# define a list for storing functions
.faasr_user <- list()
# defined variables
faasr_gh_local_repo <- "faasr_gh_local_repo"
faasr_data <- "faasr_data"
basic_gh_image <- ""
basic_ow_image <- "faasr/openwhisk-tidyverse:latest"
basic_ld_image_account <- "145342739029.dkr.ecr."
basic_ld_image_account_id <- "145342739029"
basic_ld_image_tag <- ""
#' @name faasr_register_workflow
#' @title faasr_register_workflow
#' @description
#' Client tools for registering actions
#' This aggregates openwhisk, github actions and lambda's
#' register functions
#' @param ... inputs for timeout, cron, and memory
#' @import cli
#' @import httr
#' @return return nothing / executes the FaaS
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' test$register_workflow
#' }
# faasr_register_workflow function
faasr_register_workflow <- function(...){
# get the "svc" by using "faasr_get_svc" and define the required variables.
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- svc$cred
# register actions for openwhisk/github-actions/lambda by given json
check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk(faasr,cred,...)
check <- faasr_register_workflow_github_actions(faasr,cred)
check <- faasr_register_workflow_aws_lambda(faasr,cred,...)
.faasr_user$operations$register_workflow <- faasr_register_workflow
#' @title faasr_collect_sys_env
#' @description
#' Collect system environment from the R studio
#' If the credential name is property set (Servername + Key name),
#' this function will use Sys.getenv to collect credentials.
#' If there's already credentials in the list, it skips the procedure.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @return credential list
#' @import cli
#' @import askpass
#' @keywords internal
# collect system envrionment
faasr_collect_sys_env <- function(faasr, cred){
# Check the computeservers.
for (faas_cred in names(faasr$ComputeServers)){
# if it is github actions, use key type for "Token"
# if given cred_name(servername + key type) is empty, set it up
# if "cred" doesn't have a value, use "Sys.getenv" to get the real key.
# if "Sys.getenv" value is empty, return an error message
if (faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$FaaSType=="GitHubActions"){
cred_name <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$Token
if (is.null(cred_name)){
cred_name <- paste0(faas_cred, "_TOKEN")
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name]] <- ask_cred
#err_msg <- paste0("faasr_collect_sys_env: ",cred_name," requires values")
} else{
cred[[cred_name]] <- real_cred
# if it is openwhisk, use key type for "API.key"
# if given cred_name(servername + key type) is empty, set it up
# if "cred" doesn't have a value, use "Sys.getenv" to get the real key.
# if "Sys.getenv" value is empty, return an error message
} else if (faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$FaaSType=="OpenWhisk"){
cred_name <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$API.key
if (is.null(cred_name)){
cred_name <- paste0(faas_cred, "_API_KEY")
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name]] <- ask_cred
} else{
cred[[cred_name]] <- real_cred
# if it is Lambda, use key types for "AccessKey" and "SecretKey"
# if given cred_name(servername + key type) is empty, set it up
# if "cred" doesn't have a value, use "Sys.getenv" to get the real key.
# if "Sys.getenv" value is empty, return an error message
} else if (faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$FaaSType=="Lambda"){
cred_name_ac <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$AccessKey
if (is.null(cred_name_ac)){
cred_name_ac <- paste0(faas_cred, "_ACCESS_KEY")
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name_ac]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name_ac)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name_ac))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name_ac, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name_ac]] <- ask_cred
} else{
cred[[cred_name_ac]] <- real_cred
cred_name_sc <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_cred]]$SecretKey
if (is.null(cred_name_sc)){
cred_name_sc <- paste0(faas_cred, "_SECRET_KEY")
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name_sc]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name_sc)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name_sc))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name_sc, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name_sc]] <- ask_cred
