options("scipen" = 100, "digits" = 4, warn = -1)
DF_endpoint_list = c("Normal", "Binary", "Count")
DF_model_list = c("Linear", "Quadratic", "Exponential", "Emax", "Logistic", "SigEmax")
DF_model_list_short = c("Lin", "Quad", "Exp", "Emax", "Logist", "SigEmax")
DF_model_parameters = list(c("e0", "delta"), c("e0", "delta1", "delta2"), c("e0", "e1", "delta"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50", "delta"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50", "h"))
n_evaluation_points = 100
Logit = function(x) {
return(log(x /(1 - x)))
AntiLogit = function(x) {
return(1 / (1 + exp(-x)))
tocap = function(x) {
s = strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste0(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2))
FormatMatrix = function(mat, format) {
nrows = dim(mat)[1]
ncols = dim(mat)[2]
for_mat = matrix(0, nrows, ncols)
for (i in 1:nrows) {
for (j in 1:ncols) {
for_mat[i, j] = sprintf(format, mat[i, j])
# Check if the number is an integer
is.wholenumber = function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
# Arguments:
# parameter: Parameter's value
# n_values: Required number of values
# lower_values: Lower range
# lower_values_sign: Inequality for evaluating the lower range
# upper_values: Upper range
# upper_values_sign: Inequality for evaluating the upper range
# parameter_name: Parameter's name
# component_name: Names of the individual components
# type: Parameter's type (double or integer)
# default_value: Default value
ContinuousErrorCheck = function(parameter, n_values, lower_values, lower_values_sign, upper_values, upper_values_sign, parameter_name, component_name, type = "double", default_value = NA) {
if (is.null(parameter)) {
if (! {
for (i in 1:n_values) {
parameter[i] = default_value
} else {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, " must be specified.")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (! {
if (length(parameter) != n_values) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", n_values, " values must be specified.")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
} else {
n_values = length(parameter)
for (i in 1:n_values) {
if (type == "double") {
if (!is.numeric(parameter[i])) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be numeric.")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (type == "integer") {
if (!is.wholenumber(parameter[i])) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be an integer.")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (length(lower_values) == 1) {
if (! {
if (lower_values_sign == ">" & parameter[i] <= lower_values) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be > ", lower_values, ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (lower_values_sign == ">=" & parameter[i] < lower_values) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be >= ", lower_values, ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (![i])) {
if (lower_values_sign[i] == ">" & parameter[i] <= lower_values[i]) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be > ", lower_values[i], ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (lower_values_sign[i] == ">=" & parameter[i] < lower_values[i]) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be >= ", lower_values[i], ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (length(upper_values) == 1) {
if (! {
if (upper_values_sign == "<" & parameter[i] >= upper_values) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be < ", upper_values, ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (upper_values_sign == "<=" & parameter[i] > upper_values) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be <= ", upper_values, ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (![i])) {
if (upper_values_sign[i] == "<" & parameter[i] >= upper_values[i]) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be < ", upper_values[i], ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
if (upper_values_sign[i] == "<=" & parameter[i] > upper_values[i]) {
error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be <= ", upper_values[i], ".")
stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
# Dose-response functions
DRFunction = function(model_index, coef, x) {
# Linear model
if (model_index == 1) {
y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x
# Quadratic model
if (model_index == 2) {
y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x + coef[3] * x^2
# Exponential model
if (model_index == 3) {
y = coef[1] + coef[2] * (exp(x / coef[3]) - 1)
# Emax model
if (model_index == 4) {
y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x / (coef[3] + x)
# Logistic model
if (model_index == 5) {
den = 1.0 + exp((coef[3] - x) / coef[4])
y = coef[1] + coef[2] / den
# SigEmax model
if (model_index == 6) {
den = x^coef[4] + coef[3]^coef[4]
y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x^coef[4] / den
# Compute the model parameters to match the placebo and maximum effects
ComputeDRFunctionParameters = function(model_index, placebo_effect, max_effect, max_dose, parameters) {
# Linear model
if (model_index == 1) {
coef = rep(0, 2)
coef[1] = placebo_effect
coef[2] = max_effect / max_dose
# Quadratic model (maximum is assumed to be achieved at the mid-point of the dose range)
if (model_index == 2) {
coef = rep(0, 3)
coef[1] = placebo_effect
coef[2] = 4 * max_effect / max_dose
coef[3] = - coef[2] / max_dose
# Exponential model
if (model_index == 3) {
coef = rep(0, 3)
coef[1] = placebo_effect
coef[2] = max_effect / (exp(max_dose / parameters[1]) - 1)
coef[3] = parameters[1]
# Emax model
if (model_index == 4) {
coef = rep(0, 3)
coef[1] = placebo_effect
coef[2] = max_effect * (parameters[1] + max_dose) / max_dose
coef[3] = parameters[1]
# Logistic model
if (model_index == 5) {
coef = rep(0, 4)
temp_coef = c(0, 1, parameters[1], parameters[2])
temp = max_effect / (DRFunction(5, temp_coef, max_dose) - DRFunction(5, temp_coef, 0))
coef[1] = placebo_effect- temp * DRFunction(5, temp_coef, 0)
coef[2] = temp
coef[3] = parameters[1]
coef[4] = parameters[2]
# SigEmax model
if (model_index == 6) {
coef = rep(0, 4)
coef[1] = placebo_effect
coef[2] = max_effect * (parameters[1]^parameters[2] + max_dose^parameters[2]) / max_dose^parameters[2]
coef[3] = parameters[1]
coef[4] = parameters[2]
# Evaluate a dose-response function over the range of doses
EvaluateDRFunction = function(model_index, endpoint_index, coef, dose) {
# Evaluate the dose-response function for the given endpoint type
x = seq(from = min(dose), to = max(dose), length.out = n_evaluation_points)
y = rep(0, length(x))
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
# Normal endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 1) y[i] = DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i])
# Binary endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 2) y[i] = AntiLogit(DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i]))
# Count endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 3) y[i] = exp(DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i]))
return(list(x = x , y = y))
# Fit dose-response models
ModStep = function(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta_vector, dose, resp, delta, direction_index) {
# Maximum number of iterations to find maximum likelihood estimates
maxit = 300
model_fit = MCPModFitDRModels(endpoint_index, selected_models, dose, resp, delta, direction_index, maxit, theta_vector)
warning = function(c) {
msg <- conditionMessage(c)
if ( grepl("the line search step became smaller than the minimum value allowed", msg, fixed = TRUE) ) {
results = list(model_fit = model_fit,
dose = dose,
resp = resp)
# Compute the optimal contrasts, contrast correlation matrix and adjusted critical value
ContrastStep = function(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, dose_levels, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta) {
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# List of selected models
model_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]
n_selected_models = length(model_list)
doses = dose_levels
n_doses = length(doses)
n_patients = sum(n_groups)
max_dose = max(doses)
diag_vec = rep(0, n_doses)
corr_matrix = 0
# Normal endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i]
# Binary endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i] * mean_group[i] * (1 - mean_group[i])
# Count endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i] * theta[i] * mean_group[i] / (theta[i] + mean_group[i])
S = diag(1 / diag_vec)
Sinv = diag(diag_vec)
dr_model = rep(0, n_doses)
# Compute the model-specific optimal contrasts
opt_contrast = matrix(0, n_doses, n_models)
# Set up dose-response models based on the initial values
for (i in 1:n_models) {
# Define the vector of starting values
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
non_linear_parameters = user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters]
if (length(non_linear_parameters) >= 3) non_linear_parameters = non_linear_parameters[3:length(non_linear_parameters)] else non_linear_parameters = 0
# Parameters of a standardized model
if (i != 2) parameter_values = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(i, 0, 1, max_dose, non_linear_parameters)
# Alternative standardization for the quadratic model
if (i == 2) {
parameter_values = rep(0, 3)
if (direction_index == 1) {
temp = -0.5 / non_linear_parameters[1]
parameter_values[1] = 0
parameter_values[2] = 1 / (temp + non_linear_parameters[1] * temp^2)
parameter_values[3] = non_linear_parameters[1] * parameter_values[2]
if (direction_index == -1) {
temp = 0.5 / non_linear_parameters[1]
parameter_values[1] = 0
parameter_values[2] = -1 / (temp - non_linear_parameters[1] * temp^2)
parameter_values[3] = -non_linear_parameters[1] * parameter_values[2]
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
dr_model[j] = DRFunction(i, parameter_values, doses[j])
