
Defines functions match_nostic_columns ggts ggnostic check_and_set_nostic_types fn_switch ggally_nostic_hat ggally_nostic_cooksd ggally_nostic_sigma ggally_nostic_se_fit ggally_nostic_std_resid ggally_nostic_resid ggally_nostic_line brew_colors broom_columns model_beta_label beta_stars model_beta_variables model_response_variables model_variables broomify

Documented in brew_colors broomify fn_switch ggally_nostic_cooksd ggally_nostic_hat ggally_nostic_line ggally_nostic_resid ggally_nostic_se_fit ggally_nostic_sigma ggally_nostic_std_resid ggnostic ggts model_beta_label model_beta_variables model_response_variables

# cooksd
# on all predicted values
# important to prediction

# sigma
# how much of a problem it is to the model

## .hat: Diagonal of the hat matrix
## .sigma: Estimate of residual standard deviation when corresponding observation is dropped from model
## .fitted: Fitted values of model
## .cooksd: Cooks distance, 'cooks.distance'
## .se.fit: Standard errors of fitted values
## .resid: Residuals
## .std.resid: Standardized residuals (Some unusual "lm" objects, such as "rlm" from MASS, may omit '.cooksd' and '.std.resid'. "gam" from mgcv omits '.sigma')

#' Broomify a model
#' broom::augment a model and add broom::glance and broom::tidy output as attributes. X and Y variables are also added.
#' @param model model to be sent to [broom::augment()], [broom::glance()], and [broom::tidy()]
#' @param lmStars boolean that determines if stars are added to labels
#' @return broom::augmented data frame with the broom::glance data.frame and broom::tidy data.frame as 'broom_glance' and 'broom_tidy' attributes respectively.  \code{var_x} and \code{var_y} variables are also added as attributes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' model <- stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars)
#' broomified_model <- broomify(model)
#' str(broomified_model)
broomify <- function(model, lmStars = TRUE) {
  if (inherits(model, "broomify")) {


  broom_glance_info <- broom::glance(model)
  broom_tidy_coef <- broom::tidy(model)
  broom_augment_rows <- broom::augment(model, se_fit = TRUE)
  attr(broom_augment_rows, "broom_glance") <- broom_glance_info
  attr(broom_augment_rows, "broom_tidy") <- broom_tidy_coef
  attr(broom_augment_rows, "var_x") <- model_beta_variables(data = broom_augment_rows)
  attr(broom_augment_rows, "var_y") <- model_response_variables(data = broom_augment_rows)
  attr(broom_augment_rows, "var_x_label") <- model_beta_label(
    data = broom_augment_rows, lmStars

  class(broom_augment_rows) <- c(class(broom_augment_rows), "broomify")


model_variables <- function(model, data = broom::augment(model)) {
  augment_names <- names(data)
  augment_names <- augment_names[!grepl("^\\.", augment_names)]
#' Model term names
#' Retrieve either the response variable names, the beta variable names, or beta variable names.  If the model is an object of class 'lm', by default, the beta variable names will include anova significance stars.
#' @param model model in question
#' @param data equivalent to \code{broom::augment(model)}
#' @param lmStars boolean that determines if stars are added to labels
#' @return character vector of names
#' @rdname model_terms
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats terms
model_response_variables <- function(model, data = broom::augment(model)) {
  model_variables(model = model, data = data)[1]
#' @rdname model_terms
#' @export
model_beta_variables <- function(model, data = broom::augment(model)) {
  model_variables(model = model, data = data)[-1]

#' @importFrom stats symnum
beta_stars <- function(p_val) {
    corr = FALSE,
    na = FALSE,
    cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
    symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")

#' @export
#' @rdname model_terms
#' @importFrom stats anova
model_beta_label <- function(model, data = broom::augment(model), lmStars = TRUE) {
  beta_vars <- model_beta_variables(model, data = data)

  if ((!identical(class(model), "lm")) || (!isTRUE(lmStars))) {

  # for lm models only
  tidy_anova <- broom::tidy(anova(model))
  tidy_anova <- tidy_anova[tidy_anova$term %in% beta_vars, ]
  p_vals <- tidy_anova$p.value
  names(p_vals) <- tidy_anova$term
  p_vals <- p_vals[beta_vars]

  x_labs <- paste(beta_vars, beta_stars(p_vals), sep = "")
  gsub("\\s+$", "", x_labs)

broom_columns <- function() {
  c(".fitted", ".se.fit", ".resid", ".hat", ".sigma", ".cooksd", ".std.resid")

