
Defines functions grab_variables grab_variables0 print.nm_subroutine nonmem_code_to_r param_info.nm_list param_info.nm_generic param_info.default param_info rem_trailing_spaces theta_nm2r ctl_r2nm ctl_nm2r ctl_list.character ctl_list.ctl_list ctl_list.ctl_character ctl_list ctl_character setup_dollar get_comment rem_comment rem_dollars is_nm_comment_line is_dollar_line search_ctl_name gsub_ctl.nm_generic gsub_ctl uncomment comment_out

Documented in comment_out ctl_character ctl_list gsub_ctl nonmem_code_to_r uncomment

#' @rdname comment_lines
#' @name comment_lines
#' @title Comment and uncomment lines of control file
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Comment out lines of code with that are matched by a patter string.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param pattern Character regex. Passed to [gsub()].
#' @return An nm object with modified `ctl_contents` field.
#' @seealso [gsub_ctl()], [target()]
#' @export
comment_out <- function(m, pattern = ".*") {
  m %>% gsub_ctl(paste0("(", pattern, ")"), "; \\1")

#' @rdname comment_lines
#' @export
uncomment <- function(m, pattern = ".*") {
  m %>% gsub_ctl(paste0("^;+\\s*(", pattern, ")"), "\\1")

#' Pattern replacement for control file contents
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A wrapper around `gsub` so that control files may be modified using `gsub`
#' syntax.  Can be useful for simple find replace operations in a control
#' stream.  Ensure you use the "view diff" app afterwards to make sure the find
#' replace proceeded as intended.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param pattern Argument passed to [gsub()].
#' @param replacement Argument passed to [gsub()].
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [gsub()].
#' @param dollar Character name of subroutine.
#' @return An nm object with modified `ctl_contents` field.
#' @seealso [apply_manual_edit()]
#' @examples
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1", 
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' m1 %>% dollar("EST")
#' m1 <- m1 %>% gsub_ctl("ISAMPLE=300", "ISAMPLE=600")
#' m1 %>% dollar("EST")
#' @export

gsub_ctl <- function(m, pattern, replacement, ..., dollar = NA_character_) {

#' @export
gsub_ctl.nm_generic <- function(m, pattern, replacement, ..., dollar = NA_character_) {
  text <- get_target_text(m)
  text <- gsub(pattern, replacement, text, ...)

  m <- m %>% set_target_text(text)
#' @export
gsub_ctl.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(gsub_ctl.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

search_ctl_name <- function(r, models_dir = nm_dir("models")) {
  if (inherits(r, "nm")) ctl_name <- r$ctl
  if (inherits(r, "numeric") | inherits(r, "character")) {
    r <- as.character(r)
    rtemp <- normalizePath(r, mustWork = FALSE)
    if (file.exists2(rtemp)) {
      ctl_name <- rtemp
    } else {
      stop("cant find ctl_name")

is_dollar_line <- function(l) grepl("^\\s*;*\\s*\\$", l)
is_nm_comment_line <- function(l) grepl("^\\s*;", l)
rem_dollars <- function(s) gsub("\\s*\\$\\S*\\s*", "", s)
rem_comment <- function(s, char = ";") gsub(paste0("^([^", char, "]*)", char, "*.*$"), "\\1", s)
get_comment <- function(s, char = ";") gsub(paste0("^[^", char, "]*", char, "*(.*)$"), "\\1", s)

setup_dollar <- function(x, type, add_dollar_text = TRUE) {
  ## if $TYPE isn't in x, add it
  if (add_dollar_text) {
    if (!grepl(paste0("\\s*\\", type), x[1], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      if (grepl("THETA|OMEGA|SIGMA|PK|PRED|ERROR|DES", type)) {
        x <- c(type, x)
      } else {
        x[1] <- paste(type, x[1])
  x <- strsplit(x, "\n")
  x <- sapply(x, function(i) { ## strsplt turns "" -> character(), convert back
    if (length(i) == 0) "" else i
  names(x) <- NULL
  class(x) <- c(paste0("nm.", tolower(gsub("^\\$", "", type))), "nm_subroutine")

