
Defines functions lmestDecoding.LMbasiccont lmestDecoding.LMlatent lmestDecoding.LMmanifest lmestDecoding.LMmixed lmestDecoding.LMbasic lmestDecoding

Documented in lmestDecoding lmestDecoding.LMbasic lmestDecoding.LMbasiccont lmestDecoding.LMlatent lmestDecoding.LMmanifest lmestDecoding.LMmixed

lmestDecoding <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...) {

lmestDecoding.LMbasic <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...)

  newdata = NULL
  formula = NULL
  index = NULL
    newdata <- est$data
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
    id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
    data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

      formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula
    #formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
      id <- attributes(est)$id
      tv <- attributes(est)$time
      tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
      id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
      data.new <- newdata
      id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
      tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

        stop("id and time must be provided")
      if(length(index) !=2)
        stop("id and time must be provided")

      if(length(id.which) == 0)
        stop("the id column does not exist")

      if(length(tv.which) == 0)
        stop("the time column does not exist")
      id <- newdata[,id.which]
      tv <- newdata[,tv.which]
      data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

  if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
    warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
    id <- as.numeric(id)
  if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
    warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
    tv <- as.numeric(tv)

  data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]
    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

  # if(!is.null(latentFormula) & !is.null(latentFormula[[2]]))
  # {
  #   temp <- getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
  #   Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  #   Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  # }
  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv, yv = rep(1,max(id)),
                                        Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = Xmanifest, Xtrans = Xtrans)

  #model <- tmp$model
  #Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  #Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  #Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y
  yv <- tmp$freq
    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
      Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i] - min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)
    Y <- Y[sequence,,, drop = FALSE]
    yv <- yv[sequence]

  ## Start Computation
  miss = any(is.na(Y))
    R = 1 * (!is.na(Y))
    Y[is.na(Y)] = 0
    R = NULL

      Y = t(Y)
      if(miss) R = t(R)
    #Y <- Y[,,,drop = TRUE]
    n = nrow(Y); TT = ncol(Y)
      Y = array(Y,c(1,dim(Y)))
      if(miss) R = array(R,c(1,dim(R)))
    n = dim(Y)[1]; TT = dim(Y)[2]; r = dim(Y)[3]
  piv = est$piv; Pi = est$Pi; Psi = est$Psi
  k = length(est$piv)
  out =  complk(Y,R,rep(1,n),piv,Pi,Psi,k)
  Phi = out$Phi; L = out$L; pv = out$pv
  V = array(0,c(n,k,TT))
  Yvp = matrix(1/pv,n,k)
  M = matrix(1,n,k)
  V[,,TT] = Yvp*L[,,TT]
    for(t in seq(TT-1,2,-1)){
      M = (Phi[,,t+1]*M)%*%t(Pi[,,t+1])
      V[,,t] = Yvp*L[,,t]*M
  M = (Phi[,,2]*M)%*%t(Pi[,,2])
  V[,,1] = Yvp*L[,,1]*M
  # local deconding
  Ul = matrix(0,n,TT)

  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT) Ul[i,t] = which.max(V[i,,t])
  if(n==1) Ul = as.vector(Ul)
  # global deconding (Viterbi)
  R = L; Ug = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT) for(u in 1:k) R[i,u,t] = Phi[i,u,t]*max(R[i,,t-1]*Pi[,u,t])
  if(n==1) Ug[,TT] = which.max(R[,,TT])
  else Ug[,TT] = apply(R[,,TT],1,which.max)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in seq(TT-1,1,-1)) Ug[i,t] = which.max(R[i,,t]*Pi[,Ug[i,t+1],t+1])
  if(n==1) Ug = as.vector(Ug)

  out = list(Ul=Ul,Ug=Ug)

lmestDecoding.LMmixed <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...)


