
Defines functions .drop_constants .dbar .crits_names .colSumProd .choice_crit .char_to_num .aitken

.aitken           <- function(loglik) {
  if(!is.numeric(loglik) ||
     length(loglik)      != 3)   stop("'loglik' must be a numeric vector of length 3", call.=FALSE)
  l1              <- loglik[1L]
  l2              <- loglik[2L]
  l3              <- loglik[3L]
  if(any(is.infinite(loglik))) {
    linf          <- 
    ldiff         <- Inf
    a             <- NA
  } else {
    a             <- ifelse(l2 > l1, (l3   - l2) / (l2 - l1),    0L)
    denom         <- max(1L - a, .Machine$double.eps)
    linf          <- ifelse(a  < 1L,  l2   + (l3 - l2) / denom, Inf)
    ldiff         <- ifelse(is.numeric(a) && a   < 0, 0L, abs(linf - l2))
    ldiff[is.nan(ldiff)]      <- Inf
    return(list(ll = l3, linf  = linf, 
                a  = a, ldiff  = ldiff))

.char_to_num      <- function(x) {

#' @importFrom matrixStats "rowMaxs"
#.choice_crit     <- function(ll, seqs, z, gp, modtype = c("CC", "UC", "CU", "UU", "CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN"), type = c("new", "old"), gamma = 0) {
.choice_crit      <- function(ll, seqs, z, gp, modtype = c("CC", "UC", "CU", "UU", "CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN"), type = c("new", "old")) {
 #if(length(gamma) > 1   ||
 #   !is.numeric(gamma)  ||
 #   (gamma < 0   ||
 #    gamma > 1))                stop("gamma must be a single digit in the interval [0, 1]", call.=FALSE)
 #if(gamma  < (1   - 1/(2 * log(attr(seqs, "T"))/
 #   log(attr(seqs, "W")))))     warning("Invalid gamma", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  type            <- match.arg(type)
  G               <- attr(seqs, ifelse(is.element(modtype, c("CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN")), "G0", "G"))
  P               <- attr(seqs, "T")
  mp              <- switch(EXPR=type, 
                            new=attr(seqs, "VTS"),
                            old=P)   * G
  kpar            <- switch(EXPR= modtype,
                            CC  = mp + 1L,
                            CCN = mp + (G > 0),
                            UC  =,
                            UCN = mp + G,
                            CU  =,
                            CUN = mp + P,
                            UU  =,
                            UUN = switch(EXPR=type, 
                                          new=mp + G * P,
                                          old=mp * 2L)) + gp
  ll2             <- ll  * 2L
  bic             <- ll2 - kpar * log(attr(seqs, "W"))
 #ebic            <- bic - kpar * 2L * gamma * log(P)
    return(list(bic = bic, icl = bic + 2L * sum(log(rowMaxs(z, useNames=FALSE)), na.rm=TRUE), aic = ll2 - kpar * 2L, df = kpar))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2"
.colSumProd <- function(x, y) {
   colSums2(x * y, useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)

.crits_names      <- function(x) {
    unlist(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) stats::setNames(x[[i]], paste0(names(x[i]), "|", names(x[[i]])))))

#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.dbar             <- function(seqs, theta) {
    mean(.dseq(seqs, theta))

.drop_constants   <- function(dat, formula, sub = NULL) {
  if(!is.data.frame(dat))        stop("'dat' must be a data.frame", call.=FALSE)
  Nseq            <- seq_len(nrow(dat))
  sub             <- if(missing(sub)) Nseq else sub
  numsubs         <- all(is.numeric(sub))
  if(!any(numsubs, all(is.logical(sub)) &&
     length(sub)  == nrow(dat))) stop("'sub' must be a numeric vector, or logical vector with length equal to the number of rows in 'dat'", call.=FALSE)
  if(numsubs      &&
     any(match(sub, Nseq, 
     nomatch = 0) == 0))         stop("Numeric 'sub' must correspond to row indices of data", call.=FALSE)
               "formula"))       stop("'formula' must actually be a formula!", call.=FALSE)
  intercept       <- attr(stats::terms(formula), "intercept")
  dat             <- dat[sub,colnames(dat) %in% attr(stats::terms(stats::update.formula(formula, NULL ~ .)), "term.labels"), drop=FALSE]
  ind             <- names(which(!apply(dat, 2L, function(x) all(x == x[1L], na.rm=TRUE))))
  fterms          <- attr(stats::terms(formula), "term.labels")
  ind             <- unique(c(ind[ind %in% fterms], fterms[grepl(":", fterms) | grepl("I\\(", fterms)]))
  response        <- all.vars(stats::update.formula(formula, . ~ NULL))
  form            <- if(length(ind) > 0) stats::reformulate(ind, response=response) else stats::as.formula(paste0(response, " ~ 1"))
  form            <- if(intercept  == 0) stats::update.formula(form, ~ . -1)        else form
  environment(form)        <- environment(formula)

.drop_levels      <- function(fit, newdata) {
  if(!is.data.frame(newdata))    stop("'newdata' must be a data.frame", call.=FALSE)
  dat.fac         <- vapply(newdata, is.factor, logical(1L))
  if(!any(dat.fac))              return(newdata)
  factors         <- rep(names(fit$xlevels), lengths(fit$xlevels))
  factorLevels    <- unname(unlist(fit$xlevels))
  modelFactors    <- cbind.data.frame(factors, factorLevels)
  predictors      <- names(newdata[names(newdata) %in% factors])
  for(i in seq_along(predictors))  {
    ind           <- newdata[,predictors[i]]      %in% modelFactors[modelFactors$factors == predictors[i],]$factorLevels
    if(any(!ind))  {
      newdata[!ind,predictors[i]] <- NA
      newdata[,predictors[i]]     <- factor(newdata[,predictors[i]], levels=modelFactors[modelFactors$factors == predictors[i],]$factorLevels)

#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.dseq             <- function(seqs, theta) {
    stringdistmatrix(seqs, theta, method="hamming")

