
Defines functions data_name.default data_name write_ctl.nm_generic write_ctl clean_tempfiles.nm_list clean_tempfiles clean_run.nm_list clean_run ls_tempfiles.nm_list ls_tempfiles.default ls_tempfiles ctl_table_files.default ctl_table_files psn_exported_files.nm_generic psn_exported_files wipe_run.nm_generic wipe_run run_nm run_nm_single.nm_generic run_nm_single

Documented in clean_run clean_tempfiles ls_tempfiles run_nm run_nm_single wipe_run write_ctl

#' @title Run NONMEM jobs (single job)
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Run nm objects.  Uses `system_nm()` to submit the `cmd()` value of object.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param ignore.stdout Logical (default=`TRUE`). Parameter passed to `system_nm()`.
#' @param ignore.stderr Logical (default=`TRUE`). Parameter passed to `system_nm()`.
#' @param quiet Logical (default=`FALSE`). Should `system_nm()` output be piped to
#'   screen?
#' @param intern Logical. `intern` argument to be passed to `system_nm()`.
#' @param force Logical (default = `FALSE`).  Force run even results unchanged.
#' @param cache_ignore_cmd Logical (default = `FALSE`). Should check `cmd` field
#'   with cache?
#' @param cache_ignore_ctl Logical (default = `FALSE`). Should check control file
#'   contents with cache?
#' @param cache_ignore_data Logical (default = `FALSE`). Should check dataset with
#'   cache?
#' @param return_cmd_only Logical. Instead of running `cmd`, return the command
#'   information in the form of a `tibble`.  This is intended for use in
#'   `run_nm()` batch submission.
#' @details In grid environment it is recommended to run [nm_tran()] via the
#'   RStudio 'Addin' prior to executing this code.
#'   By default, when highlighting code and evaluating it via an RStudio app,
#'   `run_nm()` will not execute and will just return the `nm` object.
#'   For vector `nm` objects of length more than 1, all runs will be launched at
#'   the same time.  This could overwhelm resources if not in a grid
#'   environment.  In this case see [run_nm()] for batched execution of a
#'   vector valued `nm` object.
#' @return `m` with `job_info` fields populated.
#' @seealso [nm_tran()]
#' @examples
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 <- new_nm(
#'   run_id = "m1",
#'   based_on = "staging/Models/ADVAN2.mod",
#'   data_path = "DerivedData/data.csv"
#' ) %>%
#'   cmd("execute {ctl_name} -dir={run_dir}") %>%
#'   fill_input() %>%
#'   run_nm()
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
run_nm_single <- function(m,
                   ignore.stdout = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE,
                   quiet = getOption("quiet_run"), intern = getOption("intern"),
                   force = FALSE,
                   cache_ignore_cmd = FALSE, cache_ignore_ctl = FALSE, cache_ignore_data = FALSE,
                   return_cmd_only = FALSE) {

#' @export
run_nm_single.nm_generic <- function(m,
                              ignore.stdout = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE,
                              quiet = getOption("quiet_run"), intern = getOption("intern"),
                              force = FALSE,
                              cache_ignore_cmd = FALSE, cache_ignore_ctl = FALSE, cache_ignore_data = FALSE,
                              return_cmd_only = FALSE) {

  if (is.na(m)) {

  ## write control stream
  ctl <- ctl_contents(m)
  if (length(ctl) == 1) {
    if (is.na(ctl)) {
      warning("no ctl_contents defined. Use ?based_on")

  m %>% write_ctl()