  ## SE data, index, NULL, prendo il dataset in input  data in est
  ## SE formula = NULL prendo i responsi dati in input in est
  newdata = NULL
  formula = NULL
  index = NULL

    newdata <- est$data
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
    id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
    data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]

      formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula
    #formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
      id <- attributes(est)$id
      tv <- attributes(est)$time
      tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
      id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
      data.new <- newdata
      id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
      tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

        stop("id and time must be provided")
      if(length(index) !=2)
        stop("id and time must be provided")

      if(length(id.which) == 0)
        stop("the id column does not exist")

      if(length(tv.which) == 0)
        stop("the time column does not exist")
      id <- newdata[,id.which]
      tv <- newdata[,tv.which]
      data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]

    if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
      warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
      id <- as.numeric(id)
    if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
      warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
      tv <- as.numeric(tv)


    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

  # if(!is.null(latentFormula) & !is.null(latentFormula[[2]]))
  # {
  #   temp <- getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
  #   Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  #   Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  # }

  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv, yv = NULL,
                                        Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = Xmanifest, Xtrans = Xtrans)

  #model <- tmp$model
  #Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  #Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  #Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y
  #yv <- tmp$freq
  yv = rep(1,dim(Y)[1])

    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
      Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i]-min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)
    Y <- Y[sequence,,]
    yv <-  yv[sequence]

  ## Start Computation

    if(is.vector(Y)) Y = t(Y)
    if(is.matrix(Y)) Y =  array(Y,c(dim(Y),1))
    n = nrow(Y); TT = ncol(Y); r=1
    if(is.matrix(Y)) Y = array(Y,c(1,dim(Y)))
    n = dim(Y)[1]; TT = dim(Y)[2]; r = dim(Y)[3]

  la = est$la; Piv = est$Piv; Pi = est$Pi; Psi = est$Psi
  k1 = length(la); k2 = nrow(Piv)
  Fc1 = matrix(0,n,k1); Fc2 = array(0,c(n,k1,k2)); Fc3 = array(0,c(n,k1,k2,k2))
  PP1 = array(0,c(n,k1,k2,TT))
  Phi = array(1,c(n,k2,TT))
  for(t in 1:TT){
    #if(r==1) Phi[,,t] = Phi[,,t]*Psi[Y[,t]+1,,1]
    #else for(j in 1:r) Phi[,,t] = Phi[,,t]*Psi[Y[,t,j]+1,,j]
    for(j in 1:r) Phi[,,t] = Phi[,,t]*Psi[Y[,t,j]+1,,j]
  for(i in 1:n) for(u in 1:k1){
    o = .Fortran("BWforback", TT, k2, Phi[i,,], Piv[,u], Pi[,,u], lk=0, Pp1=matrix(0,k2,TT),
    Fc1[i,u] = exp(o$lk); Fc2[i,u,] = o$Pp1[,1]; Fc3[i,u,,] = apply(o$Pp2,c(1,2),sum)
    PP1[i,u,,] = o$Pp1
  Fj1 = Fc1%*%diag(la)
  fm = rowSums(Fj1)
  fm = pmax(fm,10^-300)
  W = (Fj1/matrix(fm,n,k1))*yv
  U1 = apply(W,1,which.max)
  PV = array(W,c(n,k1,k2,TT))*PP1
  # local decoding
  Ul = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT) Ul[i,t] = which.max(PV[i,U1[i],,t])
  if(n==1) Ul = as.vector(Ul)
  # global deconding (Viterbi)
  R = array(0,c(n,k2,TT))
  for(i in 1:n) for(v in 1:k2) R[i,v,1] = Phi[i,v,1]*Piv[v,U1[i]]
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT) for(v in 1:k2) R[i,v,t] = Phi[i,v,t]*max(R[i,,t-1]*Pi[,v,U1[i]])
  Ug = matrix(0,n,TT)
  if(n==1) Ug[,TT] = which.max(R[,,TT])
  else Ug[,TT] = apply(R[,,TT],1,which.max)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in seq(TT-1,1,-1)) Ug[i,t] = which.max(R[i,,t]*Pi[,Ug[i,t+1],U1[i]])
  if(n==1) Ug = as.vector(Ug)

  out = list(Ul=Ul,Ug=Ug)

lmestDecoding.LMmanifest <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...)

