsum()
iChkCumSum <- function(x) {
  tmp <- class(x)
  if ("matrix" %in% tmp | "data.frame" %in% tmp) {
    if (all(dim(x)!=1)) STOP("'x' is not 1-dimensional.")
  if ("table" %in% tmp | "xtabs" %in% tmp) {
    if (length(dim(x))>1) STOP("'x' is not 1-dimensional.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) STOP("'x' must be numeric.")

#' @title Extract the coefficient of determination from a linear model object.
#' @description Extracts the coefficient of determination (i.e., \dQuote{r-squared}) from a linear model (i.e., \code{lm}) object.
#' @details This is a convenience function to extract the \code{r.squared} part from \code{summary(lm)}.
#' @param object An object saved from \code{lm}.
#' @param digits A single number that is the number of digits to round the returned result to.
#' @param percent A logical that indicates if the result should be returned as a percentage (\code{=TRUE}) or as a proportion (\code{=FALSE}; default).
#' @param \dots Additional arguments for methods.
#' @return A numeric, as either a proportion or percentage, that is the coefficient of determination for a linear model.
#' @keywords misc
#' @aliases rSquared rSquared.default rSquared.lm
#' @examples
#' lm1 <- lm(mirex~weight, data=Mirex)
#' rSquared(lm1)
#' rSquared(lm1,digits=3)
#' rSquared(lm1,digits=1,percent=TRUE)
#' ## rSquared only works with lm objects
#' \dontrun{
#' nls1 <- nls(mirex~a*weight^b,data=Mirex,start=list(a=1,b=1))
#' rSquared(nls1)
#' }
#' @rdname rSquared
#' @export
rSquared <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname rSquared
#' @export
rSquared.default <- function(object, ...) {
  STOP("'rSquared' only works with 'lm', not '",class(object),"', objects")

#' @rdname rSquared
#' @export
rSquared.lm <- function(object,digits=getOption("digits"),
                        percent=FALSE,...) {
  r2 <- summary(object)$r.squared

#' @title Find non-repeated consecutive rows in a data.frame.
#' @description Finds the rows in a data.frame that are not repeats of the row immediately above or below it.
#' @param df A data.frame.
#' @param cols2use A string or numeric vector that indicates columns in \code{df} to use. Negative numeric values will not use those columns. Cannot use both \code{cols2use} and \code{col2ignore}.
#' @param cols2ignore A string or numeric vector that indicates columns in \code{df} to ignore. Cannot use both \code{cols2use} and \code{col2ignore}.
#' @param keep A string that indicates whether the \code{first} (DEFAULT) or \code{last} row of consecutive repeated rows should be kept.
#' @return A single logical that indicates which rows of \code{df} to keep such that no consecutive rows (for the columns used) will be repeated.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' test1 <- data.frame(ID=1:10,
#'                     KEEP=c("First","Last","Both","Both","Both",
#'                            "Both","First","Neither","Last","Both"),
#'                     V1=c("a","a","a","B","b","B","A","A","A","a"),
#'                     V2=c("a","a","A","B","B","b","A","A","A","a"))
#' keepFirst <- repeatedRows2Keep(test1,cols2ignore=1:2)
#' keepLast <- repeatedRows2Keep(test1,cols2use=3:4,keep="last")
#' data.frame(test1,keepFirst,keepLast)
#' droplevels(subset(test1,keepFirst))  # should be all "First" or "Both" (7 items)
#' droplevels(subset(test1,keepLast))   # should be all "Last" or "Both" (7 items)
#' @export
repeatedRows2Keep <- function(df,cols2use=NULL,cols2ignore=NULL,
                              keep=c("first","last")) {
  ## Internal Function
  ### from www.cookbook-r.com/Manipulating_data/Comparing_vectors_or_factors_with_NA/
  iCompareNA <- function(v1,v2) {
    same <- (v1 == v2) | (is.na(v1) & is.na(v2))
    same[is.na(same)] <- FALSE
  ## Main Function
  keep <- match.arg(keep)
  # make sure df is a data.frame (could be sent as a matrix)
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  if (nrow(df)==1) res <- FALSE
  else {
    # change data.frame based on cols2use or cols2ignore
    df <- iHndlCols2UseIgnore(df,cols2use,cols2ignore)
    ## get data.frames offset by 1 indice for comparisons
    df1 <- df[1:(nrow(df)-1),]
    df2 <- df[2:nrow(df),]
    ## compare data.frames
    if (keep=="first") { # returns first of the repeats
      # find rows where all are TRUE (consecutive rows repeat)
      # first row cannot be a repeat so put FALSE in its place
      res <- iCompareNA(df1,df2)
      if (is.matrix(res)) res <- apply(res,MARGIN=1,FUN=all)
      res <- c(FALSE,res)
    } else { # returns last of the repeats
      # reverse the order of the data.frames
      df1a <- df1[nrow(df1):1,]
      df2a <- df2[nrow(df2):1,]
      # find rows where all are TRUE (consecutive row repeats), but reverse the
      # order to return; last row can't be a repeat so put FALSE in its place
      res <- iCompareNA(df2a,df1a)
      if (is.matrix(res)) res <- apply(res,MARGIN=1,FUN=all)
      res <- c(rev(res),FALSE)
    # remove names attribute
    names(res) <- NULL    
  # reverse the TRUE/FALSEs so that TRUE means rows to keep (not rows repeated)

