
Defines functions fit.margin.cdf sim.GWex.prec.1it mask.GWex.Yt sim.GWex.Yt sim.GWex.Yt.Pr sim.Zt.MAR sim.Zt.Spatial sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param sim.GWex.occ disag.3D.to.1D fit.GWex.prec unif.to.prec fit.MAR1.amount fit.copula.amount infer.dep.amount infer.autocor.amount cor.obs.occ joint.proba.occ QtransMat2Array autocor.emp.int find.autocor get.vec.autocor cor.emp.int find.zeta get.M0 simPrecipOcc cor.emp.occ find.omega get.mat.omega infer.mat.omega get.listOption agg.matrix EGPD.GI.fit.PWM EGPD.GI.fPWM EGPD.GI.mu2 EGPD.GI.mu1 EGPD.GI.mu0 rEGPD.GI qEGPD.GI pEGPD.GI dEGPD.GI EGPD.qGI EGPD.dGI EGPD.pGI month2season get.list.season get.period.fitting.month get.list.month get.emp.cdf.matrix get.df.Student modify.cor.matrix lagTransProbaMatrix lagTransProbaVector wet.day.frequency dry.day.frequency getGwexFitPrec

Documented in agg.matrix autocor.emp.int cor.emp.int cor.emp.occ cor.obs.occ dEGPD.GI disag.3D.to.1D dry.day.frequency EGPD.dGI EGPD.GI.fit.PWM EGPD.GI.fPWM EGPD.GI.mu0 EGPD.GI.mu1 EGPD.GI.mu2 EGPD.pGI EGPD.qGI find.autocor find.omega find.zeta fit.copula.amount fit.GWex.prec fit.MAR1.amount fit.margin.cdf get.df.Student get.emp.cdf.matrix getGwexFitPrec get.list.month get.listOption get.list.season get.M0 get.mat.omega get.period.fitting.month get.vec.autocor infer.autocor.amount infer.dep.amount infer.mat.omega joint.proba.occ lagTransProbaMatrix lagTransProbaVector mask.GWex.Yt modify.cor.matrix month2season pEGPD.GI qEGPD.GI QtransMat2Array rEGPD.GI sim.GWex.occ sim.GWex.prec.1it sim.GWex.Yt sim.GWex.Yt.Pr sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param simPrecipOcc sim.Zt.MAR sim.Zt.Spatial unif.to.prec wet.day.frequency

### Guillaume Evin
### 23/10/2023, Grenoble
### guillaume.evin@inrae.fr
###  Provide utilities for the estimation and simulation of the GWex
### multi-site precipitation model.
### Wilks, D.S. (1998) "Multisite generalization of a daily stochastic
### precipitation generation model", J Hydrol, 210: 178-191
### Evin, G., A.-C. Favre, and B. Hingray. 2018. “Stochastic Generation of 
### Multi-Site Daily Precipitation Focusing on Extreme Events.” Hydrol. Earth 
### Syst. Sci. 22 (1): 655–72. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-655-2018.

#' getGwexFitPrec
#' get object GwexFit derived from the parameters replicated for each month
#' @param listOption list of options (see \code{\link{fitGwexModel}})
#' @param p number of stations
#' @param condProbaWDstates vector of length nLag^2 of transition probabilities
#' corresponding to the nlag possible transitions between dry/wet states
#' \code{expand.grid(lapply(numeric(nLag), function(x) c(F,T)))}
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins: vector of length 3
#' @param vec.ar1 vector of observed autocorrelations for all stations
#' @param M0  \strong{M0}: covariance matrix of gaussianized prec. amounts for all pairs of stations
#' @param mat.omega \strong{mat.omega}: The spatial correlation matrix of occurrences \eqn{\Omega}
#' @export
#' @return Return an object of class \code{\linkS4class{GwexFit}} with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{p}: The number of station,
#'   \item \strong{version}: package version,
#'   \item \strong{variable}: the type of variable,
#'   \item \strong{fit}: a list containing the list of options \code{listOption}
#'    and the list of estimated parameters \code{listPar}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' exFitGwexPrec = getGwexFitPrec(p=2,condProbaWDstates=c(0.7,0.3,0.2,0.1),
#' parMargin=c(0.5,0.1,0.4),vec.ar1=rep(0.7,2),M0=rbind(c(1,0.6),c(0.6,1)),
#' mat.omega=rbind(c(1,0.8),c(0.8,1)))
getGwexFitPrec = function(listOption=NULL,p,condProbaWDstates,parMargin,
  # process options
  listOption = get.listOption(listOption)
  # number of days for wet/dry transitions
  nLag = listOption$nLag
  # list.pr.state
    stop("condProbaWDstates: wrong length for condProbaWDstates, it should be nLag^2")
  pr.state = expand.grid(lapply(numeric(nLag), function(x) c(F,T)))
  names(pr.state) = paste0('t',(-nLag:-1))
  pr.state$P = condProbaWDstates
  list.pr.state.m = list()
  for(ip in 1:p){
    list.pr.state.m[[ip]] = pr.state
  # mat.omega
      mat.omega = diag(rep(1,p))
      if(ncol(mat.omega)!=p | nrow(mat.omega)!=p ){
        stop("getGwexFitPrec: wrong dimensions for mat.omega")
    n.comb = 2^nLag
    mat.comb = as.matrix(pr.state[,1:nLag])
    Ptrans.list = lapply(list.pr.state.m,'[',nLag+1)
    Qtrans.list = lapply(Ptrans.list,function(x) qnorm(unlist(x)))
    Qtrans.mat = matrix(unlist(Qtrans.list), ncol=n.comb, byrow=T)
    mat.omega = modify.cor.matrix(mat.omega)
    mat.omega.m = list(Qtrans.mat=Qtrans.mat,mat.comb=mat.comb,mat.omega=mat.omega)
    mat.omega.m = NULL
  # parMargin
    stop("getGwexFitPrec: wrong length for parMargin, it should be a vector of length 3")
  parMargin.m = t(replicate(p,parMargin))
  # par.dep.amount
      stop("getGwexFitPrec: wrong length for vec.ar1, it should be a vector of length p")
      M0 = diag(rep(1,p))
      if(ncol(M0)!=p | nrow(M0)!=p ){
        stop("getGwexFitPrec: wrong dimensions for M0")
    covZ = M0 - A%*%t(M0)%*%t(A)
    sdZ = sqrt(diag(covZ))
    corZ = modify.cor.matrix(cov2cor(covZ))
    list.par.dep.amount.m = list(M0=M0,A=A,covZ=covZ,sdZ=sdZ,corZ=corZ)
    list.par.dep.amount.m = NULL
  # repeat the same list of parameters for each month
  list.pr.state = list.mat.omega = list.par.dep.amount = list.parMargin = list()
  for(im in 1:12){
    list.pr.state[[im]] = list.pr.state.m
    list.mat.omega[[im]] = mat.omega.m
    list.par.dep.amount[[im]] = list.par.dep.amount.m
    list.parMargin[[im]] = parMargin.m
  listPar = list(parOcc=list(list.pr.state=list.pr.state,list.mat.omega=list.mat.omega),
  return(new("GwexFit",variable="Prec",fit = list(listOption=listOption,listPar=listPar),p=p))

#' dry.day.frequency
#' Estimate the dry day frequency (proportion of dry days) for all stations
#' @param mat.prec matrix of precipitation (possibly for one month/period)
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @export
#' @return \item{vector of numeric}{dry day frequencies}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
dry.day.frequency = function(mat.prec, # matrix of precipitation
                             th # th above which we consider that a day is wet
  # dry day frequency (computeStat_lib)
  return(apply(mat.prec,2,function(x,th) mean(x<=th,na.rm=T),th))

#' wet.day.frequency
#' Estimate the wet day frequency (proportion of wet days) for all stations
#' @param mat.prec matrix of precipitation (possibly for one month/period)
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @export
#' @return \item{vector of numeric}{wet day frequencies}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
wet.day.frequency = function(mat.prec, # matrix of precipitation
                             th # th above which we consider that a day is wet
  # wet day frequency (computeStat_lib)
  return(apply(mat.prec,2,function(x,th) mean(x>th,na.rm=T),th))

#' lagTransProbaVector
#' Estimate the transition probabilities between wet and dry states, for nlag previous days,
#' for one station
#' @export
#' @param vec.prec vector nx1 of precipitation for one station
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param nlag number of lag days
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix nLag^2 x (nLag+1) of transition probability between dry/wet state.
#'  The first nLag columns indicate the wet/dry states for the previous nLag days}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
lagTransProbaVector = function(vec.prec, # vector nx1 of precipitation for one station
                               isPeriod, # vector nx1 of logical
                               th, # threshold
                               nlag # number of lag days
  # number lags + 1 
  ndays = nlag+1
  # length of input vectors
  nVec = length(vec.prec)
  # dates concerned by this class
  # NOTE: we consider that only the current day should be concerned by the class,
  # not the next days (too restrictive)
  ind.isPeriod = which(isPeriod)
  # iswetlag gives the boolean values indicating if the time step 0, 1, ... ,0+nlag
  # are wet or not
  iswetlag = matrix(nrow=length(ind.isPeriod),ncol=ndays)
  for(ilag in 0:nlag) iswetlag[,(ilag+1)] = vec.prec[ind.isPeriod+ilag]>th
  # no nan
  nz = apply(iswetlag,1,function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
  x.nz = iswetlag[nz,]
  # matrix of joints probabilities
  comb.pr = expand.grid(lapply(numeric(ndays), function(x) c(F,T)))
  names(comb.pr) = paste0('t',(-nlag:0))
  comb.grid = as.matrix(comb.pr)
  comb.pr$P = NA
  for(i.comb in 1:nrow(comb.grid)){
    comb = comb.grid[i.comb,]
    comb.pr$P[i.comb] = mean(apply(x.nz,1, function(x) all(x==comb)))
  # matrix of conditional probabilities Pr(i0=wet|i-1=.,i-2=.,...)
  nPr = nrow(comb.pr)
  prF = comb.pr$P[1:(nPr/2)]
  prT = comb.pr$P[(nPr/2+1):nPr]
  PrCond = prT/(prF+prT)
  PrCond[prF+prT==0] = 0 
  comb.prT = comb.pr[(nPr/2+1):nPr,1:nlag,drop=F]
  comb.prT$P = PrCond
  # return  conditional probabilities

