
Defines functions omxModelDeleteData vcov.MxModel removeSingleNamedEntity addSingleNamedEntity modelModifyFilter modelRemoveEntries modelAddEntries modelRemoveVariables modelAddVariables addVariablesHelper checkVariables nameArgument independentArgument listArgument variablesArgument varsToCharacter2 varsToCharacter imxGenericModelBuilder typeArgument firstArgument productArgument mxModel imxSameType .DollarNames.MxModel generateLocalNames generateChildNames generateParentNames warnModelCreatedByOldVersion

Documented in imxGenericModelBuilder imxSameType mxModel omxModelDeleteData

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

setClass(Class = "MxModel",
	representation = representation(
		name = "character",
		matrices = "list",
		algebras = "list",
		constraints = "list",
		intervals = "list",
    penalties = "list",
		latentVars = "MxCharOrList",
		manifestVars = "MxCharOrList",
		data = "MxData",
		submodels = "list",
		expectation = "MxExpectation",
		fitfunction = "MxFitFunction",
		compute = "MxCompute",
		independent = "logical",
		options = "list",
		output = "list",
		.newobjects = "logical",
		.resetdata = "logical",
		.wasRun = "logical",
		.modifiedSinceRun = "logical",
		.version = "MxVersionType"

imxModelTypes[['default']] <- "MxModel"

setMethod("initialize", "MxModel",
	function(.Object, name = character()) {
		.Object@name <- name
		.Object@latentVars <- character()
		.Object@manifestVars <- character()
		.Object@matrices <- list()
		.Object@algebras <- list()
		.Object@constraints <- list()
		.Object@data <- NULL
		.Object@submodels <- list()
		.Object@expectation <- NULL
		.Object@fitfunction <- NULL
		.Object@compute <- NULL
		.Object@independent <- FALSE
		.Object@options <- list()
		.Object@output <- list()
		.Object@.newobjects <- FALSE
		.Object@.resetdata <- FALSE
		.Object@.wasRun <- FALSE
		.Object@.modifiedSinceRun <- FALSE
		if (.hasSlot(.Object, '.version')) {
			.Object@.version <- as.character(pkg_globals$myVersion)
		.Object <- imxInitModel(.Object)

warnModelCreatedByOldVersion <- function(model) {
	if (!is(model, "MxModel")) stop("MxModel object required")
	if (.hasSlot(model, '.version')) {
		mV <- package_version(model@.version)
		curV <- pkg_globals$myVersion
		if (curV$major != mV$major ||
		    curV$minor != mV$minor) {
			warning(paste0("You are using OpenMx version ", curV,
				       " with a model created by OpenMx version ",
				       mV, ". This may work fine (fingers crossed), but if you run into ",
				       "trouble then please recreate your model with the ",
				       "current version of OpenMx."))
	} else {
		curV <- pkg_globals$myVersion
		warning(paste0("You are using OpenMx version ", curV,
			       " with a model created by an old version of OpenMx. ",
			       "This may work fine (fingers crossed), but if you run into ",
			       "trouble then please recreate your model with the ",
			       "current version of OpenMx."))

##' imxInitModel
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
##' @aliases
##' imxInitModel,MxModel-method
##' imxInitModel,MxRAMModel-method
##' imxInitModel,MxLISRELModel-method
setGeneric("imxInitModel", function(model) {
	return(standardGeneric("imxInitModel")) } )

##' imxModelBuilder
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' TODO: It probably makes sense to split this into separate
##' methods. For example, modelAddVariables and modelRemoveVariables
##' could be their own methods. This would reduce some cut&paste
##' duplication.
##' @param model model
##' @param lst lst
##' @param name name
##' @param manifestVars manifestVars
##' @param latentVars latentVars
##' @param productVars productVars
##' @param submodels submodels
##' @param remove remove
##' @param independent independent
##' @aliases
##' imxModelBuilder,MxLISRELModel-method
##' imxModelBuilder,MxModel-method
##' imxModelBuilder,MxRAMModel-method
setGeneric("imxModelBuilder", function(model, lst, name,
	manifestVars, latentVars, productVars, submodels, remove, independent) {
	return(standardGeneric("imxModelBuilder")) } )