  ## caching
  if (!force) {
    ## pull existing checksum info
    # run_cache_disk <- lapply(run_cache_paths(m), readRDS)
    if (length(run_cache_paths(m)) > 0) {
      run_cache_disk <- readRDS(run_cache_paths(m))
      ## get current checksum
      current_checksums <- run_checksums(m)
      ## determine matches

      if (cache_ignore_cmd) { ## remove cmd check
        keep <- !names(current_checksums) %in% "cmd"
        run_cache_disk$checksums <- run_cache_disk$checksums[keep]
        current_checksums <- current_checksums[keep]

      if (cache_ignore_ctl) { ## remove cmd check
        keep <- !names(current_checksums) %in% "ctl"
        run_cache_disk$checksums <- run_cache_disk$checksums[keep]
        current_checksums <- current_checksums[keep]

      if (cache_ignore_data) { ## remove cmd check
        keep <- !names(current_checksums) %in% "data"
        run_cache_disk$checksums <- run_cache_disk$checksums[keep]
        current_checksums <- current_checksums[keep]

      ## ignore names - why? it shouldn't make a difference, removing to see effect...
      #names(current_checksums) <- NULL
      #names(run_cache_disk$checksums) <- NULL
      matched <- sapply(names(current_checksums), function(i) {
        identical(run_cache_disk$checksums[i], current_checksums[i])
      for (mis_match in names(matched)[!matched]) {
        usethis::ui_info("{mis_match} update detected. Rerunning...")

      #matched <- identical(run_cache_disk$checksums, current_checksums)
      if (all(matched)) {
        if (!is_finished(m)) {
          usethis::ui_warn("run was previously executed but has {usethis::ui_code('is_finished()')} status as FALSE")
        usethis::ui_info("rebuilding run from cache... use {usethis::ui_code('run_nm(force = TRUE)')} to override")
        ## update object and return
        m <- m %>% executed(TRUE)
        m <- m %>% job_info(run_cache_disk$job_info)
        m <- m %>% save_run_cache()
        return(invisible(m)) ## if up to date, skip

  ## NONMEM will run from this point on
  ## check overwrite_behaviour() behaviour
  behaviour <- overwrite_behaviour()
  # if("stop" %in% behaviour) stop("No new NONMEM runs allowed. Stopping... \n change behaviour with overwrite_behaviour()", call. = FALSE)
  if ("skip" %in% behaviour) {
    message("skipping step as it would require overwriting \n change behaviour with overwrite_behaviour()")

  ## execute run
  ## can now assume there is no skipping or cache to retrieve run
  if (.sso_env$run_count == 0 & !force) {
    tryCatch(psn_check(fail_if_false = TRUE), error = function(e){
      usethis::ui_stop("This message will only appear on first attempt to run NONMEM in the active R session.
      Failed: {usethis::ui_code('psn_check()')}.
        This is either due to a missing or incorrectly configured PsN installation or {usethis::ui_code('system_nm()')} not being configured for your system.
        Ensure PsN (and NONMEM) are installed and available from the command line with {usethis::ui_code('system_nm()')} and {usethis::ui_code('system_nm_intern()')}.
        The command {usethis::ui_code('system_nm_intern(\"psn --version\")')} should return the PsN version number.
        See {usethis::ui_path('https://uupharmacometrics.github.io/PsN/')} for instructions to install or re-install PsN.
        If PsN is installed, you may need to configure {usethis::ui_code('system_nm()')}.  See {usethis::ui_code('?system_nm')} for config help.
        If you want to overide this message for future R session, use {usethis::ui_code('force = TRUE')}")
  .sso_env$run_count <- .sso_env$run_count + 1

  wipe_run(m) ## this will check for "ask" or "overwrite"

  if (return_cmd_only) {
      cmd = cmd(m),
      run_in = run_in(m)
  message(paste0("Running: ", type(m), ":", ctl_path(m)))
  stdout0 <- system_nm(
    cmd = cmd(m), dir = run_in(m), wait = FALSE,
    ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr,
    intern = intern

  if (intern) {
    cat(stdout0, sep = "\n")
    job_info <- getOption("get_job_info")(stdout0)
    if (is.null(job_info)) job_info <- NA
  } else {
    job_info <- NA

  m <- m %>% executed(TRUE)
  m <- m %>% job_info(job_info)

  ## The object is now ready to be saved in cache
  m <- m %>% save_run_cache()


#' @export
run_nm_single.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(run_nm_single.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)

