Description Usage Format Source See Also Examples
Market areas of grocery stores in Goettingen, generated from a POS survey in Goettingen (Germany) from June 2015. The survey dataset contains 224 cases (i = 7 submarkets x j = 32 suppliers). The data is the result of a survey that is not representative (see grocery1) and also biased due to the data preparation. The data should be regarded as an example.
1 | data("grocery2")
A data frame with 224 observations on the following 8 variables.
a factor with 7 levels (PLZ_37073
, ...) representing the submarkets (places of residence based
on the five-digit ZIP codes) in the study area
a factor with 32 levels (ALDI1
, ..., EDEKA1
, ... REWE1
, ...), identifying the store code of the mentioned grocery store in the study area, data from Wieland (2011)
a factor with 11 levels (Aldi
, Edeka
, ..., Kaufland
, ...) for the store chain of the grocery stores in the study area, data from Wieland (2011)
a factor with 3 levels for the store type (Biosup
= bio-supermarkt, Disc
= discounter, Sup
= supermarket)
a numeric vector for the sales area of the grocery stores in sqm, data from Wieland (2011)
a numeric vector for the price level of the grocery chain (standardized basket in EUR), based on the data from DISQ (2015)
a numeric vector for the distance from the places of residence (ZIP codes) to the grocery stores in km
a numeric vector for the empirically observed (and corrected) market shares (p_{ij}) of the stores in the submarkets
DISQ (Deutsches Institut fuer Servicequalitaet) (2015) “Discounter guenstig, Vollsortimenter serviceorientiert. Studie Lebensmittelmaerkte (15.10.2015)”.
Wieland, T. (2011): “Nahversorgung mit Lebensmitteln in Goettingen 2011 - Eine Analyse der Angebotssituation im Goettinger Lebensmitteleinzelhandel unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Versorgungsqualitaet”. Goettinger Statistik Aktuell, 35. Goettingen.
Primary empirical sources: POS (point of sale) survey in the authors' course (“Seminar Angewandte Geographie 1: Stadtentwicklung und Citymarketing an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel”, University of Goettingen/Institute of Geography, June 2015), own calculations
1 2 3 4 |
plz_submarket store_code p_ij_obs_t dist_km_t salesarea_qm_t
1 PLZ_37073 ALDI1 -0.21478211 0.181616655 -0.15794353
2 PLZ_37073 ALDI3 -0.21478211 0.145112207 -0.16922454
3 PLZ_37073 ALDI6 -0.21478211 0.215378611 -0.09579563
4 PLZ_37073 ALDI7 0.08624789 0.336859862 -0.13096004
5 PLZ_37073 ALNATURA 0.26233915 -0.721997320 -0.33403479
6 PLZ_37073 EDEKA1 0.08624789 -0.116939911 0.25099186
7 PLZ_37073 EDEKA2 -0.21478211 0.438517839 -0.44797814
8 PLZ_37073 EDEKA3 -0.21478211 0.200018092 0.02914311
9 PLZ_37073 EDEKA4 -0.21478211 -0.178663577 -0.27188689
10 PLZ_37073 EDEKA5 -0.21478211 -0.117763504 -0.44797814
11 PLZ_37073 KAUFLAND1 -0.21478211 0.247502848 0.79194667
12 PLZ_37073 KAUFLAND2 0.86439914 -0.680666343 0.43426170
13 PLZ_37073 LIDL1 0.08624789 -0.063366459 -0.05003814
