
Defines functions SimulationReport AnalysisReport GenerateSimulationReport GenerateAnalysisReport CreateTable SaveReport MCPModAnalysis MCPModSimulation MCPStep ContrastStep ModStep EvaluateDRFunction ComputeDRFunctionParameters DRFunction ContinuousErrorCheck is.wholenumber FormatMatrix tocap AntiLogit Logit

Documented in AnalysisReport ComputeDRFunctionParameters EvaluateDRFunction GenerateAnalysisReport GenerateSimulationReport MCPModAnalysis MCPModSimulation SimulationReport

options("scipen" = 100, "digits" = 4, warn = -1)


DF_endpoint_list = c("Normal", "Binary", "Count")
DF_model_list = c("Linear", "Quadratic", "Exponential", "Emax", "Logistic", "SigEmax")
DF_model_list_short = c("Lin", "Quad", "Exp", "Emax", "Logist", "SigEmax")
DF_model_parameters = list(c("e0", "delta"), c("e0", "delta1", "delta2"), c("e0", "e1", "delta"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50", "delta"), c("e0", "eMax", "ed50", "h"))

n_evaluation_points = 100

Logit = function(x) {
    return(log(x /(1 - x)))

AntiLogit = function(x) {
    return(1 / (1 + exp(-x)))

tocap = function(x) {
  s = strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
  paste0(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2))

FormatMatrix = function(mat, format) {
    nrows = dim(mat)[1]
    ncols = dim(mat)[2] 

    for_mat = matrix(0, nrows, ncols)

    for (i in 1:nrows) {
      for (j in 1:ncols) {
        for_mat[i, j] = sprintf(format, mat[i, j]) 



# Check if the number is an integer
is.wholenumber = function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

# Arguments:
# parameter: Parameter's value
# n_values: Required number of values
# lower_values: Lower range
# lower_values_sign: Inequality for evaluating the lower range
# upper_values: Upper range
# upper_values_sign: Inequality for evaluating the upper range
# parameter_name: Parameter's name
# component_name: Names of the individual components
# type: Parameter's type (double or integer)
# default_value: Default value
ContinuousErrorCheck = function(parameter, n_values, lower_values, lower_values_sign, upper_values, upper_values_sign, parameter_name, component_name, type = "double", default_value = NA) {

    if (is.null(parameter)) {

        if (!is.na(default_value)) {
            for (i in 1:n_values) {
                parameter[i] = default_value
        } else {
            error_message = paste0(parameter_name, " must be specified.") 
            stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.na(n_values)) {

      if (length(parameter) != n_values) {
          error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", n_values, " values must be specified.") 
          stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)

    } else {

      n_values = length(parameter)

    for (i in 1:n_values) {

        if (type == "double") {

            if (!is.numeric(parameter[i])) {
                error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be numeric.") 
                stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)            

        if (type == "integer") {

            if (!is.wholenumber(parameter[i])) {
                error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be an integer.") 
                stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)            

        if (length(lower_values) == 1) {

          if (!is.na(lower_values)) {            
              if (lower_values_sign == ">" & parameter[i] <= lower_values) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be > ", lower_values, ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
              if (lower_values_sign == ">=" & parameter[i] < lower_values) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be >= ", lower_values, ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)

        } else {

          if (!is.na(lower_values[i])) {            
              if (lower_values_sign[i] == ">" & parameter[i] <= lower_values[i]) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be > ", lower_values[i], ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
              if (lower_values_sign[i] == ">=" & parameter[i] < lower_values[i]) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be >= ", lower_values[i], ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)


        if (length(upper_values) == 1) {

          if (!is.na(upper_values)) {            
              if (upper_values_sign == "<" & parameter[i] >= upper_values) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be < ", upper_values, ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
              if (upper_values_sign == "<=" & parameter[i] > upper_values) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": Each value must be <= ", upper_values, ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)

        } else {

          if (!is.na(upper_values[i])) {
              if (upper_values_sign[i] == "<" & parameter[i] >= upper_values[i]) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be < ", upper_values[i], ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
              if (upper_values_sign[i] == "<=" & parameter[i] > upper_values[i]) {
                  error_message = paste0(parameter_name, ": ", component_name[i], " must be <= ", upper_values[i], ".") 
                  stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)


# Dose-response functions
DRFunction = function(model_index, coef, x) {

    # Linear model
    if (model_index == 1) {
        y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x

    # Quadratic model
    if (model_index == 2) {
        y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x + coef[3] * x^2

    # Exponential model
    if (model_index == 3) {
        y = coef[1] + coef[2] * (exp(x / coef[3]) - 1)

    # Emax model
    if (model_index == 4) {
        y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x / (coef[3] + x)

    # Logistic model
    if (model_index == 5) {
            den = 1.0 + exp((coef[3] - x) / coef[4])
            y = coef[1] + coef[2] / den

    # SigEmax model
    if (model_index == 6) {
        den = x^coef[4] + coef[3]^coef[4]
        y = coef[1] + coef[2] * x^coef[4] / den



# Compute the model parameters to match the placebo and maximum effects
ComputeDRFunctionParameters = function(model_index, placebo_effect, max_effect, max_dose, parameters) {

    # Linear model
    if (model_index == 1) {
        coef = rep(0, 2)
        coef[1] = placebo_effect
        coef[2] = max_effect / max_dose

    # Quadratic model (maximum is assumed to be achieved at the mid-point of the dose range)
    if (model_index == 2) {
        coef = rep(0, 3)
        coef[1] = placebo_effect
        coef[2] = 4 * max_effect / max_dose
        coef[3] = - coef[2] / max_dose 

    # Exponential model
    if (model_index == 3) {
        coef = rep(0, 3)
        coef[1] = placebo_effect
        coef[2] = max_effect / (exp(max_dose / parameters[1]) - 1)
        coef[3] = parameters[1]

    # Emax model
    if (model_index == 4) {
        coef = rep(0, 3)
        coef[1] = placebo_effect
        coef[2] = max_effect * (parameters[1] + max_dose) / max_dose
        coef[3] = parameters[1]

    # Logistic model
    if (model_index == 5) {
        coef = rep(0, 4)
        temp_coef = c(0, 1, parameters[1], parameters[2])
        temp =  max_effect / (DRFunction(5, temp_coef, max_dose) - DRFunction(5, temp_coef, 0))
        coef[1] = placebo_effect- temp * DRFunction(5, temp_coef, 0)
        coef[2] = temp
        coef[3] = parameters[1]
        coef[4] = parameters[2]

    # SigEmax model
    if (model_index == 6) {
        coef = rep(0, 4)
        coef[1] = placebo_effect
        coef[2] = max_effect * (parameters[1]^parameters[2] + max_dose^parameters[2]) / max_dose^parameters[2]
        coef[3] = parameters[1]
        coef[4] = parameters[2]



# Evaluate a dose-response function over the range of doses
EvaluateDRFunction = function(model_index, endpoint_index, coef, dose) {

    # Evaluate the dose-response function for the given endpoint type

    x = seq(from = min(dose), to = max(dose), length.out = n_evaluation_points)
    y = rep(0, length(x))

    for (i in 1:length(x)) {

        # Normal endpoint
        if (endpoint_index == 1) y[i] = DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i])

        # Binary endpoint
        if (endpoint_index == 2) y[i] = AntiLogit(DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i]))

        # Count endpoint
        if (endpoint_index == 3) y[i] = exp(DRFunction(model_index, coef, x[i]))


    return(list(x = x , y = y))


# Fit dose-response models
ModStep = function(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta_vector, dose, resp, delta, direction_index) {

    # Maximum number of iterations to find maximum likelihood estimates
    maxit = 300


        model_fit = MCPModFitDRModels(endpoint_index, selected_models, dose, resp, delta, direction_index, maxit, theta_vector)


        warning = function(c) {
          msg <- conditionMessage(c)
          if ( grepl("the line search step became smaller than the minimum value allowed", msg, fixed = TRUE) ) {


    results = list(model_fit = model_fit,
                   dose = dose, 
                   resp = resp)



# Compute the optimal contrasts, contrast correlation matrix and adjusted critical value
ContrastStep = function(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, dose_levels, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta) { 


    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # List of selected models
    model_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]
    n_selected_models = length(model_list)

    doses = dose_levels

    n_doses = length(doses)
    n_patients = sum(n_groups)

    max_dose = max(doses)
    diag_vec = rep(0, n_doses)

    corr_matrix = 0

    # Normal endpoint
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

      for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i] 


    # Binary endpoint  
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {

      for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i] * mean_group[i] * (1 - mean_group[i])


    # Count endpoint  
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

      for (i in 1:n_doses) diag_vec[i] = n_groups[i] * theta[i] * mean_group[i] / (theta[i] + mean_group[i])


    S =  diag(1 / diag_vec)  
    Sinv = diag(diag_vec)

    dr_model = rep(0, n_doses)


    # Compute the model-specific optimal contrasts

    opt_contrast = matrix(0, n_doses, n_models)

