
Defines functions check.nodesplit.comparisons mat.rel.sum get.relative mbnma.nodesplit check.indirect.drops drop.comp ref.comparisons inconsistency.loops nma.nodesplit

Documented in drop.comp get.relative inconsistency.loops mbnma.nodesplit nma.nodesplit

# Functions for assessing inconsistency in MBNMAdose
# Author: Hugo Pedder
# Date created: 2019-04-30

## quiets concerns of R CMD check re: the .'s that appear in pipelines
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c(".", "studyID", "agent", "dose", "Var1", "value",
                                                        "Parameter", "fupdose", "groupvar", "y",
                                                        "network", "a", "param", "med", "l95", "u95", "value",
                                                        "Estimate", "2.5%", "50%", "97.5%", "treatment"))

#' Node-splitting model for testing consistency at the treatment-level
#' Splits contributions for a given set of treatment comparisons into direct and
#' indirect evidence. A discrepancy between the two suggests that the consistency
#' assumption required for NMA (and subsequently MBNMA) may violated.
#' @param drop.discon A boolean object that indicates whether to drop treatments
#' that are disconnected at the treatment level. Default is `TRUE`. If set to `FALSE` then
#' this could lead to identification of nodesplit comparisons that are not connected
#' to the network reference treatment, or lead to errors in running the nodesplit models, though it
#' can be useful for error checking.
#' @param comparisons A matrix specifying the comparisons to be split (one row per comparison).
#' The matrix must have two columns indicating each treatment for each comparison. Values can
#' either be character (corresponding to the treatment names given in `network`) or
#' numeric (corresponding to treatment codes within the `network` - note that these
#' may change if `drop.discon = TRUE`).
#' @inheritParams mbnma.run
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using the triptans data
#' network <- mbnma.network(triptans)
#' split <- nma.nodesplit(network, likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'   method="common")
#' #### To perform nodesplit on selected comparisons ####
#' # Check for closed loops of treatments with independent evidence sources
#' loops <- inconsistency.loops(network$data.ab)
#' # This...
#' single.split <- nma.nodesplit(network, likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'              method="random", comparisons=rbind(c("sumatriptan_1", "almotriptan_1")))
#' #...is the same as...
#' single.split <- nma.nodesplit(network, likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'              method="random", comparisons=rbind(c(6, 12)))
#' # Plot results
#' plot(split, plot.type="density") # Plot density plots of posterior densities
#' plot(split, plot.type="forest") # Plot forest plots of direct and indirect evidence
#' # Print and summarise results
#' print(split)
#' summary(split) # Generate a data frame of summary results
#' }
#' @export
nma.nodesplit <- function(network, likelihood=NULL, link=NULL, method="common",
                            comparisons=NULL, drop.discon=TRUE,
                            ...) {

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertClass(network, "mbnma.network", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(method, choices=c("common", "random"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertLogical(drop.discon, add=argcheck)

  # Check/assign link and likelihood
  likelink <- check.likelink(network$data.ab, likelihood=likelihood, link=link)
  likelihood <- likelink[["likelihood"]]
  link <- likelink[["link"]]

  # Load data
    # Check treatments that are not connected and remove if not
  if (drop.discon==TRUE) {
    connect <- drop.disconnected(network)
    data.ab <- connect[["data.ab"]]
    trt.labs <- connect[["trt.labs"]]

    agents <- unique(sapply(trt.labs, function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]))
    data.ab$agent <- factor(data.ab$agent, labels = agents)
  } else if (drop.discon==FALSE) {
    data.ab <- network$data.ab
    trt.labs <- network$treatments
    data.ab$agent <- factor(data.ab$agent, labels = network$agents)

  # Identify closed loops of treatments
  if (is.null(comparisons)) {
    comparisons <- inconsistency.loops(data.ab)
  } else {
    comparisons <- check.nodesplit.comparisons(data.ab, network, comparisons, trt.labs)

  ##### Run NMA #####
  nma.net <- suppressMessages(mbnma.network(data.ab))
  nma.jags <- nma.run(nma.net, method=method,
                      likelihood=likelihood, link=link,
                      warn.rhat=FALSE, drop.discon = FALSE, ...)

  nodesplit.result <- list()
  for (split in seq_along(comparisons[,1])) {

    comp <- as.numeric(comparisons[split,1:2])
    print(paste0("Calculating nodesplit for: ",
                 paste0(trt.labs[comp[2]], " vs ", trt.labs[comp[1]])))

    ##### Estimate NMA (overall) relative effect #####
    nma.res <- nma.jags$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.list$d[,comp[2]] -

    ##### Estimate Indirect evidence #####

    ind.df <- data.ab

    # Drop studies/comparisons that compare comps
    dropID <- vector()
    dropcomp <- vector()
    studies <- unique(ind.df$studyID)
    for (study in seq_along(studies)) {
      subset <- ind.df[ind.df$studyID==studies[study],]
      if (all(comp %in% subset$treatment)) {
        if (subset$narm[1]<=2) {
          if (is.factor(studies)) {
            dropID <- append(dropID, as.character(subset$studyID[1]))
          } else {
            dropID <- append(dropID, subset$studyID[1])
        } else if (subset$narm[1]>2) {
          if (is.factor(studies)) {
            dropcomp <- append(dropcomp, as.character(subset$studyID[1]))
          } else {
            dropcomp <- append(dropcomp, subset$studyID[1])

    # Drop studies
    ind.df <- ind.df[!(ind.df$studyID %in% dropID),]

    # Drop comparisons from studies
    ind.df <- suppressWarnings(drop.comp(ind.df, drops=dropcomp, comp=comp))

    # Run NMA of indirect evidence
    ind.net <- suppressMessages(mbnma.network(ind.df))
    ind.jags <- nma.run(ind.net, method=method, likelihood=likelihood, link=link,
                        warn.rhat=FALSE, drop.discon = FALSE, ...)
    ind.res <- ind.jags$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.list$d[,comp[2]] -

    ##### Estimate Direct Evidence #####

    dir.net <- suppressMessages(change.netref(mbnma.network(data.ab), ref=comp[1]))