  ## SE data, index, NULL, prendo il dataset in input  data in est
  ## SE formula = NULL prendo i responsi dati in input in est
  newdata = NULL
  formula = NULL
  index = NULL

  rho <- est$rho
  if(!is.null(est$rho)) stop("decoding allowed only for modManifest = LM")

    newdata <- est$data
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
    id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
    data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]

      formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula

    #formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula

      id <- attributes(est)$id
      tv <- attributes(est)$time
      tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
      id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
      data.new <- newdata
      id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
      tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

        id <- attributes(est)$id
        tv <- attributes(est)$time
        tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
        id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
        data.new <- newdata
        id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
        tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

          stop("id and time must be provided")
        if(length(index) !=2)
          stop("id and time must be provided")

        if(length(id.which) == 0)
          stop("the id column does not exist")

        if(length(tv.which) == 0)
          stop("the time column does not exist")
        id <- newdata[,id.which]
        tv <- newdata[,tv.which]
        data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

    if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
      warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
      id <- as.numeric(id)
    if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
      warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
      tv <- as.numeric(tv)
    S <- data.new
    formula <- attributes(est)$responsesFormula
    temp <-  getResponses(data = est$data,formula = formula)
    X <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
      temp <-  getResponses(data = est$data,formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula)
      data.new <- cbind(data.new, newdata)
      X <- temp$X
      temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
      S <- temp$Y
      temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
      S <- temp$Y
      X <- temp$X

  # if(!is.null(latentFormula) & !is.null(latentFormula[[2]]))
  # {
  #   temp <- getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
  #   Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  #   Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  # }

  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = S, id = id, time = tv, yv = rep(1,max(id)),
                                 Xinitial = NULL, Xmanifest = X, Xtrans = NULL)

  #model <- tmp$model
  #Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  #Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  #Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  S <- tmp$Y
  X <- tmp$Xmanifest
    for(i in 1:dim(S)[3])
      S[,,i] <- S[,,i]-min(S[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)

    S <- S[sequence,,]
    X <- X[sequence,,]

  ## Start Computation

  lev = length(est$mu)+1
  q = 1; k = dim(est$PI)[1]
  nt = prod(lev)
    n1 = TRUE
    n = 2; TT = length(S)
    S = rbind(t(S),0)
      X1 = array(0,c(2,nrow(X),ncol(X)))
      X1[1,,] = X
      X = X1
    }else if (is.vector(X)){
      X1 = array(0,c(2,length(X),1))
      X1[1,,] = X
      X = X1
    n = nrow(S); TT = ncol(S)

  if(is.array(S)) S = matrix(S,n,TT)
  if(is.matrix(X)) X = array(X,c(n,TT,1))

  Y0 = S+1
  S = array(0,c(nt,n,TT))

  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT){
    ind = Y0[i,t]
    S[ind,i,t] = 1
  nc = dim(X)[3]
  ne = lev-1

  XX = X
  X = array(0,c(ne,nc,n,TT))
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT){
    X[,,i,t] = rep(1,ne)%o%XX[i,t,]

  out = marg_param(lev,"g")
  Cm = out$C; Mm = out$M
  Gm = cbind(-rep(1,lev-1),diag(lev-1))
  Hm = rbind(rep(0,lev-1),diag(lev-1))
  GHt = t(Gm)%*%t(Hm)
  lm = c(1,rep(0,lev-1))
  Lm = rbind(rep(0,lev-1),diag(lev-1))-rbind(diag(lev-1),rep(0,lev-1))

  if(q==1) sup = 0 else{
    lim = 5;
    sup = seq(-lim,lim,2*lim/(q-1))
  Mar = diag(k)%x%matrix(1,1,q)

  G2 = NULL; H2 = NULL; IPI = NULL
    for(c in 1:k){
      G2c = diag(k)[,-c]
      H2c = diag(k)[-c,]; if (k==2) H2c[c]=-1 else H2c[,c]= -1
      if(is.null(G2)) G2 = G2c else if(k==2) G2 = blkdiag(matrix(G2,ncol=1),matrix(G2c,ncol=1)) else G2 = blkdiag(G2,G2c)
      if(is.null(H2)) H2 = H2c else if(k==2) H2 = blkdiag(matrix(H2,nrow=1),matrix(H2c,nrow=1))else H2 = blkdiag(H2,H2c)
      IPI = c(IPI,c+seq(0,k*(k-1),k))

  mu = est$mu+est$al[1]
  al = est$al[-1]-est$al[1]
  la = est$la
  be = est$be
  PI = est$PI
  si = NULL
  par = c(mu,al,si,be)
  if(k==1) tau = NULL else{
    tau = H2%*%log(PI[IPI])
  las = la
  PIs = PI

