#' Plot the agreement before recalibration
#' This function draws the "agreement plot" before recalibration, which is used
#' to visually appraise the degree of agreement between the new and reference
#' methods, before recalibration of the new method.
#' It is obtained by graphing a scatter plot of `y1-y2` (difference of the methods)
#' versus the BLUP of the latent trait, `x`, along with the bias and 95% limits
#' of agreement with their 95% simultaneous confidence bands.
#' The function adds a second scale on the right axis, showing the percentage
#' of agreement index.
#' @inheritParams compare_plot
#' @importFrom stats qnorm rnorm quantile predict
#' @importFrom graphics title par points axis mtext box legend
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' ### Load the data
#' data(data1)
#' ### Analysis
#' measure_model <- measure_compare(data1, nb_simul=100)
#' ### Plot the agreement without recalibration
#' agreement0(measure_model)}
agreement0 <- function(object) {
print("Generating Agreement Plot without recalibration ...")
# Extract the objects from the output
data_agg <- object$agg
data_y1_y2 <- object$y1_y2
params <- object$sim_params
bias <- object$bias
nb_simul <- object$nb_simul
sig2_d <- data_agg$sig2_res_y1 + data_agg$sig2_res_y2
sig_d <- sqrt(sig2_d)
data_agg$pct_agreement <- 1 - (qnorm(0.975) * sig_d + abs(data_agg$bias_y1)) /
data_agg$loa_up <- data_agg$bias_y1 + qnorm(0.975) * sig_d
data_agg$loa_lo <- data_agg$bias_y1 + qnorm(0.025) * sig_d
cov_sig2_res_y2_sig2_res_y1 <- pi^2 * data_agg$fit_abs_res_y2 *
data_agg$fit_abs_res_y1 * params$model_5_coef[2] * params$model_3_coef[2] *
v_sig_d <- (1 / (4 * sig2_d)) * (data_agg$v_sig2_res_y2 +
data_agg$v_sig2_res_y1 +
2 * cov_sig2_res_y2_sig2_res_y1)
v_loa_up <- data_agg$v_bias_y1 + (qnorm(0.975)^2) * v_sig_d +
2 * (bias[2] - 1) * qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(data_agg$v_blup * v_sig_d)
se_loa_up <- sqrt(v_loa_up)
v_loa_lo <- data_agg$v_bias_y1 + (qnorm(0.975)^2) * v_sig_d -
2 * (bias[2] - 1) * qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(data_agg$v_blup * v_sig_d)
se_loa_lo <- sqrt(v_loa_lo)
# Simulation parameters
m1 <- matrix(params$model_5_coef, nrow = 1)
v1 <- matrix(params$model_5_cov, ncol = 2)
m2 <- matrix(params$model_3_coef, nrow = 1)
v2 <- matrix(params$model_3_cov, ncol = 2)
m3 <- matrix(params$model_4_coef, nrow = 1)
v3 <- matrix(params$model_4_cov, ncol = 2)
sim_max_d <- vector(mode = "list", length = nb_simul)
for (j in 1:nb_simul) {
blup_x_j <- rnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mean = data_agg$fitted_y2,
sd = data_agg$sd_blup)
thetas1_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m1, Sigma = v1)
fit_abs_res_y1_j <- thetas1_j[, 1] + thetas1_j[, 2] * blup_x_j
sig_res_y1_j <- fit_abs_res_y1_j * sqrt(pi / 2)
sig2_res_y1_j <- sig_res_y1_j^2
v_fit_abs_res_y1_j <- thetas1_j[, 2]^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v1[1, 1] +
v1[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v1[1, 2] * blup_x_j
v_sig2_res_y1_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y1_j^2 * v_fit_abs_res_y1_j
thetas2_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m2, Sigma = v2)
fit_abs_res_y2_j <- thetas2_j[, 1] + thetas2_j[, 2] * blup_x_j
sig_res_y2_j <- fit_abs_res_y2_j * sqrt(pi / 2)
sig2_res_y2_j <- sig_res_y2_j^2
v_fit_abs_res_y2_j <- thetas2_j[, 2]^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v2[1, 1] +