#' @title Computes standard error of the mean.
#' @description Computes the standard error of the mean (i.e., standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size).
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param na.rm A logical that indicates whether missing values should be removed before computing the standard error.
#' @return A single numeric that is the standard error of the mean of \code{x}.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @seealso See \code{se} in \pkg{sciplot} for similar functionality.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:20
#' sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))
#' se(x)
#' # all return NA if missing values are not removed
#' x2 <- c(x,NA)
#' sd(x2)/sqrt(length(x2))
#' # Better if missing values are removed
#' se(x2,na.rm=FALSE)
#' sd(x2,na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(length(x2[complete.cases(x2)]))
#' se(x2)
#' @export
se <- function (x,na.rm=TRUE) {
  if (!is.vector(x)) STOP("'x' must be a vector.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) STOP("'x' must be numeric.")
  if (na.rm) x <- x[stats::complete.cases(x)]

#' @title Finds the number of valid (non-NA) values in a vector.
#' @description Finds the number of valid (non-NA) values in a vector.
#' @param object A vector.
#' @return A single numeric value that is the number of non-\code{NA} values in a vector.
#' @seealso See \code{\link[plotrix]{valid.n}} in \pkg{plotrix} and \code{nobs} in \pkg{gdata} for similar functionality. See \code{\link{is.na}} for finding the missing values.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @section IFAR Chapter: 2-Basic Data Manipulations.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' junk1 <- c(1,7,2,4,3,10,NA)
#' junk2 <- c("Derek","Hugh","Ogle","Santa","Claus","Nick",NA,NA)
#' junk3 <- factor(junk2)
#' junk5 <- data.frame(junk1)
#' junk6 <- data.frame(junk3)
#' validn(junk1)
#' validn(junk2)
#' validn(junk3)
#' validn(junk4)
#' validn(junk5)
#' validn(junk6)
#' @export
validn <- function(object) {
  ## Handle data.frame
  if (is.data.frame(object)) {
    if (ncol(object)==1) object <- object[,1]
    else STOP("'object' cannot be a data.frame with more than one column.")
  ## Handle matrix
  if (is.matrix(object)) {
    if (ncol(object)==1) object <- object[,1]
    else STOP("'object' cannot be a matrix with more than one column.")

#' @title Calculates the geometric mean or geometric standard deviation.
#' @description Calculates the geometric mean or standard deviation of a vector of numeric values.
#' @details The geometric mean is computed by log transforming the raw data in \code{x}, computing the arithmetic mean of the transformed data, and back-transforming this mean to the geometric mean by exponentiating.
#' The geometric standard deviation is computed by log transforming the raw data in \code{x}, computing the arithmetic standard deviation of the transformed data, and back-transforming this standard deviation to the geometric standard deviation by exponentiating.
#' @param x Vector of numeric values.
#' @param na.rm Logical indicating whether to remove missing values or not.
#' @param zneg.rm Logical indicating whether to ignore or remove zero or negative values found in \code{x}.
#' @return A numeric value that is the geometric mean or geometric standard deviation of the numeric values in \code{x}.
#' @note This function is largely an implementation of the code suggested by Russell Senior on R-help in November, 1999.
#' @seealso See \code{\link[psych]{geometric.mean}} in \pkg{psych} and \code{\link[DescTools]{Gmean}} for geometric mean calculators. See \code{Gsd} (documented with \code{\link[DescTools]{Gmean}}) from \pkg{DescTools} for geometric standard deviation calculators.
#' @keywords misc
#' @aliases geomean geosd
#' @examples
#' ## generate random lognormal data
#' d <- rlnorm(500,meanlog=0,sdlog=1)
#' # d has a mean on log scale of 0; thus, gm should be exp(0)~=1
#' # d has a sd on log scale of 1; thus, gsd should be exp(1)~=2.7
#' geomean(d)
#' geosd(d)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Demonstrate handling of zeros and negative values
#' x <- seq(-1,5)
#' # this will given an error
#' geomean(x)
#' # this will only give a warning, but might not be what you want
#' geomean(x,zneg.rm=TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname geomean
#' @export
geomean <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,zneg.rm=FALSE) {
  x <- iChk4Geos(x,na.rm,zneg.rm)

#' @rdname geomean
#' @export
geosd <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,zneg.rm=FALSE) {
  x <- iChk4Geos(x,na.rm,zneg.rm)

iChk4Geos <- function(x,na.rm,zneg.rm) {
  if (!is.vector(x))
    STOP("'x' must be a vector.")
  if (!is.numeric(x))
    STOP("'x' must be a numeric vector.")
  if (any(x<=0,na.rm=na.rm) & !zneg.rm)
    STOP("'x' must contain all positive values.")
  if (any(x<=0,na.rm=na.rm) & zneg.rm) {
    WARN("Some non-positive values were ignored/removed.")
    # remove non-positive values
    x <- x[x>0]

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