    # Set up dose-response models based on the initial values
    for (i in 1:n_models) {

        # Define the vector of starting values
        n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]]) 

        non_linear_parameters = user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters]

        if (length(non_linear_parameters) >= 3) non_linear_parameters = non_linear_parameters[3:length(non_linear_parameters)] else non_linear_parameters = 0

        # Parameters of a standardized model
        if (i != 2) parameter_values = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(i, 0, 1, max_dose, non_linear_parameters)

        # Alternative standardization for the quadratic model
        if (i == 2) {

          parameter_values = rep(0, 3)

          if (direction_index == 1) {
            temp = -0.5 / non_linear_parameters[1]
            parameter_values[1] = 0
            parameter_values[2] = 1 / (temp + non_linear_parameters[1] * temp^2)
            parameter_values[3] = non_linear_parameters[1] * parameter_values[2] 


          if (direction_index == -1) {
            temp = 0.5 / non_linear_parameters[1]
            parameter_values[1] = 0
            parameter_values[2] = -1 / (temp - non_linear_parameters[1] * temp^2)
            parameter_values[3] = -non_linear_parameters[1] * parameter_values[2] 



        for (j in 1:n_doses) {

          dr_model[j] = DRFunction(i, parameter_values, doses[j]) 
          if (i == 2 & direction_index == -1) dr_model[j] = -DRFunction(i, parameter_values, doses[j]) 


        # Optimal contrasts  
        dr_expected = sum(dr_model * rowSums(Sinv))/sum(rowSums(Sinv)) 
        contrast = Sinv %*% (dr_model - dr_expected)
        contrast = contrast - sum(contrast)
        opt_contrast[, i] = contrast / sqrt(sum(contrast^2))



    # Apply the list of selected models
    opt_contrast = opt_contrast[, model_list] 


    if (n_selected_models >= 2) {

      # Compute the correlation matrix for the model-specific test statistics

      cov_mat = t(opt_contrast) %*% S %*% opt_contrast
      diag_mat = diag(sqrt(diag(cov_mat)))
      corr_matrix = solve(diag_mat) %*% cov_mat %*% solve(diag_mat)



    # Critical value based on a univariate or multivariate t distribution
    if (n_selected_models >= 2) crit_value = qmvt(p = 1 - alpha, tail = "lower.tail", df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0, algorithm = GenzBretz())$quantile else crit_value = qt(p = 1 - alpha, df = n_patients - n_doses)

    # Account for the direction of the dose-response relationship  
    crit_value = crit_value * direction_index

    results = list(opt_contrast = as.matrix(opt_contrast),
                   corr_matrix = corr_matrix,
                   crit_value = crit_value)


# End of ContrastStep

# Compute the test statistics
MCPStep = function(endpoint_index, contrast_results, selected_models, user_specified, dose, resp, alpha, direction_index) {


    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # List of selected models
    model_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]
    n_selected_models = length(model_list)

    dose_levels = sort(unique(dose))
    n_doses = length(dose_levels)
    n_groups = table(dose)
    n_patients = length(resp)

    test_statistics = rep(0, n_selected_models)

    theta = user_specified$theta

    corr_matrix = as.matrix(contrast_results$corr_matrix)
    opt_contrast = as.matrix(contrast_results$opt_contrast)


    # Compute the model-specific test statistics

    # Normal endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

        # Group-specific means
        mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {
          for (i in 1:n_patients) {
            if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
              mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
          mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]

        # Pooled variance estimate
        pooled_variance = 0

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {
          for (i in 1:n_patients) {
            if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
              pooled_variance = pooled_variance + (resp[i] - mean_group[j])^2      

        pooled_variance = pooled_variance / (n_patients - n_doses)

        # Model-specific test statistics
        for (i in 1:n_selected_models) { 

          num = 0
          den = 0

          for (j in 1:n_doses) { 

            num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * mean_group[j]
            den = den + pooled_variance * opt_contrast[j, i]^2 / n_groups[j]


          test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)



    # Binary endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {

        # Group-specific means, logits and variances
        mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
        logit_group = rep(0, n_doses)
        variance_group = rep(0, n_doses)

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {
          for (i in 1:n_patients) {
            if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
              mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
          if (mean_group[j] == 0) mean_group[j] = 1 / (3 * n_groups[j] + 2)
          if (mean_group[j] == n_groups[j]) mean_group[j] = (3 * n_groups[j] + 1) / (3 * n_groups[j] + 2)
          if (mean_group[j] > 0 & mean_group[j] < n_groups[j]) mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]
          logit_group[j] = log(mean_group[j] / (1 - mean_group[j]))
          variance_group[j] = 1 / (n_groups[j] * mean_group[j] * (1 - mean_group[j]))

        # Model-specific test statistics
        for (i in 1:n_selected_models) { 

          num = 0
          den = 0

          for (j in 1:n_doses) { 

            num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * logit_group[j]
            den = den + variance_group[j] * opt_contrast[j, i]^2


          test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)



    # Count endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

        # Group-specific means, logits and variances
        mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
        logit_group = rep(0, n_doses)
        variance_group = rep(0, n_doses)

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {
          for (i in 1:n_patients) {
            if (dose[i] == dose_levels[j]) {
              mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] + resp[i]
          if (mean_group[j] == 0) mean_group[j] = qgamma(0.5, shape = 1 / 3, scale = 1 / n_groups[j])
          if (mean_group[j] > 0) mean_group[j] = mean_group[j] / n_groups[j]
          variance_group[j] = (theta[j] + mean_group[j]) / (n_groups[j] * theta[j] * mean_group[j])

        # Model-specific test statistics
        for (i in 1:n_selected_models) { 

          num = 0
          den = 0

          for (j in 1:n_doses) { 

            num = num + opt_contrast[j, i] * log(mean_group[j])
            den = den + variance_group[j] * opt_contrast[j, i]^2


          test_statistics[i] = num / sqrt(den)



    # Apply the list of selected models
    # test_statistics = test_statistics[model_list]

    adj_pvalues = rep(0, n_selected_models)

    if (n_selected_models >= 2) {

      # Compute adjusted p-values from a multivariate t distribution
      for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

        if (direction_index == 1) {

            adj_pvalues[i] = 1 - pmvt(lower = rep(-Inf, n_selected_models), upper = rep(test_statistics[i], n_selected_models), df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)


        if (direction_index == -1) {

            adj_pvalues[i] = 1 - pmvt(lower = rep(test_statistics[i], n_selected_models), upper = rep(Inf, n_selected_models), df = n_patients - n_doses, corr = corr_matrix, maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)



    } else {

      # Compute the adjusted p-value from a univariate t distribution
      if (direction_index == 1) adj_pvalues[1] = 1 - pt(test_statistics[1], df = n_patients - n_doses)
      if (direction_index == -1) adj_pvalues[1] = pt(test_statistics[1], df = n_patients - n_doses)


    # Identify significant models
    sign_model = as.numeric(adj_pvalues <= alpha)


    results = list(test_statistics = test_statistics,
                   adj_pvalues = adj_pvalues,
                   sign_model = sign_model)



MCPModSimulation = function(endpoint_type, models, alpha = 0.025, direction = "increasing", model_selection = "AIC", Delta, theta = 0, sim_models, sim_parameters) {

    if (missing(endpoint_type)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)      
    if (missing(models)) stop("Candidate dose-response models (models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(Delta)) stop("Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(sim_models)) stop("Simulation models (sim_models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(sim_parameters)) stop("Simulation parameters (sim_parameters): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # Error checks 

    if (!tolower(endpoint_type) %in% tolower(DF_endpoint_list)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be Normal, Binary or Count.", call. = FALSE)

    endpoint_index = 1  

    for (i in 1:length(DF_endpoint_list)) {
        if (tolower(DF_endpoint_list[i]) == tolower(endpoint_type)) endpoint_index = i

    if (!tolower(direction) %in% c("increasing", "decreasing")) stop("MCPModSimulation: Direction of the dose-response relationship (direction): Value must be Increasing or Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (tolower(direction) == "decreasing") direction_index = -1
    if (tolower(direction) == "increasing") direction_index = 1

    if (length(models) < 1) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of dose-response models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    selected_models = rep(FALSE, n_models)
    user_specified = list()

    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$linear = c(0, 0, 1) else user_specified$linear = c(0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$linear)) selected_models[1] = TRUE

    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$quadratic)) {
      selected_models[2] = TRUE 

      if (direction_index == 1) {

        user_specified$quadratic[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1], 
                                                             lower_values = NA,
                                                             lower_values_sign = NA,
                                                             upper_values = 0,
                                                             upper_values_sign = "<",
                                                             "Quadratic model (quadratic)",


      if (direction_index == -1) {

        user_specified$quadratic[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1], 
                                                             lower_values = 0,
                                                             lower_values_sign = ">",
                                                             upper_values = NA,
                                                             upper_values_sign = NA,
                                                             "Quadratic model (quadratic)",


    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$exponential)) {
      selected_models[3] = TRUE 
      user_specified$exponential[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$exponential[1], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                                                           "Exponential model (exponential)",