  # find non-redundant X configurations (may be very slow)
  X1 = matrix(X,ne*nc,n*TT)
  out1 = t(unique(t(X1)))
  nd = ncol(out1)
  indn = rep(0,n*TT)
  INDN = vector("list",nd)
  tmp = ne*nc
  for(jd in 1:nd){
    ind = which(colSums(X1 == out1[,jd])==tmp)
    indn[ind] = jd
    INDN[[jd]]$ind = ind
  indn = matrix(indn,n,TT)
  Xd = array(out1,c(ne,nc,nd))
  #Xd = Xd[,,1:nd]  #commentato per consentire 1 covariata
  LLm1 = array(t(Lm),c(ncol(Lm),nrow(Lm),nd))
  # alternate between EM and NR
  itg = 0; cont = 1;

  while(cont && itg<5){

    cont = 0; itg = itg+1;
    # compute initial log-likelihood
    I = diag(ne)
    one = matrix(1,ne,1)
    Pio = array(0,c(n,k*q,TT))
    par0 = par[1:(lev-2+k)]
    Eta01 = prod_array(Xd,par[(lev+k-1):length(par)])
    j = 0
    for(c in 1:k){
      u = matrix(0,1,k); u[c] = 1; u = u[-1]
      D0 = cbind(I,matrix(u,nrow=1)%x%one)
      for(d in 1:q){
        j = j+1;
        #D = cbind(D0,sup[d]*one); agg = D%*%par0
        D = D0
        agg = D%*%par0
        Eta1 = Eta01+agg%*%rep(1,nd)
        Qv1 = expit(Eta1); Qv1 = pmin(pmax(Qv1,10^-100),1-10^-100)
        Pv1 = lm%o%rep(1,nd)+Lm%*%Qv1; Pv1 = pmin(pmax(Pv1,10^-100),1-10^-100)
        for(t in 1:TT) if(n==1) Pio[,j,t] = sum(S[,,t]*Pv1[,indn[,t]]) else Pio[,j,t] = colSums(S[,,t]*Pv1[,indn[,t]])
    Q = rec1(Pio,las,PIs)

    if(q*k==1) pim = Q[,,TT] else if(n==1) pim = sum(Q[,,TT]) else pim = rowSums(Q[,,TT])
    lk = sum(log(pim))
    # E-step
    out = rec3(Q,yv=rep(1,n),PIs,Pio,pim)
    U = out$U; V = out$V
    # M-step: latent parameters
      u1 = Mar%*%rowSums(U[,,1])
      V1 = Mar%*%V%*%t(Mar)
      out = lk_sta(tau,as.vector(u1),V1,G2,outl=TRUE)
      flk = out$flk; la = out$la; PI = out$PI
    las = la; PIs = PI
    # M-step: regression parameters
    U = aperm(U,c(2,1,3))
    s = 0; FF = 0; j = 0
    for(c in 1:k){
      u = matrix(0,1,k); u[c] = 1; u = u[-1]
      D0 = cbind(I,t(as.matrix(u))%x%one)
      for(d in 1:q){
        j = j+1
        #D = cbind(D0,sup[d]*one); agg = as.vector(D%*%par0)
        D = D0
        agg = as.vector(D%*%par0)
        Eta1 = Eta01+agg%o%rep(1,nd)
        Qv1 = expit(Eta1); Qv1 = pmin(pmax(Qv1,10^-100),1-10^-100)
        Pit1 = lm%o%rep(1,nd)+Lm%*%Qv1; Pit1 = pmin(pmax(Pit1,10^-100),1-10^-100)
        QQv1 = Qv1*(1-Qv1)
        DPv1 = 1/Pit1
        RRtc1 = array(0,c(ne,lev,nd))
        for(j1 in 1:ne) for(j2 in 1:lev) RRtc1[j1,j2,] = QQv1[j1,]*DPv1[j2,]
        RRtc1 = RRtc1*LLm1
        XXRi1 = array(0,c(dim(D)[1],dim(D)[2]+dim(Xd)[2],nd))
        for(h2 in 1:nd) XXRi1[,,h2] = cbind(D,Xd[,,h2])
        XXRi1 = aperm(XXRi1,c(2,1,3))
        pc = U[,j,]; pc = as.vector(pc)
        nt = dim(S)[1]
        YGP = matrix(S,nt,n*TT)-Pit1[,as.vector(indn)]
        Om = array(0,c(lev,lev,nd))
        for(r1 in 1:lev) for(r2 in 1:lev){
            Om[r1,r2,] = Pit1[r1,]-Pit1[r1,]*Pit1[r2,]
            Om[r1,r2,] = -Pit1[r1,]*Pit1[r2,]
        for(jd in 1:nd){
          ind = INDN[[jd]]$ind
          pci = pc[ind]
          XRi = (XXRi1[,,jd]%*%RRtc1[,,jd])%*%GHt
            s = s+XRi%*%(YGP[,ind]*pci)
            s = s+XRi%*%(YGP[,ind]%*%pci)
          FF = FF+sum(pci)*(XRi%*%Om[,,jd])%*%t(XRi)
    # compute new log-likelihood
    # par0 = par[1:(lev-1+k)]
    #Eta01 = prod_array(Xd,par[(lev+k):length(par)]); j = 0

