# findCandidates
#' Search of lipid candidates of a certain class
#' Search of lipid candidates from a peaklist based on a set of expected
#' adducts.
#' @param MS1 peaklist of the MS function. Data frame with 3 columns: mz, RT (in seconds) and int (intensity).
#' @param db database (i.e. pcdb, dgdb, etc.). Data frame with at least 2 columns: Mass (exact mass) and total (total number of carbons and double bound of the FA chains, i.e. "34:1").
#' @param ppm m/z tolerance in ppm.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts character vector containing the expected adducts to search
#' for (i.e. "M+H", "M+Na", "M-H", etc.). See details.
#' @param rttol rt tolerance in seconds to match adducts.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for the annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be changed. If data bases have
#' been customized using \link{createLipidDB}, they also have to be modified
#' here.
#' @param rawData raw scans data. Output of \link{dataProcessing} function (MS1$rawData).
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied.
#' @return Data frame with the found candidates. It contains 6 columns: mz,
#' RT, int (from the peaklist data.frame), ppms, cb (total number of carbons and
#' double bounds of the FA chains) and adducts.
#' @details \link{findCandidates} looks for matches between the m/z of the
#' MS1 peaklist and the expected m/z of the candidates in the database for each
#' adduct. If several adducts are expected, results are combined.
#' Adducts allowed are contained in adductsTable data frame, which can be
#' modified if required (see \link{adductsTable}).
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
findCandidates <- function(MS1,
rttol = 3,
rawData = data.frame(),
coelCutoff = 0){
adductsTable <- dbs$adductsTable
count <- 0
candidates <- vector()
for (i in 1:length(adducts)){
ad <- unique(adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct == adducts[i],])
prec <- findPrecursor(MS1, db, ppm, massdif = ad$mdiff,
rt = rt, n = ad$n, charge = ad$charge)
if (nrow(prec) > 0){
prec <- cbind(prec, adducts = as.vector(adducts[i]))
if (count == 0){
candidates <- rbind(candidates, prec)
count <- 1
} else {
candidates <- crossAdducts(df1 = candidates, df2 = prec, rttol = rttol,
rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
if(length(candidates) > 0){
candidates <- filtrateAdducts(df = candidates)
rownames(candidates) <- c()
if (is.vector(candidates)){
} else {
# coelutingFrags
#' Coeluting fragments extraction
#' Given a RT and a list of peaks, this function subsets all coeluting fragments
#' within a rt windows. It is used by identification functions to extract
#' coeluting fragments from high energy functions for candidate precursor ions.
#' @param precursors candidates data frame. Output of \link{findCandidates}.
#' @param products peaklist for MS2 function (MSMS).
#' @param rttol rt window in seconds.
#' @param rawData raw scans data. Output of \link{dataProcessing} function (MSMS$rawData).
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied.
#' @return List of data frames with the coeluting fragments for each candidate.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
coelutingFrags <- function(precursors,
rawData = data.frame(),
coelCutoff = 0){
psubset <- apply(precursors, 1, function(x){
peaks <- which(products[,"RT"] <= as.numeric(x["RT"])+(rttol/2) & products[,"RT"] >=
if(length(peaks) > 0){
df <- products[peaks,]
scores <- coelutionScore(as.character(x["peakID"]), df$peakID, rawData)
df$coelScore <- scores
df <- df[scores >= coelCutoff,]
} else {
coelfrags <- lapply(psubset, function(x) {
if (nrow(x) > 0){
x <- x[!$mz),]
} else {data.frame()}
# ddaFrags
#' MS/MS scan extraction of a precursor in DDA
#' This function searches for the closest precursor selected for MS2 in DDA
#' that matches mz tolerance and RT window of a list of candidates and extracts
#' their fragments.
#' @param candidates candidates data frame. Output of \link{findCandidates}.
#' @param precursors data frame with the whole list of precursors selected for MS2.
#' @param rawData raw scans data.
#' @param rawData peaklist for MS2 function (MSMS).
#' @param ppm m/z tolerance in ppm.
#' @details MS2 scans for a given precursor are searched within a rt window from
#' minrt-rttol/2 to maxrt+rttol/2. If the same precursor was selected several
#' times along the peak, the closest scan to the rt at the peak maximum is
#' selected for annotation.
#' Coelution score for DDA fragments represents their relative intensity within
#' the MS2 scan.
#' @return List of data frames with the fragments for each candidate.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
ddaFrags <- function(candidates,
coelfrags <- apply(candidates, 1, function(x){
scans <- findMS2precursor(mz = as.numeric(x["mz"]),
minrt = as.numeric(x["minRT"]),
maxrt = as.numeric(x["maxRT"]),
precursors = precursors,
ppm = ppm)
if (length(scans) > 0){
rts <- precursors$RT[match(scans, precursors$Scan)]
scanrt <- scans[which.min(abs(rts-as.numeric(x["RT"])))]
f <- rawData[rawData$Scan == scanrt, c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
f <- f[grepl("MS2", f$peakID),]
if(nrow(f) > 0){
f$coelScore <- 0 # previously f$int/sum(f$int), now this value goes to scoreInt
} else {
} else {
# checkClass
#' Search of class fragments to confirm the lipid class.