} else{
cred[[cred_name_sc]] <- real_cred
# Check the DataStores.
for (data_cred in names(faasr$DataStores)){
# Use key types for "AccessKey" and "SecretKey"
# if given cred_name(servername + key type) is empty, set it up
# if "cred" doesn't have a value, use "Sys.getenv" to get the real key.
# if "Sys.getenv" value is empty, return an error message
cred_name_ac <- faasr$DataStores[[data_cred]]$AccessKey
if (is.null(cred_name_ac)){
cred_name_ac <- paste0(faas_cred, "_ACCESS_KEY")
cred_name_sc <- faasr$DataStores[[data_cred]]$SecretKey
if (is.null(cred_name_sc)){
cred_name_sc <- paste0(faas_cred, "_SECRET_KEY")
if (!is.null(faasr$DataStores[[data_cred]]$Anonymous)){
if (faasr$DataStores[[data_cred]]$Anonymous == TRUE){
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name_ac]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name_ac)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name_ac))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name_ac, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name_ac]] <- ask_cred
} else{
cred[[cred_name_ac]] <- real_cred
if (is.null(cred[[cred_name_sc]])){
real_cred <- Sys.getenv(cred_name_sc)
if (real_cred == ""){
ask_cred <- askpass::askpass(paste0("Enter keys for ", cred_name_sc))
ask_cred_list <- list(ask_cred)
names(ask_cred_list) <- cred_name_sc, ask_cred_list)
cred[[cred_name_sc]] <- ask_cred
} else{
cred[[cred_name_sc]] <- real_cred
#' @title .faasr_get_svc
#' @description
#' Helper function to get the saved data for
#' json, cred, and operations.
#' @return object containing all the information
#' @keywords internal
# get the list "svc"
.faasr_get_svc <- function(){
# get the caller's envrionments.
calling_env <- parent.frame(2)
# get the caller
call <-[[1]]
# if caller is a function, get one more step to get a caller for a list
if (is.function(call)) {
call <-[[2]]
# merge and get the caller
object <- eval(call[[2]], envir = calling_env)
#' @title faasr
#' @description
#' FaaSr library client-side main function
#' It's generating the instance for the user
#' Users can use the functions with the instance generated by "faasr"
#' @param json_path a string for the json path
#' @param env_path a string for the env(credentials) path
#' @return svc; a set of data consisting of functions and data
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr(json_path="json_path.json", env_path="env_path")
#' }
# faasr main function
faasr <- function(json_path=NULL, env_path=NULL){
cli::cli_h1(paste0("Start FaaSr client tools"))
if (json_path=="" || is.null(json_path)){
cli_alert_danger("faasr: JSON path is required")
} else if (!file.exists(json_path)){
cli_alert_danger("faasr: JSON path is invalid")
# set the svc and environments
faasr_wd <- getwd()
svc <- .faasr_user$operations
svc$cred <- list()
svc$json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_path)
svc$path <- list(json=json_path, env=env_path, id=paste0("faasr_",sample(100000, size=1)))
svc$wd <- faasr_wd
# Check the ComputeServers
for (faas_js in names(svc$json$ComputeServers)){
switch (svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$FaaSType,
# If it is GithubActions and key is given by JSON file, replace it into representative(servername+token)
# Real key will be stored in the cred
if (!is.null(svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$Token)){
if (svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$Token != paste0(faas_js,"_TOKEN")){
svc$cred[[paste0(faas_js,"_TOKEN")]] <- svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$Token
svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$Token <- paste0(faas_js,"_TOKEN")
# If it is Lambda and key is given by JSON file, replace it into representative(servername+token)
# Real key will be stored in the cred
if (!is.null(svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$AccessKey)){
if (svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$AccessKey != paste0(faas_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")){
svc$cred[[paste0(faas_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")]] <- svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$AccessKey
svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$AccessKey <- paste0(faas_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")
if (!is.null(svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$SecretKey)){
if (svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$SecretKey != paste0(faas_js,"_SECRET_KEY")){
svc$cred[[paste0(faas_js,"_SECRET_KEY")]] <- svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$SecretKey
svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$SecretKey <- paste0(faas_js,"_SECRET_KEY")
# If it is Openwhisk and key is given by JSON file, replace it into representative(servername+token)
# Real key will be stored in the cred
if (!is.null(svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$API.key)){
if (svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$API.key != paste0(faas_js,"_API_KEY")){
svc$cred[[paste0(faas_js,"_API_KEY")]] <- svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$API.key
svc$json$ComputeServers[[faas_js]]$API.key <- paste0(faas_js,"_API_KEY")
# Check the Datastores
# Keys are given by JSON file, replace them into representative(servername+token)
# Real keys will be stored in the cred
for (data_js in names(svc$json$DataStores)){
if (!is.null(svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$AccessKey)){
if (svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$AccessKey != paste0(data_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")){
svc$cred[[paste0(data_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")]] <- svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$AccessKey
svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$AccessKey <- paste0(data_js,"_ACCESS_KEY")
if (!is.null(svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$SecretKey)){
if (svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$SecretKey != paste0(data_js,"_SECRET_KEY")){
svc$cred[[paste0(data_js,"_SECRET_KEY")]] <- svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$SecretKey
svc$json$DataStores[[data_js]]$SecretKey <- paste0(data_js,"_SECRET_KEY")
# if env_path is given, it would read the envrionment values from the path
if (!is.null(env_path)){
envs <- readLines(env_path, warn=FALSE)
