
Defines functions apply_CosmicRayRemoval

Documented in apply_CosmicRayRemoval

#' Function to remove cosmic rays from an RLum.Data.Spectrum S4 class object
#' The function provides several methods for cosmic-ray removal and spectrum
#' smoothing [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class] objects and such objects embedded in [list] or
#' [RLum.Analysis-class] objects.
#' **`method = "Pych"`**
#' This method applies the cosmic-ray removal algorithm described by Pych
#' (2003). Some aspects that are different to the publication:
#' - For interpolation between neighbouring values the median and not the mean is used.
#' - The number of breaks to construct the histogram is set to: `length(number.of.input.values)/2`
#' For further details see references below.
#'**`method = "smooth"`**
#' Method uses the function [smooth] to remove cosmic rays.
#' Arguments that can be passed are: `kind`, `twiceit`
#' **`method = "smooth.spline"`**
#' Method uses the function [smooth.spline] to remove cosmic rays.
#' Arguments that can be passed are: `spar`
#' **How to combine methods?**
#' Different methods can be combined by applying the method repeatedly to the
#' dataset (see example).
#' @param object [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class] or [RLum.Analysis-class] (**required**): input
#' object to be treated. This can be also provided as [list]. If an [RLum.Analysis-class] object
#' is provided, only the [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class] objects are treated. Please note: this mixing of
#' objects do not work for a list of `RLum.Data` objects.
#' @param method [character] (*with default*):
#' Defines method that is applied for cosmic ray removal. Allowed methods are
#' `smooth`, the default, ([smooth]), `smooth.spline` ([smooth.spline])
#' and `Pych`. See details for further information.
#' @param method.Pych.smoothing [integer] (*with default*):
#' Smoothing parameter for cosmic ray removal according to Pych (2003).
#' The value defines how many neighbouring values in each frame are used for smoothing
#' (e.g., `2` means that the two previous and two following values are used).
#' @param method.Pych.threshold_factor [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Threshold for zero-bins in the histogram. Small values mean that more peaks
#' are removed, but signal might be also affected by this removal.
#' @param MARGIN [integer] (*with default*):
#' on which part the function cosmic ray removal should be applied on:
#' - 1 = along the time axis (line by line),
#' - 2 = along the wavelength axis (column by column).
#' **Note:** This argument currently only affects the methods `smooth` and `smooth.spline`
#' @param verbose [logical] (*with default*):
#' Option to suppress terminal output.,
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` the histograms used for the cosmic-ray removal are returned as plot
#' including the used threshold. Note: A separate plot is returned for each frame!
#' Currently only for `method = "Pych"` a graphical output is provided.
#' @param ... further arguments and graphical parameters that will be passed
#' to the [smooth] function.
#' @return Returns same object as input.
#' @section Function version: 0.3.0
#' @author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class], [RLum.Analysis-class], [smooth], [smooth.spline],
#' [apply_CosmicRayRemoval]
#' @references
#' Pych, W., 2004. A Fast Algorithm for Cosmic-Ray Removal from
#' Single Images. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific 116 (816), 148-153.
#' \doi{10.1086/381786}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ##(1) - use with your own data and combine (uncomment for usage)
#' ## run two times the default method and smooth with another method
#' ## your.spectrum <- apply_CosmicRayRemoval(your.spectrum, method = "Pych")
#' ## your.spectrum <- apply_CosmicRayRemoval(your.spectrum, method = "Pych")
#' ## your.spectrum <- apply_CosmicRayRemoval(your.spectrum, method = "smooth")
#' @md
#' @export
apply_CosmicRayRemoval <- function(
  method = "smooth",
  method.Pych.smoothing = 2,
  method.Pych.threshold_factor = 3,
  MARGIN = 2,
  verbose = FALSE,
  plot = FALSE,

  # Self-call ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##Black magic: The function recalls itself until all RLum.Data.Spectrum objects have been treated
  ##If you want to test the basics of the function please only use a single RLum.Data.Spectrum-object
  ##if it comes in as an RLum.Analysis object ... make a list out of it
  if(inherits(object, "RLum.Analysis")){
    object <- list(object)
    class_original <- "RLum.Analysis"

    class_original <- NULL


  ##handle the list and recall
  if(inherits(object, "list")){
    results_list <- lapply(object, function(o){

      ##preset objects
      record_id.spectra <- NULL

      if(inherits(o, "RLum.Analysis")){
         ##get id of RLum.Data.Spectrum objects in this object
         record_id.spectra <- which(
           vapply(o@records, function(x) inherits(x, "RLum.Data.Spectrum"), logical(1)))

         ##rewrite o
         temp_o <- o@records[record_id.spectra]

        temp_o <- o


      ##call function
      results <- apply_CosmicRayRemoval(
        object = temp_o,
        method = method,
        method.Pych.smoothing = method.Pych.smoothing,
        method.Pych.threshold_factor = method.Pych.threshold_factor,
        MARGIN = MARGIN,
        verbose = verbose,
        plot = plot,
        ... = list(...)