#' RColorBrewer Set1 colors
#' @param col standard color name used to retrieve hex color value
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @export
brew_colors <- function(col) {
  brew_cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, "Set1")
  names(brew_cols) <- c(
    "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange",
    "yellow", "brown", "pink", "grey"
  brew_cols <- as.list(brew_cols)
  ret <- brew_cols[[col]]
  if (is.null(ret)) {
        "color '", col, "' not found in: c(",
        paste(names(brew_cols), collapse = ", "),
        sep = ""

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} background line with geom
#' If a non-null \code{linePosition} value is given, a line will be drawn before the given \code{continuous_geom} or \code{combo_geom} is added to the plot.
#' Functions with a color in their name have different default color behavior.
#' @param data,mapping supplied directly to [ggplot2::ggplot()]
#' @param ... parameters supplied to \code{continuous_geom} or \code{combo_geom}
#' @param linePosition,lineColor,lineSize,lineAlpha,lineType parameters supplied to
#' [ggplot2::geom_line()]
#' @param continuous_geom \pkg{ggplot2} geom that is executed after the line is (possibly)
#' added and if the x data is continuous
#' @param combo_geom \pkg{ggplot2} geom that is executed after the line is (possibly) added and
#' if the x data is discrete
#' @param mapColorToFill boolean to determine if combo plots should cut the color mapping to the fill mapping
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @rdname ggally_nostic_line
ggally_nostic_line <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = NULL,
    lineColor = "red",
    lineSize = 0.5, lineAlpha = 1,
    lineType = 1,
    continuous_geom = ggplot2::geom_point,
    combo_geom = ggplot2::geom_boxplot,
    mapColorToFill = TRUE) {
  x_is_character <- is_character_column(data, mapping, "x")

  if (x_is_character && isTRUE(mapColorToFill)) {
    mapping <- mapping_color_to_fill(mapping)

  p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping)

  if (!is.null(linePosition)) {
    p <- p +
        yintercept = linePosition,
        color = lineColor,
        linewidth = lineSize,
        alpha = lineAlpha,
        linetype = lineType

  if (x_is_character) {
    p <- p + combo_geom(...)
  } else {
    p <- p + continuous_geom(...)


#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} residuals
#' If non-null \code{pVal} and \code{sigma} values are given, confidence interval lines will be added to the plot at the specified \code{pVal} percentiles of a N(0, sigma) distribution.
#' @param data,mapping,... parameters supplied to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_line}}
#' @param linePosition,lineColor,lineSize,lineAlpha,lineType parameters supplied to
#' [ggplot2::geom_line()]
#' @param lineConfColor,lineConfSize,lineConfAlpha,lineConfType parameters supplied to the
#' confidence interval lines
#' @param pVal percentiles of a N(0, sigma) distribution to be drawn
#' @param sigma sigma value for the \code{pVal} percentiles
#' @param se boolean to determine if the confidence intervals should be displayed
#' @param method,formula parameters supplied to [ggplot2::geom_smooth()].
#' Defaults to \code{"auto"} and \code{"y ~ x"}
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @seealso \code{stats::\link[stats]{residuals}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_resid(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .resid)))
ggally_nostic_resid <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = 0,
    lineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    lineSize = 0.5, lineAlpha = 1,
    lineType = 1,
    lineConfColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    lineConfSize = lineSize, lineConfAlpha = lineAlpha,
    lineConfType = 2,
    pVal = c(0.025, 0.975),
    sigma = attr(data, "broom_glance")$sigma,
    se = TRUE,
    method = "auto",
    formula = y ~ x) {
  if (!is.null(linePosition) && !is.null(pVal) && !is.null(sigma)) {
    scaled_sigmas <- qnorm(pVal, lower.tail = TRUE, sd = sigma)

    linePosition <- c(linePosition, linePosition + scaled_sigmas)
    lineColor <- c(lineColor, lineConfColor, lineConfColor)
    lineType <- c(lineType, lineConfType, lineConfType)
    lineSize <- c(lineSize, lineConfSize, lineConfSize)
    lineAlpha <- c(lineAlpha, lineConfAlpha, lineConfAlpha)

  p <- ggally_nostic_line(
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = linePosition,
    lineColor = lineColor,
    lineType = lineType,
    lineSize = lineSize,
    lineAlpha = lineAlpha

  if (!is_character_column(data, mapping, "x")) {
    p <- p + geom_smooth(se = se, method = method, formula = formula)

  p +
      ylim = range(
        c(linePosition, eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)),
        na.rm = TRUE