for (env in envs){
# each key:value pair is divided by "=", so it should parse them.
# save the key:value as a list
env_parts <- strsplit(env, "=")
if (length(env_parts[[1]]) == 2) {
env_key <- trimws(gsub("[\"]", "", env_parts[[1]][1]))
env_value <- trimws(gsub("[\"\",]", "", env_parts[[1]][2]))
svc$cred[[env_key]] <- env_value
svc$cred <- faasr_collect_sys_env(svc$json, svc$cred)
succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully get configuration from ", json_path, " and ", env_path)
# create dir
if (!dir.exists(faasr_gh_local_repo)){
succ_msg <- paste0("Create the FaaSr directory: ", faasr_gh_local_repo)
if (!dir.exists(faasr_data)){
succ_msg <- paste0("Create the FaaSr directory: ", faasr_data)
if (!dir.exists(paste0(faasr_data, "/R"))){
dir.create(paste0(faasr_data, "/R"))
if (!dir.exists(paste0(faasr_data, "/files"))){
dir.create(paste0(faasr_data, "/files"))
if (!dir.exists(paste0(faasr_data, "/temp"))){
dir.create(paste0(faasr_data, "/temp"))
cli_alert_success("Ready to use FaaSr client tools:")
ulid <- cli_ul()
#' @title faasr_replace_values
#' @description
#' replace dummy keys with real keys
#' Dummy key format: Servername + "_" + Key Name with CAPITAL LETTER
#' e.g., My_OW_Account + API.key = My_OW_Account_API_KEY
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @return faasr a list form of the JSON file with real keys
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' faasr_with_cred <- faasr_replace_values(faasr, cred)
#' }
# replace fake values into real values
faasr_replace_values <- function(faasr, cred){
for (name in names(faasr)) {
# skip the FunctionList/FunctionGitRepo/FunctionCRANPackage/FunctionGitHubPackage
if (name == "FunctionList" || name=="FunctionGitRepo" || name == "FunctionCRANPackage" || name == "FunctionGitHubPackage") {
# If the value is a list, call this function recursively
if (is.list(faasr[[name]])) {
faasr[[name]] <- faasr_replace_values(faasr[[name]], cred)
} else {
# If the value exists in the secrets, replace it
if (faasr[[name]] %in% names(cred)) {
faasr[[name]] <- cred[[faasr[[name]]]]
#' @title faasr_invoke_workflow
#' @description
#' invoke workflow
#' This function aggregates the invoke workflow function for
#' openwhisk, github actions and lambda
#' This can be used as a cross-platform function
#' @param FunctionInvoke a string for invoke function
#' @param ... a string for underlying functions
#' @return return nothing / invokes the FaaS platform.
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' test$invoke_workflow
#' }
# invoke first action
faasr_invoke_workflow <- function(FunctionInvoke=NULL, ...){
# get the "svc" by using "faasr_get_svc" and define the required variables.
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- svc$cred
# if there's given function, it will be invoked.
if (!is.null(FunctionInvoke)){
actionname <- FunctionInvoke
} else{
actionname <- faasr$FunctionInvoke
# define the required variables.
faas_name <- faasr$FunctionList[[actionname]]$FaaSServer
faas_type <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$FaaSType
# If first action is github actions, use github
faasr_workflow_invoke_github(faasr, cred, faas_name, actionname)
# If first action is aws-lambda, use lambda
faasr_workflow_invoke_lambda(faasr, cred, faas_name, actionname)
# If first action is openwhisk, use ibmcloud
faasr_workflow_invoke_openwhisk(faasr, cred, faas_name, actionname, ...)
