
Defines functions drawLMmixed drawLMbasiccont drawLMlatentcont drawLMlatent drawLMbasic

Documented in drawLMbasic drawLMbasiccont drawLMlatent drawLMlatentcont drawLMmixed

drawLMbasic <- function(piv,Pi,Psi,
                        n, est = NULL,
                        format = c("long","matrices"),
                        seed = NULL){

# Draw a sample of size n from a Basic Latent Markov model with parameter piv, Pi and Psi
  format <- match.arg(format, choices = eval(formals(drawLMbasic)$format))
    if (!inherits(est, "LMbasic"))
      stop("est must be an object of class 'lmbasic'")
    piv <- est$piv
    Pi <- est$Pi
    Psi <- est$Psi

  # Preliminaries
  k = length(piv)
  dd = dim(Psi)
  c = dim(Psi)[1]
  TT = dim(Pi)[3]
  if(length(dd)>2) r = dd[3]
  else r = 1
  # For each subject
  Y = matrix(0,n,TT*r)
  cat(" sample unit|\n")
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(i/1000==floor(i/1000)) cat(sprintf("%11g",i),"\n",sep=" | ")
    u = k+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(piv))
    ind = 0
    for(j in 1:r){
      ind = ind+1
      Y[i,ind] = c-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Psi[,u,j]))
    for(t in 2:TT){
      u = k+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Pi[u,,t]))
      for(j in 1:r){
        ind = ind+1
        Y[i,ind] = c-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Psi[,u,j]))
  if(format == "matrices")
    out = aggr_data(Y)
    S = out$data_dis
    yv = out$freq
    S = array(t(S), c(r, TT, length(yv)))
    S = aperm(S)
    if (r == 1){S = S[, , 1]}
  if(format == "long")
    S = array(t(Y), c(r, TT, n))
    S = aperm(S)
    if (r == 1){S = S[, , 1]}
    id <- 1:n
    #Y <- reshape(data = as.data.frame(Y), varying = list(1:TT),ids = id, direction = "long")
    Y <- matrices2long(Y = S)
    out <-  aggr_data_long(data = Y[,-c(1,2)], id = Y$id,time = Y$time)
    S = out$Y
    Y = as.data.frame(Y)
    S = as.data.frame(S)
    yv = out$freq

  # S = array(t(S),c(r,TT,length(yv)))
  # S = aperm(S)
  #if(r==1) S = S[,,1]

  out = list(Y = Y,
             S = S,
             yv = yv,
             piv = piv, Pi = Pi,Psi = Psi,
             n = n, est = est)

drawLMlatent <- function(Psi, Be, Ga,
                         latentFormula, data, index,
                         paramLatent = c("multilogit", "difflogit"),
                         est = NULL, format = c("long", "matrices"),
                         fort = TRUE,
                         seed = NULL)
  # Preliminaries
  format <- match.arg(format, choices = eval(formals(drawLMlatentcont)$format))
  param <- match.arg(paramLatent, choices = eval(formals(drawLMlatentcont)$paramLatent))
    if (!inherits(est, "LMlatent"))
      stop("est must be an object of class 'LMlatent'")
    Psi = est$Psi
    Be = est$Be
    Ga = est$Ga
    latentFormula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    data <- est$data
    param <- est$paramLatent


    id.el <- names(data) == index[1]
    tv.el <- names(data) == index[2]

    id.which <- which(id.el == TRUE)
    tv.which <- which(tv.el == TRUE)

      stop("the id column does not exist")

      stop("the time column does not exist")

    id <- data[,id.which]
    tv <- data[,tv.which]

  temp <-  getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula,
                            responses = as.formula(paste(names(data)[1],"NULL", sep = "~")))
  Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Xtrans, id = id, time = tv,
                                        yv = NULL, Xinitial = Xinitial, Xtrans = Xtrans)
  X1 <- tmp$Xinitial
  X2 <- tmp$Xtrans

