
Defines functions calc.ohc.par

Documented in calc.ohc.par

#' OHC Likelihood in Parallel
#' Calculate Ocean Heat Content (OHC) likelihood surface in parallel
#' @param pdt input PDT data see \code{\link{extract.pdt}}
#' @param filename is the first part of the filename specified to the download 
#'   function \code{\link{get.env}}. For example, if downloaded files were 
#'   specific to a particular dataset, you may want to identify that with a name
#'   like 'tuna' or 'shark1'. This results in a downloaded filename of, for 
#'   example, 'tuna_date.nc'. This filename is required here so the calc 
#'   function knows where to get the env data.
#' @param isotherm default '' in which isotherm is calculated on the fly based 
#'   on daily tag data. Otherwise, numeric isotherm constraint can be specified 
#'   (e.g. 20 deg C).
#' @param ohc.dir directory of downloaded hycom (or other) data
#' @param dateVec vector of complete dates for data range. This should be in 
#'   'Date' format
#' @param bathy is logical indicating whether or not a bathymetric mask should
#'   be applied
#' @param use.se is logical indicating whether or not to use SE when using 
#'   regression to predict temperature at specific depth levels.
#' @param ncores specify number of cores, or leave blank and use whatever you 
#'   have!
#' @return a raster brick of OHC likelihood
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc.ohc}}
#' @references Luo J, Ault JS, Shay LK, Hoolihan JP, Prince ED, Brown C a.,
#'   Rooker JR (2015) Ocean Heat Content Reveals Secrets of Fish Migrations.
#'   PLoS One 10:e0141101
#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach "%dopar%"

calc.ohc.par <- function(pdt, filename, isotherm = '', ohc.dir, dateVec, bathy = TRUE, use.se = TRUE, ncores = NULL){
  if (is.null(ncores)) ncores <- ceiling(parallel::detectCores() * .9)
  if (is.na(ncores) | ncores < 0) ncores <- ceiling(as.numeric(system('nproc', intern=T)) * .9)
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  print(paste('Starting OHC likelihood calculation...'))
  # constants for OHC calc
  cp <- 3.993 # kJ/kg*C <- heat capacity of seawater
  rho <- 1025 # kg/m3 <- assumed density of seawater
  # calculate midpoint of tag-based min/max temps
  pdt$MidTemp <- (pdt$MaxTemp + pdt$MinTemp) / 2
  # get unique time points
  dateVec = lubridate::parse_date_time(dateVec, '%Y-%m-%d')
  udates <- unique(lubridate::parse_date_time(pdt$Date, orders = '%Y-%m-%d %H%:%M:%S'))
  T <- length(udates)

  if(isotherm != '') iso.def <- TRUE else iso.def <- FALSE
  print(paste0('Generating OHC likelihood for ', udates[1], ' through ', udates[length(udates)]))
  # open nc and get the indices for the vars
  nc1 =  RNetCDF::open.nc(dir(ohc.dir, full.names = T)[1])
  ncnames = NULL
  nmax <- RNetCDF::file.inq.nc(nc1)$nvars - 1
  for(ii in 0:nmax) ncnames[ii + 1] <- RNetCDF::var.inq.nc(nc1, ii)$name
  temp.idx <- grep('temp', ncnames, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  lat.idx <- grep('lat', ncnames, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  lon.idx <- grep('lon', ncnames, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  dep.idx <- grep('dep', ncnames, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  # get attributes, if they exist
  ncatts <- NULL
  nmax <- RNetCDF::var.inq.nc(nc1, temp.idx)$natts - 1
  for(ii in 0:nmax) ncatts[ii + 1] <- RNetCDF::att.inq.nc(nc1, temp.idx, ii)$name
  scale.idx <- grep('scale', ncatts, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  if(length(scale.idx) != 0){
    scale <- RNetCDF::att.get.nc(nc1, temp.idx, attribute=scale.idx)
  } else{
    scale <- 1
  off.idx <- grep('off', ncatts, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1
  if(length(off.idx) != 0){
    offset <- RNetCDF::att.get.nc(nc1, temp.idx, attribute=off.idx)
  } else{
    offset <- 1
  # get and check the vars
  depth <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc1, dep.idx)
  lon <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc1, lon.idx)
  if(length(dim(lon)) == 2) lon <- lon[,1]
  if(!any(lon < 180)) lon <- lon - 360
  lat <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc1, lat.idx)
  if(length(dim(lat)) == 2) lat <- lat[1,]
  # results will be array of likelihood surfaces
  L.ohc <- array(0, dim = c(length(lon), length(lat), length(dateVec)))
  start.t <- Sys.time()
  print('Processing in parallel... ')
  cl = parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
  doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl, cores = ncores)
  ans = foreach::foreach(i = 1:T) %dopar%{
    time <- as.Date(udates[i])
    pdt.i <- pdt[which(pdt$Date == time),]
    # open day's hycom data
    nc <- RNetCDF::open.nc(paste(ohc.dir, filename, '_', as.Date(time), '.nc', sep=''))
    dat <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(nc, temp.idx) * scale + offset
    #extracts depth from tag data for day i
    y <- pdt.i$Depth[!is.na(pdt.i$Depth)] 
    y[y<0] <- 0
    #extract temperature from tag data for day i
    x <- pdt.i$MidTemp[!is.na(pdt.i$Depth)]  
    # use the which.min
    depIdx = unique(apply(as.data.frame(pdt.i$Depth), 1, FUN=function(x) which.min((x - depth) ^ 2)))
    hycomDep <- depth[depIdx]
      mask <- dat[,,max(depIdx)]
      mask[is.na(mask)] <- NA
      mask[!is.na(mask)] <- 1
      for(bb in 1:length(depth)){
        dat[,,bb] <- dat[,,bb] * mask
    # make predictions based on the regression model earlier for the temperature at standard WOA depth levels for low and high temperature at that depth
      fit.low <- locfit::locfit(pdt.i$MinTemp ~ pdt.i$Depth)
      fit.high <- locfit::locfit(pdt.i$MaxTemp ~ pdt.i$Depth)
    n = length(hycomDep)
    pred.low = stats::predict(fit.low, newdata = hycomDep, se = T, get.data = T)
    pred.high = stats::predict(fit.high, newdata = hycomDep, se = T, get.data = T)
    if (use.se){
      # data frame for next step
      df = data.frame(low = pred.low$fit - pred.low$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      high = pred.high$fit + pred.high$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      depth = hycomDep)
    } else{
      # data frame for next step
      df = data.frame(low = pred.low$fit,# - pred.low$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      high = pred.high$fit,# + pred.high$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      depth = hycomDep)