.faasr_user$operations$invoke_workflow <- faasr_invoke_workflow
#' @title faasr_set_workflow_timer
#' @description
#' set cron timer for workflow
#' This function aggregates the set cron timer function for
#' openwhisk, github actions and lambda
#' This can be used as a cross-platform function
#' @param cron a string for cron data e.g., */5 * * * *
#' @param target a string for specific function
#' @param ... a string for underlying functions
#' @return return nothing / set the workflow timer
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' test$set_workflow_timer("*/5 * * * *")
#' }
# set the cron timer
faasr_set_workflow_timer <- function(cron, target=NULL, ...){
# get env
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- svc$cred
if (is.null(target)){
target <- faasr$FunctionInvoke
if (is.null(cron) || cron==""){
cli_alert_danger("faasr_set_workflow_timer: No cron time provided")
# set timer depending on the faas providers
type <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faasr$FunctionList[[target]]$FaaSServer]]$FaaSType
if (type == "GitHubActions"){
} else if (type == "Lambda"){
} else if (type == "OpenWhisk"){
faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow(faasr,cred,target,cron, ...)
.faasr_user$operations$set_workflow_timer <- faasr_set_workflow_timer
#' @title faasr_unset_workflow_timer
#' @description
#' unset cron timer for workflow
#' This function aggregates the unset cron timer function for
#' openwhisk, github actions and lambda
#' This can be used as a cross-platform function
#' @param target a string for specific function
#' @param ... a string for underlying functions
#' @return return nothing / unset the workflow timer
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' test$unset_workflow_timer()
#' }
# unset the timer
faasr_unset_workflow_timer <- function(target=NULL,...){
# get env
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- svc$cred
if (is.null(target)){
target <- faasr$FunctionInvoke
# unset the timer depending on the faas providers
type <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faasr$FunctionList[[target]]$FaaSServer]]$FaaSType
if (type == "GitHubActions"){
faasr_set_workflow_timer_gh(faasr,cred, target, cron=NULL, unset=TRUE)
} else if (type == "Lambda"){
faasr_set_workflow_timer_ld(faasr,cred, target, cron=NULL, unset=TRUE)
} else if (type == "OpenWhisk"){
faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow(faasr,cred,target, cron=NULL, unset=TRUE,...)
.faasr_user$operations$unset_workflow_timer <- faasr_unset_workflow_timer
#' @title faasr_get_log_df
#' @description
#' returns a data frame with FaaSr logs stored in S3
#' This function queries and aggregates FaaSr log
#' information configured with the user's S3 bucket
#' This can be useful in debugging by helping the user
#' identify and download a particular log
#' @return this function returns nothing
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' test$faasr_get_log_df()