#' lagTransProbaMatrix
#' Estimate the transition probabilities between wet and dry states, for nlag previous days,
#' for all stations
#' @param mat.prec matrix of precipitation
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param nlag number of lag days
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list with one item per station, where each item is a
#' matrix nLag^2 x (nLag+1) of transition probability between dry/wet state.
#'  The first nLag columns indicate the wet/dry states for the previous nLag days}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
lagTransProbaMatrix = function(mat.prec, # matrix of precipitation
                               isPeriod, # vector of logical
                               th, # threshold above which we consider that a day is wet
                               nlag # number of lag days
  # lag.trans.proba.proba (computeStat_lib)

#' modify.cor.matrix
#' Modify a non-positive definite correlation matrix in order to have a positive 
#' definite matrix
#' @param cor.matrix possibly non-positive definite correlation matrix
#' @return positive definite correlation matrix
#' @references Rousseeuw, P. J. and G. Molenberghs. 1993. Transformation of non positive semidefinite
#' correlation matrices. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 22(4):965-984.
#' @references Rebonato, R., & Jackel, P. (2000). The most general methodology to create a valid 
#' correlation matrix for risk management and option pricing purposes. J. Risk, 2(2), 17-26.
#' @author Guillaume Evin
modify.cor.matrix = function(cor.matrix){
  # eigen values and vectors
  eigen.out = eigen(cor.matrix,symmetric=T)
  eig.val.diag = eigen.out$values
  eig.vec = eigen.out$vectors
  # is there negative eigen values?
  is.neg.eigen.val = eig.val.diag<0
  # if yes, replace this negative eigen values by small positive values
    eig.val.diag[is.neg.eigen.val] = 10^-10
    eig.val = diag(eig.val.diag)
    # recontruct correlation matrix
    cor.matrix.r = eig.vec %*% eig.val %*% solve(eig.vec)
    # return normalized correlation matrix
    cor.matrix.out = cor.matrix.r / (diag(cor.matrix.r) %*% t(diag(cor.matrix.r)))
    # if there are no negative eigen values, return the original correlation matrix
    cor.matrix.out = cor.matrix
  # diagonal values to be equal to 1, it appears that there is no tolerance for some functions
  # (generation of Student variates) and these values differ from 1 by an order of 10^-16

#' get.df.Student
#' Estimates the nu parameter (degrees of freedom) of the multivariate Student
#' distribution when the correlation matrix Sig is given 
#' @param P matrix of non-zero precipitation (zero precipitation are set to NA)
#' @param Sig correlation matrix
#' @param max.df maximum degrees of freedom tested (default=20)
#' @return nu estimate
#' @references McNeil et al. (2005) "Quantitative Risk Management"
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.df.Student = function(P,Sig,max.df=20){
  # transformation PIT for the margins
  U = get.emp.cdf.matrix(P)
  # Compute likelihood for every df value, from 1 to 20, for more than 20, we can approximate by a Gaussian dist.
  vec.lk = rep(NA,max.df)
  for(df in 1:max.df){
    t.data = apply(U, 2, qt, df = df)
    lk = mvtnorm::dmvt(x=t.data,sigma=Sig,df=df,log=T) - apply(dt(x=t.data,df=df,log=T),1,sum)
    nz = !is.na(lk)
    vec.lk[df] = sum(lk[nz])
  # We take the df value which maximizes the likelihood
  df.hat = which.max(vec.lk)
  # if the likelihood return finite values

#' get.df.Student
#' get the cdf values (empirical distribution) of positive precipitation  
#' @param X matrix of positive precipitation  
#' @return matrix with cdf values (NA if zero precipitation)
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.emp.cdf.matrix = function(X){
  # number of columns
  p = ncol(X)
  # prepare output
  Y = matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=p)
  # loop over the stations
  for(i in 1:p){
    # all data
    X.i = X[,i]
    # filter
    nz = !is.na(X.i)
    # cdf values (Gringorten prob (optimized for gumbel dist))
    X.cdf = lmomco::pp(X.i[nz],a=0.44,sort=F)
    # gaussian variates
    Y[which(nz),i] = X.cdf

#' get.list.month
#' return a vector of 3-char tags of the 12 months
get.list.month = function(){

#' get.period.fitting.month
#' @param m.char 3-letter name of a month (e.g. 'JAN')
#' return the 3 indices corresponding to the 3-month period of a month ('JAN')
get.period.fitting.month = function(m.char){
  # m.char: 3-letter name of a month (e.g. 'JAN')
  # list of months
  list.m = get.list.month()
  # index of this month
  i.m = which(list.m==m.char)
  # return 3-month period corresponding to this month
  vec.m.ext = c(12,1:12,1)

#' get.list.season
#' get the vector of the four seasons c('DJF','MAM','JJA','SON')
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.list.season = function(){

#' month2season
#' transform vector of months to seasons
#' @param vecMonth a vector of months given as integers 1:12
#' @author Guillaume Evin
month2season = function(vecMonth){
  iSeason = c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,1)

#' First parametric family for G(v) = v^kappa: distribution, density and quantile function
#' @param v probability
#' @param kappa transformation parameter greater than 0
#' @param p probability
#' @return distribution, density and quantile of EGPD
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @name functions.EGPD.GI

#' @rdname functions.EGPD.GI
EGPD.pGI = function(v,kappa) return(v^kappa)
#' @rdname functions.EGPD.GI
EGPD.dGI = function(v,kappa) return(kappa*v^(kappa-1))
#' @rdname functions.EGPD.GI
EGPD.qGI = function(p,kappa) return(p^(1/kappa))

#' Density function, distribution function, quantile function, random generation
#' for the unified EGPD distribution
#' @param x Vector of quantiles
#' @param p Vector of probabilities
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @param kappa transformation parameter greater than 0
#' @param sig Scale parameter
#' @param xi Shape parameter
#' @return dEGPD.GI gives the density function, pEGPD.GI gives the distribution function, 
#' qEGPD.GI gives the quantile function, and rEGPD.GI generates random deviates.
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @name dist.functions.EGPD.GI

#' @rdname dist.functions.EGPD.GI
dEGPD.GI = function(x,kappa,sig,xi){
  pH = Renext::pGPD(q=x,scale=sig,shape=xi)
  dH = Renext::dGPD(x=x,scale=sig,shape=xi)
  dEGPD = dH*EGPD.dGI(pH,kappa)
#' @rdname dist.functions.EGPD.GI
pEGPD.GI = function(x,kappa,sig,xi){
  pH = Renext::pGPD(q=x,scale=sig,shape=xi)
#' @rdname dist.functions.EGPD.GI
qEGPD.GI = function(p,kappa,sig,xi){
  qG = EGPD.qGI(p,kappa)
  qH = Renext::qGPD(p=qG,scale=sig,shape=xi)
#' @rdname dist.functions.EGPD.GI
rEGPD.GI = function(n,kappa,sig,xi){
  u = runif(n=n)
  rEGPD = qEGPD.GI(u,kappa,sig,xi)

#' EGPD.GI.mu0, EGPD.GI.mu1, EGPD.GI.mu2
#' Probability Weighted Moments of order 0, 1 and 2 of the unified EGPD distribution
#' @param kappa transformation parameter greater than 0
#' @param sig Scale parameter
#' @param xi Shape parameter
#' @return Probability Weighted Moments
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @name PWM.EGPD.GI

#' @rdname PWM.EGPD.GI
EGPD.GI.mu0 = function(kappa,sig,xi){
  mu0 = (sig/xi)*(kappa*beta(kappa,1-xi)-1)

#' @rdname PWM.EGPD.GI
EGPD.GI.mu1 = function(kappa,sig,xi){
  mu1 = (sig/xi)*(kappa*(beta(kappa,1-xi)-beta(2*kappa,1-xi))-1/2)

#' @rdname PWM.EGPD.GI
EGPD.GI.mu2 = function(kappa,sig,xi){
  mu2 = (sig/xi)*(kappa*(beta(kappa,1-xi)-2*beta(2*kappa,1-xi)+beta(3*kappa,1-xi))-1/3)