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2" "logSumExp" "rowAlls" "rowLogSumExps" "rowSums2"
#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.E_step           <- function(seqs, params, modtype = c("CC", "UC", "CU", "UU", "CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN"), ctrl, numseq = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL, z.old = NULL) {
  G               <- attr(seqs, "G")
  N               <- attr(seqs, "N")
  P               <- attr(seqs, "T")
  V1              <- attr(seqs, "V1")
  lPV             <- attr(seqs, "lPV")
  G0              <- ifelse((noise <- attr(seqs, "Noise")), attr(seqs, "G0"), G)
  Gseq            <- seq_len(G0)
  N1              <- N > 1
  theta           <- params$theta
  lambda          <- switch(EXPR=modtype, CUN=, UU=, UUN=params$lambda, drop(params$lambda))
  dG.X            <- is.null(params$dG)
  opti            <- ctrl$opti
  if(is.null(numseq)        &&
     isFALSE(ctrl$numseq)   &&
     ctrl$nmeth   && dG.X)   {
    numseq        <- unname(sapply(seqs, .char_to_num))
  if(G  == 1L)     { 
    return(if(ctrl$do.wts)   {
     dG <- if(dG.X)  switch(EXPR=modtype, CC=switch(EXPR=opti, medoid=HAM.mat[,attr(theta, "Ind"), drop=FALSE], .dseq(seqs, theta)), CU=numseq != .char_to_num(theta)) else params$dG
                    CC  = -ifelse(lambda  == 0, attr(seqs, "W") * lPV, lambda * sum(attr(seqs, "Weights") * dG,  na.rm=TRUE) + attr(seqs, "W")  * P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))),
                    CCN = -attr(seqs, "W") * lPV,
                    CU  = -sum(sweep(dG * drop(lambda), 2L, attr(seqs, "Weights"), FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE), na.rm=TRUE) - attr(seqs, "W")  * sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))))
           } else  {
                    CC  = -ifelse(0    == lambda, N * lPV, sum(lambda * N * .dbar(seqs, theta), N * P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda)), na.rm=TRUE)),
                    CCN = -N * lPV,
                    CU  = -sum((numseq != .char_to_num(theta)) * drop(lambda), na.rm=TRUE)    - N * sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))))
  } else {
    dG  <- if(dG.X)  switch(EXPR=modtype, 
                            CC=, UC=, CCN=, UCN=switch(EXPR=opti, medoid=HAM.mat[,attr(theta, "Ind"), drop=FALSE], .dseq(seqs, theta[Gseq])),
                            CU=, UU=, CUN=, UUN=lapply(Gseq, function(g) numseq != .char_to_num(theta[g]))) else params$dG
    log.tau       <- .mat_byrow(log(params$tau), nrow=N, ncol=G)
    if(noise)      {
      tau0        <- log.tau[,G]
      log.tau     <- log.tau[,-G, drop=FALSE]
    if(N1)         {
      numer       <- switch(EXPR=modtype,
                            CC  = t(-t(dG) * lambda - P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))) + log.tau,
                            UC  = t(-t(dG) * lambda - P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))) + log.tau,
                            CU  = -vapply(dG, .colSumProd, numeric(N), lambda) - sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))) + log.tau,
                            UU  = t(t(-vapply(Gseq, function(g) colSums2(dG[[g]] * lambda[g,], useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE), numeric(N)))       - rowSums2(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda)), useNames=FALSE)) + log.tau,
                            CCN = cbind(t(-t(dG) * lambda[1L] - P  * log1p(V1  * exp(-lambda[1L]))) + log.tau, tau0  - lPV),
                            UCN = cbind(t(-t(dG) * lambda[-G] - P  * log1p(V1  * exp(-lambda[-G]))) + log.tau, tau0  - lPV),
                            CUN = cbind(-vapply(dG, .colSumProd, numeric(N), lambda[1L,]) - sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[1L,]))) + log.tau, tau0 - lPV),
                            UUN = cbind(t(t(-vapply(Gseq, function(g) colSums2(dG[[g]] * lambda[g,], useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE), numeric(N))) - rowSums2(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[-G,, drop=FALSE])), useNames=FALSE)) + log.tau, tau0 - lPV))
    } else         {
      numer       <- switch(EXPR=modtype,
                            CC  = -dG * lambda - P   * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda)),
                            UC  = -dG * lambda - P   * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda)),
                            CU  = -colSums2(simplify2array(dG, higher=FALSE)   * drop(lambda), useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda))),
                            UU  = -vapply(Gseq, function(g) colSums2(dG[[g]]   * lambda[g,],   useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE), numeric(N))   - rowSums2(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda)), useNamse=FALSE),
                            CCN = c(-dG * lambda[1L] - P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[1L])), - lPV),
                            UCN = c(-dG * lambda[-G] - P * log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[-G])), - lPV),
                            CUN = c(-colSums2(simplify2array(dG, higher=FALSE) * lambda[1L,],  useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[1L,]))),    - lPV),
                            UUN = c(-vapply(Gseq, function(g) colSums2(dG[[g]] * lambda[g,],   useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE), numeric(N))   - rowSums2(log1p(V1 * exp(-lambda[-G,, drop=FALSE])), useNames=FALSE), - lPV))
      numer       <- matrix(numer, nrow=1L) + switch(EXPR=modtype, CC=, UC=, CU=, UU=log.tau, c(log.tau, tau0))
    if(any(iLAM   <- is.infinite(lambda))) {
      switch(EXPR  = modtype,
             CC    =,
             CCN   = numer[is.na(numer)]  <- log.tau - lPV,
             UC    =,
             UCN   =         {
             i.x  <- which(dG == 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
             i.x  <- i.x[i.x[,2L] %in% which(switch(EXPR=modtype, UC=iLAM, UCN=iLAM[-G])),, drop=FALSE]
             numer[i.x]     <- log.tau[i.x]          - lPV
    if(ctrl$do.cv && !noise &&
       any(i.x    <- rowAlls(is.infinite(numer), useNames=FALSE))) {
      numer[i.x,] <- log.tau[i.x,, drop=FALSE]       - lPV
           EM=     {
      if(N1)       {
        denom     <- rowLogSumExps(numer, useNames=FALSE)
        loglike   <- sum(if(ctrl$do.wts) denom * attr(seqs, "Weights")      else denom)
        if(ctrl$do.cv)       {
        } else     {
            return(list(loglike = loglike, z = exp(numer - denom)))
      }   else     {
            return(if(ctrl$do.wts) logSumExp(numer * attr(seqs, "Weights")) else logSumExp(numer))
    },    CEM=     {
      if(N1)       {
        if(!ctrl$random && ctrl$equalPro  && 
           is.element(modtype, c("CC", "CU", "CCN", "CUN")))    {
          z       <- apply(numer, 1L, function(x) which(max(x) == x))
          if(is.list(z)) {
            ty    <- which(lengths(z) > 1)
            z[ty] <- vapply(ty,       function(i) .random_ass(numer[i,], which.max(z.old[i,]), fun=max, na.rm=TRUE), integer(1L))
          z       <- .unMAP(unlist(z),      groups=seq_len(G))
        } else     {
          z       <- .unMAP(max.col(numer), groups=seq_len(G))
        loglike   <- sum(if(ctrl$do.wts) z * numer * attr(seqs, "Weights")  else z * numer, na.rm=TRUE)
        if(ctrl$do.cv)       {
        } else     {
            return(list(loglike = loglike, z = z))
      }   else     {
            return(max(numer) * ifelse(ctrl$do.wts,  attr(seqs, "Weights"), 1L))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2" "logSumExp" "rowAlls" "rowLogSumExps" "rowMeans2" "rowSums2"
.EM_algorithm     <- function(SEQ, numseq, g, modtype, z, ctrl, gating = NULL, covars = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL, ll = NULL, MLRconverge = TRUE) {
  itmax           <- ctrl$itmax
  st.ait          <- ctrl$stopping == "aitken"
  tol             <- ctrl$tol
  if(!(runEM      <- g > 1))   {
    ctrl$ties     <- TRUE
    Mstep         <- .M_step(SEQ, modtype=modtype, ctrl=ctrl, numseq=numseq, HAM.mat=HAM.mat)
    ll            <- .E_step(SEQ, modtype=modtype, ctrl=ctrl, numseq=numseq, params=Mstep, HAM.mat=HAM.mat)
    j             <- 1L
    ERR           <- FALSE
  } else           {
    ll            <- if(is.null(ll)) c(-Inf, -sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax)) else ll
    j             <- 2L
    emptywarn     <- TRUE
    ctrl$ties     <- FALSE
    noty          <- TRUE
    while(isTRUE(runEM))    {
      j           <- j + 1L
      Mstep       <- .M_step(SEQ, modtype=modtype, ctrl=ctrl, numseq=numseq, gating=gating, covars=covars, z=z, HAM.mat=HAM.mat, MLRconverge = MLRconverge)
      check       <- any(attr(Mstep$theta, "NonUnique")) || isFALSE(attr(Mstep$theta, "NoTies"))
      ctrl$ties   <- j < 4 || 
      (noty       <- noty  && !check)
      MLRconverge <- Mstep$MLRconverge
      Estep       <- .E_step(SEQ, modtype=modtype, ctrl=ctrl, numseq=numseq, params=Mstep, HAM.mat=HAM.mat, z.old=z)
      z           <- Estep$z
      ERR         <- any(is.nan(z))
      if(isTRUE(ERR))            break
      if(isTRUE(emptywarn) && ctrl$warn         &&
         any(zsum <- (colSums2(z, useNames=FALSE)
                  == 0)))   {    warning(paste0("\tThere were empty components: ", modtype, " (G=", g, ")\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        emptywarn <- FALSE
        z[,zsum]  <- sqrt(.Machine$double.neg.eps)
      ll          <- c(ll, Estep$loglike)
      if(isTRUE(st.ait))    {
        dX        <- .aitken(ll[seq(j  - 2L, j, 1L)])$ldiff
      } else       {
        dX        <- abs(ll[j]  - ll[j - 1L])/(1 + abs(ll[j]))
      runEM       <- dX >= tol && j    < itmax  &&   !ERR
    } # while (j)
    return(list(ERR = ERR, j = j, Mstep = Mstep, ll = ll, z = z, MLRconverge = MLRconverge))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "rowSums2"
.entropy          <- function(p, obs = FALSE) {
  if(length(obs)   > 1  ||
     !is.logical(obs))           stop("'obs' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
  if(isTRUE(obs))  {
    p[p == 0]     <- NA
      rowSums2(-p  * log(p), useNames=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    p             <- p[p > 0]  
      sum(-p * log(p))