#' Search of characteristic fragments that confirm a given lipid class.
#' @param candidates output of \link{findCandidates} function.
#' @param coelfrags list of peaks coeluting with each candidate. Output of
#' \link{coelutingFrags}.
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See details.
#' @param clrequisites logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If none of the fragment is required, at least one of them
#' must be present within the coeluting fragments. If the presence of any
#' fragment excludes the class, it can be specified by using "excluding".
#' @param ppm m/z tolerance in ppm.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for the annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be changed. If data bases have
#' been customized using \link{createLipidDB}, they also have to be modified
#' here. It is employed when some fragment belongs to "BB" \code{ftype}.
#' @details \code{clfrags}, \code{ftype} and \code{clrequisites} will indicate
#' the rules to confirm a lipid class. All three arguments must have the same
#' length.
#' This function allows three different types of fragments: fragments with a
#' specific m/z as for example 227.0326 for PG in negative mode, which needs to
#' be defined as clfrags = c(227.0326) and ftype = c("F"); neutral losses such
#' as the head group of some PL (i.e. NL of 74.0359 in PG in negative mode),
#' which will be defined as clfrags = c(74.0359) and ftype = c("NL"); or
#' building blocks resulting from the loss of some groups, as for example, PA as
#' M-H resulting from the loss of the head group (glycerol) in PG in ESI-, which
#' will be defined as clfrags = c("pa_M-H") and ftype = c("BB"). The last
#' two options could define the same fragments. In this case just one of them
#' would be necessary.
#' When using the third type of fragment ("BB"), the building block will be
#' specified in lower case (i.e. pa, dg, lysopa, mg, etc.) and the adduct will be
#' given as it appears in the adductsTable, both separated by "_". Names for the
#' building blocks are the ones used for the LipidMS databases without the "db"
#' at the end.
#' In case the presence of a fragment indicates that the candidate does not
#' belong to the lipid class (i.e. loss of CH3 in PE, which corresponds to a PC
#' actually), this will be specified by using \code{clrequisites} = c("excluding").
#' @return List with 2 elements: a matrix with logical values (presence/absense)
#' of each expected fragment (columns) for each candidate (rows), and a logical
#' vector with the confirmation of the lipid class for each candidate.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
checkClass <- function(candidates,
ppm = 10,
adductsTable <- dbs$adductsTable
allfragments <- rep(list(data.frame()), nrow(candidates))
if (length(clfrags) == 0){
return(list(presence = matrix(), passed = rep("No class fragments",
} else {
verified <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(clfrags), nrow = nrow(candidates))
for (i in 1:length(clfrags)){
if (ftype[i] == "F"){
classf <- lapply(coelfrags, function(x){
filtermsms(x, as.numeric(clfrags[i]), ppm)})
verified[,i] <- unlist(lapply(classf, function(x) {if({nrow(x) > 0}else {FALSE}}))
allfragments <- Map(rbind, classf, allfragments)
} else if (ftype[i] == "NL") {
classf <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
f <- filtermsms(coelfrags[[c]], candidates$mz[c]-as.numeric(clfrags[i]), ppm)
classf[[c]] <- f
verified[,i] <- unlist(lapply(classf, function(x) {if({nrow(x) > 0}else {FALSE}}))
allfragments <- Map(rbind, classf, allfragments)
} else if (ftype[i] == "BB"){
db <- dbs[[paste(unlist(strsplit(clfrags[i], "_"))[1], "db", sep="")]]
mdiff <- adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct ==
unlist(strsplit(clfrags[i], "_"))[2], "mdiff"]
classf <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
f <- filtermsms(coelfrags[[c]],
db$Mass[which(db$total == candidates$cb[c])]+ mdiff,
classf[[c]] <- f
verified[,i] <- unlist(lapply(classf, function(x) {if({nrow(x) > 0}else {FALSE}}))
allfragments <- Map(rbind, classf, allfragments)
if (any(clrequisites == T | clrequisites == "TRUE")){ # when there are required fragments, we check them
passed <- apply(verified, 1,
function(x) sum(x == T & (clrequisites == T |
clrequisites == "TRUE"))) ==
sum(clrequisites == T | clrequisites == "TRUE")
} else { # if there isnt any required fragment, any of them will be enough
passed <- apply(verified, 1, sum) > 0
if (any(clrequisites == "excluding")){
excl <- which(clrequisites == "excluding")
for (e in 1:length(excl)){
presence = verified[,excl[e]]
passed[presence == T] = FALSE
return(list(presence = verified, passed = passed, fragments = allfragments))
# chainFrags
#' Search of chain specific fragments
#' Search of specific fragments that inform about the chains structure.
