PCA <- function (X, scale.unit = TRUE, ncp = 5, ind.sup = NULL, quanti.sup = NULL, 
    quali.sup = NULL, row.w = NULL, col.w = NULL, graph = TRUE, 
    axes = c(1, 2)) 
    moy.ptab <- function(V, poids) {
    ec.tab <- function(V, poids) {
        ecart.type <- sqrt(as.vector(crossprod(poids/sum(poids),as.matrix(V^2))))
		ecart.type[ecart.type <= 1e-16] <- 1

fct.eta2 <- function(vec,x,weights) {  
  VB <- function(xx) {
  tt <- tab.disjonctif(vec)
  ni <- colSums(tt*weights)

	X <- as.data.frame(X)
    is.quali <- which(!unlist(lapply(X,is.numeric)))
    if (length(is.quali)>0){
	  X[,is.quali] <- lapply(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE],as.factor)
      niveau <- unlist(lapply(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE],levels))
      if (sum(duplicated(niveau))>0 | any(niveau%in%(1:nrow(X)))){
        for (j in 1:ncol(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE])) {
          if ((sum(niveau %in% levels(X[,is.quali[j]])) != nlevels(X[,is.quali[j]])) | any(levels(X[,is.quali[j]])%in%(1:nrow(X)))) levels(X[,is.quali[j]]) <- paste(attributes(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE])$names[j], levels(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE][, j]), sep = "_")