#' @title Run NONMEM jobs
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Run nm objects.  Uses `system_nm()` to submit the `cmd()` value of object.
#' @inheritParams run_nm_single
#' @param threads Numeric.  Number of jobs to run concurrently (default =
#'   `Inf`).  Will block the console until all jobs are submitted.
#' @details In grid environment it is recommended to run [nm_tran()] via the
#'   RStudio 'Addin' prior to executing this code.
#'   By default, when highlighting code and evaluating it via an RStudio app,
#'   `run_nm()` will not execute and will just return the `nm` object.
#'   For vector `nm` objects of length more than 1, all runs will be launched at
#'   the same time with a gap of `getOption("job_time_spacing")` seconds (default = 0).
#'   This could overwhelm resources if not in a grid environment.
#'   `run_nm` is a variant of `run_nm_single()` containing a `threads` argument
#'   that will submit [run_nm()]'s in batches and wait for them to complete. If
#'   you need all the runs to complete ensure you use a [wait_finish()]
#'   statement afterwards as R console will only be blocked for until the last
#'   batch has been submitted which will be before all runs have completed.
#'   The `job_time_spacing` argument
#' @return `m` with `job_info` fields populated.
#' @seealso [nm_tran()]
#' @examples
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 <- new_nm(
#'   run_id = "m1",
#'   based_on = "staging/Models/ADVAN2.mod",
#'   data_path = "DerivedData/data.csv"
#' ) %>%
#'   cmd("execute {ctl_name} -dir={run_dir}") %>%
#'   fill_input() %>%
#'   run_nm()
#' }
#' @export

run_nm <- function(m, threads = Inf, ignore.stdout = FALSE,
                   quiet = getOption("quiet_run"), intern = getOption("intern"),
                   force = FALSE,
                   cache_ignore_cmd = FALSE, cache_ignore_ctl = FALSE, cache_ignore_data = FALSE) {
  if (any(duplicated(ctl_path(m)))) usethis::ui_stop("Detecting multiple runs with same run_id and run_in locations")
  runs_remaining <- seq_along(m)
  while (length(runs_remaining) > 0) {
    n_to_take <- min(threads, length(runs_remaining))
    runs_to_run <- runs_remaining[seq_len(n_to_take)]
    m_sub <- m[runs_to_run]
    res <- run_nm_single(m_sub, 
                         ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr = ignore.stdout,
                         quiet = quiet, intern = intern,
                         force = force,
                         cache_ignore_cmd = cache_ignore_cmd, cache_ignore_ctl = cache_ignore_ctl, cache_ignore_data = cache_ignore_data)
    job_time_spacing <- getOption("job_time_spacing")
    if (is.null(job_time_spacing)) job_time_spacing <- 0
    runs_remaining <- setdiff(runs_remaining, runs_to_run)
    if (length(runs_remaining) > 0) wait_finish(m_sub)

#' Wipe previous run files
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Will remove all the output files generated by a previously completed run.
#' This is run by [run_nm()] prior to launching any jobs to ensure that output
#' files from old runs do not get mistaken for up-to-date runs.
#' @param r An nm object.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @export
wipe_run <- function(r) {

#' @export
wipe_run.nm_generic <- function(r) {
  ## assumes ctrl file is run[run_id].mod and -dir=[run_id] was used

  ## get and remove all ctl output files

  ## files are in run_in(r)
  ## assume same stub as input.

  psn_exported_files <- psn_exported_files(r)

  # ## do not include scm or mod
  # output_files <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(ctl_path(r)),
  #       c(".phi", ".ext", ".cov", ".coi", ".cor", ".lst"))