#' @param coelfrags coeluting fragments for each candidate. Output of
#' \link{coelutingFrags}.
#' @param chainfrags character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments. If it is an empty vector, chains will be calculated based
#' on the difference between the precursor and the other chain. See details.
#' @param ppm m/z tolerance in ppm.
#' @param candidates candidates data frame. If any chain needs to be calculated
#' based on the difference between the precursor and the other chain, this
#' argument will be required. Output of \link{chainFrags}.
#' @param f known chains. If any chain needs to be calculated
#' based on the difference between the precursor and the other chain, this
#' argument will be required. Output of \link{chainFrags}.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for the annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be changed. If data bases have
#' been customized using \link{createLipidDB}, they also have to be modified
#' here.
#' @details The chainfrags argument must contain the fragmentation rules
#' which inform about the chains structure. For example, in the case of PG
#' subclass, the chain in sn1 position is identified by the lysoPG as M-H
#' resulting from the loss of the FA chain of sn2; and the chain in sn2 position
#' is identified as the free FA chain as M-H. These two fragments need to be
#' searched in two different steps: in the fist step we will look for lysoPGs
#' coeluting with the precursor using chainfrags = c("lysopg_M-H");
#' then, we will look for FA chains using chainfrags = c("fa_M-H"). This
#' information can be combined later using \link{combineChains} function.
#' To indicate the fragments to be searched, the class of lipid is writen
#' using the same names as the LipidMS databases without the "db" at the end
#' (i.e. pa, dg, lysopa, mg, CE, etc.), and the adduct has to be indicated as
#' it appears in the adductsTable, both parts separated by "_". In case some
#' chain needs to be searched based on a neutral loss, this can be defined using
#' "NL-" prefix, followed by the database and adduct. If this neutral loss
#' is employed to find the remaining chain, "cbdiff-" prefix allows to calculate
#' the difference in carbons and doubles bounds between the precursor and the
#' building block found. For example, "cbdiff-dg_M+H-H2O" will look for DG as
#' M+H-H2O and then, it will return the difference between their number of
#' carbons and double bounds and the ones from the precursor. Otherwise,
#' "NL-mg_M+H-H2O" will look for fragments coming from the loss of MGs.
#' In case these fragments identified as losses from the precursors are going to
#' be employed for the intensity rules, this same prefix has to be added.
#' If a chain is calculated based on the difference of total number of
#' carbons and double bounds between the precursor and a previously searched chain,
#' \code{chainfrags} argument must be a character vector c("") and candidates
#' data frame and chain fragments list must be provided.
#' @return List of data frames with the chain fragments found.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
chainFrags <- function (coelfrags,
ppm = 10,
f = NULL,
adductsTable <- dbs$adductsTable
matches <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)) {
fragments <- vector()
for (i in 1:length(chainfrags)) {
if (chainfrags[i] == ""){
if (nrow(f[[c]]) > 0) {
diffs <- diffcb(candidates$cb[c], f[[c]]$cb,
fmatch <- unique(data.frame(cb = diffs, mz = 0, RT = f[[c]]$RT,
int = 0, peakID = "",
coelScore = NA,
db = "cbdiff", adduct = "",
stringsAsFactors = F))
fmatch <- fmatch[fmatch$cb != "", ]
fragments <- rbind(fragments, fmatch)
if (grepl("cbdiff-", chainfrags[i])) {
rule <- unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "cbdiff-"))[2]
db <- dbs[[paste(unlist(strsplit(rule, "_"))[1],
"db", sep = "")]]
ad <- adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct ==
unlist(strsplit(rule, "_"))[2], ]
mdiff <- ad$mdiff
charge <- ad$charge
n <- ad$n
fmatch <- frags(coelfrags[[c]], ppm=ppm, db, mdiff, charge, n)
if (nrow(fmatch) > 0) {
fragments <-
data.frame(fmatch, db = paste(unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i],
"_"))[1], sep = ""),
adduct = unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "_"))[2]))
} else if (grepl("NL-", chainfrags[i])) {
rule <- unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "NL-"))[2]
db <- dbs[[paste(unlist(strsplit(rule, "_"))[1],
"db", sep = "")]]
db$Mass <- candidates$mz[c] - db$Mass
ad <- adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct ==
unlist(strsplit(rule, "_"))[2],]
mdiff <- ad$mdiff
charge <- ad$charge
n <- ad$n
fmatch <- frags(coelfrags[[c]], ppm, db, mdiff, charge, n)
if (nrow(fmatch) > 0) {
fragments <-
db = paste(unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i],
"_"))[1], sep = ""),
adduct = unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "_"))[2]))
} else {
rule <- chainfrags[i]
db <- dbs[[paste(unlist(strsplit(rule, "_"))[1],
"db", sep = "")]]
if (grepl("Mn", unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i],
"_"))[2])) {
mdiff <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i],
"_"))[2], "Mn")))[2]
charge <- 1
n <- 1
} else {
ad <- adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct ==
unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "_"))[2],]
mdiff <- ad$mdiff
charge <- ad$charge
n <- ad$n
fmatch <- frags(coelfrags[[c]], ppm, db, mdiff, charge, n)
if (nrow(fmatch) > 0) {
fragments <- rbind(fragments,
db = unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i], "_"))[1],
adduct = unlist(strsplit(chainfrags[i],
if ( {
matches[[c]] = unique(fragments)
} else {
matches[[c]] = data.frame()
if (any(grepl("cbdiff", chainfrags))) {
new <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)) {
if (nrow(matches[[c]]) > 0) {
fragments <- matches[[c]][grepl("cbdiff", matches[[c]]$db),]
other <- matches[[c]][!grepl("cbdiff", matches[[c]]$db),]
if (nrow(fragments) > 0){
db <- diffcb(candidates$cb[c], fragments$cb, dbs$fadb)
fragments$cb <- db
new[[c]] <- rbind(other, fragments[fragments$cb != "", ])
} else {
new[[c]] <- matches[[c]]
} else {
new[[c]] <- data.frame()
matches <- new
# combineChains
#' Combine chain fragments that could belong to the same precursor.
