
Defines functions gp.Dlikelihood2 gp.loglikelihood2 plotImage plot.gpr diag.rat.qu diag.matern diag.pow.ex diag.linear D2 D2vv D2rat.qu.v D2rat.qu.a D2rat.qu.w D2matern.w D2matern.v D2pow.ex.v D2pow.ex.w D2linear.i D2linear.a Dloglik.vv Dloglik.rat.qu.v Dloglik.rat.qu.a Dloglik.rat.qu.w Dloglik.matern.w Dloglik.matern.v Dloglik.pow.ex.v Dloglik.pow.ex.w Dloglik.linear.i Dloglik.linear.a rmse gprPredict gpr cov.linear cov.matern cov.rat.qu cov.pow.ex

Documented in cov.linear cov.matern cov.pow.ex cov.rat.qu D2 gpr gprPredict plot.gpr plotImage

######################## Covariance functions ############################ 

#' @title Calculate a covariance matrix
#' @description Evaluates one of the following covariance functions at input 
#' vectors t and t': 
#' \itemize{
#' \item Powered exponential
#' \item Rational quadratic
#' \item Matern
#' \item Linear
#' }
#' @param hyper The hyperparameters. It must be a list with certain names. See 
#' details.
#' @param input The covariate t. It must be either a matrix, where each column
#'   represents a covariate, or a vector if there is only one covariate.
#' @param inputNew The covariate t'. It also must be a vector or a matrix. 
#' If NULL (default), 'inputNew' will be set to be equal to `input' and the 
#' function will return a squared, symmetric covariance matrix.
#' @param gamma Power parameter used in powered exponential kernel function. It
#'   must be 0<gamma<=2. Default to 2, which gives the squared exponential 
#'   covariance function.
#' @param nu Smoothness parameter of the Matern class. It must be a positive
#'   value.
#' @details The names for the hyperparameters should be: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item "pow.ex.v" and "pow.ex.w" (powered exponential);
#' \item "rat.qu.v", "rat.qu.w" and "rat.qu.a" (rational quadratic);
#' \item "matern.v" and "matern.w" (Matern);
#' \item "linear.i" and "linear.a" (linear);
#' \item "vv" (Gaussian white noise).
#' }
#' @references Shi, J. Q., and Choi, T. (2011), ``Gaussian Process Regression
#'   Analysis for Functional input'', CRC Press.
#' @return A covariance matrix
#' @name covMat

#' @rdname covMat
#' @export
cov.pow.ex <- function(hyper, input, inputNew=NULL, gamma=2){
  hyper <- lapply(hyper,exp)
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(hyper$pow.ex.w)
    A <- diag(hyper$pow.ex.w)
  if (is.null(inputNew)) {
    distMat <- distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=gamma)
    exp.v.power <- hyper$pow.ex.v*exp(-distMat)
    inputNew <- as.matrix(inputNew)
    distMat <- distMat(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, A=A, power=gamma)
    exp.v.power <- hyper$pow.ex.v*exp(-distMat)


#' @rdname covMat
#' @export
cov.rat.qu <- function(hyper, input, inputNew=NULL){
  hyper <- lapply(hyper,exp)
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(hyper$rat.qu.w)
    A <- diag(hyper$rat.qu.w)
  if (is.null(inputNew)) {
    distMat <- distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2)
    covratqu <- hyper$rat.qu.v*(1 + distMat)^(-hyper$rat.qu.a)
    inputNew <- as.matrix(inputNew)
    distMat <- distMat(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, A=A, power=2)
    covratqu <- hyper$rat.qu.v*(1 + distMat)^(-hyper$rat.qu.a)

#' @rdname covMat
#' @export
cov.matern <- function(hyper, input, inputNew=NULL, nu){
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  cc <- exp(hyper$matern.v)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(exp(hyper$matern.w))
    A <- diag((exp(hyper$matern.w)))
  if (is.null(inputNew)) {
      distmat <- sqrt(distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2))
      covmatern <- cc*(1+sqrt(3)*distmat)*exp(-sqrt(3)*distmat)
        distmat <- sqrt(distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2))
        covmatern <- cc*(1+sqrt(5)*distmat+(5/3)*distmat^2)*
        covmatern <- CovMaternCppSq(input=input, cc=cc, A=A, nu=nu)

    inputNew <- as.matrix(inputNew)
      distmat <- sqrt(distMat(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, A=A, power=2))
      covmatern <- cc*(1+sqrt(3)*distmat)*exp(-sqrt(3)*distmat)
        distmat <- sqrt(distMat(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, A=A, power=2))
        covmatern <- cc*(1+sqrt(5)*distmat+(5/3)*distmat^2)*
        covmatern <- CovMaternCpp(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, cc=cc, A=A, nu=nu)   

#' @rdname covMat
#' @export
cov.linear <- function(hyper, input, inputNew=NULL){
  hyper <- lapply(hyper,exp)
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(hyper$linear.a)
    A <- diag(hyper$linear.a)
  if (is.null(inputNew)) {
    cov.lin <- distMatLinearSq(input=input, A=A)
    inputNew <- as.matrix(inputNew)
    cov.lin <- distMatLinear(input=input, inputNew=inputNew, A=A)
  cov.lin <- hyper$linear.i + cov.lin