14 PLZ_37073 LIDL2 -0.21478211 0.253315501 -0.05003814
15 PLZ_37073 NAHKAUF1 -0.21478211 0.375630990 -0.17497687
16 PLZ_37073 NAHKAUF4 -0.21478211 -0.019313504 -0.57291688
17 PLZ_37073 NAHKAUF5 -0.21478211 0.158306586 -0.44797814
18 PLZ_37073 NETTO1 0.56336914 -0.897356519 -0.27188689
19 PLZ_37073 NETTO6 -0.21478211 -0.150573125 -0.14694815
20 PLZ_37073 PENNY1 -0.21478211 0.034819010 -0.30574515
21 PLZ_37073 PENNY2 -0.21478211 -0.144526863 -0.33907502
22 PLZ_37073 REAL1 0.08624789 0.227251582 1.01228056
23 PLZ_37073 REAL2 -0.21478211 0.330373786 0.80626773
24 PLZ_37073 REWE1 0.73946040 -0.102688478 0.28401330
25 PLZ_37073 REWE2 -0.21478211 -0.755617172 -0.47600687
26 PLZ_37073 REWE3 0.38727788 -0.087920984 0.44661480
27 PLZ_37073 REWE4 0.26233915 0.131495832 0.20523437
28 PLZ_37073 REWE6 -0.21478211 0.190362357 0.02147567
29 PLZ_37073 TEGUT1 0.78521789 -0.066441493 0.23303684
30 PLZ_37073 TEGUT2 0.08624789 0.173400864 0.12518366
31 PLZ_37073 TEGUT3 -0.21478211 0.308285850 0.14475362
32 PLZ_37073 TEGUT4 -0.21478211 0.155586779 0.10620805
33 PLZ_37075 ALDI1 0.35814513 -0.299366621 -0.15794353
34 PLZ_37075 ALDI3 -0.24391487 0.265244859 -0.16922454
35 PLZ_37075 ALDI6 -0.24391487 0.224522614 -0.09579563
36 PLZ_37075 ALDI7 -0.24391487 0.383879117 -0.13096004
37 PLZ_37075 ALNATURA 0.35814513 0.017886455 -0.33403479
38 PLZ_37075 EDEKA1 -0.24391487 -0.395758981 0.25099186
39 PLZ_37075 EDEKA2 -0.24391487 0.266575899 -0.44797814
40 PLZ_37075 EDEKA3 -0.24391487 0.144924876 0.02914311
41 PLZ_37075 EDEKA4 0.23320639 -0.061494497 -0.27188689
42 PLZ_37075 EDEKA5 -0.24391487 0.183093060 -0.44797814
43 PLZ_37075 KAUFLAND1 -0.24391487 0.216384188 0.79194667
44 PLZ_37075 KAUFLAND2 0.45505514 0.024444780 0.43426170
45 PLZ_37075 LIDL1 0.23320639 -0.595477885 -0.05003814
46 PLZ_37075 LIDL2 -0.24391487 0.256407273 -0.05003814
47 PLZ_37075 NAHKAUF1 -0.24391487 0.044905066 -0.17497687
48 PLZ_37075 NAHKAUF4 -0.24391487 0.197236070 -0.57291688
49 PLZ_37075 NAHKAUF5 -0.24391487 0.300609112 -0.44797814
50 PLZ_37075 NETTO1 0.05711513 -0.049764072 -0.27188689
51 PLZ_37075 NETTO6 0.05711513 -0.305547680 -0.14694815
52 PLZ_37075 PENNY1 0.35814513 -1.094601196 -0.30574515
53 PLZ_37075 PENNY2 -0.24391487 0.162652010 -0.33907502
54 PLZ_37075 REAL1 0.05711513 -0.185731025 1.01228056
55 PLZ_37075 REAL2 0.23320639 0.379014949 0.80626773
56 PLZ_37075 REWE1 0.23320639 0.099862279 0.28401330
57 PLZ_37075 REWE2 -0.24391487 0.012928046 -0.47600687
58 PLZ_37075 REWE3 0.79747782 -0.434157964 0.44661480
59 PLZ_37075 REWE4 0.05711513 0.304984853 0.20523437
60 PLZ_37075 REWE6 -0.24391487 0.303364273 0.02147567
61 PLZ_37075 TEGUT1 0.60118317 -0.575195827 0.23303684
62 PLZ_37075 TEGUT2 0.05711513 -0.426336574 0.12518366
63 PLZ_37075 TEGUT3 -0.24391487 0.362587905 0.14475362
64 PLZ_37075 TEGUT4 -0.24391487 0.271924640 0.10620805
65 PLZ_37077 ALDI1 -0.10172727 -0.615197054 -0.15794353
66 PLZ_37077 ALDI3 -0.10172727 0.233871871 -0.16922454
67 PLZ_37077 ALDI6 -0.10172727 0.136000825 -0.09579563
