mci.transmat: Log-centering transformation of an MCI interaction matrix

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples


This function applies the log-centering transformation to the variables in a given MCI interaction matrix.


mci.transmat(mcidataset, submarkets, suppliers, mcivariable1, ..., show_proc = FALSE)



an interaction matrix which is a data.frame containing the submarkets, suppliers and the regarded variables (e.g. the observed market shares, p_{ij}, and the explanatory variables)


the column in the interaction matrix mcidataset containing the submarkets


the column in the interaction matrix mcidataset containing the suppliers


the column of the first variable to be transformed, numeric and positive (or dummy [1,0])


the columns of other variables to be transformed, numeric and positive (or dummy [1,0])


logical argument that indicates if the function prints messages about the state of process during the work (e.g. “Processing variable xyz ...” or “Variable xyz is regarded as dummy variable”). Default: show_proc = FALSE (messages off)


This function transformes the input dataset (MCI interaction matrix) to regression-ready data with the log-centering transformation by Nakanishi/Cooper (1974). The resulting data.frame can be fitted with the lm() function (to combine these two steps in one, use The log-centering transformation can be regarded as the key concept of the MCI model because it enables the model to be estimated by OLS (ordinary least squares) regression. The function identifies dummy variables which are not transformed (because they do not have to be).


Returns a new data.frame with regression-ready data where the input variables are transformed by the the log-centering transformation. The names of the input variables are passed to the new data.frame marked with a "_t" to indicate that they were transformed (e.g. "shares_t" is the transformation of "shares").


Thomas Wieland


Huff, D. L./Batsell, R. R. (1975): “Conceptual and Operational Problems with Market Share Models of Consumer Spatial Behavior”. In: Advances in Consumer Research, 2, p. 165-172.

Huff, D. L./McCallum, D. (2008): “Calibrating the Huff Model Using ArcGIS Business Analyst”. ESRI White Paper, September 2008.

Nakanishi, M./Cooper, L. G. (1974): “Parameter Estimation for a Multiplicative Competitive Interaction Model - Least Squares Approach”. In: Journal of Marketing Research, 11, 3, p. 303-311.

Wieland, T. (2013): “Einkaufsstaettenwahl, Einzelhandelscluster und raeumliche Versorgungsdisparitaeten - Modellierung von Marktgebieten im Einzelhandel unter Beruecksichtigung von Agglomerationseffekten”. In: Schrenk, M./Popovich, V./Zeile, P./Elisei, P. (eds.): REAL CORP 2013. Planning Times. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. Schwechat. p. 275-284.

Wieland, T. (2015): “Raeumliches Einkaufsverhalten und Standortpolitik im Einzelhandel unter Beruecksichtigung von Agglomerationseffekten. Theoretische Erklaerungsansaetze, modellanalytische Zugaenge und eine empirisch-oekonometrische Marktgebietsanalyse anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus dem laendlichen Raum Ostwestfalens/Suedniedersachsens”. Geographische Handelsforschung, 23. 289 pages. Mannheim : MetaGIS.

See Also, mci.transvar


# MCI analysis for the grocery store market areas in grocery2 #
# Loads the data
mci.transmat (grocery2, "plz_submarket", "store_code", "p_ij_obs", "dist_km", "salesarea_qm")
# Applies the log-centering transformation to the dataset using the function mci.transmat

# MCI analysis for the grocery store market areas based on the POS survey in shopping1 #

# Loading the survey dataset
# Loading the distance/travel time dataset
# Loading the dataset containing information about the city districts
# Loading the grocery store data

shopping1_KAeast <- shopping1[shopping1$resid_code %in% 
shopping3$resid_code[shopping3$KA_east == 1],]
# Extracting only inhabitants of the eastern districts of Karlsruhe

ijmatrix_gro_adj <- ijmatrix.create(shopping1_KAeast, "resid_code",
"gro_purchase_code", "gro_purchase_expen", remSing = TRUE, remSing.val = 1,
remSingSupp.val = 2, correctVar = TRUE, correctVar.val = 0.1)
# Removing singular instances/outliers (remSing = TRUE) incorporating
# only suppliers which are at least obtained three times (remSingSupp.val = 2)
# Correcting the values (correctVar = TRUE)
# by adding 0.1 to the absolute values (correctVar.val = 0.1)