.fac_to_num       <- function(x) {
  Vseq            <- seq_len(nlevels(x[[1L]]))
    as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(y) { levels(y) <- Vseq; y} ))

.heat_legend      <- function(data, col = NULL, cex.lab = 1, ...) {
  if(length(cex.lab) > 1     || 
     (!is.numeric(cex.lab)   ||
     cex.lab      <= 0))         stop("Invalid 'cex.lab' supplied", call.=FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(data))          stop("'data' must be numeric",     call.=FALSE)
  if(missing(col)) {
    col           <- grDevices::heat.colors(30L, rev=TRUE)
  bx              <- graphics::par("usr")
  xpd             <- graphics::par()$xpd
  box.cx          <- c(bx[2L] + (bx[2L]  - bx[1L])/1000, bx[2L] + (bx[2L] - bx[1L])/1000 + (bx[2L] - bx[1L])/50)
  box.cy          <- c(bx[3L],   bx[3L])
  box.sy          <- (bx[4L]  -  bx[3L]) / length(col)
  xx              <- rep(box.cx, each    = 2L)
  graphics::par(xpd = TRUE)
  for(i in seq_along(col)) {
    yy            <- c(box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i - 1L)),
                       box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i)),
                       box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i)),
                       box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i - 1L)))
    graphics::polygon(xx, yy, col =  col[i], border = col[i])
  graphics::par(new = TRUE)
  yrange          <- range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
  base::plot(0, 0, type = "n",  ylim = yrange, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", frame.plot = FALSE)
  graphics::axis(side = 4, las = 2, tick = FALSE, line = 0.1, cex.axis = cex.lab)
  suppressWarnings(graphics::par(xpd = xpd))