#' Gaussian process regression (GPR) model
#' Gaussian process regression for a single or multiple independent
#' realisations.
#' @param input Input covariates. It must be either a matrix, where each column
#'   represents a covariate, or a vector if there is only one covariate.
#' @param response Response data. It should be a matrix, where each column is a
#'   realisation. It can be a vector if there is only one realisation.
#' @param Cov Covariance function(s) to use. Options are: 'linear', 'pow.ex',
#'   'rat.qu', and 'matern'. Default to 'power.ex'.
#' @param m If Subset of Data is to be used, m denotes the subset size and
#'   cannot be larger than the total sample size. Default to NULL.
#' @param hyper The hyperparameters. Default to NULL. If not NULL, then it must
#'   be a list with appropriate names.
#' @param NewHyper Vector of names of the new hyperparameters of the customized
#'   kernel function. These names must have the format: xxxxxx.x, i.e. '6 digit'
#'   followed by 'a dot' followed by '1 digit'. This is required for both
#'   'hyper' and 'NewHyper'
#' @param meanModel Type of mean function. It can be \describe{ \item{0}{Zero
#'   mean function} \item{1}{Constant mean function to be estimated}
#'   \item{'t'}{Linear model for the mean function} \item{'avg'}{The average
#'   across replications is used as the mean function. This is only used if
#'   there are more than two realisations observed at the same input coordinate
#'   values.} } Default to 0. If argument 'mu' is specified, then 'meanModel'
#'   will be set to 'userDefined'.
#' @param mu Mean function specified by the user. It must be a vector. Its
#'   length must be the same as the sample size, that is, nrow(response).
#' @param gamma Power parameter used in powered exponential kernel function. It
#'   must be 0<gamma<=2.
#' @param nu Smoothness parameter of the Matern class. It must be a positive
#'   value.
#' @param useGradient Logical. If TRUE, first derivatives will be used in the
#'   optimization.
#' @param iter.max Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default to 100. If
#'   'rel.tol' is reduced, then the number of iterations needed will be less.
#' @param rel.tol Relative convergence tolerance. Default to 8e-10. Smaller
#'   rel.tol means higher accuracy and more time to converge.
#' @param trace The value of the objective function and the parameters is
#'   printed every trace'th iteration. Defaults to 0 which indicates no trace
#'   information is to be printed.
#' @param nInitCandidates Number of initial hyperparameter vectors. The
#'   optimization starts with the best.
#' @details The most important function of the package. It fits the GPR model
#'   and stores everything necessary for prediction. The optimization used in
#'   the function is 'nlminb'. The names for the hyperparameters should be:
#'   "linear.a" for linear covariance function, "pow.ex.w", "pow.ex.v" for power
#'   exponential, "rat.qu.s", "rat.qu.a" for rational quadratic, "matern.w",
#'   "matern.v" for Matern, "vv" for variance of Gaussian white noise. All
#'   hyperparameters should be in one list.
#' @return A list containing: \describe{ \item{hyper}{Hyperparameters vector
#'   estimated from training data} \item{var.hyper}{ Variance of the estimated
#'   hyperparameters} \item{fitted.mean }{Fitted values for the training data }
#'   \item{fitted.sd }{Standard deviation of the fitted values for the training 
#'   data}
#'   \item{train.x }{ Training covariates} \item{train.y }{ Training response}
#'   \item{ train.yOri}{Original training response } \item{train.DataOri }{
#'   Original training covariates} \item{idxSubset }{Index vector identifying
#'   which observations were selected if Subset of Data was used.} \item{
#'   CovFun}{ Covariance function type} \item{ gamma}{Parameter used in powered
#'   exponential covariance function } \item{nu }{Parameter used in Matern
#'   covariance function } \item{Q}{Covariance matrix } \item{mean}{Mean
#'   function } \item{meanModel}{Mean model used} \item{meanLinearModel}{'lm'
#'   object if mean is a linear regression. NULL otherwise.} \item{conv}{An
#'   integer. 0 means converge; 1 otherwise. } \item{hyper0}{Starting point of
#'   the hyperparameters vector.} }
#' @references Shi, J. Q., and Choi, T. (2011), ``Gaussian Process Regression
#'   Analysis for Functional Data'', CRC Press.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignettes:
#' # vignette("gpr_ex1", package = "GPFDA")
#' # vignette("gpr_ex2", package = "GPFDA")
#' # vignette("co2", package = "GPFDA")
gpr <- function(response, input, Cov='pow.ex', m = NULL, hyper=NULL, 
                NewHyper=NULL, meanModel=0, mu=NULL, gamma=2, nu=1.5, 
                useGradient=T, iter.max=100, rel.tol=8e-10, trace=0, 
                nInitCandidates = 1000){
  if("pow.ex"%in%Cov & is.null(gamma)){
    stop("Argument 'gamma' must be informed for pow.ex kernel")
  if("matern"%in%Cov & is.null(nu)){
    stop("Argument 'nu' must be informed for matern kernel")
  if("matern"%in%Cov & !is.null(nu)){
    if("matern"%in%Cov & !(nu%in%c(3/2, 5/2)) & useGradient){
      useGradient <- F
      cat("Gradient was not used. For Matern kernel, the gradient is only 
              available if either nu=3/2 or nu=5/2. For other values of 'nu', 
              useGradient is automatically set to FALSE.")
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  dimData <- ncol(input)
  response <- as.matrix(response)
  n <- nrow(response)
  nrep <- ncol(response)
      stop("'mu' defined by the user must have the same length as the response 
    mu <- matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
    meanModel <- 'userDefined'
  y.original <- response
  input.original <- input
  idxSubset <- NULL
    if(m>n){stop("m cannot be bigger than n.")}
    idxSubset <- sort(sample(x=1:n, size=m, replace=F))
    response <- response[idxSubset,,drop=F]
    input <- input[idxSubset,,drop=F]
      mu <- mu[idxSubset,,drop=F]

