
Defines functions mxRefModels ReferenceModelHelper generateIFAReferenceModels ordinalRowWeights generateNormalReferenceModels

Documented in mxRefModels

#   Copyright 2007-2020 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# Author: Michael D. Hunter
# Date: 2012.10.23
# Filename: mxSaturatedModel.R
# Purpose: This is a helper function for making and fitting a saturated model.
#  It takes an mxModel and gives back the fitted saturated model.
#  Example usage
#    amod <- mxModel(blah)
#    smod <- mxSaturatedModel(amod)
#    summary(amod, SaturatedLikelihood=smod)

# Revision History
# Tue Oct 23 00:55:48 Central Daylight Time 2012 -- Michael Hunter copied file from personal work
# Wed 19 Jun 2013 12:23:45 Central Daylight Time -- Michael Hunter added ordinal support etc with aid of Mike Neale and Ryne Estabrook

# 1. Add ability to fit multiple groups
# 2. If given a model whose data set has 10 variables but the model only uses 2
#  variables, adjust function to make a saturated model of only the 2 used variables.
# TODO Check that the above are done reasonably correct.
# TODO Improve interaction between 1 & 2.
# Added ability to do Independence model.
# Added Fix variances of binary variables to 1.0
#  via mxConstraint on filtered expected cov.

# Saturated Model function definition

generateNormalReferenceModels <- function(modelName, obsdata, datatype, withMeans=FALSE, numObs, means=NA,
					  distribution, equateThresholds, weight = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(weight) && !is.na(weight)) {
	  datasource <- mxData(observed=obsdata, type=datatype, numObs=numObs, means=means, weight=weight)
    obsdata <- obsdata[,!names(obsdata) %in% weight]
    numVar <- ncol(obsdata)
	  varnam <- colnames(obsdata)
  } else{
	  datasource <- mxData(observed=obsdata, type=datatype, numObs=numObs, means=means)
    numVar <- ncol(obsdata)
	  varnam <- colnames(obsdata)
	if(is.null(varnam)) {
		varnam <- paste("V", 1:numVar, sep="")
		dimnames(obsdata) <- list(varnam, varnam)
	if(datatype == "raw") {
		if (is.data.frame(obsdata)) {
			ordinalCols <- sapply(obsdata, is.ordered)
		} else {
			ordinalCols <- rep(FALSE, numVar)
			sampcov <- cov(obsdata, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
			startcov <- try(t(chol(sampcov)))
			# if the cholesky fails, just use the diagonal elements
			if("try-error" %in% class(startcov)){
				startcov <- t(chol(diag(diag(sampcov), nrow=nrow(sampcov))))
			startcov <- startcov[lower.tri(startcov, TRUE)]
			indepcov <- diag(sampcov)
			startmea <- colMeans(obsdata, na.rm=TRUE)
		else {
			ordnam <- names(obsdata[,ordinalCols])
			ordinalLevels <- lapply(obsdata[,ordinalCols], levels)
			numOrdinal <- sum(ordinalCols)
			numOrdinalLevels <- sapply(ordinalLevels, length)
			maxLevels <- max(numOrdinalLevels)
			numThresholds <- maxLevels-1
			startcov <- t(chol(diag(1, numVar)))
			startcov <- startcov[lower.tri(startcov, TRUE)]
			indepcov <- diag(1, numVar)
			startmea <- rep(0, numVar)
	} else {
		startcov <- 0.3
		indepcov <- 0.3
		startmea <- 3.0
		ordinalCols <- rep(FALSE, numVar)