if (i == 2 & direction_index == -1) dr_model[j] = -DRFunction(i, parameter_values, doses[j])
# Optimal contrasts
dr_expected = sum(dr_model * rowSums(Sinv))/sum(rowSums(Sinv))
contrast = Sinv %*% (dr_model - dr_expected)
contrast = contrast - sum(contrast)
opt_contrast[, i] = contrast / sqrt(sum(contrast^2))
# Apply the list of selected models
opt_contrast = opt_contrast[, model_list]
if (n_selected_models >= 2) {
# Compute the correlation matrix for the model-specific test statistics
cov_mat = t(opt_contrast) %*% S %*% opt_contrast
diag_mat = diag(sqrt(diag(cov_mat)))
corr_matrix = solve(diag_mat) %*% cov_mat %*% solve(diag_mat)
# Critical value based on a univariate or multivariate t distribution
if (n_selected_models >= 2) crit_value = qmvt(p = 1 - alpha, tail = "lower.tail", df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0, algorithm = GenzBretz())$quantile else crit_value = qt(p = 1 - alpha, df = n_patients - n_doses)
# Account for the direction of the dose-response relationship
crit_value = crit_value * direction_index
results = list(opt_contrast = as.matrix(opt_contrast),
corr_matrix = corr_matrix,
crit_value = crit_value)
# End of ContrastStep
# Compute the test statistics
MCPStep = function(endpoint_index, contrast_results, selected_models, user_specified, dose, resp, alpha, direction_index) {
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# List of selected models
model_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]
n_selected_models = length(model_list)
dose_levels = sort(unique(dose))
n_doses = length(dose_levels)
n_groups = table(dose)
n_patients = length(resp)
test_statistics = rep(0, n_selected_models)
theta = user_specified$theta
corr_matrix = as.matrix(contrast_results$corr_matrix)
opt_contrast = as.matrix(contrast_results$opt_contrast)
# Compute the model-specific test statistics
# Normal endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
# Group-specific means
mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
for (i in 1:n_patients) {
if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]
# Pooled variance estimate
pooled_variance = 0
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
for (i in 1:n_patients) {
if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
pooled_variance = pooled_variance + (resp[i] - mean_group[j])^2
pooled_variance = pooled_variance / (n_patients - n_doses)
# Model-specific test statistics
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
num = 0
den = 0
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * mean_group[j]
den = den + pooled_variance * opt_contrast[j, i]^2 / n_groups[j]
test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)
# Binary endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
# Group-specific means, logits and variances
mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
logit_group = rep(0, n_doses)
variance_group = rep(0, n_doses)
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
for (i in 1:n_patients) {
if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
if (mean_group[j] == 0) mean_group[j] = 1 / (3 * n_groups[j] + 2)
if (mean_group[j] == n_groups[j]) mean_group[j] = (3 * n_groups[j] + 1) / (3 * n_groups[j] + 2)
if (mean_group[j] > 0 & mean_group[j] < n_groups[j]) mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]
logit_group[j] = log(mean_group[j] / (1 - mean_group[j]))
variance_group[j] = 1 / (n_groups[j] * mean_group[j] * (1 - mean_group[j]))
# Model-specific test statistics
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
num = 0
den = 0
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * logit_group[j]
den = den + variance_group[j] * opt_contrast[j, i]^2
test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)
# Count endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
# Group-specific means, logits and variances
mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
logit_group = rep(0, n_doses)
variance_group = rep(0, n_doses)
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
for (i in 1:n_patients) {
if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
if (mean_group[j] == 0) mean_group[j] = qgamma(0.5, shape = 1 / 3, scale = 1 / n_groups[j])
if (mean_group[j] > 0) mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]
variance_group[j] = (theta[j] + mean_group[j]) / (n_groups[j] * theta[j] * mean_group[j])
# Model-specific test statistics
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
num = 0
den = 0
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * log(mean_group[j])
den = den + variance_group[j] * opt_contrast[j, i]^2
test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)
# Apply the list of selected models
# test_statistics = test_statistics[model_list]
adj_pvalues = rep(0, n_selected_models)
if (n_selected_models >= 2) {
# Compute adjusted p-values from a multivariate t distribution
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (direction_index == 1) {
adj_pvalues[i] = 1 - pmvt(lower = rep(-Inf, n_selected_models), upper = rep(test_statistics[i], n_selected_models), df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
if (direction_index == -1) {
adj_pvalues[i] = 1 - pmvt(lower = rep(test_statistics[i], n_selected_models), upper = rep(Inf, n_selected_models), df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
} else {
# Compute the adjusted p-value from a univariate t distribution
if (direction_index == 1) adj_pvalues[1] = 1 - pt(test_statistics[1], df = n_patients - n_doses)
if (direction_index == -1) adj_pvalues[1] = pt(test_statistics[1], df = n_patients - n_doses)
# Identify significant models
sign_model = as.numeric(adj_pvalues <= alpha)
results = list(test_statistics = test_statistics,
adj_pvalues = adj_pvalues,
sign_model = sign_model)
MCPModSimulation = function(endpoint_type, models, alpha = 0.025, direction = "increasing", model_selection = "AIC", Delta, theta = 0, sim_models, sim_parameters) {
if (missing(endpoint_type)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(models)) stop("Candidate dose-response models (models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(Delta)) stop("Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(sim_models)) stop("Simulation models (sim_models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(sim_parameters)) stop("Simulation parameters (sim_parameters): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# Error checks
if (!tolower(endpoint_type) %in% tolower(DF_endpoint_list)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be Normal, Binary or Count.", call. = FALSE)
endpoint_index = 1
for (i in 1:length(DF_endpoint_list)) {
if (tolower(DF_endpoint_list[i]) == tolower(endpoint_type)) endpoint_index = i
if (!tolower(direction) %in% c("increasing", "decreasing")) stop("MCPModSimulation: Direction of the dose-response relationship (direction): Value must be Increasing or Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (tolower(direction) == "decreasing") direction_index = -1
if (tolower(direction) == "increasing") direction_index = 1
if (length(models) < 1) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of dose-response models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
selected_models = rep(FALSE, n_models)
user_specified = list()
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$linear = c(0, 0, 1) else user_specified$linear = c(0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$linear)) selected_models[1] = TRUE
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$quadratic)) {
selected_models[2] = TRUE
if (direction_index == 1) {
user_specified$quadratic[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1],
lower_values = NA,
lower_values_sign = NA,
upper_values = 0,
upper_values_sign = "<",
"Quadratic model (quadratic)",
if (direction_index == -1) {
user_specified$quadratic[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1],
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Quadratic model (quadratic)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$exponential)) {
selected_models[3] = TRUE
user_specified$exponential[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$exponential[1],
lower_values = c(0),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Exponential model (exponential)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$emax)) {
selected_models[4] = TRUE
user_specified$emax[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$emax[1],
lower_values = c(0),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Emax model (emax)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$logistic)) {
selected_models[5] = TRUE
user_specified$logistic[3:4] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$logistic[1:2],
lower_values = c(0, 0),
lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
upper_values = c(NA, NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
"Logistic model (logistic)",
c("ED50", "delta"),
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$sigemax)) {
selected_models[6] = TRUE
user_specified$sigemax[3:4] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$sigemax[1:2],
lower_values = c(0, 0),
lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
upper_values = c(NA, NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
"SigEmax model (sigemax)",
c("ED50", "h"),
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
if (n_selected_models == 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)
alpha =
lower_values = c(0.001),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(0.999),
upper_values_sign = c("<"),
"One-sided Type I error rate (alpha)",
if (!model_selection %in% c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC")) stop("MCPModSimulation: Model selection criterion (model_selection): Value must be AIC, maxT or aveAIC.", call. = FALSE)
if (model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_index = 1
if (model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_index = 2