##' imxTypeName
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
##' @aliases
##' imxTypeName,MxLISRELModel-method
##' imxTypeName,MxModel-method
##' imxTypeName,MxRAMModel-method
setGeneric("imxTypeName", function(model) {

##' imxVerifyModel
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
##' @aliases
##' imxVerifyModel,MxLISRELModel-method
##' imxVerifyModel,MxModel-method
##' imxVerifyModel,MxRAMModel-method
setGeneric("imxVerifyModel", function(model) {

# End declaration of generics

generateParentNames <- function(model) {
	retval <- generateLocalNames(model)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		retval <- union(retval, names(model@submodels))
		childNames <- unlist(lapply(model@submodels, generateChildNames))
		retval <- union(retval, childNames)

generateChildNames <- function(model) {
	retval <- generateLocalNames(model)
	if (!is.null(retval)) {
		retval <- paste(model@name, retval, sep = ".")
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		retval <- union(retval, names(model@submodels))
		childNames <- unlist(lapply(model@submodels, generateChildNames))
		retval <- union(retval, childNames)

generateLocalNames <- function(model) {
	matrices <- names(model@matrices)
	algebras <- names(model@algebras)
	constraints <- names(model@constraints)
	retval <- union(matrices, algebras)
	retval <- union(retval, constraints)
  retval <- union(retval, names(model@penalties))
	if (!is.null(model@fitfunction)) {
		retval <- union(retval, model@fitfunction@name)
	if (!is.null(model@expectation)) {
		retval <- union(retval, model@expectation@name)
	if (!is.null(model@data)) {
		retval <- union(retval, model@data@name)

setMethod("[[", "MxModel",
	function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
		return(imxExtractMethod(x, i))

setReplaceMethod("[[", "MxModel",
	function(x, i, j, value) {
		return(imxReplaceMethod(x, i, value))

# These are slots that are intended to be directly viewable by the user.
# Included separately so that they are the same between the $ and names() operators.
publicMxModelSlots <- c("name", "matrices", "algebras", "constraints", "data", "submodels", "output", "compute", "options", "intervals", "manifestVars", "latentVars", "penalties") # accessible via model$
visibleMxModelSlots <- c("name", "options", "compute", "output", "intervals", "penalties")

setMethod("$", "MxModel",
	function(x, name) {
		result <- imxExtractMethod(x, name)
		if(name %in% publicMxModelSlots) {
			result <- imxExtractSlot(x, name)

setMethod("names", "MxModel",
	function(x) {
		submodels <- names(x@submodels)
		locals <- generateLocalNames(x)
		slots <- publicMxModelSlots
		output <- c(submodels, locals, slots)
		output <- gsub("(\\w+\\W+.*)", "'\\1'", output)

.DollarNames.MxModel <- function(x, pattern) {   # .DollarNames is an S3 Generic
	if (missing(pattern)) pattern <- ''
		submodels <- names(x@submodels)
		locals <- generateLocalNames(x)
		slots <- imxGetSlotDisplayNames(x, slotList=visibleMxModelSlots)
		output <- c(submodels, locals, "manifestVars", "latentVars", slots)
		output <- gsub("(\\w+\\W+.*)", "'\\1'", output)
		return(grep(pattern, output, value=TRUE))

setReplaceMethod("$", "MxModel",
	function(x, name, value) {
		if(name == "output") {
			stop("You cannot directly set the output of a model.  Use mxRun() if you want output.")
		if(name == "name") {
			stop("You cannot directly set the name of a model.  To rename the model, use model<-mxModel(model, name=\"NewName\").")
		if(name %in% c("matrices", "algebras", "submodels", "manifestVars", "latentVars")) {
			stop(paste("You cannot directly set the", name,
				   "of a model.  To set objects in the model, use the mxModel() function."))
		return(imxReplaceMethod(x, name, value))

