# This script performs a QTL study for QTL studies
QTL <- function(pheno, phenoSamples=NULL, geno=NULL, genoSamples=NULL, method="LM", mc=1, sig=NULL, testType="asymptotic", nper=2000, which=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
# Initial values
noNames <- FALSE
# Test the case that the data is given in a one-row matrix (not casted as vector)
if(nrow(pheno)==1) pheno <- as.vector(pheno)
# If only a vector of expression values is provided, transform it to a single row matrix
if(is.null(pheno)) stop("No phenotype information provided in pheno!")
if(is.null(geno)) stop("No genotypes provided in geno!")
tmp <- names(pheno)
if(is.null(tmp)) noNames <- TRUE
pheno <- as.matrix(pheno)
rownames(pheno) <- tmp
} else {
if(is.null(rownames(pheno))) noNames <- TRUE
# Input checks
method <- match.arg(method,c("LM","directional"))
testType <- match.arg(testType,c("permutation","asymptotic"))
# Read in the genotype data if name is given, otherwise assume already imported SNPS are given as input
if(is.character(geno)==TRUE && length(geno)==1)
# Check if there is a ped/map pair or vcf given as input
fileEnding <- tolower(substr(geno, nchar(geno)-2,nchar(geno)))
case <- "ped"
pedFile <- geno
mapFile <- paste(substr(geno,1, nchar(pedFile)-3),"map",sep="")
} else if(fileEnding=="vcf"){
case <- "vcf"
vcfFile <- paste(geno,".vcf",sep="")
} else {
if(verbose) cat("No .ped or .vcf file ending detected in geno. Assume geno to be a ped/map filepair!\n")
case <- "ped"
pedFile <- paste(geno,".ped",sep="")
mapFile <- paste(geno,".map",sep="")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("Start reading the genotype information at",date(),"\n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("vcf-file:",vcfFile,"\n")
genoData <- importVCF(file=vcfFile)
} else if(case=="ped"){
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("Start reading the genotype information at",date(),"\n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("ped-file:",pedFile,"\n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("map-file:",mapFile,"\n")
genoData <- importPED(file=pedFile, snps=mapFile, verbose=FALSE)
# CASE: No string provided, assume that genotype data was read in properly
} else {
genoData <- geno
} else if(class(geno)=="vcf"){
genoData <- geno
# In the other possibility is that the genotypes are just given in a matrix or vector form:
} else if(is.vector(geno)){
# Here is just one vector with genotype information given
if(length(geno)!=nrow(pheno)) stop("Amount of entered phenotypes and genotypes do not match!")
genoData <- vectorToGenomatrix(geno)
} else if(is.matrix(geno)||{
# Here is a matrix with genotype information given
if(nrow(geno)!=nrow(pheno)) stop("Amount of entered phenotypes and genotypes do not match!")
genoData <- matrixToGenomatrix(geno)
} else {
stop("Please provide either a PedMap (importPED) of a VCF (importVCF) object, or the corresponding file path to either file.")
# If no separate genoSamples object is given, we take those from the PedMap/VCF object:
if(is.null(genoSamples)) genoSamples <- rownames(genoData$genotypes)
# Take only those genes from the annotation list that were requested
if(!is.null(which)) {
pheno <- pheno[,is.element(colnames(pheno),which)]
} else if(is.numeric(which)){
oldSampleNames <- rownames(pheno)
oldPhenoNames <- colnames(pheno)
pheno <- pheno[,which]
pheno <- matrix(pheno, ncol=1)
colnames(pheno) <- oldPhenoNames[which]
rownames(pheno) <- oldSampleNames
if(verbose) cat("Phenotype are unnamed. We assume same order in phenotype and genotype objects and match samples based on that.\n")
tempNames <- rownames(genoData$genotypes)
rownames(pheno) <- tempNames
phenoSamples <- tempNames
} else {
rownames(pheno) <- phenoSamples
# In case that the row names have been changed, bring them into an order
rownames(genoData$map) <- 1:nrow(genoData$map)
# Sample statistics
overlap <- is.element(rownames(pheno),genoSamples)
olPerc <- round(sum(overlap)/nrow(pheno)*100,1)
olPerc2 <- round(sum(overlap)/nrow(genoData$genotypes)*100,1)
if(sum(overlap)==0) stop("No matching phenotype / genotype sample names!\n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("We have for",olPerc,"% of the samples in the phenotype data the genotype information available. \n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("We have for",olPerc2,"% of the samples in the genotype data the phenotype values available. \n")