#' }
faasr_get_log_df <- function(){
# get the "svc" by using "faasr_get_svc" and define the required variables.
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- faasr_collect_sys_env(faasr,svc$cred)
storage_info <- faasr_get_storage_instance(faasr, cred)
log_server <- storage_info$server
s3 <- storage_info$s3
# Initialize lists to store data
uuids <- c()
dates <- c()
function_names <- c()
log_file_depth <- length(unlist(strsplit(faasr$FaaSrLog, "/")))
# Initialize the continuation token
continuation_token <- NULL
repeat {
# Get the list of objects, using continuation token if not the first request
list_args <- list(Bucket = log_server$Bucket, Prefix = faasr$FaaSrLog)
if (!is.null(continuation_token)) {
list_args$ContinuationToken <- continuation_token
check_log_file <-$list_objects_v2, list_args)
# Process the files
if (check_log_file$KeyCount > 0){
for(content in check_log_file$Contents) {
key <- content$Key
key_parts <- strsplit(key, "/")[[1]]
if(length(key_parts) > (log_file_depth + 1)) {
uuid <- key_parts[log_file_depth + 1]
file_name <- key_parts[length(key_parts)]
if(grepl("\\.txt$", file_name)) {
uuids <- c(uuids, uuid)
dates <- c(dates, content$LastModified)
function_names <- c(function_names, file_name)
# Check if there is more data to fetch
if (!is.null(check_log_file$NextContinuationToken) && length(check_log_file$NextContinuationToken) > 0) {
continuation_token <- check_log_file$NextContinuationToken
} else {
# Format dates and create data frame if any data exists
if (length(uuids) > 0) {
# dates <- as.POSIXct(dates, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="")
dates <- as.POSIXct(dates, tz="GMT", origin = "1970-01-01") - 4*3600
logs_df <- data.frame(UUID = uuids, Date = dates, FunctionName = function_names)
logs_df <- logs_df[order(logs_df$Date, logs_df$UUID), ]
rownames(logs_df) <- NULL
# print(logs_df)
# Specify the output file path
output_file_path <- file.path(faasr_wd, "faasr_output_logs.txt")
# Write the data frame to a text file
write.table(logs_df, file = output_file_path, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
} else {
message("No log file in folder: ", log_server$Bucket, "/", faasr$FaaSrLog)
.faasr_user$operations$get_log_df <- faasr_get_log_df
#' @title faasr_get_log
#' @description
#' downloads a FaaSr log file stored in S3
#' This function downloads a specific FaaSr log file
#' from the user's S3 FaaSrLog bucket to local disk
#' This can be useful in debugging by helping the user
#' retrieve the specific log of a FaaSr run
#' @param uuid the UUID of the log to retrieve
#' @return nothing is returned; log is downloaded
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' logs <- test$faasr_get_log('SOME-UUID')
#' }
faasr_get_log <- function(uuid){
# get the "svc" by using "faasr_get_svc" and define the required variables.
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- faasr_collect_sys_env(faasr,svc$cred)
storage_info <- faasr_get_storage_instance(faasr, cred)
log_server <- storage_info$server
s3 <- storage_info$s3
# Determine the depth of the log_file path to adjust the UUID extraction
log_file_depth <- length(unlist(strsplit(faasr$FaaSrLog, "/")))
#list all object in uuid folder
object_floder <- paste0(faasr$FaaSrLog, "/", uuid)
list_log_file <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=log_server$Bucket, Prefix=object_floder)
if(list_log_file$KeyCount == 0){
msg_info <- paste0("No log file with uuid: ", uuid)
# loop through all object in uuid folder, if it is a txt file, download it
for(content in list_log_file$Contents) {
key <- content$Key
# Split the key by '/' and parse accordingly
key_parts <- strsplit(key, "/")[[1]]
# Ensure it's a file within a UUID directory
if(length(key_parts) > (log_file_depth + 1)) {
file_name <- key_parts[length(key_parts)]
# Check if the file has a .txt extension, then download it
if(grepl("\\.txt$", file_name)) {
local_folder <- uuid
local_file <- paste0(local_folder,"/", file_name)
if (!dir.exists(local_folder)) {
dir.create(local_folder, recursive=TRUE)
log_object <- s3$download_file(
Bucket = log_server$Bucket,
Key = key,
Filename = local_file
# print(list_log_file)
msg_info <- paste0("log file with uuid: ", uuid, " has stored in local folder")
.faasr_user$operations$get_log <- faasr_get_log
#' @title faasr_delete_log
#' @description
#' deletes a FaaSr log file stored in S3
#' This function deleted a specific FaaSr log file
#' from the user's S3 FaaSrLog bucket
#' @param uuid the UUID of the log to retrieve
#' @return nothing is returned
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' logs <- test$faasr_delete_log('SOME-UUID')
#' }
faasr_delete_log <- function(uuid){
# get the "svc" by using "faasr_get_svc" and define the required variables.
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- faasr_collect_sys_env(faasr,svc$cred)
storage_info <- faasr_get_storage_instance(faasr, cred)
log_server <- storage_info$server
s3 <- storage_info$s3
# Determine the depth of the log_file path to adjust the UUID extraction
log_file_depth <- length(unlist(strsplit(faasr$FaaSrLog, "/")))
#list all object in uuid folder
object_floder <- paste0(faasr$FaaSrLog, "/", uuid)
list_log_files <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=log_server$Bucket, Prefix=object_floder)
# delete all files in this uuid folder
# Extract the keys and prepare them for deletion
objects_to_delete <- lapply(list_log_files$Contents, function(x) list(Key = x$Key))
# Ensure there are objects to delete
if (length(objects_to_delete) > 0) {
delete_response <- s3$delete_objects(
Bucket = log_server$Bucket,
Delete = list(
Objects = objects_to_delete
cli_li("Delete successfully")
} else {
cli_li("No objects found to delete.")