ijmatrix_gro_adj <- ijmatrix_gro_adj[(ijmatrix_gro_adj$gro_purchase_code !=
"REFORMHAUSBOESER") & (ijmatrix_gro_adj$gro_purchase_code != "WMARKT_DURLACH")
& (ijmatrix_gro_adj$gro_purchase_code != "X_INCOMPLETE_STORE"),]
# Remove non-regarded observations

ijmatrix_gro_adj_dist <- merge (ijmatrix_gro_adj, shopping2, by.x="interaction",
# Include the distances and travel times (shopping2)
ijmatrix_gro_adj_dist_stores <- merge (ijmatrix_gro_adj_dist, shopping4,
by.x = "gro_purchase_code", by.y = "location_code")
# Adding the store information (shopping4)

mci.transvar(ijmatrix_gro_adj_dist_stores, "resid_code", "gro_purchase_code", 
# Log-centering transformation of one variable (p_ij_obs)

ijmatrix_gro_transf <- mci.transmat(ijmatrix_gro_adj_dist_stores, "resid_code",
"gro_purchase_code", "p_ij_obs", "d_time", "salesarea_qm")
# Log-centering transformation of the interaction matrix

mcimodel_gro_trips <-, "resid_code",
"gro_purchase_code", "p_ij_obs", "d_time", "salesarea_qm")
# MCI model for the grocery store market areas
# shares: "p_ij_obs", explanatory variables: "d_time", "salesarea_qm"