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the initial probabilities are not allowed")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the transition probabilities are not allowed")

  # Preliminaries
  n = nrow(X2)
  TT = dim(X2)[2]+1
  dPsi = dim(Psi)
  if(length(dPsi)==2) r = 1
  else r = dPsi[3]
  if(length(dPsi)==1) k = 1
  else k = dPsi[2]
  if(length(dPsi)==2) Psi = array(Psi,c(dPsi,1))
    b = rep(0,r)
    for(j in 1:r) b[j] = sum(!is.na(Psi[,1,j]))-1
  # Covariate structure and related matrices: initial probabilities
  if(is.vector(X1)) X1 = matrix(X1,n,1)
  nc1 = dim(X1)[2] # number of covariates on the initial probabilities
  if(k == 2) GBe = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else{
    GBe = diag(k); GBe = GBe[,-1]
  out = MultiLCIRT::aggr_data(X1)
  Xdis = out$data_dis
  if(nc1==1) Xdis = matrix(Xdis,length(Xdis),1)
  Xlab = out$label
  Xndis = max(Xlab)
  XXdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc1+1),Xndis))
  for(i in 1:Xndis){
    xdis = c(1,Xdis[i,])
    XXdis[,,i] = GBe%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(xdis))

  # for the transition probabilities
  if(is.matrix(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(n,TT-1,1))
  nc2 = dim(X2)[3] # number of covariates on the transition probabilities
  Z = NULL
  for(t in 1:(TT-1)) Z = rbind(Z,X2[,t,])
  if(nc2==1) Z = as.vector(X2)
  out = MultiLCIRT::aggr_data(Z); Zdis = out$data_dis; Zlab = out$label; Zndis = max(Zlab)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc2+1),Zndis,k))
    for(h in 1:k){
        if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
        GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
      for(i in 1:Zndis){
        zdis = c(1,Zdis[i,])
        ZZdis[,,i,h] = GGa%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(zdis))
  }else if(param=="difflogit"){
    Zlab = (((Zlab-1)*k)%x%rep(1,k))+rep(1,n*(TT-1))%x%(1:k)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,k*(k-1)+(k-1)*nc2,Zndis*k))
    j = 0
    for(i in 1:Zndis){
      for(h in 1:k){
        j = j+1
          if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
          GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
        u = matrix(0,1,k); u[1,h] = 1
        U = diag(k); U[,h] = U[,h]-1
        U = U[,-1]
        ZZdis[,,j] = cbind(u%x%GGa,U%x%t(Zdis[i,]))

  # When there is just 1 latent class
  Y = array(0,c(n,TT,r))
  if(k == 1){
    U = array(1,n,TT)
    for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT){
        Y[i,t] = which(rmultinom(1,1,Psi)==1)-1
        for (j in 1:r) Y[i,t,j] = which(rmultinom(1,1,Psi[1:(b[j]+1),j])==1)-1
    # parameters on initial probabilities
    U = matrix(0,n,TT)
    be = as.vector(Be)
    out =  prob_multilogit(XXdis,be,Xlab,fort)
    Piv = out$P
    for(i in 1:n) U[i,1] = which(rmultinom(1,1,Piv[i,])==1)

    # parameters on transition probabilities
      if(is.list(Ga)) stop("invalid mode (list) for Ga")
      Ga = matrix(Ga,(nc2+1)*(k-1),k)
      PIdis = array(0,c(Zndis,k,k)); PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
      for(h in 1:k){
        out =  prob_multilogit(ZZdis[,,,h],Ga[,h],Zlab,fort)
        PI[h,,,2:TT] = array(as.vector(t(out$P)),c(1,k,n,TT-1))
    }else if(param=="difflogit"){
      if(is.list(Ga)) Ga = c(as.vector(t(Ga[[1]])),as.vector(Ga[[2]]))
      if(length(Ga)!=k*(k-1)+(k-1)*nc2) stop("invalid dimensions for Ga")
      PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
      out =  prob_multilogit(ZZdis,Ga,Zlab,fort)
      Tmp = array(out$P,c(k,n,TT-1,k))
      PI[,,,2:TT] = aperm(Tmp,c(1,4,2,3))
    for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT){
      U[i,t] = which(rmultinom(1,1,PI[U[i,t-1],,i,t])==1)
    for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT) for(j in 1:r){
      Y[i,t,j] = which(rmultinom(1,1,Psi[1:(b[j]+1),U[i,t],j])==1)-1
  # output
  if(r==1) Y = matrix(Y,n,TT)