    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$emax)) {
      selected_models[4] = TRUE 
      user_specified$emax[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$emax[1], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                                                           "Emax model (emax)",


    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$logistic)) {
      selected_models[5] = TRUE 
      user_specified$logistic[3:4] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$logistic[1:2], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0, 0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA, NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
                                                           "Logistic model (logistic)",
                                                           c("ED50", "delta"),


    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$sigemax)) {
      selected_models[6] = TRUE 
      user_specified$sigemax[3:4] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$sigemax[1:2], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0, 0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA, NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
                                                           "SigEmax model (sigemax)",
                                                           c("ED50", "h"),

    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    if (n_selected_models == 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)

    alpha = 
                               lower_values = c(0.001),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(0.999),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "One-sided Type I error rate (alpha)",

    if (!model_selection %in% c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC")) stop("MCPModSimulation: Model selection criterion (model_selection): Value must be AIC, maxT or aveAIC.", call. = FALSE)

    if (model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_index = 1  
    if (model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_index = 2  
    if (model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_index = 3  

    delta = 
                           lower_values = c(NA),
                           lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                           upper_values = c(NA),
                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                           "Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta)",

    if (direction_index == 1 & delta <= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (direction_index == -1 & delta >= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

      n = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_parameters$n, 
                         lower_values = 0,
                         lower_values_sign = ">",
                         upper_values = NA,
                         upper_values_sign = NA,
                         "Number of patients in the simulation model (n)",

      dose_levels = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_parameters$doses, 
                                         lower_values = 0,
                                         lower_values_sign = ">=",
                                         upper_values = 1000,
                                         upper_values_sign = "<=",
                                         "Dose levels in the simulation model (doses)",

    if(length(dose_levels) != length(n)) stop("MCPModSimulation: The length of the dose vector (doses) must be equal to the length of the sample size vector (n) in the simulation model.", call. = FALSE)    

    n_doses = length(dose_levels)

    if (!is.null(sim_parameters$dropout_rate)) {

      dropout_rate = 
                             lower_values = c(0),
                             lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                             upper_values = c(1),
                             upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                             "Patient dropout rate in the simulation model (dropout_rate)",

    } else {
      dropout_rate = 0

    go_threshold = 
                           lower_values = c(NA),
                           lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                           upper_values = c(NA),
                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                           "Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold)",

    if (direction_index == 1 & go_threshold <= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (direction_index == -1 & go_threshold >= 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Threshold for computing go probabilities (go_threshold): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(sim_parameters$nsims)) {

      nsims = 
                             lower_values = c(1),
                             lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                             upper_values = c(10000),
                             upper_values_sign = c("<="),
                             "Number of simulations (nsims)",

    } else {
      nsims = 1000

    sim_parameter_list = list(n = n,
                              doses = dose_levels,
                              dropout_rate = dropout_rate,
                              nsims = nsims,
                              n_patients = sum(n))

    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

      theta = 
                             lower_values = 0,
                             lower_values_sign = ">",
                             upper_values = NA,
                             upper_values_sign = NA,
                             "Overdispersion parameters (theta)",

      # Create a long vector of overdispersion parameters in the negative binomial distribution (one value for each patient)
      theta_vector = rep(theta, n)                        

    } else {

      theta = 0
      theta_vector = 0


    user_specified$theta = theta
    user_specified$theta_vector = theta_vector


    # Simulation models

    if (!is.null(sim_models$placebo_effect)) {

      placebo_effect = 
                             lower_values = c(NA),
                             lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                             upper_values = c(NA),
                             upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                             "Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect)",

    } else {
      stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(sim_models$max_effect)) {

      max_effect = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_models$max_effect, 
                                         lower_values = NA,
                                         lower_values_sign = NA,
                                         upper_values = NA,
                                         upper_values_sign = NA,
                                         "Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect)",

    } else {
      stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (direction_index == 1 & any(max_effect < 0)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (direction_index == -1 & any(max_effect > 0)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

    max_dose = max(dose_levels)
    n_scenarios = length(max_effect)
    placebo_effect_temp = placebo_effect
    max_effect_temp = max_effect

    # Normal endpoint
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) { 

        if (direction_index == 1 & max_effect_temp[i] < 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be non-negative.", call. = FALSE)

        if (direction_index == -1 & max_effect_temp[i] > 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be non-positive.", call. = FALSE)



    # Binary endpoint
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {

      if (placebo_effect_temp < 0 | placebo_effect_temp > 1) stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be >= 0 and <= 1.", call. = FALSE)

      if (placebo_effect_temp == 0) placebo_effect_temp = 0.001  
      if (placebo_effect_temp == 1) placebo_effect_temp = 0.999  

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

        if (direction_index == 1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] > 0.999) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.999 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)

        if (direction_index == -1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] < 0.001) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.001 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)

        max_effect_temp[i] = Logit(placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i]) - Logit(placebo_effect_temp)


      placebo_effect_temp = Logit(placebo_effect_temp)


    # Count endpoint
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

      if (placebo_effect_temp < 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: Placebo effect in the simulation model (placebo_effect): Value must be >= 0.", call. = FALSE)

      if (placebo_effect_temp == 0) placebo_effect_temp = 0.001  

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

        if (direction_index == -1 & placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i] < 0.001) stop(paste0("MCPModSimulation: Maximum effect over placebo in the simulation model (max_effect): Value must be less than ", 0.001 - placebo_effect_temp,"."), call. = FALSE)

        max_effect_temp[i] = log(placebo_effect_temp + max_effect_temp[i]) - log(placebo_effect_temp)


      placebo_effect_temp = log(placebo_effect_temp)


      # Standard deviations are required for normal endpoints
      if (endpoint_index == 1) {

         if (is.null(sim_models$sd)) stop("MCPModSimulation: Standard deviations of the response variable in the simulation model (sd): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

      sd = ContinuousErrorCheck(sim_models$sd, 
                                         lower_values = 0,
                                         lower_values_sign = ">",
                                         upper_values = NA,
                                         upper_values_sign = NA,
                                         "Standard deviations of the response variable in the simulation model (sd)",

         if(length(sd) != n_doses) stop("MCPModSimulation: The length of the dose vector (doses) must be equal to the length of the standard deviation vector (sd) in the simulation model.", call. = FALSE)    

      } else {

        sd = rep(0, n_doses)


    # Compute parameters of the assumed dose-response model to match the placebo and maximum effects 
    sim_model_index = 0

    if (!is.null(sim_models$linear)) {

      sim_model_index = 1

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 2)

      parameters = 0

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:2) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]


    if (!is.null(sim_models$quadratic)) {

      sim_model_index = 2

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)

      parameters = sim_models$quadratic

      if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (quadratic).", call. = FALSE)    

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) { 

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]



    if (!is.null(sim_models$exponential)) {

      sim_model_index = 3

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)

      parameters = sim_models$exponential

      if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (exponential).", call. = FALSE)    

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]



    if (!is.null(sim_models$emax)) {

      sim_model_index = 4

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 3)

      parameters = sim_models$emax

      if (length(parameters) != 1) stop("One parameter must be specified for the simulation model (emax).", call. = FALSE)    

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:3) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]



    if (!is.null(sim_models$logistic)) {

      sim_model_index = 5

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 4)

      parameters = sim_models$logistic

      if (length(parameters) != 2) stop("Two parameters must be specified for the simulation model (logistic).", call. = FALSE)

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:4) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]



    if (!is.null(sim_models$sigemax)) {

      sim_model_index = 6

      # Create a matrix with possible values of model parameters
      sim_parameter_values = matrix(0, n_scenarios, 4)

      parameters = sim_models$sigemax

      if (length(parameters) != 2) stop("Two parameters must be specified for the simulation model (sigemax).", call. = FALSE)

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          coef = ComputeDRFunctionParameters(sim_model_index, placebo_effect_temp, max_effect_temp[i], max_dose, parameters)
          for (j in 1:4) sim_parameter_values[i, j] = coef[j]



    if (sim_model_index == 0) stop("MCPModSimulation: List of simulation dose-response models and parameter values (sim_models): At least one model must be specified  (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)

    sim_model_list = list(sim_model_index = sim_model_index,
                          sim_parameter_values = sim_parameter_values,
                          sd = sd)


    # Save the input parameters

    input_parameters = list(direction_index = direction_index,
                            alpha = alpha,
                            delta = delta,
                            user_specified = user_specified,
                            model_selection = model_selection,
                            endpoint_index = endpoint_index,
                            sim_parameters = sim_parameters,
                            placebo_effect = placebo_effect,
                            max_effect = max_effect,
                            sim_model_list = sim_model_list,
                            theta = theta,
                            go_threshold = go_threshold)


    # Compute the optimal contrasts and adjusted critical values
    opt_contrast = list()
    contrast_results = list()

    n_groups = n
    doses = dose_levels    

    # Continuous endpoint: A single set of results
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

      mean_group = 0

      contrast_info = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, doses, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)
      contrast_results[[1]] = contrast_info
      opt_contrast[[1]] = contrast_info$opt_contrast
      crit_value = contrast_info$crit_value

