
Defines functions InterVA

Documented in InterVA

#' Provide InterVA4 analysis on the data input.
#' This function implements the algorithm in the InterVA4 software.  It
#' produces individual cause of death and population cause-specific mortality
#' fractions.
#' InterVA performs the same tasks as the InterVA4. The output is saved in a
#' .csv file specified by user. The calculation is based on the conditional and
#' prior distribution of 68 CODs. The function also could save the full
#' probability distibution of each individual to file. All information about
#' each individual is saved to a va class object.
#' Be careful if the input file does not match InterVA input format strictly.
#' The function will run normally as long as the number of symptoms are
#' correct. Any inconsistent symptom names will be printed in console as
#' warning. If there's wrong match of symptom from warning, please change in
#' the input to correct orders.
#' @param Input A matrix input, or data read from csv files in the same format
#' as required by InterVA4. Sample input is included as data(SampleInput).
#' @param HIV An indicator of the level of prevalence of HIV. The input should
#' be one of the following: "h"(high),"l"(low), or "v"(very low).
#' @param Malaria An indicator of the level of prevalence of Malaria. The input
#' should be one of the following: "h"(high),"l"(low), or "v"(very low).
#' @param directory The directory to store the output from InterVA4. It should
#' either be an existing valid directory, or a new folder to be created. If no
#' path is given, the current working directory will be used.
#' @param filename The filename the user wish to save the output. No extension
#' needed. The output is in .csv format by default.
#' @param output "classic": The same deliminated output format as InterVA4; or
#' "extended": deliminated output followed by full distribution of cause of
#' death proability.
#' @param append A logical value indicating whether or not the new output
#' should be appended to the existing file.
#' @param replicate A logical value indicating whether or not the calculation
#' should replicate original InterVA4 software (version 4.02) exactly. If replicate = F, causes
#' with small probability are not dropped out of calculation in intermediate
#' steps, and a possible bug in original InterVA4 implementation is fixed.  If
#' replicate=T, then the output values will be exactly as they would be from
#' calling the InterVA4 program (version 4.02). If  replicate=F, the output values will be the same as calling the InterVA4 program (version 4.03). Since version 1.7.3, setting replicate to be FALSE also includes changes to data checking rules and pre-set conditional probabilities to be the same as the official version 4.03 software. Since version 1.6, two control variables are added
#' to control the two bugs respectively. Setting this to TRUE will overwrite both to
#' TRUE.
#' @param replicate.bug1 This logical indicator controls whether or not the bug
#' in InterVA4.2 involving the symptom "skin_les" will be replicated or not. It
#' is suggested to set to FALSE.
#' @param replicate.bug2 This logical indicator controls whether the causes
#' with small probability are dropped out of calculation in intermediate
#' steps or not. It is suggested to set to FALSE.
#' @param groupcode A logical value indicating whether or not the group code
#' will be included in the output causes.