  ## and output - in case it's different
  lst_path <- file.path(run_in(r), lst_path(r))

  # ## need to get table files too
  # ctl_table_files <- file.path(run_in(r), ctl_table_files(r))

  ## run_dir
  run_dir_to_delete <- file.path(run_in(r), run_dir(r))
  if (!file.exists(run_dir_to_delete)) {
    run_dir_to_delete <- c()
  } else {
    ## can now assume directory exists
    ## make sure it's not the same directory the ctl file is in
    if (run_dir_to_delete %in% c(".", ".\\")) {
      run_dir_to_delete <- c()
    } else {
      if (normalizePath(run_dir_to_delete) == normalizePath(run_in(r))) run_dir_to_delete <- c()

  # ctl_out_files <- c(lst_path, output_files, ctl_table_files, run_dir_to_delete)
  ctl_out_files <- c(lst_path, psn_exported_files, run_dir_to_delete)

  ## before deleting files, check
  existing_ctl_out_files <- ctl_out_files[file.exists(ctl_out_files)]
  behaviour <- overwrite_behaviour()
  if ("stop" %in% behaviour & length(existing_ctl_out_files) > 0) {
      "no overwriting allowed, stopping due to following files/directories:\n ",
      paste(paste(existing_ctl_out_files, collapse = "\n "))

  unlink(ctl_out_files, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)


#' @export
wipe_run.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(wipe_run.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)

psn_exported_files <- function(r, minimal = FALSE) {

psn_exported_files.nm_generic <- function(r, minimal = FALSE) {
  ## do not include scm or mod
  if (minimal) {
    output_files <- paste0(
  } else {
    output_files <- paste0(
      c(".phi", ".ext", ".cov", ".coi", ".cor", ".lst")

  if (minimal) {
    ctl_out_files <- c(output_files)
  } else {
    exported_table_paths <- file.path(run_in(r), ctl_table_files(ctl_contents(r)))
    ctl_out_files <- c(output_files, exported_table_paths)


psn_exported_files.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(psn_exported_files.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

ctl_table_files <- function(ctl) {

ctl_table_files.default <- function(ctl) {
  ctl <- ctl_character(ctl)
  s0 <- rem_comment(ctl)
  s <- grep("FILE\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)", s0, value = TRUE)
  table_files <- gsub(".*FILE\\s*=\\s*(\\S+)\\s*.*$", "\\1", s)

#' @rdname temp_files
#' @name temp_files
#' @title Remove temporary NONMEM files
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' NONMEM produces a lot of temporary files which can add up to a lot of disk
#' space.  One strategy to remove this is to use the `clean` option in the PsN
#' command.  However, this can automatically remove files as soon as the run
#' finishes that may be useful for debugging.  `ls_tempfiles()` allows you to
#' list the paths of all temporary files, for a single run or for all runs for
#' inspection and deletion. `clean_tempfiles()` is a wrapper function that runs
#' `ls_tempfiles()` and deletes everything returned.  For safety is limited to
#' only deleting files associated with `nm` objects though.
#' @param object Either an nm object or path to project (default = `"."`).  If a
#'   path is specified, the function will look for all runs in the directory
#'   (including subdirectories).
#' @param output_loc Optional character for locating files. Either `"run_dir"`
#'   (default) for PsN execution or `"base"` for "nmfe" execution.
#' @param run_files Optional character vector.  Search amongst only these files
#'   instead.  Default value `NA` searches based on `object`.
#' @param include_slurm_files Logical (default = `TRUE`). Include files
#'   generated by Slurm.
#' @param ctl_extension Character. Extension of control file (default = `"mod"`)
#' @param include_psn_exports Logical (default = `FALSE`). Considers files that
#'   PsN exports to the `run_in` directory as temporary
#' @details Setting `include_psn_exports = TRUE` will break 'Pirana' and 'xpose'
#'   capability as these software use exported files.
#' @return A `character` vector of temporary file paths
#' @examples
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1",
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' ls_tempfiles(m1) ## if no files, will be empty
#' m1 %>%
#'   ls_tempfiles() %>%
#'   unlink() ## delete all m1 temp files
#' ## above line is equivalent to:
#' clean_tempfiles(m1)
#' ls_tempfiles() ## display all temp files in analysis project
#' ls_tempfiles() %>% unlink() ## remove all temp files in analysis project
#' @export
ls_tempfiles <- function(object = ".", output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"),
                         run_files = NA_character_, include_slurm_files = TRUE,
                         ctl_extension = "mod",
                         include_psn_exports = FALSE) {

