
# A class for histogram-valued data ---------------------------------------
#' Class distributionH.
#' @name distributionH-class
#' @rdname distributionH-class
#' @exportClass distributionH
  Class = "distributionH",
  representation = representation(
    x = "numeric",
    p = "numeric",
    m = "numeric",
    s = "numeric"
  # distributionH=
  validity = function(object) {
    if (length(object@x) <= 0) {
      x <- NA
    else {
      if (length(object@p)) {
        nv <- length(object@x)
        p <- c(0, c(1:nv) / nv)
      if (length(object@x) != length(object@p)) {
        stop("the x and p vectors must be of the same length")
      if (length(object@x) == 1) {
        object@x <- c(object@x, object@x)
        object@p <- c(0, 1)
      nv <- length(object@x)
      if ((length(object@x) > 1) &&
        (min(diff(object@x)) < 0)) {
        return("the x must be in not descending order")
      if ((length(object@x) > 1) && (min(diff(object@p)) < 0) &&
        (object@p[1] > 1e-14) && (object@p[nv] < 1 - 1e-14)) {
        return("the p must be in not descending order from 0 to 1")

#' Constructor method of distributionH class
#' Class \code{distributionH} defines a histogram object
#' @name distributionH
#' @rdname distributionH-class
#' @aliases initialize,distributionH-method
#' @description Class \code{"distributionH"} desfines an histogram object
#' The class describes a histogram by means of its cumulative distribution
#' function. The methods are develoved accordingly to the L2 Wasserstein
#' distance between distributions.
#' @docType class
#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
#' \code{new("distributionH", x, p, m, s)}.
#' @param .Object the type ("distributionH")
#' @param x a numeric vector. it is the domain of the distribution (i.e. the
#' extremes of bins).
#' @param p a numeric vector (of the same lenght of x). It is the cumulative distribution function CDF.
#' @param m (optional) a numeric value. Is the mean of the histogram.
#' @param s (optional) a numeric positive value. It is the standard deviation of a histogram.
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI
#' 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples #---- initialize a distributionH object mydist
#' # from a simple histogram
#' # ----------------------------
#' # | Bins    |  Prob  | cdf   |
#' # ----------------------------
#' # | [1,2)   |  0.4   | 0.4   |
#' # | [2,3]   |  0.6   | 1.0   |
#' # ----------------------------
#' # | Tot.    |  1.0   | -     |
#' # ----------------------------
#' mydist <- new("distributionH", c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' str(mydist)
#' # Formal class 'distributionH' [package "HistDAWass"] with 4 slots
#' #   ..@@ x: num [1:3] 1 2 3 the quantiles
#' #   ..@@ p: num [1:3] 0 0.4 1 the cdf
#' #   ..@@ m: num 2.1 the mean
#' #   ..@@ s: num 0.569 the standard deviation
#' @seealso \code{\link{meanH}} computes the mean. \code{\link{stdH}} computes the standard deviation.
# showClass("distributionH")
setMethod("initialize", "distributionH",
  definition = function(.Object, x = numeric(0), p = numeric(0), m = numeric(0), s = numeric(0)) {
    .Object@x <- x
    .Object@p <- p
    if (length(x) > 0) {
      if (length(m) == 0) .Object@m <- meanH(.Object) else .Object@m <- m
      if (length(s) == 0) .Object@s <- stdH(.Object) else .Object@s <- s


# A class of a matrix of histogram-valued data ----------------------------
#' Class MatH.
#' @name MatH-class
#' @rdname MatH-class
#' @exportClass MatH
#' @docType class
#' @description   Class \code{MatH} defines a matrix of \code{distributionH} objects
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI
#' 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' ## ---- create a list of six distributionH objects
#' ListOfDist <- vector("list", 6)
#' ListOfDist[[1]] <- distributionH(c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' ListOfDist[[2]] <- distributionH(c(7, 8, 10, 15), c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' ListOfDist[[3]] <- distributionH(c(9, 11, 20), c(0, 0.5, 1))
#' ListOfDist[[4]] <- distributionH(c(2, 5, 8), c(0, 0.3, 1))
#' ListOfDist[[5]] <- distributionH(c(8, 10, 15), c(0, 0.75, 1))
#' ListOfDist[[6]] <- distributionH(c(20, 22, 24), c(0, 0.12, 1))
#' ## create a MatH object filling it by columns
#' MyMAT <- new("MatH",
#'   nrows = 3, ncols = 2, ListOfDist = ListOfDist,
#'   names.rows = c("I1", "I2", "I3"), names.cols = c("Var1", "Var2"), by.row = FALSE
#' )
#' showClass("MatH")
#' @param .Object the object type "MatH"
#' @param ListOfDist a vector or a list of \code{distributionH} objects
#' @param names.rows a vector or list of strings with thenames of the rows
#' @param names.cols a vector or list of strings with thenames of the columns (variables)