.faasr_user$operations$delete_log <- faasr_delete_log
#' @title faasr_delete_log_date
#' @description
#' deletes all FaaSr logs of a given date
#' This function deleted all FaaSr log files in a given
#' date from the user's S3 FaaSrLog bucket
#' @param target_date the date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the log data
#' @return nothing is returned
#' @import cli
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#' test <- faasr("test.json", "env")
#' logs <- test$faasr_delete_log_date('2024-06-05')
#' }
faasr_delete_log_date <- function(target_date) {
svc <- .faasr_get_svc()
faasr_wd <- svc$wd
if (!dir.exists(faasr_wd)){
faasr_wd <- getwd()
faasr <- svc$json
cred <- faasr_collect_sys_env(faasr,svc$cred)
storage_info <- faasr_get_storage_instance(faasr, cred)
log_server <- storage_info$server
s3 <- storage_info$s3
# Convert target_date to Date class for comparison
target_date <- as.Date(target_date)
continuation_token <- NULL
total_deleted = 0
repeat {
list_args <- list(Bucket = log_server$Bucket, Prefix = faasr$FaaSrLog)
if (!is.null(continuation_token)) {
list_args$ContinuationToken <- continuation_token
list_log_files <-$list_objects_v2, list_args)
# Filter and delete immediately
if (length(list_log_files$Contents) > 0) {
objects_to_delete <- lapply(list_log_files$Contents, function(x) {
# object_date <- as.POSIXct(x$LastModified, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT") - 4*3600
object_date <- as.POSIXct(x$LastModified, origin = "1970-01-01", tz="GMT") - 4*3600
object_date <- as.Date(object_date)
if (object_date <= target_date) {
return(list(Key = x$Key))
} else {
objects_to_delete <- Filter(Negate(is.null), objects_to_delete)
if (length(objects_to_delete) > 0) {
delete_response <- s3$delete_objects(
Bucket = log_server$Bucket,
Delete = list(Objects = objects_to_delete)
total_deleted <- total_deleted + length(objects_to_delete)
if (!is.null(list_log_files$NextContinuationToken) && length(list_log_files$NextContinuationToken) > 0){
continuation_token <- list_log_files$NextContinuationToken
} else {
if (total_deleted > 0) {
cli_li(paste0("Total ", total_deleted, " log files before date ", target_date, " have been deleted."))
} else {
cli_li("No objects found to delete or no objects matched the date.")
.faasr_user$operations$delete_log_date <- faasr_delete_log_date
#' @title faasr_get_storage_instance
#' @description
#' Helper function to assist log querying/downloading
#' from S3 bucket
#' @param faasr list with parsed and validated Payload
#' @param cred credentials
#' @return a list with log server and s3 configuration for paws
#' @keywords internal
faasr_get_storage_instance <- function(faasr, cred){
storage_info <- list()
# Extract name of logging server
if (is.null(faasr$LoggingDataStore)){
log_server_name = faasr$DefaultDataStore
} else {
log_server_name = faasr$LoggingDataStore
# Validate that server_name exists, otherwise abort
if (log_server_name %in% names(faasr$DataStores)) {
} else {
err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_log\":\"Invalid logging server name: ',log_server_name,'\"}', "\n")
log_server <- faasr$DataStores[[log_server_name]]
# get access key and secret key from cred
access_key_name <- paste0(log_server_name, "_ACCESS_KEY")
secret_key_name <- paste0(log_server_name, "_SECRET_KEY")
bucket_access_key <- cred[[access_key_name]]
bucket_secret_key <- cred[[secret_key_name]]
storage_info$server <- log_server
storage_info$s3 <- s3
return (storage_info)
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