
Defines functions .onAttach

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
	packageStartupMessage(sprintf("Package %s (%s) loaded.
To cite, see citation(\"%s\")\n", pkg, packageDescription(pkg)$Version, pkg))

setClass(Class = "HWEdata", representation(data.mat = "matrix", size = "numeric", data.vec = "numeric"))

setMethod("initialize", "HWEdata",
		function(.Object, data = matrix(NA)) {
			data.v <- data
			R <- length(data.v)
			r <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8*R))/2
			data.m <- matrix(NA, nrow = r, ncol = r)
			for (i in 1:r) {
				data.m[i, 1:i] <- data.v[((i - 1)*i/2 + 1):(i*(i + 1)/2)]
			.Object@data.mat <- data.m
			.Object@size <- r
			.Object@data.vec <- data.v

setClass(Class = "HWEintr", representation(bf = "numeric", npp = "numeric", draws = "numeric", data.mat = "matrix"))

setMethod("initialize", "HWEintr",
		function(.Object, bf = numeric(0), npp = numeric(0), draws = numeric(0), data = matrix(NA)) {
			.Object@bf <- bf
			.Object@npp <- npp
			.Object@draws <- draws
			.Object@data.mat <- data

		function(object, plot = FALSE, ...) {
			if (plot) {
			out <- list(n = sum(object@data.vec), size = object@size, data = object@data.mat)

		signature(x = "HWEdata", y = "missing"),
		function(x, ndens = 5, xlab = "x", ylab = "density", nbin = 10, histogram = FALSE, bands = FALSE, confid = .95, start = 1, ...) {
			y <- x@data.mat
			r <- x@size
			n <- sum(y, na.rm = TRUE)
			p <- y/n
			lbl <- paste("A", 1:r, sep = "")
			p_a <- (rowSums(y, na.rm = TRUE) + colSums(y, na.rm = TRUE))/(2*n)
			p_hwe <- matrix(NA, nrow = r, ncol =r)
			for (i in 1:r) {
				for (j in 1:i) {
					p_hwe[i, j] <- 2*p_a[i]*p_a[j] 
				p_hwe[i, i] <- p_a[i]^2
			side <- sqrt(p)
			side_hwe <- sqrt(p_hwe)
			old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
			par(mai = c(.82, .82, 1.02, .42))
			plot(1:r, 1:r, type = "n", xlim = c(0, (r+1)), ylim = c(0, (r+1)), xlab = "", ylab = "First chromosome", main = "",
					lab = c(rep((r + 1), 2), 7), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
			clr <- as.numeric(col2rgb("brown"))
			color <- rgb(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3], alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255)
			clr <- as.numeric(col2rgb("orange"))
			color_hwe <- rgb(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3], alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255)
			axis(side = 3, at = 1:r, labels = lbl, tick = FALSE)
			axis(side = 2, at = 1:r, labels = rev(lbl), tick = FALSE, las = 1)
			for (i in 1:r) {
				abline(v = (i - .5), lty = 3, col = gray(.5), lwd = .35)
				abline(h = (i - .5), lty = 3, col = gray(.5), lwd = .35)
				for (j in 1:r) {
					if (!is.na(p[j, i]) & (p[j, i] > p_hwe[j, i])) {
						rect(xleft = (i - side[j, i]/2), ybottom = ((r - j + 1) - side[j, i]/2), xright = (i + side[j, i]/2),
								ytop = ((r - j +1) + side[j, i]/2),	col = color, border = NA, density = NA)
						rect(xleft = (i - side_hwe[j, i]/2), ybottom = ((r - j + 1) - side_hwe[j, i]/2), xright = (i + side_hwe[j, i]/2),
								ytop = ((r - j +1) + side_hwe[j, i]/2), col = color_hwe, border = NA, density = NA)
					} else {
						rect(xleft = (i - side_hwe[j, i]/2), ybottom = ((r - j + 1) - side_hwe[j, i]/2), xright = (i + side_hwe[j, i]/2),
								ytop = ((r - j +1) + side_hwe[j, i]/2), col = color_hwe, border = NA, density = NA)
						rect(xleft = (i - side[j, i]/2), ybottom = ((r - j + 1) - side[j, i]/2), xright = (i + side[j, i]/2),
								ytop = ((r - j +1) + side[j, i]/2),	col = color, border = NA, density = NA)
					text(j, (r - i + 1), y[i, j], cex = .55, col = gray(.1))
				segments(x0 = (i - .5), y0 = ((r - i + 1) + .5), x1 = (i + .5), y1 = ((r - i + 1) + .5), lwd = .5)
				segments(x0 = (i + .5), y0 = ((r - i + 1) + .5), x1 = (i + .5), y1 = ((r - i + 1) - .5), lwd = .5)
			mtext(text = "Second chromosome", side = 3, line = ((par()$mar)[3] - 2.5))
			abline(v = ((r + 1) - .5), lty = 3, col = gray(.5), lwd = .35)
			abline(h = ((r + 1) - .5), lty = 3, col = gray(.5), lwd = .35)
			segments(x0 = .5, y0 = (r + .5), x1 = .5, y1 = .5, lwd = .5)
			segments(x0 = .5, y0 = .5, x1 = (r + .5), y1 = .5, lwd = .5)
			mtext(text = "Brown squares areas: sample genotype proportions", side = 1, line = ((par()$mar)[1] - 3.7), cex = .7)
			mtext(text = "Orange squares areas: sample Hardy-Weinberg proportions", side = 1, line = ((par()$mar)[1] - 2.7), cex = .7)
			mtext(text = "Numbers within squares: sample genotype counts", side = 1, line = ((par()$mar)[1] - 1.7), cex = .7)