    ## lower bounds for candidates
      hyper$linear.a <- rep(log(1e-4), dimData)
      hyper$linear.i <- log(1e-4)
      hyper$pow.ex.v <- log(1e-4)
      hyper$pow.ex.w <- rep(log(1e-4), dimData)
      hyper$matern.v <- log(1e-4)
      hyper$matern.w <- rep(log(1e-4), dimData)
      hyper$rat.qu.a <- log(1e-4)
      hyper$rat.qu.v <- log(1e-4)
      hyper$rat.qu.w <- rep(log(1e-4), dimData)
    hyper_low <- unlist(hyper)
      hyper.nam <- c(names(hyper_low), NewHyper)
      for(i in 1:length(NewHyper)){
        hyper_low <- c(hyper_low, log(1e-4))
      names(hyper_low) <- hyper.nam
    ## upper bounds for candidates
      hyper$linear.a <- rep(log(1e4), dimData)
      hyper$linear.i <- log(1e4)
      hyper$pow.ex.v <- log(1e4)
      hyper$pow.ex.w <- rep(log(1e4), dimData)
      hyper$matern.v <- log(1e4)
      hyper$matern.w <- rep(log(1e4), dimData)
      hyper$rat.qu.a <- log(1e4)
      hyper$rat.qu.v <- log(1e4)
      hyper$rat.qu.w <- rep(log(1e4), dimData)
    hyper_upp <- unlist(hyper)
      hyper.nam <- c(names(hyper_upp), NewHyper)
      for(i in 1:length(NewHyper)){
        hyper_upp <- c(hyper_upp, log(1e4))
      names(hyper_upp) <- hyper.nam
      stop("hyper_upp and hyper_low must have the same dimension")
    hyper <- hyper_low
    hyper.nam <- names(hyper_low)
    hp.name <- hyper.nam
    hyper <- hyper[substr(names(hyper),1,6)%in%c(Cov,'vv')]
  hp.name <- names(unlist(hyper))
  if(meanModel==0) {response <- response; mu <- 0}
  if(meanModel==1) {
    mu <- mean(response)
    response <- as.matrix(response-mu)
  meanLinearModel <- NULL
  if(meanModel=='t') {
    trend <- data.frame(yyy=c(response), xxx=rep(c(input), nrep))
    meanLinearModel <- lm(yyy~xxx, data=trend)
    response <- matrix(resid(meanLinearModel), nrow=nrow(response), byrow=F)
    mu <- matrix(fitted(meanLinearModel), nrow=nrow(response), byrow=F)
  if(meanModel=='avg') {
      stop('Mean function can only be the average across replications when
           there are more than two replications.')
    mu <- apply(response, 1, mean)
    mu <- matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
    response <- response - mu
  #### Try a number of hp vector and start with the best
  candidates <- matrix(0, nInitCandidates, length(hyper_upp))
  for(iCand in 1:nInitCandidates){
    candidates[iCand,] <- runif(n=length(hyper_upp), min=hyper_low, 
  colnames(candidates) <- hp.name
  cat(c('\n','--------- Initialising ---------- \n'))
  resCand <- apply(candidates, 1, function(x){
    gp.loglikelihood2(hyper.p=x, input=input, response=response,
                      Cov=Cov, gamma=gamma, nu=nu)})
  best_init <- candidates[which.min(resCand),]
  trace <- round(trace)
    cat(c('iter:  -loglik:',hp.name,'\n'), sep='     ')
  if(!useGradient){gp.Dlikelihood2 <- NULL}
  CG0 <- nlminb(start=best_init, objective=gp.loglikelihood2, 
                input=input, response=response, Cov=Cov, gamma=gamma, nu=nu,
                control=list(iter.max=iter.max, rel.tol=rel.tol, trace=trace))
  # if(trace!=F&CG0$convergence==0)
  #   cat('\n','    optimization finished. Converged.','\n')
  # if(trace!=F&CG0$convergence==1)
  #   cat('\n','    optimization finished. Failed Converge.','\n')
    cat('\n','    optimization finished.','\n')
  CG <- CG0[[1]]
  names(CG) <- hp.name
  CG.df <- data.frame(CG=CG,CG.N=substr(hp.name,1,8))
  names(CG.df) <- c('CG','CG.N')
  hyper.cg <- split(CG.df$CG,CG.df$CG.N)
  nkernels <- length(Cov)
  CovList <- vector('list',nkernels)
  for(i in 1:nkernels){
    CovList[i] <- list(paste0('cov.',Cov[i]))
  CovL <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input))
    Q <- CovL[[1]]
    Q <- Reduce('+',CovL)
  diag(Q) <- diag(Q)+exp(hyper.cg$vv)
  invQ <- chol2inv(chol(Q))
    if(nu%in%c(3/2, 5/2)){
      calcVarHyperPar <- T
      calcVarHyperPar <- F
    calcVarHyperPar <- T
    D2fxList <- vector('list',nrep)
    for(irep in 1:nrep){
      QR <- invQ%*%as.matrix(response[,irep])
      AlphaQ <- QR%*%t(QR)-invQ
      D2fx <- lapply(seq_along(hyper.cg), function(i){
        Dp <- hyper.cg[i]
        name.Dp <- names(Dp)
        f <- get(paste0('D2',name.Dp))
        if(name.Dp%in%c('pow.ex.w','pow.ex.v') )
          D2para <- f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, gamma=gamma, inv.Q=invQ, 
        if(name.Dp%in%c('matern.w','matern.v') )
          D2para <- f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, nu=nu, inv.Q=invQ, 
        if(!name.Dp%in%c('pow.ex.w','pow.ex.v','matern.w','matern.v') & 
          D2para <- f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, inv.Q=invQ, Alpha.Q=AlphaQ)
          D2para <- f(hyper=hyper.cg, input=input, Alpha.Q=AlphaQ)
          D2para <- f(hyper=hyper.cg, inv.Q=invQ, Alpha.Q=AlphaQ)
      names(D2fx) <- names(hyper.cg)
      D2fx <- unlist(D2fx)
      D2fxList[[irep]] <- D2fx
    D2fx <- Reduce('+', D2fxList)
    var_hyper <- (-1/(unlist(D2fx)*dim(input)[1]))
    var_hyper <- NULL