#' @param write A logical value indicating whether or not the output (including 
#' errors and warnings) will be saved to file.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return \item{ID }{identifier from batch (input) file} \item{MALPREV
#' }{selected malaria prevalence} \item{HIVPREV }{selected HIV prevalence}
#' \item{PREGSTAT }{most likely pregnancy status} \item{PREGLIK }{likelihood of
#' PREGSTAT} \item{PRMAT }{ likelihood of maternal death} \item{INDET
#' }{indeterminate outcome} \item{CAUSE1 }{ most likely cause} \item{LIK1 }{
#' likelihood of 1st cause} \item{CAUSE2 }{ second likely cause} \item{LIK2 }{
#' likelihood of 2nd cause} \item{CAUSE3 }{ third likely cause} \item{LIK3 }{
#' likelihood of 3rd cause} \item{wholeprob}{ full distribution of causes of
#' death}
#' @author Zehang Li, Tyler McCormick, Sam Clark
#' @seealso \code{\link{InterVA.plot}}
#' @references http://www.interva.net/
#' @keywords InterVA
#' @examples
#' data(SampleInput)
#' ## to get easy-to-read version of causes of death make sure the column
#' ## orders match interVA4 standard input this can be monitored by checking
#' ## the warnings of column names
#' sample.output1 <- InterVA(SampleInput, HIV = "h", Malaria = "l", write=FALSE, replicate = FALSE)
#' ## to get causes of death with group code for further usage
#' sample.output2 <- InterVA(SampleInput, HIV = "h", Malaria = "l", write=FALSE,
#'     replicate = FALSE, groupcode = TRUE)
InterVA<-function(Input, HIV, Malaria, directory = NULL, filename = "VA_result", output="classic", append=FALSE, groupcode = FALSE, replicate = FALSE, replicate.bug1 = FALSE, replicate.bug2 = FALSE, write = TRUE, ...){
    ## define mid-step functions
    va <- function(ID , MALPREV, HIVPREV , PREGSTAT, PREGLIK , PRMAT , INDET , CAUSE1, LIK1, CAUSE2 , LIK2 , CAUSE3 , LIK3 , wholeprob, ...){
    ## ID
    ID <- ID
    ## The prevalence of Malaria
    MALPREV <- as.character(MALPREV)
    ## The prevalence of HIV
    HIVPREV <- as.character(HIVPREV)
    ## Make PregStat a character string of length 5
    PREGSTAT <- paste(PREGSTAT,paste(rep(" ",5-nchar(PREGSTAT)),collapse=""),collapse="")
    ## Likelihood of PregStat
    ## Likelihood of Maternal Death
    ## Indicator of indeterminate outcome
    INDET <- as.character(INDET)
    ## The full distribution of probability on CODs
    wholeprob <- wholeprob

save.va <- function(x, filename, write){
    ## This function saves va object to file in the deliminated format of InterVA4.
    ## The input is a va object and a filename (without extension).
    ## The output is a .csv file.
    ## Delete the full probability distribution.

    x <- x[-14]
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    filename <- paste(filename, ".csv", sep = "") 
    write.table(t(x), file=filename, sep = ",", append = TRUE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)    
save.va.prob <- function(x, filename, write){
    ## This function saves va object to file in the deliminated format of InterVA4
    ## followed by a full probability distribution on CODs.
    ## The input is a va object and a filename (without extension).
    ## The output is a .csv file.
    ## Extract the full probability distribution.

    prob <- unlist(x[14])
    x <- x[-14]
    ## Reformat the matrix with probability distribution.
    x <- unlist(c(as.matrix(x),as.matrix(prob)))
    filename <- paste(filename, ".csv", sep = "") 
    write.table(t(x), file=filename, sep = ",", append = TRUE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)    
    ## overwrite replication options if needed
      warning("option 'replicate' is turned on, all bugs in InterVA-4 is replicated\n", immediate. = TRUE)
      replicate.bug1 <- TRUE
      replicate.bug2 <- TRUE
    ## Read in data files
    # if no directory is provided, set to default working directory
    if(is.null(directory)) directory = getwd()
    # create and set the directory if it does not exist
    # if it does exist, then fine, do not need to print warning
    dir.create(directory, showWarnings = FALSE)
    globle.dir <- getwd()
    # data(probbase)
    data("probbase", envir = environment())
    probbase <- get("probbase", envir  = environment())
        data("probbase3", envir = environment())
        probbase <- get("probbase3", envir  = environment())
    probbase <- as.matrix(probbase)
    # data(causetext) 
    data("causetext", envir = environment())
    causetext <- get("causetext", envir  = environment())
    # decide whether to use group code
    		causetext <- causetext[,-2]
    		causetext <- causetext[,-3]
    ## Build the skeleton of the error log.
         cat(paste("Error log built for InterVA", Sys.time(), "\n"),file="errorlog.txt",append = FALSE)
         cat(paste("Warning log built for InterVA", Sys.time(), "\n"),file="warnings.txt",append = FALSE)     