.km_dist          <- function(mode, obj, frwts = NULL)     {
  if(is.null(frwts)) return(sum(mode   != obj))
  obj             <- as.character(obj)
  mode            <- as.character(mode)
  different       <- which(mode        != obj)
  n_mode          <- 
  n_obj           <- numeric(length(different))
  for(i in seq_along(different))        {
    frwt          <- frwts[[different[i]]]
    names         <- names(frwt)
    n_mode[i]     <- frwt[which(names  == mode[different[i]])]
    n_obj[i]      <- frwt[which(names  ==  obj[different[i]])]
    return(sum(1/n_mode + 1/n_obj))

.lab_width        <- function(x, cex = 2/3, offset = 1.5)  {
    (offset + max(graphics::strwidth(x, units = "inches")) * graphics::par("mar")[1L]/graphics::par("mai")[1L]) * cex

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2" "rowMeans2" "rowSums2"
#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.lambda_mle       <- function(seqs, params, modtype = c("CC", "UC", "CU", "UU", "CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN"), ctrl, numseq = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL) {
  theta           <- params$theta
  P               <- attr(seqs, "T")
  V1V             <- attr(seqs, "V1V")
  lV1             <- attr(seqs, "logV1")
  W               <- attr(seqs, "W")
  l.meth          <- match.arg(modtype)
  noise           <- attr(seqs, "Noise")
  n.meth          <- is.element(l.meth, c("CU", "UU", "CUN", "UUN"))
  p.meth          <- is.element(l.meth, c("UC", "UU", "UCN", "UUN"))
  opti            <- ctrl$opti
  if(is.null(numseq) && n.meth)        {
    numseq        <- unname(sapply(seqs, .char_to_num))
  if((G           <- attr(seqs, "G")) == 1L) {
    if(l.meth == "CCN")                {
        return(list(lambda = matrix(0L, nrow=1L, ncol=1L)))
    numer         <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=P, CU=1L)
    dG            <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=switch(EXPR=opti, medoid=HAM.mat[,attr(theta, "Ind"), drop=FALSE], .dseq(seqs, theta)), numseq != .char_to_num(theta))
    if(ctrl$do.wts)                    {
      ws          <- attr(seqs, "Weights")
      denom       <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=sum(dG * ws)/W, CU=rowSums2(sweep(dG, 2L, ws, FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE), useNames=FALSE)/W)
    } else denom  <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=mean(dG),       CU=rowMeans2(dG, refine=FALSE, useNames=FALSE))  
  } else           {
    N             <- attr(seqs, "N")
    G0            <- ifelse(noise, attr(seqs, "G0"), G)
    if(is.null(z  <- params$z))  stop("'z' must be supplied if 'G'>1",    call.=FALSE)
    if(p.meth     &&
       is.null(prop      <-
               params$prop))     stop("'prop' must be supplied if 'G'>1", call.=FALSE)
    if(noise)      {
      z           <- z[,-G, drop=FALSE]
      switch(EXPR=l.meth, UCN=, UUN=   {
        prop      <- prop[-G]
    switch(EXPR=l.meth, CU=, UU=, CUN=, UUN= {
      dG          <- lapply(seq_len(G0), function(g) numseq != .char_to_num(theta[g]))
      dGp         <- vapply(seq_len(G0), function(g) rowSums2(sweep(dG[[g]], 2L, z[,g], FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE), useNames=FALSE), numeric(P))
    },             {
      pN          <- P * switch(EXPR=l.meth, CCN=sum(z), W)
      dG          <- switch(EXPR=opti, medoid=HAM.mat[,attr(theta, "Ind"), drop=FALSE], .dseq(seqs, theta[seq_len(G0)]))
    numer         <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=,  CCN=pN,       
                                         UC=,  UCN=pN * prop,  
                                        CUN=sum(z), W)
    denom         <- switch(EXPR=l.meth, CC=,  CCN=sum(z * dG),
                                         UC=,  UCN=colSums2(z * dG, useNames=FALSE),
                                         CU=,  CUN=rowSums2(dGp,    useNames=FALSE),
                                         UU=,  UUN=sweep(dGp, 2L, prop, FUN="/", check.margin=FALSE))
  lambda          <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(denom < (numer * V1V), lV1 + log(numer - denom) - log(denom), 0L))
  lambda          <- matrix(lambda, nrow=switch(EXPR=l.meth, UC=, UU=, UCN=, UUN=G0, 1L), ncol=switch(EXPR=l.meth, CU=, UU=, CUN=, UUN=P, 1L), byrow=is.element(l.meth, c("UU", "UUN")))
  switch(EXPR=l.meth, UC=,  UU=,
                     UCN=, UUN=           {
    lambda[prop   == 0,] <- Inf
    return(list(lambda = if(noise) rbind(lambda, 0L) else lambda, dG = dG))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colMeans2" "colSums2" "rowSums2"
#' @importFrom nnet "multinom"
.M_step           <- function(seqs, modtype = c("CC", "UC", "CU", "UU", "CCN", "UCN", "CUN", "UUN"), ctrl, 
                              gating = NULL, covars = NULL, z = NULL, numseq = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL, MLRconverge = TRUE) {
  if(!is.null(gating))    {
    environment(gating)  <- environment()
  G               <- attr(seqs, "G")
  noise           <- attr(seqs, "Noise")
  if(is.null(numseq)     && isFALSE(ctrl$numseq)) {
    numseq        <- unname(sapply(seqs, .char_to_num))
    attr(numseq,  "G")   <- G
    attr(numseq,  "T")   <- attr(seqs, "T")
  if(G > 1L)       {
    if(is.null(z))               stop("'z' must be supplied when 'G'>1", call.=FALSE)
    if(ctrl$do.wts)       {
      z           <- z * attr(seqs, "Weights")
    if((gate.g    <- ctrl$gate.g))    {
      prop        <- if((need.prop   <- is.element(modtype, c("UC", "UU", "UCN", "UUN"))))  { 
                     if(ctrl$do.wts) colSums2(z, 
                                              useNames=FALSE)/attr(seqs, "W") else colMeans2(z, refine=FALSE, useNames=FALSE) }
      if(!noise   || ctrl$noise.gate) {
        fitG      <- multinom(gating, trace=FALSE, data=covars, maxit=ctrl$g.itmax, reltol=ctrl$g.tol, MaxNWts=ctrl$MaxNWts)
        tau       <- fitG$fitted.values
      } else       {
        zN        <- z
        z         <- z[,-G, drop=FALSE]
        z         <- if(ctrl$do.wts) .renorm_z(z) * attr(seqs, "Weights")     else .renorm_z(z)
        z[is.nan(z)]     <- .Machine$double.eps
        fitG      <- multinom(gating, trace=FALSE, data=covars, maxit=ctrl$g.itmax, reltol=ctrl$g.tol, MaxNWts=ctrl$MaxNWts)
        tau       <- .tau_noise(fitG$fitted.values, ifelse(need.prop, prop[G], ifelse(ctrl$do.wts, sum(zN[,G])/attr(seqs, "W"), mean(zN[,G]))))
        z         <- zN
      MLRconverge <- MLRconverge && fitG$convergence == 0
    } else         {
      prop        <- if(ctrl$do.wts) colSums2(z,
                                              useNames=FALSE)/attr(seqs, "W") else colMeans2(z, refine=FALSE, useNames=FALSE)
      tau         <- if(isFALSE(ctrl$equalPro)) prop else if(noise && !ctrl$equalNoise) c(rep((1 - prop[G])/attr(seqs, "G0"), attr(seqs, "G0")), prop[G]) else rep(1/G, G)
  }   else prop   <- tau <- 1L
  theta           <- .optimise_theta(seqs=seqs, ctrl=ctrl, z=z, numseq=numseq, HAM.mat=HAM.mat)
  MLE             <- .lambda_mle(seqs=seqs, params=list(theta=theta, z=z, prop=prop), modtype=modtype, ctrl=ctrl, numseq=numseq, HAM.mat=HAM.mat)
  param           <- list(theta=theta, lambda=MLE$lambda, dG=MLE$dG, tau=tau, fitG=if(G > 1 && gate.g) fitG, MLRconverge=MLRconverge)
  attr(param, "modtype") <- modtype

