binormalLR_params <- function(
truth, rating, prior_count = 0, control = list(), ...
) {
convert_inits <- function(x) {
d_a = max(x$a * sqrt(2 / (1 + x$b^2)), 0),
c = (x$b - 1) / (x$b + 1),
cutoffs = x$cutoffs
counts <- roc_counts(
truth, rating, collapse = TRUE, prior_count = prior_count
inits <- binormal_inits(
truth, rating, counts$cutoffs, prior_count = prior_count
res <- convert_inits(inits)
if (!inits$optim) {
get_mle <- function(x) {
x$cutoffs <- binormalLR_cutoffs(
x, counts$events, counts$nonevents, method = control$init_cutoffs
binormalLR_mle(x, counts$events, counts$nonevents, control = control)
inits_list <- list(
truth, rating, counts$cutoffs, intercept = FALSE, shift = 0, scale = 2,
prior_count = prior_count
truth, rating, counts$cutoffs, intercept = FALSE, shift = 1, scale = 2,
prior_count = prior_count
res <- lapply(inits_list, get_mle)
d_a_range <- range(mapply(getElement, res, "d_a"))
c_range <- range(mapply(getElement, res, "c"))
if (diff(d_a_range) > 0.1 || diff(c_range) > 0.1) {
if (prod(c_range) < 0 && all(d_a_range < 0.5 * abs(c_range))) {
auc_range <- mapply(.auc.binormalLR, d_a_range, c_range)
z <- qnorm(sum(auc_range) / 2)
d_a1 <- d_a_range[1]
d_a2 <- sqrt(2) * z - d_a_range[1]
c1 <- c_range[2]
c2 <- c_range[1] - c_range[1]
d_a_phase <- 2
} else if (d_a_range[2] > d_a_range[1]) {
d_a1 <- d_a_range[1]
d_a2 <- d_a_range[2] - d_a_range[1]
c1 <- c_range[2]
c2 <- c_range[1] - c_range[2]
d_a_phase <- 1
} else {
d_a1 <- d_a_range[2]
d_a2 <- d_a_range[1] - d_a_range[2]
c1 <- c_range[1]
c2 <- c_range[2] - c_range[1]
d_a_phase <- 1
n <- 5
theta <- 1:n * pi / (2 * (1 + n))
inits2 <- Map(list,
d_a = d_a1 + d_a2 * cos(d_a_phase * theta - (d_a_phase - 1) * pi / 2),
c = c1 + c2 * sin(theta),
cutoffs = list(inits_list[[1]]$cutoffs)
res <- c(res, lapply(inits2, get_mle))
values <- sapply(res, function(x) x$optim$value)
res <- res[[which.min(values)]]
} else {
"\nLikelihood ratio binormal curve fit has AUC = ",
0.5 * (inits$a %in% c(-Inf, 0)) + 1 * (inits$a == Inf),
" due to lack of interior points.",
if (inits$a != 0) "\nConsider fitting an empirical curve instead."
binormalLR_mle <- function(inits, events, nonevents, control = list()) {
control <-
method = c("trust", "CG", "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B", "Nelder-Mead"),
gradient = TRUE, ...