if (model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_index = 3
delta =
lower_values = c(NA),
lower_values_sign = c(NA),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta)",
if (direction_index == 1 & delta <= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & delta >= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
n = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_parameters$n,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Number of patients in the simulation model (n)",
dose_levels = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_parameters$doses,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">=",
upper_values = 1000,
upper_values_sign = "<=",
"Dose levels in the simulation model (doses)",
if(length(dose_levels) != length(n)) stop("MCPModSimulation: The length of the dose vector (doses) must be equal to the length of the sample size vector (n) in the simulation model.", call. = FALSE)
n_doses = length(dose_levels)
if (!is.null(sim_parameters$dropout_rate)) {
dropout_rate =
lower_values = c(0),
lower_values_sign = c(">="),
upper_values = c(1),
upper_values_sign = c("<"),
"Patient dropout rate in the simulation model (dropout_rate)",
} else {
dropout_rate = 0
go_threshold =
lower_values = c(NA),
lower_values_sign = c(NA),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold)",
if (direction_index == 1 & go_threshold <= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & go_threshold >= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(sim_parameters$nsims)) {
nsims =
lower_values = c(1),
lower_values_sign = c(">="),
upper_values = c(10000),
upper_values_sign = c("<="),
"Number of simulations (nsims)",
} else {
nsims = 1000
sim_parameter_list = list(n = n,
doses = dose_levels,
dropout_rate = dropout_rate,
nsims = nsims,
n_patients = sum(n))
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
theta =
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Overdispersion parameters (theta)",
# Create a long vector of overdispersion parameters in the negative binomial distribution (one value for each patient)
theta_vector = rep(theta, n)
} else {
theta = 0
theta_vector = 0
user_specified$theta = theta
user_specified$theta_vector = theta_vector
# Simulation models
if (!is.null(sim_models$placebo_effect)) {
placebo_effect =
lower_values = c(NA),
lower_values_sign = c(NA),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect)",
} else {
stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(sim_models$max_effect)) {
max_effect = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_models$max_effect,
lower_values = NA,
lower_values_sign = NA,
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect)",
} else {
stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == 1 & any(max_effect < 0)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & any(max_effect > 0)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
max_dose = max(dose_levels)
n_scenarios = length(max_effect)
placebo_effect_temp = placebo_effect
max_effect_temp = max_effect
# Normal endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
if (direction_index == 1 & max_effect_temp[i] < 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be non-negative.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & max_effect_temp[i] > 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be non-positive.", call. = FALSE)
# Binary endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
if (placebo_effect_temp < 0 | placebo_effect_temp > 1) stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be >= 0 and <= 1.", call. = FALSE)
if (placebo_effect_temp == 0) placebo_effect_temp = 0.001
if (placebo_effect_temp == 1) placebo_effect_temp = 0.999
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
if (direction_index == 1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] > 0.999) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.999 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] < 0.001) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.001 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)
max_effect_temp[i] = Logit(placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i]) - Logit(placebo_effect_temp)
placebo_effect_temp = Logit(placebo_effect_temp)
# Count endpoint
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
if (placebo_effect_temp < 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be >= 0.", call. = FALSE)
if (placebo_effect_temp == 0) placebo_effect_temp = 0.001
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
if (direction_index == -1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] < 0.001) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.001 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)
max_effect_temp[i] = log(placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i]) - log(placebo_effect_temp)
placebo_effect_temp = log(placebo_effect_temp)
# Standard deviations are required for normal endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
if (is.null(sim_models$sd)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Standard deviations of the response variable in the simulation model (sd): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
sd = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_models$sd,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Standard deviations of the response variable in the simulation model (sd)",
if(length(sd) != n_doses) stop("MCPModSimulation: The length of the dose vector (doses) must be equal to the length of the standard deviation vector (sd) in the simulation model.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
sd = rep(0, n_doses)
# Compute parameters of the assumed dose-response model to match the placebo and maximum effects
sim_model_index = 0
if (!is.null(sim_models$linear)) {
sim_model_index = 1
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 2)
parameters = 0
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:2) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (!is.null(sim_models$quadratic)) {
sim_model_index = 2
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)
parameters = sim_models$quadratic
if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (quadratic).", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (!is.null(sim_models$exponential)) {
sim_model_index = 3
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)
parameters = sim_models$exponential
if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (exponential).", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (!is.null(sim_models$emax)) {
sim_model_index = 4
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)
parameters = sim_models$emax
if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (emax).", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (!is.null(sim_models$logistic)) {
sim_model_index = 5
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 4)
parameters = sim_models$logistic
if (length(parameters) != 2) stop("Two parameters must be specified for the simulation model (logistic).", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:4) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (!is.null(sim_models$sigemax)) {
sim_model_index = 6
# Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 4)
parameters = sim_models$sigemax
if (length(parameters) != 2) stop("Two parameters must be specified for the simulation model (sigemax).", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
for (j in 1:4) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]
if (sim_model_index == 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of simulation dose-response models and parameter values (sim_models): At least one model must be specified (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)
sim_model_list = list(sim_model_index = sim_model_index,
sim_parameter_values = sim_parameter_values,
sd = sd)
# Save the input parameters
input_parameters = list(direction_index = direction_index,
alpha = alpha,
delta = delta,
user_specified = user_specified,
model_selection = model_selection,
endpoint_index = endpoint_index,
sim_parameters = sim_parameters,
placebo_effect = placebo_effect,
max_effect = max_effect,
sim_model_list = sim_model_list,
theta = theta,
go_threshold = go_threshold)
# Compute the optimal contrasts and adjusted critical values
opt_contrast = list()
contrast_results = list()
n_groups = n
doses = dose_levels
# Continuous endpoint: A single set of results
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
mean_group = 0
contrast_info = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, doses, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)
contrast_results[[1]] = contrast_info
opt_contrast[[1]] = contrast_info$opt_contrast
crit_value = contrast_info$crit_value
# Binary or count endpoints: A separate set of results for each max effect scenario
if (endpoint_index %in% c(2, 3)) {
mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
crit_value = rep(0, n_scenarios)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
# Compute the rates or average number of events at each dose under each max effect scenario
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
# Binary endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 2) mean_group[j] = AntiLogit(DRFunction(sim_model_list$sim_model_index, sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], doses[j]))
# Count endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 3) mean_group[j] = exp(DRFunction(sim_model_list$sim_model_index, sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], doses[j]))
contrast_info = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, doses, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)
contrast_results[[i]] = contrast_info
opt_contrast[[i]] = contrast_info$opt_contrast
crit_value[i] = contrast_info$crit_value
# Number of points used in dose-response plots
n_points = 20
# Maximum number of iterations to find maximum likelihood estimates
maxit = 50