    # isotherm is minimum temperature recorded for that time point
    if(iso.def == FALSE) isotherm <- min(df$low, na.rm = T)
    # perform tag data integration at limits of model fits
    minT.ohc <- cp * rho * sum(df$low - isotherm, na.rm = T) / 10000
    maxT.ohc <- cp * rho * sum(df$high - isotherm, na.rm = T) / 10000
    # Perform hycom integration
    #dat[dat < isotherm] <- NA
    dat <- dat - isotherm
    ohc <- cp * rho * apply(dat[,,depIdx], 1:2, sum, na.rm = T) / 10000 
    ohc[ohc == 0] <- NA
    # calc sd of OHC
    # focal calc on mean temp and write to sd var
    r = raster::flip(raster::raster(t(ohc)), 2)
    sdx = raster::focal(r, w = matrix(1, nrow = 9, ncol = 9),
                        fun = function(x) stats::sd(x, na.rm = T))
    sdx = t(raster::as.matrix(raster::flip(sdx, 2)))
    # compare hycom to that day's tag-based ohc
    #lik.ohc <- likint3(ohc, sdx, minT.ohc, maxT.ohc)
    lik.try <- try(likint3(ohc, sdx, minT.ohc, maxT.ohc), TRUE)
    if(class(lik.try) == 'try-error' & use.se == FALSE){
      # try ohc again with use.se = T
      df = data.frame(low = pred.low$fit - pred.low$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      high = pred.high$fit + pred.high$se.fit * sqrt(n),
                      depth = hycomDep)
      minT.ohc <- cp * rho * sum(df$low - isotherm, na.rm = T) / 10000
      maxT.ohc <- cp * rho * sum(df$high - isotherm, na.rm = T) / 10000
      lik.try <- try(likint3(ohc, sdx, minT.ohc, maxT.ohc), TRUE)
      if (class(lik.try) == 'try-error'){
        lik.try <- ohc * 0
        warning(paste('Warning: likint3 failed after trying with and without SE prediction of depth-temp profiles. This is most likely a divergent integral for ', time, '...', sep=''))
    } else if (class(lik.try) == 'try-error' & use.se == TRUE){
      lik.try <- ohc * 0
      warning(paste('Warning: likint3 failed after trying with and without SE prediction of depth-temp profiles. This is most likely a divergent integral for ', time, '...', sep=''))
    lik.ohc <- lik.try
  # make index of dates for filling in L.ohc
  didx = base::match(udates, dateVec)
  # lapply to put parallel answers back together
  lik.ohc = lapply(ans, function(x) x / max(x, na.rm = T))
  ii = 1
  for(i in didx){
    L.ohc[,,i] = lik.ohc[[ii]]
    ii = ii+1  

  print(paste('Making final likelihood raster...'))
  crs <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
  if(!any(lon < 180)) lon <- lon - 360
  list.ohc <- list(x = lon, y = lat, z = L.ohc)
  ex <- raster::extent(list.ohc)
  L.ohc <- raster::brick(list.ohc$z, xmn=ex[1], xmx=ex[2], ymn=ex[3], ymx=ex[4], transpose=T, crs)
  L.ohc <- raster::flip(L.ohc, direction = 'y')
  L.ohc[L.ohc < 0] <- 0
  names(L.ohc) = as.character(dateVec)
  t1 <- Sys.time()
  print(paste('OHC calculations took ', round(as.numeric(difftime(t1, t0, units='mins')), 2), 'minutes...'))
  # return ohc likelihood surfaces

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