) {
list(method = match.arg(method), gradient = gradient)
inits <- c(inits$d_a, inits$c, inits$cutoffs)
"trust" = {
control$gradient <- TRUE
res <- trust::trust(
function(x) {
res <- binormalLR_objfun(
x, events, nonevents, all = TRUE, loglik_min = -Inf
value = -res$loglik,
gradient = -res$gradient,
hessian = -res$hessian
estimates <- res$argument
"L-BFGS-B" = {
num_cutoffs <- length(inits) - 2
res <- optim(
fn = function(x) -binormalLR_loglik(x, events, nonevents),
gr = if (control$gradient) {
function(x) -binormalLR_gradient(x, events, nonevents)
method = control$method,
lower = c(0, -1, rep(-Inf, num_cutoffs)),
upper = c(Inf, 1, rep(Inf, num_cutoffs))
estimates <- res$par
res <- optim(
fn = function(x) -binormalLR_loglik(x, events, nonevents),
gr = if (control$gradient) {
function(x) -binormalLR_gradient(x, events, nonevents)
method = control$method
estimates <- res$par
res$control <- control
d_a = estimates[1],
c = estimates[2],
cutoffs = estimates[-(1:2)],
inits = inits,
optim = res
binormalLR_cutoff <- function(fpr, d_a, c, init = 0) {
bound <- d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / (4 * c)
interval <- c(-Inf, Inf)
interval[(c > 0) + 1] <- bound
f <- function(x, target) abs(binormalLR_fpr(x, d_a, c) - target)
sapply(fpr, function(target) {
if (target <= 0) {
} else if (target >= 1) {
} else {
target = target,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = interval[1],
upper = interval[2]
binormalLR_cutoffs <- function(
inits, events, nonevents, method = c("uni", "multi")
) {
"multi" = binormalLR_cutoffs_multi(inits, events, nonevents),
"uni" = binormalLR_cutoffs_uni(inits, events, nonevents)
binormalLR_cutoffs_multi <- function(inits, events, nonevents) {
cutoffs <- inits$cutoffs
bound <- inits$d_a * sqrt(1 + inits$c^2) / (4 * inits$c)
cutoffs_range <- range(cutoffs)
if (inits$c < 0 && cutoffs_range[1] < bound) {
cutoffs <- cutoffs + (bound - cutoffs_range[1] + 1e-10)
} else if (inits$c > 0 && cutoffs_range[2] > bound) {
cutoffs <- cutoffs + (bound - cutoffs_range[2] - 1e-10)
fixed <- c(inits$d_a, inits$c)
fn = function(x) -binormalLR_loglik(x, events, nonevents, fixed = fixed),
gr = function(x) -binormalLR_gradient(x, events, nonevents, fixed = fixed),
method = "BFGS"
binormalLR_cutoffs_uni <- function(inits, events, nonevents) {
cum_events <- cumsum(events)
tot_events <- tail(cum_events, 1)
cum_nonevents <- cumsum(nonevents)
tot_nonevents <- tail(cum_nonevents, 1)
get_counts2 <- function(cum_events, cum_nonevents) {
events = c(cum_events, tot_events - cum_events),
nonevents = c(cum_nonevents, tot_nonevents - cum_nonevents)
loglik2 <- function(cutoff) {
cutoff, counts2$events, counts2$nonevents, fixed = c(inits$d_a, inits$c)
inds <- seq_len(length(events) - 1)
if (inits$c < 0) {
get_interval <- function(bound1, bound2) {
c(lower = bound1 + 1e-3, upper = bound2)
} else {
inds <- rev(inds)
get_interval <- function(bound1, bound2) {
c(lower = bound2, upper = bound1 - 1e-3)
res <- numeric(length(inds))
counts2 <- get_counts2(cum_events[inds[1]], cum_nonevents[inds[1]])
old_bound <- 0
old_ll <- loglik2(old_bound)
scale <- sign(inits$c) / (1 + abs(inits$c))
maxiter <- 1000
for (iter in 1:maxiter) {
bound1 <- old_bound + scale
ll1 <- loglik2(bound1)
if (ll1 < old_ll) {
old_bound <- bound1
old_ll <- ll1
if (iter == maxiter) bound1 <- inits$d_a * sqrt(1 + inits$c^2) / (4 * inits$c)
finc1 <- function(x, scale, iter) x + scale * iter
finc2 <- function(x, scale, iter) x + scale * iter^(1 + iter >= 10)
for (ind in inds) {
counts2 <- get_counts2(cum_events[ind], cum_nonevents[ind])
bound2 <- get_next_bound(bound1, -scale, loglik2, finc1, finc2)
bound1 <- get_next_cutoff(get_interval(bound1, bound2), loglik2)
res[ind] <- bound1