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} standardized residuals
#' If non-null \code{pVal} and \code{sigma} values are given, confidence interval lines will be added to the plot at the specified \code{pVal} locations of a N(0, 1) distribution.
#' @param data,mapping,... parameters supplied to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_resid}}
#' @param sigma sigma value for the \code{pVal} percentiles. Set to 1 for standardized residuals
#' @seealso [stats::rstandard()]
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @rdname ggally_nostic_std_resid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_std_resid(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .std.resid)))
ggally_nostic_std_resid <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    sigma = 1) {
    data, mapping, ...,
    sigma = sigma

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} fitted value's standard error
#' A function to display \code{stats::\link[stats]{predict}}'s standard errors
#' @details
#' As stated in \code{stats::\link[stats]{predict}} documentation:
#'  If the logical 'se.fit' is 'TRUE', standard errors of the predictions are calculated.  If the numeric argument 'scale' is set (with optional ''df'), it is used as the residual standard deviation in the computation of the standard errors, otherwise this is extracted from the model fit.
#' Since the se.fit is \code{TRUE} and scale is unset by default, the standard errors are extracted from the model fit.
#' A base line of 0 is added to give reference to a perfect fit.
#' @param data,mapping,...,lineColor parameters supplied to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_line}}
#' @param linePosition base comparison for a perfect fit
#' @seealso [stats::influence()]
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_se_fit(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .se.fit)))
ggally_nostic_se_fit <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    lineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    linePosition = NULL) {
    data, mapping, ...,
    lineColor = lineColor,
    linePosition = linePosition

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} leave one out model sigma
#' A function to display [stats::influence()]'s sigma value.
#' @details
#' As stated in [stats::influence()] documentation:
#' sigma: a vector whose i-th element contains the estimate of the residual standard deviation obtained when the i-th case is dropped from the regression.  (The approximations needed for GLMs can result in this being 'NaN'.)
#' A line is added to display the overall model's sigma value. This gives a baseline for comparison
#' @param data,mapping,...,lineColor parameters supplied to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_line}}
#' @param linePosition line that is drawn in the background of the plot. Defaults to the overall model's sigma value.
#' @seealso [stats::influence()]
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_sigma(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .sigma)))
ggally_nostic_sigma <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    lineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    linePosition = attr(data, "broom_glance")$sigma) {
    data, mapping, ...,
    lineColor = lineColor,
    linePosition = linePosition

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} Cook's distance
#' A function to display [stats::cooks.distance()].
#' @details
#' A line is added at \eqn{F_{p,n-p}(0.5)}{F[p,n-p](0.5)} to display the general cutoff point for Cook's Distance.
#' Reference: Michael H. Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, John Neter, and William Li. Applied linear statistical models. The McGraw-Hill / Irwin series operations and decision sciences. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005, p. 403
#' @param data,mapping,...,lineColor,lineType parameters supplied to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_line}}
#' @param linePosition 4 / n is the general cutoff point for Cook's Distance
#' @seealso [stats::cooks.distance()]
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @rdname ggally_nostic_cooksd
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats pf
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_cooksd(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .cooksd)))
ggally_nostic_cooksd <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = pf(0.5, length(attr(data, "var_x")), nrow(data) - length(attr(data, "var_x"))),
    lineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    lineType = 2) {
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = linePosition,
    lineColor = lineColor,
    lineType = lineType

#' \code{\link{ggnostic}} leverage points
#' A function to display stats::influence's hat information against a given explanatory variable.
#' @details
#' As stated in [stats::influence()] documentation:
#' hat: a vector containing the diagonal of the 'hat' matrix.
#' The diagonal elements of the 'hat' matrix describe the influence each response value has on the fitted value for that same observation.
#' A suggested "cutoff" line is added to the plot at a height of 2 * p / n and an expected line at a height of p / n.