# Use like lm

Example output

    plz_submarket store_code  p_ij_obs_t    dist_km_t salesarea_qm_t
1       PLZ_37073      ALDI1 -0.21478211  0.181616655    -0.15794353
2       PLZ_37073      ALDI3 -0.21478211  0.145112207    -0.16922454
3       PLZ_37073      ALDI6 -0.21478211  0.215378611    -0.09579563
4       PLZ_37073      ALDI7  0.08624789  0.336859862    -0.13096004
5       PLZ_37073   ALNATURA  0.26233915 -0.721997320    -0.33403479
6       PLZ_37073     EDEKA1  0.08624789 -0.116939911     0.25099186
7       PLZ_37073     EDEKA2 -0.21478211  0.438517839    -0.44797814
8       PLZ_37073     EDEKA3 -0.21478211  0.200018092     0.02914311
9       PLZ_37073     EDEKA4 -0.21478211 -0.178663577    -0.27188689
10      PLZ_37073     EDEKA5 -0.21478211 -0.117763504    -0.44797814
11      PLZ_37073  KAUFLAND1 -0.21478211  0.247502848     0.79194667
12      PLZ_37073  KAUFLAND2  0.86439914 -0.680666343     0.43426170
13      PLZ_37073      LIDL1  0.08624789 -0.063366459    -0.05003814
14      PLZ_37073      LIDL2 -0.21478211  0.253315501    -0.05003814
15      PLZ_37073   NAHKAUF1 -0.21478211  0.375630990    -0.17497687
16      PLZ_37073   NAHKAUF4 -0.21478211 -0.019313504    -0.57291688
17      PLZ_37073   NAHKAUF5 -0.21478211  0.158306586    -0.44797814
18      PLZ_37073     NETTO1  0.56336914 -0.897356519    -0.27188689
19      PLZ_37073     NETTO6 -0.21478211 -0.150573125    -0.14694815
20      PLZ_37073     PENNY1 -0.21478211  0.034819010    -0.30574515
21      PLZ_37073     PENNY2 -0.21478211 -0.144526863    -0.33907502
22      PLZ_37073      REAL1  0.08624789  0.227251582     1.01228056
23      PLZ_37073      REAL2 -0.21478211  0.330373786     0.80626773
24      PLZ_37073      REWE1  0.73946040 -0.102688478     0.28401330
25      PLZ_37073      REWE2 -0.21478211 -0.755617172    -0.47600687
26      PLZ_37073      REWE3  0.38727788 -0.087920984     0.44661480
27      PLZ_37073      REWE4  0.26233915  0.131495832     0.20523437
28      PLZ_37073      REWE6 -0.21478211  0.190362357     0.02147567
29      PLZ_37073     TEGUT1  0.78521789 -0.066441493     0.23303684
30      PLZ_37073     TEGUT2  0.08624789  0.173400864     0.12518366
31      PLZ_37073     TEGUT3 -0.21478211  0.308285850     0.14475362
32      PLZ_37073     TEGUT4 -0.21478211  0.155586779     0.10620805
33      PLZ_37075      ALDI1  0.35814513 -0.299366621    -0.15794353
34      PLZ_37075      ALDI3 -0.24391487  0.265244859    -0.16922454
35      PLZ_37075      ALDI6 -0.24391487  0.224522614    -0.09579563
36      PLZ_37075      ALDI7 -0.24391487  0.383879117    -0.13096004
37      PLZ_37075   ALNATURA  0.35814513  0.017886455    -0.33403479
38      PLZ_37075     EDEKA1 -0.24391487 -0.395758981     0.25099186
39      PLZ_37075     EDEKA2 -0.24391487  0.266575899    -0.44797814
40      PLZ_37075     EDEKA3 -0.24391487  0.144924876     0.02914311
41      PLZ_37075     EDEKA4  0.23320639 -0.061494497    -0.27188689
42      PLZ_37075     EDEKA5 -0.24391487  0.183093060    -0.44797814
43      PLZ_37075  KAUFLAND1 -0.24391487  0.216384188     0.79194667
44      PLZ_37075  KAUFLAND2  0.45505514  0.024444780     0.43426170
45      PLZ_37075      LIDL1  0.23320639 -0.595477885    -0.05003814
46      PLZ_37075      LIDL2 -0.24391487  0.256407273    -0.05003814
47      PLZ_37075   NAHKAUF1 -0.24391487  0.044905066    -0.17497687
48      PLZ_37075   NAHKAUF4 -0.24391487  0.197236070    -0.57291688
49      PLZ_37075   NAHKAUF5 -0.24391487  0.300609112    -0.44797814
50      PLZ_37075     NETTO1  0.05711513 -0.049764072    -0.27188689