    # Binary or count endpoints: A separate set of results for each max effect scenario
    if (endpoint_index %in% c(2, 3)) {

      mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
      crit_value = rep(0, n_scenarios)

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

        # Compute the rates or average number of events at each dose under each max effect scenario

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {

          # Binary endpoints
          if (endpoint_index == 2) mean_group[j] = AntiLogit(DRFunction(sim_model_list$sim_model_index, sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], doses[j]))

          # Count endpoints
          if (endpoint_index == 3) mean_group[j] = exp(DRFunction(sim_model_list$sim_model_index, sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], doses[j]))


      contrast_info = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, doses, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)
      contrast_results[[i]] = contrast_info      
      opt_contrast[[i]] = contrast_info$opt_contrast
      crit_value[i] = contrast_info$crit_value


    # Number of points used in dose-response plots
    n_points = 20

    # Maximum number of iterations to find maximum likelihood estimates
    maxit = 50

    # Go threshold is defined relative to the placebo effect
    go_threshold = go_threshold + placebo_effect 


      # Run simulations
      sim_results = MCPModRunSimulations(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta, theta_vector, delta, model_selection_index, opt_contrast, crit_value, sim_parameter_list, sim_model_list, direction_index, go_threshold, n_points, maxit)


      warning = function(c) {
        msg <- conditionMessage(c)
        if ( grepl("the line search step became smaller than the minimum value allowed", msg, fixed = TRUE) ) {


    results = list(contrast_results = contrast_results,
                   input_parameters = input_parameters,
                   selected_models = selected_models,
                   sim_results = sim_results)

    class(results) = "MCPModSimulationResults"


# End of MCPModSimulation

MCPModAnalysis = function(endpoint_type, models, dose, resp, alpha = 0.025, direction = "increasing", model_selection = "AIC", Delta, theta = 0) {

    if (missing(endpoint_type)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)      
    if (missing(models)) stop("Candidate dose-response models (models): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(dose)) stop("Dose values (dose): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(dose)) stop("Response values (resp): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(Delta)) stop("Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # Error checks 

    if (!tolower(endpoint_type) %in% tolower(DF_endpoint_list)) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be Normal, Binary or Count.", call. = FALSE)

    endpoint_index = 1  

    for (i in 1:length(DF_endpoint_list)) {
        if (tolower(DF_endpoint_list[i]) == tolower(endpoint_type)) endpoint_index = i

    if (!tolower(direction) %in% c("increasing", "decreasing")) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Direction of the dose-response relationship (direction): Value must be Increasing or Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (tolower(direction) == "decreasing") direction_index = -1
    if (tolower(direction) == "increasing") direction_index = 1

    if (length(models) == 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    selected_models = rep(FALSE, n_models)
    user_specified = list()

    # Find the initial values of the model parameters
    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$linear = c(0, 0, 1) else user_specified$linear = c(0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$linear)) selected_models[1] = TRUE 

    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$quadratic = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$quadratic)) {
      selected_models[2] = TRUE  

      if (direction_index == 1) {

        user_specified$quadratic[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1], 
                                                             lower_values = NA,
                                                             lower_values_sign = NA,
                                                             upper_values = 0,
                                                             upper_values_sign = "<",
                                                             "Quadratic model (quadratic)",


      if (direction_index == -1) {

        user_specified$quadratic[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$quadratic[1], 
                                                             lower_values = 0,
                                                             lower_values_sign = ">",
                                                             upper_values = NA,
                                                             upper_values_sign = NA,
                                                             "Quadratic model (quadratic)",



    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$exponential = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$exponential)) {
      selected_models[3] = TRUE  
      user_specified$exponential[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$exponential[1], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                                                           "Exponential model (exponential)",

    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$emax = c(0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$emax)) {
      selected_models[4] = TRUE  
      user_specified$emax[3] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$emax[1], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                                                           "Emax model (emax)",


    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$logistic = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$logistic)) {
      selected_models[5] = TRUE  
      user_specified$logistic[3:4] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$logistic[1:2], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0, 0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA, NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
                                                           "Logistic model (logistic)",
                                                           c("ED50", "delta"),


    if (endpoint_index == 1) user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) else user_specified$sigemax = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    if (!is.null(models$sigemax)) {
      selected_models[6] = TRUE 
      user_specified$sigemax[3:4] =  ContinuousErrorCheck(models$sigemax[1:2], 
                                                           lower_values = c(0, 0),
                                                           lower_values_sign = c(">", ">"),
                                                           upper_values = c(NA, NA),
                                                           upper_values_sign = c(NA, NA),
                                                           "SigEmax model (sigemax)",
                                                           c("ED50", "h"),

    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    if (n_selected_models == 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: List of models and initial parameter values (models): At least one model must be specified (linear, quadratic, exponential, emax, logistic or sigemax).", call. = FALSE)

    alpha = 
                               lower_values = c(0.001),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(0.999),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "One-sided Type I error rate (alpha)",

    if (!model_selection %in% c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC")) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Model selection criterion (model_selection): Value must be AIC, maxT or aveAIC.", call. = FALSE)

    delta = 
                           lower_values = c(NA),
                           lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                           upper_values = c(NA),
                           upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                           "Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta)",

    if (direction_index == 1 & delta <= 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be positive if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Increasing.", call. = FALSE)

    if (direction_index == -1 & delta >= 0) stop("MCPModAnalysis: Treatment effect for identifying the target dose (Delta): Value must be negative if the direction of the dose-response relationship (direction) is Decreasing.", call. = FALSE)

    dose = ContinuousErrorCheck(dose, 
                       lower_values = 0,
                       lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                       upper_values = 1000,
                       upper_values_sign = c("<="),
                       "Dose levels (dose)",

    dose_levels = sort(unique(dose))
    max_dose = max(dose_levels)
    n_doses = length(dose_levels)
    n_groups = table(dose)

    # Normal endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

      resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp, 
                         lower_values = NA,
                         lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                         upper_values = c(NA),
                         upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                         "Responses (resp)",


    # Binary endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {

      resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp, 
                         lower_values = 0,
                         lower_values_sign = ">=",
                         upper_values = 1,
                         upper_values_sign = "<=",
                         "Resp variable (resp)",


    # Count endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

      resp = ContinuousErrorCheck(resp, 
                         lower_values = 0,
                         lower_values_sign = ">=",
                         upper_values = NA,
                         upper_values_sign = NA,
                         "Resp variable (resp)",

      theta = 
                             lower_values = 0,
                             lower_values_sign = ">",
                             upper_values = NA,
                             upper_values_sign = NA,
                             "Overdispersion parameters (theta)",

      # Create a long vector of overdispersion parameters in the negative binomial distribution (one value for each patient)
      theta_vector = rep(theta, n_groups)                        

    } else {

      theta = 0
      theta_vector = 0


    user_specified$theta = theta

    if(length(dose) != length(resp)) stop("MCPModAnalysis: The length of the dose vector (dose) must be equal to the length of the response vector (resp).", call. = FALSE)    


    # Save the input parameters

    input_parameters = list(direction_index = direction_index,
                            alpha = alpha,
                            delta = delta,
                            user_specified = user_specified,
                            model_selection = model_selection,
                            endpoint_index = endpoint_index,
                            theta = theta)


    # Descriptive statistics

    lower_cl = rep(0, n_doses)
    upper_cl = rep(0, n_doses)
    mean_group = rep(0, n_doses)
    sderr = rep(0, n_doses)

    # Normal endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {

            mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
            sderr[j] = sd(resp) / sqrt(n_groups[j]) 
            lower_cl[j] = mean_group[j] - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha) 
            upper_cl[j] = mean_group[j] + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)  



    # Binary endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {

            mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
            sderr[j] = sqrt(mean_group[j] * (1 - mean_group[j]) / n_groups[j]) 
            lower_cl[j] = mean_group[j] - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)
            upper_cl[j] = mean_group[j] + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)



    # Count endpoints
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {

        for (j in 1:n_doses) {

            mean_group[j] = mean(resp[dose == dose_levels[j]])
            sderr[j] = sqrt((theta[j] + mean_group[j]) / (n_groups[j] * theta[j] * mean_group[j]))
            lower_cl[j] = exp(log(mean_group[j]) - sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)) 
            upper_cl[j] = exp(log(mean_group[j]) + sderr[j] * qnorm(1 - alpha)) 



    descriptive_statistics = list(dose_levels = dose_levels,
                                  n_groups = n_groups,
                                  mean_group = mean_group,
                                  sderr = sderr,
                                  lower_cl = lower_cl,
                                  upper_cl = upper_cl)


    # Hypothesis testing step 

    # Compute the optimal contrasts, contrast correlation matrix and adjusted critical value
    contrast_results = ContrastStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, user_specified, n_groups, dose_levels, alpha, direction_index, mean_group, theta)

    # Compute the test statistics
    mcp_results = MCPStep(endpoint_index, contrast_results, selected_models, user_specified, dose, resp, alpha, direction_index)


    # Modeling step

    mod_results = ModStep(endpoint_index, selected_models, theta_vector, dose, resp, delta, direction_index)