  fitted <- (Q-diag(exp(hyper.cg$vv),dim(Q)[1]))%*%invQ%*%(response)+mu
  fitted.var <- exp(hyper.cg$vv)*rowSums(
  result <- list('hyper'=hyper.cg, 'var.hyper'=var_hyper,
                 'train.x'=input, 'train.y'=response,
                 'idxSubset'=idxSubset, 'CovFun'=Cov, 'gamma'=gamma, 'nu'=nu, 
                 'Q'=Q, 'inv'=invQ, 'mu'=mu, 'meanModel'=meanModel, 
                 conv=CG0$convergence, 'hyper0'=hyper)
  class(result) <- 'gpr'

#' Prediction of GPR model
#' @inheritParams gpr
#' @param train A 'gpr' object obtained from 'gpr' function. Default to NULL. If
#'   NULL, learning is done based on the other given arguments; otherwise,
#'   prediction is made based on the trained model of class gpr'.
#' @param inputNew Test input covariates.  It must be either a matrix, where
#'   each column represents a covariate, or a vector if there is only one
#'   covariate.
#' @param noiseFreePred Logical. If TRUE, predictions will be noise-free.
#' @param Y  Training response. It should be a matrix, where each column is a
#'   realisation. It can be a vector if there is only one realisation.
#' @param mSR Subset size m if Subset of Regressors method is used for
#'   prediction. It must be smaller than the total sample size.
#' @return A list containing  \describe{ \item{pred.mean}{Mean of predictions}
#'   \item{pred.sd}{Standard deviation of predictions} \item{newdata}{Test input 
#'   data}
#'   \item{noiseFreePred}{Logical. If TRUE, predictions are noise-free.}
#'   \item{...}{Objects of 'gpr' class. } }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignettes:
#' # vignette("gpr_ex1", package = "GPFDA")
#' # vignette("gpr_ex2", package = "GPFDA")
#' # vignette("co2", package = "GPFDA")
gprPredict <- function(train=NULL, inputNew=NULL, noiseFreePred=F, hyper=NULL, 
                         input=NULL, Y=NULL, mSR=NULL,
                         Cov=NULL, gamma=NULL, nu=NULL, meanModel=0, mu=0){
  inputNew <- as.matrix(inputNew)
  if(mu==1 & !is.null(Y)){
    mu <- mean(Y)
  if(!is.null(input)) input <- as.matrix(input)
  if(!is.null(Y)) Y <- as.matrix(Y-mu)
  if("pow.ex"%in%Cov & is.null(gamma)){
    stop("Argument 'gamma' must be informed for pow.ex kernel")
  if("matern"%in%Cov & is.null(nu)){
    stop("Argument 'nu' must be informed for matern kernel")
    hyper <- train$hyper
    input <- train$train.x
    Y <- train$train.y
    Cov <- train$CovFun
    gamma <- train$gamma
    nu <- train$nu
    mu <- train$mu
    meanModel <- train$meanModel
    meanLinearModel <- train$meanLinearModel
  nrep <- ncol(Y)
    train <- gpr(input=input, response=Y, Cov=Cov, hyper=hyper, 
                 gamma=gamma, nu=nu)
  if(is.null(inputNew)) inputNew <- input

  nkernels <- length(Cov)

  CovList <- vector('list',nkernels)
  for(i in 1:nkernels){
    CovList[i] <- list(paste0('cov.',Cov[i]))
  CovL1 <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=inputNew, 
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=inputNew, 
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=inputNew))}
  Q1 <- Reduce('+',CovL1)
  Q1 <- t(Q1)
  CovL <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input))}
  Q <- Reduce('+',CovL)
  diag(Q) <- diag(Q)+exp(hyper$vv)
  for(i in 1:nkernels) CovList[i] <- list(paste0('diag.',Cov[i]))
  CovLn <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    f(hyper=hyper, input=inputNew)
  Qstar <- Reduce('+',CovLn)

  invQ <- chol2inv(chol(Q))
  QQ1 <- invQ%*%t(Q1)
  QR <- invQ%*%Y

    newtrend <- data.frame(xxx=inputNew[,1])
    mu <- predict(meanLinearModel, newdata=newtrend)
    mu <- Q1%*%QR + matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
        stop("For predicting response values at input locations inputNew, 
             the mean function can only be 'avg' across replications if
             all inputNew are included in input.")
      mu <- Q1%*%QR + mu
      mu <- Q1%*%QR + mu

    sigma2 <- Qstar - as.matrix(diag(Q1%*%invQ%*%t(Q1)))
    sigma2 <- Qstar - as.matrix(diag(Q1%*%invQ%*%t(Q1)))+exp(hyper$vv)
  pred.sd <- sqrt(sigma2[,1])
}else{ # mSR set
  if(mSR>=n){stop("mSR must be smaller than n.")}
  n <- nrow(input)
  idx <- sort(sample(x=1:n, size=mSR, replace=F))
  CovList <- vector('list',nkernels)
  for(i in 1:nkernels){