#' Parameter estimation of the unified EGPD distribution with the PWM method.
#' Set of equations which have to be equal to zero
#' @param par vector of parameters kappa,sig,xi
#' @param pwm set of probability weighted moments of order 0, 1 and 2
#' @param xi shape parameter
#' @return differences between expected and target weighted moments
#' @author Guillaume Evin
# set of equations which have to be equal to zero
EGPD.GI.fPWM =  function(par,pwm,xi){
  kappa = par[1]
  sig = par[2]
  y = numeric(2)
  y[1] = EGPD.GI.mu0(kappa,sig,xi) - pwm[1]
  y[2] = EGPD.GI.mu1(kappa,sig,xi) - pwm[2]

#' EGPD.GI.fit.PWM
#' Parameter estimation of the unified EGPD distribution with the PWM method.
#' Numerical solver of the system of nonlinear equations
#' @param x vector of parameters kappa,sig
#' @param xi shape parameter
#' @return estimated parameters kappa, sig, xi
#' @author Guillaume Evin
EGPD.GI.fit.PWM = function(x,xi=0.05){
  sam.pwm = c(EnvStats::pwMoment(x,k=0),
  fit.out = nleqslv::nleqslv(c(2,sd(x)),EGPD.GI.fPWM,jac=NULL,pwm=sam.pwm,xi=xi)
  fit.out$x = c(fit.out$x,xi)

#' agg.matrix
#' Simple accumulation of a matrix of precipitation
#' @param mat matrix nDates x nStations to be aggregated
#' @param k number of days for the accumulation
#' @param average logical: should we average over the different periods (default=F)
#' @return aggregated matrix
#' @author Guillaume Evin
agg.matrix = function(mat,k,average=F){
  # number of steps
  n = floor(nrow(mat)/k)
  mat.agg = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=ncol(mat))
  # aggregate
  i0 = (seq(from=1,to=n)-1)*k
  for(i in 1:k){
    mat.agg = mat.agg + mat[i0+i,]
  # if we wnt the average on the period
  if(average) mat.agg = mat.agg/k

#' get.listOption
#' get default options and check values proposed by the user 
#' @param listOption list containing fields corr. to the different options. Can be NULL if no options are set
#' @export
#' @return \item{listOption}{list of options}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.listOption = function(listOption){
  ######### Check inputs and assign default values ##########
    listOption = list()
  #_____ options for occurrence
  # th
  if('th' %in% names(listOption)){
    th = listOption[['th']]
    if(!(is.numeric(th)&(th>=0))) stop('wrong value for th')
    th = 0.2
    listOption[['th']] = th
  # nLag
  if('nLag' %in% names(listOption)){
    nLag = listOption[['nLag']]
    if(!any(nLag==c(1,2,3,4,5))) stop('nLag must be between 1 and 5')
    nLag = 2
    listOption[['nLag']] = nLag
  #_____ options for amount
  # typeMargin
  if('typeMargin' %in% names(listOption)){
    typeMargin = listOption[['typeMargin']]
    if(!(typeMargin %in% c('mixExp','EGPD'))) stop('typeMargin ust be equal to mixExp or EGPD')
    typeMargin = 'mixExp'
    listOption[['typeMargin']] = typeMargin
  # copulaInt
  if('copulaInt' %in% names(listOption)){
    copulaInt = listOption[['copulaInt']]
    if(!copulaInt%in%c('Gaussian','Student')) stop('copulaInt must be equal to Gaussian or Student')
    copulaInt = 'Gaussian'
    listOption[['copulaInt']] = copulaInt
  # isMAR
  if('isMAR' %in% names(listOption)){
    isMAR = listOption[['isMAR']]
    if(!is.logical(isMAR)) stop('isMAR must be logical')
    isMAR = FALSE
    listOption[['isMAR']] = isMAR
  # is3Damount
  if('is3Damount' %in% names(listOption)){
    is3Damount = listOption[['is3Damount']]
    if(!is.logical(is3Damount)) stop('is3Damount must be logical')
    is3Damount = FALSE
    listOption[['is3Damount']] = is3Damount
  # nChainFit
  if('nChainFit' %in% names(listOption)){
    nChainFit = listOption[['nChainFit']]
    if(!is.numeric(nChainFit)) stop('nChainFit must be an integer')
    nChainFit = 100000
    listOption[['nChainFit']] = nChainFit
  # nCluster
  if('nCluster' %in% names(listOption)){
    nCluster = listOption[['nCluster']]
    if(!is.numeric(nCluster)) stop('nCluster must be an integer')
    nCluster = 1
    listOption[['nCluster']] = nCluster
  # isParallel: parallelize results if nCluster is greater than 1
  isParallel = nCluster>1
  listOption[['isParallel']] = isParallel
  # return

#' infer.mat.omega
#' find omega correlation leading to estimates cor between occurrences
#' @param P.mat matrix of precipitation n x p
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param pr.state output of function \code{\link{lagTransProbaMatrix}}
#' @param nChainFit length of the simulated chains used during the fitting
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return A list with different objects 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{Qtrans.mat}: matrix nStation x n.comb of transition probabilites
#'   \item \strong{mat.comb}: matrix of possible combination n.comb x nLag
#'   \item \strong{mat.omega}: The spatial correlation matrix of occurrences \eqn{\Omega} (see Evin et al., 2018).
#' }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
infer.mat.omega = function(P.mat,isPeriod,th,nLag,pr.state,nChainFit,isParallel){
  # filtered matrix of precipitation for this period (3-mon moving window by dafault)
  P.mat.class = P.mat[isPeriod,]
  # observed correlation of dry/wet states (see Eq. 6 in Evin et al. 2018)
  pi0 = dry.day.frequency(P.mat.class,th)
  pi1 = wet.day.frequency(P.mat.class,th)
  pi.occ = joint.proba.occ(P.mat.class,th)
  cor.occ.obs = cor.obs.occ(pi.occ$p00,pi0,pi1)
  # number of possible transitions
  n.comb = 2^nLag
  # a matrix of possible combination n.comb x nLag
  mat.comb = as.matrix(pr.state[[1]][,1:nLag])
  #####   #####   #####   #####   ##### 
  ##### prob / normal quantiles of transitions
  #####   #####   #####   #####   ##### 
  # retrieve the last column (pobabilities) for all stations
  # return a list with one field per station containing a vector n.comb x 1
  # of transition probabilites
  Ptrans.list = lapply(pr.state,'[',nLag+1)
  # transform to normal quantiless
  Qtrans.list = lapply(Ptrans.list,function(x) qnorm(unlist(x)))
  # reshape in a matrix nStation x n.comb
  Qtrans.mat = matrix(unlist(Qtrans.list), ncol=n.comb, byrow=T)
  # filter infinite values if Pr = 0 or 1
  Qtrans.mat[Qtrans.mat==-Inf] = -10^5
  Qtrans.mat[Qtrans.mat==Inf] = 10^5
  # estimation of omega matrices
  mat.omega = get.mat.omega(cor.occ.obs,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit,isParallel)
  mat.omega = modify.cor.matrix(mat.omega)

#' get.mat.omega
#' find omega correlation leading to estimates cor between occurrences
#' @param cor.obs matrix p x p of observed correlations between occurrences for all pairs of stations
#' @param Qtrans.mat transition probabilities, 2 x ncomb matrix
#' @param mat.comb matrix of logical: ncomb x nlag
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param nChainFit length of the simulated chains used during the fitting
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{omega correlations for all pairs of stations}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.mat.omega = function(cor.obs,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit,isParallel){
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(cor.obs)
  # possible pairs
  vec.pairs = combn(1:p, 2)
  n.pairs = ncol(vec.pairs)
  # apply find.omega for each pair of stations
    omega.paral = foreach(i.pair=1:n.pairs, .combine='cbind') %dopar% {
      i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
      j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
    omega.paral = vector(length=n.pairs)
    for(i.pair in 1:n.pairs){
      i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
      j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
      omega.paral[i.pair] = find.omega(cor.obs[i,j],Qtrans.mat[c(i,j),],mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit)
  # prepare results
  mat.omega = matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  diag(mat.omega) = 1
  # fill matrix
  for(i.pair in 1:n.pairs){
    i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
    j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
    mat.omega[i,j] = omega.paral[i.pair]
    mat.omega[j,i] = omega.paral[i.pair]

#' find.omega
#' finds the correlation between normal variates leading to correlation between occurrences
#' @param rho.emp target correlation between occurences
#' @param Qtrans.mat transition probabilities, 2 x ncomb matrix
#' @param mat.comb matrix of logical: ncomb x nlag
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param nChainFit length of the simulated chains used during the fitting
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{needed correlation}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
find.omega = function(rho.emp,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit){
  # f.inf and f.sup represent resp. the minimum and maximum differences
  # which can be obtained with the simulated correlation and the empirical
  # correlation
  f.inf = cor.emp.occ(-1,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit) - rho.emp
  f.sup = cor.emp.occ(1,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit) - rho.emp
  # if f.sup<=0, it means that even with the a max omega value of 1, we cannot reach
  # the empirical correlation (negative difference between simulated cor and emp. cor)
  # we simply return a max possible omega value (less than 1 since 1 correlation leads to numerical pb)
  }else if(f.inf>=0){
    # if f.inf>=0, it means that even with the a min omega value of -1, we cannot reach
    # the empirical correlation (positive difference between simulated cor and emp. cor)
    # we simply return a 0 value since negative values are not physically plausible
    # it can happen when emp correlation are estimated on short series (uncertain estimate) 
      # if the empirical correlation is negative, we simply return a 0 value since negative 
      # values are not physically plausible
      # it can happen when emp correlation are estimated on short series (uncertain estimate) 
      # else, we find omega that leads to rho.emp (f should be zero for this omega)
      f = function(w){
        cor.emp.occ(w,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit) - rho.emp
      return(uniroot(f,c(rho.emp,1),extendInt="upX", tol = 1e-3)$root)