#' @export
ls_tempfiles.default <- function(object = ".", output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"),
                                 run_files = NA_character_, include_slurm_files = TRUE,
                                 ctl_extension = "mod",
                                 include_psn_exports = FALSE) {
  output_loc <- match.arg(output_loc)

  ## get all_run_files (in NM_run1 dir)
  if (length(run_files) == 0) return(character())
  if (identical(run_files, NA_character_)) {
    all_run_dirs <- list_dirs(
      pattern = "NM_run[0-9]+",
      recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, maxdepth = Inf

    if (length(all_run_dirs) == 0) {
    } else {
      all_run_files <- dir(all_run_dirs, full.names = TRUE)

    all_outside_run_dirs <- file.path(all_run_dirs, "..")
    all_outside_run_files <- dir(all_outside_run_dirs, full.names = TRUE)

    all_run_files <- c(all_run_files, all_outside_run_files)
  } else {
    all_run_files <- run_files

  ## eliminate files we don't want

  temp_files <- c()
  non_temp_files <- c()

  all_psn.mod <- all_run_files[basename(all_run_files) == "psn.mod"]
  non_temp_files <- c(non_temp_files, all_psn.mod)

  all_run_dir_table_files <-
    lapply(all_psn.mod, function(psn.mod) {
      file.path(dirname(psn.mod), ctl_table_files(psn.mod))
  all_run_dir_table_files <- unlist(all_run_dir_table_files)
  non_temp_files <- c(non_temp_files, all_run_dir_table_files)

  all_base_tables <- all_run_dir_table_files
  all_base_table_dir <- dirname(all_base_tables)
  all_base_table_dir <- file.path(all_base_table_dir, "..", "..")
  all_base_table_dir <- normalizePath(all_base_table_dir)

  if (output_loc == "run_dir") { ## add base tables to temp files
    all_base_tables <- file.path(all_base_table_dir, basename(all_run_dir_table_files))
    all_base_tables <- all_base_tables[file.exists(all_base_tables)]
    if (include_psn_exports) temp_files <- c(temp_files, all_base_tables)

    all_base_mod_files <- dir(unique(all_base_table_dir),
      pattern = paste0("\\.", ctl_extension, "$"),
      full.names = TRUE

    all_base_stubs <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(all_base_mod_files)

    all_base_psn_files <- lapply(all_base_stubs, function(base_mod_stub) {
      base_dir <- dirname(base_mod_stub)
      stub <- basename(base_mod_stub)
      dir(base_dir, pattern = paste0("^", stub, "\\..*"), full.names = TRUE)
    all_base_psn_files <- unlist(all_base_psn_files)

    all_base_psn_files <- all_base_psn_files[
      ## exclude mod and lst files
      !tools::file_ext(all_base_psn_files) %in% c("mod", "lst")
    if (include_psn_exports) temp_files <- c(temp_files, all_base_psn_files)

  ## temp_dir is temp
  temp_files <- c(temp_files, all_run_files[grepl("temp_dir", all_run_files)])

  ## .o, .f90, Rmd, csv
  temp_files <- c(temp_files, all_run_files[tools::file_ext(basename(all_run_files)) %in% c("o", "f90", "Rmd", "csv")])

  ## specific name exclusions:
  temp_files <- c(
    all_run_files[basename(all_run_files) %in%

  temp_files <- setdiff(temp_files, non_temp_files)

  ## expand the directories into files

  temp_dirs <- temp_files[file.info(temp_files)$isdir]

  temp_dir_files <- dir(temp_dirs, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

  temp_files <- c(
    temp_files[!temp_files %in% temp_dirs],

  if (length(temp_files) == 0) {
  } ## if none return empty

  relative_path(temp_files, getwd())