.mat_byrow        <- function(x, nrow, ncol) {
    matrix(x, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=any(dim(as.matrix(x)) == 1))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colMaxs" "rowMaxs"
.misclass         <- function(classification, class) {
  .q              <- function(map, len, x)     {
    x             <- as.character(x)
    map           <- lapply(map, as.character)
    y             <- vapply(map, "[", character(1L), 1L)
    best          <- y != x
    if(all(len)   == 1) return(best)
    errmin        <- sum(as.numeric(best))
    z             <- vapply(map, function(x) x[length(x)], character(1L))
    mask          <- len     != 1
    count         <- rep(0L, length(len))
    k             <- sum(as.numeric(mask))
    j             <- 0L
    while(y       != z) {
      i           <- k  - j
      m           <- mask[i]
      count[m]    <- (count[m]      %% len[m]) + 1L
      y[x         == names(map)[m]] <- map[[m]][count[m]]
      temp        <- y != x
      err         <- sum(as.numeric(temp))
      if(err       < errmin)         {
        errmin    <- err
        best      <- temp
      j           <- (j + 1L)       %% k
  .mapClass       <- function(a, b)  {
    l             <- length(a)
    x             <- y <- rep(NA, l)
    if(length(b)  != l) {        warning("unequal lengths")
    if(is.factor(a)     & is.factor(b)    & nlevels(a)        == nlevels(b))        {
      aTOb        <- as.list(levels(b))
      names(aTOb) <- levels(a)
      bTOa        <- as.list(levels(a))
      names(bTOa) <- levels(b)
      out         <- list(aTOb = aTOb, bTOa = bTOa)
    if(is.character(a)  & is.character(b) & length(unique(a)) == length(unique(b))) {
      aTOb        <- as.list(unique(b))
      names(aTOb) <- unique(a)
      bTOa        <- as.list(unique(a))
      names(bTOa) <- unique(b)
      out         <- list(aTOb = aTOb, bTOa = bTOa)
    Tab           <- table(a, b)
    Ua            <- dimnames(Tab)[[1L]]
    Ub            <- dimnames(Tab)[[2L]]
    aTOb          <- rep(list(Ub), length(Ua))
    names(aTOb)   <- Ua
    bTOa          <- rep(list(Ua), length(Ub))
    names(bTOa)   <- Ub
    k             <- nrow(Tab)
    Map           <- rep(0L, k)
    Max           <- rowMaxs(Tab, useNames=FALSE)
    for(i in seq_len(k))    {
      I           <- match(Max[i], Tab[i,], nomatch = 0)
      aTOb[[i]]   <- Ub[I]
    if(is.numeric(b)) aTOb <- lapply(aTOb, as.numeric)
    k             <- ncol(Tab)
    Map           <- rep(0L, k)
    Max           <- colMaxs(Tab, useNames=FALSE)
    for(j in seq_len(k))    {
      J           <- match(Max[j], Tab[,j])
      bTOa[[j]]   <- Ua[J] 
    if(is.numeric(a)) bTOa <- lapply(bTOa, as.numeric)
    out           <- list(aTOb = aTOb, bTOa = bTOa)
  if(any(isNA     <- is.na(classification)))   {
    classification     <- as.character(classification)
    nachar        <- paste(unique(classification[!isNA]), collapse = "")
    classification[isNA]            <- nachar
  MAP             <- .mapClass(classification, class)
  len             <- lengths(MAP[[1L]])
  if(all(len)     == 1) {
    CT            <- unlist(MAP[[1L]])
    I             <- match(as.character(classification), names(CT), nomatch = 0)
    one           <- CT[I] != class
  } else           {
    one           <- .q(MAP[[1L]], len, class)
  len             <- lengths(MAP[[2L]])
  if(all(len)     == 1) {
    TC            <- unlist(MAP[[2L]])
    I             <- match(as.character(class), names(TC), nomatch = 0)
    two           <- TC[I] != classification
  } else           {
    two           <- .q(MAP[[2L]], len, classification)
  err             <- as.vector(if(sum(as.numeric(one)) > sum(as.numeric(two))) one else two)
  bad             <- seq_along(classification)[err]
    return(list(misclassified = bad, errorRate = length(bad)/length(class)))