#' cor.emp.occ
#' Finds observed correlations between occurrences corresponding
#' to a degree of correlation of Gaussian multivariate random numbers
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param w correlation of Gaussian multivariates
#' @param Qtrans.mat transition probabilities, 2 x ncomb matrix
#' @param mat.comb matrix of logical: ncomb x nlag
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param nChainFit number of simulated variates
#' @param myseed seed of random variates
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{correlation between occurrences}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
cor.emp.occ = function(w,Qtrans.mat,mat.comb,nLag,nChainFit,myseed=1){
  # set seed of random generation
  # genere gaussienne multivariee
  w.mat = rbind(c(1,w),c(w,1))
  rndNorm = MASS::mvrnorm(nChainFit+100,rep(0,2),w.mat)
  cor.emp = corMarkovChain(rndNorm=rndNorm,QtransMat=Qtrans.mat, matcomb=mat.comb, 
                           nChainFit=as.integer(nChainFit), nLag=as.integer(nLag))
  # correlations occurrences

#' simPrecipOcc
#' find matrix of correlations leading to estimates cor between intensities
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param n  integer indicating the length of simulated chains
#' @param pr vector of probabilies corr. to the conditional transition probabilities
#' @export
#' @return a vector Xt of length n with values 0/1 corr. to dry/wet states
#' @author Guillaume Evin
simPrecipOcc = function(nLag,n,pr){
  # sequence of previous wet/dry states
  lcomb = expand.grid(lapply(numeric(nLag), function(x) c(F,T)))
  matcomb = as.matrix(apply(lcomb,2,as.numeric))
  # gaussian random variates 
  rndNorm = rnorm(n = n+1000)
  # gaussian quantiles corr. to pr
    stop(paste0("wrong length for pr, it should be:",2^nLag))
    Qtrans_vec = qnorm(pr)
  # simulate chain
  Xt = simPrecipOccurrences4Fitting(nLag=nLag, nChainFit=n, matcomb=matcomb, 
                                    Qtrans_vec=Qtrans_vec, rndNorm=rndNorm)

#' get.M0
#' find matrix of correlations leading to estimates cor between intensities
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param cor.obs matrix p x p of observed correlations between intensities for all pairs of stations
#' @param infer.mat.omega.out output of \code{\link{infer.mat.omega}}
#' @param nLag order of the Markov chain
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins p x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @param nChainFit integer indicating the length of simulated chains
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return list with two items
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{Xt} long simulation of the wet/dry states according to the model
#'   \item \strong{M0} covariance matrix of gaussianized prec. amounts for all pairs of stations
#' }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.M0 = function(cor.obs,infer.mat.omega.out,nLag,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,isParallel){
  # retrieve outputs from infer.mat.omega.out
  Qtrans.mat = infer.mat.omega.out$Qtrans.mat
  mat.comb = infer.mat.omega.out$mat.comb
  mat.omega = infer.mat.omega.out$mat.omega
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(cor.obs)
  # simulate random gaussian variates
  rndNorm = MASS::mvrnorm(nChainFit+1000,rep(0,p),mat.omega)
  # simulate occurrence (once only)
  Xt = matrix(data = 0,nrow = nChainFit,ncol = p)
  matcomb = matrix(as.numeric(mat.comb),ncol=nLag)
  for(st in 1:p){
    Xt[,st] = simPrecipOccurrences4Fitting(nLag=nLag, nChainFit=nChainFit, matcomb=matcomb, 
                                           Qtrans_vec=Qtrans_vec, rndNorm=rndNorm[,st])
  # possible pairs
  vec.pairs = combn(1:p, 2)
  n.pairs = ncol(vec.pairs)
  # apply find.zeta for each pair of stations
    zeta.paral = foreach(i.pair=1:n.pairs, .combine='cbind') %dopar% {
      i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
      j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
    zeta.paral = vector(length=n.pairs)
    for(i.pair in 1:n.pairs){
      i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
      j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
      zeta.paral[i.pair] = find.zeta(cor.obs[i,j],nChainFit,Xt[,c(i,j)],parMargin[c(i,j),],typeMargin)
  # prepare results
  M0 = matrix(1,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  diag(M0) = 1
  # fill matrix
  for(i.pair in 1:n.pairs){
    i = vec.pairs[1,i.pair]
    j = vec.pairs[2,i.pair]
    M0[i,j] = zeta.paral[i.pair]
    M0[j,i] = zeta.paral[i.pair]

#' find.zeta
#' finds the correlation between normal variates leading to correlation between intensities
#' @param eta.emp target correlation between intensities
#' @param nChainFit number of simulations
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences, n x 2 matrix
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{needed correlation}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
find.zeta = function(eta.emp,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin){
  # f.inf and f.sup represent resp. the minimum and maximum differences
  # which can be obtained with the simulated correlation and the empirical
  # correlation
  f.inf = cor.emp.int(0,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - eta.emp
  f.sup = cor.emp.int(1,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - eta.emp
  # if f.sup<=0, it means that even with the a max zeta value of 1, we cannot reach
  # the empirical correlation (negative difference between simulated cor and emp. cor)
  # we simply return a max possible zeta value (less than 1 since 1 correlation leads to numerical pb)
  }else if(f.inf>=0){
    # if f.inf>=0, it means that even with the a min zeta value of -1, we cannot reach
    # the empirical correlation (positive difference between simulated cor and emp. cor)
    # we simply return a 0 value since negative values are not physically plausible
    # it can happen when emp correlation are estimated on short series (uncertain estimate) 
      # if the empirical correlation is negative, we simply return a 0 value since negative 
      # values are not physically plausible
      # it can happen when emp correlation are estimated on short series (uncertain estimate) 
      # else, we find zeta that leads to eta.emp (f should be zero for this zeta)
      f = function(w){
        cor.emp.int(w,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - eta.emp
      zeta = uniroot(f,c(0,1),extendInt="upX",tol = 1e-3)$root

#' cor.emp.int
#' Finds observed correlations between intensities corresponding
#' to a degree of correlation of Gaussian multivariate random numbers
#' @param zeta correlation of Gaussian multivariates
#' @param nChainFit number of simulated variates
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences, n x 2 matrix
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{correlation between simulated intensities}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
cor.emp.int = function(zeta,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin){
  # generate the same random numbers if zeta=1, which avoids problems at the bounds (minimzation diverving, or
  # function having the same signs at both bounds if cor.emp.int(1,...) is slightly less than 0 if zeta=1)
  # Simulation of the spatial and temporal dependence between amounts
  Yt.Pr = pnorm(MASS::mvrnorm(n=nChainFit, mu=rep(0,2), Sigma=matrix(c(1,zeta,zeta,1),2,2)))
  # We obtain directly related intensities
  Yt = array(0,dim=c(nChainFit,2))
  for(i.st in 1:2) Yt[,i.st] = unif.to.prec(parMargin[i.st,],typeMargin,Yt.Pr[,i.st])
  # Mask with occurrences
  Yt[Xt==0] = 0
  # cor.Pearson.cor
  cor.Pearson = cor(Yt[,1],Yt[,2])

#' get.vec.autocor
#' find rho autocorrelation leading to empirical estimates
#' @param vec.ar1.obs vector of observed autocorrelations for all stations
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences given model parameters of wet/dry states
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins p x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @param nChainFit integer indicating the length of the simulated chains
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return \item{vector}{vector of rho parameters to simulate the MAR process}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.vec.autocor = function(vec.ar1.obs,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,isParallel){
  # number of stations
  p = length(vec.ar1.obs)
  # find autocor leading to obs autocor
    iSt = NULL
    vec.autocor = foreach(iSt=1:p, .combine='cbind') %dopar% {
    vec.autocor = as.vector(vec.autocor)
    vec.autocor = vector(length = p)
    for(iSt in 1:p){
      vec.autocor[iSt] = find.autocor(vec.ar1.obs[iSt],nChainFit,Xt[,iSt],parMargin[iSt,],typeMargin)

#' find.autocor
#' finds the autocorrelation leading to observed autocorrelation
#' @param autocor.emp target correlation between intensities
#' @param nChainFit number of simulations
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences, nChainFit x 2 matrix
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{needed correlation}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
find.autocor = function(autocor.emp,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin){
  f1 = autocor.emp.int(0.95,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - autocor.emp
    f0 = autocor.emp.int(0,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - autocor.emp
      f = function(w){
        autocor.emp.int(w,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin) - autocor.emp
      return(uniroot(f,c(0,0.95),tol = 1e-3)$root)

#' autocor.emp.int
#' Finds empirical autocorrelations (lag-1) between intensities corresponding
#' to a degree of autocorrelation of an AR(1) process
#' @param rho autocorrelation of the AR(1) process
#' @param nChainFit number of simulated variates
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences, nChainFit x 2 matrix
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{correlation between simulated intensities}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
autocor.emp.int = function(rho,nChainFit,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin){
  # control random seed
  # Simulation from an AR(1) process
    Yt.AR1=stats::arima.sim(n=nChainFit,model=list(ar=rho),rand.gen=rnorm, sd=sqrt(1-rho^2))
  # to proba
  Yt.Pr = pnorm(Yt.AR1)
  # Related intensities
  Yt = unif.to.prec(parMargin,typeMargin,Yt.Pr)
  # Mask with occurrences
  Yt[Xt==0] = 0
  # Resulting cor
  cor.Pearson = cor(Yt[1:(nChainFit-1)],Yt[2:nChainFit])