  if(format == "long")
    #id <- 1:n
    #Y <- reshape(data = as.data.frame(Y), varying = list(1:TT),ids = id, direction = "long")
    #out <-  aggr_data_long(data = Y[,-c(1,3)], id = Y$id,time = Y$time)
    Y <- matrices2long(Y = Y)
  out = list(U = U,Y = Y, Psi = Psi, Be = Be, Ga = Ga, latentFormula = latentFormula, data = data, est = est)


drawLMlatentcont <- function(Mu, Si, Be, Ga,
                             latentFormula, data, index,
                             paramLatent = c("multilogit", "difflogit"),
                             est = NULL, format = c("long", "matrices"),
                             fort = TRUE,
                             seed = NULL){

  # Draw a sample from LM model with covariates
  # param = type of parametrization for the transition probabilities:
  #         multilogit = standard multinomial logit for every row of the transition matrix
  #         difflogit  = multinomial logit based on the difference between two sets of parameters
  # fort  = fortran use (FALSE for not use fortran)
  # X1    = design matrix for the initial probabilities (n by n.cov.)
  # X2    = design matrix for the initial probabilities (n by TT-1 by n.cov.)

  # Preliminaries
  format <- match.arg(format, choices = eval(formals(drawLMlatentcont)$format))
  param <- match.arg(paramLatent, choices = eval(formals(drawLMlatentcont)$paramLatent))
    if (!inherits(est, "LMlatentcont"))
      stop("est must be an object of class 'LMlatentcont'")
    Mu <- est$Mu
    Si <- est$Si
    Be <- est$Be
    Ga <- est$Ga
    latentFormula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    data <- est$data
    param <- est$paramLatent


    id.el <- names(data) == index[1]
    tv.el <- names(data) == index[2]

    id.which <- which(id.el == TRUE)
    tv.which <- which(tv.el == TRUE)

      stop("the id column does not exist")

      stop("the time column does not exist")

    id <- data[,id.which]
    tv <- data[,tv.which]

  temp <-  getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula,
                            responses = as.formula(paste(names(data)[1],"NULL", sep = "~")))
  Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Xtrans, id = id, time = tv,
                                        yv = NULL, Xinitial = Xinitial, Xtrans = Xtrans)
  X1 <- tmp$Xinitial
  X2 <- tmp$Xtrans

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the initial probabilities are not allowed")

      stop("missing data in the covariates affecting the transition probabilities are not allowed")

  n = nrow(X2)
  TT = dim(X2)[2]+1
    r = 1
    k = length(Mu)
    Mu = matrix(Mu,r,k)
    Si = matrix(Si,r,r)
    r = nrow(Mu)
    k = ncol(Mu)

  # Covariate structure and related matrices: initial probabilities
  if(is.vector(X1)) X1 = matrix(X1,n,1)
  nc1 = dim(X1)[2] # number of covariates on the initial probabilities
  if(k == 2){
    GBe = as.matrix(c(0,1))
    GBe = diag(k); GBe = GBe[,-1]
  out =  aggr_data(X1)
  Xdis = out$data_dis
  if(nc1==1) Xdis = matrix(Xdis,length(Xdis),1)
  Xlab = out$label
  Xndis = max(Xlab)
  XXdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc1+1),Xndis))
  for(i in 1:Xndis){
    xdis = c(1,Xdis[i,])
    XXdis[,,i] = GBe%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(xdis))