.modal            <- function(x) {
  ux              <- unique(x)
  tab             <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    ux[max(tab)   == tab]

.num_to_char      <- function(x) {

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2" "rowSums2"
#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.optimise_theta   <- function(seqs, ctrl, z = NULL, numseq = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL) {
  opti            <- ctrl$opti
  ordering        <- ctrl$ordering
  V               <- attr(seqs, "V")
  P               <- attr(seqs, "T")
  nmeth           <- ctrl$nmeth
  G               <- attr(seqs, "G") - nmeth
  Gseq            <- seq_len(G)
  noties          <- TRUE
  if(G == 0)       {
      return(rep(NA, P))
  if(G     > 1L   && is.null(z))  stop("'z' must be supplied when 'G'>1", call.=FALSE)
  if(opti         == "mode" || ordering != "none")   {
    if(is.null(numseq)      && isFALSE(ctrl$numseq)) {
      numseq      <- unname(sapply(seqs, .char_to_num))
      attr(numseq, "V")     <- V
      attr(numseq, "T")     <- P
    attr(numseq,   "G")     <- G
    if(opti       == "mode") {
      if(G > 1    || ctrl$do.wts)    {
        theta     <- .weighted_mode(numseq=numseq, 
                                    z=if(G == 1) as.matrix(attr(seqs, "Weights"))   else if(nmeth) z[,Gseq, drop=FALSE] else z)
        if(is.list(theta)   && 
           (any(ties_t      <- vapply(theta, is.matrix, logical(1L)))) ||
           (any(t_ties      <- apply(theta, c(1L, 2L), function(x) any(nchar(x) > 1))))) {
          noties  <- FALSE
          if(any(ties_t))    {
            nonu  <- ties_t
            theta[ties_t]   <- lapply(theta[ties_t], apply, 2L, if(isTRUE(ctrl$random)) sample else "[[", 1L)
            theta           <- do.call(cbind, theta)
            t_ties          <- vapply(as.list(theta),  function(x) any(nchar(x) > 1), logical(1L))
            t_ties          <- matrix(t_ties, nrow=nrow(theta), ncol=ncol(theta))
          if(any(t_ties))    {
            t_ties          <- which(t_ties, arr.ind=TRUE)
            nonu  <- replace(rep(FALSE, G), unique(t_ties[,2L]), TRUE)
            nonu  <- if(any(ties_t)) ties_t | nonu else nonu
            theta[t_ties]   <- lapply(theta[t_ties], if(isTRUE(ctrl$random)) sample else "[[", 1L)
          if(ctrl$ties      &&
             ctrl$verbose)   {
            if(ctrl$random)  {   message("\tTie for modal sequence position broken at random\n")
            } else               message("\tTie found for modal sequence position\n")
        } else       nonu   <- rep(FALSE, G)
        theta     <- apply(theta,  2L, .num_to_char)
      }   else     {
        theta     <- apply(numseq, 1L, .modal)
        if(nonu   <- is.list(theta)) {  
          noties  <- FALSE
          unon    <- which(lengths(theta) > 1)
          theta[unon]       <- lapply(theta[unon],   if(isTRUE(ctrl$random)) sample else "[[", 1L)
          if(ctrl$ties      &&
             ctrl$verbose)   {
            if(ctrl$random)  {   message("\tTie for modal sequence position broken at random\n")
            } else               message("\tTie found for modal sequence position\n")
        theta     <- .num_to_char(theta)
      theta       <- if(nmeth) c(theta, NA) else theta
      attr(theta, "NonUnique")   <- nonu
      attr(theta, "NoTies")      <- noties
  theta.opt       <- .theta_data(seqs=seqs, z=z, ctrl=ctrl, HAM.mat=HAM.mat)
  inds            <- attr(theta.opt$theta, "Ind")
  nonu            <- attr(theta.opt$theta, "NonUnique")
  noties          <- attr(theta.opt$theta, "NoTies")
  if(opti == "medoid")       {
    theta         <- if(nmeth) c(theta.opt$theta, NA) else theta.opt$theta
    attr(theta,   "Ind")         <- inds
    attr(theta,   "NonUnique")   <- nonu
    attr(theta,   "NoTies")      <- noties
  pseq            <- seq_len(P)
  vseq            <- seq_len(V)
  opt             <- theta.opt$dsum
  if(G > 1L)       {
    theta         <- lapply(theta.opt$theta, .char_to_num)
  } else           {
    z             <- matrix(if(ctrl$do.wts) attr(seqs, "Weights") else 1L, nrow=attr(seqs, "N"))
    theta         <- list(.char_to_num(theta.opt$theta))
  if(ordering     != "none")    {
    stab          <- if(G == 1 && !ctrl$do.wts) list(apply(numseq, 1L, tabulate, V)) else lapply(Gseq, function(g) apply(sweep(numseq, 2L, z[,g], FUN="*", check.margin=FALSE), 1L, tabulate, V))
    sorder        <- lapply(Gseq, function(g)   order(apply(stab[[g]], 2L, .entropy), decreasing=ordering == "decreasing"))
    theta         <- lapply(Gseq, function(g)   theta[[g]][sorder[[g]]])
    seqs          <- lapply(Gseq, function(g)   apply(numseq[sorder[[g]],], 2L, .num_to_char))
  } else seqs     <- replicate(G, list(seqs))
  for(g in Gseq)   {
    p.opt         <- Inf
    switch(EXPR    = opti,
           first   =     {
             opts       <- rep(NA, V)
             while(p.opt > opt[g])       {
               p.opt    <- opt[g]
               for(p    in pseq)         {
                 vdiff  <- setdiff(vseq, theta[[g]][p])
                 for(v in vdiff)         {
                   opts[v]              <- sum(z[,g]  * .dseq(seqs[[g]], paste(replace(theta[[g]], p, v), collapse="")))
                 opts[theta[[g]][p]]    <- opt[g]
                 opt[g] <- min(opts)
                 ind    <- which(opts   == opt[g])
                 if((nonu[g]     <- length(ind) > 1)) {
                   ind  <- ifelse(ctrl$random, sample(ind, 1L), ind)  
                 if(nonu[g]      && 
                    noties)              {
                   noties        <- FALSE
                 theta[[g]][p]          <- ind
           }, GA   =     {
             opts       <- matrix(NA, nrow=P, ncol=V)
             while(p.opt > opt[g])       {
               p.opt    <- opt[g]
               for(p   in pseq)          {
                 vdiff  <- setdiff(vseq, theta[[g]][p])
                 for(v in vdiff)         {
                   opts[p, v]           <- sum(z[,g]  * .dseq(seqs[[g]], paste(replace(theta[[g]], p, v), collapse="")))
                 opts[p, theta[[g]][p]] <- opt[g]
               opt[g]   <- min(opts)
               if(p.opt  > opt[g])       {
                 oi     <- which(opts == opt[g], arr.ind=TRUE)
                 if((nonu[g]     <- NROW(oi) > 1))    {
                   oi   <- if(ctrl$random) oi[sample.int(nrow(oi), 1L),] else oi[1L,]
                 if(nonu[g]      && 
                    noties)              {
                   noties        <- FALSE
                 theta[[g]][oi[1L]]     <- oi[2L]
  if(!noties      && any(nonu)   &&
     ctrl$ties    &&
     ctrl$verbose) {
   if(ctrl$random) {             message("\tTie for estimated sequence position broken at random\n")
   } else                        message("\tTie found for estimated sequence position\n")
  theta           <- switch(EXPR=ordering,
                            none=if(G > 1)  {
                              do.call(base::c, lapply(theta, .num_to_char))
                            } else .num_to_char(theta[[1L]]),
                            if(G > 1)       {
                              do.call(base::c, lapply(Gseq, function(g) .num_to_char(theta[[g]][match(pseq, sorder[[g]])])))
                            } else .num_to_char(theta[[1L]][match(pseq, sorder[[1L]])]))
  theta           <- if(nmeth) c(theta, NA) else theta
  attr(theta, "NonUnique")       <- nonu
  attr(theta, "NoTies")          <- noties