  Class = "MatH",
  representation = representation(M = "matrix"),
#' Constructor method for MatH class
#' @name MatH
#' @rdname MatH-class
#' @aliases initialize,MatH-method
setMethod("initialize", "MatH",
  definition = function(.Object, nrows = 1, ncols = 1, ListOfDist = NULL, names.rows = NULL, names.cols = NULL, by.row = FALSE) {
    tt <- list(new("distributionH"))
    .Object@M <- matrix(tt, nrows, ncols)

    if (length(ListOfDist) > 0) {
      nOBJ <- length(ListOfDist)
      if (by.row) {
        count <- 0
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
          for (j in 1:ncols) {
            count <- count + 1
            if (count == nOBJ) count <- 1
            .Object@M[i, j][[1]] <- ListOfDist[[count]]
      else {
        count <- 0
        for (j in 1:ncols) {
          for (i in 1:nrows) {
            count <- count + 1
            if (count > nOBJ) count <- 1
            .Object@M[i, j][[1]] <- ListOfDist[[count]]
    if (length(names.rows) > 0) {
      count <- 0
      rnames <- vector("list", nrows)

      for (i in 1:nrows) {
        count <- count + 1

        if (count > length(names.rows)) {
          rnames[[count]] <- paste("I", count, sep = "")
        else {
          rnames[[count]] <- names.rows[[count]]
      rownames(.Object@M) <- rnames
    else {
      rownames(.Object@M) <- paste("I", 1:nrows, sep = "")

    if (length(names.cols) > 0) {
      count <- 0
      cnames <- vector("list", ncols)
      for (i in 1:ncols) {
        count <- count + 1
        if (count > length(names.cols)) {
          cnames[[count]] <- paste("X", count, sep = "")
        else {
          cnames[[count]] <- names.cols[[count]]
        colnames(.Object@M) <- cnames
    } else {
      colnames(.Object@M) <- paste("X", 1:ncols, sep = "")

## Classes for Histogram Time Series ------
## A single distribution with a time stamp ------
#' Class TdistributionH
#' Class \code{TdistributionH} defines a histogram with a time (point or period)
#' @name TdistributionH-class
#' @rdname TdistributionH-class
#' @exportClass TdistributionH
  Class = "TdistributionH",
  representation = representation(
    tstamp = "numeric",
    period = "list"
  contains = "distributionH",
  validity = function(object) {
    if (length(object@tstamp) > 1) {
      stop("time stamp slot may contain a single value")
    if (length(object@period) > 2) {
      stop("period slot may contain no more that two ordered values")
    if ((length(object@period) == 2) && (object@period[[1]] > object@period[[2]])) {
      stop("period slot error: the end of period is lower than the starting one")
## Initialize ------
#' Constructor method of TdistributionH Class
#' @name TdistributionH
#' @rdname TdistributionH-class
#' @aliases initialize,TdistributionH-method
#' @param .Object the type of object ("TdistributionH") a \code{"distributionH"} object with a time reference
#' @param tstamp a numeric value related to  a timestamp
#' @param period a list of two values, the starting time and the ending time (alternative to tstamp if the
#' distribution is observed along a period and not on a timestamp)
#' @param x a vector of increasing values, the domain of the distribution (the same of \code{distributionH} object)
#' @param p a vector of increasing values from 0 to 1,
#' the CDF of the distribution (the same of \code{distributionH} object)
#' @param m a number, the mean of the distribution (the same of \code{distributionH} object)
#' @param s a positive number, the standard deviation of the distribution (the same of \code{distributionH} object)
setMethod("initialize", "TdistributionH",
  definition = function(.Object,
                        tstamp = numeric(0),
                        period = list(start = -Inf, end = -Inf),
                        x = numeric(0),
                        p = numeric(0),
                        m = numeric(0),
                        s = numeric(0)) {
    .Object@x <- x
    .Object@p <- p
    .Object@m <- m
    .Object@s <- s
    .Object@tstamp <- tstamp
    .Object@period <- period
    if (length(x) > 0) {
      if (length(m) == 0) .Object@m <- meanH(.Object) else .Object@m <- m
      if (length(s) == 0) .Object@s <- stdH(.Object) else .Object@s <- s
# Coerce a TdistributionH into a distributionH
  from = "TdistributionH", to = "distributionH",
  function(from, to) {
    to <- new("distributionH",
      x = from@x,
      p = from@p,
      m = from@m,
      s = from@s