    # Include selected models only
    selected_models = unlist(selected_models)

    model_fit = list()
    k = 1
    for (i in 1:length(mod_results$model_fit)) {

      if (selected_models[i]) {
        model_fit[[k]] = mod_results$model_fit[[i]]
        k = k + 1


    mod_results$model_fit = model_fit

    results = list(contrast_results = contrast_results,
                   mcp_results = mcp_results,
                   mod_results = mod_results,
                   input_parameters = input_parameters,
                   selected_models = selected_models,
                   descriptive_statistics = descriptive_statistics)

    class(results) = "MCPModAnalysisResults"


# End of MCPModAnalysis

print.MCPModAnalysisResults = function (x, digits = 3, ...) {

    results = x

    # Extract input parameters
    input_parameters = results$input_parameters

    # Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
    contrast_results = results$contrast_results

    # Extract the test statistics
    mcp_results = results$mcp_results

    # Extract the Mod step results
    mod_results = results$mod_results

    # Extract descriptive statistics
    descriptive_statistics = results$descriptive_statistics

    # Extract the list of model fit parameters
    model_fit = mod_results$model_fit

    # Selected models
    selected_models = results$selected_models

    # Number of selected models
    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    n_doses = length(mcp_results$dose_levels)

    DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]

    endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index

    cat("Descriptive statistics\n\n")

    # Normal endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 1) {

      x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
                round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits))
      x = as.data.frame(x)
      colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE")
      print(x, row.names = FALSE)


    # Binary endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 2) {

      x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"))
      x = as.data.frame(x)
      colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Rate", "95% CI")
      print(x, row.names = FALSE)


    # Count endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 3) {

      x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
                round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits),
                round(input_parameters$theta, digits))
      x = as.data.frame(x)
      colnames(x) = c("Dose", "n", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE", "Theta")
      print(x, row.names = FALSE)


    cat("Hypothesis testing and model selection\n\n")

    cat("Model-specific dose-response contrasts\n\n")

    x = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, FormatMatrix(as.matrix(contrast_results$opt_contrast), "%0.3f"))
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    colnames(x) = c("Dose", DF_selected_model_list)
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    cat("\n Contrast correlation matrix\n\n")

    x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, FormatMatrix(as.matrix(contrast_results$corr_matrix), "%0.3f"))
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    colnames(x) = c("Models", DF_selected_model_list)
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    cat("\n Model-specific contrast tests\n\n")

    sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
      if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) sign[i] = "Yes"

    x = cbind(sprintf("%0.3f", mcp_results$test_statistics), 
    x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, x)
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    colnames(x) = c("Model", "Test statistic", "Adjusted p-value", "Significant contrast")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    cat("\nAdjusted critical value: ", round(contrast_results$crit_value, 3), sep = "") 


    cat("Dose-response modeling\n\n")

    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

        current_model = model_fit[[i]]

        model = current_model$model

        # Print well-defined models only
        if (current_model$status >= 0) {

            n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[model]]) 

            cat(paste0("Dose-response model: ", DF_model_list[model]), "\n")

            cat("Parameter estimates\n")
            coef = round(current_model$coef[1:n_parameters], digits)
            names(coef) = DF_model_parameters[[model]]


        } else {

            cat(paste0("Dose-response model: ", DF_model_list[model]), "\n")
            cat("Parameter could not be estimated\n")





    cat("Dose selection\n\n")

    sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
    criterion = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    test_statistics = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    target_dose = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
      if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
        sign[i] = "Yes"
        criterion[i] = model_fit[[i]]$criterion
        test_statistics[i] = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
        if (model_fit[[i]]$target_dose >= 0) target_dose[i] = model_fit[[i]]$target_dose


    model_weight = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

      if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) {
        current_criterion = criterion[i]
        denominator = 0
        for (j in 1:n_selected_models) {
          if (mcp_results$sign_model[j] == 1 & model_fit[[j]]$status >= 0) denominator = denominator + exp(- 0.5 * (criterion[j] - current_criterion))
        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & abs(denominator) > 0.0001) model_weight[i] = 1 / denominator
      } else {
        criterion[i] = NA

    cat("Model selection criteria\n\n") 

    x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, 
              sprintf("%0.2f", criterion),
              sprintf("%0.3f", test_statistics),
              sprintf("%0.3f", model_weight))
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    colnames(x) = c("Model", "Significant contrast", "AIC", "Test statistic", "Model weight")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") {

      criterion_label = "based on the smallest AIC"

      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {

        index = which.min(criterion)

        cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): ", DF_selected_model_list[index], "\n\n", sep = "") 

      } else {

        cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): No model is significant. \n\n", sep = "") 



    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {

      criterion_label = "based on the most significant test statistic"

      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {

        index = which.max(test_statistics)

        cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): ", DF_selected_model_list[index], "\n\n", sep = "") 

      } else {

        cat("\nSelected model (", criterion_label, "): No model is significant. \n\n", sep = "") 



    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
      criterion_label = "based on weighted model averaging"


    cat("Model-specific estimated target doses (based on Delta = ", input_parameters$delta, ")\n\n", sep = "") 

    x = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, 
              sprintf("%0.3f", target_dose))
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    colnames(x) = c("Model", "Target dose")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC" | input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {    

      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {

        cat("\nSelected target dose (", criterion_label, "): ", round(target_dose[index], 3)," \n\n", sep="") 

      } else {

        cat("\nSelected target dose cannot be determined. \n\n", sep = "") 



    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {    

      weighted_dose = 0
      for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) weighted_dose = weighted_dose + target_dose[i] * model_weight[i]


      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {

        cat("\nSelected target dose (", criterion_label, "): ", round(weighted_dose, 3), " \n\n", sep="") 

      } else {

        cat("\nSelected target dose cannot be determined. \n\n", sep = "") 




print.MCPModSimulationResults = function (x, digits = 3, ...) {

    results = x

    # Extract input parameters
    input_parameters = results$input_parameters

    # Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
    user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified

    # Extract the initial values of the model parameters
    initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values

    # Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
    contrast_results = results$contrast_results

    # Simulation results
    sim_results = results$sim_results

    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # Selected models
    selected_models = results$selected_models

    # Number of selected models
    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]

    endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index

    dose_levels = input_parameters$sim_parameters$doses

    n_doses = length(dose_levels)

    cat("Simulation results\n\n")

    cat("Power summary\n\n")

    x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect, 
                   round(sim_results$power, digits))
    colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "Power")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {

      cat(paste0("\nGo probability summary (based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, ")\n\n"))

      x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect, 
                     round(sim_results$go_prob, digits))
      colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "Pr(Go)")
      print(x, row.names = FALSE)

      cat("\nProbability of selecting a dose-response model\n\n")

      x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect,
                     round(sim_results$model_index_summary, digits))

      colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "No model selected", DF_model_list_short[selected_models])
      print(x, row.names = FALSE)


    cat("\nEstimated target doses (based on Delta = ", input_parameters$delta, ")\n\n", sep = "") 

    true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
    true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = "NA"
    true_target_dose = as.character(true_target_dose)

    lower_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 1], digits)
    lower_bound_target_dose[lower_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA

    mean_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 2], digits)
    mean_target_dose[mean_target_dose == -1] = NA

    upper_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 3], digits)
    upper_bound_target_dose[upper_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA

    x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect, 
                   paste0(mean_target_dose, " (", lower_bound_target_dose, ", ", upper_bound_target_dose, ")"))
    colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "True target dose", "Mean target dose (95% CI)")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)

    cat("\nProbability of identifying the target dose\n\n")

    x = data.frame(input_parameters$max_effect, 
                   round(sim_results$target_dose_categorical_summary, digits))

    colnames(x) = c("Maximum effect over placebo", "No dose found", dose_levels[2:n_doses], "Greater than max dose")
    print(x, row.names = FALSE)


SaveReport = function(report, report_title) {

  # Create a docx object
  doc = officer::read_docx(system.file(package = "MCPModPack", "template/report_template.docx"))

  dim_doc = officer::docx_dim(doc)

  # Report's title
  doc = officer::set_doc_properties(doc, title = report_title)
  doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = report_title, style = "heading 1")

  # Text formatting
  my.text.format = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, font.family = "Arial")

  # Table formatting
  header.cellProperties = officer::fp_cell(border.left = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.right = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.bottom = officer::fp_border(width = 2), border.top = officer::fp_border(width = 2), background.color = "#eeeeee")
  data.cellProperties = officer::fp_cell(border.left = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.right = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.bottom = officer::fp_border(width = 0), border.top = officer::fp_border(width = 0))

  header.textProperties = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = TRUE, font.family = "Arial")
  data.textProperties = officer::fp_text(font.size = 12, font.family = "Arial")

  thick_border = fp_border(color = "black", width = 2)

  leftPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "left")
  rightPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "right")
  centerPar = officer::fp_par(text.align = "center")