68 PLZ_37077 ALDI7 -0.10172727 0.304523236 -0.13096004
69 PLZ_37077 ALNATURA -0.10172727 0.058946520 -0.33403479
70 PLZ_37077 EDEKA1 0.19930273 -0.173318638 0.25099186
71 PLZ_37077 EDEKA2 0.19930273 0.091617476 -0.44797814
72 PLZ_37077 EDEKA3 -0.10172727 -0.003081685 0.02914311
73 PLZ_37077 EDEKA4 -0.10172727 0.003978282 -0.27188689
74 PLZ_37077 EDEKA5 -0.10172727 0.174403182 -0.44797814
75 PLZ_37077 KAUFLAND1 -0.10172727 0.077577427 0.79194667
76 PLZ_37077 KAUFLAND2 0.19930273 0.063272563 0.43426170
77 PLZ_37077 LIDL1 -0.10172727 -0.240067193 -0.05003814
78 PLZ_37077 LIDL2 -0.10172727 0.164130035 -0.05003814
79 PLZ_37077 NAHKAUF1 0.37539399 -0.406342851 -0.17497687
80 PLZ_37077 NAHKAUF4 -0.10172727 0.183640529 -0.57291688
81 PLZ_37077 NAHKAUF5 -0.10172727 0.264046203 -0.44797814
82 PLZ_37077 NETTO1 -0.10172727 0.015641639 -0.27188689
83 PLZ_37077 NETTO6 -0.10172727 -0.131835358 -0.14694815
84 PLZ_37077 PENNY1 -0.10172727 -0.346826349 -0.30574515
85 PLZ_37077 PENNY2 -0.10172727 0.159415854 -0.33907502
86 PLZ_37077 REAL1 0.59724274 -0.607205701 1.01228056
87 PLZ_37077 REAL2 -0.10172727 0.313064405 0.80626773
88 PLZ_37077 REWE1 -0.10172727 0.110747271 0.28401330
89 PLZ_37077 REWE2 -0.10172727 0.055690614 -0.47600687
90 PLZ_37077 REWE3 -0.10172727 -0.186610872 0.44661480
91 PLZ_37077 REWE4 -0.10172727 0.267492237 0.20523437
92 PLZ_37077 REWE6 -0.10172727 0.263511396 0.02147567
93 PLZ_37077 TEGUT1 0.59724274 -0.244098063 0.23303684
94 PLZ_37077 TEGUT2 0.37539399 -0.537163208 0.12518366
95 PLZ_37077 TEGUT3 -0.10172727 0.311102192 0.14475362
96 PLZ_37077 TEGUT4 -0.10172727 0.239073215 0.10620805
97 PLZ_37079 ALDI1 -0.09957473 0.006863408 -0.15794353
98 PLZ_37079 ALDI3 -0.09957473 0.262644245 -0.16922454
99 PLZ_37079 ALDI6 -0.09957473 -0.397022834 -0.09579563
100 PLZ_37079 ALDI7 -0.09957473 -0.117874073 -0.13096004
101 PLZ_37079 ALNATURA 0.20145527 0.073430624 -0.33403479
102 PLZ_37079 EDEKA1 -0.09957473 0.015334607 0.25099186
103 PLZ_37079 EDEKA2 -0.09957473 0.324895820 -0.44797814
104 PLZ_37079 EDEKA3 0.37754653 -0.477838167 0.02914311
105 PLZ_37079 EDEKA4 -0.09957473 0.115997117 -0.27188689
106 PLZ_37079 EDEKA5 -0.09957473 0.174006948 -0.44797814
107 PLZ_37079 KAUFLAND1 0.20145527 -0.783354459 0.79194667
108 PLZ_37079 KAUFLAND2 0.20145527 0.077135132 0.43426170
109 PLZ_37079 LIDL1 -0.09957473 0.054664654 -0.05003814
110 PLZ_37079 LIDL2 -0.09957473 -0.444118569 -0.05003814
111 PLZ_37079 NAHKAUF1 -0.09957473 0.168439503 -0.17497687
112 PLZ_37079 NAHKAUF4 0.20145527 0.026658124 -0.57291688
113 PLZ_37079 NAHKAUF5 -0.09957473 0.268084943 -0.44797814
114 PLZ_37079 NETTO1 -0.09957473 0.022827323 -0.27188689
115 PLZ_37079 NETTO6 -0.09957473 0.001707982 -0.14694815
116 PLZ_37079 PENNY1 -0.09957473 0.084302974 -0.30574515
117 PLZ_37079 PENNY2 -0.09957473 0.166327883 -0.33907502
118 PLZ_37079 REAL1 0.20145527 -0.008153394 1.01228056
119 PLZ_37079 REAL2 0.50248527 -0.098145168 0.80626773
120 PLZ_37079 REWE1 -0.09957473 -0.119876006 0.28401330