		function(object, plot = FALSE, ...) {
			if (plot) {
				plot(object, ...)
			out <- list(bf = object@bf, npp = object@npp, mc.draws = summary.default(object@draws))

		signature(x = "HWEintr", y = "missing"),
		function(x, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Monte Carlo Average of Bayes Factor", boot.ci = FALSE, ...) {
			if(interactive() & boot.ci) {
				ans <- readline("Bootstrap confidence intervals calculation will take some time. Are you sure you want them? [y/n] ")
			M <- length(x@draws)
			d <- x@draws
			res <- cumsum(d)/(1:M)
			sdres <- sqrt(cumsum((d - res)^2))/(1:M)
			if(interactive() & boot.ci) {
				if (substr(ans, 1, 1) == "y") {
					nboot <- 100
					boot <- matrix(sample(d, nboot*M, replace = TRUE), nrow = M, ncol = nboot)
					boot.iter <- apply(boot, 2, cumsum)/(1:M)
					boot.upper <- apply(boot.iter, 1, quantile, .975)
					boot.lower <- apply(boot.iter, 1, quantile, .025)
					plot(1:M, res, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = "", type = "l", ylim = (mean(res) + 20*c(-sdres[M], sdres[M])), lwd = 2)
					lines(res - 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
					lines(res + 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
					lines(boot.lower, col = "orange", lwd = 2)
					lines(boot.upper, col = "orange", lwd = 2)
					legend("topright", c("Monte Carlo average", "+/- 2*standard errors", "95% bootstrap conf. int."), lwd = c(2, 2, 2),
							col = c("black", "gold", "orange"))
				} else {
					plot(1:M, res, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = "", type = "l", ylim = mean(res) + 20*c(-sdres[M], sdres[M]), lwd = 2)
					lines(res - 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
					lines(res + 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
					legend("topright", c("Monte Carlo average", "+/- 2*standard errors"), lwd = c(2, 2), col = c("black", "gold"))
			if (!boot.ci) {
				plot(1:M, res, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = "", type = "l", ylim = mean(res) + 20*c(-sdres[M], sdres[M]), lwd = 2)
				lines(res - 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
				lines(res + 2*sdres, col = "gold", lwd = 2)
				legend("topright", c("Monte Carlo average", "+/- 2*standard errors"), lwd = c(2, 2), col = c("black", "gold"))

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HWEintrinsic documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:56 p.m.