#' QtransMat2Array
#' reshape Qtrans.mat to an array
#' @param n matrix of precipitation
#' @param p number of stations
#' @param Qtrans.mat  transition probabilities, 2 x ncomb matrix
#' @return \item{array}{array of transition probabilities with dimension n x p x n.comb}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QtransMat2Array = function(n,p,Qtrans.mat){
  n.comb = ncol(Qtrans.mat)
  Qtrans = array(0,dim=c(n,p,n.comb))
  for(i.st in 1:p){
    for(i.comb in 1:n.comb){
      # find corresponding days for this combination of dry/wet states
      ind.mat = cbind(1:n,rep(i.st,n),i.comb)
      # fill array of transitions
      Qtrans[ind.mat] = Qtrans.mat[i.st,i.comb]

#' joint.proba.occ
#' joint probabilities of occurrences for all pairs of stations
#' @param P matrix of precipitation
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list of joint probabilities}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
joint.proba.occ = function(P,th){
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(P)
  # prepare results
  p00 = p10 = p01 = p11 = matrix(1,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  for(i in 1:(p-1)){
    ri = P[,i]
    for(j in (i+1):p){
      rj = P[,j]
      # no nan
      nz = (!is.na(ri)) & (!is.na(rj))
        stop(paste0("fitGwexModel fails because there are too many missing values at",
                    " columns ",i," and ",j," (i.e. no simultaneous data are avaible for this",
                    "month and this couple of stations)"))
      # dry-dry
      p00ij = mean(ri[nz]<=th&rj[nz]<=th)
      p00[i,j] = p00ij
      p00[j,i] = p00ij
      # dry-wet
      p01ij = mean(ri[nz]<=th&rj[nz]>th)
      p01[i,j] = p01ij
      p10[j,i] = p01ij
      # wet-dry
      p10ij = mean(ri[nz]>th&rj[nz]<=th)
      p10[i,j] = p10ij
      p01[j,i] = p10ij
      # wet-wet
      p11ij = mean(ri[nz]>th&rj[nz]>th)
      p11[i,j] = p11ij
      p11[j,i] = p11ij
  # joint probabilities

#' cor.obs.occ
#' provide observed correlations between occurrences for all pairs of stations
#' see Mhanna et al. (2012)
#' @references Mhanna, Muamaraldin, and Willy Bauwens. “A Stochastic Space-Time Model 
#' for the Generation of Daily Rainfall in the Gaza Strip.” International Journal of 
#' Climatology 32, no. 7 (June 15, 2012): 1098–1112. doi:10.1002/joc.2305.
#' @param pi00 joint probability of having dry states
#' @param pi0 probability of having a dry state
#' @param pi1 probability of having a wet state
#' @export
#' @return \item{scalar}{matrix of observed correlations}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
cor.obs.occ = function(pi00,pi0,pi1){
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(pi00)
  # prepare results
  cor.obs = matrix(1,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  diag(cor.obs) = 1
  for(i in 1:(p-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):p){
      # Eq 6 de Mhanna (2012)
      sigi = sqrt(pi0[i]*pi1[i])
      sigj = sqrt(pi0[j]*pi1[j])
      cor.ij =  (pi00[i,j]-pi0[i]*pi0[j])/(sigi*sigj)
      # Assign values to matrix
      cor.obs[i,j] = cor.ij
      cor.obs[j,i] = cor.ij
  # joint probabilities

#' infer.autocor.amount
#' special case of \code{\link{infer.dep.amount}} where there is only one station
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param P.mat precipitation matrix
#' @param pr.state probabilities of transitions for a Markov chain with lag \code{p}.
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param nLag order of he Markov chain for the transitions between dry and wet states (=2 by default)
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin 'EGPD' (Extended GPD) or 'mixExp' (Mixture of Exponentials). 'EGPD' by default
#' @param nChainFit integer, length of the runs used during the fitting procedure. =100000 by default
#' @param isMAR logical value, do we apply a Autoregressive Multivariate Autoregressive model (order 1) =TRUE by default
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list of estimates (e.g., M0, dfStudent)}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
infer.autocor.amount = function(P.mat,pr.state,isPeriod,nLag,th,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,
  # find remaining parameters if necessary
    # number of stations
    p = ncol(P.mat)
    n = nrow(P.mat)
    # filtered data for this class: replace small values below the threshold by zero
    # for the sake of comparison with simulated values
    is.Zero = P.mat<=th&!is.na(P.mat)
    P.mat[is.Zero] = 0
    ### with one station, the MAR(1) simplifies to an AR(1) process
    # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
    # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
    # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
    indClassCur = which(isPeriod)
    if(indClassCur[1]==1) indClassCur = indClassCur[2:length(indClassCur)]
    indClassPrev = indClassCur-1
    # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
    # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
    # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
    ar1.obs = cor(P.mat[indClassPrev,,drop=T],P.mat[indClassCur,,drop=T],use="pairwise.complete.obs")
    # retrieve some objects and simulations that are done in get.M0 and infer.mat.omega
    # filtered matrix of precipitation for this period (3-mon moving window by dafault)
    P.mat.class = P.mat[isPeriod,,drop=FALSE]
    # observed correlation of dry/wet states (see Eq. 6 in Evin et al. 2018)
    pi0 = dry.day.frequency(P.mat.class,th)
    pi1 = wet.day.frequency(P.mat.class,th)
    # number of possible transitions
    n.comb = 2^nLag
    # a matrix of possible combination n.comb x nLag
    mat.comb = as.matrix(pr.state[[1]][,1:nLag])
    #####   #####   #####   #####   ##### 
    ##### prob / normal quantiles of transitions
    #####   #####   #####   #####   ##### 
    # retrieve the last column (pobabilities) for all stations
    # return a list with one field per station containing a vector n.comb x 1
    # of transition probabilites
    Ptrans.list = lapply(pr.state,'[',nLag+1)
    # transform to normal quantiless
    Qtrans.list = lapply(Ptrans.list,function(x) qnorm(unlist(x)))
    Qtrans_vec = unlist(Qtrans.list)
    # reshape in a matrix nStation x n.comb
    Qtrans_vec = as.vector(unlist(Qtrans.list))
    # filter infinite values if Pr = 0 or 1
    Qtrans_vec[Qtrans_vec==-Inf] = -10^5
    Qtrans_vec[Qtrans_vec==Inf] = 10^5
    # simulate occurrence (once only)
    matcomb = matrix(as.numeric(mat.comb),ncol=nLag)
    vecXt = simPrecipOccurrences4Fitting(nLag=nLag, nChainFit=nChainFit, matcomb=matcomb, 
                                         Qtrans_vec=Qtrans_vec, rndNorm=rnorm(n = nChainFit+1000))
    Xt = matrix(data = vecXt, ncol = 1)
    # find corresponding ar(1) parameter
    ar1 = get.vec.autocor(ar1.obs,Xt,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,isParallel)
    # variance of the innovations
    covZ = 1 - ar1^2
    # standard deviation
    sdZ = sqrt(covZ)
    # apply a MAR(1) process: multivariate autoregressive process, order 1
    par.dep.amount = list(M0=NULL,A=ar1,covZ=covZ,sdZ=sdZ,corZ=NULL)
    par.dep.amount = NULL

#' infer.dep.amount
#' estimate parameters which control the spatial dependence between intensities using a copula
#' @param P.mat precipitation matrix
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param infer.mat.omega.out output of \code{\link{infer.mat.omega}}
#' @param nLag order of he Markov chain for the transitions between dry and wet states (=2 by default)
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param parMargin parameters of the margins 2 x 3
#' @param typeMargin 'EGPD' (Extended GPD) or 'mixExp' (Mixture of Exponentials). 'EGPD' by default
#' @param nChainFit integer, length of the runs used during the fitting procedure. =100000 by default
#' @param isMAR logical value, do we apply a Autoregressive Multivariate Autoregressive model (order 1) =TRUE by default
#' @param copulaInt 'Gaussian' or 'Student': type of dependence for amounts (='Student' by default)
#' @param isParallel logical: indicate computation in parallel or not (easier for debugging)
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list of estimates (e.g., M0, dfStudent)}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
infer.dep.amount = function(P.mat,isPeriod,infer.mat.omega.out,nLag,th,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(P.mat)
  n = nrow(P.mat)
  # filtered data for this class: replace small values below the threshold by zero
  # for the sake of comparison with simulated values
  P.mat.class = P.mat[isPeriod,]
  is.Zero = P.mat.class<=th&!is.na(P.mat.class)
  P.mat.class[is.Zero] = 0
  # direct pairwise Pearson correlations
  cor.int = cor(P.mat.class, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
  #### find corresponding needed zeta correlations between simulated intensities
  get.M0.out = get.M0(cor.int,infer.mat.omega.out,nLag,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,isParallel)
  M0 = modify.cor.matrix(get.M0.out$M0)
  # find remaining parameters if necessary
    ### MAR is a Multivariate Autoregressive Process of order 1
    # Here we model the temporal dep. by a simple diagonal matrix M1
    # where the diagonal elements are lag-1 autocorrelation
    vec.ar1.obs = vector(length=p)
    # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
    # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
    # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
    indClassCur = which(isPeriod)
    if(indClassCur[1]==1) indClassCur = indClassCur[2:length(indClassCur)]
    indClassPrev = indClassCur-1
    # loop over the stations
    for(i.st in 1:p){
      P.st = P.mat[,i.st]
      is.Zero = P.st<=th&!is.na(P.st)
      P.st[is.Zero] = 0
      # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
      # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
      # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
      vec.ar1.obs[i.st] = cor(P.st[indClassPrev],P.st[indClassCur],use="pairwise.complete.obs")
    # find corresponding ar(1) parameter
    vec.ar1 = get.vec.autocor(vec.ar1.obs,get.M0.out$Xt,parMargin,typeMargin,nChainFit,isParallel)
    # apply a MAR(1) process: multivariate autoregressive process, order 1
    par.dep.amount = fit.MAR1.amount(P.mat,isPeriod,th,copulaInt,M0=M0,A=diag(vec.ar1))
    # spatial process
    par.dep.amount = fit.copula.amount(P.mat,isPeriod,th,copulaInt,M0)