    # Run NMA of direct evidence (using unrelated mean effects)
    dir.jags <- nma.run(dir.net, method=method, likelihood=likelihood, link=link,
                        warn.rhat=FALSE, drop.discon=FALSE, UME=TRUE, ...)
    dir.res <- dir.jags$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[
      ,colnames(dir.jags$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)==paste0("d[", comp[2],",1]")

    ##### Generate plots/results #####

    # Overlaps
    overlap.mat <- list("direct"=dir.res, "indirect"=ind.res)
    overlap <- overlapping::overlap(overlap.mat, plot=FALSE)
    diff <- sum((dir.res-ind.res)>0) / length(dir.res)
    p.values <- overlap$OV

    # Quantiles
    quantile_dif <- stats::quantile(ind.res - dir.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_dir <- stats::quantile(dir.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_ind <- stats::quantile(ind.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_nma <- stats::quantile(nma.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantiles <- list("difference" = quantile_dif, "nma"=quantile_nma,
                      "direct"=quantile_dir, "indirect"=quantile_ind)

    # GGplots
    source <- c("NMA", "Direct", "Indirect")
    l95 <- c(quantile_nma[1], quantile_dir[1], quantile_ind[1])
    med <- c(quantile_nma[2], quantile_dir[2], quantile_ind[2])
    u95 <- c(quantile_nma[3], quantile_dir[3], quantile_ind[3])
    plotdata <- data.frame(source, l95, med, u95)

    title <- paste0(trt.labs[comp[2]], " vs ", trt.labs[comp[1]])

    gg <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data=plotdata, ggplot2::aes(x=plotdata$source, y=plotdata$med, ymin=plotdata$l95, ymax=plotdata$u95)) +
      ggplot2::geom_pointrange() +
      ggplot2::coord_flip() +
      ggplot2::xlab("") + ggplot2::ylab("Treatment effect (95% CrI)") + ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=15),
                     axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=18),
                     title=ggplot2::element_text(size=18)) +
      ggplot2::theme(plot.margin=ggplot2::unit(c(1,1,1,1),"cm")) +

    # Density plots (with shaded area of overlap)
    molten <- data.frame(ind.res, dir.res)
    molten <- suppressMessages(reshape2::melt(molten))
    names(molten) <- c("Estimate", "value")
    linetypes <- c("solid", "dash")
    levels(molten$Estimate) <- c("Indirect", "Direct")

    dens <- ggplot2::ggplot(molten, ggplot2::aes(x=molten$value, linetype=molten$Estimate, fill=molten$Estimate)) +
      ggplot2::geom_density(alpha=0.2) +
      ggplot2::xlab(title) +
      ggplot2::ylab("Posterior density") +
      ggplot2::theme(strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size=12)) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=12),
                     axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=14)) +

    nodesplit <- list("comparison"= c(trt.labs[comp[2]], trt.labs[comp[1]]),
                      "direct"=dir.res, "indirect"=ind.res, "nma"=nma.res,
                      "overlap matrix"=overlap.mat,
                      "p.values"=p.values, "quantiles"=quantiles,
                      "forest.plot"=gg, "density.plot"=dens,
                      "direct.model"=dir.jags, "indirect.model"=ind.jags,

    nodesplit.result[[paste0(comp[2], "v", comp[1])]] <-

  class(nodesplit.result) <- "nodesplit"


#' Identify comparisons in loops that fulfill criteria for node-splitting
#' Identify comparisons informed by both direct and indirect evidence from
#' independent sources, which therefore fulfill the criteria for testing for
#' inconsistency via node-splitting.
#' @param df A data frame containing variables `studyID` and `treatment` (as
#'   numeric codes) that indicate which treatments are used in which studies. If `checkindirect = TRUE`
#'   then variables `agent` and `dose` are also required.
#' @param checkindirect A boolean object to indicate whether or not to perform an additional
#'   check to ensure network remains connected even after dropping direct evidence on a comparison.
#'   Default is `TRUE` and should be kept as `TRUE` if working with dose-response data, though this requires
#'   further computational iterations to confirm. If set to `FALSE`, additional comparisons may be identified, though computation will be much more
#'   rapid.
#' @param incldr A boolean object indicating whether or not to allow for indirect evidence contributions via
#' the dose-response relationship. This can be used when node-splitting in dose-response MBNMA to allow
#' for a greater number of potential loops in which to check for consistency.
#' @details Similar to `gemtc::mtc.nodesplit.comparisons()` but uses a fixed
#'   reference treatment and therefore identifies fewer loops in which to test for
#'   inconsistency. Heterogeneity can also be parameterised as inconsistency and
#'   so testing for inconsistency in additional loops whilst changing the
#'   reference treatment would also be identifying heterogeneity. Depends on
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}}.
#' @return A data frame of comparisons that are informed by direct and indirect
#'   evidence from independent sources. Each row of the data frame is a
#'   different treatment comparison. Numerical codes in `t1` and `t2` correspond
#'   to treatment codes. `path` indicates the treatment codes that connect the
#'   shortest path of indirect evidence.
#'   If `incldr=TRUE` then `path` may indicate `doseresp` for some comparisons.
#'   These are comparisons for which indirect evidence is only available via the
#'   dose-response relationship. The two numbers given after (e.g. `3 2`) indicate the
#'   number of doses available in the indirect evidence with which to estimate the
#'   dose-response function for the treatments in `t1` and `t2` respectively/
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Identify comparisons informed by direct and indirect evidence
#' #in triptans dataset
#' network <- mbnma.network(triptans)
#' inconsistency.loops(network$data.ab)
#' # Include indirect evidence via dose-response relationship
#' inconsistency.loops(network$data.ab, incldr=TRUE)
#' }
#' # Do not perform additional connectivity check on data
#' data <- data.frame(studyID=c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5),
#'             treatment=c(1,2,1,3,2,3,3,4,1,2,4)
#'             )
#' inconsistency.loops(data, checkindirect=FALSE)
#' @export
inconsistency.loops <- function(df, checkindirect=TRUE, incldr=FALSE)
  # Assert checks

  treatments <- factor(unique(df$treatment))

  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(studyID) %>%

  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(studyID) %>%

  comparisons <- ref.comparisons(df)

  if (incldr==TRUE) {
    # Add columns for agent
    lookup <- unique(df[,c("treatment", "agent")])
    comparisons$a1 <-lookup$agent[match(comparisons$t1, lookup$treatment)]
    comparisons$a2 <-lookup$agent[match(comparisons$t2, lookup$treatment)]

  splits1 <- vector()
  splits2 <- vector()
  paths <- vector()
  loops <- vector()