#' Constructor/converter to ctl_character
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Convert a variety of objects into a `ctl_character` class
#' @param r Either class `nmexecute`, `character`, `ctl_list`, `ctl_character`.
#' @return Object of class `ctl_character`.
#' @keywords internal

ctl_character <- function(r) {
  if (inherits(r, "ctl_character")) {
  if (inherits(r, "nmexecute")) {
    ctl <- readLines(r$ctl)
    class(ctl) <- c("ctl_character", "character")
    attr(ctl, "file_name") <- r$ctl
  if (inherits(r, "ctl_list")) {
    file_name <- attributes(r)$file_name
    ctl <- ctl_r2nm(r)
    attr(ctl, "file_name") <- file_name
  if (inherits(r, "character")) {
    if (length(r) == 1) {
      ctl_name <- search_ctl_name(r)
      ctl <- readLines(ctl_name)
      class(ctl) <- c("ctl_character", "character")
      attr(ctl, "file_name") <- ctl_name
    } else {
      class(r) <- c("ctl_character", "character")
  stop("cannot coerce to ctl_character")

#' Constructor/converter to ctl_list
#' @param r Either class `nmexecute`, `character`, `ctl_list`, `ctl_character`.
#' @return Object of class `ctl_list`.
#' @keywords internal

ctl_list <- function(r) {

#' @export
ctl_list.ctl_character <- function(r) {
  ctl <- ctl_nm2r(r)
  attr(ctl, "file_name") <- attributes(r)$file_name

#' @export
ctl_list.ctl_list <- function(r) {

#' @export
ctl_list.character <- function(r) {
  if (length(r) == 1) {
    ctl <- ctl_character(r)
    file_name <- attributes(ctl)$file_name
    ctl <- ctl_nm2r(ctl)
    attr(ctl, "file_name") <- file_name
  } else {
    stop("cannot coerce to ctl_list")

ctl_nm2r <- function(ctl) {
  ctl0 <- ctl
  dol <- grep("^\\s*\\$", ctl)
  dol <- which(is_dollar_line(ctl))
  dol[1] <- 1

  ## get type info for each dol

  dol.type <- function(ctl) {
    sc <- paste(ctl, collapse = " ")
    type <- gsub("^[^\\$]*\\$([\\S]+).*$", "\\1", sc, perl = TRUE)
    type <- getOption("available_nm_types")[grep(substr(type, 1, 3), getOption("available_nm_types"))]
    if (length(type) == 0) type <- NA

  ctl2 <- list()
  start <- dol[1]
  finish <- dol[2] - 1
  for (i in seq_along(dol)) {
    ## define start and finish
    start <- dol[i]
    if (finish + 1 < start) start <- finish + 1 ## start is sorted
    finish <- dol[i + 1] - 1 ## initial guess for finish
    if (i == length(dol)) {
      finish <- length(ctl)
    } else {
      last.line <- ctl[finish]
      while (is_nm_comment_line(last.line) & !is_dollar_line(last.line)) {
        finish <- finish - 1
        last.line <- ctl[finish]
    ## start and finish defined
    tmp <- ctl[start:finish]
    type <- dol.type(tmp)
    if (is.na(type)) type <- paste0("UNKNOWN", i)
    class(tmp) <- c(paste0("nm.", tolower(gsub("^\\$", "", type))), "nm_subroutine")
    # class(tmp) <- c(paste0("nm.",tolower(type)),"nm_subroutine")
    ctl2[[i]] <- tmp
  ctl <- ctl2

  x <- lapply(ctl, function(s) class(s))

  ## find consecutive statements and combine them
  ## can use a for loop

  for (i in rev(seq_along(x))) {
    if (i == 1) break
    if (identical(x[i], x[i - 1])) {
      ctl[[i - 1]] <- c(ctl[[i - 1]], ctl[[i]])
      class(ctl[[i - 1]]) <- class(ctl[[i]])
      ctl[[i]] <- NULL
  names(ctl) <- sapply(ctl, function(s) gsub("NM\\.", "", toupper(class(s)[1])))
  class(ctl) <- "ctl_list"

ctl_r2nm <- function(x) {
  ctl <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
  class(ctl) <- c("ctl_character")

theta_nm2r <- function(x) {
  x <- rem_dollars(x)
  x <- gsub("FIX", "", x) ## ignore FIX for now
  x <- x[!grepl("^\\s*$", x)] ## remove $THETA
  x <- gsub("\\t", " ", x) ## change tabs to spaces
  x <- x[!grepl("^\\s*;.*", x)] ## remove comment only rows
  x0 <- x
  x <- rem_comment(x, ";")
  x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")
  x <- gsub("\\(\\s*\\S*(\\s*)\\S*(\\s\\)S*\\s)\\)", "\\(~", x)
  x <- gsub("\\(", "\\(~", x)
  x <- strsplit(x, "\\(|\\)")[[1]]
  x <- x[!grepl("^\\s*$", x)]