#' fit.copula.amount
#' estimate parameters which control the spatial dependence between intensities using a copula
#' @param P.mat precipitation matrix
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param copulaInt type of dependence between inter-site amounts: 'Gaussian' or 'Student'
#' @param M0 covariance matrix of gaussianized prec. amounts for all pairs of stations
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list of estimates (e.g., M0, dfStudent)}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
fit.copula.amount = function(P.mat,isPeriod,th,copulaInt,M0)
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(P.mat)
  n = nrow(P.mat)
    # For 'Gaussian', we only compute the inter-site correlations
  }else if(copulaInt=='Student'){
    # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
    # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
    # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
    indNotClassCur = which(!isPeriod[2:n])
    indNotClassPrev = indNotClassCur-1
    # build matrix for this class and set small values <=th to NA
    P.class = P.mat[isPeriod,]
    is.small = P.class<=th&!is.na(P.class)
    P.class[is.small] = NA
    # For 'Student', we also compute the degree of freedom of the Student copula
    dfStudent = get.df.Student(P.class,M0)
    # return results
    stop('fit.copula.amount: unknown value for copulaInt: must be Gaussian or Student')

#' fit.MAR1.amount
#' estimate parameters which control the dependence between intensities with a
#' MAR(1) process
#' @references Matalas, N. C. 1967. “Mathematical Assessment of Synthetic Hydrology.” Water Resources 
#' Research 3 (4): 937–45. https://doi.org/10.1029/WR003i004p00937.
#' @references Bárdossy, A., and G. G. S. Pegram. 2009. “Copula Based Multisite Model for Daily 
#' Precipitation Simulation.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (12): 2299–2314. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-13-2299-2009.
#' @param P.mat precipitation matrix
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param copulaInt type of dependance between inter-site amounts: 'Gaussian' or 'Student'
#' @param M0 covariance matrix of gaussianized prec. amounts for all pairs of stations
#' @param A Matrix containing the autocorrelation (temporal) correlations
#' @export
#' @return list with the following items
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{M0} covariance matrix of gaussianized prec. amounts for all pairs of stations
#'   \item \strong{A} omega correlations for all pairs of stations
#'   \item \strong{covZ} covariance matrix of the MAR(1) process
#'   \item \strong{sdZ} standard deviation of the diagonal elements
#'   \item \strong{corZ} correlation matrix of the MAR(1) process
#'   \item \strong{dfStudent} degrees of freedom for the Student copula if CopulaInt is equal to "Student"
#' }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
fit.MAR1.amount = function(P.mat,isPeriod,th,copulaInt,M0,A){
  # dimensions
  p = ncol(P.mat)
  n = nrow(P.mat)
  # covariance matrices of the MAR(1) process (Matalas, 1967; Bardossy & Pegram, 2009)
  covZ = M0 - A%*%t(M0)%*%t(A)
  # standard deviation
  sdZ = sqrt(diag(covZ))
  # correlation matrix
  corZ = modify.cor.matrix(cov2cor(covZ))
    # For 'Gaussian', we only compute the inter-site correlations
  }else if(copulaInt=='Student'){
    # on the contrary to GWEX, here I consider all days of the class (where there might
    # not be many elements) and the corr. previous days in order to increase the possible
    # days (instead of consider only days which have also previous days within the same class)
    indNotClassCur = which(!isPeriod[2:n])
    indNotClassPrev = indNotClassCur-1
    # build matrix where days not concerned by this class are set to NA
    P.class.nonzero = P.mat
    P.class.nonzero[indNotClassCur,] = NA
    P.class.nonzero[indNotClassPrev,] = NA
    # only positive values are retained
    is.small = P.class.nonzero<=th&!is.na(P.class.nonzero)
    P.class.nonzero[is.small] = NA
    # transform margins
    P.cdf.emp = get.emp.cdf.matrix(P.class.nonzero)
    P.norm = qnorm(P.cdf.emp)
    P.norm.t = t(P.norm)
    # standardized de-correlated residuals (in time)
    inno.std = t(P.norm.t[,2:n] - A%*%P.norm.t[,1:(n-1)]) %*% diag(1 / sdZ)
    # estimate number of degrees of freedom
    dfStudent = get.df.Student(inno.std,corZ)
    # return results
    stop('fit.copula.amount: unknown value for copulaInt: must be Gaussian or Student')

#' unif.to.prec
#' from uniform variates to precipitation variates
#' @param pI vector of three parameters of the marginal distributions
#' @param typeMargin type of marginal distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @param U vector of uniform variates
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix of estimates p x 3}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
unif.to.prec = function(pI,typeMargin,U){
  # inverse-cdf
  if(typeMargin == 'EGPD'){
    prec.sim = qEGPD.GI(U,pI[1],pI[2],pI[3])
  }else if(typeMargin == 'mixExp'){
    prec.sim = as.vector(Renext::qmixexp2(U,pI[1],pI[2],pI[3]))

#' fit.GWex.prec
#' estimate all the parameters for the G-Wex model of precipitation
#' @references Evin, G., A.-C. Favre, and B. Hingray. 2018. 'Stochastic Generation of Multi-Site 
#' Daily Precipitation Focusing on Extreme Events.' Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.
#' 22 (1): 655-672. doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-655-2018.
#' @param objGwexObs object of class \code{\linkS4class{GwexObs}}
#' @param parMargin if not NULL, list where each element parMargin[[iM]] 
#' corresponds to a month iM=1...12 and contains a matrix nStation x 3 of estimated parameters
#'  of the marginal distributions (EGPD or mixture of exponentials)
#' @param listOption  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{th}: threshold value in mm above which precipitation observations are considered to be non-zero (=0.2 by default)
#'   \item \strong{nLag}: order of he Markov chain for the transitions between dry and wet states (=2 by default)
#'   \item \strong{typeMargin}: 'EGPD' (Extended GPD) or 'mixExp' (Mixture of Exponentials). 'EGPD' by default
#'   \item \strong{copulaInt}: 'Gaussian' or 'Student': type of dependence for amounts (='Student' by default)
#'   \item \strong{isMAR}: logical value, do we apply a Autoregressive Multivariate Autoregressive model (order 1) =TRUE by default
#'   \item \strong{is3Damount}: logical value, do we apply the model on 3D-amount. =FALSE by default
#'   \item \strong{nChainFit}: integer, length of the runs used during the fitting procedure. =100000 by default
#'   \item \strong{nCluster}: integer, number of clusters which can be used for the parallel computation
#' }
#' @export
#' @return a list containing the list of options \code{listOption} and the list of estimated parameters \code{listPar}. 
#' The parameters of the occurrence process are contained in \code{parOcc} and the parameters related to the  precipitation 
#' amounts are contained in \code{parInt}. Each type of parameter is a list containing the estimates for each month. In \code{parOcc}, we find:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{p01}: For each station, the probability of transition from a dry state to a wet state.
#'   \item \strong{p11}: For each station, the probability of staying in a wet state.
#'   \item \strong{list.pr.state}: For each station, the probabilities of transitions for a Markov chain with lag \code{p}.
#'   \item \strong{list.mat.omega}: The spatial correlation matrix of occurrences \eqn{\Omega} (see Evin et al., 2018).}
#' In \code{parInt}, we have:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \strong{parMargin}: list of matrices nStation x nPar of parameters for the marginal distributions (one element per Class).
#'   \item \strong{cor.int}: Matrices nStation x nStation \eqn{M_0}, \eqn{A}, \eqn{\Omega_Z} representing 
#'   the spatial and temporal correlations between all the stations (see Evin et al., 2018). For the 
#'   Student copula, \code{dfStudent} indicates the \eqn{\nu} parameter.
#'   }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
fit.GWex.prec = function(objGwexObs,parMargin,listOption=NULL){
  # get/check options
  listOption = get.listOption(listOption)
  ######### Retrieve observations and dates ##########
    # Precipitation matrix (cumulated amounts on 3 days)
    P.1D = objGwexObs@obs
    P.mat = agg.matrix(P.1D,3)
    colnames(P.mat) = colnames(P.1D)
    # Dates
    n = nrow(P.1D)
    vec.dates = objGwexObs@date[seq(from=1,to=n-2,by=3)]
    # Time resolution
    dayScale = 3
    # Precipitation matrix
    P.mat = objGwexObs@obs
    # Dates
    vec.dates = objGwexObs@date
    # Time resolution
    dayScale = 1
  #########  Process dates and periods   ######### 
  # vector of integers indicating the months (1,1,1,...)
  vec.month = as.numeric(strftime(vec.dates, "%m"))
  # vector of 12 x 3-char "JAN" "FEB" ....
  vec.month.char = get.list.month()
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(P.mat)
  #########   check parMargin   #########  
    text.err.parMargin = "parMargin must be a list where each element parMargin[[iM]]
  corresponds to a month iM=1...12 and contains a matrix nStation x 3 of estimated
      stop(paste0("parMargin is not a list. ",text.err.parMargin))
    }else if(length(parMargin)!=12){
      stop(paste0("parMargin does not have 12 elements. ",text.err.parMargin))
      for(iM in 1:12){
          stop(paste0("Error in parMargin for the month ",iM,". ",text.err.parMargin))
  ######### prepare results ##########
  list.pr.state = list.parMargin = list.mat.omega = list.par.dep.amount = list()
  # prepare parallelization
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(listOption$nCluster)
  # estimations by season for
  # - wet/dry transition probabilites
  # - the marginal distributions
  # - spatial process for wet.dry states
  # - spatial process for positive intensities
  for(iMonth in 1:12){
    # month
    m = vec.month.char[iMonth]
    # period for this month
    period.m = get.period.fitting.month(m)
    # dates concerned by the 3-month window
    is3monthPeriod = vec.month%in%period.m
    isMonth = vec.month==iMonth
    # wet/dry transition probabilities
    pr.state = lagTransProbaMatrix(P.mat,isMonth,listOption$th,
    list.pr.state[[iMonth]] = pr.state
    # parameters of the marginal distributions
      parMargin.class = fit.margin.cdf(P.mat,isMonth,listOption$th,listOption$typeMargin)
      parMargin.class = parMargin[[iMonth]]
    list.parMargin[[iMonth]] = parMargin.class
    # - spatial process for wet.dry states
      infer.mat.omega.out = NULL
      infer.mat.omega.out = infer.mat.omega(P.mat,is3monthPeriod,listOption$th,listOption$nLag,
    list.mat.omega[[iMonth]] = infer.mat.omega.out
    # - spatial process for positive intensities
      infer.dep.amount.out = infer.autocor.amount(P.mat,pr.state,is3monthPeriod,
      infer.dep.amount.out = infer.dep.amount(P.mat,is3monthPeriod,infer.mat.omega.out,
    list.par.dep.amount[[iMonth]] = infer.dep.amount.out
  # return a list of all the parameters
  listPar = list(parOcc=list(list.pr.state=list.pr.state,list.mat.omega=list.mat.omega),
  # return options and estimated parameters