  # Initiate progress bar
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(0, nrow(comparisons), style = 3)
  for (i in 1:nrow(comparisons)) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    added <- FALSE
    drops <- comparisons[-i,]

    # Alternative graph create (non-gemtc)
    g <- igraph::graph.empty()
    g <- g + igraph::vertex(levels(treatments))

    ed <- t(matrix(c(drops[["t1"]], drops[["t2"]]), ncol = 2))
    edges <- igraph::edges(as.vector(ed), arrow.mode=0)
    g <- g + edges

    # Check whether there is still an indirect connection once direct evidence studies are removed
    if (as.logical(is.finite(igraph::shortest.paths(igraph::as.undirected(g),
                                                    comparisons[i,1], comparisons[i,2]))) == TRUE) {

      # Check if dropping 2-arm studies with both treatments and then either arm from multi-arm
      #would lead to disconnected network
      check <- 1
      if (checkindirect==TRUE) {
        check <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
          check.indirect.drops(df, comp=c(as.numeric(comparisons[i,1]),

      if (!is.null(check)) {
        # Identify the path made by the indirect evidence
        path <- as.numeric(igraph::shortest_paths(igraph::as.undirected(g),
                                                  comparisons[i,1], comparisons[i,2],

        loop <- sort(path)

        splits1 <- append(splits1, comparisons[["t1"]][i])
        splits2 <- append(splits2, comparisons[["t2"]][i])
        paths <- append(paths, paste(path, collapse="->"))
        loops <- append(loops, paste(loop, collapse="->"))

        added <- TRUE

    # Check for additional indirect loops via the dose-response relationship
    if (added==FALSE & incldr==TRUE) {
      if (all(comparisons[i,c("a1", "a2")] %in% c(drops$a1, drops$a2))) {
        splits1 <- append(splits1, comparisons[["t1"]][i])
        splits2 <- append(splits2, comparisons[["t2"]][i])

        # Count number of doses available to estimate indirect
        lookup <- data.frame("a"=c(drops$a1, drops$a2), "t"=c(drops$t1, drops$t2))
        lookup <- lookup %>% dplyr::group_by(a) %>% dplyr::mutate(count= dplyr::n_distinct(t))

        param1 <- lookup$count[lookup$a %in% comparisons[i,"a1"]][1]
        param2 <- lookup$count[lookup$a %in% comparisons[i,"a2"]][1]

        # Add param if placebo is in dataset
        if (all(df$dose[df$treatment==1] == 0)) { # if placebo is in dataset
          if (1 %in% lookup$t) { # if placebo is in drops
            param1 <- param1 + 1
            param2 <- param2 + 1

          # Assign placebo the max dose-response params
          maxparam <- max(lookup$count)
          if (comparisons[i,"a1"] == 1) {
            param1 <- maxparam
          if (comparisons[i,"a2"] == 1) {
            param2 <- maxparam

        paths <- append(paths, paste("drparams", param1, param2, sep=" "))
        loops <- append(loops, paste(c(drops$t1, "dresp", drops$t2), collapse="->"))

  splits <- data.frame("t1"=splits1, "t2"=splits2, "path"=paths, "loops"=loops)

  # Ensures only one comparison given per inconsistent loop
  splits <- splits[seq(dim(splits)[1],1),]
  splits <- splits[duplicated(splits[["loops"]])==FALSE, 1:3]

  if (nrow(splits)==0 | (nrow(splits)==1 & any(is.na(splits$t1)))) {
    stop("No closed loops of treatments arising from independent sources of evidence are present in the data - testing for consistency is not possible in this network")


#' Identify unique contrasts relative to each study reference within a network.
#' Repetitions of the same treatment comparison are grouped together.
#' @param df A data frame containing variables `studyID` and `treatment` (as
#'   numeric codes) that indicate which treatments are used in which studies.
#' @return A data frame of unique comparisons in which each row represents a
#'   different comparison. `t1` and `t2` indicate the treatment codes that make
#'   up the comparison. `nr` indicates the number of times the given comparison
#'   is made within the network.
#'   If there is only a single observation for each study within the dataset
#'   (i.e. as for standard network meta-analysis) `nr` will represent the number
#'   of studies that compare treatments `t1` and `t2`.
#'   If there are multiple observations for each study within the dataset (as in
#'   `MBNMAtime`) `nr` will represent the number of time points in the
#'   dataset in which treatments `t1` and `t2` are compared.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(studyID=c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5),
#'             treatment=c(1,2,1,3,2,3,3,4,1,2,4)
#'             )
#' # Identify comparisons informed by direct and indirect evidence
#' ref.comparisons(df)
ref.comparisons <- function(df)
  # Assert checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(df, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNames(names(df), must.include=c("studyID", "treatment"), add=argcheck)


  df <- dplyr::arrange(df, df$studyID, df$treatment)

  t1 <- vector()
  t2 <- vector()
  for (i in seq_along(unique(df[["studyID"]]))) {
    subset <- subset(df, studyID==unique(df[["studyID"]])[i])
    for (k in 2:nrow(subset)) {
      t1 <- append(t1, subset[["treatment"]][1])
      t2 <- append(t2, subset[["treatment"]][k])
      if (is.na(subset[["treatment"]][k])) {

  comparisons <- data.frame(t1 = t1, t2 = t2)
  comparisons <- comparisons %>% dplyr::group_by(t1, t2) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(nr = dplyr::n())
  comparisons <- unique(comparisons)
  comparisons <- dplyr::arrange(comparisons, t1, t2)