# Gene statistics
if(is.null(colnames(pheno))) colnames(pheno) <- paste("Phenotype",1:ncol(pheno),sep="")
matchingPheno <- colnames(pheno)
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("We will test for",ncol(pheno),"phenotypes possible QTLs! \n")
if(verbose==TRUE) cat("---------------------------------------------- \n")
result <- list()
# Reducing the phenotype data to those rows, where we have also genotype information available
pheno <- pheno[is.element(rownames(pheno),genoSamples), ,drop=FALSE]
# Now go through all possible genes
qtl <- list()
for(phenoRun in 1:length(matchingPheno)){
qtlTemp <- list()
SNPloc <- getSNPlocations(genotInfo=genoData$map, th=NULL)
SNPmatrix <- as.matrix(genoData$genotypes[,SNPloc$SNPloc$snp.names, with=FALSE])
genoGroups <- matrix(as.numeric(SNPmatrix),nrow=nrow(SNPmatrix))
colnames(genoGroups) <- colnames(SNPmatrix)
rownames(genoGroups) <- rownames(genoData)
genoGroups <- rearrange(genoGroups,rownames(pheno),genoSamples)
# SNPmatrix <- as.matrix(genoData$genotypes[,SNPloc$SNPloc$snp.names])
#} else {
# SNPmatrix <- as.matrix(genoData$genotypes)
#genoGroups <- matrix(as.numeric(SNPmatrix)-1,nrow=nrow(SNPmatrix))
#colnames(genoGroups) <- colnames(SNPmatrix)
#rownames(genoGroups) <- rownames(genoData)
#genoGroups <- rearrange(genoGroups,rownames(pheno),genoSamples)
# QTL case : LM
# if sig is set to Null all results will be reported - This might be very memory consuming!!!
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- list(GeneLoc=rep(phenoRun,ncol(genoGroups)),TestedSNP=SNPloc[[1]],p.values=eqtlLM(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun], mc=mc))
} else {
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- list(GeneLoc=rep(phenoRun,1),TestedSNP=SNPloc[[1]],p.values=eqtlLM(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun], mc=mc))
} else {
p.values <- eqtlLM(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun], mc=mc)
pPos <- p.values<=sig
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- cbind(SNPloc[[1]][pPos,c(1,2,4)],p.values[pPos])
# QTL case: directional
} else if(method=="directional"){
# if sig is set to Null all results will be reported - This might be very memory consuming!!!
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- list(GeneLoc=rep(phenoRun, ncol(genoGroups)),
p.values=eqtlDir(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun], mc=mc,nper=nper, testType=testType))
} else {
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- list(GeneLoc=rep(phenoRun, 1),
p.values=eqtlDir(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun], mc=mc,nper=nper, testType=testType))
} else {
p.values <- eqtlDir(genoGroups,pheno[,phenoRun],mc=mc,nper=nper, testType=testType)
pPos <- p.values<=sig
qtlTemp[[phenoRun]] <- cbind(SNPloc[[1]][pPos,c(1,2,4)],p.values[pPos])
} else {
warning("There were no variants within the window of gene ", matchingPheno[phenoRun])
# Join the output
qtl[[phenoRun]] <- joinEQTL(qtlTemp)
} else {
qtl[[phenoRun]] <- data.frame(chr="-1", SNP="-1", Location="-1", p.value="-1", Assoc.Pheno=matchingPheno[phenoRun], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
#bedTemp <- joinEQTLsig(eqtlTemp)
bedTemp <-"rbind", qtlTemp)
bedTemp <- cbind(bedTemp,rep(matchingPheno[phenoRun],max(1,nrow(bedTemp))))
colnames(bedTemp) <- c("chr", "SNP", "Location", "p.value", "Assoc.Pheno")
qtl[[phenoRun]] <- bedTemp
if(verbose==TRUE) cat ("We calculated QTLs for ",matchingPheno[phenoRun]," for ",prettyNum(nrow(SNPloc$SNPloc), big.mark = ",")," SNPs (",date(),")\n", sep="")
# Return the result
names(qtl) <- matchingPheno
result <- list(bed=NULL,qtl=qtl,pheno=pheno, geno=geno, phenoSamples=phenoSamples, genoSamples=genoSamples, method=method, mc=mc, which=which, type="full")
} else {
resBed <-"rbind", qtl)
remThese <- which(as.character(resBed[,1])== "-1")
if(length(remThese)>0) resBed <- resBed[-remThese,]
result <- list(bed= resBed, pheno=pheno, geno=geno, phenoSamples=phenoSamples, genoSamples=genoSamples, method=method, mc=mc, which=which, type="sig")
class(result) <- "qtlRes"
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