#' @export
ls_tempfiles.nm_list <- function(object = ".", output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"),
                                 run_files = NA_character_, include_slurm_files = TRUE,
                                 ctl_extension = "mod",
                                 include_psn_exports = FALSE) {
  output_loc <- match.arg(output_loc)

  if (output_loc %in% "run_dir") {
    all_run_dirs <- list_dirs(
      pattern = "NM_run[0-9]+",
      full.names = TRUE
  } else {
    all_run_dirs <- list_dirs(
      full.names = TRUE

  all_run_files <- dir(all_run_dirs, full.names = TRUE)

    run_files = all_run_files, output_loc = output_loc,
    ctl_extension = tools::file_ext(ctl_name(object)),
    include_psn_exports = include_psn_exports

#' @rdname temp_files
#' @param m An nm object
#' @export
clean_run <- function(m, output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"), include_slurm_files = TRUE) {
#' @export
clean_run.nm_list <- function(m, output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"), include_slurm_files = TRUE) {
  ls_tempfiles(m, output_loc = output_loc) %>%
    unlink(force = TRUE)

#' @rdname temp_files
#' @export
clean_tempfiles <- function(object = ".", output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"), include_slurm_files = TRUE) {
#' @export
clean_tempfiles.nm_list <- function(object = ".", output_loc = c("run_dir", "base"), include_slurm_files = TRUE) {
  ls_tempfiles(object, output_loc = output_loc) %>%
    unlink(force = TRUE)

#' Write control file to disk
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Not designed to be used directly.  [run_nm()] and other functions will use
#' this to write the control file contents to the `ctl_path()` prior to
#' execution.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param path Optional path to save the control file.
#' @param force Logical (default = `FALSE`), force write, don't ask.
#' @return Invisibly returns `m` unmodified.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
write_ctl <- function(m, path = NA_character_, force = FALSE) {

#' @export
write_ctl.nm_generic <- function(m, path = NA_character_, force = FALSE) {
  ctl_ob <- ctl_contents(m) %>% ctl_character()
  if (is.na(path)) {
    ctl_name <- ctl_path(m)
    dir_name <- run_in(m)    
  } else {
    ctl_name <- basename(path)
    dir_name <- dirname(path)
  if (!file.exists(dir_name)) {
    dir.create(dir_name, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  if (file.exists(ctl_name) & !force) {
    behaviour <- overwrite_behaviour()
    old_contents <- readLines(ctl_name)
    new_contents <- ctl_ob
    attributes(new_contents) <- NULL
    overwrite_required <- !identical(new_contents, old_contents)
    if (overwrite_required) {
      if ("stop" %in% behaviour) {
        stop("stopping because overwrite required: change behaviour in overwrite_behaviour()")
      if ("ask" %in% behaviour) {
        prompt_overwrite(ctl_name, new_path_contents = ctl_ob)
      if ("skip" %in% behaviour) {

  writeLines(ctl_ob, ctl_name)
#' @export
write_ctl.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(write_ctl.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)

data_name <- function(x) UseMethod("data_name")

data_name.default <- function(x) {
  unlist(lapply(x, function(x) {
    if (!file.exists(x)) x <- file.path(nm_dir("models"), x)
    if (!file.exists(x)) stop("can't find control stream")
    x <- normalizePath(x)
    ctl <- readLines(x, warn = FALSE)
    data.row <- grep("^ *\\$DATA", ctl)
    if (length(data.row) < 1) stop("can't identify data row")
    if (length(data.row) > 1) {
      warning("multiple data rows found. Using first")
      data.row <- data.row[1]
    ctl <- paste(ctl[data.row:length(ctl)], collapse = " ")
    data_name <- gsub("^ *\\$DATA\\s*([^ ]+).*$", "\\1", ctl)

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NMproject documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 1:06 a.m.