#' If either \code{linePosition} or \code{avgLinePosition} is \code{NULL}, the respective line will not be drawn.
#' @param data,mapping,... supplied directly to \code{\link{ggally_nostic_line}}
#' @param linePosition,lineColor,lineSize,lineAlpha,lineType parameters supplied to
#' [ggplot2::geom_line()] for the cutoff line
#' @param avgLinePosition,avgLineColor,avgLineSize,avgLineAlpha,avgLineType parameters supplied
#' to [ggplot2::geom_line()] for the average line
#' @seealso [stats::influence()]
#' @return \pkg{ggplot2} plot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' dt <- broomify(stats::lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars))
#' p_(ggally_nostic_hat(dt, ggplot2::aes(wt, .hat)))
ggally_nostic_hat <- function(
    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = 2 * sum(eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)) / nrow(data),
    lineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    lineSize = 0.5, lineAlpha = 1,
    lineType = 2,
    avgLinePosition = sum(eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)) / nrow(data),
    avgLineColor = brew_colors("grey"),
    avgLineSize = lineSize, avgLineAlpha = lineAlpha,
    avgLineType = 1) {
  if (is.null(linePosition)) {
    lineColor <- lineSize <- lineAlpha <- lineType <- NULL
  if (is.null(avgLinePosition)) {
    avgLineColor <- avgLineSize <- avgLineAlpha <- avgLineType <- NULL

    data, mapping, ...,
    linePosition = c(linePosition, avgLinePosition),
    lineColor = c(lineColor, avgLineColor),
    lineSize = c(lineSize, avgLineSize),
    lineType = c(lineType, avgLineType),
    lineAlpha = c(lineAlpha, avgLineAlpha)

#' Function switch
#' Function that allows you to call different functions based upon an aesthetic variable value.
#' @param types list of functions that follow the \code{\link{ggmatrix}} function standard: \code{function(data, mapping, ...){ #make ggplot2 object }}.  One key should be a 'default' key for a default switch case.
#' @param mapping_val mapping value to switch on.  Defaults to the 'y' variable of the aesthetics list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ggnostic_continuous_fn <- fn_switch(list(
#'   default = ggally_points,
#'   .fitted = ggally_points,
#'   .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
#'   .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
#'   .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
#'   .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
#'   .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
#'   .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
#' ))
#' ggnostic_combo_fn <- fn_switch(list(
#'   default = ggally_box_no_facet,
#'   fitted = ggally_box_no_facet,
#'   .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
#'   .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
#'   .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
#'   .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
#'   .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
#'   .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
#' ))
fn_switch <- function(
    mapping_val = "y") {
  function(data, mapping, ...) {
    var <- mapping_string(mapping[[mapping_val]])

    fn <- ifnull(types[[var]], types[["default"]])

    if (is.null(fn)) {
        "function could not be found for ", mapping_val, " or 'default'.  ",
        "Please include one of these two keys as a function."

    fn(data = data, mapping = mapping, ...)

check_and_set_nostic_types <- function(
    .std.resid, # nolint
    .se.fit, # nolint
    .cooksd) {
  types_names <- names(types)
  set_type_value <- function(name, value) {
    if (is.null(types[[name]])) {
      # value is not set

      if (!(name %in% types_names)) {
        # set suggested fn
        types[[name]] <<- value
      } else {
        # does not plot displayed
        types[[name]] <<- ggally_blank

  set_type_value("default", default)
  set_type_value(".fitted", .fitted)
  set_type_value(".resid", .resid)
  set_type_value(".std.resid", .std.resid) # nolint
  set_type_value(".sigma", .sigma)
  set_type_value(".se.fit", .se.fit) # nolint
  set_type_value(".hat", .hat)
  set_type_value(".cooksd", .cooksd)