  # Number of sections in the report (the report's title is not counted)
  n_sections = length(report) 

  # Loop over the sections in the report
  for(section_index in 1:n_sections) {

      # Determine the item's type (text by default)
      type = report[[section_index]]$type

      # Determine the item's label 
      label = report[[section_index]]$label

      # Determine the item's label 
      footnote = report[[section_index]]$footnote

      # Determine the item's value 
      value = report[[section_index]]$value

      # Determine column width 
      column_width = report[[section_index]]$column_width

      # Determine the page break status 
      page_break = report[[section_index]]$page_break
      if (is.null(page_break)) page_break = FALSE

      # Determine the figure's location (for figures only)
      filename = report[[section_index]]$filename

      # Determine the figure's dimensions (for figures only)
      dim = report[[section_index]]$dim

      if (!is.null(type)) {

        # Fully formatted data frame 
        if (type == "table") {

            doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = label, style = "heading 2")

            summary_table = flextable::regulartable(data = value)
            summary_table = flextable::style(summary_table, pr_p = leftPar, pr_c = header.cellProperties, pr_t = header.textProperties, part = "header")
            summary_table = flextable::style(summary_table, pr_p = leftPar, pr_c = data.cellProperties, pr_t = data.textProperties, part = "body")

            summary_table = flextable::hline_bottom(summary_table, part = "body", border = thick_border )

            summary_table = flextable::width(summary_table, width = column_width)

            doc = flextable::body_add_flextable(doc, summary_table)

            if (!is.null(footnote)) doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = footnote, style = "Normal")

            if (page_break) doc = officer::body_add_break(doc, pos = "after")


        # Enhanced metafile graphics produced by package devEMF 
        if (type == "emf_plot") {

            doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = label, style = "heading 2")

            doc = officer::body_add_img(doc, src = filename, width = dim[1], height = dim[2]) 

            if (!is.null(footnote)) doc = officer::body_add_par(doc, value = footnote, style = "Normal")

            if (page_break) doc = officer::body_add_break(doc, pos = "after")

            # Delete the figure
            if (file.exists(filename)) file.remove(filename)   





# End SaveReport

CreateTable = function(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, page_break, footnote = NULL) {

    if (is.null(column_width)) {
      column_width = rep(2, dim(data_frame)[2])
    data_frame = as.data.frame(data_frame)

    colnames(data_frame) = column_names

    item_list = list(label = title, 
                     value = data_frame,
                     column_width = column_width,
                     type = "table",
                     footnote = footnote,
                     page_break = page_break)


# End of CreateTable         

GenerateAnalysisReport = function(results, report_title) { 


    # Error checks

    if (!inherits(results, "MCPModAnalysisResults")) stop("AnalysisReport: The object was not created by the MCPModAnalysis function.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("AnalysisReport: The officer package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("AnalysisReport: The flextable package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("devEMF", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("AnalysisReport: The devEMF package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)


    # Extract input parameters
    input_parameters = results$input_parameters

    # Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
    user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified

    # Extract the initial values of the model parameters
    initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values

    # Extract the optimal contrasts and contrast correlation matrix
    contrast_results = results$contrast_results

    # Extract the test statistics
    mcp_results = results$mcp_results

    # Extract the Mod step results
    mod_results = results$mod_results

    # Extract the list of model fit parameters
    model_fit = mod_results$model_fit

    # Extract descriptive statistics
    descriptive_statistics = results$descriptive_statistics

    # Number of doses
    n_doses = length(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels)

    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # Selected models
    selected_models = results$selected_models

    # Number of selected models
    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]
    DF_selected_model_index_list = (1:n_models)[selected_models]

    # Extract the dose levels and responses
    dose = mod_results$dose
    resp = mod_results$resp

    endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index

    digits = 3


    # Empty list of tables to be included in the report
    item_list = list()
    item_index = 1
    table_index = 1
    figure_index = 1


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    if (input_parameters$direction_index == 1) direction_label = "Increasing" else direction_label = "Decreasing"

    if (endpoint_index != 3) {

      col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship")
      col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index], 
                     paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "), 

    } else {

      col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship", "Overdispersion parameters")
      col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index], 
                     paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "), 
                     paste0(round(input_parameters$theta, digits), collapse = ", "))


    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". General parameters.")

    column_width = c(3.5, 3)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Candidate model", "Parameter values")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    col1 = DF_selected_model_list
    for (i in 1:n_models) {
        if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {

          n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
          model_user_specified = round(user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters], digits)
          for (j in 1:n_parameters) model_user_specified[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[i]][j], " = ", model_user_specified[j])
          col2 = c(col2, paste0(model_user_specified, collapse = ", "))


    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Initial values of the model parameters.")

    column_width = c(2.5, 4)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    # Descriptive statistics

    # Normal endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 1) {

      column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE")
      data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
                round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits))

      column_width = c(1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1)


    # Binary endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 2) {

      column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Rate", "95% CI")

      data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"))

      column_width = c(1, 1.5, 2, 2)


    # Count endpoint
    if (input_parameters$endpoint_index == 3) {

      column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Mean", "95% CI", "SE", "Theta")

      data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, 
                round(descriptive_statistics$mean_group, digits),
                paste0("(", round(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl, digits), ", ", round(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl, digits), ")"),
                round(descriptive_statistics$sderr, digits),
                round(user_specified$theta, digits))

      column_width = c(1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, 1)


    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Descriptive statistics.")

    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    # Hypothesis testing step


    column_names = c("Dose", DF_selected_model_list)

    data_frame = cbind(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, round(contrast_results$opt_contrast, 3))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific dose-response contrasts.")

    original_width = c(0.9, 0.9, 1.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) # c(6.5 - 0.95 * 6, rep(0.95, 6))
    column_width = c(1, 5.5 * original_width[selected_models] / sum(original_width[selected_models]))
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Models", DF_selected_model_list)

    data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, round(contrast_results$corr_matrix, 3))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Contrast correlation matrix.")

    original_width = c(0.9, 0.9, 1.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) # c(6.5 - 0.95 * 6, rep(0.95, 6))
    column_width = c(1, 5.5 * original_width[selected_models] / sum(original_width[selected_models]))
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Model", "Test statistic", "Adjusted p-value", "Significant contrast")

    sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
      if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) sign[i] = "Yes"

    data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, 
                       round(mcp_results$test_statistics, 3), 
                       round(mcp_results$adj_pvalues, 4),

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific contrast tests.")

    footnote = paste0("Adjusted critical value: ", round(contrast_results$crit_value, 3), ".") 

    column_width = c(1.25, 1.5, 1.5, 2.25)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    # Dose-response modeling step


    column_names = c("Model", "Parameter", "Estimate", "Convergence criterion")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL
    col3 = NULL
    col4 = NULL

    k = 1

    for (i in 1:n_models) {

        if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {

          # Current dose-response model
          current_model = model_fit[[k]]
          coef = current_model$coef

          test_statistic = mcp_results$test_statistics[k]
          adj_pvalue = mcp_results$adj_pvalues[k]
          if (mcp_results$sign_model[k] == 1) sign = "Yes" else sign = "No"

          n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
          col1 = c(col1, DF_model_list[i], rep("", n_parameters - 1))
          col2 = c(col2, DF_model_parameters[[i]])
          # Display the estimated parameters if the model converged
          if (current_model$status >= 0) parameter_estimates = round(current_model$coef[1:n_parameters], 3) else parameter_estimates = rep("NA", n_parameters)
          col3 = c(col3, parameter_estimates) 
          if (current_model$status >= 0) convergence_criterion = round(current_model$convergence_criterion, 3) else convergence_criterion = "NA"        
          col4 = c(col4, convergence_criterion, rep("", n_parameters - 1)) 

          k = k + 1



    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2, col3, col4)

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Estimated parameters of dose-response models.")

    column_width = c(1.5, 1.25, 1.25, 2.5)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, "The convergence criterion is defined as the length of the gradient vector evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimate and a high value of the convergence criterion suggests lack of convergence.")
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_label = "Select the model with the smallest AIC"
    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_label = "Select the model corresponding to the largest test statistic"
    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_label = "Average the models using AIC-based weights"

    col1 = c(col1, "Model selection criterion", "Delta")
    col2 = c(col2, model_selection_label, input_parameters$delta)

    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection parameters.")

    footnote = "Delta is the pre-defined clinically meaningful improvement over placebo."

    column_width = c(3, 3.5)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Model", "Significant contrast", "AIC", "Test statistic", "Model weight")

    sign = rep("No", n_selected_models)
    criterion = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    test_statistics = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    target_dose = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {
      if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
        sign[i] = "Yes"
        if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) criterion[i] = model_fit[[i]]$criterion else criterion[i] = NA
        test_statistics[i] = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
        if (model_fit[[i]]$target_dose >= 0) target_dose[i] = model_fit[[i]]$target_dose

    model_weight = rep(NA, n_selected_models)
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

      if (model_fit[[i]]$status >= 0) {
        current_criterion = criterion[i]
        denominator = 0
        for (j in 1:n_selected_models) {
          if (mcp_results$sign_model[j] == 1 & model_fit[[j]]$status >= 0) denominator = denominator + exp(- 0.5 * (criterion[j] - current_criterion))
        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & abs(denominator) > 0.0001) model_weight[i] = 1 / denominator
      } else {
        criterion[i] = NA

    data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, 
                       sprintf("%0.2f", criterion),
                       sprintf("%0.3f", test_statistics),
                       sprintf("%0.3f", model_weight))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection criteria.")

