#' @name auxfuns
#' @title Internal functions and generics for \code{mmsbm} package
#' @description These are various utilities and generic methods used by
#' the main package function.
#' @details These functions are meant for internal use only.
#' @param mat Numeric matrix.
#' @param p Numeric scalar; power to raise matrix to.
#' @param block_list List of matrices; each element is a square, numeric matrix
#' that defines a blockmodel,
#' @param target_mat Numeric matrix; reference blockmodel that those in block_list should
#' be aligned to. Optional, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param use_perms Boolean; should all row/column permutations be explored when
#' realigning matrices? defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param X Numeric matrix; design matrix of monadic predictors.
#' @param beta Numeric array; array of coefficients associated with monadic predictors.
#' It of dimensions Nr. Predictors by Nr. of Blocks by Nr. of HMM states.
#' @param alpha_list List of mixed-membership parameter matrices.
#' @param kappa Numeric matrix; matrix of marginal HMM state probabilities.
#' @param C_mat Numeric matrix; matrix of posterior counts of block instantiations per node.
#' @param colPalette A function produced by \code{colorRamp}.
#' @param range The range of values to label the legend.
#' @param par Vector of parameter values.
#' @param tot_nodes Integer vector; total number of nodes each node interacts with.
#' @param c_t Integer matrix; samples from Poisson-Binomial counts of a node instantiating a group.
#' @param x_t Numeric matrix; transposed monadic design matrices.
#' @param s_mat Integer matrix; Samples of HMM states by time period.
#' @param t_id Integer vector; for each node, what time-period is it observed in? zero-indexed.
#' @param mu_beta,var_beta Numeric arrays; prior mean and variances of monadic coefficients.
#' @param orig Object to be transformed.
#' @param is_var Boolean. Is the object to be transformed a variance term?
#' @param is_array Boolean. Is the object to be transformed an array?
#' @param des.mat Numeric matrix. Design matrix corresponding to transformed object.
#' @param nblock Number of groups in model, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param nstate Number of hidden Markov states in model, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param x,keep_const Internal arguments for matrix scaling.
#' @param y,d_id,pi_mat,directed Internal arguments for blockmodel approximation.
#' @param soc_mats,dyads,edges,nodes_pp,dyads_pp,n.blocks,periods,ctrl Internal arguments for MM computation.
#' @param all_phi,beta_coef,n.sim,n.blk,n.hmm,n.nodes,n.periods,mu.beta,var.beta,est_kappa,t_id_n, Additional internal arguments for covariance estimation.
#' @param ... Numeric vectors; vectors of potentially different length to be cbind-ed.
#' @author Santiago Olivella (, Adeline Lo (, Tyler Pratt (, Kosuke Imai (
#' @return See individual return section for each function:
#' \describe{
#' \item{.cbind.fill}{Matrix of \code{cbind}'ed elements in \code{...}, with missing values in each vector filled with \code{NA}.}
#' \item{.mpower}{Matrix; the result of raising \code{mat} to the \code{p} power.}
#' \item{.findPerm}{List of permuted blockmodel matrices.}
#' \item{.transf}{Matrix with transformed mixed-membership vectors along its rows, s.t. no element is equal to 0.0 or 1.0.}
#' \item{.compute.alpha}{List of predicted alpha matrices, one element per HMM state.}
#' \item{.e.pi}{Matrix of predicted mixed-membership vectors along its rows, with expectation computed over marginal
#' distribution over HMM states for each time period.}
#' \item{.missing}{Transformed data.frame with missing values list-wise deleted, or expanded
#' with missing indicator variables.}
#' \item{.createSocioB}{List of sociomatrices.}
#' \item{.vertboot2}{List of bootstrapped sociomatrices.}
#' }
#' @rdname auxfuns
nm <- list(...)