# Go threshold is defined relative to the placebo effect
go_threshold = go_threshold + placebo_effect
# Run simulations
sim_results = MCPModRunSimulations(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta, theta_vector, delta, model_selection_index, opt_contrast, crit_value, sim_parameter_list, sim_model_list, direction_index, go_threshold, n_points, maxit)
warning = function(c) {
msg <- conditionMessage(c)
if ( grepl("the line search step became smaller than the minimum value allowed", msg, fixed = TRUE) ) {
results = list(contrast_results = contrast_results,
input_parameters = input_parameters,
selected_models = selected_models,
sim_results = sim_results)
class(results) = "MCPModSimulationResults"
# End of MCPModSimulation
MCPModAnalysis = function(endpoint_type, models, dose, resp, alpha = 0.025, direction = "increasing", model_selection = "AIC", Delta, theta = 0) {
if (missing(endpoint_type)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(models)) stop("Candidate dose-response models (models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(dose)) stop("Dose values (dose): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(dose)) stop("Response values (resp): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(Delta)) stop("Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# Error checks
if (!tolower(endpoint_type) %in% tolower(DF_endpoint_list)) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be Normal, Binary or Count.", call. = FALSE)
endpoint_index = 1
for (i in 1:length(DF_endpoint_list)) {
if (tolower(DF_endpoint_list[i]) == tolower(endpoint_type)) endpoint_index = i
if (!tolower(direction) %in% c("increasing", "decreasing")) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Direction of the dose-response relationship (direction): Value must be Increasing or Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (tolower(direction) == "decreasing") direction_index = -1
if (tolower(direction) == "increasing") direction_index = 1
if (length(models) == 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
selected_models = rep(FALSE, n_models)
user_specified = list()
# Find the initial values of the model parameters
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$linear = c(0, 0, 1) else user_specified$linear = c(0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$linear)) selected_models[1] = TRUE
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$quadratic)) {
selected_models[2] = TRUE
if (direction_index == 1) {
user_specified$quadratic[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1],
lower_values = NA,
lower_values_sign = NA,
upper_values = 0,
upper_values_sign = "<",
"Quadratic model (quadratic)",
if (direction_index == -1) {
user_specified$quadratic[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1],
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Quadratic model (quadratic)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$exponential)) {
selected_models[3] = TRUE
user_specified$exponential[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$exponential[1],
lower_values = c(0),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Exponential model (exponential)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$emax)) {
selected_models[4] = TRUE
user_specified$emax[3] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$emax[1],
lower_values = c(0),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Emax model (emax)",
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$logistic)) {
selected_models[5] = TRUE
user_specified$logistic[3:4] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$logistic[1:2],
lower_values = c(0, 0),
lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
upper_values = c(NA, NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
"Logistic model (logistic)",
c("ED50", "delta"),
if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(models$sigemax)) {
selected_models[6] = TRUE
user_specified$sigemax[3:4] = ContinuousErrorCheck(models$sigemax[1:2],
lower_values = c(0, 0),
lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
upper_values = c(NA, NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
"SigEmax model (sigemax)",
c("ED50", "h"),
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
if (n_selected_models == 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)
alpha =
lower_values = c(0.001),
lower_values_sign = c(">"),
upper_values = c(0.999),
upper_values_sign = c("<"),
"One-sided Type I error rate (alpha)",
if (!model_selection %in% c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC")) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Model selection criterion (model_selection): Value must be AIC, maxT or aveAIC.", call. = FALSE)
delta =
lower_values = c(NA),
lower_values_sign = c(NA),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta)",
if (direction_index == 1 & delta <= 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)
if (direction_index == -1 & delta >= 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)
dose = ContinuousErrorCheck(dose,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = c(">="),
upper_values = 1000,
upper_values_sign = c("<="),
"Dose levels (dose)",
dose_levels = sort(unique(dose))
max_dose = max(dose_levels)
n_doses = length(dose_levels)
n_groups = table(dose)
# Normal endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp,
lower_values = NA,
lower_values_sign = c(NA),
upper_values = c(NA),
upper_values_sign = c(NA),
"Responses (resp)",
# Binary endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">=",
upper_values = 1,
upper_values_sign = "<=",
"Resp variable (resp)",
# Count endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp,
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">=",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Resp variable (resp)",
theta =
lower_values = 0,
lower_values_sign = ">",
upper_values = NA,
upper_values_sign = NA,
"Overdispersion parameters (theta)",
# Create a long vector of overdispersion parameters in the negative binomial distribution (one value for each patient)
theta_vector = rep(theta, n_groups)
} else {
theta = 0
theta_vector = 0
user_specified$theta = theta
if(length(dose) != length(resp)) stop("MCPModAnalysis: The length of the dose vector (dose) must be equal to the length of the response vector (resp).", call. = FALSE)
# Save the input parameters
input_parameters = list(direction_index = direction_index,
alpha = alpha,
delta = delta,
user_specified = user_specified,
model_selection = model_selection,
endpoint_index = endpoint_index,
theta = theta)
# Descriptive statistics
lower_cl = rep(0, n_doses)
upper_cl = rep(0, n_doses)
mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
sderr = rep(0, n_doses)
# Normal endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
sderr[j] = sd(resp) / sqrt(n_groups[j])
lower_cl[j] = mean_group[j] - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)
upper_cl[j] = mean_group[j] + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)
# Binary endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
sderr[j] = sqrt(mean_group[j] * (1 - mean_group[j]) / n_groups[j])
lower_cl[j] = mean_group[j] - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)
upper_cl[j] = mean_group[j] + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)
# Count endpoints
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
sderr[j] = sqrt((theta[j] + mean_group[j]) / (n_groups[j] * theta[j] * mean_group[j]))
lower_cl[j] = exp(log(mean_group[j]) - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha))
upper_cl[j] = exp(log(mean_group[j]) + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha))
descriptive_statistics = list(dose_levels = dose_levels,
n_groups = n_groups,
mean_group = mean_group,
sderr = sderr,
lower_cl = lower_cl,
upper_cl = upper_cl)
# Hypothesis testing step
# Compute the optimal contrasts, contrast correlation matrix and adjusted critical value
contrast_results = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, dose_levels, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)
# Compute the test statistics
mcp_results = MCPStep(endpoint_index, contrast_results, selected_models, user_specified, dose, resp, alpha, direction_index)
# Modeling step
mod_results = ModStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta_vector, dose, resp, delta, direction_index)
# Include selected models only
selected_models = unlist(selected_models)
model_fit = list()
k = 1
for (i in 1:length(mod_results$model_fit)) {
if (selected_models[i]) {
model_fit[[k]] = mod_results$model_fit[[i]]
k = k + 1
mod_results$model_fit = model_fit
results = list(contrast_results = contrast_results,
mcp_results = mcp_results,
mod_results = mod_results,
input_parameters = input_parameters,
selected_models = selected_models,
descriptive_statistics = descriptive_statistics)
class(results) = "MCPModAnalysisResults"
# End of MCPModAnalysis
print.MCPModAnalysisResults = function (x, digits = 3, ...) {
results = x
# Extract input parameters
input_parameters = results$input_parameters
# Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
contrast_results = results$contrast_results
# Extract the test statistics
mcp_results = results$mcp_results
# Extract the Mod step results
mod_results = results$mod_results
# Extract descriptive statistics
descriptive_statistics = results$descriptive_statistics
# Extract the list of model fit parameters
model_fit = mod_results$model_fit
# Selected models
selected_models = results$selected_models
# Number of selected models
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
n_doses = length(mcp_results$dose_levels)
DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]
endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index
cat("Descriptive statistics\n\n")
# Normal endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 1) {
x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