    column_width = c(1.25, 1.5, 1.25, 1.5, 1)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    column_names = c("Model", "Target dose")

    data_frame = cbind(DF_selected_model_list, 
                       sprintf("%0.3f", target_dose))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model-specific estimated target doses.")

    column_width = c(2, 4.5)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    selected_model = "No model is significant" 
    selected_target_dose = "Target dose cannot be determined"

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") {
      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
        index = which.min(criterion)
        selected_model = DF_selected_model_list[index]

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {
      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
        index = which.max(test_statistics)
        selected_model = DF_selected_model_list[index]

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {
        selected_model = "Dose selection is based on averaging the significant models"

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC" | input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") {    
      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
        if (!is.na(target_dose[index])) selected_target_dose = round(target_dose[index], 3)

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") {    
      weighted_dose = 0
      for (i in 1:n_models) {
        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) weighted_dose = weighted_dose + target_dose[i] * model_weight[i]
      if (sum(mcp_results$sign_model) > 0) {
        if (!is.na(weighted_dose)) selected_target_dose = round(weighted_dose, 3)


    data_frame = cbind(c("Selected model", "Selected target dose"), c(selected_model, selected_target_dose))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Selected model and target dose.")

    column_width = c(2, 4.5)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    # Plot all models

    width = 6.5
    height = 5

    eval_function_list = list()  

    x_limit = c(min(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels), max(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels))
    y_limit = c(min(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl), max(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl))

    # Evaluate the dose-response functions and determine the axis ranges
    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

        current_model = model_fit[[i]]

        if (current_model$status >= 0) {

          # Evaluate the current dose-response model
          model_index = DF_selected_model_index_list[i]
          coef = current_model$coef

          eval_function_list[[i]] = EvaluateDRFunction(model_index, endpoint_index, coef, dose) 

          # Exclude the cases with missing coefficients
          if (!any(is.na(eval_function_list[[i]]$y))) {

            if (min(eval_function_list[[i]]$y) < y_limit[1]) y_limit[1] = min(eval_function_list[[i]]$y)
            if (max(eval_function_list[[i]]$y) > y_limit[2]) y_limit[2] = max(eval_function_list[[i]]$y)


      } else {

        # Parameters cannot be estimated
        eval_function_list[[i]] = list(x = rep(NA, n_evaluation_points), y = rep(NA, n_evaluation_points)) 


    bar_width = (x_limit[2] - x_limit[1]) / 100

    for (i in 1:n_selected_models) {

        if (i < n_selected_models) page_break = TRUE else page_break = FALSE

        current_model = model_fit[[i]]

        filename = paste0("model_fit", i, ".emf")

        xlab = "Dose"    
        if (endpoint_index == 1) ylab = "Mean response"    
        if (endpoint_index == 2) ylab = "Response rate"    
        if (endpoint_index == 3) ylab = "Average number of events"    

        test_statistic = mcp_results$test_statistics[i]
        target_dose = current_model$target_dose       
        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1) {
          if (current_model$status >= 0) sign = "This model is included in the set of significant models" else sign = "This model is included in the set of significant models but the parameters cannot be estimated" 
          if (current_model$target_dose >= 0) target_dose = paste0("the target dose is ", round(current_model$target_dose, 3), ".") else target_dose = "the target dose cannot be determined."
        } else {
          sign = "This model is not included in the set of significant models"
          target_dose = "the target dose is undefined."

        emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
        plot(x = descriptive_statistics$dose_levels, y = descriptive_statistics$mean_group, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="p", pch = 19) 
        lines(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, col = "black", lwd = 2)
        for (j in 1:n_doses) {
          lines(x = rep(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j], 2), y = c(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl[j], descriptive_statistics$upper_cl[j]), col = "black", lwd = 1)
          lines(x = c(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] - bar_width, descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] + bar_width), y = rep(descriptive_statistics$lower_cl[j], 2), col = "black", lwd = 1)
          lines(x = c(descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] - bar_width, descriptive_statistics$dose_levels[j] + bar_width), y = rep(descriptive_statistics$upper_cl[j], 2), col = "black", lwd = 1)
        if (mcp_results$sign_model[i] == 1 & current_model$target_dose >= x_limit[1] & current_model$target_dose <= x_limit[2]) abline(v = current_model$target_dose, lty = "dashed") 

        item_list[[item_index]] =  list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". ", DF_selected_model_list[i], " model."), 
                                 filename = filename,
                                 dim = c(width, height),
                                 type = "emf_plot",
                                 footnote = paste0(sign, ", ", target_dose),
                                 page_break = page_break)

        item_index = item_index + 1
        figure_index = figure_index + 1



  report = item_list

  doc = SaveReport(report, report_title)


# End of GenerateAnalysisReport      

GenerateSimulationReport = function(results, report_title) { 


    # Error checks

    if (!inherits(results, "MCPModSimulationResults")) stop("SimulationReport: The object was not created by the MCPModSimulation function.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("officer", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("SimulationReport: The officer package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("flextable", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("SimulationReport: The flextable package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!requireNamespace("devEMF", quietly = TRUE)) {
     stop("SimulationReport: The devEMF package is required to generate this report. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)


    # Extract input parameters
    input_parameters = results$input_parameters

    # Extract the user-specified values of the model parameters
    user_specified = input_parameters$user_specified

    # Extract the initial values of the model parameters
    initial_values = input_parameters$initial_values

    # Simulation results
    sim_results = results$sim_results

    # Total number of models
    n_models = length(DF_model_list)

    # Selected models
    selected_models = results$selected_models

    # Number of selected models
    n_selected_models = sum(selected_models)

    DF_selected_model_list = DF_model_list[selected_models]

    endpoint_index = input_parameters$endpoint_index

    dose_levels = input_parameters$sim_parameters$doses

    n_doses = length(dose_levels)

    digits = 3


    # Empty list of tables to be included in the report
    item_list = list()
    item_index = 1
    table_index = 1
    figure_index = 1


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    if (input_parameters$direction_index == 1) direction_label = "Increasing" else direction_label = "Decreasing"

    if (endpoint_index != 3) {

      col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship")
      col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index], 
                     paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "), 

    } else {

      col1 = c(col1, "Endpoint type", "Candidate models", "One-sided Type I error rate", "Direction of the dose-response relationship", "Overdispersion parameters")
      col2 = c(col2, DF_endpoint_list[endpoint_index], 
                     paste0(DF_selected_model_list, collapse = ", "), 
                     paste0(round(input_parameters$theta, digits), collapse = ", "))


    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". General parameters.")

    column_width = c(2.5, 4)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Candidate model", "Parameter values")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    col1 = DF_selected_model_list
    for (i in 1:n_models) {
        if (selected_models[i] == TRUE) {

          n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[i]])
          model_user_specified = round(user_specified[[i]][1:n_parameters], digits)
          for (j in 1:n_parameters) model_user_specified[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[i]][j], " = ", model_user_specified[j])
          col2 = c(col2, paste0(model_user_specified, collapse = ", "))


    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Initial values of the model parameters.")

    column_width = c(2.5, 4)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    col1 = NULL
    col2 = NULL

    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "AIC") model_selection_label = "Select the model with the smallest AIC"
    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "maxT") model_selection_label = "Select the model corresponding to the largest test statistic"
    if (input_parameters$model_selection == "aveAIC") model_selection_label = "Average the models using AIC-based weights"

    col1 = c(col1, "Model selection criterion", "Delta")
    col2 = c(col2, model_selection_label, input_parameters$delta)

    footnote = "Delta is the pre-defined clinically meaningful improvement over placebo."

    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Model selection parameters.")

    column_width = c(3, 3.5)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    if (endpoint_index == 1) {

      column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients", "Standard deviation")  
      data_frame = cbind(dose_levels, 
                         sprintf("%d", input_parameters$sim_parameters$n),
      column_width = c(2.5, 2, 2)

    } else {

      column_names = c("Dose", "Number of patients")  
      data_frame = cbind(dose_levels, 
                         sprintf("%d", input_parameters$sim_parameters$n))
      column_width = c(2.5, 4)


    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Trial parameters.")

    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

    col1 = c("Patient dropout rate", "Number of simulation runs")
    col2 = c(input_parameters$sim_parameters$dropout_rate,

    data_frame = cbind(col1, col2)

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation parameters.")

    column_width = c(3.5, 3)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    column_names = c("Scenario", "Placebo effect", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Simulation model parameters")

    n_scenarios = length(input_parameters$max_effect)
    scenario_list = 1:n_scenarios

    model_index = input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_model_index
    n_parameters = length(DF_model_parameters[[model_index]])

    model_parameters = rep("", n_scenarios)
    temp_string = rep("", n_parameters)

    for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

        for (j in 1:n_parameters) temp_string[j] = paste0(DF_model_parameters[[model_index]][j], " = ", round(input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, j], digits))

        model_parameters[i] = paste0(temp_string, collapse = ", ")


    data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list), 
                       rep(round(input_parameters$placebo_effect, digits), n_scenarios),
                       round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits),

    column_width = c(1, 1, 1.5, 3)
    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Assumed dose-response scenarios (", DF_model_list[model_index], " model).")