  Cov_m_ns <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
                                 inputNew=inputNew, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
                                 inputNew=inputNew, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], inputNew=inputNew))}
  K_m_nstar <- Reduce('+',Cov_m_ns)

  Cov_mm <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F]))}
  K_mm <- Reduce('+',Cov_mm)

  Cov_m_n <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
                                 inputNew=input, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], 
                                 inputNew=input, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper, input=input[idx,,drop=F], inputNew=input))}
  K_m_n <- Reduce('+',Cov_m_n)

  toBeInverted <- K_m_n%*%t(K_m_n) + exp(hyper$vv)*K_mm
  diag(toBeInverted) <- diag(toBeInverted) + 1e-8
  invTerm <- chol2inv(chol(toBeInverted))
  centYpred <- t(K_m_nstar)%*%invTerm%*%K_m_n%*%Y
  varYpred <- exp(hyper$vv)*t(K_m_nstar)%*%invTerm%*%K_m_nstar
    newtrend <- data.frame(xxx=inputNew[,1])
    mu <- predict(meanLinearModel,newdata=newtrend)
    mu <- centYpred + matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
        stop("For predicting response values at input locations inputNew, 
             the mean function can only be 'avg' across replications if
             all inputNew are included in input.")
      mu <- centYpred + mu
      mu <- centYpred + mu
    sigma2 <- varYpred
    sigma2 <- varYpred + exp(hyper$vv)
    pred.sd <- sqrt(sigma2[,1])
    pred.sd <- NA
    cat("Subset of Regressors gives negative predictive variance.")

  result <- c(list('pred.mean'=mu,
  class(result) <- 'gpr'

################################# tools #####################################
rmse <- function(t, a){ 
  y <- sqrt(sum((a-t)^2)/length(t))

########################### derivatives #####################################

Dloglik.linear.a <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ){
  Dlinear.aj <- sapply(1:ncol(input),function(i){
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    DPsi <- exp(hyper$linear.a[i])*distMatLinearSq(input=Xi, A=A1)
    res <- sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DPsi))

Dloglik.linear.i <- function(hyper, Alpha, invQ){
  constMat <- matrix(exp(hyper$linear.i), nrow=nrow(invQ), ncol=ncol(invQ))
  Dfa0 <- 0.5*sum(diag(  (Alpha%*%t(Alpha) - invQ)%*%constMat ))

Dloglik.pow.ex.w <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ, gamma){
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    DPsi <- -cov.pow.ex(hyper=hyper, input=input, gamma=gamma)*
      distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=gamma)*exp(hyper$pow.ex.w[i])
    res <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DPsi))

Dloglik.pow.ex.v <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ, gamma){
  DDpow.ex.v <- cov.pow.ex(hyper,input, gamma=gamma)
  Dpow.ex.v <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DDpow.ex.v))


Dloglik.matern.v <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ, nu){
  DDmatern.v <- cov.matern(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=NULL, nu=nu)
  Dmatern.v <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DDmatern.v))

Dloglik.matern.w <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ, nu){
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  cc <- exp(hyper$matern.v)
  dimData <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(exp(hyper$matern.w))
    A <- diag((exp(hyper$matern.w)))
  dist_C <- distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2)
  dist_D <- sqrt(dist_C)
  Dmatern.wj <- sapply(1:ncol(input),function(i){
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    dist_i <- distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2)
      DPsi <- -1.5*cc*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*dist_i*exp(-sqrt(3)*dist_D)
      DPsi <- cc*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*dist_i*exp(-sqrt(5)*dist_D)*(5/6)*
    res <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DPsi))

Dloglik.rat.qu.w <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ){

  dimData <- ncol(input)
  d1list <- vector("list", dimData)
  for(i in 1:dimData){
    covmatrix <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyper, input=input)
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    hyperAdj <- hyper
    hyperAdj$rat.qu.v <- 0
    covmatrixAdj_a <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyperAdj, input=input)
    hyperAdj$rat.qu.a <- 0
    covmatrixAdj_0 <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyperAdj, input=input)
    d1 <- -exp(hyper$rat.qu.a)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.v)*covmatrixAdj_a*
      covmatrixAdj_0*distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.w[i])
    d1list[[i]] <- d1

  Drat.qu.wj <- sapply(1:dimData, function(i){sum(0.5*AlphaQ*d1list[[i]])} )

Dloglik.rat.qu.a <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ){
  covmatrix <- cov.rat.qu(hyper,input)
  hyper <- lapply(hyper,exp)
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(hyper$rat.qu.w)
    A <- diag(hyper$rat.qu.w)
  v.power <- distMatSq(input=input,A=A,power=2)
  log_term <- log( 1 + v.power )
  DDrat.qu.a <- log_term*covmatrix*(-hyper$rat.qu.a)
  Drat.qu.a <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DDrat.qu.a))


Dloglik.rat.qu.v <- function(hyper, input, AlphaQ){
  DDrat.qu.v <- cov.rat.qu(hyper,input)
  Drat.qu.v <- 0.5*sum(diag(AlphaQ%*%DDrat.qu.v))

Dloglik.vv <- function(hyper, Alpha, invQ){
  Dfvv <- 0.5*sum(diag(Alpha%*%t(Alpha) - invQ))*exp(hyper$vv)

D2linear.a <- function(hyper, input, Alpha.Q){
  D2linear.aj <- sapply(1:ncol(input),function(i){
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    DPsi <- exp(hyper$linear.a[i])*distMatLinearSq(input=Xi, A=A1)
    res <- sum(diag(Alpha.Q%*%DPsi))

