IMIS <- function(B=1000, B.re=3000, number_k=100, D=0){
	B0 = B*10
	X_all = X_k = sample.prior(B0)				# Draw initial samples from the prior distribution
	if (is.vector(X_all))	Sig2_global = var(X_all)	# the prior covariance
	if (is.matrix(X_all))	Sig2_global = cov(X_all)	# the prior covariance
	stat_all = matrix(NA, 6, number_k)				# 6 diagnostic statistics at each iteration
	center_all = prior_all = like_all = NULL			# centers of Gaussian components, prior densities, and likelihoods
	sigma_all = list()						# covariance matrices of Gaussian components
	if (D>=1)	option.opt = 1					# use optimizer
	if (D==0){	option.opt = 0; D=1	}			# NOT use optimizer

	for (k in 1:number_k ){

		ptm.like = proc.time()
		prior_all = c(prior_all, prior(X_k))		# Calculate the prior densities
		like_all = c(like_all, likelihood(X_k))		# Calculate the likelihoods
		ptm.use = (proc.time() - ptm.like)[3]
		if (k==1)	print(paste(B0, "likelihoods are evaluated in", round(ptm.use/60,2), "minutes"))

		if (k==1)	envelop_all = prior_all			# envelop stores the sampling densities
		if (k>1)	envelop_all = apply( rbind(prior_all*B0/B, gaussian_all), 2, sum) / (B0/B+D+(k-2))
		Weights = prior_all*like_all / envelop_all	# importance weight is determined by the posterior density divided by the sampling density
		stat_all[1,k] = log(mean(Weights))			# the raw marginal likelihood
		Weights = Weights / sum(Weights)			
		stat_all[2,k] = sum(1-(1-Weights)^B.re)		# the expected number of unique points
		stat_all[3,k] = max(Weights)				# the maximum weight
		stat_all[4,k] = 1/sum(Weights^2)			# the effictive sample size
		stat_all[5,k] = -sum(Weights*log(Weights), na.rm = TRUE) / log(length(Weights))	# the entropy relative to uniform
		stat_all[6,k] = var(Weights/mean(Weights))	# the variance of scaled weights
		if (k==1)	print("Stage   MargLike   UniquePoint   MaxWeight   ESS")
		print(c(k, round(stat_all[1:4,k], 3)))

		if (k==1 & option.opt==1){
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	Sig2_global = cov(X_all[which(like_all>min(like_all)),])
			X_k = which_exclude = NULL					# exclude the neighborhood of the local optima 
			label_weight = sort(Weights, decreasing = TRUE, index=TRUE)
			which_remain = which(Weights>label_weight$x[B0]) 	# the candidate inputs for the starting points
			size_remain = length(which_remain)
			for (i in 1:D){
				important = NULL
				if (length(which_remain)>0)
				important = which_remain[which(Weights[which_remain]==max(Weights[which_remain]))]
				if (length(important)>1)	important = sample(important,1)	
				if (is.vector(X_all))	X_imp = X_all[important]
				if (is.matrix(X_all))	X_imp = X_all[important,]
				# Remove the selected input from candidates
				which_exclude = union( which_exclude, important )
				which_remain = setdiff(which_remain, which_exclude)
				posterior = function(theta){	-log(prior(theta))-log(likelihood(theta)) } 

			if (is.vector(X_all)){
				if (length(important)==0)	X_imp = center_all[1]
				optimizer = optim(X_imp, posterior, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, 
				print(paste("maximum posterior=", round(-optimizer$value,2), ", likelihood=", round(log(likelihood(optimizer$par)),2), 
				", prior=", round(log(prior(optimizer$par)),2), ", time used=", round(ptm.use/60,2), "minutes, convergence=", optimizer$convergence))
				center_all = c(center_all, optimizer$par)
				sigma_all[[i]] = solve(optimizer$hessian)
				X_k = c(X_k, rnorm(B, optimizer$par, sqrt(sigma_all[[i]])) )			# Draw new samples
				distance_remain = abs(X_all[which_remain]-optimizer$par)
			if (is.matrix(X_all)){	
				# The rough optimizer uses the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
				if (length(important)==0)	X_imp = center_all[1,]
				ptm.opt = proc.time()
				optimizer = optim(X_imp, posterior, method="Nelder-Mead", 
				control=list(maxit=1000, parscale=sqrt(diag(Sig2_global))) )
				theta.NM = optimizer$par