## A mulvariate MatH with a time stamp  ----
#' Class TMatH
#' Class \code{TMatH} defines a matrix of histograms, a \code{TMatH} object, with a time (a timepoint or a time window).
#' @name TMatH-class
#' @rdname TMatH-class
#' @exportClass TMatH
  Class = "TMatH",
  representation = representation(
    tstamp = "numeric",
    period = "list"
  contains = "MatH",
  validity = function(object) {
    if (length(tstamp) > 1) {
      stop("time stamp slot may contain a single value")
    if (length(period) > 2) {
      stop("period slot may contain no more that two ordered values")
    if ((length(period) == 2) && (period[1] > period[2])) {
      stop("period slot error: the end of period is lower than the starting one")
## Initialize TMatH ------
#' Constructor method of TdistributionH Class
#' @name TMatH
#' @rdname TMatH-class
#' @aliases initialize,TMatH-method
#' @param .Object the type of object ("TMatH")
#' @param tstamp a vector of time stamps, numeric.
#' @param period a list of pairs with a vectorof starting time and a vector ofending time.
#' This parameter is used alternatively to \code{tstamp} if the distributions are related to time periods
#' instead of timestamps
#' @param mat a \code{MatH} object
setMethod("initialize", "TMatH",
  definition = function(.Object,
                        tstamp = numeric(0),
                        period = list(start = -Inf, end = -Inf),
                        mat = new("MatH")) {
    .Object@M <- mat
    .Object@tstamp <- tstamp
    .Object@period <- period


## A Histogram Time Series HTS-----
#' Class HTS
#' Class \code{HTS} defines a histogram time series, i.e. a set of histograms observed along time
#' @name HTS-class
#' @rdname HTS-class
#' @exportClass HTS
  Class = "HTS",
  representation = representation(data = "vector"),
  validity = function(object) {
    if (length(object@data) > 0) {
      count <- 0
      while (count < length(object@data)) {
        count <- count + 1
        if (count == 1) {
          type <- is(object@data[[1]])[1]
          if (!(type == "TdistributionH") || (type == "TMatH")) {
            stop("data must be  TdistributionH or TMatH objects")
        else {
          if (is(object@data[[count]])[1] != type) {
            stop("all data must be of the same type")
          if (type == "TMatH") {
            if ((nrow(object@data[[i]]@M) != nrow(object@data[[i - 1]]@M)) ||
              (ncol(object@data[[i]]@M) != ncol(object@data[[i - 1]]@M))) {
              stop("all TMatH objects must have the same dimensions")
## Initialize HTS ------
#' Constructor method of HTS Class (Histogram Time Series)
#' @name HTS
#' @rdname HTS-class
#' @aliases initialize,HTS-method
#' @param .Object the object type ("HTS") a histogram time series
#' @param epocs the number of histograms (one for each timepoint or period)
#' @param ListOfTimedElements a vector of \code{TdistributionH} objects
setMethod("initialize", "HTS",
  definition = function(.Object, epocs = 1, ListOfTimedElements = c(new("TdistributionH"))) {
    counts <- 0
    for (i in 1:epocs) {
      counts <- counts + 1
      if (counts > length(ListOfTimedElements)) {
        counts <- 1
      .Object@data <- c(.Object@data, ListOfTimedElements[[counts]])

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