D2linear.i <- function(hyper, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  constMat <- matrix(exp(hyper$linear.i), nrow=nrow(inv.Q), ncol=ncol(inv.Q))
  D2flinear.i <- D2(constMat, constMat,inv.Q,Alpha.Q)

D2pow.ex.w <- function(hyper,input,gamma,inv.Q,Alpha.Q){
  dimData <- ncol(input)
  d1list <- vector("list", dimData)
  d2list <- vector("list", dimData)
  for(i in 1:dimData){
    covmatrix <- cov.pow.ex(hyper=hyper, input=input, gamma=gamma)
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    d1 <- -covmatrix*distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=gamma)*exp(hyper$pow.ex.w[i])
    d1list[[i]] <- d1
    d2 <- covmatrix*
      (distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2*gamma)*exp(2*hyper$pow.ex.w[i]) - 
         distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=gamma)*exp(hyper$pow.ex.w[i]))
    d2list[[i]] <- d2

  D2pow.ex.wj <- sapply(1:dimData, function(i){
       inv.Q=inv.Q, Alpha.Q=Alpha.Q)} )


D2pow.ex.v <- function(hyper, input, gamma, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  DDpow.ex.v <- cov.pow.ex(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=NULL, 
  D2pow.ex.v <- D2(DDpow.ex.v, DDpow.ex.v, inv.Q, Alpha.Q)  

D2matern.v <- function(hyper, input, nu, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  DDmatern.v <- cov.matern(hyper=hyper, input=input, inputNew=NULL, nu=nu)
  D2matern.v <- D2(DDmatern.v, DDmatern.v, inv.Q, Alpha.Q)  

D2matern.w <- function(hyper, input, nu, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  cc <- exp(hyper$matern.v)
  dimData <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(exp(hyper$matern.w))
    A <- diag((exp(hyper$matern.w)))

  dist_C <- distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2)
  dist_D <- sqrt(dist_C)

  d1list <- vector("list", dimData)
  d2list <- vector("list", dimData)
  for(i in 1:dimData){
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)
    dist_i <- distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2)
      d1list[[i]] <- -1.5*cc*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*dist_i*exp(-sqrt(3)*dist_D)
      d2list[[i]] <- d1list[[i]]*(1 - 0.5*sqrt(3)*dist_C^(-0.5))*
      diag(d2list[[i]]) <- 0
      d1list[[i]] <- cc*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*dist_i*exp(-sqrt(5)*dist_D)*
      d2list[[i]] <- (-5/6)*cc*dist_i*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*
        1+sqrt(5)*dist_D - 2.5*exp(hyper$matern.w[i])*dist_i)
  D2matern.wj <- sapply(1:dimData, function(i){
       inv.Q=inv.Q, Alpha.Q=Alpha.Q)} )


# covmatrixAdj_a will use unit signal variance v and usual alpha parameter
# covmatrixAdj_0 will use unit signal variance v and alpha=1 (ie, log(alpha)=0, 
# exp(log(1)) = exp(0))
D2rat.qu.w <- function(hyper, input, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  dimData <- ncol(input)
  d1list <- vector("list", dimData)
  d2list <- vector("list", dimData)
  for(i in 1:dimData){
    covmatrix <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyper, input=input)
    Xi <- as.matrix(input[,i])
    A1 <- as.matrix(1)

    hyperAdj <- hyper
    hyperAdj$rat.qu.v <- 0
    covmatrixAdj_a <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyperAdj, input=input)
    hyperAdj$rat.qu.a <- 0
    covmatrixAdj_0 <- cov.rat.qu(hyper=hyperAdj, input=input)
    d1 <- -exp(hyper$rat.qu.a)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.v)*covmatrixAdj_a*
      covmatrixAdj_0*distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.w[i])
    d1list[[i]] <- d1
    # calc D2rat.qu
    d2 <- -exp(hyper$rat.qu.a)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.v)*covmatrixAdj_a*
                        distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=4)*
                        exp(2*hyper$rat.qu.w[i]) + 
        distMatSq(input=Xi, A=A1, power=2)*exp(hyper$rat.qu.w[i])
    d2list[[i]] <- d2
  D2rat.qu.wj <- sapply(1:dimData, function(i){
       inv.Q=inv.Q, Alpha.Q=Alpha.Q)} )

D2rat.qu.a <- function(hyper, input, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  covmatrix <- cov.rat.qu(hyper, input)

  hyper <- lapply(hyper, exp)
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  Q <- ncol(input)
    A <- as.matrix(hyper$rat.qu.w)
    A <- diag(hyper$rat.qu.w)
  v.power <- distMatSq(input=input, A=A, power=2)
  log_term <- log( 1 + v.power )
  d1 <- log_term*covmatrix*(-hyper$rat.qu.a)
  d2 <- (d1 + covmatrix)*(-hyper$rat.qu.a)*log_term

  D2rat.qu.a <- D2(d1,d2,inv.Q,Alpha.Q)

D2rat.qu.v <- function(hyper, input, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  covmatrix <- cov.rat.qu(hyper, input)
  D2rat.qu.v <- D2(covmatrix, covmatrix, inv.Q, Alpha.Q)  

D2vv <- function(hyper, input, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  D2fvv <- D2(diag(exp(hyper$vv),dim(input)[1]), 