# Binary endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 2) {
x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Rate", "95% CI")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
# Count endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 3) {
x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits),
round(input_parameters$theta, digits))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE", "Theta")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("Hypothesis testing and model selection\n\n")
cat("Model-specific dose-response contrasts\n\n")
x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, FormatMatrix(as.matrix(contrast_results$opt_contrast), "%0.3f"))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Dose", DF_selected_model_list)
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\n Contrast correlation matrix\n\n")
x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, FormatMatrix(as.matrix(contrast_results$corr_matrix), "%0.3f"))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Models", DF_selected_model_list)
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\n Model-specific contrast tests\n\n")
sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) sign[i] = "Yes"
x = cbind(sprintf("%0.3f", mcp_results$test_statistics),
x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, x)
x =
colnames(x) = c("Model", "Test statistic", "Adjusted p-value", "Significant contrast")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\nAdjusted critical value: ", round(contrast_results$crit_value, 3), sep = "")
cat("Dose-response modeling\n\n")
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
current_model = model_fit[[i]]
model = current_model$model
# Print well-defined models only
if (current_model$status >= 0) {
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[model]])
cat(paste0("Dose-response model: ", DF_model_list[model]), "\n")
cat("Parameter estimates\n")
coef = round(current_model$coef[1:n_parameters], digits)
names(coef) = DF_model_parameters[[model]]
} else {
cat(paste0("Dose-response model: ", DF_model_list[model]), "\n")
cat("Parameter could not be estimated\n")
cat("Dose selection\n\n")
sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
criterion = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
test_statistics = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
target_dose = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
sign[i] = "Yes"
criterion[i] = model_fit[[i]]$criterion
test_statistics[i] = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
if (model_fit[[i]]$target_dose >= 0) target_dose[i] = model_fit[[i]]$target_dose
model_weight = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) {
current_criterion = criterion[i]
denominator = 0
for (j in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[j] == 1 & model_fit[[j]]$status >= 0) denominator = denominator + exp(- 0.5 * (criterion[j] - current_criterion))
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & abs(denominator) > 0.0001) model_weight[i] = 1 / denominator
} else {
criterion[i] = NA
cat("Model selection criteria\n\n")
x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list,
sprintf("%0.2f", criterion),
sprintf("%0.3f", test_statistics),
sprintf("%0.3f", model_weight))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Model", "Significant contrast", "AIC", "Test statistic", "Model weight")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") {
criterion_label = "based on the smallest AIC"
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
index = which.min(criterion)
cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): ", DF_selected_model_list[index], "\n\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): No model is significant. \n\n", sep = "")
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {
criterion_label = "based on the most significant test statistic"
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
index = which.max(test_statistics)
cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): ", DF_selected_model_list[index], "\n\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): No model is significant. \n\n", sep = "")
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
criterion_label = "based on weighted model averaging"
cat("Model-specific estimated target doses (based on Delta = ", input_parameters$delta, ")\n\n", sep = "")
x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list,
sprintf("%0.3f", target_dose))
x =
colnames(x) = c("Model", "Target dose")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC" | input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
cat("\nSelected target dose (", criterion_label, "): ", round(target_dose[index], 3)," \n\n", sep="")
} else {
cat("\nSelected target dose cannot be determined. \n\n", sep = "")
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
weighted_dose = 0
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) weighted_dose = weighted_dose + target_dose[i] * model_weight[i]
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
cat("\nSelected target dose (", criterion_label, "): ", round(weighted_dose, 3), " \n\n", sep="")
} else {
cat("\nSelected target dose cannot be determined. \n\n", sep = "")
print.MCPModSimulationResults = function (x, digits = 3, ...) {
results = x
# Extract input parameters
input_parameters = results$input_parameters
# Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified
# Extract the initial values of the model parameters
initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values
# Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
contrast_results = results$contrast_results
# Simulation results
sim_results = results$sim_results
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# Selected models
selected_models = results$selected_models
# Number of selected models
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]
endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index
dose_levels = input_parameters$sim_parameters$doses
n_doses = length(dose_levels)
cat("Simulation results\n\n")
cat("Power summary\n\n")
x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
round(sim_results$power, digits))
colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "Power")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {
cat(paste0("\nGo probability summary (based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, ")\n\n"))
x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
round(sim_results$go_prob, digits))
colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "Pr(Go)")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\nProbability of selecting a dose-response model\n\n")
x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
round(sim_results$model_index_summary, digits))
colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "No model selected", DF_model_list_short[selected_models])
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\nEstimated target doses (based on Delta = ", input_parameters$delta, ")\n\n", sep = "")
true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = "NA"
true_target_dose = as.character(true_target_dose)
lower_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 1], digits)
lower_bound_target_dose[lower_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA
mean_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 2], digits)
mean_target_dose[mean_target_dose == -1] = NA
upper_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 3], digits)
upper_bound_target_dose[upper_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA
x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
paste0(mean_target_dose, " (", lower_bound_target_dose, ", ", upper_bound_target_dose, ")"))
colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "True target dose", "Mean target dose (95% CI)")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\nProbability of identifying the target dose\n\n")
x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
round(sim_results$target_dose_categorical_summary, digits))
colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "No dose found", dose_levels[2:n_doses], "Greater than max dose")
print(x, row.names = FALSE)
SaveReport = function(report, report_title) {
# Create a docx object
doc = officer::read_docx(system.file(package = "MCPModPack", "template/report_template.docx"))
dim_doc = officer::docx_dim(doc)
# Report's title
doc = officer::set_doc_properties(doc, title = report_title)
doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = report_title, style = "heading 1")
# Text formatting
my.text.format = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, = "Arial")
# Table formatting
header.cellProperties = officer::fp_cell(border.left = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.right = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.bottom = officer::fp_border(width = 2), = officer::fp_border(width = 2), background.color = "#eeeeee")
data.cellProperties = officer::fp_cell(border.left = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.right = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.bottom = officer::fp_border(width = 0), = officer::fp_border(width = 0))
header.textProperties = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = TRUE, = "Arial")
data.textProperties = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, = "Arial")
thick_border = fp_border(color = "black", width = 2)
leftPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "left")
rightPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "right")
centerPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "center")
# Number of sections in the report (the report's title is not counted)
n_sections = length(report)
# Loop over the sections in the report
for(section_index in 1:n_sections) {
# Determine the item's type (text by default)
type = report[[section_index]]$type