#' Drop treatments from multi-arm (>2) studies for node-splitting
#' Drops arms in a way which preserves connectivity and equally removes
#' data from each treatment in a nodesplit comparison (so as to maximise precision)
#' @param ind.df A data frame in long format (one arm per row) from which to drop treatments
#' @param drops A vector of study identifiers from which to drop treatments
#' @param comp A numeric vector of length 2 that contains treatment codes corresponding to the comparison
#' for node-splitting
#' @param start Can take either `0` or `1` to indicate whether to drop the treatment
#' in `comp[1]` (`0`) or `comp[2]` (`1`)
drop.comp <- function(ind.df, drops, comp, start=1) {
  index <- start

  for (i in seq_along(drops)) {

    switchloop <- FALSE
    temp.df <- ind.df[!(ind.df$studyID %in% drops[i] &

    if (all(comp %in% temp.df$treatment)) {
      temp.net <- suppressMessages(plot.invisible(mbnma.network(temp.df), doseparam = 1000))

      connectcheck <- is.finite(igraph::shortest.paths(igraph::as.undirected(temp.net),
                                                         c(comp[1], comp[2])
    } else {
      connectcheck <- FALSE

    if (!(comp[index+1] %in% temp.df$treatment[!(temp.df$studyID %in% drops[i])] &
          all(connectcheck==TRUE))) {

      index <- !index
      temp.df <- ind.df[!(ind.df$studyID %in% drops[i] &

    ind.df <- temp.df
    index <- !index

#' Ensures indirect evidence can be estimated for comparisons identified
#' within inconsistency.loops
#' Requires repeatedly compiling `mbnma.network` objects to identify whether
#' nodes remain connected by indirect evidence.
#' @param df A data frame containing arm data (one arm per row)
#' @param comp The comparison in which the function will check that both treatments are connected by studies
#' in `df`
#' @noRd
check.indirect.drops <- function(df, comp) {

  # Drop studies/comparisons that compare comps
  dropID <- vector()
  dropcomp <- vector()
  studies <- unique(df$studyID)
  for (study in seq_along(studies)) {
    subset <- df[df$studyID==studies[study],]
    if (all(comp %in% subset$treatment)) {
      # if (subset$narm[1]<=2) {
      if (dplyr::n_distinct(subset$treatment)<=2) {
        dropID <- append(dropID, subset$studyID[1])
      } else if (dplyr::n_distinct(subset$treatment)>2) {
        dropcomp <- append(dropcomp, subset$studyID[1])

  # Drop studies
  df <- df[!(df$studyID %in% dropID),]

  # Drop comparisons from studies
  stoploop <- FALSE
  count <- 1
  while(stoploop==FALSE) {
    temp <- drop.comp(df, drops=dropcomp, comp=comp)
    temp.net <- mbnma.network(temp)
    nt <- length(temp.net$treatments)
    if (nt==length(unique(df$treatment))) {
      g <- plot.invisible(temp.net, doseparam=1000)
      connectcheck <- is.finite(igraph::shortest.paths(igraph::as.undirected(g),
                                                         c(comp[1], comp[2])
      if (all(connectcheck==TRUE)) {
        df <- temp
        stoploop <- TRUE

    count <- count+1
    if (count==5) {
  if (count<5) {
  } else {

#' Node-splitting model for testing consistency at the treatment level using MBNMA
#' Splits contributions for a given set of treatment comparisons into direct and
#' indirect evidence. A discrepancy between the two suggests that the consistency
#' assumption required for NMA and MBNMA may violated.
#' @param comparisons A matrix specifying the comparisons to be split (one row per comparison).
#' The matrix must have two columns indicating each treatment for each comparison. Values can
#' either be character (corresponding to the treatment names given in `network`) or
#' numeric (corresponding to treatment codes within the `network` - note that these
#' may change if `drop.discon = TRUE`).
#' @param ... Arguments to be sent to `mbnma.run()`
#' @inheritParams mbnma.run
#' @inheritParams inconsistency.loops
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using the triptans data
#' network <- mbnma.network(triptans)
#' split <- mbnma.nodesplit(network, fun=demax(), likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'   method="common")
#' #### To perform nodesplit on selected comparisons ####
#' # Check for closed loops of treatments with independent evidence sources
#' # Including indirect evidence via the dose-response relationship
#' loops <- inconsistency.loops(network$data.ab, incldr=TRUE)
#' # This...
#' single.split <- mbnma.nodesplit(network, fun=dexp(), likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'              method="random", comparisons=rbind(c("sumatriptan_1", "almotriptan_1")))
#' #...is the same as...
#' single.split <- mbnma.nodesplit(network, fun=dexp(), likelihood = "binomial", link="logit",
#'              method="random", comparisons=rbind(c(6, 12)))
#' # Plot results
#' plot(split, plot.type="density") # Plot density plots of posterior densities
#' plot(split, txt_gp=forestplot::fpTxtGp(cex=0.5)) # Plot forest plots (with smaller label size)
#' # Print and summarise results
#' print(split)
#' summary(split) # Generate a data frame of summary results
#' }
#' @export
mbnma.nodesplit <- function(network, fun=dpoly(degree=1),
                            ...) {

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertClass(network, "mbnma.network", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(method, choices=c("common", "random"), add=argcheck)

  # Check fun
  if ("nonparam" %in% fun$name) {
    stop("Node-splitting cannot currently be performed for non-parametric models")
    # But this could be added

  # Load data
  data.ab <- network$data.ab
  trt.labs <- network$treatments

  # Identify closed loops of treatments
  if (is.null(comparisons)) {
    comparisons <- inconsistency.loops(data.ab, incldr = incldr)
  } else {
    comparisons <- check.nodesplit.comparisons(data.ab, network, comparisons, trt.labs)

  # Set default for pd="pv" unless otherwise specified for faster running
  args <- list(...)
  if (!"pd" %in% names(args)) {
    args[["pd"]] <- "pv"

  ##### Run MBNMA #####
  mbnma.jags <- do.call(mbnma.run, c(args, list(network=network,
                                                method = method,
                                                fun = fun,
  # mbnma.jags <- mbnma.run(network, method=method, fun=fun, warn.rhat=FALSE, pd=pd, ...)