  X <- droplevels(X)
  # if (!is.null(quali.sup) & is.numeric(quali.sup)) quali.sup <- colnames(X)[quali.sup]
  # if (!is.null(quanti.sup) & is.numeric(quanti.sup)) quanti.sup <- colnames(X)[quanti.sup]
  # if (!is.null(unused.var) & !is.numeric(unused.var)) unused.var<- which(colnames(X)%in%unused.var)
  # if (!is.null(unused.var)) X <- X[,-unused.var]
  if (!is.null(quali.sup) & !is.numeric(quali.sup)) quali.sup<- which(colnames(X)%in%quali.sup)
  if (!is.null(quanti.sup) & !is.numeric(quanti.sup)) quanti.sup<- which(colnames(X)%in%quanti.sup)
    if (any(is.na(X))) {
        warning("Missing values are imputed by the mean of the variable: you should use the imputePCA function of the missMDA package")
        if (is.null(quali.sup)) 
          X[is.na(X)] <- matrix(colMeans(X,na.rm=TRUE),ncol=ncol(X),nrow=nrow(X),byrow=TRUE)[is.na(X)]
        else for (j in (1:ncol(X))[-quali.sup]) X[, j] <- replace(X[, j], is.na(X[, j]), mean(X[, j], na.rm = TRUE))
    Xtot <- X
    if (!is.null(quali.sup))  X <- X[, -quali.sup,drop=FALSE]
    auxi <- colnames(X)[!sapply(X, is.numeric)]
	if (length(auxi)>0)  stop(paste("\nThe following variables are not quantitative: ", auxi))
    todelete <- c(quali.sup, quanti.sup)
    if (!is.null(todelete)) X <- Xtot[, -todelete,drop=FALSE]
    if (!is.null(ind.sup)) {
        X.ind.sup <- X[ind.sup, , drop = FALSE]
        X <- X[-ind.sup, , drop = FALSE]
    ncp <- min(ncp, nrow(X) - 1, ncol(X))
    if (is.null(row.w)) row.w <- rep(1, nrow(X))
    row.w.init <- row.w
    row.w <- row.w/sum(row.w)
    if (is.null(col.w)) col.w <- rep(1, ncol(X))
    centre <- moy.ptab(X,row.w)
	data <- X
    X <- t(t(as.matrix(X))-centre)
    if (is.null(attributes(X)$row.names)) rownames(X) <- rownames(data)
    if (is.null(attributes(X)$names)) colnames(X) <- colnames(data)
    if (scale.unit) {
        ecart.type <- ec.tab(X,row.w)
        X <- t(t(X)/ecart.type)
    else ecart.type <- rep(1, length(centre))
    dist2.ind <- rowSums(t(t(X^2)*col.w))
    dist2.var <- as.vector(crossprod(rep(1,nrow(X)),as.matrix(X^2*row.w)))
    res.call <- list(row.w = (row.w/sum(row.w)), col.w = col.w, 
        scale.unit = scale.unit, ncp = ncp, centre = centre, 
        ecart.type = ecart.type, X = Xtot, row.w.init = row.w.init,call=match.call())
    tmp <- svd.triplet(X, row.w = row.w, col.w = col.w,ncp=ncp)
    eig <- tmp$vs^2
    vp <- matrix(NA, length(eig), 3)
    rownames(vp) <- paste("comp", 1:length(eig))
    colnames(vp) <- c("eigenvalue", "percentage of variance", 
        "cumulative percentage of variance")
    vp[, "eigenvalue"] <- eig
    vp[, "percentage of variance"] <- (eig/sum(eig)) * 100
    vp[, "cumulative percentage of variance"] <- cumsum(vp[, "percentage of variance"])
    V <- tmp$V
    U <- tmp$U
	eig <- eig[1:ncp]
    coord.ind <- t(t(as.matrix(U))*sqrt(eig))
    coord.var <- t(t(as.matrix(V))*sqrt(eig))
    contrib.var <- t(t(coord.var^2)/eig)*col.w
    dist2 <- dist2.var
    cor.var <- coord.var/sqrt(dist2)
    cos2.var <- cor.var^2
    rownames(coord.var) <- rownames(cos2.var) <- rownames(cor.var) <- rownames(contrib.var) <- colnames(X)
    colnames(coord.var) <- colnames(cos2.var) <- colnames(cor.var) <- colnames(contrib.var) <- paste("Dim", 
        c(1:ncol(V)), sep = ".")
    res.var <- list(coord = coord.var[, 1:ncp,drop=FALSE], cor = cor.var[, 
        1:ncp,drop=FALSE], cos2 = cos2.var[, 1:ncp,drop=FALSE], contrib = contrib.var[, 
        1:ncp,drop=FALSE] * 100)
    dist2 <- dist2.ind
    cos2.ind <- coord.ind^2/dist2
    contrib.ind <- t(t(coord.ind^2*row.w/sum(row.w))/eig)
    rownames(coord.ind) <- rownames(cos2.ind) <- rownames(contrib.ind) <- names(dist2) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(coord.ind) <- colnames(cos2.ind) <- colnames(contrib.ind) <- paste("Dim", 
        c(1:ncol(U)), sep = ".")
    res.ind <- list(coord = coord.ind[, 1:ncp,drop=FALSE], cos2 = cos2.ind[, 
        1:ncp,drop=FALSE], contrib = contrib.ind[, 1:ncp,drop=FALSE] * 100, dist = sqrt(dist2))
    res <- list(eig = vp, var = res.var, ind = res.ind, svd = tmp)
    if (!is.null(ind.sup)) {
        if (is.null(ecart.type)) ecart.type <- rep(1, length(centre))
        X.ind.sup <- t(t(as.matrix(X.ind.sup))-centre)
        X.ind.sup <- t(t(X.ind.sup)/ecart.type)
        coord.ind.sup <- t(t(X.ind.sup)*col.w)
        coord.ind.sup <- crossprod(t(coord.ind.sup),tmp$V)
        dist2 <- rowSums(t(t(X.ind.sup^2)*col.w))
        cos2.ind.sup <- coord.ind.sup^2/dist2
        coord.ind.sup <- coord.ind.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = F]
        cos2.ind.sup <- cos2.ind.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = F]
        colnames(coord.ind.sup) <- colnames(cos2.ind.sup) <- paste("Dim",  c(1:ncp), sep = ".")
        rownames(coord.ind.sup) <- rownames(cos2.ind.sup) <- names(dist2) <- rownames(X.ind.sup)
        res.ind.sup <- list(coord = coord.ind.sup, cos2 = cos2.ind.sup, dist = sqrt(dist2))
        res$ind.sup <- res.ind.sup
        res.call$ind.sup <- ind.sup
    if (!is.null(quanti.sup)) {
        X.quanti.sup <- as.data.frame(Xtot[, quanti.sup,drop=FALSE])
        if (!is.null(ind.sup)) X.quanti.sup <- as.data.frame(X.quanti.sup[-ind.sup, ,drop=FALSE])
        colnames(X.quanti.sup) <- colnames(Xtot)[quanti.sup]        
        res.call$quanti.sup <- X.quanti.sup
        centre.sup <- moy.ptab(X.quanti.sup,row.w)
        X.quanti.sup <- t(t(as.matrix(X.quanti.sup))-centre.sup)
        if (scale.unit) {
            ecart.type.sup <- ec.tab(X.quanti.sup, row.w)
            X.quanti.sup <- t(t(X.quanti.sup)/ecart.type.sup)
        coord.vcs <- t(X.quanti.sup*row.w)
        coord.vcs <- crossprod(t(coord.vcs),tmp$U)
        col.w.vcs <- rep(1, ncol(coord.vcs))
        cor.vcs <- matrix(NA, ncol(X.quanti.sup), ncol(tmp$U))
		dist2 <- as.vector(crossprod(rep(1,nrow(X.quanti.sup)),as.matrix(X.quanti.sup^2*row.w)))
        cor.vcs <- coord.vcs/sqrt(dist2)
        cos2.vcs <- cor.vcs^2
        colnames(coord.vcs) <- colnames(cor.vcs) <- colnames(cos2.vcs) <- paste("Dim", c(1:ncol(cor.vcs)), sep = ".")
        rownames(coord.vcs) <- rownames(cor.vcs) <- rownames(cos2.vcs) <- colnames(Xtot)[quanti.sup]
        res.quanti.sup <- list(coord = coord.vcs[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE], cor = cor.vcs[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE], cos2 = cos2.vcs[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE])
        res$quanti.sup <- res.quanti.sup
    if (!is.null(quali.sup)) {
        X.quali.sup <- as.data.frame(Xtot[, quali.sup,drop=FALSE])
        if (!is.null(ind.sup)) X.quali.sup <- as.data.frame(X.quali.sup[-ind.sup,,drop=FALSE])
        colnames(X.quali.sup) <- colnames(Xtot)[quali.sup]
        nombre <- modalite <- NULL