  # for the transition probabilities
  if(is.matrix(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(n,TT-1,1))
  nc2 = dim(X2)[3] # number of covariates on the transition probabilities
  Z = NULL
  for(t in 1:(TT-1)) Z = rbind(Z,X2[,t,])
  if(nc2==1) Z = as.vector(X2)
  out =  aggr_data(Z); Zdis = out$data_dis; Zlab = out$label; Zndis = max(Zlab)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc2+1),Zndis,k))
    for(h in 1:k){
        if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
        GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
      for(i in 1:Zndis){
        zdis = c(1,Zdis[i,])
        ZZdis[,,i,h] = GGa%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(zdis))
  }else if(param=="difflogit"){
    Zlab = (((Zlab-1)*k)%x%rep(1,k))+rep(1,n*(TT-1))%x%(1:k)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,k*(k-1)+(k-1)*nc2,Zndis*k))
    j = 0
    for(i in 1:Zndis){
      for(h in 1:k){
        j = j+1
          if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
          GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
        u = matrix(0,1,k); u[1,h] = 1
        U = diag(k); U[,h] = U[,h]-1
        U = U[,-1]
        ZZdis[,,j] = cbind(u%x%GGa,U%x%t(Zdis[i,]))

  # Draw data
  Y = array(0,c(n,TT,r))
  U = matrix(0,n,TT)

  # first time occasion
  be = as.vector(Be)
  out =  prob_multilogit(XXdis,be,Xlab,fort)
  Piv = out$P
  for(i in 1:n) U[i,1] = which(rmultinom(1,1,Piv[i,])==1)

  # following time occasions
    if(is.list(Ga)) stop("invalid mode (list) for Ga")
    Ga = matrix(Ga,(nc2+1)*(k-1),k)
    PIdis = array(0,c(Zndis,k,k)); PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
    for(h in 1:k){
      out =  prob_multilogit(ZZdis[,,,h],Ga[,h],Zlab,fort)
      PI[h,,,2:TT] = array(as.vector(t(out$P)),c(1,k,n,TT-1))
  }else if(param=="difflogit"){
    if(is.list(Ga)) Ga = c(as.vector(t(Ga[[1]])),as.vector(Ga[[2]]))
    if(length(Ga)!=k*(k-1)+(k-1)*nc2) stop("invalid dimensions for Ga")
    PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
    out =  prob_multilogit(ZZdis,Ga,Zlab,fort)
    Tmp = array(out$P,c(k,n,TT-1,k))
    PI[,,,2:TT] = aperm(Tmp,c(1,4,2,3))
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT){
    U[i,t] = which(rmultinom(1,1,PI[U[i,t-1],,i,t])==1)

  # draw response variables
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT) Y[i,t,] = rmvnorm(1,Mu[,U[i,t]],Si)

  # output
  if(r==1) Y = matrix(Y,n,TT)

  if(format == "long")
    #id <- 1:n
    #Y <- reshape(data = as.data.frame(Y), varying = list(1:TT),ids = id, direction = "long")
    #out <-  aggr_data_long(data = Y[,-c(1,3)], id = Y$id,time = Y$time)
    Y <- matrices2long(Y = Y)

  # S = array(t(S),c(r,TT,length(yv)))
  # S = aperm(S)
  #if(r==1) S = S[,,1]

  out = list(Y = Y,
             U = U,
             Mu = Mu, Si = Si, Be = Be, Ga = Ga,
             latentFormula = latentFormula, data = data, est = est)

drawLMbasiccont <- function(piv,Pi,Mu,Si,n,
                            est = NULL,format = c("long","matrices"),
                            seed = NULL){

  #        [Y,yv] = draw_lm_basic(piv,Pi,Mu,Si,n)
  # Draw a sample of size n from a Basic Latent Markov model for continuous data with parameter piv, Pi, Mu and Si