#' It calculates combinations of chain fragments that sum up the same number of
#' carbons and double bounds as the precursor.
#' @param candidates candidates data frame. Output of \link{findCandidates}.
#' @param nchains number of chains of the targeted lipid class.
#' @param sn1 list of chain fragments identified for sn1 position. Output of
#' \link{chainFrags}.
#' @param sn2 list of chain fragments identified for sn2 position. Output of
#' \link{chainFrags}. If required.
#' @param sn3 list of chain fragments identified for sn3 position. Output of
#' \link{chainFrags}. If required.
#' @param sn4 list of chain fragments identified for sn4 position. Output of
#' \link{chainFrags}. If required.
#' @return List of data frames with candidate chains structures.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
combineChains <- function(candidates,
if (nchains == 1){
selected <- list()
fragments <- rep(list(list()), nrow(candidates))
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
fragments[[c]][[1]] <- sn1[[c]][which(sn1[[c]]$cb == candidates$cb[c]),]
if (nrow(fragments[[c]][[1]]) > 0){
selected[[c]] <- data.frame(sn1 = candidates$cb[[c]], stringsAsFactors = F)
} else {
selected[[c]] <- data.frame()
if (nchains == 2){
chains1 <- list()
chains2 <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (nrow(sn1[[c]]) > 0){
chains1[[c]] <- sn1[[c]]
} else {
chains1[[c]] <- data.frame()
if (nrow(sn2[[c]]) > 0){
chains2[[c]] <- sn2[[c]]
} else {
chains2[[c]] <- data.frame()
selected <- list()
fragments <- rep(list(list()), nrow(candidates))
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if(length(chains1[[c]]) > 0 & length(chains2[[c]]) > 0){
x <- expand.grid(unique(chains1[[c]]$cb), unique(chains2[[c]]$cb),
stringsAsFactors = F)
comb <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
comb[[i]] <- paste(x[i, 1], x[i, 2], sep=" ")
sel <- unlist(lapply(comb, select, candidates$cb[c], n=2))
selected[[c]] <- data.frame(sn1 = x[sel,1], sn2 = x[sel,2],
stringsAsFactors = F)
if (nrow(selected[[c]]) > 0){
for (u in 1:nrow(selected[[c]])){
fragments[[c]][[u]] <- unique(rbind(chains1[[c]][chains1[[c]]$cb %in%
chains2[[c]][chains2[[c]]$cb %in%
} else {
selected[[c]] <- data.frame()
fragments[[c]] <- list()
if (nchains == 3){
chains1 <- list()
chains2 <- list()
chains3 <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (nrow(sn1[[c]]) > 0){
chains1[[c]] <- sn1[[c]]
} else {
chains1[[c]] <- data.frame()
if (nrow(sn2[[c]]) > 0){
chains2[[c]] <- sn2[[c]]
} else {
chains2[[c]] <- data.frame()
if (nrow(sn3[[c]]) > 0){
chains3[[c]] <- sn3[[c]]
} else {
chains3[[c]] <- data.frame()
selected <- list()
fragments <- rep(list(list()), nrow(candidates))
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if(length(chains1[[c]]) > 0 & length(chains2[[c]]) > 0 &
length(chains3[[c]]) > 0){
x <- expand.grid(unique(chains1[[c]]$cb), unique(chains2[[c]]$cb),
unique(chains3[[c]]$cb), stringsAsFactors = F)
comb <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
comb[[i]] <- paste(x[i, 1], x[i, 2], x[i, 3], sep=" ")
sel <- unlist(lapply(comb, select, candidates$cb[c], n=3))
selected[[c]] <- data.frame(sn1 = x[sel,1], sn2 = x[sel,2],
sn3 = x[sel,3], stringsAsFactors = F)
if (nrow(selected[[c]]) > 0){
for (u in 1:nrow(selected[[c]])){
fragments[[c]][[u]] <- unique(rbind(chains1[[c]][chains1[[c]]$cb %in%
chains2[[c]][chains2[[c]]$cb %in%
chains3[[c]][chains3[[c]]$cb %in%
} else {
selected[[c]] <- data.frame()
fragments[[c]] <- list()
if (nchains == 4){
chains1 <- list()
chains2 <- list()
chains3 <- list()
chains4 <- list()
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (nrow(sn1[[c]]) > 0){
chains1[[c]] <- sn1[[c]]
} else {
chains1[[c]] <- vector()
if (nrow(sn2[[c]]) > 0){
chains2[[c]] <- sn2[[c]]
} else {
chains2[[c]] <- vector()