51      PLZ_37075     NETTO6  0.05711513 -0.305547680    -0.14694815
52      PLZ_37075     PENNY1  0.35814513 -1.094601196    -0.30574515
53      PLZ_37075     PENNY2 -0.24391487  0.162652010    -0.33907502
54      PLZ_37075      REAL1  0.05711513 -0.185731025     1.01228056
55      PLZ_37075      REAL2  0.23320639  0.379014949     0.80626773
56      PLZ_37075      REWE1  0.23320639  0.099862279     0.28401330
57      PLZ_37075      REWE2 -0.24391487  0.012928046    -0.47600687
58      PLZ_37075      REWE3  0.79747782 -0.434157964     0.44661480
59      PLZ_37075      REWE4  0.05711513  0.304984853     0.20523437
60      PLZ_37075      REWE6 -0.24391487  0.303364273     0.02147567
61      PLZ_37075     TEGUT1  0.60118317 -0.575195827     0.23303684
62      PLZ_37075     TEGUT2  0.05711513 -0.426336574     0.12518366
63      PLZ_37075     TEGUT3 -0.24391487  0.362587905     0.14475362
64      PLZ_37075     TEGUT4 -0.24391487  0.271924640     0.10620805
65      PLZ_37077      ALDI1 -0.10172727 -0.615197054    -0.15794353
66      PLZ_37077      ALDI3 -0.10172727  0.233871871    -0.16922454
67      PLZ_37077      ALDI6 -0.10172727  0.136000825    -0.09579563
68      PLZ_37077      ALDI7 -0.10172727  0.304523236    -0.13096004
69      PLZ_37077   ALNATURA -0.10172727  0.058946520    -0.33403479
70      PLZ_37077     EDEKA1  0.19930273 -0.173318638     0.25099186
71      PLZ_37077     EDEKA2  0.19930273  0.091617476    -0.44797814
72      PLZ_37077     EDEKA3 -0.10172727 -0.003081685     0.02914311
73      PLZ_37077     EDEKA4 -0.10172727  0.003978282    -0.27188689
74      PLZ_37077     EDEKA5 -0.10172727  0.174403182    -0.44797814
75      PLZ_37077  KAUFLAND1 -0.10172727  0.077577427     0.79194667
76      PLZ_37077  KAUFLAND2  0.19930273  0.063272563     0.43426170
77      PLZ_37077      LIDL1 -0.10172727 -0.240067193    -0.05003814
78      PLZ_37077      LIDL2 -0.10172727  0.164130035    -0.05003814
79      PLZ_37077   NAHKAUF1  0.37539399 -0.406342851    -0.17497687
80      PLZ_37077   NAHKAUF4 -0.10172727  0.183640529    -0.57291688
81      PLZ_37077   NAHKAUF5 -0.10172727  0.264046203    -0.44797814
82      PLZ_37077     NETTO1 -0.10172727  0.015641639    -0.27188689
83      PLZ_37077     NETTO6 -0.10172727 -0.131835358    -0.14694815
84      PLZ_37077     PENNY1 -0.10172727 -0.346826349    -0.30574515
85      PLZ_37077     PENNY2 -0.10172727  0.159415854    -0.33907502
86      PLZ_37077      REAL1  0.59724274 -0.607205701     1.01228056
87      PLZ_37077      REAL2 -0.10172727  0.313064405     0.80626773
88      PLZ_37077      REWE1 -0.10172727  0.110747271     0.28401330
89      PLZ_37077      REWE2 -0.10172727  0.055690614    -0.47600687
90      PLZ_37077      REWE3 -0.10172727 -0.186610872     0.44661480
91      PLZ_37077      REWE4 -0.10172727  0.267492237     0.20523437
92      PLZ_37077      REWE6 -0.10172727  0.263511396     0.02147567
93      PLZ_37077     TEGUT1  0.59724274 -0.244098063     0.23303684
94      PLZ_37077     TEGUT2  0.37539399 -0.537163208     0.12518366
95      PLZ_37077     TEGUT3 -0.10172727  0.311102192     0.14475362
96      PLZ_37077     TEGUT4 -0.10172727  0.239073215     0.10620805
97      PLZ_37079      ALDI1 -0.09957473  0.006863408    -0.15794353
98      PLZ_37079      ALDI3 -0.09957473  0.262644245    -0.16922454
99      PLZ_37079      ALDI6 -0.09957473 -0.397022834    -0.09579563
100     PLZ_37079      ALDI7 -0.09957473 -0.117874073    -0.13096004
101     PLZ_37079   ALNATURA  0.20145527  0.073430624    -0.33403479