#' Second derivative of the likelihood
#' Calculate the second derivative of the likelihood function with respect to
#' one of the hyperparameters, given the first and second derivative of the
#' kernel with respect to that hyperparameter.
#' @param d1 First derivative of the kernel function with respect to the required
#'  hyperparameter.
#' @param d2 Second derivative of the kernel function with respect to the
#'  required hyperparameter.
#' @param inv.Q Inverse of covariance matrix Q.
#' @param Alpha.Q  This is alpha * alpha'- invQ, where invQ is the inverse of the
#'  covariance matrix Q, and alpha = invQ * Y, where Y is the response.
#' @details The function calculates the second derivative of the log-likelihood,
#'  using the first and second derivative of the kernel functions.
#' @return A number.
#' @references Shi, J. Q., and Choi, T. (2011), ``Gaussian Process Regression
#'  Analysis for Functional Data'', CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' ## This function is used in the vignette 'co2':
#' # vignette("co2", package = "GPFDA")
#' @export
D2 <- function(d1, d2, inv.Q, Alpha.Q){
  Aii <- t(d1)%*%inv.Q%*%d1
  al <- Alpha.Q+inv.Q

diag.linear <- function(hyper, input){
  Qstar <- exp(hyper$linear.i) + input^2%*%matrix(exp(hyper$linear.a))

diag.pow.ex <- function(hyper, input){
  Qstar <- rep(exp(hyper$pow.ex.v),dim(input)[1])

diag.matern <- function(hyper, input){
  Qstar <- rep(exp(hyper$matern.v),dim(input)[1])

diag.rat.qu <- function(hyper, input){
  Qstar <- rep(exp(hyper$rat.qu.v),dim(input)[1])

#' Plot GPR model for either training or prediction
#' Plot Gaussian process for a given an object of class 'gpr'.
#' @param x The 'gpr' object from either training or predicting of the Gaussian
#'   Process.
#' @param fitted Logical. Plot fitted values or not. Default to FALSE. If FALSE,
#'   plot the predictions.
#' @param col.no Column number of the input matrix. If the input matrix has more
#'   than one columns, than one of them will be used in the plot. Default to be
#'   the first one.
#' @param ylim Range value for y-axis.
#' @param cex.points Graphical parameter
#' @param lwd.points Graphical parameter
#' @param pch Graphical parameter
#' @param lwd Graphical parameter
#' @param realisation Integer identifying which realisation should be plotted
#'   (if there are multiple).
#' @param main Title for the plot
#' @param ... Graphical parameters passed to plot().
#' @importFrom  graphics polygon
#' @importFrom  graphics points
#' @importFrom  graphics matpoints
#' @importFrom  graphics matlines
#' @importFrom  graphics lines
#' @importFrom  grDevices rgb
#' @return A plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("gpr_ex1", package = "GPFDA")
plot.gpr <- function(x, fitted=F, col.no=1, ylim=NULL, realisation=NULL, main=NULL, 
                     cex.points=NULL, lwd.points=NULL, pch=NULL, lwd=NULL, ...){
  obj <- x
      cat('Fitted values not found; plotting predicted values.')
      type <- 'Prediction'
      mu <- obj$pred.mean
      sd <- obj$pred.sd
      x <- obj$newdata
      X <- obj$train.x
      Y <- obj$train.yOri
      type <- 'Fitted values'
      mu <- obj$fitted.mean
      sd <- obj$fitted.sd
      X <- obj$train.x
      Y <- obj$train.yOri
      x <- X
      cat('Predicted values not found, ploting fitted values')
      type <- 'Fitted values'
      mu <- obj$fitted.mean
      sd <- obj$fitted.sd
      X <- obj$train.x
      Y <- obj$train.yOri
      x <- X
      type <- 'Prediction'
      mu <- obj$pred.mean
      sd <- obj$pred.sd
      x <- obj$newdata
      X <- obj$train.x
      Y <- obj$train.yOri
    pchType <- 4
    PcexNo <- 1
    LcexNo <- 1.5
    PLcexNo <- 2
    pchType <- 20
    PcexNo <- 0.1
    LcexNo <- 0.8
    PLcexNo <- 1
    PcexNo <- cex.points
    PLcexNo <- lwd.points
    pchType <- pch
    LcexNo <- lwd
  noiseFreePred <- obj$noiseFreePred
      type <- "Noise-free prediction"
    type <- main
    mu <- mu[,realisation]
    Y <- Y[,realisation]
  upper <- mu+1.96*(sd);
  lower <- mu-1.96*(sd);
    ylim <- range(upper,lower,Y)
  plot(-100,-100,col=0,xlim=range(X[,col.no],x[,col.no]), ylim=ylim, main=type, 
       xlab="input ", ylab="response",...)
  polygon(c(x[,col.no], rev(x[,col.no])), c(upper, rev(lower)), 
          col=rgb(127,127,127,120, maxColorValue=255), border=NA)
  points(X[,col.no], Y, pch=pchType, col=2, cex=PcexNo, lwd=PLcexNo)
  lines(x[,col.no], mu, col=4, lwd=LcexNo)

