
Defines functions file_find_replace wait_for na.locf gsub_out_brackets gsub_in_brackets mutate_cond is_rstudio list_dirs file.exists2 relative_path pmap_nm imap_nm map2_nm map_nm `%f>%` is_full_path is_single_na

Documented in imap_nm is_full_path is_rstudio list_dirs map2_nm map_nm pmap_nm relative_path wait_for

is_single_na <- function(x) if (length(x) == 1) is.na(x) else FALSE

#' Test if full path
#' @param x String giving file/path name.
#' @return `TRUE` only when path starts with ~, /, \\ or X: (i.e. when x is a full path), `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
is_full_path <- function(x) grepl("^(~|/|\\\\|([a-zA-Z]:))", x, perl = TRUE)

#' Check if git is available on command line
#' @keywords internal
git_cmd_available <- Sys.which("git") != ""

#' Pipe operator
#' See `magrittr::[\%>\%][magrittr::pipe]` for details.
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs
#' @param lhs A value or the magrittr placeholder.
#' @param rhs A function call using the magrittr semantics.
#' @return The result of calling `rhs(lhs)`.

#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @export

#' @importFrom magrittr %T>%
#' @export

#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @export

#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

#' Function pipe for nm objects
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Pipe an nm object object to a list of functions.  Although this enables
#' multiple NONMEM runs to be handled simultaneously, it does make your code
#' less readable.
#' @param lhs An nm object.
#' @param rhs A list of functions.  Must be same length as `lhs`.
#' @return A modified nm object.
#' @seealso [child()] for creating multiple child NONMEM objects
#' @examples 
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1", 
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' temp_data_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".csv")
#' ## dataset has missing WTs so create a new one and assign this to the run
#' input_data(m1) %>% 
#'   dplyr::group_by(ID) %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(WT = na.omit(WT)) %>%
#'   write_derived_data(temp_data_file)
#' m1 <- m1 %>% data_path(temp_data_file)
#' mWT <- m1 %>% child(c("m2", "m3", "m4")) %f>% 
#' list(
#'  . %>% add_cov(param = "V", cov = "WT", state = "linear"),
#'  . %>% add_cov(param = "V", cov = "WT", state = "power"),
#'  . %>% add_cov(param = "V", cov = "WT", state = "power1")
#' )
#' mWT %>% dollar("PK")
#' unlink(temp_data_file)
#' @export

`%f>%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  if(length(lhs) != length(rhs)) {
    stop("for 'lhs %f>% rhs' the length of lhs and rhs must be the same")
  as_nm_list(lapply(seq_along(lhs), function(i) rhs[[i]](lhs[[i]])))

#' @name map_nm
#' @rdname map_nm
#' @title A purrr-like looping function over nm objects
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Loop over an nm object when a vectorized operation is not available.
#' @param .x An nm object.
#' @param .y An optional nm object.
#' @inheritParams purrr::map2
#' @inheritParams purrr::pmap
#' @return A modified nm object.
#' @examples 
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1", 
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' ## vectorized run
#' m1 %>% child(1:3) %>% run_id(paste0(run_id(.), "modified"))
#' m1 %>% child(1:3) %>% 
#'   map_nm(~ .x %>% run_id(paste0(run_id(.), "modified")))
#' @export

map_nm <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr")) stop("install purrr")
  res <- purrr::map(.x, .f, ...)

#' @rdname map_nm
#' @export
map2_nm <- function(.x, .y, .f, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr")) stop("install purrr")
  res <- purrr::map2(.x, .y, .f, ...)

#' @rdname map_nm
#' @export
imap_nm <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr")) stop("install purrr")
  res <- purrr::imap(.x, .f, ...)

#' @rdname map_nm
#' @export
pmap_nm <- function(.l, .f, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr")) stop("install purrr")
  res <- purrr::pmap(.l, .f, ...)

#' Compute path relative to reference
#' @param path Path of desired directory or file.
#' @param relative_path Path of directory to travel from.
#' @return A relative path `character` object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

relative_path <- function(path, relative_path) {
  file.exists_path <- file.exists(path)
  file.exists_relative_path <- file.exists(relative_path)

  if (!file.exists_path) path <- file.path(getwd(), path) ## if doesn't exist assume relative path
  if (!file.exists_relative_path) relative_path <- file.path(getwd(), relative_path)

  mainPieces <- strsplit(normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "/"), .Platform$file.sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  refPieces <- strsplit(normalizePath(relative_path, mustWork = FALSE, winslash = "/"), .Platform$file.sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

