
Defines functions overlapping_among_groups

Documented in overlapping_among_groups

#' Overlapping between grouping factors
#' Takes a dataframe with a column of genes, QTLs (or other data) and a grouping column and create some matrices with the overlapping information
#' @param file A dataframe with the data and grouping factor
#' @param x The grouping factor to be compared
#' @param y The data to be compared among the levels of the grouping factor
#' @return A list with three matrices: 1) A matrix with the number of overlapping data; 2) A matrix with the percentage of overlapping; 3) A matrix with the combination of the two previous one
#' @examples
#' data(QTLmarkers)
#' data(gtfGenes)
#' genes.out <- find_genes_qtls_around_markers(db_file=gtfGenes,
#' marker_file=QTLmarkers,method="gene",
#' marker="snp",interval=100000, nThreads=1)
#' @export
out.matrix.N<-matrix(ncol=length(unique(file[,x])), nrow=length(unique(file[,x])), NA, dimnames = list(unique(file[,x]),unique(file[,x])))
out.matrix.perc<-matrix(ncol=length(unique(file[,x])), nrow=length(unique(file[,x])), NA, dimnames = list(unique(file[,x]),unique(file[,x])))
out.matrix.merged<-matrix(ncol=length(unique(file[,x])), nrow=length(unique(file[,x])), NA, dimnames = list(unique(file[,x]),unique(file[,x])))
    for(i in seq_along(1:length(trait))){
        for(k in seq_along(1:length(trait))){
        tmp_perc<-(round(length(which(file[which(file[,x]==trait[i]),y] %in% file[which(file[,x]==trait[k]),y]))/length(file[which(file[,x]==trait[i]),y]),2))
        tmp_N<-(round(length(which(file[which(file[,x]==trait[i]),y] %in% file[which(file[,x]==trait[k]),y])),2))
        out.matrix.merged[i,k]<-paste(tmp_N," ","(",tmp_perc,")",sep="")

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GALLO documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:17 a.m.