121 PLZ_37079 REWE2 0.20145527 0.070646010 -0.47600687
122 PLZ_37079 REWE3 -0.09957473 0.042926533 0.44661480
123 PLZ_37079 REWE4 -0.09957473 0.252937988 0.20523437
124 PLZ_37079 REWE6 -0.09957473 -0.087058039 0.02147567
125 PLZ_37079 TEGUT1 -0.09957473 0.049692313 0.23303684
126 PLZ_37079 TEGUT2 0.20145527 0.061781705 0.12518366
127 PLZ_37079 TEGUT3 -0.09957473 -0.054820608 0.14475362
128 PLZ_37079 TEGUT4 -0.09957473 0.266955480 0.10620805
129 PLZ_37081 ALDI1 -0.10667609 0.199183392 -0.15794353
130 PLZ_37081 ALDI3 -0.10667609 0.236021642 -0.16922454
131 PLZ_37081 ALDI6 0.19435390 -0.396608465 -0.09579563
132 PLZ_37081 ALDI7 -0.10667609 -0.183594854 -0.13096004
133 PLZ_37081 ALNATURA -0.10667609 -0.045938140 -0.33403479
134 PLZ_37081 EDEKA1 -0.10667609 0.007796204 0.25099186
135 PLZ_37081 EDEKA2 -0.10667609 0.409798383 -0.44797814
136 PLZ_37081 EDEKA3 -0.10667609 -0.078348020 0.02914311
137 PLZ_37081 EDEKA4 -0.10667609 0.102188519 -0.27188689
138 PLZ_37081 EDEKA5 -0.10667609 0.107977380 -0.44797814
139 PLZ_37081 KAUFLAND1 0.19435390 -0.080205019 0.79194667
140 PLZ_37081 KAUFLAND2 0.19435390 -0.039715028 0.43426170
141 PLZ_37081 LIDL1 -0.10667609 0.058346751 -0.05003814
142 PLZ_37081 LIDL2 0.19435390 -0.310434636 -0.05003814
143 PLZ_37081 NAHKAUF1 -0.10667609 0.336585298 -0.17497687
144 PLZ_37081 NAHKAUF4 -0.10667609 -0.175298432 -0.57291688
145 PLZ_37081 NAHKAUF5 -0.10667609 0.243088985 -0.44797814
146 PLZ_37081 NETTO1 0.37044516 -0.072788503 -0.27188689
147 PLZ_37081 NETTO6 -0.10667609 -0.010035235 -0.14694815
148 PLZ_37081 PENNY1 -0.10667609 0.116882823 -0.30574515
149 PLZ_37081 PENNY2 -0.10667609 0.098441665 -0.33907502
150 PLZ_37081 REAL1 -0.10667609 0.188493478 1.01228056
151 PLZ_37081 REAL2 -0.10667609 -0.198478013 0.80626773
152 PLZ_37081 REWE1 0.37044516 -0.505428583 0.28401330
153 PLZ_37081 REWE2 -0.10667609 -0.050639905 -0.47600687
154 PLZ_37081 REWE3 -0.10667609 0.043395245 0.44661480
155 PLZ_37081 REWE4 -0.10667609 0.198380684 0.20523437
156 PLZ_37081 REWE6 0.37044516 -0.443600165 0.02147567
157 PLZ_37081 TEGUT1 0.37044516 0.052026692 0.23303684
158 PLZ_37081 TEGUT2 -0.10667609 0.202111347 0.12518366
159 PLZ_37081 TEGUT3 0.19435390 -0.251483393 0.14475362
160 PLZ_37081 TEGUT4 -0.10667609 0.241877901 0.10620805
161 PLZ_37083 ALDI1 -0.16130697 0.220547032 -0.15794353
162 PLZ_37083 ALDI3 0.13972303 -0.159335078 -0.16922454
163 PLZ_37083 ALDI6 -0.16130697 0.235820448 -0.09579563
164 PLZ_37083 ALDI7 -0.16130697 0.302932598 -0.13096004
165 PLZ_37083 ALNATURA -0.16130697 -0.300909392 -0.33403479
166 PLZ_37083 EDEKA1 -0.16130697 0.045497839 0.25099186
167 PLZ_37083 EDEKA2 -0.16130697 0.389668922 -0.44797814
168 PLZ_37083 EDEKA3 -0.16130697 0.238248223 0.02914311
169 PLZ_37083 EDEKA4 -0.16130697 -0.042640350 -0.27188689
170 PLZ_37083 EDEKA5 0.31581429 -1.183823899 -0.44797814
171 PLZ_37083 KAUFLAND1 0.44075302 0.270552897 0.79194667
172 PLZ_37083 KAUFLAND2 0.61684428 -0.345493586 0.43426170