  # if(!file.exists_path) unlink(path)
  # if(!file.exists_relative_path) unlink(relative_path)

  shorterLength <- min(length(mainPieces), length(refPieces))

  last_common_piece <- max(which(mainPieces[1:shorterLength] == refPieces[1:shorterLength]), 1)

  dots <- refPieces[!seq_along(refPieces) %in% 1:last_common_piece]
  dots <- rep("..", length(dots))

  mainPieces <- mainPieces[!seq_along(mainPieces) %in% 1:last_common_piece]

  relativePieces <- c(dots, mainPieces)
  do.call(file.path, as.list(relativePieces))

relative_path <- Vectorize(relative_path, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

file.exists2 <- function(x) { ## only true is file exists and is not a directory
  if (!file.exists(x)) {

#' List directories
#' Wrapper around `list.dirs()` but includes `maxdepth` and pattern arguments and
#' removes `full.names` argument, always return full names.
#' @param path Same as `list.dirs()`.
#' @param full.names Same as `list.dirs()`.
#' @param recursive Same as `list.dirs()`.
#' @param maxdepth Integer (default = `1`) maximum depth to search.
#' @param pattern Optional character (default is missing) regex pattern match on directory
#'   name.
#' @return Character vector of paths to matched directories.
#' @keywords internal
list_dirs <- function(path = ".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, maxdepth = 1, pattern) {
  dirs <- list()
  dirs[[1]] <- list.dirs(path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)

  missing_pattern <- missing(pattern)

  return_ready <- function(dirs) { ## prep for return character vector
    dirs <- unlist(dirs)
    if (!missing_pattern) dirs <- dirs[grepl(pattern, basename(dirs))]
    if (!full.names) dirs <- basename(dirs)

  if (maxdepth == 1 | !recursive) {

  i <- 2
  while (i <= maxdepth) {
    # for(i in 2:maxdepth){
    current_dirs <- sapply(dirs[[i - 1]], function(path) {
      list.dirs(path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
    current_dirs <- unlist(current_dirs)
    names(current_dirs) <- NULL

    ## breakpoint if no more dirs
    if (length(current_dirs) == 0) {

    dirs[[i]] <- current_dirs
    i <- i + 1


#' Logical flag for detecting if R session is on RStudio
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A logical `TRUE` or `FALSE` value.
#' @export
is_rstudio <- function() Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == "1"

## experimental - goes against dplyr, maybe delete if not useful
mutate_cond <- function(.data, condition, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
  condition <- eval(substitute(condition), .data, envir)
  condition <- condition %in% TRUE
  .data[condition, ] <- .data[condition, ] %>% dplyr::mutate(...)

gsub_in_brackets <- function(pattern, replacement, x) {
  x <- gsub("\\(", "~(", x)
  x <- gsub("\\)", ")~", x)
  x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n")
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "~")[[1]]
  x[grepl("^\\(.*\\)", x)] <-
    gsub(pattern, replacement, x[grepl("^\\(.*\\)", x)])
  x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
  x <- paste(x, " ") ## added to make sure final \n doesn't shorten vector
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "\n")[[1]]
  x[length(x)] <- trimws(x[length(x)])

gsub_out_brackets <- function(pattern, replacement, x) {
  x <- gsub("\\(", "~(", x)
  x <- gsub("\\)", ")~", x)
  x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n")
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "~")[[1]]
  x[!grepl("^\\(.*\\)", x)] <-
    gsub(pattern, replacement, x[!grepl("^\\(.*\\)", x)])
  x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
  x <- paste(x, " ") ## added to make sure final \n doesn't shorten vector
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "\n")[[1]]
  x[length(x)] <- trimws(x[length(x)])

na.locf <- function(x) {
  v <- !is.na(x)
  c(NA, x[v])[cumsum(v) + 1]

#' Wait for statement to be TRUE
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Will block R console until an expression evaluates to be `TRUE`.
#' @param x Boolean expression to evaluate.
#' @param timeout Numeric. Maximum time (in seconds) to wait.
#' @param interval Numeric. The polling interval in seconds (default=`1`).
#' @return Invisibly returns `TRUE` indicating value of `x` after waiting for
#'   `x` to be `TRUE`.
#' @seealso [wait_finish()].
#' @examples 
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1", 
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' ## the following are identical
#' m1 %>% run_nm() %>% wait_finish()
#' wait_for(is_finished(m1)) ## wait_finish is a more convenient form of this
#' }
#' @export
wait_for <- function(x, timeout = NULL, interval = 1) {
  x <- substitute(x)
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  while (!eval(x, envir = parent.frame())) {
    diff.time <- difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "secs")
    if (!is.null(timeout)) {
      if (diff.time > timeout) {
        warning(paste("timed out waiting for\n", x, sep = ""))

file_find_replace <- function(filepath, pattern, replacement) {
  file_contents <- readLines(filepath)
  updated_contents <- gsub(x = file_contents, pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement)
  cat(updated_contents, file = filepath, sep = "\n")

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NMproject documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 1:06 a.m.