  # Preliminaries
  format <- match.arg(format, choices = eval(formals(drawLMbasiccont)$format))

    if (!inherits(est, "LMbasiccont"))
      stop("est must be an object of class 'lmbasic'")
    piv <- est$piv
    Pi <- est$Pi
    Mu <- est$Mu
    Si <- est$Si

    r = 1
    k = length(Mu)
    Mu = matrix(Mu,r,k)
    r = nrow(Mu)
    k = ncol(Mu)
  TT = dim(Pi)[3]
  if(r==1) Si = matrix(Si,r,r)
  # For each subject
  Y = array(0,c(n,TT,r))
  cat(" sample unit|\n")
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(i/1000==floor(i/1000)) cat(sprintf("%11g",i),"\n",sep=" | ")
    u = k+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(piv))
    Y[i,1,] = rmvnorm(1,Mu[,u],Si)

    for(t in 2:TT){
      u = k+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Pi[u,,t]))
      Y[i,t,] = rmvnorm(1,Mu[,u],Si)
  if(format == "long")
    # id <- 1:n
    # Y <- reshape(data = as.data.frame(Y), varying = list(1:TT),ids = id, direction = "long")
    # Y <- as.data.frame(Y)
    Y <- matrices2long(Y = Y)

  out = list(Y = Y, piv = piv, Pi = Pi, Mu = Mu, Si = Si, n = n,
             est = est)

drawLMmixed <- function(la, Piv, Pi, Psi, n, TT,
                        est = NULL, format = c("long", "matrices"),
                        seed = NULL){

  #        [Y,S,yv] = draw_lm_mixed(la,Piv,Pi,Psi,n,TT)
  # Draw a sample of size n from a mixed Latent Markov model with specific parameters
  format <- match.arg(format, choices = eval(formals(drawLMbasic)$format))

  # Preliminaries
    if (!inherits(est, "LMmixed"))
      stop("est must be an object of class 'LMmixed'")
    Piv <- est$Piv
    Pi <- est$Pi
    Psi <- est$Psi
    la <- est$la
    TT <- est$TT

  k1 = length(la)
  k2 = nrow(Piv)
  dd = dim(Psi)
  l = dim(Psi)[1]
  if(length(dd)>2) r = dd[3] else r = 1
  Psi = array(Psi,c(l,k2,r))
  # # For each subject
  Y = matrix(0,n,TT*r)
  cat(" sample unit|\n")
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(i/100==floor(i/100)) cat(sprintf("%11g",i),"\n",sep=" | ")
    u = k1+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(la))
    v = k2+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Piv[,u]))
    ind = 0
    for(j in 1:r){
      ind = ind+1
      Y[i,ind] = l-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Psi[,v,j]))
    for(t in 2:TT){
      v = k2+1-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Pi[v,,u])) #check se ok k2
      for(j in 1:r){
        ind = ind+1
        Y[i,ind] = l-sum(runif(1)<cumsum(Psi[,v,j]))
  if(format == "matrices")
    out = aggr_data(Y)
    S = out$data_dis
    yv = out$freq
    S = array(t(S), c(r, TT, length(yv)))
    S = aperm(S)
    if (r == 1){S = S[, , 1]}
  if(format == "long")
    S = array(t(Y), c(r, TT, n))
    S = aperm(S)
    if (r == 1){S = S[, , 1]}
    id <- 1:n
    #Y <- reshape(data = as.data.frame(Y), varying = list(1:TT),ids = id, direction = "long")
    Y <- matrices2long(Y = S)
    out <-  aggr_data_long(data = Y[,-c(1,2)], id = Y$id,time = Y$time)
    S = out$Y
    Y = as.data.frame(Y)
    S = as.data.frame(S)
    yv = out$freq

  # S = array(t(S),c(r,TT,length(yv)))
  # S = aperm(S)
  #if(r==1) S = S[,,1]

  out = list(Y = Y,
             S = S,
             yv = yv, la = la, Piv = Piv, Pi = Pi, Psi = Psi, n = n, TT = TT,
             est = est)

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