
Defines functions gee.pc.skel

Documented in gee.pc.skel

gee.pc.skel <- function(dataset, group, se = "jack", method = "comb.mm", alpha = 0.01, stat = NULL, ini.pvalue = NULL) {
  ## dataset contains the data, it must be a matrix 
  ## type can be either "pearson" or "spearman" for continuous variables OR
  ## "cat" for categorical variables
  ## alpha is the level of significance, set to 0.05 by default
  ## rob is TRUE or FALSE and is supported by type = "pearson" only, i.e. it is to be used
  ## for robust estimation of Pearson correlation coefficient only
  title <- deparse( substitute(dataset) )
  alpha <- log(alpha)
  dm <- dim(dataset)
  n <- dm[2]
  m <- dm[1]
  k <- 0  ## initial size of the conditioning set
  G <- matrix(2, n, n)  # 3 sep-set indicates a subset of variables which eliminate given edge  
  ## If an element has the number 2 it means there is connection, otherwise it will have 0
  diag(G) = -100
  durat = proc.time()
  stat = pv = matrix(0, n, n)
  if ( is.null(stat) | is.null(ini.pvalue) ) {
    for ( i in 1:c(n - 1) ) {
      for ( j in c(i + 1):n ) {
        ro <- gee.ci.mm(i, j, cs = NULL, dataset, group, se) 
        stat[i, j] <- ro[1]
        stat[j, i] <- ro[1]
        pv[i, j] <- ro[2]
        pv[j, i] <- ro[2]
    }   ## end for ( i in 1:c(n - 1) )  
  } else  pv <- ini.pvalue   
  ini.pvalue <- pv
  pvalue <- pv  ## p-values
  #stat[ lower.tri(stat) ] = 2
  pv[ lower.tri(pv) ] = 2 
  G[pvalue > alpha] <- 0   ## removes edges from non significantly related pairs
  if ( is.null( colnames(dataset) ) ) {
    colnames(G) = rownames(G) = paste("X", 1:n, sep = "")
  } else colnames(G) = rownames(G) = colnames(dataset)
  diag(pvalue) = diag(pv) = 0
  ina = 1:n 
  sep = list()
  n.tests = NULL
  #### some more initial stuff 
  dial = which( pv <= alpha, arr.ind = TRUE )
  zeu = cbind( dial, stat[ dial ], pv[ dial ] )  ## all significant pairs of variables
  zeu <- zeu[ order( - zeu[, 4], zeu[, 3] ), , drop = FALSE] ## order of the pairs based on their strength
  duo = dim(zeu)[1]  ## number of pairs to be checked for conditional independence
  n.tests[1] = n * (n - 1) / 2
  #### main search
  if (duo == 0) {
    diag(G) = 0
    res = list(kappa = k, G = G) 
  } else {
    ell = 2
    ## Execute PC algorithm: main loop
    while ( k <= ell & duo > 0 )  {
      k = k + 1   ## size of the seperating set will change now
      tes = 0
      met <- matrix(0, duo, k + 2)
      for ( i in 1:nrow(zeu) ) {
        candpair <- zeu[i, 1:2]
        adjx = ina[  G[ candpair[1], ] == 2]   ;   lx = length(adjx)  ## adjacents to x
        adjy = ina[  G[ candpair[2], ] == 2 ]   ;   ly = length(adjy)  ## adjacents to y
        if ( lx >= k )  {
          pvalx = pvalue[ candpair[1], adjx ]
          infox = cbind( adjx, pvalx)
          infox = infox[ order( - pvalx ), ]
          if ( !is.matrix(infox) ) {
            samx = cbind( infox[1], infox[2] )
          } else  samx = cbind( t( combn(infox[, 1], k) ), t( combn(infox[, 2], k) ) )  ## factorial, all possible unordered pairs
        }  ## end if ( lx >= k ) 
        if ( ly >= k ) {
          pvaly = pvalue[ candpair[2], adjy ]
          infoy = cbind(adjy, pvaly)
          infoy = infoy[ order( - pvaly ), ]
          if ( !is.matrix(infoy) ) {
            samy = cbind( infoy[1], infoy[2] )
          } else  samy = cbind( t( combn(infoy[, 1], k) ), t( combn(infoy[, 2], k) ) )  ## factorial, all possible unordered pairs
        }  ## end if ( ly >= k ) 
        if ( !is.null(samx) ) sx = 1  else sx = 0
        if ( !is.null(samy) ) sy = 1  else sy = 0 
        sam = rbind( samx * sx, samy * sy ) 
        sam = unique(sam)
        ## sam contains either the sets of k neighbours of X, or of Y or of both
        ## if the X and Y have common k neighbours, they are removed below
        rem = intersect( zeu[i, 1:2], sam )
        if ( length(rem) > 0 ) {
          pam = list()
          for ( j in 1:length(rem) ) {