102     PLZ_37079     EDEKA1 -0.09957473  0.015334607     0.25099186
103     PLZ_37079     EDEKA2 -0.09957473  0.324895820    -0.44797814
104     PLZ_37079     EDEKA3  0.37754653 -0.477838167     0.02914311
105     PLZ_37079     EDEKA4 -0.09957473  0.115997117    -0.27188689
106     PLZ_37079     EDEKA5 -0.09957473  0.174006948    -0.44797814
107     PLZ_37079  KAUFLAND1  0.20145527 -0.783354459     0.79194667
108     PLZ_37079  KAUFLAND2  0.20145527  0.077135132     0.43426170
109     PLZ_37079      LIDL1 -0.09957473  0.054664654    -0.05003814
110     PLZ_37079      LIDL2 -0.09957473 -0.444118569    -0.05003814
111     PLZ_37079   NAHKAUF1 -0.09957473  0.168439503    -0.17497687
112     PLZ_37079   NAHKAUF4  0.20145527  0.026658124    -0.57291688
113     PLZ_37079   NAHKAUF5 -0.09957473  0.268084943    -0.44797814
114     PLZ_37079     NETTO1 -0.09957473  0.022827323    -0.27188689
115     PLZ_37079     NETTO6 -0.09957473  0.001707982    -0.14694815
116     PLZ_37079     PENNY1 -0.09957473  0.084302974    -0.30574515
117     PLZ_37079     PENNY2 -0.09957473  0.166327883    -0.33907502
118     PLZ_37079      REAL1  0.20145527 -0.008153394     1.01228056
119     PLZ_37079      REAL2  0.50248527 -0.098145168     0.80626773
120     PLZ_37079      REWE1 -0.09957473 -0.119876006     0.28401330
121     PLZ_37079      REWE2  0.20145527  0.070646010    -0.47600687
122     PLZ_37079      REWE3 -0.09957473  0.042926533     0.44661480
123     PLZ_37079      REWE4 -0.09957473  0.252937988     0.20523437
124     PLZ_37079      REWE6 -0.09957473 -0.087058039     0.02147567
125     PLZ_37079     TEGUT1 -0.09957473  0.049692313     0.23303684
126     PLZ_37079     TEGUT2  0.20145527  0.061781705     0.12518366
127     PLZ_37079     TEGUT3 -0.09957473 -0.054820608     0.14475362
128     PLZ_37079     TEGUT4 -0.09957473  0.266955480     0.10620805
129     PLZ_37081      ALDI1 -0.10667609  0.199183392    -0.15794353
130     PLZ_37081      ALDI3 -0.10667609  0.236021642    -0.16922454
131     PLZ_37081      ALDI6  0.19435390 -0.396608465    -0.09579563
132     PLZ_37081      ALDI7 -0.10667609 -0.183594854    -0.13096004
133     PLZ_37081   ALNATURA -0.10667609 -0.045938140    -0.33403479
134     PLZ_37081     EDEKA1 -0.10667609  0.007796204     0.25099186
135     PLZ_37081     EDEKA2 -0.10667609  0.409798383    -0.44797814
136     PLZ_37081     EDEKA3 -0.10667609 -0.078348020     0.02914311
137     PLZ_37081     EDEKA4 -0.10667609  0.102188519    -0.27188689
138     PLZ_37081     EDEKA5 -0.10667609  0.107977380    -0.44797814
139     PLZ_37081  KAUFLAND1  0.19435390 -0.080205019     0.79194667
140     PLZ_37081  KAUFLAND2  0.19435390 -0.039715028     0.43426170
141     PLZ_37081      LIDL1 -0.10667609  0.058346751    -0.05003814
142     PLZ_37081      LIDL2  0.19435390 -0.310434636    -0.05003814
143     PLZ_37081   NAHKAUF1 -0.10667609  0.336585298    -0.17497687
144     PLZ_37081   NAHKAUF4 -0.10667609 -0.175298432    -0.57291688
145     PLZ_37081   NAHKAUF5 -0.10667609  0.243088985    -0.44797814
146     PLZ_37081     NETTO1  0.37044516 -0.072788503    -0.27188689
147     PLZ_37081     NETTO6 -0.10667609 -0.010035235    -0.14694815
148     PLZ_37081     PENNY1 -0.10667609  0.116882823    -0.30574515
149     PLZ_37081     PENNY2 -0.10667609  0.098441665    -0.33907502
150     PLZ_37081      REAL1 -0.10667609  0.188493478     1.01228056
151     PLZ_37081      REAL2 -0.10667609 -0.198478013     0.80626773
152     PLZ_37081      REWE1  0.37044516 -0.505428583     0.28401330