nm <- lapply(nm, as.matrix)
rnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(nm, rownames)))
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(rnames), ncol = length(nm),
dimnames = list(rnames, 1:length(nm)))
for (x in seq_along(nm)) {
mat[rownames(nm[[x]]), x] <- nm[[x]]
#' @rdname auxfuns
.scaleVars <- function(x, keep_const = TRUE){
A <- model.matrix(terms(x), x) #assumes intercept comes first
which_cont <- which(apply(A, 2, function(a)length(unique(a))>2))
A_sd <- rep(1, ncol(A))
A_sd[which_cont] <- apply(A[,which_cont, drop = FALSE], 2, sd)*2
A <- scale(A, TRUE, A_sd)
constx <- which(colnames(A)=="(Intercept)")
A[,constx] <- 1
attr(A, "scaled:scale") <- c(1, attr(A, "scaled:scale")[-constx])
attr(A, "scaled:center") <- c(0, attr(A, "scaled:center")[-constx])
} else {
attr_tmp <- list(attr(A, "scaled:center")[-constx],
attr(A, "scaled:scale")[-constx])
A <- A[,-constx, drop = FALSE]
attr(A, "scaled:center") <- attr_tmp[[1]]
attr(A, "scaled:scale") <- attr_tmp[[2]]
#' @rdname auxfuns
.transf_muvar <- function(orig, is_var, is_array, des.mat, nblock=NULL, nstate=NULL){
tmp <- array(ifelse(is_var, 1.0, 0.0), c(ncol(des.mat), nblock, nstate))
rownames(tmp) <- colnames(des.mat)
} else {
tmp <- array(ifelse(is_var, 1.0, 0.0), ncol(des.mat))
names(tmp) <- colnames(des.mat)
if(length(orig) > 1){
tmp[rownames(orig),,] <- orig
} else {
tmp[names(orig)] <- orig
} else {
non_miss <- !grepl("_missing", colnames(des.mat))
tmp[non_miss,,] <- orig
} else {
tmp[non_miss] <- orig
## Adapted from `fields`` package under GPL
#' @rdname auxfuns
.bar.legend <- function(colPalette, range){
col <- rgb(colPalette(seq(0,1, length.out = 100)), maxColorValue = 255)
zlim <- c(0, 1)
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE)
stick <- TRUE
nlevel <- length(col)
midpoints <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out=nlevel)
delta <- (midpoints[2] - midpoints[1])/2
breaks <- c(midpoints[1] - delta, midpoints + delta)
legend.mar <- 5.1
char.size <- par()$cin[1]/par()$din[1]
offset <- char.size * par()$mar[4]
legend.width <- char.size * 1.2
legend.mar <- legend.mar * char.size
smallplot <- opar$plt
smallplot[2] <- 1 - legend.mar
smallplot[1] <- smallplot[2] - legend.width
pr <- (smallplot[4] - smallplot[3]) * ((1 - 0.9)/2)
smallplot[4] <- smallplot[4] - pr
smallplot[3] <- smallplot[3] + pr
bigplot <- opar$plt
bigplot[2] <- min(bigplot[2], smallplot[1] - offset)
dp <- smallplot[2] - smallplot[1]
smallplot[1] <- min(bigplot[2] + offset, smallplot[1])
smallplot[2] <- smallplot[1] + dp
if ((smallplot[2] < smallplot[1]) | (smallplot[4] < smallplot[3])) {
stop("plot region too small to add legend\n")
ix <- 1:2
iy <- breaks
nBreaks <- length(breaks)
midpoints <- (breaks[1:(nBreaks - 1)] + breaks[2:nBreaks])/2
iz <- matrix(midpoints, nrow = 1, ncol = length(midpoints))
par(new = TRUE, pty = "m", plt = smallplot, err = -1)
graphics::image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "",
ylab = "", col = col, breaks = breaks)