    par0 = par[1:(lev-2+k)]
    Eta01 = prod_array(Xd,par[(lev+k-1):length(par)])
    for(c in 1:k){
      u = matrix(0,1,k); u[c] = 1; u = u[-1]
      D0 = cbind(I,t(as.matrix(u))%x%one)
      for(d in 1:q){
        j = j+1;
        #  D = cbind(D0,sup[d]*one); agg = as.vector(D%*%par0)
        D = D0
        agg = as.vector(D%*%par0)
        Eta1 = Eta01+agg%o%rep(1,nd)
        Qv1 = expit(Eta1); Qv1 = pmin(pmax(Qv1,10^-100),1-10^-100);
        Pv1 = lm%o%rep(1,nd)+Lm%*%Qv1; Pv1 = pmin(pmax(Pv1,10^-100),1-10^-100);
        for(t in 1:TT) Pio[,j,t] = colSums(S[,,t]*Pv1[,indn[,t]])
    Q = rec1(Pio,las,PIs)
    if(k*q==1) pim = Q[,,TT] else pim = rowSums(Q[,,TT])
    lk = sum(log(pim))

    # Newton-Rapshon
    par1 = NULL;
    if(k>1) par1 = tau
    par1 = c(par1,par)

  # separate parameters and compute aic and bic
  mu = par[1:ne]
  al = 0
  if(k>1) al = c(al,par[(ne+1):(ne+k-1)])
  # mu = mu+al%*%la
  # al = al-al%*%la
  mu = mu+as.vector(al%*%la)  ## Modifica ALessio
  al = al-as.vector(al%*%la)  ## Modifica Alessio
  be = par[(ne+k+1):length(par)]
  np = k*(k-1)
  np = np + (ne+(k-1)+nc) + ((k+1)*(q>1))
    si=NULL; rho = NULL

  # compute aic, bic and prediction of latent structure
  out = lk_obs_manifest(par1,S,Xd,yv=rep(1,n),indn,lev,k,sup,G2,IPI,mod=0,outp=TRUE)
  lk = out$lk; U = out$U
  sup1 = t(Mar)%*%al
  if(q>1) sup1 = sup1+matrix(1,k,1)%x%(sup*si)
  PRED0 = array(0,c(n,k,TT)); PRED1 = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(t in 1:TT){
    PRED0[,,t] = U[,,t]%*%t(Mar)
    PRED1[,t] = U[,,t]%*%sup1

    V = array(PRED0[1,,],c(1,k,TT)); Phi = array(Pio[1,,],c(1,k,TT))
    V = PRED0; Phi = Pio
  n = dim(V)[1]
  piv = la
  PI = PI
  # local deconding
  Ul = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT){Ul[i,t] = which.max(V[i,,t])}
  if(n==1) Ul = as.vector(Ul)
  # global deconding (Viterbi)
  R = array(0,c(n,k,TT))
  for(i in 1:n) for(v in 1:k) R[i,v,1] = Phi[i,v,1]*piv[v]
  Ug = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT) for(u in 1:k) R[i,u,t] = Phi[i,u,t]*max(R[i,,t-1]*PI[,u])
  if(n==1) Ug[,TT] = which.max(R[,,TT])
  else Ug[,TT] = apply(R[,,TT],1,which.max)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in seq(TT-1,1,-1)) Ug[i,t] = which.max(R[i,,t]*PI[,Ug[i,t+1]])
  if(n==1) Ug = as.vector(Ug)
  # output
  out = list(Ul=Ul,Ug=Ug)

lmestDecoding.LMlatent <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...)