153     PLZ_37081      REWE2 -0.10667609 -0.050639905    -0.47600687
154     PLZ_37081      REWE3 -0.10667609  0.043395245     0.44661480
155     PLZ_37081      REWE4 -0.10667609  0.198380684     0.20523437
156     PLZ_37081      REWE6  0.37044516 -0.443600165     0.02147567
157     PLZ_37081     TEGUT1  0.37044516  0.052026692     0.23303684
158     PLZ_37081     TEGUT2 -0.10667609  0.202111347     0.12518366
159     PLZ_37081     TEGUT3  0.19435390 -0.251483393     0.14475362
160     PLZ_37081     TEGUT4 -0.10667609  0.241877901     0.10620805
161     PLZ_37083      ALDI1 -0.16130697  0.220547032    -0.15794353
162     PLZ_37083      ALDI3  0.13972303 -0.159335078    -0.16922454
163     PLZ_37083      ALDI6 -0.16130697  0.235820448    -0.09579563
164     PLZ_37083      ALDI7 -0.16130697  0.302932598    -0.13096004
165     PLZ_37083   ALNATURA -0.16130697 -0.300909392    -0.33403479
166     PLZ_37083     EDEKA1 -0.16130697  0.045497839     0.25099186
167     PLZ_37083     EDEKA2 -0.16130697  0.389668922    -0.44797814
168     PLZ_37083     EDEKA3 -0.16130697  0.238248223     0.02914311
169     PLZ_37083     EDEKA4 -0.16130697 -0.042640350    -0.27188689
170     PLZ_37083     EDEKA5  0.31581429 -1.183823899    -0.44797814
171     PLZ_37083  KAUFLAND1  0.44075302  0.270552897     0.79194667
172     PLZ_37083  KAUFLAND2  0.61684428 -0.345493586     0.43426170
173     PLZ_37083      LIDL1  0.13972303  0.073222913    -0.05003814
174     PLZ_37083      LIDL2 -0.16130697  0.262582041    -0.05003814
175     PLZ_37083   NAHKAUF1 -0.16130697  0.359105058    -0.17497687
176     PLZ_37083   NAHKAUF4 -0.16130697 -0.041410053    -0.57291688
177     PLZ_37083   NAHKAUF5 -0.16130697 -0.227969855    -0.44797814
178     PLZ_37083     NETTO1  0.13972303 -0.171235479    -0.27188689
179     PLZ_37083     NETTO6 -0.16130697  0.028935859    -0.14694815
180     PLZ_37083     PENNY1 -0.16130697  0.128289239    -0.30574515
181     PLZ_37083     PENNY2  0.31581429 -0.546528578    -0.33907502
182     PLZ_37083      REAL1 -0.16130697  0.251523989     1.01228056
183     PLZ_37083      REAL2  0.13972303  0.297822161     0.80626773
184     PLZ_37083      REWE1  0.13972303  0.040953713     0.28401330
185     PLZ_37083      REWE2 -0.16130697 -0.317976426    -0.47600687
186     PLZ_37083      REWE3 -0.16130697  0.060310783     0.44661480
187     PLZ_37083      REWE4  0.68379107 -0.388165864     0.20523437
188     PLZ_37083      REWE6 -0.16130697  0.135513666     0.02147567
189     PLZ_37083     TEGUT1  0.31581429  0.071586937     0.23303684
190     PLZ_37083     TEGUT2 -0.16130697  0.195748283     0.12518366
191     PLZ_37083     TEGUT3 -0.16130697  0.280541664     0.14475362
192     PLZ_37083     TEGUT4 -0.16130697 -0.163915704     0.10620805
193     PLZ_37085      ALDI1 -0.19436922  0.181542457    -0.15794353
194     PLZ_37085      ALDI3 -0.19436922 -0.838223266    -0.16922454
195     PLZ_37085      ALDI6 -0.19436922  0.203808390    -0.09579563
196     PLZ_37085      ALDI7 -0.19436922  0.272194155    -0.13096004
197     PLZ_37085   ALNATURA  0.10666078 -0.136797067    -0.33403479
198     PLZ_37085     EDEKA1 -0.19436922  0.065170808     0.25099186
199     PLZ_37085     EDEKA2 -0.19436922  0.212375537    -0.44797814
200     PLZ_37085     EDEKA3 -0.19436922  0.204426114     0.02914311
201     PLZ_37085     EDEKA4  0.28275204 -0.154655825    -0.27188689
202     PLZ_37085     EDEKA5 -0.19436922 -0.219310104    -0.44797814
203     PLZ_37085  KAUFLAND1  0.28275204  0.229363658     0.79194667
204     PLZ_37085  KAUFLAND2  0.50460079 -0.157858978     0.43426170