            pam[[ j ]] = as.vector( which(sam == rem[j], arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1] ) 
        }  ## end if ( length(rem) > 0 )
        pam <- unlist(pam)
        sam <- sam[ - pam, ] 
        if ( !is.matrix(sam) ) {
          sam = matrix( sam, nrow = 1 ) 
        } else if ( nrow(sam) == 0 ) {
          G = G 
        } else { 
          if (k == 1) {
            sam = sam[ order( sam[, 2 ] ), ]
          } else {
            an <- t( apply(sam[, -c(1:2)], 1, sort, decreasing = TRUE) )
            sam <- cbind(sam[, 1:2], an)
            nc <- ncol(sam)
            sam2 <- as.data.frame( sam[, nc:1] )     
            sam2 <- sam2[ do.call( order, as.list( sam2 ) ), ] 
            sam <- as.matrix( sam2[, nc:1] )
          }  ## end if (k == 1) 
        }  ## end if ( !is.matrix(sam) )
        if ( dim(sam)[1] == 0 ) {
          G = G  
        } else {
          a <- gee.ci.mm(candpair[1], candpair[2], cs = sam[1, 1:k], dataset, group, se)  
          b <- a[2]
          if ( a[2] > alpha ) {
            G[ candpair[1], candpair[2] ] = 0  ## remove the edge between two variables
            G[ candpair[2], candpair[1] ] = 0  ## remove the edge between two variables 
            met[i, ] = c( sam[1, 1:k], a[1:2] )
            tes = tes + 1 
          } else {
            m = 1
            while ( a[2] < alpha  &  m < nrow(sam) ) {
              m = m + 1
              a = gee.ci.mm(candpair[1], candpair[2], cs = sam[m, 1:k], dataset, group, se)   
              b <- c(b, a[2])
              tes = tes + 1
            }  ## end while
            if (a[2] > alpha) {
              G[ candpair[1], candpair[2] ] = 0  ## remove the edge between two variables
              G[ candpair[2], candpair[1] ] = 0  ## remove the edge between two variables
              met[i, ] = c( sam[m, 1:k], a[1:2] ) 
            }  ## end if (a[2] > alpha)
          }  ## end if ( a[2] > alpha )
          pvalue[ candpair[1], candpair[2] ] = max(b, pvalue[ candpair[1], candpair[2] ] )
          pvalue[ candpair[2], candpair[1] ] = max(b, pvalue[ candpair[1], candpair[2] ] )
        }  ## end if ( dim(sam)[1] == 0 )
        sam = samx = samy = NULL
      }  ##  end for ( i in 1:nrow(zeu) )
      ax = ay = list()
      lx = ly = numeric( duo )
      for ( i in 1:duo ) {
        ax[[ i ]] = ina[ G[ candpair[1] == 2 ] ]  ;  lx[i] = length( ax[[ i ]] )
        ay[[ i ]] = ina[ G[ candpair[2] == 2 ] ]  ;  ly[i] = length( ay[[ i ]] ) 
      ell = max(lx, ly)
      id = which( rowSums(met) > 0 )
      if (length(id) == 1) {
        sep[[ k ]] = c( zeu[id, 1:2], met[id, ] )
      } else  sep[[ k ]] = cbind( zeu[id, 1:2], met[id, ] )
      zeu = zeu[-id, , drop = FALSE]  
      duo <- dim(zeu)[1]
      n.tests[ k + 1 ] = tes
    }  ## end while ( k <= ell & duo > 0 ) 
    G <- G/2
    diag(G) = 0
    durat = proc.time() - durat
    ###### end of the algorithm
    for ( l in 1:k ) { 
      if ( is.matrix(sep[[ l ]]) ) {
        colnames( sep[[ l ]] ) <- c("X", "Y", paste("SepVar", 1:l), "stat", "logged.p-value")
        #sepa =  sepa[ order(sepa[, 1], sepa[, 2] ), ]
      } else {
        if ( length(sep[[ l ]]) > 0)   names( sep[[ l ]] ) <- c("X", "Y", paste("SepVar", 1:l), "stat", "logged.p-value")
      }  ## end if ( is.matrix(sep[[ l ]]) )
    }  ## end for ( l in 1:k ) 
  }  ## end if (duo == 0)
  n.tests = n.tests[ n.tests>0 ]
  k = length(n.tests) - 1
  sepset = list()
  if (k == 0) {
    sepset = NULL
  } else {
    for ( l in 1:k ) {
      if ( is.matrix( sep[[ l ]] ) )  {
        nu <- nrow( sep[[ l ]] )
        if ( nu > 0 ) sepset[[ l ]] <- sep[[ l ]][1:nu, ]
      } else sepset[[ l ]] = sep[[ l ]]    
  }  ## end if (k == 0) 
  names(n.tests) = paste("k=", 0:k, sep ="")
  info <- summary( Rfast::rowsums(G) )
  density <- sum(G) / n / ( n - 1 ) 
  res <- list(stat = stat, ini.pvalue = ini.pvalue, pvalue = pvalue, runtime = durat, kappa = k, n.tests = n.tests, density = density, info = info, G = G, sepset = sepset, title = title )

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