#' Plot matrix of statistical model diagnostics
#' @section `columnsY`:
#' [broom::augment()] collects data from the supplied model and returns a data.frame with the following columns (taken directly from broom documentation).  These columns are the only allowed values in the \code{columnsY} parameter to \code{\link{ggnostic}}.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{.resid}{Residuals}
#'   \item{.hat}{Diagonal of the hat matrix}
#'   \item{.sigma}{Estimate of residual standard deviation when
#'     corresponding observation is dropped from model}
#'   \item{.cooksd}{Cooks distance, [stats::cooks.distance()]}
#'   \item{.fitted}{Fitted values of model}
#'   \item{.se.fit}{Standard errors of fitted values}
#'   \item{.std.resid}{Standardized residuals}
#'   \item{response variable name}{The response variable in the model may be added. Such as \code{"mpg"} in the model \code{lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)}}
#' }
#' @section `continuous`, `combo`, `discrete` types:
#' Similar to \code{\link{ggduo}} and \code{\link{ggpairs}}, functions may be supplied to display the different column types.  However, since the Y rows are fixed, each row has it's own corresponding function in each of the plot types: continuous, combo, and discrete.  Each plot type list can have keys that correspond to the [broom::augment()] output: \code{".fitted"}, \code{".resid"}, \code{".std.resid"}, \code{".sigma"}, \code{".se.fit"}, \code{".hat"}, \code{".cooksd"}. An extra key, \code{"default"}, is used to plot the response variables of the model if they are included.  Having a function for each diagnostic allows for very fine control over the diagnostics plot matrix.  The functions for each type list are wrapped into a switch function that calls the function corresponding to the y variable being plotted.  These switch functions are then passed directly to the \code{types} parameter in \code{\link{ggduo}}.
#' @param model statistical model object such as output from \code{stats::\link[stats]{lm}} or \code{stats::\link[stats]{glm}}
#' @param ... arguments passed directly to \code{\link{ggduo}}
#' @param columnsX columns to be displayed in the plot matrix. Defaults to the predictor columns of the \code{model}
#' @param columnsY rows to be displayed in the plot matrix. Defaults to residuals, leave one out sigma value, diagonal of the hat matrix, and Cook's Distance. The possible values are the response variables in the model and the added columns provided by [broom::augment()]. See details for more information.
#' @param columnLabelsX,columnLabelsY column and row labels to display in the plot matrix
#' @param xlab,ylab,title plot matrix labels passed directly to \code{\link{ggmatrix}}
#' @param continuous,combo,discrete list of functions for each y variable.  See details for more information.
#' @template ggmatrix-progress
#' @param data data defaults to a 'broomify'ed model object.  This object will contain information about the X variables, Y variables, and multiple broom outputs. See \code{\link{broomify}(model)} for more information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' data(mtcars)
#' # use mtcars dataset and alter the 'am' column to display actual name values
#' mtc <- mtcars
#' mtc$am <- c("0" = "automatic", "1" = "manual")[as.character(mtc$am)]
#' # step the complete model down to a smaller model
#' mod <- stats::step(stats::lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtc), trace = FALSE)
#' # display using defaults
#' pm <- ggnostic(mod)
#' p_(pm)
#' # color by am value
#' pm <- ggnostic(mod, mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = am))
#' p_(pm)
#' # turn resid smooth error ribbon off
#' pm <- ggnostic(mod, continuous = list(.resid = wrap("nostic_resid", se = FALSE)))
#' p_(pm)
#' ## plot residuals vs fitted in a ggpairs plot matrix
#' dt <- broomify(mod)
#' pm <- ggpairs(
#'   dt, c(".fitted", ".resid"),
#'   columnLabels = c("fitted", "residuals"),
#'   lower = list(continuous = ggally_nostic_resid)
#' )
#' p_(pm)
ggnostic <- function(
    columnsX = attr(data, "var_x"),
    # columnsY = c(".fitted", ".se.fit", ".resid", ".std.resid", ".sigma", ".hat", ".cooksd"),
    columnsY = c(".resid", ".sigma", ".hat", ".cooksd"),
    columnLabelsX = attr(data, "var_x_label"),
    columnLabelsY = gsub("\\.", " ", gsub("^\\.", "", columnsY)),
    xlab = "explanatory variables",
    ylab = "diagnostics",
    title = paste(deparse(model$call, width.cutoff = 500L), collapse = "\n"),
    continuous = list(
      default = ggally_points,
      .fitted = ggally_points,
      .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
      .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
      .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
      .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
      .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
      .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
    combo = list(
      default = ggally_box_no_facet,
      .fitted = ggally_box_no_facet,
      .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
      .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
      .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
      .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
      .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
      .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
    discrete = list(
      default = ggally_ratio,
      .fitted = ggally_ratio,
      .se.fit = ggally_ratio,
      .resid = ggally_ratio,
      .hat = ggally_ratio,
      .sigma = ggally_ratio,
      .cooksd = ggally_ratio,
      .std.resid = ggally_ratio
    progress = NULL,
    data = broomify(model)) {
  continuous_types <- check_and_set_nostic_types(
    default = ggally_nostic_line,
    .fitted = ggally_nostic_line,
    .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
    .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
    .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
    .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
    .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
    .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
  combo_types <- check_and_set_nostic_types(
    default = ggally_nostic_line,
    .fitted = ggally_nostic_line,
    .se.fit = ggally_nostic_se_fit,
    .resid = ggally_nostic_resid,
    .hat = ggally_nostic_hat,
    .sigma = ggally_nostic_sigma,
    .cooksd = ggally_nostic_cooksd,
    .std.resid = ggally_nostic_std_resid
  discrete_types <- check_and_set_nostic_types(
    default = ggally_ratio,
    .fitted = ggally_ratio,
    .se.fit = ggally_ratio,
    .resid = ggally_ratio,
    .hat = ggally_ratio,
    .sigma = ggally_ratio,
    .cooksd = ggally_ratio,
    .std.resid = ggally_ratio