#' disag.3D.to.1D
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param Yobs matrix of observed intensities at 24h: (nTobs*3) x nStation
#' @param YObsAgg matrix of observed 3-day intensities: nTobs x nStation
#' @param mObsAgg vector of season corresponding to YobsAgg
#' @param YSimAgg matrix of simulated intensities per 3-day period: nTsim x nStation
#' @param mSimAgg vector of season corresponding to the period simulated
#' @param prob.class vector of probabilities indicating class of "similar" mean intensities
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{Ysim matrix of disagregated daily precipitation, codeDisag matrix of disagregation codes}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
disag.3D.to.1D = function(Yobs, # matrix of observed intensities at 24h: (nTobs*3) x nStation,
                          YObsAgg, # matrix of observed 3-day intensities: nTobs x nStation,
                          mObsAgg, # vector of season corresponding to YobsAgg
                          YSimAgg, # matrix of simulated intensities per 3-day period: nTsim x nStation
                          mSimAgg,  # vector of season corresponding to the period simulated
                          prob.class # vector of probabilities indicating class of "similar" mean intensities
  ###### number of 3-day periods simulated
  nTobs = as.integer(nrow(YObsAgg))
  nTsim = as.integer(nrow(YSimAgg))
  ###### number of stations
  nStat = as.integer(ncol(Yobs))
  ##### class: classification of precipitation events according
  # to the mean precipitation over all stations. 4 classes
  classObs = vector(length = nTobs)
  classSim =  vector(length = nTsim)
  # for each season
  for(i.s in 1:4){
    # mean obs
    iObs.s = mObsAgg==i.s
    Yobs.s = YObsAgg[iObs.s,,drop=FALSE]
    mean.s = apply(Yobs.s,1,mean,na.rm=T)
    # 4 breaks by default: small, moderate, high, extremes precipitation
    q.mean.s = quantile(mean.s, probs=prob.class)
      q.mean.s = q.mean.s[q.mean.s!=0]
    # observed class
    class.s = cut(mean.s, breaks=c(0,q.mean.s,max(mean.s)), labels = FALSE, include.lowest = T)
    classObs[iObs.s] = class.s
    # simulated class
    iSim.s = mSimAgg==i.s
    Ysim.s = YSimAgg[iSim.s,,drop=FALSE]
    mean.s = apply(Ysim.s,1,mean,na.rm=T)
    class.s = cut(mean.s, breaks=c(0,q.mean.s,max(mean.s)), labels = FALSE, include.lowest = T)
    classSim[iSim.s] = class.s
  ###### replace NA values by -9999 (can be processed in Fortran)
  Yobs[is.na(Yobs)] = -9999
  YObsAgg[is.na(YObsAgg)] = -9999
  ##### call Fortran function
  disag3Day.out = disag3DayGWexPrec(Yobs=Yobs, 

#' sim.GWex.occ
#' generate boolean variates which describe the dependence
#' between intersite occurrence correlations and wet/dry persistence
#' @useDynLib GWEX, .registration = TRUE
#' @param objGwexFit object of class GwexFit
#' @param vecMonth vector n x 1 of integers indicating the months
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix of logical}{occurrences simulated}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.GWex.occ = function(objGwexFit,vecMonth){
  # number of stations
  p = getNbStations(objGwexFit)
  n = length(vecMonth)
  # number of days for the transition probas
  nLag = objGwexFit@fit$listOption$nLag
  # prepare simulation occurrence
  Xt = rndNorm = array(0,dim=c(n,p))
  # number of possible transitions
  n.comb = 2^nLag
  # parameters for the occurrence process
  parOcc = objGwexFit@fit$listPar$parOcc
  # a matrix of possible combination n.comb x nLag
  mat.comb = as.matrix(parOcc$list.pr.state[[1]][[1]][,1:nLag])
  # initialize array of transitions (Gaussian quantiles)
  Qtrans = array(0,dim=c(n,p,n.comb))
  for(t in 1:n){
    # filter
    iMonth.t = vecMonth[t]
    # prob / normal quantiles of transitions
    Ptrans.list = lapply(parOcc$list.pr.state[[iMonth.t]],'[',nLag+1)
    Qtrans.list = lapply(Ptrans.list,function(x) qnorm(unlist(x)))
    Qtrans.mat = matrix(unlist(Qtrans.list), ncol=n.comb, byrow=T)
    for(i.st in 1:p){
      for(i.comb in 1:n.comb){
        # fill array of transitions
        Qtrans[t,i.st,i.comb] = Qtrans.mat[i.st,i.comb]
    # generate multivariate gaussian
      rndNorm[t,] = stats::rnorm(n=1)
      rndNorm[t,] = MASS::mvrnorm(1,rep(0,p),parOcc$list.mat.omega[[iMonth.t]]$mat.omega)
  # Start simulation
  for(st in 1:p){
    Xt[,st] = simPrecipOccurrences(nLag=nLag, matcomb=mat.comb, 

#' sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param
#' get relevant parameters
#' @param objGwexFit object of class GwexFit
#' @param iM integer indicating the month
#' @export
#' @return \item{list}{list of parameters}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param = function(objGwexFit,iM){
  cor.int = objGwexFit@fit$listPar$parInt$cor.int
  # test if it contains estimated parameters (not the case if p=1 and MAR=FALSE)
    fitParCorIntclass = NULL
    # extract relevant parameters
    fitParCorIntclass = objGwexFit@fit$listPar$parInt$cor.int[[iM]]
  # return results

#' sim.Zt.Spatial
#' generate gaussian variates which describe the spatial dependence between the sites
#' @param PAR parameters for a class
#' @param copulaInt 'Gaussian' or 'Student'
#' @param p number of stations
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix n x p of uniform dependent variates}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.Zt.Spatial = function(PAR,copulaInt,p){
  # generate from the corresponding multivariate distribution
    # generate from a multivariate Gaussian
    return(MASS::mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0,p), Sigma=PAR[['M0']]))
  }else if(copulaInt=='Student'){
    # generate from a multivariate Student
    rmvt.out = mvtnorm::rmvt(n=1, df=PAR[['dfStudent']], sigma=PAR[['M0']])
    return(qnorm(matrix(pt(rmvt.out, df=PAR[['dfStudent']]), ncol = p)))