  # Get comparison treatment names (in format for get.relative)
  compnames <- mbnma.jags$network$treatments[unique(c(comparisons[,1], comparisons[,2]))]

  temp <- sapply(compnames,
                 FUN=function(x) {
                   y <- strsplit(x, split="_")[[1]]
                   list(y[1], as.numeric(y[2]))

  comp.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:ncol(temp)) {
    if (!temp[,i][[1]] %in% names(comp.list)) {
      comp.list[[temp[,i][[1]]]] <- temp[,i][[2]]
    } else {
      comp.list[[temp[,i][[1]]]] <- append(comp.list[[temp[,i][[1]]]], temp[,i][[2]])
      comp.list[[temp[,i][[1]]]] <- sort(comp.list[[temp[,i][[1]]]])

  # Calculate relative effects for MBNMA
  mbnma.rel <- get.relative(mbnma.jags, treatments = comp.list)$relarray

  nodesplit.result <- list()
  for (split in seq_along(comparisons[,1])) {
    print(paste0("Comparison ", split,"/",nrow(comparisons)))

    comp <- as.numeric(comparisons[split,1:2])
    print(paste0("Calculating nodesplit for: ",
                 paste0(trt.labs[comp[2]], " vs ", trt.labs[comp[1]])))

    ##### Store MBNMA relative effects #####
    compnames <- mbnma.jags$network$treatments[c(comp[1], comp[2])]
    mbnma.res <- mbnma.rel[compnames[2], compnames[1], ]

    ####### Estimate Indirect and Direct in same model #########

    ind.net <- suppressMessages(change.netref(mbnma.jags$network, ref=comp[1]))

    ind.jags <- do.call(mbnma.run, c(args, list(network=ind.net,
                                                method = method,
                                                fun = fun,
                                                nodesplit=c(1, comp[2])))

    # ind.jags <- mbnma.run(ind.net, method=method, fun=fun,
    #                       warn.rhat=FALSE, nodesplit=c(1, comp[2]), ...)

    # Get indirect
    ind.res <- get.relative(ind.jags, treatments = comp.list)$relarray[compnames[2],

    # Get direct
    dir.res <- ind.jags$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[

    ##### Generate plots/results #####

    # Overlaps
    overlap.mat <- list("direct"=dir.res, "indirect"=ind.res)
    overlap <- overlapping::overlap(overlap.mat, plot=FALSE)
    p.values <- overlap$OV

    # Quantiles
    quantile_dif <- stats::quantile(ind.res - dir.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_dir <- stats::quantile(dir.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_ind <- stats::quantile(ind.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantile_mbnma <- stats::quantile(mbnma.res, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
    quantiles <- list("difference" = quantile_dif, "mbnma"=quantile_mbnma,
                      "direct"=quantile_dir, "indirect"=quantile_ind)

    nodesplit <- list("comparison"= c(trt.labs[comp[2]], trt.labs[comp[1]]),
                      "direct"=dir.res, "indirect"=ind.res, "mbnma"=mbnma.res,
                      "overlap matrix"=overlap.mat,
                      "p.values"=p.values, "quantiles"=quantiles,
                      #"forest.plot"=gg, "density.plot"=dens,

    nodesplit.result[[paste0(trt.labs[comp[2]], "v", trt.labs[comp[1]])]] <-

  class(nodesplit.result) <- "nodesplit"


#' Calculates league table of effects between treatments in MBNMA and/or NMA models
#' @param lower.diag An S3 object either of class `"mbnma"` generated by running
#'   a dose-response MBNMA model (using `mbnma.run()`), or of
#'   class `"nma"` generated by running an NMA model (using `nma.run()`). Indicates that
#'   this model should be used to estimate treatment effects in the **lower-left diagonal** of the league table.
#' @param upper.diag Same as for `lower.diag`, but indicates that this model should be used
#'   to estimate treatment effects in the **upper-right diagonal** of the league table.
#' @param treatments A list whose elements each represent different treatments.
#' Treatment is defined as a combination of agent and dose. Only agents specified in
#' `lower.diag` and `upper.diag` can be included. Each element in `treatments` is named corresponding to the
#' agent and contains a numeric vector of doses. Relative effects will be calculated between
#' all treatments specified in `treatments`. If `treatments` is left empty then the set of
#' treatments in the network on which `lower.diag` is estimated will be used as the default.
#' @param regress.vals A named numeric vector of effect modifier values at which relative effects
#'   should be estimated. Named elements must match variable names specified in regression design matrix
#'   (`mbnma$model.arg$regress.mat`), corresponding to variables in `regress` within
#'   the MBNMA model (or **both** MBNMA models if different models are used for `upper.diag`
#'   and `lower.diag`. Meta-regression is not currently possible for NMA models, so only
#'   unadjusted results will be shown for these (and a warning given if they are compared to
#'   adjusted MBNMA results).
#' @param lower.direction Whether treatment effects should be presented as the column versus the row treatment
#'   for each cell in the **lower-left diagonal** of the league table (`"colvrow"`) or as the row versus the
#'   column treatment (`"rowvcol"`).
#' @param upper.direction Same as for `upper.direction` but for results shown in the **upper-right diagonal** of
#'   the league table.
#' @param eform Whether outputted results should be presented in their exponential form (e.g. for
#' models with log or logit link functions)
#' @inheritParams predict.mbnma
#' @return An array of `length(treatments) x length(treatments) x nsims`, where `nsims`
#' is the number of iterations monitored in `lower.diag`. The array contains the individual
#' MCMC values for each relative effect calculated between all `treatments` on the link scale
#' specified in the `lower.diag` and `upper.diag` models.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using the osteoarthritis data
#' network <- mbnma.network(osteopain)
#' # Run an MBNMA model
#' expon <- mbnma.run(network, fun=dexp(), method="random")
#' # Calculate relative effects for MBNMA between:
#' # Celebrex 100mg/d, Celebrex 200mg/d, Tramadol 100mg/d
#' rel.eff <- get.relative(lower.diag=expon,
#'   treatments=list("Celebrex"=c(100,200), "Tramadol"=100))
#' # Run an NMA model
#' nma <- nma.run(network, method="random")
#' # Compare results between MBNMA and NMA models
#' rel.eff <- get.relative(lower.diag=expon, upper.diag=nma,
#'   treatments=list("Celebrex"=c(100,200), "Tramadol"=100),
#'   upper.direction="colvrow")
#' }
#' @export
get.relative <- function(lower.diag, upper.diag=lower.diag, treatments=list(),
                         lower.direction="colvrow", upper.direction="rowvcol",
                         eform=FALSE, lim="cred") {

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertList(treatments, null.ok=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(lim, choices=c("cred", "pred"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(lower.direction, choices=c("colvrow", "rowvcol"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(upper.direction, choices=c("colvrow", "rowvcol"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(regress.vals, names = "named", null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)