  x <- lapply(x, function(x) {
    if (substr(x, 1, 1) != "~") {
      x <- strsplit(x, "[ ,]")[[1]]
      x <- x[!x %in% c("", "FIX")]
      x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
      x <- data.frame(lower = NA, init = x, upper = NA)
    } else {
      x <- gsub("~", "", x)
      x <- strsplit(x, "[ ,]")[[1]]
      x <- x[!x %in% c("", "FIX")]
      x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
      # x <- as.data.frame(t(x))
      if (length(x) == 1) {
        x <- data.frame(lower = NA, init = x, upper = NA)
      } else
      if (length(x) == 2) {
        x <- data.frame(lower = x[1], init = x[2], upper = NA)
      } else
      if (length(x) == 3) x <- data.frame(lower = x[1], init = x[2], upper = x[3])
      if (!length(x) %in% 1:3) stop("can't figure out bounds")
  x <- do.call(rbind, x)
  x$N <- 1:nrow(x)
  class(x) <- c(class(x), "r.theta")
  comments <- get_comment(x0, ";")

  if (length(comments) > max(x$N)) {
    warning("More comments than THETAs found. Something wrong")
    comments <- rep("", max(x$N))

  tmp <- strsplit(comments, ";")
  x$name <- sapply(tmp, "[", 1)
  x$name <- rem_trailing_spaces(x$name)
  x$unit <- sapply(tmp, "[", 2)
  x$unit <- rem_trailing_spaces(x$unit)
  x$trans <- sapply(tmp, "[", 3)
  x$trans <- rem_trailing_spaces(x$trans)
  x$trans[is.na(x$trans) & x$lower %in% 0] <- "RATIO"
  x$parameter <- paste0("THETA", x$N)

rem_trailing_spaces <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub("\\s(?!\\S)", "", x, perl = TRUE)
  x <- gsub("^\\s*", "", x, perl = TRUE)
  x[grepl("^ *$", x)] <- NA

param_info <- function(ctl) {

param_info.default <- function(ctl) {
  ctl <- ctl_list(ctl)
  if ("THETA" %in% names(ctl)) {
  } else {

param_info.nm_generic <- function(ctl) {
  ctl <- ctl_list2(ctl)
  if ("THETA" %in% names(ctl)) {
  } else {

param_info.nm_list <- function(ctl) param_info(as_nm_generic(ctl))

#' Convert NONMEM code to R ready
#' Parses NONMEM code and attempts to make it evaluable as R code.
#' @param code Character vector of NONMEM code block.
#' @param eta_to_0 Logical (default = `TRUE`). Should all etas be set to 0.
#' @return Character vector of R code.
#' @keywords internal

nonmem_code_to_r <- function(code, eta_to_0 = TRUE) {
  pk_block <- rem_comment(code)

  pk_block <- pk_block[!grepl("^\\s*\\$.*", pk_block)]

  if (eta_to_0) {
    pk_block <- gsub("\\bETA\\(([0-9]+)\\)", "0", pk_block)

  ## will replace both THETA and ETA
  pk_block <- gsub("ETA\\(([0-9]+)\\)", "ETA\\1", pk_block)

  pk_block <- gsub("\\bLOG\\b", "log", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\bEXP\\b", "exp", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\bIF\\b", "if", pk_block)

  pk_block <- gsub("\\bTHEN\\b", "{", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\bENDIF\\b", "}", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\bELSE\\b", "} else {", pk_block)
  ## TODO: handle IF THEN (no ENDIF) blocks

  pk_block <- gsub("\\.EQ\\.", "==", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.NE\\.", "!=", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.EQN\\.", "==", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.NEN\\.", "!=", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\./E\\.", "!=", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.GT\\.", ">", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.LT\\.", "<", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.GE\\.", ">=", pk_block)
  pk_block <- gsub("\\.LE\\.", "<=", pk_block)

#' @export
print.nm_subroutine <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste0(format(seq_along(x), width = 3), "| ", x), sep = "\n")

grab_variables0 <- function(text, pattern) {
  text_separated <- text %>%
    paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
    stringr::str_split("(\n|\\s|\\+|\\-|\\=|\\*|\\/)") %>%
    #stringr::str_split("(\n|\\s|\\+|\\-|\\=|\\*|\\/|\\)|\\()") %>%

  text_separated <- text_separated[grepl(pattern, text_separated)]
  text_separated <- gsub(paste0(".*(", pattern, ").*"), "\\1", text_separated)

grab_variables <- function(m, pattern) {
  text <- m %>% text()
  grab_variables0(text, pattern)

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