# Determine the item's label
label = report[[section_index]]$label
# Determine the item's label
footnote = report[[section_index]]$footnote
# Determine the item's value
value = report[[section_index]]$value
# Determine column width
column_width = report[[section_index]]$column_width
# Determine the page break status
page_break = report[[section_index]]$page_break
if (is.null(page_break)) page_break = FALSE
# Determine the figure's location (for figures only)
filename = report[[section_index]]$filename
# Determine the figure's dimensions (for figures only)
dim = report[[section_index]]$dim
if (!is.null(type)) {
# Fully formatted data frame
if (type == "table") {
doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = label, style = "heading 2")
summary_table = flextable::regulartable(data = value)
summary_table = flextable::style(summary_table, pr_p = leftPar, pr_c = header.cellProperties, pr_t = header.textProperties, part = "header")
summary_table = flextable::style(summary_table, pr_p = leftPar, pr_c = data.cellProperties, pr_t = data.textProperties, part = "body")
summary_table = flextable::hline_bottom(summary_table, part = "body", border = thick_border )
summary_table = flextable::width(summary_table, width = column_width)
doc = flextable::body_add_flextable(doc, summary_table)
if (!is.null(footnote)) doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = footnote, style = "Normal")
if (page_break) doc = officer::body_add_break(doc, pos = "after")
# Enhanced metafile graphics produced by package devEMF
if (type == "emf_plot") {
doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = label, style = "heading 2")
doc = officer::body_add_img(doc, src = filename, width = dim[1], height = dim[2])
if (!is.null(footnote)) doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = footnote, style = "Normal")
if (page_break) doc = officer::body_add_break(doc, pos = "after")
# Delete the figure
if (file.exists(filename)) file.remove(filename)
# End SaveReport
CreateTable = function(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, page_break, footnote = NULL) {
if (is.null(column_width)) {
column_width = rep(2, dim(data_frame)[2])
data_frame =
colnames(data_frame) = column_names
item_list = list(label = title,
value = data_frame,
column_width = column_width,
type = "table",
footnote = footnote,
page_break = page_break)
# End of CreateTable
GenerateAnalysisReport = function(results, report_title) {
# Error checks
if (!inherits(results, "MCPModAnalysisResults")) stop("AnalysisReport: The object was not created by the MCPModAnalysis function.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("AnalysisReport: The officer package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("AnalysisReport: The flextable package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("devEMF", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("AnalysisReport: The devEMF package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
# Extract input parameters
input_parameters = results$input_parameters
# Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified
# Extract the initial values of the model parameters
initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values
# Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
contrast_results = results$contrast_results
# Extract the test statistics
mcp_results = results$mcp_results
# Extract the Mod step results
mod_results = results$mod_results
# Extract the list of model fit parameters
model_fit = mod_results$model_fit
# Extract descriptive statistics
descriptive_statistics = results$descriptive_statistics
# Number of doses
n_doses = length(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels)
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# Selected models
selected_models = results$selected_models
# Number of selected models
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]
DF_selected_model_index_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]
# Extract the dose levels and responses
dose = mod_results$dose
resp = mod_results$resp
endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index
digits = 3
# Empty list of tables to be included in the report
item_list = list()
item_index = 1
table_index = 1
figure_index = 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
if (input_parameters$direction_index == 1) direction_label = "Increasing" else direction_label = "Decreasing"
if (endpoint_index != 3) {
col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship")
col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index],
paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "),
} else {
col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship", "Overdispersion parameters")
col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index],
paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "),
paste0(round(input_parameters$theta, digits), collapse = ", "))
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". General parameters.")
column_width = c(3.5, 3)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Candidate model", "Parameter values")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
col1 = DF_selected_model_list
for (i in 1:n_models) {
if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
model_user_specified = round(user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters], digits)
for (j in 1:n_parameters) model_user_specified[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[i]][j], " = ", model_user_specified[j])
col2 = c(col2, paste0(model_user_specified, collapse = ", "))
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Initial values of the model parameters.")
column_width = c(2.5, 4)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Descriptive statistics
# Normal endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 1) {
column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE")
data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits))
column_width = c(1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1)
# Binary endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 2) {
column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Rate", "95% CI")
data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"))
column_width = c(1, 1.5, 2, 2)
# Count endpoint
if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 3) {
column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE", "Theta")
data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels,
round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits),
round(user_specified$theta, digits))
column_width = c(1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, 1)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Descriptive statistics.")
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Hypothesis testing step
column_names = c("Dose", DF_selected_model_list)
data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, round(contrast_results$opt_contrast, 3))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific dose-response contrasts.")
original_width = c(0.9, 0.9, 1.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) # c(6.5 - 0.95 * 6, rep(0.95, 6))
column_width = c(1, 5.5 * original_width[selected_models] / sum(original_width[selected_models]))
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Models", DF_selected_model_list)
data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, round(contrast_results$corr_matrix, 3))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Contrast correlation matrix.")
original_width = c(0.9, 0.9, 1.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) # c(6.5 - 0.95 * 6, rep(0.95, 6))
column_width = c(1, 5.5 * original_width[selected_models] / sum(original_width[selected_models]))
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Model", "Test statistic", "Adjusted p-value", "Significant contrast")
sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) sign[i] = "Yes"
data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list,
round(mcp_results$test_statistics, 3),
round(mcp_results$adj_pvalues, 4),
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific contrast tests.")
footnote = paste0("Adjusted critical value: ", round(contrast_results$crit_value, 3), ".")
column_width = c(1.25, 1.5, 1.5, 2.25)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Dose-response modeling step
column_names = c("Model", "Parameter", "Estimate", "Convergence criterion")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
col3 = NULL
col4 = NULL
k = 1
for (i in 1:n_models) {
if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {
# Current dose-response model
current_model = model_fit[[k]]
coef = current_model$coef
test_statistic = mcp_results$test_statistics[k]
adj_pvalue = mcp_results$adj_pvalues[k]
if (mcp_results$sign_model[k] == 1) sign = "Yes" else sign = "No"
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
col1 = c(col1, DF_model_list[i], rep("", n_parameters - 1))
col2 = c(col2, DF_model_parameters[[i]])
# Display the estimated parameters if the model converged
if (current_model$status >= 0) parameter_estimates = round(current_model$coef[1:n_parameters], 3) else parameter_estimates = rep("NA", n_parameters)
col3 = c(col3, parameter_estimates)
if (current_model$status >= 0) convergence_criterion = round(current_model$convergence_criterion, 3) else convergence_criterion = "NA"
col4 = c(col4, convergence_criterion, rep("", n_parameters - 1))
k = k + 1
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2, col3, col4)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Estimated parameters of dose-response models.")
column_width = c(1.5, 1.25, 1.25, 2.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, "The convergence criterion is defined as the length of the gradient vector evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimate and a high value of the convergence criterion suggests lack of convergence.")