##' imxSameType
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param a a
##' @param b b
imxSameType <- function(a, b) {
	return( (is(a, "MxModel") && is(b, "MxModel")) ||
			(is(a, "MxMatrix") && is(b, "MxMatrix")) ||
			(is(a, "MxAlgebra") && is(b, "MxAlgebra")) ||
			(is(a, "MxPenalty") && is(b, "MxPenalty")) ||
			(is(a, "MxExpectation") && is(b, "MxExpectation")) ||
			(is(a, "MxFitFunction") && is(b, "MxFitFunction")) ||
			(is(a, "MxCompute") && is(b, "MxCompute")) ||
			(is(a, "MxConstraint") && is(b, "MxConstraint")) ||
			(is(a, "MxData") && is(b, "MxData")))

mxModel <- function(model = NA, ..., manifestVars = NA, latentVars = NA,
		    remove = FALSE, independent = NA, type = NA, name = NA) {
	retval <- firstArgument(model, name)
	first <- retval[[1]]
	model <- retval[[2]]
	name  <- retval[[3]]
	model <- typeArgument(model, type)
	lst <- c(first, list(...))
	prods <- productArgument(lst)
	lst <- prods[[1]]
	productVars <- prods[[2]]
	lst <- unlist(lst)
	filter <- sapply(lst, is, "MxModel")
	submodels <- lst[filter]
	lst <- lst[!filter]
	model <- imxModelBuilder(model, lst, name, manifestVars,
		latentVars, productVars, submodels, remove, independent)

productArgument <- function(x){
	nam <- names(x)
	filter0 <- nam %in% c('product', 'productVars')
	# What if multiple names match?
	if(sum(filter0) > 1){
		stop(paste("Multiple objects in the '...' argument matched 'productVars'.",
			"To specify multiple product variables, hand 'productVars' a vector of the names of the product variables."))
	} else if(sum(filter0) == 1){
		productVars <- x[[which(filter0)]]
		x <- x[!filter0]
	} else {
		productVars <- character()
	return(list(x, productVars=productVars))

firstArgument <- function(model, name) {
	first <- NULL
	defaultType <- imxModelTypes[[getOption("mxDefaultType")]]
	if (is(model, "MxModel")) {
	} else {
		if (single.na(model)) {
		} else if (typeof(model) == "character") {
			name <- model
		} else if (isS4(model)) {
			first <- model
		} else {
			first <- list(model)
		if (length(name) > 0 && is.na(name)) {
			name <- imxUntitledName()
		imxVerifyName(name, -1)
		model <- new(defaultType, name)
	return(list(first, model, name))

typeArgument <- function(model, type) {
	if (!is.na(type)) {
		if (is.null(imxModelTypes[[type]])) {
			stop(paste("The model type", omxQuotes(type),
				"is not in the the list of acceptable types:",
				omxQuotes(names(imxModelTypes))), call. = FALSE)
		typename <- imxModelTypes[[type]]
		attr(typename,"package") <- "OpenMx"
		class(model) <- typename
		model <- imxInitModel(model)

##' imxGenericModelBuilder
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param model model
##' @param lst lst
##' @param name name
##' @param manifestVars manifestVars
##' @param latentVars latentVars
##' @param productVars productVars
##' @param submodels submodels
##' @param remove remove
##' @param independent independent
imxGenericModelBuilder <- function(model, lst, name,
	manifestVars, latentVars, productVars, submodels, remove, independent) {
	model <- nameArgument(model, name)
	model <- variablesArgument(model, manifestVars, latentVars, productVars, submodels, remove)
	model <- listArgument(model, lst, remove)
	model <- independentArgument(model, independent)

varsToCharacter <- function(vars, vartype) {
	got <- varsToCharacter2(vars, vartype)
		fail <- lapply(got, function(x){lapply(x, imxVerifyName, 1)})
		whichFail <- sapply(fail, is, "try-error")
		verifyFail <- any(whichFail)
		fail <- ifelse(verifyFail, fail[which(whichFail)][1], 0)
	} else {
		fail <- try(lapply(got, imxVerifyName, 1), TRUE)  # should be 2 instead of 1
		verifyFail <- is(fail, "try-error")
	if (verifyFail) {
		# after a few years, convert to actual error TODO