  # Check classes
  if (!any(class(lower.diag) %in% c("mbnma", "nma")) | !any(class(upper.diag) %in% c("mbnma", "nma"))) {
    stop("lower.diag and upper.diag must have class 'mbnma' or 'nma'")

  if ("mbnma" %in% class(lower.diag)) {
    lower.class <- "mbnma"
  } else if ("nma" %in% class(lower.diag)) {
    lower.class <- "nma"

  if ("mbnma" %in% class(upper.diag)) {
    upper.class <- "mbnma"
  } else if ("nma" %in% class(upper.diag)) {
    upper.class <- "nma"

  modlist <- list(lower.diag, upper.diag)
  mbnma.ind <- which(sapply(modlist, function(x) {class(x)[1]}) %in% "mbnma")
  nma.ind <- which(sapply(modlist, function(x) {class(x)[1]}) %in% "nma")

  for (mod in seq_along(mbnma.ind)) {

    # Cannot use with MBNMA UME
    if (modlist[[mbnma.ind[mod]]]$model.arg$UME==TRUE) {
      stop("get.relative() cannot be used on unrelated mean effects (UME=TRUE) MBNMA models")

    # Cannot use with nonparam
    if ("nonparam" %in% modlist[[mbnma.ind[mod]]]$model.arg$fun$name) {
      stop("get.relative() cannot be used on non-parametric MBNMA models")

    # Ensure prediction intervals are used where appropriate with MBNMA
    if (lim=="pred" & modlist[[mbnma.ind[mod]]]$model.arg$method=="random") {
      addsd <- TRUE

      if (!"sd" %in% modlist[[mbnma.ind[mod]]]$parameters.to.save) {
        stop(crayon::red("'sd' not included in parameters.to.save - cannot calculate prediction intervals"))

    } else {
      addsd <- FALSE

  # For NMA models (if no MBNMA models present)
  if (length(mbnma.ind)==0) {
    if (lim=="pred") {
      addsd <- TRUE
    } else {
      addsd <- FALSE

  # If treatments is not specified use the treatments in the dataset for lower.diag
  if (length(treatments)==0) {
    if ("mbnma" %in% class(lower.diag)) {
      treatments <- lower.diag$network$treatments
    } else if ("nma" %in% class(lower.diag)) {
      treatments <- lower.diag$trt.labs

    agents <- gsub("(^.+)(_)(.+$)", "\\1", treatments)
    doses <- gsub("(^.+)(_)(.+$)", "\\3", treatments)

    treatments <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(unique(agents))) {
      treatments[[unique(agents)[i]]] <- as.numeric(doses[which(agents %in% unique(agents)[i])])

  if (length(unlist(treatments))<2) {
    stop("`treatments` must include at least two agents/doses to estimate relative\neffects between them")

  for (mod in seq_along(mbnma.ind)) {
    if (!all(names(treatments) %in% modlist[[mbnma.ind[mod]]]$network$agents)) {
      stop("names(treatments) are not all named agents in lower.diag or upper.diag\nget.relative() can only estimate MBNMA relative effects for agents included in MBNMA models")

  # If NMA model present
  if (length(nma.ind)>0) {

    treatments.nma <- vector()
    for (i in seq_along(treatments)) {
      for (k in seq_along(treatments[[i]])) {
        treatments.nma <- append(treatments.nma, paste(names(treatments)[i], treatments[[i]][k], sep="_"))

    for (mod in seq_along(nma.ind)) {

      if (!all(names(treatments.nma) %in% modlist[[nma.ind[mod]]]$trt.labs)) {
        stop("'treatments' are not all in named treatments in lower.diag or upper.diag\nget.relative() can only estimate NMA relative effects for treatments included in NMA models")

    if (length(mbnma.ind)>0) {
      if (!is.null(modlist[[mbnma.ind]]$model.arg$regress)) {
        warning(paste0("MBNMA model incorporates meta-regression to account for effect modifiers,\n",
                       "whilst NMA results will average across them. This may cause mismatches in results"))

  # Change `placebo` to dose=0 of an agent
  if ("Placebo" %in% names(treatments)) {
    temptrts <- names(treatments)[names(treatments)!="Placebo"]
    treatments[[temptrts[1]]] <- c(0, treatments[[temptrts[1]]])
    treatments$Placebo <- NULL

    # Reorder so placebo is at start
    if (length(nma.ind)>0) {
      treatments.nma <- c("Placebo_0", treatments.nma[-which(treatments.nma %in% "Placebo_0")])

  # Generate array of relative effects between all treatments in network
  if ("mbnma" %in% class(lower.diag)) {
    lower.nsims <- lower.diag$BUGSoutput$n.sims
  } else {
    lower.nsims <- lower.diag$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$n.sims
  if ("mbnma" %in% class(upper.diag)) {
    upper.nsims <- upper.diag$BUGSoutput$n.sims
  } else {
    upper.nsims <- upper.diag$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$n.sims
  nsims <- min(lower.nsims, upper.nsims)
  rel <- array(dim=c(length(unlist(treatments)), length(unlist(treatments)), nsims))

  # Generate chunks of relative effects for each model and treatment comparison
  for (mod in seq_along(modlist)) {

    # For MBNMA models
    if ("mbnma" %in% class(modlist[[mod]])) {

      mbnma <- modlist[[mod]]

      # Get regression parameter estimates and multiply by regress.vals
      if (!is.null(regress.vals)) {
        check.predreg(mbnma=mbnma, regress.vals=regress.vals)
        regress <- get.regress.vals(mbnma, regress.vals, sum=TRUE)

      # Identify dose-response function used in mbnma
      DR <- suppressMessages(
        write.dose.fun(fun=mbnma$model.arg$fun, effect="abs")[[1]])
      DR <- gsub("(^.+<-)(.+)", "\\2", DR)
      DR <- gsub("s\\.", "", DR) # Could remove if needed
      if (length(mbnma$model.arg$fun$name)>1) {
        DR <- DR[-1]

      # Get dose-response parameter values
      betaparams <- get.model.vals(mbnma)

      trtnew <- treatments

      # Generate spline basis matrix if required
      splineopt <- c("rcs", "bs", "ns", "ls")
      fun <- mbnma$model.arg$fun

      # Get indices of non-placebo agents
      index <- match(names(trtnew), mbnma$network$agents[!mbnma$network$agents %in% "Placebo"])