if (nrow(sn3[[c]]) > 0){
chains3[[c]] <- sn3[[c]]
} else {
chains3[[c]] <- vector()
if (nrow(sn4[[c]]) > 0){
chains4[[c]] <- sn4[[c]]
} else {
chains4[[c]] <- vector()
selected <- list()
fragments <- rep(list(list()), nrow(candidates))
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if(length(chains1[[c]]) > 0 & length(chains2[[c]]) > 0 &
length(chains3[[c]]) > 0 & length(chains4[[c]]) > 0){
x <- expand.grid(unique(chains1[[c]]$cb), unique(chains2[[c]]$cb),
unique(chains3[[c]]$cb), unique(chains4[[c]]$cb),
stringsAsFactors = F)
comb <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
comb[[i]] <- paste(x[i, 1], x[i, 2], x[i, 3], x[i, 4], sep=" ")
sel <- unlist(lapply(comb, select, candidates$cb[c], n=4))
selected[[c]] <- data.frame(sn1 = x[sel,1], sn2 = x[sel,2],
sn3 = x[sel,3], sn4 = x[sel,4],
stringsAsFactors = F)
if (nrow(selected[[c]]) > 0){
for (u in 1:nrow(selected[[c]])){
fragments[[c]][[u]] <- unique(rbind(chains1[[c]][chains1[[c]]$cb %in%
chains2[[c]][chains2[[c]]$cb %in%
chains3[[c]][chains3[[c]]$cb %in%
chains4[[c]][chains4[[c]]$cb %in%
} else {
selected[[c]] <- data.frame()
fragments[[c]] <- list()
return(list(selected = selected, fragments = fragments))
# checkIntensityRules
#' Check intensity rules
#' Check intensity rules to confirm chains position.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' details.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (i.e. "3/1"). See details.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param nchains number of chains of the targeted lipid class.
#' @param combinations output of \link{combineChains}.
#' @details This function will be employed when the targeted lipid class has
#' more than one chain.
#' Taking PG subclass as an example, intensities of lysoPG fragments
#' (informative for sn1) can be employed to confirm the chains structure
#' (intrules = c("lysopg_sn1/lysopg_sn1")). In this case, the intensity of the
#' lysoPG resulting from the loss of the FA chain in sn2 is at least 3 times
#' greater (rates = c("3/1")) than the lysoPG resulting from the loss of the FA
#' chain in sn1.
#' For the intrules argument, "/" will be use to separate the fragments related
#' to each chain (sn1/sn2/etc), and "_" will be use to indicate the list in
#' which they'll be searched. This will depend on the chain fragments
#' rules defined previously. Following the example, as we use lysoPG to define
#' the sn1 position, both fragments will be searched in this list (sn1).
#' For classes with more than one FA chain, if some intensity rule should be
#' employed to identify their position but they are no defined yet, use "Unknown".
#' If it is not necessary because the fragmentation rules are informative enough
#' to define the position (i.e. sphingolipid species), just leave an empty vector.
#' @return List of logical vectors with the confirmation for each combination.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
checkIntensityRules <- function(intrules,
intCheck <- list()
for (c in 1:length(combinations$selected)){
intCheck[[c]] <- checkIntRules(intrules, rates, intrequired,
nchains = nchains,
combinations = combinations$selected[[c]],
sn = combinations$fragments[[c]])
# organizeResults
#' Prepare output for LipidMS annotation functions
#' Prepare a readable output for LipidMS identification functions.
#' @param candidates candidates data frame. Output of \link{findCandidates}.
#' @param coelfrags list of coeluting fragments for each candidate
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class.
#' @param classConf output of \link{checkClass}
#' @param chainsComb output of \link{combineChains}
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intConf output of \link{checkIntensityRules}
#' @param nchains number of chains of the targeted lipid class.