  continuous_fn <- fn_switch(continuous_types, "y")
  combo_fn <- fn_switch(combo_types, "y")
  discrete_fn <- fn_switch(discrete_types, "y")

  columnsX <- match_nostic_columns(columnsX, attr(data, "var_x"), "columnsX")
  columnsY <- match_nostic_columns(
    c(attr(data, "var_y"), broom_columns()),

    data = data,
    columnsX = columnsX, columnsY = columnsY,
    columnLabelsX = columnLabelsX,
    columnLabelsY = columnLabelsY,
    types = list(
      continuous = continuous_fn,
      comboVertical = combo_fn,
      comboHorizontal = combo_fn,
      discrete = discrete_fn
    progress = progress,
    title = title,
    xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab

# https://github.com/ggobi/ggobi/blob/master/data/pigs.xml
#' Multiple time series
#' GGally implementation of ts.plot. Wraps around the ggduo function and removes the column strips
#' @param ... supplied directly to \code{\link{ggduo}}
#' @param columnLabelsX remove top strips for the X axis by default
#' @param xlab defaults to "time"
#' @return \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' p_(ggts(pigs, "time", c("gilts", "profit", "s_per_herdsz", "production", "herdsz")))
ggts <- function(
    columnLabelsX = NULL,
    xlab = "time") {
  pm <- ggduo(
    # remove the "time" strip
    columnLabelsX = columnLabelsX,
    xlab = xlab


# if (!is.null(group)) {
#   column_type <- unlist(lapply(
#     data[setdiff(names(data), broom_columns())],
#     plotting_data_type
#   ))
#   is_discrete <- column_type[column_type == "discrete"]
#   group_names <- names(is_discrete)
# } else {
#   group_names <- deparse(mapping$group)
# }
# line_mapping <- mapping
# line_mapping[c("x", "y", "xend", "yend")] <-
#   aes_string(x = "xmin", y = "ymin", xend = "xmax", yend = "ymax")
# color_group <- c(group_names)
# if (!is.null(mapping$colour)) {
#   # set the colors to the mapping colors
#   color_group[length(color_group) + 1] <- deparse(mapping$colour)
# } else {
#   # set the default color to the line color
#   line_mapping$colour <- I(lineColor)
# }
# color_group <- unique(color_group)
# print(line_mapping)
# print(color_group)
# hline_data <- ddply(
#   data, color_group,
#   function(subsetDt) {
#     ret <- data.frame(
#       ymax = mean(subsetDt[[deparse(mapping$y)]], na.rm = TRUE),
#       ymin = mean(subsetDt[[deparse(mapping$y)]], na.rm = TRUE),
#       xmin = min(subsetDt[[deparse(mapping$x)]], na.rm = TRUE),
#       xmax = max(subsetDt[[deparse(mapping$x)]], na.rm = TRUE)
#     )
#     # transfer the unique columns that need to be there
#     for (col in color_group) {
#       ret[[col]] <- unique(subsetDt[[col]])
#     }
#     ret
#   }
# )

match_nostic_columns <- function(columns, choices, name) {
  column_matches <- pmatch(columns, choices, nomatch = NA, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
  if (any(is.na(column_matches))) {
      "Could not match '", name, "': c(",
      paste("'", columns[is.na(column_matches)], "'", collapse = ", ", sep = ""),
      ") to choices: c(",
      paste("'", choices, "'", collapse = ", ", sep = ""),
      sep = ""
  columns <- choices[column_matches]

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GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.