      ##combine in RLum.Analysis object if needed
        o@records[record_id.spectra] <- results




    ##final return, make sure that we return what we had as input




  # Integrity check -----------------------------------------------------------

  ##check if object is of class RLum.Data.Spectrum
    stop(paste0("[apply_CosmicRayRemoval()] An object of class '",class(object)[1], "' is not supported as input; please read the manual!"), call. = FALSE)


  ##deal with addition arguments
  extraArgs <- list(...)

  kind <- if("kind" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$kind} else

  twiceit <- if("twiceit" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$twiceit} else

  spar <- if("spar" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$spar} else

  # Apply method ------------------------------------------------------------

  ## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (smooth) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++##
  if(method == "smooth"){

    ##apply smooth
    object.data.temp.smooth <- apply(
      X = object@data,
      FUN = stats::smooth,
      kind = kind,
      twiceit = twiceit

    ##rotate output matrix if necessary
    if(MARGIN == 1){
      object.data.temp.smooth <- t(object.data.temp.smooth)


    ## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (smooth.spline) +++++++++++++++++++++##
  }else if(method == "smooth.spline"){

    ##write the function in a new function to acess the data more easily
    temp_smooth.spline <- function(x, spar){
      stats::smooth.spline(x, spar = spar)$y

    ##apply smooth.spline
    object.data.temp.smooth <-
        X = object@data,
        MARGIN = MARGIN,
        FUN = temp_smooth.spline,
        spar = spar

    ##rotate output matrix if necessary
    if(MARGIN == 1){
      object.data.temp.smooth <- t(object.data.temp.smooth)


    ## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Pych) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++##
  }else if(method == "Pych"){

    ## grep data matrix
    object.data.temp <- object@data

    ## apply smoothing
    object.data.temp.smooth <- sapply(X = 1:ncol(object.data.temp), function(x){

      ##(1) - calculate sd for each subframe
      temp.sd <- sd(object.data.temp[,x])

      ##(2) - correct estimation of sd by 1-sigma clipping
      temp.sd.corr <- sd(object.data.temp[

        object.data.temp[,x] >= (mean(object.data.temp[,x]) - temp.sd) &
          object.data.temp[,x] <= (mean(object.data.temp[,x]) + temp.sd)

        , x])

      ##(3) - construct histogram of count distribution
      temp.hist <- hist(object.data.temp[,x],
                        breaks = length(object.data.temp[,x])/2, plot = FALSE)

      ##(4) - find mode of the histogram (e.g. peak)
      temp.hist.max <- which.max(temp.hist$counts)

      ##(5) - find gaps in the histogram (bins with zero value)
      temp.hist.zerobin <- which(temp.hist$counts == 0)

      ##select just values right from the peak
      temp.hist.zerobin <- temp.hist.zerobin[
        (temp.hist.max[1] + 1):length(temp.hist.zerobin)]

      ##select non-zerobins
      temp.hist.nonzerobin <- which(temp.hist$counts != 0)
      temp.hist.nonzerobin <- temp.hist.nonzerobin[
        temp.hist.nonzerobin >=  (temp.hist.zerobin[1]-1)]

      ##(6) - find the first gap which is wider than the threshold
      temp.hist.nonzerobin.diff <- diff(

      ## select the first value where the thershold is reached
      ## factor 3 is defined by Pych (2003)
      temp.hist.thres <- which(
        temp.hist.nonzerobin.diff >= method.Pych.threshold_factor * temp.sd.corr)[1]

      ##(7) - use counts above the threshold and recalculate values
      ## on all further values

        object.data.temp[,x] <- sapply(1:nrow(object.data.temp), function(n){

          if(c(n + method.Pych.smoothing) <= nrow(object.data.temp) &
             (n - method.Pych.smoothing) >= 0){

              object.data.temp[n,x] >= temp.hist$breaks[temp.hist.thres],






      ##(8) - return histogram used for the removal as plot

             xlab = "Signal intensity [a.u.]",
             main = "Cosmic-ray removal histogram")

        abline(v = temp.hist$breaks[temp.hist.thres],
               col = "red")

          legend("topright", "threshold" ,lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "red", bty = "n")
          mtext(side = 3, paste0("Frame: ", x, " (",

          mtext(side = 3, paste0("Frame: ", x, " (",
                                 ") - no threshold applied!"))



      ##(9) - return information on the amount of removed cosmic-rays

        #sum up removed counts values above the threshold
        sum.corrected.channels <- try(
          silent = TRUE)

        if(is(sum.corrected.channels)[1] == "try-error"){sum.corrected.channels <- 0}

        cat("[apply_CosmicRayRemoval()] >> ")
        cat(paste(sum.corrected.channels, " channels corrected in frame ", x, "\n", sep = ""))

      ##return object

    })#end loop


    stop("[apply_CosmicRayRemoval()] Unkown method for cosmic ray removal.")


  # Correct row and column names --------------------------------------------

  colnames(object.data.temp.smooth) <- colnames(object@data)
  rownames(object.data.temp.smooth) <- rownames(object@data)

  # Return Output------------------------------------------------------------

  temp.output <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Data.Spectrum",
    recordType = object@recordType,
    curveType = object@curveType,
    data = object.data.temp.smooth,
    info = object@info)



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