.pick_MEDCrit     <- function(x, pick = 3L) {
     "MEDcriterion"))            stop("'x' must be an object of class 'MEDcriterion'", call.=FALSE)
  x               <- replace(x, !is.finite(x), NA)
  pick            <- min(pick,        length(x[!is.na(x)]))
  decrease        <- !is.element(attr(x, "Criterion"), c("DF", "ITERS", "NEC"))
  x.sx            <- sort(x,          decreasing=decrease)[pick]
  x.crit          <- if(decrease)     x   >= x.sx else x <= x.sx
  x.ind           <- which(x.crit,    arr.ind=TRUE)
  x.val           <- sort(x[x.ind],   decreasing=decrease)
  ind.x           <- order(x[x.ind],  decreasing=decrease)
  x.ind           <- x.ind[ind.x,,    drop=FALSE]
  x.ind[,1L]      <- gsub(".*= ", "", rownames(x)[x.ind[,1L]])
  x.ind[,2L]      <- colnames(x)[as.numeric(x.ind[,2L])]
    return(list(crits = stats::setNames(x.val[seq_len(pick)], vapply(seq_len(pick), function(p, b=x.ind[p,]) paste0(b[2L], ",", b[1L]), character(1L))), pick = pick))

.rand_MIN   <- function(dist, random = TRUE) {
  if(!random)  return(which.min(dist))
  a         <- which(dist  == min(dist, na.rm=TRUE))
  a         <- if(length(a) > 1) sample(a, 1L) else a

.rand_MAX   <- function(dist, random = TRUE) {
  if(!random)  return(which.max(dist))
  a         <- which(dist  == max(dist, na.rm=TRUE))
  a         <- if(length(a) > 1) sample(a, 1L) else a

.random_ass <- function(x, y, fun = max, random = TRUE, ...) {
  a         <- which(fun(x, ...) == x)
  a         <- if(length(a) > 1) ifelse(y %in% a, y, ifelse(random, sample(a, 1L), a[1L])) else a

.rDirichlet <- function(G, shape = 1L) {
  tmp       <- if(all(shape == 1)) stats::rexp(G, rate=1L) else stats::rgamma(G, shape=shape, rate=1L) 

#' @importFrom matrixStats "rowSums2"
.renorm_z   <- function(z) z / rowSums2(z, useNames=FALSE)

.replace_levels   <- function(seq, levels = NULL) {
  seq             <- utf8ToInt(seq)
    if(is.null(levels)) factor(seq) else factor(seq, levels=seq_along(levels) - any(seq == 0), labels=as.character(levels))