v2[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v2[1, 2] * blup_x_j
v_sig2_res_y2_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y2_j^2 * v_fit_abs_res_y2_j
biases_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m3, Sigma = v3)
v_bias_j <- (biases_j[, 2] - 1)^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v3[1, 1] +
v3[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v3[1, 2] * blup_x_j
bias_j <- biases_j[, 1] + blup_x_j * (biases_j[, 2] - 1)
sig2_d_j <- sig2_res_y1_j + sig2_res_y2_j
sig_d_j <- sqrt(sig2_d_j)
loa_up_j <- bias_j + qnorm(0.975) * sig_d_j
cov_sig2_res_y1y2_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y2_j * fit_abs_res_y1_j *
thetas1_j[, 2] * thetas2_j[, 2] * data_agg$v_blup
v_sig_d_j <- (1 / (4 * sig2_d_j)) * (v_sig2_res_y2_j + v_sig2_res_y1_j +
2 * cov_sig2_res_y1y2_j)
v_loa_up_j <- v_bias_j + (qnorm(0.975)^2) * v_sig_d_j +
2 * (biases_j[, 2] - 1) * qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(data_agg$v_blup * v_sig_d_j)
d_j <- abs(loa_up_j - data_agg$loa_up) / sqrt(v_loa_up_j)
max_d_j <- max(d_j)
sim_max_d[[j]] <- max_d_j
crit_value4 <- quantile(unlist(sim_max_d), c(0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
data_agg$loa_up_lo <- data_agg$loa_up - crit_value4 * se_loa_up
data_agg$loa_up_up <- data_agg$loa_up + crit_value4 * se_loa_up
fp <- function(...) mfp::fp(...)
frac_poly_loa_up_up <- mfp::mfp(loa_up_up ~ fp(fitted_y2, df = 4),
data = data_agg)
frac_poly_loa_up_lo <- mfp::mfp(loa_up_lo ~ fp(fitted_y2, df = 4),
data = data_agg)
data_agg$loa_up_up_fit <- predict(frac_poly_loa_up_up)
data_agg$loa_up_lo_fit <- predict(frac_poly_loa_up_lo)
sim_max_d <- vector(mode = "list", length = nb_simul)
for (j in 1:nb_simul) {
blup_x_j <- rnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mean = data_agg$fitted_y2,
sd = data_agg$sd_blup)
thetas1_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m1, Sigma = v1)
fit_abs_res_y1_j <- thetas1_j[, 1] + thetas1_j[, 2] * blup_x_j
sig_res_y1_j <- fit_abs_res_y1_j * sqrt(pi / 2)
sig2_res_y1_j <- sig_res_y1_j^2
v_fit_abs_res_y1_j <- thetas1_j[, 2]^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v1[1, 1] +
v1[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v1[1, 2] * blup_x_j
v_sig2_res_y1_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y1_j^2 * v_fit_abs_res_y1_j
thetas2_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m2, Sigma = v2)
fit_abs_res_y2_j <- thetas2_j[, 1] + thetas2_j[, 2] * blup_x_j
sig_res_y2_j <- fit_abs_res_y2_j * sqrt(pi / 2)
sig2_res_y2_j <- sig_res_y2_j^2
v_fit_abs_res_y2_j <- thetas2_j[, 2]^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v2[1, 1] +
v2[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v2[1, 2] * blup_x_j
v_sig2_res_y2_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y2_j^2 * v_fit_abs_res_y2_j
biases_j <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(dim(data_agg)[1], mu = m3, Sigma = v3)
v_bias_j <- (biases_j[, 2] - 1)^2 * data_agg$v_blup + v3[1, 1] +
v3[2, 2] * (data_agg$v_blup + blup_x_j^2) + 2 * v3[1, 2] * blup_x_j
bias_j <- biases_j[, 1] + blup_x_j * (biases_j[, 2] - 1)
sig2_d_j <- sig2_res_y1_j + sig2_res_y2_j
sig_d_j <- sqrt(sig2_d_j)
loa_lo_j <- bias_j - qnorm(0.975) * sig_d_j
cov_sig2_res_y1y2_j <- pi^2 * fit_abs_res_y2_j * fit_abs_res_y1_j *
thetas1_j[, 2] * thetas2_j[, 2] * data_agg$v_blup