varsToCharacter2 <- function(vars, vartype) {
	if (is.list(vars)) {
		varnames <- names(vars)
		if (length(varnames) == 0) {
		} else {
			result <- pmatch(varnames, imxVariableTypes)
			illegal <- which(is.na(result))
			if (length(illegal) > 0) {
				if (length(illegal) == 1) {
					ctgMsg <- "category"
				} else {
					ctgMsg <- "categories"
				msg <- paste("In the", vartype, "variables",
					"the", ctgMsg,
					omxQuotes(varnames[illegal]), "did not match",
					"to a valid category or two categories matched",
					"to the same string (see 'imxVariableTypes'",
					"for the list of legal categories)")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			varnames <- imxVariableTypes[result]
			vars <- lapply(vars, as.character)
			names(vars) <- varnames
	} else {

variablesArgument <- function(model, manifestVars, latentVars, productVars, submodels, remove) {
	if (single.na(manifestVars)) {
		manifestVars <- character()
	if (single.na(latentVars)) {
		latentVars <- character()
	if(length(productVars) > 0 && !single.na(productVars)) {
		stop("Whoopsie! Product nodes/variables are not currently supported for generic MxModel objects.")
	if (remove == TRUE) {
		model <- modelRemoveVariables(model, latentVars, manifestVars)
		if (length(submodels)) for(i in 1:length(submodels)) {
			model <- removeSingleNamedEntity(model, submodels[[i]])
	} else {
		if (length(manifestVars) + length(latentVars) > 0) {
			latentVars <- varsToCharacter(latentVars, "latent")
			manifestVars <- varsToCharacter(manifestVars, "manifest")
			checkVariables(model, latentVars, manifestVars)
			model <- modelAddVariables(model, latentVars, manifestVars)
		if (length(submodels)) for(i in 1:length(submodels)) {
			model <- addSingleNamedEntity(model, submodels[[i]])

listArgument <- function(model, lst, remove) {
	if(remove == TRUE) {
		model <- modelRemoveEntries(model, lst)
	} else {
		model <- modelAddEntries(model, lst)

independentArgument <- function(model, independent) {
	if(!is.na(independent)) {
		model@independent <- independent

nameArgument <- function(model, name) {
	if(!is.na(name)) {
		model@name <- name

checkVariables <- function(model, latentVars, manifestVars, submodels) {
	latentVars   <- unlist(latentVars, use.names = FALSE)
	manifestVars <- unlist(manifestVars, use.names = FALSE)
	modelLatent <- unlist(model@latentVars, use.names = FALSE)
	modelManifest <- unlist(model@manifestVars, use.names = FALSE)
	common <- intersect(latentVars, manifestVars)
	if (length(common) > 0) {
		stop(paste("The following variables cannot",
			"be both latent and manifest:",
			omxQuotes(common)), call. = FALSE)
	common <- intersect(modelLatent, manifestVars)
	if (length(common) > 0) {
		stop(paste("The following variables cannot",
			"be both latent and manifest:",
			omxQuotes(common)), call. = FALSE)
	common <- intersect(modelManifest, latentVars)
	if (length(common) > 0) {
		stop(paste("The following variables cannot",
			"be both latent and manifest",
			omxQuotes(common)), call. = FALSE)
	common <- intersect(modelManifest, manifestVars)
	if (length(common) > 0) {
		stop(paste("The following manifest variables",
			"have already been declared",
			omxQuotes(common)), call. = FALSE)
	common <- intersect(modelLatent, latentVars)
	if (length(common) > 0) {
		stop(paste("The following latent variables",
			"have already been declared",
			omxQuotes(common)), call. = FALSE)
	if (any(is.na(latentVars))) {
		stop("NA is not allowed as a latent variable", call. = FALSE)
	if (any(is.na(manifestVars))) {
		stop("NA is not allowed as a manifest variable", call. = FALSE)
	if (length(unique(latentVars)) != length(latentVars)) {
		stop(paste("The following variables in the latentVars list are duplicated:",
		omxQuotes(latentVars[duplicated(latentVars)])), call. = FALSE)
	if (length(unique(manifestVars)) != length(manifestVars)) {
		stop(paste("The following variables in the manifestVars list are duplicated:",
		omxQuotes(manifestVars[duplicated(manifestVars)])), call. = FALSE)