	# For all continuous data, use the Cholesky decomposition
	#  but for joint and all-ordinal use a symmetric matrix
	# This allows one to "contrain" the total variance of ordinal variables
	#  to 1 without using mxConstraint.
		ltCov <- mxMatrix(type="Lower", nrow=numVar, ncol=numVar,
				values=startcov, free=TRUE, name="ltCov")
		diag(ltCov$lbound) <- 0
		satCov <- mxAlgebra(name="satCov", expression= ltCov %*% t(ltCov), dimnames=list(varnam, varnam))
	} else {
		ltCov <- NULL
		satFre <- matrix(as.logical(diag(!ordinalCols, numVar)), numVar, numVar)
		satFre[lower.tri(satFre, diag=FALSE)] <- TRUE
		satCov <- mxMatrix(type="Symm", nrow=numVar, ncol=numVar,
				values=startcov, free=satFre[lower.tri(satFre, diag=TRUE)], name="satCov",
				dimnames=list(varnam, varnam))
	saturatedModel <- mxModel(name=paste("Saturated", modelName),

	indCov <- mxMatrix(type="Diag", nrow=numVar, ncol=numVar, values=indepcov, free=!ordinalCols,
				lbound=0, name="indCov", dimnames=list(varnam, varnam))
	independenceModel <- mxModel(name=paste("Independence", modelName),
				     datasource, indCov,
				     mxExpectationNormal("indCov"), mxFitFunctionML())

	if(datatype == "raw" || withMeans) {
		saturatedModel <- mxModel(saturatedModel,
			mxMatrix(nrow=1, ncol=numVar, values=startmea, free=TRUE, name="satMea", dimnames=list(NA, varnam)),
			mxExpectationNormal("satCov", "satMea")
		independenceModel <- mxModel(independenceModel,
			mxMatrix(nrow=1, ncol=numVar, values=startmea, free=TRUE, name="satMea", dimnames=list(NA, varnam)),
			mxExpectationNormal("indCov", "satMea")
		if(any(ordinalCols)) {
			thrdnam <- paste(rep(ordnam, each=numThresholds), 'ThrDev', 1:numThresholds, sep='')
			unitLower <- mxMatrix("Lower", numThresholds, numThresholds, values=1, free=FALSE, name="unitLower")
			thrdM <- rbind(numOrdinalLevels-1, numThresholds - numOrdinalLevels+1)
			thrdfre <- apply(thrdM, 2, rep, x=c(TRUE, FALSE))
			thresholdDeviations <- mxMatrix("Full", 
					name="thresholdDeviations", nrow=numThresholds, ncol=numOrdinal,
					free = thrdfre,
					lbound = rep( c(-Inf,rep(.01, (numThresholds-1))) , numOrdinal), # TODO adjust increment value
					dimnames = list(c(), varnam[ordinalCols]),
			if (equateThresholds) {
				thresholdDeviations$labels <- thrdnam
			saturatedMeans <- mxMatrix(nrow=1, ncol=numVar,
				values=startmea, free=c(!ordinalCols), name="satMea", dimnames=list(NA, varnam))
			saturatedThresholds <- mxAlgebra(unitLower %*% thresholdDeviations, name="thresholdMatrix")
			saturatedModel <- mxModel(saturatedModel,
				saturatedMeans, thresholdDeviations, unitLower, saturatedThresholds,
				mxExpectationNormal("satCov", "satMea", thresholds="thresholdMatrix")
			independenceModel <- mxModel(independenceModel,
				saturatedMeans, thresholdDeviations, unitLower, saturatedThresholds,
				mxExpectationNormal("indCov", "satMea", thresholds="thresholdMatrix")
	if (all(ordinalCols)) {
		if (distribution == 'multinomial') {
			if (any(is.na(obsdata))) {
				stop(paste("Saturated model for the multinomial",
					   "distribution is not implemented"))
			weights <- ordinalRowWeights(saturatedModel)
			saturatedModel <- list(fit=-2 * sum(weights * log(weights / sum(weights))), df=0)
		} else if (distribution == 'default') {
			if (length(ordinalCols) >= 12) {
				message(paste("Your model has many ordinal variables.",
					      "It will take a long time to estimate the multivariate normal saturated model.",
					      "Consider using distribution='multinomial'"))
		} else {
			stop(paste("Don't know how to build reference models for the",
				   distribution, "distribution"))
	} else {
		if (distribution != 'default') {
			stop(paste("Don't know how to build reference models for the",
				   distribution, "distribution"))
	return(list(Saturated=saturatedModel, Independence=independenceModel))