    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1  


    # Plot simulation models

    width = 6.5
    height = 5

    true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
    true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = NA

    eval_function_list = list()  

    # Determine the axis ranges
    x_limit = c(min(dose_levels), max(dose_levels))
    temp = c(input_parameters$placebo_effect, input_parameters$placebo_effect + input_parameters$max_effect)
    y_limit = c(min(temp), max(temp))

    xlab = "Dose"    
    if (endpoint_index == 1) {
      ylab = "Mean response"    
    if (endpoint_index == 2) {
      ylab = "Response rate"    
      y_limit = c(0, 1)
    if (endpoint_index == 3) {
      ylab = "Average number of events"    

    for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

        filename = paste0("assumed_model", i, ".emf")

        eval_function_list[[i]] = EvaluateDRFunction(model_index, endpoint_index, input_parameters$sim_model_list$sim_parameter_values[i, ], dose_levels) 

        emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
        plot(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2) 
        if (!is.na(true_target_dose[i])) abline(v = true_target_dose[i], lty = "dashed") 

        if (!is.na(true_target_dose[i])) target_dose = paste0("The true target dose is ", true_target_dose[i], ".") else target_dose = "The true target dose is undefined."

        item_list[[item_index]] =  list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Assumed dose-response model (Scenario ", i, ")."), 
                                 filename = filename,
                                 dim = c(width, height),
                                 type = "emf_plot",
                                 footnote = target_dose,
                                 page_break = TRUE)

        item_index = item_index + 1
        figure_index = figure_index + 1



    column_names = c("Scenario", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Power")

    data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
                       round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits), 
                       round(sim_results$power, digits))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Power.")

    footnote = "Power is the probability that the best dose-response contrast is significant."

    column_width = c(2, 2.5, 2)
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    # Go probabilities unless the model selection method is aveAIC
    if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {

      column_names = c("Scenario", "Maximum effect over placebo", "Go probability")

      data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list),
                         round(input_parameters$max_effect, digits), 
                         round(sim_results$go_prob, digits))

      title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Go probabilities based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, ".")

      footnote = "The go probability is the probability that the best dose-response contrast is significant and the maximum effect for the corresponding model exceeds the pre-defined go threshold."

      column_width = c(2, 2.5, 2)
      item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE, footnote)
      item_index = item_index + 1
      table_index = table_index + 1 



    if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {

      column_names = c("Scenario", "No model selected", DF_model_list_short[selected_models])

      data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list), 
                         round(sim_results$model_index_summary, digits))

      title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Probability of selecting a dose-response model.")

      original_width = c(0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 1.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8) 
      column_width = c(1, 1, rep(4.5 / n_selected_models, n_selected_models))

      item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
      item_index = item_index + 1
      table_index = table_index + 1 



    column_names = c("Scenario", "True target dose", "Mean target dose (95% CI)")

    true_target_dose = round(sim_results$true_target_dose, digits)
    true_target_dose[true_target_dose == -1] = "NA"
    true_target_dose = as.character(true_target_dose)

    lower_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 1], digits)
    lower_bound_target_dose[lower_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA

    mean_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 2], digits)
    mean_target_dose[mean_target_dose == -1] = NA

    upper_bound_target_dose = round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[, 3], digits)
    upper_bound_target_dose[upper_bound_target_dose == -1] = NA

    data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list), 
                       paste0(mean_target_dose, " (", lower_bound_target_dose, ", ", upper_bound_target_dose, ")"))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Target dose estimates.")

    column_width = c(2, 2, 2.5) 
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    column_names = c("Scenario", "No dose found", dose_levels[2:n_doses], "Greater than max dose")

    data_frame = cbind(sprintf("%d", scenario_list), 
                       round(sim_results$target_dose_categorical_summary, digits))

    title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Probability of identifying the target dose.")

    footnote = "Each column presents the probability that the estimated target dose is less than or equal to the current dose and is strictly greater than the next lower dose."

    column_width = c(1, rep(5.5 / (n_doses + 1), n_doses + 1)) 
    item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
    item_index = item_index + 1
    table_index = table_index + 1 


    # Plot power

    width = 6.5
    height = 5

    # Determine the axis ranges
    x_limit = c(min(input_parameters$max_effect), max(input_parameters$max_effect))
    y_limit = c(0, 1)

    filename = paste0("power.emf")

    xlab = "Maximum effect over placebo"    
    ylab = "Power"    

    emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
    plot(x = input_parameters$max_effect, y = sim_results$power, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2) 

    item_list[[item_index]] =  list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Power."), 
                             filename = filename,
                             dim = c(width, height),
                             type = "emf_plot",
                             footnote = "",
                             page_break = FALSE)

    item_index = item_index + 1
    figure_index = figure_index + 1


    # Plot go probabilities  unless the model selection method is aveAIC
    if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {

      width = 6.5
      height = 5

      # Determine the axis ranges
      x_limit = c(min(input_parameters$max_effect), max(input_parameters$max_effect))
      y_limit = c(0, 1)

      page_break = FALSE

      filename = paste0("go_prob.emf")

      xlab = "Maximum effect over placebo"    
      ylab = "Probability"    
      emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
      plot(x = input_parameters$max_effect, y = sim_results$go_prob, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2) 

      footnote = ""

      item_list[[item_index]] =  list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Go probabilities based on the threshold of ", input_parameters$go_threshold, "."), 
                               filename = filename,
                               dim = c(width, height),
                               type = "emf_plot",
                               footnote = footnote,
                               page_break = page_break)

      item_index = item_index + 1
      figure_index = figure_index + 1



    # Plot estimated dose-response curves unless the model selection method is aveAIC
    if (input_parameters$model_selection != "aveAIC") {

      width = 6.5
      height = 5

      # Determine the axis ranges
      x_limit = c(min(dose_levels), max(dose_levels))
      temp = c(input_parameters$placebo_effect, input_parameters$placebo_effect + input_parameters$max_effect, sim_results$dose_response_lower, sim_results$dose_response_upper)    
      y_limit = c(min(temp, na.rm = TRUE), max(temp, na.rm = TRUE))

      if (endpoint_index == 2) {
        y_limit[1] = min(0, y_limit[1])
        y_limit[2] = max(1, y_limit[2])

      for (i in 1:n_scenarios) {

          if (i < n_scenarios) page_break = TRUE else page_break = FALSE

          filename = paste0("dose_response_model", i, ".emf")

          xlab = "Dose"    
          if (endpoint_index == 1) ylab = "Mean response"    
          if (endpoint_index == 2) ylab = "Response rate"    
          if (endpoint_index == 3) ylab = "Average number of events"    
          emf(file = filename, width = width, height = height)
          plot(x = sim_results$dosex, y = sim_results$dose_response_mean[, i], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim = x_limit, ylim = y_limit, col="black", type="l", lwd = 2) 
          polygon(c(rev(sim_results$dosex), sim_results$dosex), c(rev(sim_results$dose_response_upper[, i]), sim_results$dose_response_lower[, i]), col = "grey80", border = NA)
          lines(x = sim_results$dosex, y = sim_results$dose_response_mean[, i], col="black", lwd = 2)  
          lines(x = eval_function_list[[i]]$x, y = eval_function_list[[i]]$y, col="red", lwd = 2)  
          if (!is.na(sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2])) abline(v = sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2], lty = "dashed") 

          if (!is.na(sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2])) footnote = paste0("Red curve: Assumed dose-response curve. Black curve: Estimated dose-response curve with a 95% confidence band. The estimated target dose is ", round(sim_results$target_dose_summary[i, 2], digits), ".") else footnote = "Red curve: Assumed dose-response curve. Black curve: Estimated dose-response curve with a 95% confidence band. The estimated target dose is undefined."

          item_list[[item_index]] =  list(label = paste0("Figure ", figure_index, ". Simulation results: Assumed and estimated dose-response curve based on the best model selected by MCPMod (Scenario ", i, ", Maximum effect over placebo is ", input_parameters$max_effect[i], ")."), 
                                   filename = filename,
                                   dim = c(width, height),
                                   type = "emf_plot",
                                   footnote = footnote,
                                   page_break = page_break)

          item_index = item_index + 1
          figure_index = figure_index + 1



    report = item_list

    doc = SaveReport(report, report_title)


# End of GenerateSimulationReport

AnalysisReport = function(results, report_title, report_filename) { 

    # Generate the report
    doc = GenerateAnalysisReport(results, report_title)

    # Save the report
    print(doc, target = report_filename)          


SimulationReport = function(results, report_title, report_filename) { 

    # Generate the report
    doc = GenerateSimulationReport(results, report_title)

    # Save the report
    print(doc, target = report_filename)          


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MCPModPack documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:23 p.m.