173 PLZ_37083 LIDL1 0.13972303 0.073222913 -0.05003814
174 PLZ_37083 LIDL2 -0.16130697 0.262582041 -0.05003814
175 PLZ_37083 NAHKAUF1 -0.16130697 0.359105058 -0.17497687
176 PLZ_37083 NAHKAUF4 -0.16130697 -0.041410053 -0.57291688
177 PLZ_37083 NAHKAUF5 -0.16130697 -0.227969855 -0.44797814
178 PLZ_37083 NETTO1 0.13972303 -0.171235479 -0.27188689
179 PLZ_37083 NETTO6 -0.16130697 0.028935859 -0.14694815
180 PLZ_37083 PENNY1 -0.16130697 0.128289239 -0.30574515
181 PLZ_37083 PENNY2 0.31581429 -0.546528578 -0.33907502
182 PLZ_37083 REAL1 -0.16130697 0.251523989 1.01228056
183 PLZ_37083 REAL2 0.13972303 0.297822161 0.80626773
184 PLZ_37083 REWE1 0.13972303 0.040953713 0.28401330
185 PLZ_37083 REWE2 -0.16130697 -0.317976426 -0.47600687
186 PLZ_37083 REWE3 -0.16130697 0.060310783 0.44661480
187 PLZ_37083 REWE4 0.68379107 -0.388165864 0.20523437
188 PLZ_37083 REWE6 -0.16130697 0.135513666 0.02147567
189 PLZ_37083 TEGUT1 0.31581429 0.071586937 0.23303684
190 PLZ_37083 TEGUT2 -0.16130697 0.195748283 0.12518366
191 PLZ_37083 TEGUT3 -0.16130697 0.280541664 0.14475362
192 PLZ_37083 TEGUT4 -0.16130697 -0.163915704 0.10620805
193 PLZ_37085 ALDI1 -0.19436922 0.181542457 -0.15794353
194 PLZ_37085 ALDI3 -0.19436922 -0.838223266 -0.16922454
195 PLZ_37085 ALDI6 -0.19436922 0.203808390 -0.09579563
196 PLZ_37085 ALDI7 -0.19436922 0.272194155 -0.13096004
197 PLZ_37085 ALNATURA 0.10666078 -0.136797067 -0.33403479
198 PLZ_37085 EDEKA1 -0.19436922 0.065170808 0.25099186
199 PLZ_37085 EDEKA2 -0.19436922 0.212375537 -0.44797814
200 PLZ_37085 EDEKA3 -0.19436922 0.204426114 0.02914311
201 PLZ_37085 EDEKA4 0.28275204 -0.154655825 -0.27188689
202 PLZ_37085 EDEKA5 -0.19436922 -0.219310104 -0.44797814
203 PLZ_37085 KAUFLAND1 0.28275204 0.229363658 0.79194667
204 PLZ_37085 KAUFLAND2 0.50460079 -0.157858978 0.43426170
205 PLZ_37085 LIDL1 0.10666078 0.061132810 -0.05003814
206 PLZ_37085 LIDL2 -0.19436922 0.224353232 -0.05003814
207 PLZ_37085 NAHKAUF1 -0.19436922 0.268878221 -0.17497687
208 PLZ_37085 NAHKAUF4 -0.19436922 0.046293539 -0.57291688
209 PLZ_37085 NAHKAUF5 0.40769077 -0.401119319 -0.44797814
210 PLZ_37085 NETTO1 0.40769077 -0.069046064 -0.27188689
211 PLZ_37085 NETTO6 -0.19436922 0.054033413 -0.14694815
212 PLZ_37085 PENNY1 -0.19436922 0.087498448 -0.30574515
213 PLZ_37085 PENNY2 -0.19436922 -0.245529065 -0.33907502
214 PLZ_37085 REAL1 0.10666078 0.208826142 1.01228056
215 PLZ_37085 REAL2 0.10666078 0.268316014 0.80626773
216 PLZ_37085 REWE1 0.40769077 0.063812642 0.28401330
217 PLZ_37085 REWE2 -0.19436922 -0.144994438 -0.47600687
218 PLZ_37085 REWE3 -0.19436922 0.074772559 0.44661480
219 PLZ_37085 REWE4 0.28275204 -0.116845433 0.20523437
220 PLZ_37085 REWE6 -0.19436922 0.173490410 0.02147567
221 PLZ_37085 TEGUT1 0.28275204 0.082994425 0.23303684
222 PLZ_37085 TEGUT2 0.10666078 0.115728257 0.12518366
223 PLZ_37085 TEGUT3 -0.19436922 0.255284573 0.14475362
224 PLZ_37085 TEGUT4 0.10666078 -0.869916245 0.10620805
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