205     PLZ_37085      LIDL1  0.10666078  0.061132810    -0.05003814
206     PLZ_37085      LIDL2 -0.19436922  0.224353232    -0.05003814
207     PLZ_37085   NAHKAUF1 -0.19436922  0.268878221    -0.17497687
208     PLZ_37085   NAHKAUF4 -0.19436922  0.046293539    -0.57291688
209     PLZ_37085   NAHKAUF5  0.40769077 -0.401119319    -0.44797814
210     PLZ_37085     NETTO1  0.40769077 -0.069046064    -0.27188689
211     PLZ_37085     NETTO6 -0.19436922  0.054033413    -0.14694815
212     PLZ_37085     PENNY1 -0.19436922  0.087498448    -0.30574515
213     PLZ_37085     PENNY2 -0.19436922 -0.245529065    -0.33907502
214     PLZ_37085      REAL1  0.10666078  0.208826142     1.01228056
215     PLZ_37085      REAL2  0.10666078  0.268316014     0.80626773
216     PLZ_37085      REWE1  0.40769077  0.063812642     0.28401330
217     PLZ_37085      REWE2 -0.19436922 -0.144994438    -0.47600687
218     PLZ_37085      REWE3 -0.19436922  0.074772559     0.44661480
219     PLZ_37085      REWE4  0.28275204 -0.116845433     0.20523437
220     PLZ_37085      REWE6 -0.19436922  0.173490410     0.02147567
221     PLZ_37085     TEGUT1  0.28275204  0.082994425     0.23303684
222     PLZ_37085     TEGUT2  0.10666078  0.115728257     0.12518366
223     PLZ_37085     TEGUT3 -0.19436922  0.255284573     0.14475362
224     PLZ_37085     TEGUT4  0.10666078 -0.869916245     0.10620805
  [1]  0.5586409 -1.4456805  0.8119981  1.4633403 -1.4456805 -1.4456805
  [7] -0.4042878  0.1671033  0.7611454  0.8119981  0.1671033 -0.4297476
 [13]  0.6116451 -0.4297476  0.8924717 -0.4297476 -0.4297476 -0.4297476
 [19] -0.4297476  0.8924717  0.6116451 -0.4297476 -0.2148738 -0.2148738
 [25] -0.2148738  0.8265189 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738
 [31]  1.1073455 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738
 [37]  1.1073455 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738 -0.2148738  0.8265189
 [43] -0.2148738 -0.2148738  0.1391845  0.1391845  0.4200111  0.8053619
 [49]  0.7105756 -0.9022082  0.5891535 -0.9022082  0.8053619 -0.9022082
 [55] -0.9022082 -0.1893441 -0.1893441 -0.1893441  0.8520486 -0.1893441
 [61] -0.1893441 -0.1893441 -0.1893441  0.8520486 -0.1893441 -0.1893441
 [67] -0.2768831 -0.2768831 -0.2768831  0.7645096 -0.2768831 -0.2768831
 [73] -0.2768831 -0.2768831  1.7274383 -0.2768831 -0.2768831 -0.1202018
 [79] -0.1202018 -0.1202018 -0.1202018 -0.1202018 -0.1202018 -0.1202018
 [85] -0.1202018  1.2020175 -0.1202018 -0.1202018 -0.3768671 -0.3768671
 [91]  0.6645256  1.2359167 -0.3768671 -0.3768671 -0.3768671 -0.3768671
 [97]  1.1144946 -0.3768671 -0.3768671 -0.3359608  0.7054318 -0.3359608
[103] -0.3359608 -0.3359608  0.7054318 -0.3359608 -0.3359608  1.2768230
[109] -0.3359608 -0.3359608 -0.2668185 -0.2668185 -0.2668185 -0.2668185
[115] -0.2668185  1.0554008 -0.2668185 -0.2668185  1.3459654 -0.2668185
[121] -0.2668185

lm(formula = mci_formula, data = mciworkfile)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.27457 -0.28725 -0.02391  0.32163  1.29351 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
d_time_t        -1.2443     0.2319  -5.367 4.02e-07 ***
salesarea_qm_t   0.9413     0.1158   8.132 4.59e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4458 on 119 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4603,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.4512 
F-statistic: 50.74 on 2 and 119 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

MCI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:02 a.m.