				# The more efficient optimizer uses the BFGS algorithm 
				optimizer = optim(theta.NM, posterior, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE,
				control=list(parscale=sqrt(diag(Sig2_global)), maxit=1000))
				ptm.use = (proc.time() - ptm.opt)[3]
				print(paste("maximum posterior=", round(-optimizer$value,2), ", likelihood=", round(log(likelihood(optimizer$par)),2), 
				", prior=", round(log(prior(optimizer$par)),2), ", time used=", round(ptm.use/60,2), "minutes, convergence=", optimizer$convergence))
				center_all = rbind(center_all, optimizer$par)						# the center of new samples
				if (min(eigen(optimizer$hessian)$values)>0)
					sigma_all[[i]] = solve(optimizer$hessian)						# the covariance of new samples
				if (min(eigen(optimizer$hessian)$values)<=0){						# If the hessian matrix is not positive definite, we define the covariance as following
					eigen.values = eigen(optimizer$hessian)$values
					eigen.values[which(eigen.values<0)] = 0
					hessian = eigen(optimizer$hessian)$vectors %*% diag(eigen.values) %*% t(eigen(optimizer$hessian)$vectors)
					sigma_all[[i]] = solve(hessian + diag(1/diag(Sig2_global)) )
				X_k = rbind(X_k, rmvnorm(B, optimizer$par, sigma_all[[i]]) )			# Draw new samples
				distance_remain = mahalanobis(X_all[which_remain,], optimizer$par, diag(diag(Sig2_global)) )
				# exclude the neighborhood of the local optima 
				label_dist = sort(distance_remain, decreasing = FALSE, index=TRUE)
				which_exclude = union( which_exclude, which_remain[label_dist$ix[1:floor(size_remain/D)]])
				which_remain = setdiff(which_remain, which_exclude)
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	X_all = rbind(X_all, X_k)
			if (is.vector(X_all))	X_all = c(X_all, X_k)

		if (k>1 | option.opt==0){
			important = which(Weights == max(Weights))
			if (length(important)>1)	important = important[1]
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	X_imp = X_all[important,]				# X_imp is the maximum weight input
			if (is.vector(X_all))	X_imp = X_all[important]
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	center_all = rbind(center_all, X_imp)
			if (is.vector(X_all))	center_all = c(center_all, X_imp)
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	distance_all = mahalanobis(X_all, X_imp, diag(diag(Sig2_global)) )
			if (is.vector(X_all))	distance_all = abs(X_all-X_imp)			# Calculate the distances to X_imp
			label_nr = sort(distance_all, decreasing = FALSE, index=TRUE)		# Sort the distances
			which_var = label_nr$ix[1:B]								# Pick B inputs for covariance calculation
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	Sig2 = cov.wt(X_all[which_var,], wt = Weights[which_var]+1/length(Weights), cor = FALSE, center = X_imp, method = "unbias")$cov
			if (is.vector(X_all)){
				Weights_var = Weights[which_var]+1/length(X_all)
				Weights_var = Weights_var/sum(Weights_var)
				Sig2 = (X_all[which_var]-X_imp)^2 %*% Weights_var
			sigma_all[[D+k-1]] = Sig2
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	X_k = rmvnorm(B, X_imp, Sig2)				# Draw new samples
			if (is.vector(X_all))	X_k = rnorm(B, X_imp, sqrt(Sig2))			# Draw new samples
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	X_all = rbind(X_all, X_k)
			if (is.vector(X_all))	X_all = c(X_all, X_k)

		if (k==1){
			gaussian_all = matrix(NA, D, B0+D*B)
			for (i in 1:D){
				if (is.matrix(X_all))	gaussian_all[i,] = dmvnorm(X_all, center_all[i,], sigma_all[[i]])
				if (is.vector(X_all))	gaussian_all[i,] = dnorm(X_all, center_all[i], sqrt(sigma_all[[i]]))
		if (k>1){
			if (is.vector(X_all))	gaussian_new = matrix(0, D+k-1, length(X_all) )
			if (is.matrix(X_all))	gaussian_new = matrix(0, D+k-1, dim(X_all)[1] )
			if (is.matrix(X_all)){
				gaussian_new[1:(D+k-2), 1:(dim(X_all)[1]-B)] = gaussian_all
				gaussian_new[D+k-1, ] = dmvnorm(X_all, X_imp, sigma_all[[D+k-1]])
				for (j in 1:(D+k-2))	gaussian_new[j, (dim(X_all)[1]-B+1):dim(X_all)[1] ] = dmvnorm(X_k, center_all[j,], sigma_all[[j]])
			if (is.vector(X_all)){
				gaussian_new[1:(D+k-2), 1:(length(X_all)-B)] = gaussian_all
				gaussian_new[D+k-1, ] = dnorm(X_all, X_imp, sqrt(sigma_all[[D+k-1]]))
				for (j in 1:(D+k-2))	gaussian_new[j, (length(X_all)-B+1):length(X_all) ] = dnorm(X_k, center_all[j], sqrt(sigma_all[[j]]))
			gaussian_all = gaussian_new
		if (stat_all[2,k] > (1-exp(-1))*B.re)	break
	} # end of k

	nonzero = which(Weights>0)
	which_X = sample(nonzero, B.re, replace = TRUE, prob = Weights[nonzero])
	if (is.matrix(X_all))	resample_X = X_all[which_X,]
	if (is.vector(X_all))	resample_X = X_all[which_X]

	return(list(stat=t(stat_all), resample=resample_X, center=center_all))
} # end of IMIS

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