#' Draw an image plot for a given two-dimensional input
#' @param response Data to be plotted (e.g. matrix of predictions)
#' @param input Matrix of two columns representing the input coordinates.
#' @param realisation Integer identifying which realisation should be plotted
#'   (if there are multiple).
#' @param n1 Number of datapoints in the first coordinate direction
#' @param n2 Number of datapoints in the second coordinate direction
#' @param main Title for the plot
#' @param zlim Range of z-axis
#' @param cex.axis Graphical parameter
#' @param cex.lab Graphical parameter
#' @param font.main Graphical parameter
#' @param cex.main Graphical parameter
#' @param legend.cex.axis Graphical parameter
#' @param legend.width Graphical parameter
#' @param mar Graphical parameter
#' @param oma Graphical parameter
#' @param nGrid Dimension of output grid in each coordinate direction
#' @param enlarge_zlim Additional quantity to increase the range of zlim
#' @importFrom  graphics par
#' @importFrom  graphics image
#' @importFrom  graphics title
#' @importFrom  interp interp
#' @importFrom  fields image.plot
#' @importFrom  fields tim.colors
#' @return A plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("gpr_ex2", package = "GPFDA")
plotImage <- function(response, input, realisation=1, 
                        n1, n2, 
                        main=" ", zlim=NULL,
                        cex.axis=1, cex.lab=2.5, 
                        legend.cex.axis=1, font.main=2, cex.main=2, legend.width=2,
                        oma=c( 0,1,0,0),
    stop("The argument 'input' must be a matrix")
    stop("The argument 'input' must be a matrix of 2 columns")
  n <- nrow(input)
  response <- as.matrix(response)
    stop("The arguments 'response' and 'input' must have the same sample size.")
  par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  old <- par(mar=mar, oma=oma)
    enlarge_zlim <- 0.2*c(-1,1)
    zlim <- range(response) + enlarge_zlim
  responseMat <- matrix(response[,realisation], nrow=n1, ncol=n2, byrow=F)
  akima_li <- interp(x=input[,1], y=input[,2], z=as.numeric(responseMat),
                     nx=nGrid, ny=nGrid, linear = T)
  image(x = akima_li$x, y=akima_li$y, z=akima_li$z, col=tim.colors(),
        xlab=NA, ylab=NA, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.axis=cex.axis, zlim=zlim)
  title(main = main, font.main=font.main, cex.main=cex.main, line=1)
  image.plot( legend.only=TRUE, zlim=zlim, 
              legend.cex=0.5, legend.width=legend.width,

# ########################### likelihood ######################################

gp.loglikelihood2 <- function(hyper.p,input, response,Cov,gamma,nu){
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  datadim <- dim(input)
  hp.class <- substr(names(hyper.p),1,8)
  kernel.class <- unique(substr(names(hyper.p),1,6))
  hp.class <- data.frame(class=hp.class,hp=hyper.p)
  names(hp.class) <- c('class','hp')
  hp.list <- split(hp.class$hp,hp.class$class)
  hyper.p <- hp.list
  nkernels <- length(Cov)
  CovList <- vector('list',nkernels)
  for(i in 1:nkernels){
  CovL <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input))}
  Q <- Reduce('+',CovL)
  diag(Q) <- diag(Q)+exp(hyper.p$vv) + 1e-8
  n <- nrow(response)
  nrep <- ncol(response)
  G <- chol(Q)
  logdetQ <- 2*sum(log(diag(G)))

  tresp_invQ_resp <- t(response)%*%chol2inv(G)%*%response
    fX <- 0.5*logdetQ + 0.5*tresp_invQ_resp + 0.5*n*log(2*pi)
    fX <- nrep*0.5*logdetQ + 0.5*sum(diag( tresp_invQ_resp )) + 
  fX <- as.numeric(fX)


# ########################### gradient ######################################

gp.Dlikelihood2 <- function(hyper.p,  input, response, Cov, gamma, nu){
  input <- as.matrix(input)
  datadim <- dim(input)
  hp.class <- substr(names(hyper.p),1,8)
  kernel.class <- unique(substr(names(hyper.p),1,6))
  hp.class <- data.frame(class=hp.class,hp=hyper.p)
  names(hp.class) <- c('class','hp')
  hyper.p <- split(hp.class$hp,hp.class$class)
  nkernels <- length(Cov)
  CovList <- vector('list',nkernels)
  for(i in 1:nkernels){
  CovL <- lapply(CovList,function(j){
    f <- get(j)
    if(j=='cov.pow.ex'){return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, gamma=gamma))}
    if(j=='cov.matern'){return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, nu=nu))}
    if(!(j%in%c('cov.pow.ex', 'cov.matern'))){
      return(f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input))
  Q <- Reduce('+',CovL)
  diag(Q) <- diag(Q)+exp(hyper.p$vv) + 1e-8

  invQ <- chol2inv(chol(Q))
  nrep <- ncol(response)

DfxList <- vector('list',nrep)
for(irep in 1:nrep){
  Alpha <- invQ%*%as.matrix(response[,irep])
  AlphaQ <- Alpha%*%t(Alpha)-invQ
  Dfx <- lapply(seq_along(hyper.p),function(i){
    Dp <- hyper.p[i];
    name.Dp <- names(Dp)
    f <- get(paste0('Dloglik.',name.Dp))
    if(name.Dp%in%c('pow.ex.w','pow.ex.v') )
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, AlphaQ=AlphaQ, gamma=gamma)
    if(name.Dp%in%c('matern.w','matern.v') )
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, AlphaQ=AlphaQ, nu=nu)
    if(name.Dp%in%c('rat.qu.w','rat.qu.v','rat.qu.a') )
      Dpara <-f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, AlphaQ=AlphaQ)
    if(name.Dp%in%c('linear.a') )
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, AlphaQ=AlphaQ)
    if(name.Dp%in%c('linear.i') )
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, Alpha=Alpha, invQ=invQ)
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, Alpha=Alpha, invQ=invQ)
    if(substr(name.Dp, 1, 6)=='custom')
      Dpara <- f(hyper=hyper.p, input=input, AlphaQ=AlphaQ)
  names(Dfx) <- names(hyper.p)
  Dfx <- - unlist(Dfx) # Minus loglik
  DfxList[[irep]] <- Dfx
Dfx <- Reduce('+', DfxList)

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