  ## SE data, index, NULL, prendo il dataset in input  data in est
  ## SE formula = NULL prendo i responsi dati in input in est
  newdata = NULL
  formula = NULL
  index = NULL

    newdata <- est$data
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
    id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
    data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]

    # if(is.null(formula))
    # {
    #   formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
    # }

    #formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula

      id <- attributes(est)$id
      tv <- attributes(est)$time
      tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
      id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
      data.new <- newdata
      id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
      tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

        id <- attributes(est)$id
        tv <- attributes(est)$time
        tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
        id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
        data.new <- newdata
        id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
        tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

          stop("id and time must be provided")
        if(length(index) !=2)
          stop("id and time must be provided")

        if(length(id.which) == 0)
          stop("the id column does not exist")

        if(length(tv.which) == 0)
          stop("the time column does not exist")
        id <- newdata[,id.which]
        tv <- newdata[,tv.which]
        data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

    if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
      warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
      id <- as.numeric(id)
    if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
      warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
      tv <- as.numeric(tv)
    temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula)
    Y <-  temp$Y
    #formula <- attributes(est)$responsesFormula
    #temp <-  getResponses(data = est$data,formula = formula)
    temp <-  getLatent(data = data.new,responses = attributes(est)$responsesFormula,
                              latent = attributes(est)$latentFormula)
    Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
    Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
    #X <- temp$X
      temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
      X <- temp$X
      temp <-  getLatent(data = data.new,latent = attributes(est)$latentFormula,
                                responses = attributes(est)$responsesFormula)
      Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
      Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
      data.new <- cbind(data.new, newdata)
      temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
      Y <- temp$Y
      temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
      Y <- temp$Y
      temp <-  getLatent(data = data.new,latent = formula,
                                responses = formula)
      Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
      Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans

  # if(!is.null(latentFormula) & !is.null(latentFormula[[2]]))
  # {
  #   temp <- getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
  #   Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  #   Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  # }

  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv, yv = rep(1,max(id)),
                                        Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = NULL, Xtrans = Xtrans)

  #model <- tmp$model
  X1 <- tmp$Xinitial
  #Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  X2 <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y
  #X <- tmp$Xmanifest
    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
      Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i]-min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)

    Y <- Y[sequence,,, drop = FALSE]
    X1 <- X1[sequence,, drop = TRUE]
    X2 <- X2[sequence,,, drop = FALSE]

  ## Start Computation
  param = est$param
  miss = any(is.na(Y))
    R = 1 * (!is.na(Y))
    Y[is.na(Y)] = 0
    R = NULL
      Y = t(Y)
      if(miss) R = t(R)
      if(is.vector(X1)) X1 = t(X1)
      if(is.matrix(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(1,dim(X2)))
      if(is.vector(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(1,length(X2),1))
    n = nrow(Y); TT = ncol(Y)
      Y = array(Y,c(1,dim(Y)))
      if(miss) R = array(R,c(1,dim(R)))
      if(is.vector(X1)) X1 = t(X1)
      if(is.matrix(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(1,dim(X2)))
      if(is.vector(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(1,length(X2),1))
    n = dim(Y)[1]; TT = dim(Y)[2]; r = dim(Y)[3]