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_label = "Select the model with the smallest AIC"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_label = "Select the model corresponding to the largest test statistic"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_label = "Average the models using AIC-based weights"
col1 = c(col1, "Model selection criterion", "Delta")
col2 = c(col2, model_selection_label, input_parameters$delta)
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection parameters.")
footnote = "Delta is the pre-defined clinically meaningful improvement over placebo."
column_width = c(3, 3.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Model", "Significant contrast", "AIC", "Test statistic", "Model weight")
sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
criterion = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
test_statistics = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
target_dose = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
sign[i] = "Yes"
if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) criterion[i] = model_fit[[i]]$criterion else criterion[i] = NA
test_statistics[i] = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
if (model_fit[[i]]$target_dose >= 0) target_dose[i] = model_fit[[i]]$target_dose
model_weight = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) {
current_criterion = criterion[i]
denominator = 0
for (j in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[j] == 1 & model_fit[[j]]$status >= 0) denominator = denominator + exp(- 0.5 * (criterion[j] - current_criterion))
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & abs(denominator) > 0.0001) model_weight[i] = 1 / denominator
} else {
criterion[i] = NA
data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list,
sprintf("%0.2f", criterion),
sprintf("%0.3f", test_statistics),
sprintf("%0.3f", model_weight))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection criteria.")
column_width = c(1.25, 1.5, 1.25, 1.5, 1)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Model", "Target dose")
data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list,
sprintf("%0.3f", target_dose))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific estimated target doses.")
column_width = c(2, 4.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
selected_model = "No model is significant"
selected_target_dose = "Target dose cannot be determined"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") {
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
index = which.min(criterion)
selected_model = DF_selected_model_list[index]
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
index = which.max(test_statistics)
selected_model = DF_selected_model_list[index]
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
selected_model = "Dose selection is based on averaging the significant models"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC" | input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
if (![index])) selected_target_dose = round(target_dose[index], 3)
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
weighted_dose = 0
for (i in 1:n_models) {
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) weighted_dose = weighted_dose + target_dose[i] * model_weight[i]
if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
if (! selected_target_dose = round(weighted_dose, 3)
data_frame = cbind(c("Selected model", "Selected target dose"), c(selected_model, selected_target_dose))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Selected model and target dose.")
column_width = c(2, 4.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Plot all models
width = 6.5
height = 5
eval_function_list = list()
x_limit = c(min(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels), max(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels))
y_limit = c(min(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl), max(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl))
# Evaluate the dose-response functions and determine the axis ranges
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
current_model = model_fit[[i]]
if (current_model$status >= 0) {
# Evaluate the current dose-response model
model_index = DF_selected_model_index_list[i]
coef = current_model$coef
eval_function_list[[i]] = EvaluateDRFunction(model_index, endpoint_index, coef, dose)
# Exclude the cases with missing coefficients
if (!any([[i]]$y))) {
if (min(eval_function_list[[i]]$y) < y_limit[1]) y_limit[1] = min(eval_function_list[[i]]$y)
if (max(eval_function_list[[i]]$y) > y_limit[2]) y_limit[2] = max(eval_function_list[[i]]$y)
} else {
# Parameters cannot be estimated
eval_function_list[[i]] = list(x = rep(NA, n_evaluation_points), y = rep(NA, n_evaluation_points))
bar_width = (x_limit[2] - x_limit[1]) / 100
for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
if (i < n_selected_models) page_break = TRUE else page_break = FALSE
current_model = model_fit[[i]]
filename = paste0("model_fit", i, ".emf")
xlab = "Dose"
if (endpoint_index == 1) ylab = "Mean response"
if (endpoint_index == 2) ylab = "Response rate"
if (endpoint_index == 3) ylab = "Average number of events"
test_statistic = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
target_dose = current_model$target_dose
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
if (current_model$status >= 0) sign = "This model is included in the set of significant models" else sign = "This model is included in the set of significant models but the parameters cannot be estimated"
if (current_model$target_dose >= 0) target_dose = paste0("the target dose is ", round(current_model$target_dose, 3), ".") else target_dose = "the target dose cannot be determined."
} else {
sign = "This model is not included in the set of significant models"
target_dose = "the target dose is undefined."
emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
plot(x = descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, y = descriptive_statistics$mean_group, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="p", pch = 19)
lines(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, col = "black", lwd = 2)
for (j in 1:n_doses) {
lines(x = rep(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j], 2), y = c(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl[j], descriptive_statistics$upper_cl[j]), col = "black", lwd = 1)
lines(x = c(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] - bar_width, descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] + bar_width), y = rep(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl[j], 2), col = "black", lwd = 1)
lines(x = c(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] - bar_width, descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] + bar_width), y = rep(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl[j], 2), col = "black", lwd = 1)
if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & current_model$target_dose >= x_limit[1] & current_model$target_dose <= x_limit[2]) abline(v = current_model$target_dose, lty = "dashed")
item_list[[item_index]] = list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". ", DF_selected_model_list[i], " model."),
filename = filename,
dim = c(width, height),
type = "emf_plot",
footnote = paste0(sign, ", ", target_dose),
page_break = page_break)
item_index = item_index + 1
figure_index = figure_index + 1
report = item_list
doc = SaveReport(report, report_title)
# End of GenerateAnalysisReport
GenerateSimulationReport = function(results, report_title) {
# Error checks
if (!inherits(results, "MCPModSimulationResults")) stop("SimulationReport: The object was not created by the MCPModSimulation function.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("SimulationReport: The officer package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("SimulationReport: The flextable package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("devEMF", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("SimulationReport: The devEMF package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
# Extract input parameters
input_parameters = results$input_parameters
# Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified
# Extract the initial values of the model parameters
initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values
# Simulation results
sim_results = results$sim_results
# Total number of models
n_models = length(DF_model_list)
# Selected models
selected_models = results$selected_models
# Number of selected models
n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)
DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]
endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index
dose_levels = input_parameters$sim_parameters$doses
n_doses = length(dose_levels)
digits = 3
# Empty list of tables to be included in the report
item_list = list()
item_index = 1
table_index = 1
figure_index = 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
if (input_parameters$direction_index == 1) direction_label = "Increasing" else direction_label = "Decreasing"
if (endpoint_index != 3) {
col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship")
col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index],
paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "),
} else {
col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship", "Overdispersion parameters")
col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index],
paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "),
paste0(round(input_parameters$theta, digits), collapse = ", "))
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". General parameters.")
column_width = c(2.5, 4)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Candidate model", "Parameter values")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
col1 = DF_selected_model_list
for (i in 1:n_models) {
if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
model_user_specified = round(user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters], digits)
for (j in 1:n_parameters) model_user_specified[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[i]][j], " = ", model_user_specified[j])
col2 = c(col2, paste0(model_user_specified, collapse = ", "))
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Initial values of the model parameters.")
column_width = c(2.5, 4)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
col1 = NULL
col2 = NULL
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_label = "Select the model with the smallest AIC"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_label = "Select the model corresponding to the largest test statistic"
if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_label = "Average the models using AIC-based weights"
col1 = c(col1, "Model selection criterion", "Delta")
col2 = c(col2, model_selection_label, input_parameters$delta)
footnote = "Delta is the pre-defined clinically meaningful improvement over placebo."
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection parameters.")
column_width = c(3, 3.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Standard deviation")
data_frame = cbind(dose_levels,
sprintf("%d", input_parameters$sim_parameters$n),
column_width = c(2.5, 2, 2)
} else {
column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients")
data_frame = cbind(dose_levels,
sprintf("%d", input_parameters$sim_parameters$n))
column_width = c(2.5, 4)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Trial parameters.")
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")
col1 = c("Patient dropout rate", "Number of simulation runs")
col2 = c(input_parameters$sim_parameters$dropout_rate,
data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation parameters.")
column_width = c(3.5, 3)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Scenario", "Placebo effect", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Simulation model parameters")
n_scenarios = length(input_parameters$max_effect)
scenario_list = 1:n_scenarios
model_index = input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_model_index
n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[model_index]])
model_parameters = rep("", n_scenarios)
temp_string = rep("", n_parameters)
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
for (j in 1:n_parameters) temp_string[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[model_index]][j], " = ", round(input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, j], digits))
model_parameters[i] = paste0(temp_string, collapse = ", ")
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
rep(round(input_parameters$placebo_effect, digits), n_scenarios),
round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits),
column_width = c(1, 1, 1.5, 3)
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Assumed dose-response scenarios (", DF_model_list[model_index], " model).")