ordinalRowWeights <- function(model) {
	obs <- model$data$observed
	weightColumn <- model$expectation$weightColumn # old API
	if (is.na(weightColumn)) weightColumn <- model$data$weight # new API
	if (!is.na(weightColumn)) {
		weights <- obs[weightColumn]
	} else {
		obs <- obs[rpf::orderCompletely(obs),]
		weights <- as.numeric(rpf::tabulateRows(obs))

generateIFAReferenceModels <- function(model, distribution) {
	if (distribution != 'default') {
		stop(paste("Don't know how to build reference models for the",
			   distribution, "distribution"))
	modelName <- model@name
	expectation <- model@expectation

	spec <- expectation$ItemSpec
	nullspec <- lapply(spec, rpf::rpf.modify, 0)
	data <- model$data$observed
	itemName <- expectation$item
	item <- model[[itemName]]
	nullitem <- mxMatrix(name="item", values=mxSimplify2Array(lapply(nullspec, rpf::rpf.rparam)), condenseSlots=FALSE)

	if (is.null(item)) {
		stop(paste("Cannot find matrix", omxQuotes(itemName),"in model",
			   omxQuotes(modelName),"to create independence model"))

	pmap <- matrix(NA, nrow(nullitem), ncol(nullitem))
	for (cx in 1:ncol(item)) {
		map1 <- match(names(rpf::rpf.rparam(nullspec[[cx]])),
		if (!length(map1)) next
		pmap[1:length(map1),cx] <- item$labels[map1,cx]
	nullitem$labels[,] <- pmap

	ind <- mxModel(name=paste("Independence", modelName),
		       nullitem, model$data,
					 qpoints = expectation$qpoints,
					 qwidth = expectation$qwidth),
		       # Only need 1 iteration, but allow 2 to avoid code BLUE warning.
		       mxComputeEM(estep=mxComputeOnce('expectation', 'scores'),
				   maxIter = 2L))
	dimnames(ind$item) = list(paste('p', 1:nrow(ind$item), sep=""), colnames(item))
	ind$item$free <- !is.na(ind$item$values)

	weights <- ordinalRowWeights(model)
	saturated <- NA
	if (!any(is.na(data[1,]))) {  # Not sure how to handle missingness
		saturated <- -2 * sum(weights * log(weights / sum(weights)))

	return(list(Saturated=list(fit=saturated, df=0),

ReferenceModelHelper <- function(x, distribution, equateThresholds) {
	if ( (!(isS4(x) && is(x, "MxModel"))) && !is.data.frame(x) && !(is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x)) ) {
		stop("The 'x' argument must be (1) an MxModel object, (2) a raw data frame, or (3) a raw data matrix.")
	if ( is(x, "MxModel") ) {
		if (is.null(x$fitfunction)) {
			stop("Model", omxQuotes(x$name), "has no fitfunction")
		generateReferenceModels(x$fitfunction, x, distribution, equateThresholds)
	} else {
		obsdata <- x
		if(ncol(obsdata) != nrow(obsdata)) {
			datatype <- "raw"
		else {datatype <- "cov"}
		generateNormalReferenceModels("Data Model", obsdata, datatype,
			distribution=distribution, equateThresholds=equateThresholds)

mxRefModels <- function(x, run=FALSE, ..., distribution="default", equateThresholds = TRUE) {
				"argument 'x' is an MxModel that contains definition variables, but mxRefModels() ignores definition variables, and therefore may not do what you expect")
			warning("The right reference models for the multilevel case are not yet known.\nI made reference models for level 1.\nI hope you know what you're doing because I don't.")
	models <- lapply(ReferenceModelHelper(x, distribution, equateThresholds), function(model) {
		if (!isS4(model)) return(model)
		model <- omxAssignFirstParameters(model)
		model <- mxOption(model, "Standard Errors", "No")
		model <- mxOption(model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
		if (run) {
			model <- mxRun(model, silent=FALSE)

omxSaturatedModel <- mxRefModels # old name

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