  k = ncol(est$Be)+1
  Psi = est$Psi
  if(is.vector(X1)) X1 = matrix(X1,n,1)
  nc1 = dim(X1)[2] # number of covariates on the initial probabilities
  Xlab = 1:n
  if(k == 2){
    GBe = as.matrix(c(0,1))
    GBe = diag(k); GBe = GBe[,-1]
  XXdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc1+1),n))
  for(i in 1:n){
    xdis = c(1,X1[i,])
    XXdis[,,i] = GBe%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(xdis))
  be = as.vector(est$Be)
  out = prob_multilogit(XXdis,be,Xlab,fort)
  Piv = out$P
  if(is.matrix(X2)) X2 = array(X2,c(n,TT-1,1))
  nc2 = dim(X2)[3] # number of covariates on the transition probabilities
  Z = NULL
  for(t in 1:(TT-1)) Z = rbind(Z,X2[,t,])
  if(nc2==1) Z = as.matrix(X2)
  Zlab = 1:(n*(TT-1)); Zndis = n*(TT-1)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,(k-1)*(nc2+1),Zndis,k))
    for(h in 1:k){
        if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
        GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
      for(i in 1:Zndis){
        zdis = c(1,Z[i,])
        ZZdis[,,i,h] = GGa%*%(diag(k-1)%x%t(zdis))
  }else if(param=="difflogit"){
    Zlab = (((Zlab-1)*k)%x%rep(1,k))+rep(1,n*(TT-1))%x%(1:k)
    ZZdis = array(0,c(k,k*(k-1)+(k-1)*nc2,Zndis*k))
    j = 0
    for(i in 1:Zndis){
      for(h in 1:k){
        j = j+1
          if(h == 1) GGa = as.matrix(c(0,1)) else GGa = as.matrix(c(1,0))
          GGa = diag(k); GGa = GGa[,-h]
        u = matrix(0,1,k); u[1,h] = 1
        U = diag(k); U[,h] = U[,h]-1
        U = U[,-1]
        ZZdis[,,j] = cbind(u%x%GGa,U%x%t(Z[i,]))

    Ga = matrix(est$Ga,(nc2+1)*(k-1),k)
    PIdis = array(0,c(Zndis,k,k)); PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
    for(h in 1:k){
      out = prob_multilogit(ZZdis[,,,h],Ga[,h],Zlab,fort)
      PIdis[,,h] = out$Pdis; PI[h,,,2:TT] = array(as.vector(t(out$P)),c(1,k,n,TT-1))
  }else if(param=="difflogit"){
    Ga = c(as.vector(t(est$Ga[[1]])),as.vector(est$Ga[[2]]))
    PI = array(0,c(k,k,n,TT))
    out = prob_multilogit(ZZdis,Ga,Zlab,fort)
    PIdis = out$Pdis;
    Tmp = array(out$P,c(k,n,TT-1,k))
    PI[,,,2:TT] = aperm(Tmp,c(1,4,2,3))
  out = lk_comp_latent(Y,R,rep(1,n),Piv,PI,Psi,k,fort=fort)
  Phi = out$Phi; L = out$L; pv = out$pv

  out = prob_post_cov(Y,rep(1,n),Psi,Piv,PI,Phi,L,pv,fort=fort)
  V = out$V
  # local deconding
  Ul = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT)  Ul[i,t] = which.max(V[i,,t])
  if(n==1) Ul = as.vector(Ul)
  # global deconding (Viterbi)
  R = L; Ug = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT) for(u in 1:k) R[i,u,t] = Phi[i,u,t]*max(R[i,,t-1]*PI[,u,i,t])
  if(n==1) Ug[,TT] = which.max(R[,,TT])
  else Ug[,TT] = apply(R[,,TT],1,which.max)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in seq(TT-1,1,-1)) Ug[i,t] = which.max(R[i,,t]*PI[,Ug[i,t+1],i,t+1])
  if(n==1) Ug = as.vector(Ug)

  # output
  out = list(Ul=Ul,Ug=Ug)

lmestDecoding.LMbasiccont <- function(est, sequence = NULL, fort = TRUE, ...)

  ## SE data, index, NULL, prendo il dataset in input  in est
  ## SE formula = NULL prendo i responsi dati in input in est
  newdata = NULL
  formula = NULL
  index = NULL

    newdata <- est$data
    id <- attributes(est)$id
    tv <- attributes(est)$time
    tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
    id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
    data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which), drop = FALSE]

      formula = attributes(est)$responsesFormula
    #formula = attributes(est)$latentFormula
      id <- attributes(est)$id
      tv <- attributes(est)$time
      tv.which <- attributes(est)$whichtv
      id.which <- attributes(est)$whichid
      data.new <- newdata
      id.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[1])
      tv.which <- which(names(newdata) == index[2])