      # If there are multiple DR functions
      if ("posvec" %in% names(fun)) {
        posvec <- fun$posvec

        # Remove 1st element if Placebo in network
        if ("Placebo" %in% mbnma$network$agents) {
          posvec <- posvec[-1]
      } else {
        posvec <- rep(1, max(index))
      for (i in seq_along(index)) {

        if (fun$name[posvec[index[i]]] %in% splineopt) {
          trtnew[[i]] <- genspline(trtnew[[i]],
                                   spline = fun$name[posvec[index[i]]],
                                   degree = fun$degree[posvec[index[i]]],
                                   max.dose=max(mbnma$network$data.ab$dose[mbnma$network$data.ab$agent==which(names(trtnew)[i] == mbnma$network$agents)]))

      # Create list of treatments with doses
      trtlist <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(trtnew)) {
        if (is.matrix(trtnew[[i]])) { # Allows for splines
          for (k in 1:nrow(trtnew[[i]])) {
            trtlist[[length(trtlist)+1]] <- list(names(trtnew)[i], as.vector(trtnew[[i]][k,]))
        } else {
          for (k in seq_along(trtnew[[i]])) {
            trtlist[[length(trtlist)+1]] <- list(names(trtnew)[i], trtnew[[i]][k])

      for (i in 1:(length(trtlist)-1)) {
        for (k in (i+1):length(trtlist)) {

          agnum.i <- which(mbnma$network$agents %in% trtlist[[i]][[1]])
          agnum.k <- which(mbnma$network$agents %in% trtlist[[k]][[1]])

          # Account for lack of placebo
          if (!"Placebo_0" %in% mbnma$network$treatments & length(fun$name)==1) {
            agnum.i <- agnum.i+1
            agnum.k <- agnum.k+1
          agnum <- c(agnum.i, agnum.k)

          # For agent-specific dose-response functions
          if (length(mbnma$model.arg$fun$name)>1) {
            posi <- mbnma$model.arg$fun$posvec[agnum.i]
            tempDR1 <- DR[posi]

            posk <- mbnma$model.arg$fun$posvec[agnum.k]
            tempDR2 <- DR[posk]

            pos <- c(posi, posk)
          } else {
            tempDR1 <- DR
            tempDR2 <- DR

          DR1 <- gsub("agent\\[i,k\\]", paste0(",", agnum.i-1), tempDR1)
          DR1 <- gsub("dose\\[i,k\\]", trtlist[[i]][[2]][1], DR1)

          DR2 <- gsub("agent\\[i,k\\]", paste0(",", agnum.k-1), tempDR2)
          DR2 <- gsub("dose\\[i,k\\]", trtlist[[k]][[2]][1], DR2)

          # Replace spline
          for (m in 1:length(betaparams)) {
            DR1 <- gsub(paste0("spline\\[i,k,", m, "\\]"), trtlist[[i]][[2]][m], DR1)
            DR2 <- gsub(paste0("spline\\[i,k,", m, "\\]"), trtlist[[k]][[2]][m], DR2)

          for (beta in seq_along(betaparams)) {
            assign(names(betaparams)[beta], betaparams[[beta]])

            if (length(mbnma$model.arg$fun$name)==1) {
              if (!is.matrix(betaparams[[beta]])) {
                DR1 <- gsub(paste0("(",names(betaparams)[beta], ")(\\[,[0-9]+\\])"), "\\1", DR1)
                DR2 <- gsub(paste0("(",names(betaparams)[beta], ")(\\[,[0-9]+\\])"), "\\1", DR2)
            } else {

              if (is.matrix(betaparams[[beta]])) {

                DRcomb <- c(DR1, DR2)
                for (m in 1:2) {
                  # Look for correct column index for each beta param
                  veci <- mbnma$model.arg$fun$posvec[1:agnum[m]]
                  veci <- table(veci)[names(table(veci))==pos[m]]

                  if (names(veci)=="1") {
                    # Check if placebo in dataset
                    if (mbnma$network$agents[1]=="Placebo") {
                      veci <- veci - 1

                  # Swap index in DR1 for veci
                  DRcomb[m] <- gsub(paste0("(", names(betaparams)[beta], "\\[,)([0-9]+\\])"),
                                    paste0("\\1", veci, "]"), DRcomb[m])
                DR1 <- DRcomb[1]
                DR2 <- DRcomb[2]

              } else if (is.vector(betaparams[[beta]])) {
                # Remove indices from DR
                DR1 <- gsub(paste0("(", names(betaparams)[beta], ")(\\[,[0-9]+\\])"), "\\1", DR1)
                DR2 <- gsub(paste0("(", names(betaparams)[beta], ")(\\[,[0-9]+\\])"), "\\1", DR2)

          chunk <- eval(parse(text=paste0("(",DR1, ") - (", DR2, ")")))

          if (!is.null(regress.vals)) {
            chunk <- chunk + (regress[,agnum.i-1] - regress[,agnum.k-1])

          if (length(rel)<=1) {stop("length(rel)<=1")}

          # Incorporate between-study SD
          if (addsd==TRUE) {
            mat <- matrix(nrow=length(chunk), ncol=2)
            mat[,1] <- chunk
            mat[,2] <- stats::median(mbnma$BUGSoutput$sims.list[["sd"]])  # Use median to avoid MCMC error
            chunk <- apply(mat, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) stats::rnorm(1, x[1], x[2]))

          # Ensure length(chunk) matches nsims
          if (length(chunk)!=nsims) {
            chunk <- sample(chunk, size=nsims)

          if (mod==2) {
            rel[i,k,] <- chunk
          } else if (mod==1) {
            rel[k,i,] <- -chunk
          } else {
            stop("error in length(modlist)")

      # For NMA models
    } else if ("nma" %in% class(modlist[[mod]])) {

      nma <- modlist[[mod]]

      for (i in 1:(length(treatments.nma)-1)) {
        for (k in (i+1):length(treatments.nma)) {
          nmat.i <- which(nma$trt.labs %in% treatments.nma[i])
          nmat.k <- which(nma$trt.labs %in% treatments.nma[k])

          if (nma$UME==FALSE) {
            chunk.nma <- nma$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.list$d[,nmat.i] - nma$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.list$d[,nmat.k]
            skip <- FALSE
          } else if (nma$UME==TRUE) {
            chunk.nma <- nma$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$sims.list$d[,nmat.i,nmat.k]

            if (sd(chunk.nma)>90) {
              chunk.nma <- NA # No direct evidence
              skip <- TRUE
            } else {
              skip <- FALSE

          if (skip==FALSE) {
            # Ensures NMA also uses prediction intervals (if method="random")
            if (addsd==TRUE) {
              if ("sd" %in% nma$jagsresult$parameters.to.save) {
                chunk.nma <- apply(chunk.nma, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) stats::rnorm(1, x, nma$jagsresult$BUGSoutput$median$sd))

