
strgraphwrap <-
  function (x, width = 0.9 * getOption("width"),
            indent = 0, exdent = 0,
            prefix = "", simplify = TRUE, units='user', cex=NULL)
    if (!is.character(x))
        x <- as.character(x)

    spc.len <- strwidth(" ", units=units, cex=cex)
    prefix.len <- strwidth(prefix, units = units, cex=cex)
    indentString <- paste(rep.int(" ", indent), collapse = "")
    indent <- indent * spc.len
    exdentString <- paste(rep.int(" ", exdent), collapse = "")
    exdent <- exdent * spc.len

    y <- list()
    z <- lapply(strsplit(x, "\n[ \t\n]*\n"), strsplit, "[ \t\n]")
    for (i in seq_along(z)) {
        yi <- character(0)
        for (j in seq_along(z[[i]])) {
            words <- z[[i]][[j]]
            nc <- strwidth(words, units=units, cex=cex)
            if (any(is.na(nc))) {
                nc0 <- strwidth(words, units=units, cex=cex)
                nc[is.na(nc)] <- nc0[is.na(nc)]
            if (any(nc == 0)) {
                zLenInd <- which(nc == 0)
                zLenInd <- zLenInd[!(zLenInd %in% (grep("\\.$",
                  words) + 1))]
                if (length(zLenInd) > 0) {
                  words <- words[-zLenInd]
                  nc <- nc[-zLenInd]
            if (length(words) == 0) {
                yi <- c(yi, "", prefix)
            currentIndex <- 0
            lowerBlockIndex <- 1
            upperBlockIndex <- integer(0)
            lens <- cumsum(nc + spc.len)
            first <- TRUE
            maxLength <- width - prefix.len -
            while (length(lens) > 0) {
                k <- max(sum(lens <= maxLength), 1)
                if (first) {
                  first <- FALSE
                  maxLength <- maxLength + indent - exdent
                currentIndex <- currentIndex + k
                if (nc[currentIndex] == 0)
                  upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex -
                else upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex)
                if (length(lens) > k) {
                  if (nc[currentIndex + 1] == 0) {
                    currentIndex <- currentIndex + 1
                    k <- k + 1
                  lowerBlockIndex <- c(lowerBlockIndex, currentIndex +
                if (length(lens) > k)
                  lens <- lens[-(1:k)] - lens[k]
                else lens <- NULL
            nBlocks <- length(upperBlockIndex)
            s <- paste(prefix, c(indentString, rep.int(exdentString,
                nBlocks - 1)), sep = "")
            for (k in (1:nBlocks)) s[k] <- paste(s[k], paste(words[lowerBlockIndex[k]:upperBlockIndex[k]],
                collapse = " "), sep = "")
            yi <- c(yi, s, prefix)
        y <- if (length(yi))
            c(y, list(yi[-length(yi)]))
        else c(y, "")
    if (simplify)
        y <- unlist(y)

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Hmisc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:19 p.m.