#' @param class character value. Lipid class (i.e. PC, PE, DG, TG, etc.).
#' @param acquisitionmode acquisition mode (DIA or DDA).
#' @details Coelution score for DIA data is calculated as the mean coelution
#' score of all fragments used for annotation, while for DDA data, the intensity
#' score is given, which is calculated as the sum of the relative intensities of
#' the fragments used for annotation.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
organizeResults <- function(candidates,
results <- vector()
if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
if (nchains == 0){
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
idlevel <- "Subclass"
if (classConf$passed[c] == T){
score <- mean(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int, na.rm = T)
} else {
idlevel <- "MS-only"
score <- 0
scoreInt <- 0
if (classConf$passed[c] == T ||
classConf$passed[c] == "No class fragments"){
results <- rbind(results,
data.frame(ID = paste(class, "(", candidates$cb[c],
")", sep = ""),
Class = class,
CDB = candidates$cb[c],
FAcomp = candidates$cb[c],
mz = candidates$mz[c],
RT = candidates$RT[c],
int = candidates$int[c],
Adducts = candidates$adducts[c],
ppm = round(candidates$ppms[c], 3),
confidenceLevel = idlevel,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
} else if (nchains == 1){
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (classConf$passed[c] == T || length(clfrags) == 0){
Class <- class
CDB <- candidates$cb[c]
mz <- candidates$mz[c]
RT <- candidates$RT[c]
int <- candidates$int[c]
Adducts <- candidates$adducts[c]
ppm <- round(candidates$ppm[c], 3)
ID <- paste(class, "(", CDB, ")", sep = "")
FAcomp <- CDB
if (nrow(chainsComb$selected[[c]]) > 0){
confidenceLevel <- "FA"
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$coelScore), na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$coelScore), na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int,
chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$int), na.rm = T)
} else {
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]]$int, na.rm = T)
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz, RT,
int, Adducts, ppm, confidenceLevel,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
} else if (length(clfrags) > 0){
confidenceLevel <- "Subclass"
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int, na.rm = T)
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz, RT,
int, Adducts, ppm, confidenceLevel,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
} else if (nchains == 2){
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (classConf$passed[c] == T || length(clfrags) == 0){
Class <- class
CDB <- candidates$cb[c]
mz <- candidates$mz[c]
RT <- candidates$RT[c]
int <- candidates$int[c]
Adducts <- candidates$adducts[c]
ppm <- round(candidates$ppm[c], 3)
if (nrow(chainsComb$selected[[c]]) > 0){
for (comb in 1:nrow(chainsComb$selected[[c]])){
if (intConf[[c]][comb] == T || length(intrules) == 0){
ID <- paste(class, "(", paste(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,],
")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "FA position"
} else if (intConf[[c]][comb] == F || "Unknown" %in% intrules){
ID <- paste(class, "(", paste(sort(unlist(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,])),
")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "FA"
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int,
na.rm = T)
} else {
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$int, na.rm = T)
FAcomp <- paste(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,], collapse = " ")
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz,
RT, int, Adducts, ppm,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
} else {
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
ID <- paste(class, "(", CDB, ")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "Subclass"
FAcomp = ""
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int, na.rm = T)
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz,
RT, int, Adducts, ppm,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
if (!is.vector(results)){
keep <- rep(NA, nrow(results))
for (r in 1:nrow(results)){
if ([r])){
dup <- which(results$mz == results$mz[r] & results$RT ==
dup <- dup[dup >= r]
if (length(dup) > 1){
rep <- duplicated(lapply(sapply(results$FAcomp[dup],
strsplit, " "), sort))
rep <- dup[which(rep)]
all <- c(r, rep)
tokeep <- all[which.max(LipidMS::confLevels[
results$confidenceLevel[all], "order"])]
if (results$confidenceLevel[tokeep] == "FA position"){
tokeep <- all[which(results$confidenceLevel[all] ==
keep[tokeep] <- TRUE
keep[setdiff(all, tokeep)] <- FALSE
} else {
keep[r] <- TRUE
results <- results[keep,]
results <- unique(results)
} else if (nchains %in% c(3,4)){