binormalLR_objfun <- function(
x, events, nonevents, fixed = NULL, all = FALSE, loglik = all, gradient = all,
hessian = all, loglik_min = -1e100
) {
res <- list()
x <- c(fixed, x)
d_a <- x[1]
c <- x[2]
cutoffs <- x[-(1:2)]
bound <- d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / (4 * c)
in_support <- d_a >= 0 && abs(c) < 1 && all(diff(cutoffs) > 0) &&
ifelse(c < 0, min(cutoffs) >= bound, max(cutoffs) <= bound)
if (!in_support) {
n <- length(x) - length(fixed)
if (loglik) res$loglik <- loglik_min
if (gradient) res$gradient <- numeric(n)
if (hessian) res$hessian <- matrix(0, n, n)
p <- binormal_probs(binormalLR_fpr, cutoffs, d_a, c)
q <- binormal_probs(binormalLR_tpr, cutoffs, d_a, c)
if (loglik) {
res$loglik <- max(c(nonevents %*% log(p) + events %*% log(q)), loglik_min)
if (gradient || hessian) {
keep <- seq(length(fixed) + 1L, length(x))
d1_d_a <- sqrt(1 + c^2) / 2
d1_c <- (d_a * c) / (2 * sqrt(1 + c^2))
df1 <- dnorm(binormalLR_z1_fpr(cutoffs, d_a, c))
dt1 <- dnorm(binormalLR_z1_tpr(cutoffs, d_a, c))
if (is_approx(c, 0)) {
d2_d_a <- 0
d2_c <- 0
df2 <- 0
dt2 <- 0
} else {
d2_d_a <- d1_d_a / c
d2_c <- -(d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2)) / (2 * c^2) + d_a / (2 * sqrt(1 + c^2))
df2 <- dnorm(binormalLR_z2_fpr(cutoffs, d_a, c))
dt2 <- dnorm(binormalLR_z2_tpr(cutoffs, d_a, c))
dfpr_dd_a <- df1 * -d1_d_a + df2 * d2_d_a
dfpr_dc <- df1 * (cutoffs - d1_c) + df2 * (cutoffs + d2_c)
dfpr_dcut <- -(1 - c) * (df1 + df2)
dtpr_dd_a <- dt1 * d1_d_a + dt2 * d2_d_a
dtpr_dc <- dt1 * (-cutoffs + d1_c) + dt2 * (-cutoffs + d2_c)
dtpr_dcut <- -(1 + c) * (dt1 + dt2)
if (gradient) {
f <- function(counts, probs, dxr_dd_a, dxr_dc, dxr_dcut) {
n <- length(counts)
a <- -counts[-n] / probs[-n] + counts[-1] / probs[-1]
c(a %*% dxr_dd_a, a %*% dxr_dc, a * dxr_dcut)[keep]
res$gradient <- f(nonevents, p, dfpr_dd_a, dfpr_dc, dfpr_dcut) +
f(events, q, dtpr_dd_a, dtpr_dc, dtpr_dcut)
if (hessian) {
f <- function(counts, probs, dxr_dd_a, dxr_dc, dxr_dcut) {
num_cutoffs <- length(dxr_dcut)
A <- matrix(0, num_cutoffs + 1, num_cutoffs + 2)
A[, 1] <- c(0, dxr_dd_a) - c(dxr_dd_a, 0)
A[, 2] <- c(0, dxr_dc) - c(dxr_dc, 0)
inds1 <- seq_len(num_cutoffs)
inds2 <- inds1 + 2
A[cbind(inds1, inds2)] <- -dxr_dcut
A[cbind(inds1 + 1, inds2)] <- dxr_dcut
crossprod((-sum(counts) / probs) * A, A)[keep, keep]
res$hessian <- f(nonevents, p, dfpr_dd_a, dfpr_dc, dfpr_dcut) +
f(events, q, dtpr_dd_a, dtpr_dc, dtpr_dcut)
binormalLR_loglik <- function(x, events, nonevents, fixed = NULL) {
binormalLR_objfun(x, events, nonevents, fixed = fixed, loglik = TRUE)$loglik
binormalLR_gradient <- function(x, events, nonevents, fixed = NULL) {
x, events, nonevents, fixed = fixed, gradient = TRUE
binormalLR_fpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
binormalLR_z1_fpr(cutoff, d_a, c),
binormalLR_z2_fpr(cutoff, d_a, c),
binormalLR_tpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
binormalLR_z1_tpr(cutoff, d_a, c),
binormalLR_z2_tpr(cutoff, d_a, c),
binormalLR_rate <- function(z1, z2, c) {
res <- pnorm(z1)
if (is_approx(c, 0)) {
} else {
res <- res + pnorm(z2)
if (c < 0) res else res - 1
binormalLR_z1_fpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
-(1 - c) * cutoff - d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / 2
binormalLR_z2_fpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
-(1 - c) * cutoff + d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / (2 * c)
binormalLR_z1_tpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
-(1 + c) * cutoff + d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / 2
binormalLR_z2_tpr <- function(cutoff, d_a, c) {
-(1 + c) * cutoff + d_a * sqrt(1 + c^2) / (2 * c)
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