    ## Input should be a matrix with each rows containing:
    ## Field 1: ID number
    ## Field 2-22: descriptors of death
    ## Field 23-246: Indicators
    ## Input should have proper Column names!
    Input <- as.matrix(Input)
    ## Check if there is any data at all
    if(dim(Input)[1] < 1){
        stop("error: no data input")
    N <- dim(Input)[1]  ## Number of data
    S <- dim(Input)[2]  ## Length of individial field
    ##  Check if the length of input variable matches the probbase dataset
    if(S != dim(probbase)[1] ){
        stop("error: invalid data input format. Number of values incorrect")
    ## Check if the last field is the correct one
    if(tolower(colnames(Input)[S]) != "scosts"){
        stop("error: the last variable should be 'scosts'")
    ## check the column names and give warning
    data("SampleInput", envir = environment())
    SampleInput <- get("SampleInput", envir  = environment())
    valabels = colnames(SampleInput)
    count.changelabel = 0
    for(i in 1:S){
        if(tolower(colnames(Input)[i]) != tolower(valabels)[i]){
            warning(paste("Input column '", colnames(Input)[i], "' does not match InterVA standard: '", 
                    valabels[i], "'", sep = ""),
                    call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
            count.changelabel = count.changelabel + 1
    if(count.changelabel > 0){
        warning(paste(count.changelabel, "column names changed in input. \n If the change in undesirable, please change in the input to match standard InterVA4 input format."), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
        colnames(Input) <- valabels
    ## Change conditional probability labels into values
    probbase[probbase=="B -"]<-0.02
    ## Extract Prior distribution from the dataset
    ## The first 13 values are not CODs
    ## The first row in the dataset is the expected value of probs, i.e. priors
    Sys_Prior <- as.numeric(probbase[1,])
    # Number of indicators + 13 description variables. A_group:14-16;B_group:17:76;D_group:77:81
    D <- length(Sys_Prior)
    ## Modify the prior based on HIV and Malaria prevalence
    ## 19 = B_HIVAIDS; 21 = B_MALAR; 39 = B_SICKLE
    HIV <- tolower(HIV)
    Malaria <- tolower(Malaria)
    if(!(HIV %in% c("h", "l", "v"))  || !(Malaria %in% c("h", "l", "v"))){
      stop("error: the HIV and Malaria indicator should be one of the three: 'h', 'l', and 'v'")
    if(HIV == "h") Sys_Prior[19] <- 0.05
    if(HIV == "l") Sys_Prior[19] <- 0.005
    if(HIV == "v") Sys_Prior[19] <- 0.00001
    if(Malaria == "h"){
    	Sys_Prior[21] <- 0.05
    	Sys_Prior[39] <- 0.05
    if(Malaria == "l"){
    	Sys_Prior[21] <- 0.005
    	Sys_Prior[39] <- 0.00001
    if(Malaria == "v"){
    	Sys_Prior[21] <- 0.00001
    	Sys_Prior[39] <- 0.00001
    ## Prepare the output
    ID.list <- rep(NA, N)
    VAresult <- vector("list",N)
    ## If append is FALSE, build the skeleton of the new file for output
    if(write && append == FALSE) {
    	if(output == "extended") header=c(header,as.character(causetext[,2]))

    ## add progress indicators now
    nd <- max(1, round(N / 100))
    np <- max(1, round(N / 10))
    ## Calculate the InterVA result one by one
    for(i in 1:N){
        ## print out progress
        if(i %% nd == 0){cat(".")}
        if(i %% np == 0){cat(paste(round(i/N * 100), "% completed\n", sep = ""))}
        ## Save the current death ID
        index.current <- as.character(Input[i, 1])
        ## Change input Y/NA into binary value
        Input[i, which(is.na(Input[i, ]))] <- "0"
        Input[i, which(toupper(Input[i, ]) != "Y")] <- "0"
        Input[i, which(toupper(Input[i, ]) == "Y")] <- "1"
        ## Change input as a numerical vactor
        input.current <- as.numeric(Input[i,])
        input.current[1] <- 0
        ## Check if age is specified in the input
        ## If not specified, mark as error and skip the case
        if(sum(input.current[2:8]) < 1 ){
              cat(paste(index.current," Error in age indicator: Not Specified ","\n"), file="errorlog.txt", append=TRUE)

        ## Check if sex is specified in the input
        ## If not, mark as error and skip the case
        if(sum(input.current[9:10]) < 1){
              cat(paste(index.current," Error in sex indicator: Not Specified ","\n"), file="errorlog.txt", append=TRUE)
        ## Check if there is any symptoms
        ## 2-22 & 224-246 are not symptoms, but personal profile, or life style
        ## This range is set in the InterVA file
        if(sum(input.current[23:223]) < 1 ){
              cat(paste(index.current," Error in indicators: No symptoms specified ","\n"), file="errorlog.txt", append=TRUE)