v_sig_d_j <- (1 / (4 * sig2_d_j)) * (v_sig2_res_y2_j + v_sig2_res_y1_j +
2 * cov_sig2_res_y1y2_j)
v_loa_lo_j <- v_bias_j + (qnorm(0.975)^2) * v_sig_d_j -
2 * (biases_j[, 2] - 1) * qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(data_agg$v_blup *
d_j <- abs(loa_lo_j - data_agg$loa_lo) / sqrt(v_loa_lo_j)
max_d_j <- max(d_j)
sim_max_d[[j]] <- max_d_j
crit_value5 <- quantile(unlist(sim_max_d), c(0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
data_agg$loa_lo_lo <- data_agg$loa_lo - crit_value5 * se_loa_lo
data_agg$loa_lo_up <- data_agg$loa_lo + crit_value5 * se_loa_lo
frac_poly_loa_lo_up <- mfp::mfp(loa_lo_up ~ fp(fitted_y2, df = 4),
data = data_agg)
frac_poly_loa_lo_lo <- mfp::mfp(loa_lo_lo ~ fp(fitted_y2, df = 4),
data = data_agg)
data_agg$loa_lo_up_fit <- predict(frac_poly_loa_lo_up)
data_agg$loa_lo_lo_fit <- predict(frac_poly_loa_lo_lo)
# Compute min and max values for y-axis
min_y <- min(data_agg$loa_up_up_fit, data_agg$loa_up_lo_fit,
data_agg$loa_lo_up_fit, data_agg$loa_lo_lo_fit, na.rm = TRUE)
max_y <- max(data_agg$loa_up_up_fit, data_agg$loa_up_lo_fit,
data_agg$loa_lo_up_fit, data_agg$loa_lo_lo_fit, na.rm = TRUE)
min_y <- floor(min_y)
range <- max_y - min_y
max_y <- ceiling(max_y + range * 0.2)
data_y1_y2$diff <- data_y1_y2$y1 - data_y1_y2$y2
# Order data for plot
data_agg <- data_agg[order(data_agg$y2_hat), ]
data_y1_y2 <- data_y1_y2[order(data_y1_y2$y2_hat), ]
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 3, 4) + 0.1)
# Plot the agreement with no recalibration
plot(data_y1_y2$y2_hat, data_y1_y2$diff, xlab = "",
ylab = "", axes = FALSE, col = "darkgrey", ylim = c(min_y, max_y),
cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
title(main = "Agreement plot", cex.main = 0.9)
# Bias
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$bias, col = "red",
type = "l", lty = 1)
# Add the subtitle
subtitle <- "(no recalibration)"
mtext(subtitle, side = 3, cex = 0.8)
# 95% LoA
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_lo, col = "dimgrey",
type = "l", lty = 2)
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_up, col = "dimgrey",
type = "l", lty = 2)
# Lower confidence bands
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_lo_up_fit, col = "orange",
type = "l", lty = 2)
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_lo_lo_fit, col = "orange",
type = "l", lty = 2)
# Upper confidence bands
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_up_up_fit, col = "orange",
type = "l", lty = 2)
points(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$loa_up_lo_fit, col = "orange",
type = "l", lty = 2)
# Left y-axis
axis(2, col = "black", las = 1)
mtext("Difference (y1 - y2)", side = 2, line = 2)
box(col = "black")
# Add second plot: percentage agreement
par(new = TRUE)
plot(data_agg$y2_hat, data_agg$pct_agreement, xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 1, ylim = c(0, 1))
# Right y-axis
mtext("% of agreement", side = 4, col = "blue", line = 2.5)
axis(4, col = "blue", col.axis = "blue", las = 1)
# x-axis
mtext("BLUP of x", side = 1, col = "black", line = 2)
# Legend
legend("top", legend = c("Bias", "95% LoA", "95% confidence limits",
"% of agreement"),
pch = c(1, 19), col = c("red", "dimgrey", "red", "blue"),
pt.cex = c(0, 0), y.intersp = 0.7, yjust = 0.2, lty = c(1, 2, 2, 1),
bty = "n", cex = 0.8)
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