#' sim.Zt.MAR
#' generate gaussian variates which describe the spatial and temporal dependence
#' between the sites (MAR(1) process)
#' @param PAR parameters for this class
#' @param copulaInt 'Gaussian' or 'Student'
#' @param Zprev previous Gaussian variate
#' @param p number of stations
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix n x p of uniform dependent variates}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.Zt.MAR = function(PAR,copulaInt,Zprev,p){
  # generate from the corresponding multivariate distribution
  # t-1
  Zt.prev = t(PAR$A%*%Zprev)
    # generate from a multivariate Gaussian
    inno = MASS::mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0,p), Sigma=PAR[['corZ']]) %*% diag(PAR[['sdZ']])
  }else if(copulaInt=='Student'){
    # generate from a Student copula with normal margins
    rmvt.out = mvtnorm::rmvt(n=1, df=PAR[['dfStudent']], sigma=PAR[['corZ']])
    r.cop.t.out = matrix(pt(rmvt.out, df=PAR[['dfStudent']]), ncol = p)
    inno = qnorm(r.cop.t.out)  %*% diag(PAR[['sdZ']])
  # return MAR(1)
  return(Zt.prev + inno)

#' sim.GWex.Yt.Pr
#' generate uniform variates which describe the dependence between intersite amount
#' correlations
#' @param objGwexFit object of class GwexFit
#' @param vecMonth vector n x 1 of integer indicating the months
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix n x p of uniform dependent variates}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.GWex.Yt.Pr = function(objGwexFit,vecMonth){
  # retrieve some options
  isMAR = objGwexFit@fit$listOption$isMAR
  copulaInt = objGwexFit@fit$listOption$copulaInt
  # number of stations
  p = getNbStations(objGwexFit)
  # length of the time series generated at the end
  n = length(vecMonth)
  # prepare matrix with Gaussian variates
  Yt.Gau = array(0,dim=c(n,p))
  #_____________ t=1 _________________
  # for the first iteration, we simulate from the marginal multivariate distribution (no temporal dependence)
  # retrieve period and parameters
  PAR = sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param(objGwexFit,vecMonth[1])
    Yt.Gau[1,] = stats::rnorm(n=1)
    Yt.Gau[1,] = sim.Zt.Spatial(PAR,copulaInt,p)
  #_____________ t=2...n _____________
  for(t in 2:n){
    # retrieve period and parameters if necessary
      PAR = sim.GWex.Yt.Pr.get.param(objGwexFit,vecMonth[t])
        # simple AR(1) process Y(t) = A*Y(t-1) + e where e follows a N(0,sdZ)
        Yt.Gau[t,] = Yt.Gau[t-1,]*PAR[['A']] + stats::rnorm(n=1,mean = 0,sd = PAR[['sdZ']])
        # multivariate-AR(1) process
        Yt.Gau[t,] = sim.Zt.MAR(PAR,copulaInt,Yt.Gau[t-1,],p)
      # Issue with the MAR(1) process: instability of the autoregressive process if A is nearly non-inversible
      # during the simulation process, Z values can become very large (>10)and leads to prob=1, and non-possible invers transform
      # with the marginal distributions
        print(paste0('fail: t=',t))
        Yt.Gau[t,] = stats::rnorm(n=1)
        Yt.Gau[t,] = sim.Zt.Spatial(PAR,copulaInt,p)
  # return variates

#' sim.GWex.Yt
#' Inverse PIT: from the probability space to the precipitation
#' space
#' @param objGwexFit object of class GwexFit
#' @param vecMonth vector of integer indicating the months
#' @param Yt.Pr uniform variates describing dependence between inter-site amounts
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix n x p of simulated non-zero precipitation intensities}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.GWex.Yt = function(objGwexFit,vecMonth,Yt.Pr){
  # number of stations
  p = getNbStations(objGwexFit)
  # length of the simulated period: necessarily related to Yt.Pr
  n = nrow(Yt.Pr)
  # prepare simulation precip
  Yt = array(0,dim=c(n,p))
  # marginal distributions
  parMargin = objGwexFit@fit$listPar$parInt$parMargin
  # Start simulation
  for(iM in 1:12){
    # filter
    isPeriod = (vecMonth == iM)
    nClass = sum(isPeriod)
      # pour chaque station
      for(st in 1:p){
        # days for this period as matrix indices
        i.mat = cbind(which(isPeriod),rep(st,nClass))
        # intensities
        pI = parMargin[[iM]][st,]
        # inverse-cdf
        Yt[i.mat] = unif.to.prec(pI,objGwexFit@fit$listOption$typeMargin,Yt.Pr[i.mat])

#' mask.GWex.Yt
#' Mask intensities where there is no occurrence
#' @param Xt simulated occurrences
#' @param Yt simulated intensities
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix n x p of simulated precipitations}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
mask.GWex.Yt = function(Xt,Yt){
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(Xt)
  # length of the time series generated
  n = nrow(Xt)
  # prepare simulation pluies
  Pt = array(0,dim=c(n,p))
  # pour chaque station
  for(st in 1:p){
    # wet days of this period as matrix indices
    is.wet = (Xt[,st]==1)
    n.wet = sum(is.wet)
    i.mat = cbind(which(is.wet),rep(st,n.wet))
    # mask intensities
    Pt[i.mat] = Yt[i.mat]

#' sim.GWex.prec.1it
#' Simulate one scenario of precipitation from the GWex model
#' @param objGwexFit object of class GwexFit
#' @param vecDates vector of continuous dates
#' @param myseed seed of the random generation, to be fixed if the results need to be replicated
#' @param objGwexObs optional: necessary if we need observations to simulate (e.g. disaggregation of 3-day periods)
#' @param prob.class vector of probabilities indicating class of "similar" mean intensities
#' @export
#' @return \item{matrix}{Precipitation simulated for the dates contained in vec.Dates at the different stations}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
sim.GWex.prec.1it = function(objGwexFit,vecDates,myseed,objGwexObs,prob.class){
  # set seed of random generation
  # do we simulate 3-day period
  is3Damount = objGwexFit@fit$listOption$is3Damount
  # tweak vector of dates
    n.orig = length(vecDates)
    # complete vector of dates if not a multiple of 3
    n = ceiling(n.orig/3)*3
    vecDates = c(vecDates,vecDates[(n.orig-2):n.orig])
    # get dates for these 3-day periods
    vecDates = vecDates[seq(from=1,to=n,by=3)]
    mSimAgg = month2season(as.numeric(format(vecDates,'%m')))
  # vector of integers indicating the months (1,1,1,...)
  vecMonth = as.numeric(strftime(vecDates, "%m"))
  # Simulation of occurrences
  Xt = sim.GWex.occ(objGwexFit,vecMonth)
  # Simulation of the spatial and temporal dependence between amounts
  Yt.Pr = sim.GWex.Yt.Pr(objGwexFit,vecMonth)
  # We obtain directly related intensities
  Yt = sim.GWex.Yt(objGwexFit,vecMonth,Yt.Pr)
  # if we simulate 3-day periods, we disaggregate these periods, otherwise, we just mask the intensities
  # with the simulated occurrences
    # Time resolution
    dayScale = 3
    # mask simulated intensities with the occurrences Xt
    simAgg = mask.GWex.Yt(Xt,Yt)
    ### we need the observations to find observed 3-day structure of precipitation
    ### we first process observations: (aggregate; get months)
    #  get obs
    if(is.null(objGwexObs)|(!is.GwexObs(objGwexObs))) stop('sim.GWex.prec.1it: we need a proper objGwexObs object')
    obs = objGwexObs@obs
    # aggregate
    obsAgg = agg.matrix(obs,dayScale)
    nObsAgg = nrow(obsAgg)
    dateObsAgg = objGwexObs@date[seq(from=1,length.out=nObsAgg,by=dayScale)]
    mObsAgg = month2season(as.numeric(format(dateObsAgg,'%m')))
    #### disagregate 3-day int. Yt into daily intensities
    Pt = disag.3D.to.1D(obs[1:(nObsAgg*3),,drop=FALSE],obsAgg,mObsAgg,simAgg,
    # mask with the occurrences Xt
    Pt = mask.GWex.Yt(Xt,Yt)
  # return results

#' fit.margin.cdf
#' estimate parameters which control the marginal distribution of precipitation amounts
#' @param P.mat precipitation matrix
#' @param isPeriod vector of logical n x 1 indicating the days concerned by a 3-month period
#' @param th threshold above which we consider that a day is wet (e.g. 0.2 mm)
#' @param type distribution: 'EGPD' or 'mixExp'
#' @return \item{matrix}{matrix of estimates p x 3}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
fit.margin.cdf = function(P.mat,isPeriod,th,type=c('EGPD','mixExp')){
  # number of stations
  p = ncol(P.mat)
  # filtered matrix of precipitation for this period (3-mon moving window by dafault)
  P.mat.class = P.mat[isPeriod,,drop=FALSE]
  # prepare output
  list.out = matrix(nrow=p,ncol=3)
  if(type == 'EGPD'){
    #  Applies Extented GPD
    for(i.st in 1:p){
      P.st = P.mat.class[,i.st,drop=FALSE]
      is.Prec = P.st>th&!is.na(P.st)
      P.nz = P.st[is.Prec]
      list.out[i.st,] = EGPD.GI.fit.PWM(P.nz)$x
  }else if(type == 'mixExp'){
    #  Applies mixture of exponentials
    for(i.st in 1:p){
      P.st = P.mat.class[,i.st,drop=FALSE]
      is.Prec = P.st>th&!is.na(P.st)
      P.nz = P.st[is.Prec]
      list.out[i.st,] = Renext::EM.mixexp(P.nz)$estimate[c(1,3,4)]
  # return matrix of estimates

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GWEX documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 5:06 p.m.