        ## Repeat twice the check of "ask if" and "don't ask".
        ## If there is contradictory with "ask if" or "don't ask", follow the following rules:
        ## If B is the "don't ask" for A but B has value 1 --> make sure A has value 0;
        ## If B is the "ask if" for A but B has value 0 --> change B into value 1
        for(k in 1:2){
            for(j in 1:(S-1)){
                if(input.current[j + 1] == 1 ){
                    # Note here the first element in input is index; the first element in probbase is expected.
                    Dont.ask <- probbase[j + 1, 4:11]
                    Dont.ask.list <- input.current[match(toupper(Dont.ask), toupper(colnames(Input)))]
                    Dont.ask.list[ is.na(Dont.ask.list)] <- 0
                    if( sum( Dont.ask.list ) > 0 ) {
                    	input.current[j + 1] <- 0
                                cat(index.current, "   ", paste(probbase[j+1, 2], "  value inconsistent with ", Dont.ask[which(Dont.ask.list > 0)], " - cleared in working file \n"), file="warnings.txt", append=TRUE)
                 # Note input.current[j+1] might be changed in the step above!
                     if(input.current[j + 1] == 1 ){
                    # Note here the first element in input is index; the first element in probbase is expected.
                    Ask.if <- probbase[j + 1, 12]
                    if( !is.na(match(toupper(Ask.if), toupper(colnames(Input))))  ){
                        if(input.current[match(toupper(Ask.if), toupper(colnames(Input)) )] == 0){
                            input.current[match(toupper(Ask.if), toupper(colnames(Input)) )] <- 1
                                cat(index.current, "   ", paste(probbase[j+1, 2], "  not flagged in category ", Ask.if, " - updated in working file \n"), file="warnings.txt", append=TRUE)
        ## This seems to be a bug in InterVA
        ## So if the user wishes to replicate entirely as InterVA
        ## the replicate option should be set to TRUE
        ## effect: whenever skin = 1 --> skin_les = 1
        if(replicate.bug1 == TRUE && input.current[84] == 1){
        	input.current[85] <- 1
        ## Initialize ReproductiveAge, Preg_State and Likelihood of Preg
        reproductiveAge <- 0
        preg_state <- " "
        lik.preg <- " "
        ## Determine if at ReproductiveAge
        if(input.current[10] == 1 && (input.current[4] == 1 || input.current[5]==1) ) reproductiveAge <- 1
        ## Find the indicator of Symptoms
        prob <- Sys_Prior[14:D] #The first 13 fields are not indicators
        temp <- which(input.current[2:length(input.current)] == 1)
        # Calculate likelihood for each CODs
        # loop through each indicator
        for(jj in 1:length(temp)){
        	temp_sub <- temp[jj]
        	for(j in 14:D){
            prob[j-13] <- prob[j-13] * as.numeric(probbase[temp_sub + 1, j])
        # Normalize A group
        if(sum(prob[1:3]) > 0) prob[1:3] <- prob[1:3]/sum(prob[1:3])
        # Normalize B group 
		if(sum(prob[4:63]) > 0) prob[4:63] <- prob[4:63]/sum(prob[4:63])
        # delete too small probs