            # Ensure length(chunk) matches nsims
            if (length(chunk.nma)!=nsims) {
              chunk.nma <- sample(chunk.nma, size=nsims)

          if (mod==2) {
            rel[i,k,] <- chunk.nma
          } else if (mod==1) {
            rel[k,i,] <- -chunk.nma
          } else {
            stop("error in length(modlist)")

  # Set direction of effects
  for (i in 1:(ncol(rel)-1)) {
    for (k in (i+1):nrow(rel)) {
      if (lower.direction=="rowvcol") {
        rel[k,i,] <- -rel[k,i,]
      if (upper.direction=="rowvcol") {
        rel[i,k,] <- -rel[i,k,]
      if (i==k) {
        rel[i,k,] <- 0

  trtnames <- vector()
  for (i in seq_along(treatments)) {
    for (k in seq_along(treatments[[i]])) {
      # Change dose=0 back to `placebo` if needed
      if (treatments[[i]][k]==0) {
        trtnames <- append(trtnames, paste("Placebo", 0, sep="_"))
      } else {
        trtnames <- append(trtnames, paste(names(treatments)[i], treatments[[i]][k], sep="_"))

  rownames(rel) <- trtnames
  colnames(rel) <- trtnames

  if (eform==FALSE) {
    outmat <- rel
  } else {
    outmat <- exp(rel)

  ######### Summary matrixes ######

  out <- mat.rel.sum(xmat=outmat, trtnames=trtnames)

  attributes(out) <- list("class"="relative.array",


#' Summarise relative array outputs for `get.relative()`
#' @noRd
mat.rel.sum <- function(xmat, trtnames) {

  meanmat <- matrix(nrow=nrow(xmat), ncol=ncol(xmat))
  semat <- meanmat
  medmat <- meanmat
  l95mat <- medmat
  u95mat <- medmat
  sum.df <- data.frame(comparison=NA, mean=NA, sd=NA, l95=NA, med=NA, u95=NA)

  for (i in 1:nrow(xmat)) {
    for (k in 1:ncol(xmat)) {
      if (!is.na(xmat[i,k,1])) {
        meanmat[i,k] <- mean(xmat[i,k,])
        semat[i,k] <- stats::sd(xmat[i,k,])
        medmat[i,k] <- stats::median(xmat[i,k,])
        l95mat[i,k] <- stats::quantile(xmat[i,k,], probs = 0.025)
        u95mat[i,k] <- stats::quantile(xmat[i,k,], probs = 0.975)

        if (k>i) {
          sum.df <- dplyr::add_row(sum.df,
                                   comparison = paste0(trtnames[i], " vs ", trtnames[k]),
  sum.df <- sum.df[-1,]
  names(sum.df) <- c("comparison", "mean", "sd", "2.5%", "50%", "97.5%")

  sumlist <- list("mean"=meanmat, "se"=semat, "median"=medmat, "lower95"=l95mat, "upper95"=u95mat)

  for (i in seq_along(sumlist)) {
    dimnames(sumlist[[i]])[[1]] <- dimnames(xmat)[[1]]
    dimnames(sumlist[[i]])[[2]] <- dimnames(xmat)[[2]]

  out <- list("data.frame"=sum.df, "relarray"=xmat)
  out <- c(out, sumlist)


#' Check validity of object supplied to `comparisons` in nodesplit
#' @param data.ab A data frame with data for which to nodesplit
#' @param trt.labs A character vector of treatment labels corresponding to treatment codes in `network`
#' @inheritParams nma.nodesplit
#' @noRd
check.nodesplit.comparisons <- function(data.ab, network, comparisons, trt.labs) {
  if (!is.data.frame(comparisons) & !is.matrix(comparisons)) {
    stop("`comparisons` must be either a matrix or a data frame of comparisons on which to nodesplit")
  if (is.data.frame(comparisons)) {
    if (all(c("t1", "t2") %in% names(comparisons))) {
      comparisons <- data.frame(comparisons$t1, comparisons$t2)
    comparisons <- as.matrix(comparisons)
  if (ncol(comparisons)!=2) {
    stop("`comparisons` must be a matrix of comparisons on which to split containing exactly two columns")
  if (is.numeric(comparisons)) {
    # To ensure numbers correspond to original treatment numbers even if treatments are dropped from the network
    comparisons <- apply(comparisons, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(x) (network$treatments[x]))
  if (is.character(comparisons)) {
    if (!all(comparisons %in% trt.labs)) {
      stop("Treatment names given in `comparisons` do not match those within `network` or they match treatments that have been dropped from the network due to being disconnected")
    comparisons <- matrix(as.numeric(factor(comparisons, levels=trt.labs)), ncol=2)
  if (!all(comparisons %in% data.ab$treatment)) {
    stop("Treatment codes given in `comparisons` do not match those within `network` or match treatments that have been dropped from the network due to being disconnected")

  # Sort comparisons so that lowest is t1
  comparisons <- t(apply(comparisons, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) {sort(x)}))

  # Ensure comparisons are nested within inconsistency.loops
  check <- paste(comparisons[,1], comparisons[,2], sep="_")
  fullcomp <- inconsistency.loops(data.ab, incldr=TRUE)
  match <- match(check, paste(fullcomp[,1], fullcomp[,2], sep="_"))
  if (any(is.na(match))) {
    out <- comparisons[is.na(match),]
    out <- matrix(unlist(lapply(out, FUN=function(x) {trt.labs[x]})), ncol=2)
    printout <- c()
    for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
      printout <- paste(printout, paste(out[i,], collapse=" "), sep="\n")
    stop(cat(paste0("\nThe following `comparisons` are not part of closed loops of treatments informed by direct and indirect evidence from independent sources:\n",
                    printout, "\n\n")))


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MBNMAdose documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:11 p.m.