# Begin implementation of generics

setMethod("imxModelBuilder", "MxModel", imxGenericModelBuilder)

setMethod("imxInitModel", "MxModel", function(model) {

setMethod("imxTypeName", "MxModel", function(model) {

setMethod("imxVerifyModel", "MxModel", function(model) {

# End implementation of generics

addVariablesHelper <- function(model, vartype, vars) {
	modelvars <- slot(model, vartype)

	if (length(vars) == 0) {
	} else if (length(modelvars) == 0) {
		slot(model, vartype) <- vars

	if (is.list(vars) && !is.list(modelvars)) {
		msg <- paste("The", vartype, "variables in",
			"the call to mxModel() have been separated",
			"into categories, and the existing", vartype,
			"variables do not have categories.")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	} else if (!is.list(vars) && is.list(modelvars)) {
		msg <- paste("The", vartype, "variables in",
			"the call to mxModel() have not been separated",
			"into categories, and the existing", vartype,
			"variables do have categories.")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

	if (is.character(vars) && is.character(modelvars)) {
		modelvars <- c(modelvars, vars)
		slot(model, vartype) <- modelvars
	} else {
		varnames <- names(vars)
		offsets <- pmatch(varnames, imxVariableTypes)
		for(i in 1:length(vars)) {
			currOffset <- offsets[[i]]
			currName <- imxVariableTypes[[currOffset]]
			modelvars[[currName]] <- c(modelvars[[currName]], vars[[i]])
		slot(model, vartype) <- modelvars


modelAddVariables <- function(model, latent, manifest) {
	model <- addVariablesHelper(model, "latentVars", latent)
	model <- addVariablesHelper(model, "manifestVars", manifest)

modelRemoveVariables <- function(model, latent, manifest) {
	model@latentVars <- setdiff(model@latentVars, latent)
	model@manifestVars <- setdiff(model@manifestVars, manifest)

modelAddEntries <- function(model, entries) {
	if (length(entries) == 0) {
	tuple <- modelModifyFilter(model, entries, "add")
	namedEntities <- tuple[[1]]
	bounds        <- tuple[[2]]
	intervals     <- tuple[[3]]
	intervals     <- expandIntervals(intervals)
	names(intervals) <- sapply(intervals, slot, "reference")
	if (length(namedEntities) > 0) for(i in 1:length(namedEntities)) {
		model <- addSingleNamedEntity(model, namedEntities[[i]])
	model <- modelAddBounds(model, bounds)
	model <- modelAddIntervals(model, intervals)

modelRemoveEntries <- function(model, entries) {
	if (length(entries) == 0) {
	tuple <- modelModifyFilter(model, entries, "remove")
	namedEntities <- tuple[[1]]
	bounds        <- tuple[[2]]
	intervals     <- tuple[[3]]
	intervals     <- expandIntervals(intervals)
	names(intervals) <- sapply(intervals, slot, "reference")
	if (length(namedEntities) > 0) for(i in 1:length(namedEntities)) {
		model <- removeSingleNamedEntity(model, namedEntities[[i]])
	model <- modelRemoveBounds(model, bounds)
	model <- modelRemoveIntervals(model, intervals)

actionCorrespondingPredicate <- c('add' = 'into', 'remove' = 'from')