for (c in 1:nrow(candidates)){
if (classConf$passed[c] == T || length(clfrags) == 0){
Class <- class
CDB <- candidates$cb[c]
mz <- candidates$mz[c]
RT <- candidates$RT[c]
int <- candidates$int[c]
Adducts <- candidates$adducts[c]
ppm <- round(candidates$ppm[c], 3)
if (nrow(chainsComb$selected[[c]]) > 0){
for (comb in 1:nrow(chainsComb$selected[[c]])){
if (intConf[[c]][comb] == T || length(intrules) == 0){
ID <- paste(class, "(", paste(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,],
collapse="/"), ")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "FA position"
} else if (intConf[[c]][comb] == F || intrules == "Unknown"){
ID <- paste(class, "(", paste(sort(unlist(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,])),
collapse="_"), ")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "FA"
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(c(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int,
na.rm = T)
} else {
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$coelScore,
na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(chainsComb$fragments[[c]][[comb]]$int,
na.rm = T)
FAcomp <- paste(chainsComb$selected[[c]][comb,], collapse = " ")
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz, RT,
int, Adducts, ppm,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
} else {
if (length(clfrags) > 0){
ID <- paste(class, "(", CDB, ")", sep="")
confidenceLevel <- "Subclass"
FAcomp = ""
if (acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
score <- mean(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
} else {
score <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$coelScore, na.rm = T)
scoreInt <- sum(classConf$fragments[[c]]$int, na.rm = T)
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(ID, Class, CDB, FAcomp, mz,
RT, int, Adducts, ppm,
peakID = candidates$peakID[c],
Score = round(score, 3),
ScoreInt = round(scoreInt/sum(coelfrags[[c]]$int), 3),
stringsAsFactors = F))
if (!is.vector(results)){
keep <- rep(NA, nrow(results))
for (r in 1:nrow(results)){
if ([r])){
dup <- which(results$mz == results$mz[r] & results$RT == results$RT[r])
dup <- dup[dup >= r]
if (length(dup) > 1){
rep <- duplicated(lapply(sapply(results$FAcomp[dup], strsplit, " "), sort))
rep <- dup[which(rep)]
all <- c(r, rep)
tokeep <- all[which.max(LipidMS::confLevels[
results$confidenceLevel[all], "order"])]
if (results$confidenceLevel[tokeep] == "FA position"){
tokeep <- all[which(results$confidenceLevel[all] ==
keep[tokeep] <- TRUE
keep[setdiff(all, tokeep)] <- FALSE
} else {
keep[r] <- TRUE
results <- results[keep,]
results <- unique(results)
if (is.vector(results)){
results <- data.frame()
# exceptions in lipid names
# ceramides
results$ID <- gsub("^Cer\\(", "Cer\\(d", results$ID)
# CerP
results$ID <- gsub("^CerP\\(", "CerP\\(d", results$ID)
# SM
results$ID <- gsub("^SM\\(", "SM\\(d", results$ID)
# acylcer
acylcer <- grep("AcylCer", results$ID)
if (length(acylcer) > 0){
for (a in 1:length(acylcer)){
chains <- unlist(strsplit(results$ID[acylcer[a]], "[\\/_]"))
if (length(chains) == 3){
chains[2] <- paste("d", chains[2], sep="")
if (results$confidenceLevel[acylcer[a]] == "FA"){
results$ID[acylcer[a]] <- paste(paste(chains[1], chains[2], sep="-"),
chains[3], sep = "_")
} else if (results$confidenceLevel[acylcer[a]] == "FA position"){
results$ID[acylcer[a]] <- paste(paste(chains[1], chains[2], sep="-"),
chains[3], sep = "/")
# crossTables
#' Cross the original MS1 peaklist with the annotation results
#' Cross the original MS1 peaklist with the annotation results.
#' @param msobject annotated msobject
#' @param ppm mass tolerance in ppm.
#' @param rttol rt tolerance to match peaks in seconds.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @return msobject with an annotatedPeaklist, which is a data frame with 6
#' columns: mz, RT, int, LipidMSid, adduct and confidence level for the
#' annotation. When multiple IDs are proposed for the same feature, they are
#' sorted based on the annotation level and score.
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <>
crossTables <- function(msobject,
ppm = 5,
rttol = 10,
MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
results <- msobject$annotation$results
if (nrow(results) > 0){
# load dbs
if (missing(dbs)){
dbs <- assignDB()
adductsTable <- dbs$adductsTable
confLevels <- LipidMS::confLevels
# reorder results based on the annotation degree
results <- results[order(factor(results$confidenceLevel,
levels= c("FA position", "FA",
"Subclass", "MSMS",
# Neutral mass for lipids in the results table
Form_Mn <-, apply(results, 1, getFormula, dbs = dbs))
Mn <- Form_Mn[,"Mn"]
# vectors to save annotations
lipidMSid <- rep("", nrow(MS1))
lipidMSadduct <- rep("", nrow(MS1))
lipidMSlevel <- rep("", nrow(MS1))