        if(replicate.bug2){prob[prob < 0.000001] <- 0}
        names(prob) <- causetext[,2]
        prob_A <- prob[1:3] # Extracting only A_group
        prob_B <- prob[4:63] # Extracting only COD
        ## Determine Preg_State and Likelihood
        if(sum(prob_A) == 0 || reproductiveAge == 0){
            preg_state <- "Indet"
            lik.preg <- 0
        if(which.max(prob_A) == 1 && prob_A[1] != 0 && reproductiveAge == 1){
            preg_state <- "nrp"
            lik.preg <- as.numeric(round(prob_A[1]/sum(prob_A)*100))
        if(which.max(prob_A) == 2 && prob_A[2] != 0 && reproductiveAge == 1){
            preg_state <- "pr6w"
            lik.preg <- as.numeric(round(prob_A[2]/sum(prob_A)*100))
        if(which.max(prob_A) == 3 && prob_A[3] != 0 && reproductiveAge == 1){
            preg_state <- "preg"
            lik.preg <- as.numeric(round(prob_A[3]/sum(prob_A)*100))
        ## Calculate likelihood of maternal death
        lik_mat <- " "
        if(reproductiveAge == 1 && sum(prob_A) != 0) lik_mat <- as.numeric(round((prob_A[2]+prob_A[3])/sum(prob_A)*100))
        ## Normalize the probability of CODs
        if(sum(prob_B) != 0)  prob_B<-prob_B/sum(prob_B)
        prob.temp <- prob_B
        if(max(prob.temp) <= 0.4){
            indet <- "Indet"
            cause1<-lik1<-cause2<-lik2<-cause3<-lik3<-" "
        ## Determine the output of InterVA
        if(max(prob.temp) > 0.4){
            ## Find max likelihood
            indet <- " "
            lik1 <- round(max(prob.temp)*100)
            cause1 <- names(prob.temp)[which.max(prob.temp)]
            ## Delete the max and find the second max
            prob.temp <- prob.temp[-which.max(prob.temp)]
            lik2 <- round(max(prob.temp)*100)
            cause2 <- names(prob.temp)[which.max(prob.temp)]
            ## Not show the second if it is too small
            if(max(prob.temp) < 0.5 * max(prob_B)) lik2 <- cause2 <- " "
            ## Delete the second max and find the third max
            prob.temp <- prob.temp[-which.max(prob.temp)]
            lik3 <- round(max(prob.temp)*100)
            cause3 <- names(prob.temp)[which.max(prob.temp)]
            ## Not show the third if it is too small
            if(max(prob.temp) < 0.5 * max(prob_B)) lik3 <- cause3 <- " "
        ## Save the result as a list object
        ID.list[i] <- index.current
        VAresult[[i]] <- va(ID = index.current, MALPREV = Malaria, HIVPREV = HIV, PREGSTAT = preg_state, PREGLIK = lik.preg, PRMAT = lik_mat, INDET = indet, CAUSE1 = cause1, LIK1 = lik1, CAUSE2 =cause2, LIK2 = lik2, CAUSE3 = cause3, LIK3 = lik3, wholeprob = c(prob_A,prob_B))
        ## Determine the form of file saved
        if(output=="classic") save.va(VAresult[[i]],filename=filename, write)
        if(output=="extended") save.va.prob(VAresult[[i]],filename=filename, write)
    out <- list(ID = ID.list[which(!is.na(ID.list))], VA = VAresult[which(!is.na(ID.list))], Malaria = Malaria, HIV = HIV)
    class(out) <- "interVA"

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InterVA4 documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 9:06 a.m.