axis.args <- c(list(side = 4, at = seq(0,1, length.out = 10),
labels = round(seq(range[1], range[2], length.out=10),2),
mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 2)), axis.args)
legend.args <- list(text = "Edge\nProbability", side = 3, line = 0.5, cex = 1, adj = 0), legend.args)
#' @rdname auxfuns
.mpower <- function(mat, p){
orig <- mat
while(p > 1){
mat <- mat %*% orig
p <- p - 1
#' @rdname auxfuns
.findPerm <- function(block_list, target_mat=NULL, use_perms=TRUE){
tar_nprov <- is.null(target_mat)
target_mat <- block_list[[1]]
n <- ncol(target_mat)
all_perms <- gtools::permutations(n, n)
res <- lapply(seq_along(block_list),
function(x, t_mat, tar_nprov){
norms <- apply(all_perms, 1,
base::norm(block_list[[x]][p, p]-t_mat, type="f")
P <- as.matrix(as(all_perms[which.min(norms),], "pMatrix"))
} else {
P <- as.matrix(igraph::match_vertices(plogis(block_list[[x]]),
m = 0,
start = diag(ncol(block_list[[x]])),
iteration = 10)$P)
t_mat <- t(P) %*% block_list[[x]] %*% P
}, t_mat = target_mat, tar_nprov = tar_nprov)
#' @rdname auxfuns
.transf <- function(mat){
(mat * (nrow(mat) - 1) + 1/ncol(mat))/nrow(mat)
#' @rdname auxfuns
.compute.alpha <- function(X, beta){
mu <- exp(X %*% beta[,,1])
pi.states <- list(t(mu))
} else {
pi.states <- lapply(1:dim(beta)[3], function(m){
mu <- exp(X %*% beta[,,m])
#' @rdname auxfuns
.vcovBeta <- function(all_phi, beta_coef, n.sim, n.blk, n.hmm, n.nodes, n.periods,
mu.beta, var.beta, est_kappa, t_id_n, X){
sampleC_perm <-,
apply(mat, 2, function(vec)poisbinom::rpoisbinom(n.sim, vec))
C_samples <-, rep(1:n.sim, times = length(all_phi)))
S_samples <- replicate(n.sim, apply(est_kappa, 2, function(x)sample(1:n.hmm, 1, prob = x)), simplify = FALSE)
hessBeta_list <- mapply(
function(C_samp, S_samp, tidn, X_i, Nvec, beta_vec, vbeta, mbeta, periods)
if(n.hmm > 1) {
s_matrix <- t(model.matrix(~factor(S_samp, 1:n.hmm) - 1))
} else {
s_matrix <- matrix(1, ncol=periods)
tot_in_state <- rowSums(s_matrix)
if(any(tot_in_state == 0.0)){
which_empty_s <- which(tot_in_state < 1.0)
warning("Some HMM states are empty; no standard errors will be returned for coefficients associated with them.")
hess_tmp <- optimHess(c(beta_vec),alphaLBound,alphaGrad,
tot_nodes = Nvec,
c_t = t(C_samp),
x_t = X_i,
s_mat = s_matrix,
t_id = tidn,
var_beta = vbeta,
mu_beta = mbeta)
vc_tmp <- Matrix::forceSymmetric(solve(hess_tmp))
ev <- eigen(vc_tmp)$value
vc_tmp <- vc_tmp - diag(min(ev)-1e-4, ncol(vc_tmp))
ch_vc <- chol(vc_tmp)
return(t(ch_vc) %*% ch_vc)
C_samples, S_samples,
MoreArgs = list(tidn = t_id_n,
X_i = X,
Nvec = n.nodes,
beta_vec = beta_coef,
vbeta = var.beta,
mbeta = mu.beta,
periods = n.periods),
vcov_monad <- Reduce("+", hessBeta_list)/n.sim
colnames(vcov_monad) <- rownames(vcov_monad) <- paste(rep(paste("State",1:n.hmm), each = prod(dim(beta_coef)[1:2])), #beta_coef used to be fbeta_coef??
rep(colnames(beta_coef), each = nrow(beta_coef), times = n.hmm),#beta_coef used to be fbeta_coef??