.seq_grid         <- function(length, ncat) {
  if(!is.numeric(length) ||
     length(length)      != 1 ||
     length       <= 0)          stop("'length' must a strictly positive scalar", call.=FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(ncat)   ||
     length(ncat)        != 1 ||
     ncat         <= 0)          stop("'ncat' must a strictly positive scalar",   call.=FALSE)
    do.call(expand.grid, replicate(length, list(0L:(ncat - 1L))))

.tau_noise        <- function(tau, z0)  {
  t0              <- ifelse(length(z0) == 1, z0, mean(z0))
    cbind(tau * (1 - t0), unname(t0))

#' @importFrom matrixStats "colSums2" "rowSums2"
#' @importFrom stringdist "stringdistmatrix"
.theta_data       <- function(seqs, z = NULL, ctrl = NULL, HAM.mat = NULL) {
  if((G <- attr(seqs, "G"))   == 1L)   {
    sumdist       <- if(ctrl$do.wts)    colSums2(HAM.mat * attr(seqs, "Weights"), useNames=FALSE) else rowSums2(HAM.mat, useNames=FALSE)
    distmin       <- min(sumdist)
    ind           <- which(sumdist == distmin)
    if((nonu      <- length(ind) > 1)) {
     ind          <- ifelse(ctrl$random, sample(ind, 1L), ind)  
     if(ctrl$ties &&
        ctrl$verbose)          {
      if(ctrl$random)          { message("\tTie for medoid sequence position broken at random\n")
      } else                     message("\tTie found for medoid sequence position\n") 
    theta         <- seqs[ind]
    attr(theta, "Ind")        <- ind
    attr(theta, "NonUnique")  <- nonu
    attr(theta, "NoTies")     <- !nonu
      return(list(theta = theta, dsum = distmin))
  } else           {
    if(is.null(z))               stop("'z' must be supplied if 'G'>1",     call.=FALSE)
    if(is.null(ctrl$nmeth))      stop("'nmeth' must be supplied if 'G'>1", call.=FALSE)
    theta         <- dsum     <- list()
    noties        <- TRUE
    G0            <- G - ctrl$nmeth
    nonu          <- 
    inds          <- rep(FALSE, G0)
    for(g in seq_len(G0))      {
      sumdist     <- colSums2(HAM.mat  * z[,g], useNames=FALSE)
      distmin     <- min(sumdist)
      ind         <- which(sumdist == distmin)
      if((nonu[g] <- length(ind) > 1)) {
        ind       <- ifelse(ctrl$random, sample(ind, 1L), ind)  
        if(noties &&
           ctrl$ties)          {
          noties  <- FALSE
          if(ctrl$verbose)     {
            if(ctrl$random)    { message("\tTie for medoid sequence position broken at random\n")
            } else               message("\tTie found for medoid sequence position\n")
      theta[[g]]  <- seqs[ind]
      dsum[[g]]   <- distmin
      inds[[g]]   <- ind
    theta         <- do.call(base::c, theta)
    attr(theta, "Ind")        <- inds
    attr(theta, "NonUnique")  <- nonu
    attr(theta, "NoTies")     <- noties
      return(list(theta = theta, dsum  = do.call(base::c, dsum)))

.tidy_breaks      <- function(x) {
  x               <- sprintf("%.2f", x)
  x               <- paste(x[-length(x)], 
                           x[-1L],   sep=",")
  x[1L]           <- paste0("[", x[1L],  "]")
  x[-1L]          <- paste0("(", x[-1L], "]")

.unique_list      <- function(x) {
  x               <- lapply(x, function(x) { attributes(x) <- NULL; x} )
    sum(duplicated.default(x, nmax = 1L)) == (length(x) - 1L)

.unMAP            <- function(classification, groups = NULL, noise = NULL, ...) {
  n               <- length(classification)
  u               <- sort(unique(classification))
  if(is.null(groups))  {
    groups        <- u
  } else           {
    if(any(match(u, groups, 
    nomatch = 0)  == 0))         stop("'groups' incompatible with classification", call.=FALSE)
    miss          <- match(groups, u, nomatch = 0) == 0
  cgroups         <- as.character(groups)
  if(!is.null(noise))  {
    noiz          <- match(noise, groups, nomatch = 0)
    if(any(noiz   == 0))         stop("noise incompatible with classification",    call.=FALSE)
    groups        <- c(groups[groups != noise], groups[groups == noise])
    noise         <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(noise), levels = unique(groups)))
  groups          <- as.numeric(factor(cgroups, levels = unique(cgroups)))
  classification  <- as.numeric(factor(as.character(classification), levels = unique(cgroups)))
  k               <- length(groups) - length(noise)
  nam             <- levels(groups)
  if(!is.null(noise))  {
    k             <- k + 1L
    nam           <- nam[seq_len(k)]
    nam[k]        <- "noise"
  z               <- matrix(0L, n, k, dimnames = c(names(classification), nam))
  for(j in seq_len(k)) {
    z[classification  == groups[j], j] <- 1L

.update_mode      <- function(num, cluster, data, random = TRUE, weights = NULL)  {
  diff            <- which(cluster  == num)
  clust           <- data[diff,, drop=FALSE]
  apply(clust, 2L,   function(cat)   {
    cat           <- if(is.null(weights))    table(cat) else tapply(weights[diff], cat, FUN=sum)
      return(names(cat)[.rand_MAX(cat, random)])

.version_above  <- function(pkg, versi) {
  pkg           <- as.character(utils::packageVersion(pkg))
    identical(pkg, versi)  ||  (utils::compareVersion(pkg, versi) >= 0)

.weighted_mode  <- function(numseq, z)  {
  Gseq          <- seq_len(attr(numseq, "G"))
  Pseq          <- seq_len(attr(numseq, "T"))
  Vseq          <- seq_len(attr(numseq, "V"))
    sapply(Gseq,   function(g)
    sapply(Pseq,   function(p, 
    x=vapply(Vseq, function(v) sum(z[numseq[p,] == v,g]), numeric(1L))) which(x == max(x))))

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MEDseq documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.