        stop("id and time must be provided")
      if(length(index) !=2)
        stop("id and time must be provided")

      if(length(id.which) == 0)
        stop("the id column does not exist")

      if(length(tv.which) == 0)
        stop("the time column does not exist")
      id <- newdata[,id.which]
      tv <- newdata[,tv.which]
      data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

  if(is.character(id) | is.factor(id))
    warning("conversion of id colum in numeric. The id column must be numeric")
    id <- as.numeric(id)
  if(is.character(tv) | is.factor(tv))
    warning("conversion of time column in numeric. The time column must be numeric")
    tv <- as.numeric(tv)

  data.new <- newdata[,-c(tv.which,id.which)]

    Y <- data.new
    Xmanifest <- NULL
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL
    temp <-  getResponses(data = data.new,formula = formula)
    Y <- temp$Y
    Xmanifest <- temp$X
    Xinitial <- NULL
    Xtrans <- NULL

  # if(!is.null(latentFormula) & !is.null(latentFormula[[2]]))
  # {
  #   temp <- getLatent(data = data,latent = latentFormula, responses = responsesFormula)
  #   Xinitial <- temp$Xinitial
  #   Xtrans <- temp$Xtrans
  # }

  tmp <-  long2matrices.internal(Y = Y, id = id, time = tv, yv = rep(1,max(id)),
                                        Xinitial = Xinitial, Xmanifest = Xmanifest, Xtrans = Xtrans)

  #model <- tmp$model
  #Xinitial <- tmp$Xinitial
  #Xmanifest <- tmp$Xmanifest
  #Xtrans <- tmp$Xtrans
  Y <- tmp$Y
  yv <- tmp$freq
    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[3])
      Y[,,i] <- Y[,,i]-min(Y[,,i],na.rm = TRUE)
    Y <- Y[sequence,,, drop = FALSE]
    yv <- yv[sequence]

  ## Start Computation

  miss = any(is.na(Y))
    Y = est$Y
    r = 1
    if(is.vector(Y)) Y = t(Y)
    n = nrow(Y); TT = ncol(Y)
      Y = array(Y,c(1,dim(Y)))
    n = dim(Y)[1]; TT = dim(Y)[2]; r = dim(Y)[3]
  piv = est$piv; Pi = est$Pi; Mu = est$Mu; Si = est$Si
  k = length(est$piv)
  out = complk_cont_miss(Y,!miss,piv,Pi,Mu,Si,k, fort = TRUE)
  Phi = out$Phi; L = out$L; pv = out$pv
  V = array(0,c(n,k,TT))
  M = matrix(1,n,k)
  if(n==1) V[,,TT] = L[,,TT]/sum(L[1,,TT])
  else V[,,TT] = L[,,TT]/rowSums(L[,,TT])
    for(t in seq(TT-1,2,-1)){
      M = (Phi[,,t+1]*M)%*%t(Pi[,,t+1])
      M = M/sum(M)
      V[,,t] = L[,,t]*M
      if(n==1) V[,,t] = V[,,t]/sum(V[1,,t])
      else V[,,t] = V[,,t]/rowSums(V[,,t])
  M = (Phi[,,2]*M)%*%t(Pi[,,2])
  M = M/sum(M)
  V[,,1] = L[,,1]*M
  if(n==1) V[,,1] = V[,,1]/sum(V[1,,1])
  else V[,,1] = V[,,1]/rowSums(V[,,1])

  # local deconding
  Ul = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 1:TT) Ul[i,t] = which.max(V[i,,t])
  if(n==1) Ul = as.vector(Ul)
  # global deconding (Viterbi)
  R = L; Ug = matrix(0,n,TT)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in 2:TT) for(u in 1:k) R[i,u,t] = Phi[i,u,t]*max(R[i,,t-1]*Pi[,u,t])
  if(n==1) Ug[,TT] = which.max(R[,,TT])
  else Ug[,TT] = apply(R[,,TT],1,which.max)
  for(i in 1:n) for(t in seq(TT-1,1,-1)) Ug[i,t] = which.max(R[i,,t]*Pi[,Ug[i,t+1],t+1])
  if(n==1) Ug = as.vector(Ug)

  out = list(Ul=Ul,Ug=Ug)

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