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Plot simulation models
width = 6.5
height = 5
true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = NA
eval_function_list = list()
# Determine the axis ranges
x_limit = c(min(dose_levels), max(dose_levels))
temp = c(input_parameters$placebo_effect, input_parameters$placebo_effect + input_parameters$max_effect)
y_limit = c(min(temp), max(temp))
xlab = "Dose"
if (endpoint_index == 1) {
ylab = "Mean response"
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
ylab = "Response rate"
y_limit = c(0, 1)
if (endpoint_index == 3) {
ylab = "Average number of events"
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
filename = paste0("assumed_model", i, ".emf")
eval_function_list[[i]] = EvaluateDRFunction(model_index, endpoint_index, input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], dose_levels)
emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
plot(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2)
if (![i])) abline(v = true_target_dose[i], lty = "dashed")
if (![i])) target_dose = paste0("The true target dose is ", true_target_dose[i], ".") else target_dose = "The true target dose is undefined."
item_list[[item_index]] = list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Assumed dose-response model (Scenario ", i, ")."),
filename = filename,
dim = c(width, height),
type = "emf_plot",
footnote = target_dose,
page_break = TRUE)
item_index = item_index + 1
figure_index = figure_index + 1
column_names = c("Scenario", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Power")
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits),
round(sim_results$power, digits))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Power.")
footnote = "Power is the probability that the best dose-response contrast is significant."
column_width = c(2, 2.5, 2)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Go probabilities unless the model selection method is aveAIC
if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {
column_names = c("Scenario", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Go probability")
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits),
round(sim_results$go_prob, digits))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Go probabilities based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, ".")
footnote = "The go probability is the probability that the best dose-response contrast is significant and the maximum effect for the corresponding model exceeds the pre-defined go threshold."
column_width = c(2, 2.5, 2)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {
column_names = c("Scenario", "No model selected", DF_model_list_short[selected_models])
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
round(sim_results$model_index_summary, digits))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Probability of selecting a dose-response model.")
original_width = c(0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 1.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8)
column_width = c(1, 1, rep(4.5 / n_selected_models, n_selected_models))
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Scenario", "True target dose", "Mean target dose (95% CI)")
true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = "NA"
true_target_dose = as.character(true_target_dose)
lower_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 1], digits)
lower_bound_target_dose[lower_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA
mean_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 2], digits)
mean_target_dose[mean_target_dose == -1] = NA
upper_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 3], digits)
upper_bound_target_dose[upper_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
paste0(mean_target_dose, " (", lower_bound_target_dose, ", ", upper_bound_target_dose, ")"))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Target dose estimates.")
column_width = c(2, 2, 2.5)
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
column_names = c("Scenario", "No dose found", dose_levels[2:n_doses], "Greater than max dose")
data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
round(sim_results$target_dose_categorical_summary, digits))
title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Probability of identifying the target dose.")
footnote = "Each column presents the probability that the estimated target dose is less than or equal to the current dose and is strictly greater than the next lower dose."
column_width = c(1, rep(5.5 / (n_doses + 1), n_doses + 1))
item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
item_index = item_index + 1
table_index = table_index + 1
# Plot power
width = 6.5
height = 5
# Determine the axis ranges
x_limit = c(min(input_parameters$max_effect), max(input_parameters$max_effect))
y_limit = c(0, 1)
filename = paste0("power.emf")
xlab = "Maximum effect over placebo"
ylab = "Power"
emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
plot(x = input_parameters$max_effect, y = sim_results$power, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2)
item_list[[item_index]] = list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Power."),
filename = filename,
dim = c(width, height),
type = "emf_plot",
footnote = "",
page_break = FALSE)
item_index = item_index + 1
figure_index = figure_index + 1
# Plot go probabilities unless the model selection method is aveAIC
if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {
width = 6.5
height = 5
# Determine the axis ranges
x_limit = c(min(input_parameters$max_effect), max(input_parameters$max_effect))
y_limit = c(0, 1)
page_break = FALSE
filename = paste0("go_prob.emf")
xlab = "Maximum effect over placebo"
ylab = "Probability"
emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
plot(x = input_parameters$max_effect, y = sim_results$go_prob, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2)
footnote = ""
item_list[[item_index]] = list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Go probabilities based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, "."),
filename = filename,
dim = c(width, height),
type = "emf_plot",
footnote = footnote,
page_break = page_break)
item_index = item_index + 1
figure_index = figure_index + 1
# Plot estimated dose-response curves unless the model selection method is aveAIC
if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {
width = 6.5
height = 5
# Determine the axis ranges
x_limit = c(min(dose_levels), max(dose_levels))
temp = c(input_parameters$placebo_effect, input_parameters$placebo_effect + input_parameters$max_effect, sim_results$dose_response_lower, sim_results$dose_response_upper)
y_limit = c(min(temp, na.rm = TRUE), max(temp, na.rm = TRUE))
if (endpoint_index == 2) {
y_limit[1] = min(0, y_limit[1])
y_limit[2] = max(1, y_limit[2])
for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {
if (i < n_scenarios) page_break = TRUE else page_break = FALSE
filename = paste0("dose_response_model", i, ".emf")
xlab = "Dose"
if (endpoint_index == 1) ylab = "Mean response"
if (endpoint_index == 2) ylab = "Response rate"
if (endpoint_index == 3) ylab = "Average number of events"
emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
plot(x = sim_results$dosex, y = sim_results$dose_response_mean[, i], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2)
polygon(c(rev(sim_results$dosex), sim_results$dosex), c(rev(sim_results$dose_response_upper[, i]), sim_results$dose_response_lower[, i]), col = "grey80", border = NA)
lines(x = sim_results$dosex, y = sim_results$dose_response_mean[, i], col="black", lwd = 2)
lines(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, col="red", lwd = 2)
if (!$target_dose_summary[i, 2])) abline(v = sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2], lty = "dashed")
if (!$target_dose_summary[i, 2])) footnote = paste0("Red curve: Assumed dose-response curve. Black curve: Estimated dose-response curve with a 95% confidence band. The estimated target dose is ", round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2], digits), ".") else footnote = "Red curve: Assumed dose-response curve. Black curve: Estimated dose-response curve with a 95% confidence band. The estimated target dose is undefined."
item_list[[item_index]] = list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Assumed and estimated dose-response curve based on the best model selected by MCPMod (Scenario ", i, ", Maximum effect over placebo is ", input_parameters$max_effect[i], ")."),
filename = filename,
dim = c(width, height),
type = "emf_plot",
footnote = footnote,
page_break = page_break)
item_index = item_index + 1
figure_index = figure_index + 1
report = item_list
doc = SaveReport(report, report_title)
# End of GenerateSimulationReport
AnalysisReport = function(results, report_title, report_filename) {
# Generate the report
doc = GenerateAnalysisReport(results, report_title)
# Save the report
print(doc, target = report_filename)
SimulationReport = function(results, report_title, report_filename) {
# Generate the report
doc = GenerateSimulationReport(results, report_title)
# Save the report
print(doc, target = report_filename)
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