		if (ncp>1) eta2 <- t(sapply(X.quali.sup,fct.eta2,res$ind$coord,weights=row.w))
		else {
		  eta2 <- as.matrix(sapply(X.quali.sup,fct.eta2,res$ind$coord,weights=row.w),ncol=ncp)
          colnames(eta2) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncp)
          rownames(eta2) <- colnames(X.quali.sup)
        for (i in 1:ncol(X.quali.sup)) {
            var <- as.factor(X.quali.sup[, i])
            n.mod <- nlevels(var)
            modalite <- c(modalite, n.mod)
            bary <- matrix(NA, n.mod, ncol(X))
            for (j in 1:n.mod) {
                ind <- levels(var)[j]
#                bary[j, ] <- apply(data[which(var == ind), ], 2, moy.p, row.w[which(var == ind)])
                bary[j, ] <- moy.ptab(data[which(var == ind), ], row.w[which(var == ind)])
### modif Avril 2011
##                nombre <- c(nombre, length(var[which(var == ind)]))
                nombre <- c(nombre, sum(row.w.init[which(var == ind)]))
            colnames(bary) <- colnames(X)
            if ((levels(var)[1] %in% (1:nrow(X))) | (levels(var)[1] %in% c("y", "Y", "n", "N"))) row.names(bary) <- paste(colnames(X.quali.sup)[i], as.character(levels(var)),sep=".")
            else row.names(bary) <- as.character(levels(var))
            if (i == 1)  barycentre <- bary
            else barycentre <- rbind(barycentre, bary)
        bary <- t(t(barycentre)-centre)
        if (!is.null(ecart.type)) bary <- t(t(bary)/ecart.type)
        dist2 <- rowSums(t(t(bary^2)*col.w))
        coord.barycentre <- t(t(bary)*col.w)
        coord.barycentre <- crossprod(t(coord.barycentre),tmp$V)
        colnames(coord.barycentre) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncol(coord.barycentre), sep = ".")
        cos2.bary.sup <- coord.barycentre^2/dist2
        vtest <- t(t(coord.barycentre)/sqrt(eig))
        if (sum(row.w.init)>1) vtest <- vtest*sqrt(nombre/((sum(row.w.init) - nombre)/(sum(row.w.init) - 1)))
		else vtest <- vtest*sqrt(nombre)
        cos2.bary.sup <- cos2.bary.sup[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE]
        coord.barycentre <- coord.barycentre[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE]
        vtest <- vtest[, 1:ncp, drop=FALSE]
        dimnames(cos2.bary.sup) <- dimnames(vtest) <- dimnames(coord.barycentre)
        names(dist2) <- rownames(coord.barycentre)
        res.quali.sup <- list(coord = coord.barycentre, cos2 = cos2.bary.sup, v.test = vtest, dist = sqrt(dist2), eta2=eta2)
        call.quali.sup <- list(quali.sup = X.quali.sup, modalite = modalite, nombre = nombre, barycentre = as.data.frame(barycentre), numero = quali.sup)
        res$quali.sup <- res.quali.sup
        res.call$quali.sup <- call.quali.sup
    res$call <- res.call
    class(res) <- c("PCA", "list")
    if (graph & (ncp>1)) {
        print(plot.PCA(res, choix = "ind", axes = axes))
        print(plot.PCA(res, choix = "var", axes = axes,shadowtext=TRUE,new.plot=TRUE))

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