modelModifyFilter <- function(model, entries, action) {
	boundsFilter <- sapply(entries, is, "MxBounds")
	intervalFilter <- sapply(entries, is, "MxInterval")
	namedEntityFilter <- sapply(entries, function(x) {"name" %in% slotNames(x)})
	characterFilter <- sapply(entries, is.character)
	pathFilter <- sapply(entries, is, "MxPath")
  thresholdFilter <- sapply(entries, is, "MxThreshold")
	unknownFilter <- !(boundsFilter | namedEntityFilter | intervalFilter | characterFilter | thresholdFilter)
	if (any(pathFilter)) {
		stop(paste("The model of class",
			omxQuotes(model@name), "does not recognize paths.\n",
			"Add one of", paste0("type='", paste0(setdiff(mxTypes(), 'default'), "'"), collapse=' or '), 'to your model.'),
			call. = FALSE)
	if (any(thresholdFilter)) {
	  stop(paste("The model",
	             omxQuotes(model@name), "does not recognize thresholds."),
	       call. = FALSE)
	if (any(unknownFilter)) {
		stop(paste("Cannot", action, "the following item(s)",
			actionCorrespondingPredicate[[action]], "the model:",
			omxQuotes(sapply(entries[unknownFilter], deparse))), call. = FALSE)
	if (any(namedEntityFilter) && action == 'remove') {
		stop(paste("Cannot use named entities when remove = TRUE.",
			"Instead give the name of the entity when removing it.",
			"See http://openmx.ssri.psu.edu/wiki/mxmodel-help#Remove_an_object_from_a_model"))
	if (any(characterFilter) && action == 'add') {
		stop(paste("I don't know what to do with the following strings",
			"that have been passed into the function:",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxModel"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (identical(action, 'add')) {
		return(list(entries[namedEntityFilter], entries[boundsFilter], entries[intervalFilter]))
	} else if (identical(action, 'remove')) {
		return(list(entries[characterFilter], entries[boundsFilter], entries[intervalFilter]))
	} else {
		stop(paste("Internal error, unidentified action:", omxQuotes(action)))

addSingleNamedEntity <- function(model, entity) {
	if (!nzchar(entity@name)) {
			omxQuotes(class(entity)), "in model",
			omxQuotes(model@name), "needs a name"), call. = FALSE)
	if (model@name == entity@name) {
		stop(paste("You cannot insert an entity named",
			omxQuotes(entity@name), "into a model named",
			omxQuotes(model@name)), call. = FALSE)
	model[[entity@name]] <- entity

removeSingleNamedEntity <- function(model, name) {
	model[[name]] <- NULL

setMethod("imxVerifyModel", "MxModel",
    function(model) {
        if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
        	return(all(sapply(model@submodels, imxVerifyModel)))

`+.MxModel`  <- function (e1, e2) { 
  mxModel(e1, e2)

vcov.MxModel <- function(object, ...) {
  fu <- object$output$fitUnits
  if (fu %in% c("-2lnL", "r'Wr", "r'wr")) {
	  got <- NULL
	  if(!is.null(object$output[["vcov"]])){got <- object$output[["vcov"]]}
	#   if (!is.null(object$output[['ihessian']])) {
	# 	  got <- 2 * object$output[['ihessian']]
	#   } else if (!is.null(object$output[['hessian']])) {
	# 	  got <- 2 * solve(object$output$hessian)
	#   }
	  if (is.null(got)) {
		  stop(paste("Parameter variance covariance matrix is not available.",
			     "Turn on with mxOption(model, 'Calculate Hessian', 'Yes')", sep="\n"))
	  } else {
		  if (mxOption(object, "Calculate Hessian")== "No") {
			  warning(paste("The 'Calculate Hessian' option is disabled. This may result in a poor accuracy vcov matrix.",
					"Turn on with mxOption(model, 'Calculate Hessian', 'Yes')", sep="\n"))
  } else {
    stop(paste("Don't know how to extract vcov from object",
               omxQuotes(object$name), "fit in", omxQuotes(fu), "units"))

omxModelDeleteData <- function(model) {
  if (length(names(model$submodels))) for (sm in names(model$submodels)) {
    model <- mxModel(model, omxModelDeleteData(model[[sm]]))

  if (!is.null(model@data)) {
    model@data <- NULL


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OpenMx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m.