rep(rownames(beta_coef), times = n.blk*n.hmm),
#' @rdname auxfuns
.e.pi <- function(alpha_list, kappa, C_mat = NULL){
pi_l <- alpha_list
} else {
pi_l <- lapply(alpha_list, function(x) x + t(C_mat))
return(proportions(pi_l[[1]], 2))
} else {
n_states <- nrow(kappa)
pi.states <- lapply(1:n_states,
pi_l[[m]] * rep(kappa[m,], each=nrow(pi_l[[m]]))
return(proportions(Reduce("+", pi.states), 2))
#' @rdname auxfuns
.initPi <- function(soc_mats,
n.blocks, periods, directed, ctrl){
res <- vector("list", 2L)
temp_res <- vector("list", periods)
for(i in 1:periods){
if(!ctrl$init_gibbs) {
mn <- ncol(soc_mats[[i]])
D_o <- 1/sqrt(.rowSums(soc_mats[[i]], mn, mn) + 1)
D_i <- 1/sqrt(.colSums(soc_mats[[i]], mn, mn) + 1)
C_o <- t(D_o * soc_mats[[i]])
C_i <- t(D_i * t(soc_mats[[i]]))
U <- t(C_o * D_i) %*% C_o +
t(C_i * D_o) %*% C_i
} else {
D <- 1/sqrt(.rowSums(soc_mats[[i]], mn, mn) + 1)
U <- t(D * soc_mats[[i]]) * D
if(ctrl$spectral) {
n_elem <- n.blocks[1] + 1
res <- eigen(U)
sel_val <- order(abs(res$values), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n_elem]
eta <- res$vectors[,sel_val] %*% diag(res$values[sel_val])
target <- eta[,2:n_elem] / (eta[,1] + 1e-8)
sig <- 1 - (res$values[n_elem] / (res$values[n.blocks[1]]))
sig <- ifelse(is.finite(sig), sig, 0)
if(abs(sig) > 0.1){
target <- target[,1:(n_elem - 2), drop = FALSE]
} else {
target <- U
if(nrow(unique(target)) > n.blocks[1]){
clust_internal <- fitted(kmeans(x = target,
centers = n.blocks[1],
iter.max = 15,
nstart = 10), "classes")
} else {
init_c <- sample(1:nrow(target), n.blocks[1], replace = FALSE)
cents <- jitter(target[init_c, ])
clust_internal <- fitted(suppressWarnings(kmeans(x = target,
centers = cents,
iter.max = 15,
algorithm = "Lloyd",
nstart = 1)), "classes")
phi_internal <- model.matrix(~ factor(clust_internal, 1:n.blocks[1]) - 1)
phi_internal <- .transf(phi_internal)
rownames(phi_internal) <- rownames(soc_mats[[i]])
colnames(phi_internal) <- 1:n.blocks[1]
MixedMembership <- t(phi_internal)
int_dyad_id <- apply(dyads[[i]][,c("(sid)","(rid)")],
function(x)match(x, colnames(MixedMembership)) - 1)
BlockModel <- approxB(edges[[i]], int_dyad_id, MixedMembership)
temp_res[[i]] <- list(BlockModel = BlockModel,
MixedMembership = MixedMembership)
} else {
n_prior <- (dyads_pp[i] - nodes_pp[i]) * .05
a <- plogis(ctrl$mu_block) * n_prior
b <- n_prior - a
lda_beta_prior <- lapply(list(b,a),
mat <- matrix(prior[2], n.blocks[1], n.blocks[1])
diag(mat) <- prior[1]
ret <- lda::mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(network = soc_mats[[i]],
K = n.blocks[1],
num.iterations = 75L,
burnin = 25L,
alpha = ctrl$alpha,
beta.prior = lda_beta_prior)
MixedMembership <- prop.table(ret$document_expects, 2)
colnames(MixedMembership) <- colnames(soc_mats[[i]])
int_dyad_id <- apply(dyads[[i]][,c("(sid)","(rid)")], 2,
function(x)match(x, colnames(MixedMembership)) - 1)
BlockModel <- approxB(edges[[i]], int_dyad_id, MixedMembership)
BlockModel[is.nan(BlockModel)] <- 0.0
temp_res[[i]] <- list(BlockModel = BlockModel,
MixedMembership = MixedMembership)
block_models <- lapply(temp_res, function(x)x$BlockModel)
target_ind <- which.max(sapply(soc_mats, ncol))
perms_temp <- .findPerm(block_models, target_mat = block_models[[target_ind]], use_perms = ctrl$permute)
phis_temp <- lapply(temp_res, function(x)x$MixedMembership)
phi.ord <- as.numeric(lapply(phis_temp, function(x)strsplit(colnames(x), "@")[[1]][2])) # to get correct temporal order
mm_init_t <-,mapply(function(phi,perm){perm %*% phi},
phis_temp[order(phi.ord)], perms_temp, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
rownames(mm_init_t) <- 1:n.blocks[1]
res[[1]] <- mm_init_t
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