lipidMSscore <- rep("", nrow(MS1))
lipidMSscoreInt <- rep("", nrow(MS1))
# Go over results and add unique annotations to the previous vectors
for (r in 1:nrow(results)){
adducts <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(results$Adducts)[r], ";"))
mzs <- vector()
for (a in 1:length(adducts)){
adinfo <- adductsTable[adductsTable$adduct == adducts[a],]
mz <- (adinfo$n*Mn[r]+adinfo$mdif)/abs(adinfo$charge)
mzs <- append(mzs, mz)
if (length(mzs) > 0){
for (m in 1:length(mzs)){
if (results$peakID[r] != "" && m == 1){
rows <- which(MS1$peakID == results$peakID[r])
matches <- c(1:length(rows))
} else {
if (sum(abs(MS1$RT- as.numeric(results$RT[r])) <= rttol) > 0){
rows <- which(abs(MS1$RT - as.numeric(results$RT[r])) <= rttol)
matches <- as.numeric(unlist(sapply(mzs[m], mzMatch, MS1$mz[rows], ppm)))
if (length(matches) > 0){
matches <- matches[seq(1, length(matches), 2)]
} else {
matches <- vector()
} else {
matches <- vector()
if (length(matches) > 0){
for (i in 1:(length(matches))){
# if no id has been assigned yet
if (lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]] == ""){
lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]] <- as.character(results$ID[r])
lipidMSlevel[rows[matches[i]]] <- as.character(results$confidenceLevel[r])
lipidMSadduct[rows[matches[i]]] <- as.character(adducts[m])
lipidMSscore[rows[matches[i]]] <- as.character(results$Score[r])
lipidMSscoreInt[rows[matches[i]]] <- as.character(results$ScoreInt[r])
add <- FALSE
# if some id has been assigned but it is different to the new one
} else if (lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]] != "" &&
lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]], fixed = T)){
newid <- chains(results$ID[r])
oldids <- sapply(unlist(strsplit(lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]], "\\|")),
chains, simplify = FALSE)
if (length(newid) > 3){
if (!any(unlist(lapply(oldids, function(x)
all(x[3:length(x)] %in% newid[3:length(newid)]))))){
add <- TRUE
} else {
if (!any(unlist(lapply(oldids, function(x)
all(sumChains(x[3:length(x)], length(x)-2) %in% newid[3:length(newid)])))) |
!any(unlist(lapply(oldids, function(x)
all(x[3:length(x)] %in% sumChains(newid[3:length(newid)], length(newid)-2)))))){
add <- TRUE
} else {
add <- FALSE
if (add){
# finally, if the new id has to be added, sort all ids based on
# annotation level and coelution score
conf <- confLevels[confLevels$level == results$confidenceLevel[r], "order"]
conf2 <- unlist(strsplit(lipidMSlevel[rows[matches[i]]], "\\|"))
conf2 <- sapply(conf2, function(x) confLevels[confLevels$level == x,"order"])
score <- results$Score[r]
score2 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lipidMSscore[rows[matches[i]]], "\\|")))
scoreInt <- results$ScoreInt[r]
scoreInt2 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lipidMSscoreInt[rows[matches[i]]], "\\|")))
ord <- order(c(conf, conf2), c(scoreInt, scoreInt2),
c(score, score2), decreasing = TRUE)
if (length(ord) == 0){
# if anything goes wrong add the new id in at the last position
lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]] <-
as.character(results$ID[r]), sep="|")
lipidMSlevel[rows[matches[i]]] <-
as.character(results$confidenceLevel[r]), sep="|")
lipidMSadduct[rows[matches[i]]] <-
as.character(adducts[m]), sep="|")
lipidMSscore[rows[matches[i]]] <-
as.character(results$Score[r]), sep="|")
lipidMSscoreInt[rows[matches[i]]] <-
as.character(results$ScoreInt[r]), sep="|")
} else {
# else, add the new id and reorder
ids <- c(results$ID[r],
unlist(strsplit(as.character(lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]]), "\\|")))
conflev <- c(results$confidenceLevel[r],
unlist(strsplit(as.character(lipidMSlevel[rows[matches[i]]]), "\\|")))
adduc <- c(adducts[m],
unlist(strsplit(as.character(lipidMSadduct[rows[matches[i]]]), "\\|")))
score <- c(results$Score[r],
unlist(strsplit(as.character(lipidMSscore[rows[matches[i]]]), "\\|")))
scoreInt <- c(results$ScoreInt[r],
unlist(strsplit(as.character(lipidMSscoreInt[rows[matches[i]]]), "\\|")))
lipidMSid[rows[matches[i]]] <- paste(ids[ord], collapse="|")
lipidMSlevel[rows[matches[i]]] <- paste(conflev[ord], collapse="|")
lipidMSadduct[rows[matches[i]]] <- paste(adduc[ord], collapse="|")
lipidMSscore[rows[matches[i]]] <- paste(score[ord], collapse="|")
lipidMSscoreInt[rows[matches[i]]] <- paste(scoreInt[ord], collapse="|")
# Join info and return
rawPeaks <- data.frame(MS1,
LipidMSid = lipidMSid,
Adduct = lipidMSadduct,
confidenceLevel = lipidMSlevel,
Score = lipidMSscore,
ScoreInt = lipidMSscoreInt)
} else {
rawPeaks <- data.frame(MS1,
LipidMSid = "",
Adduct = "",
confidenceLevel = "",
Score = "",
ScoreInt = "")
msobject$annotation$annotatedPeaklist <- rawPeaks
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