
Defines functions coef.MxModel mxBootstrapStdizeRAMpaths mxStandardizeRAMpaths .mxStandardizeRAMhelper .standardizeParams logLik.MxModel assertModelFreshlyRun assertModelRunAndFresh summary.MxModel.Impl summary.MxModel summarizeBootstrap refToDof refToLikelihood parseDfArg parseLikelihoodArg highlightProblem compareBounds boundsMet imxEvalByName generateDataSummary setNumberObservations setLikelihoods print.summary.mxmodel computeOptimizationStatistics parameterListHelper parameterList rmseaPCloseHelper pChiSqFun rmseaConfidenceIntervalHelper omxRMSEA fitStatistics catFitStatistics computeFitStatistics computeFValue numberObservations fitfunctionNumberObservations observedStatistics observedStatisticsHelper calculateConstraintsHelper calculateConstraints

Documented in imxEvalByName mxBootstrapStdizeRAMpaths mxStandardizeRAMpaths omxRMSEA summary.MxModel

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

calculateConstraints <- function(model, flatModel) {
	constraints <- flatModel@constraints
	retval <- c()
	if (length(constraints) > 0) {
		retval <- sapply(constraints, calculateConstraintsHelper, model)

calculateConstraintsHelper <- function(constraint, model) {
	if (constraint@relation == "==") {
		leftHandSide <- constraint@formula[[2]]
		value <- eval(substitute(mxEval(x, model, compute=TRUE),
			list(x = leftHandSide)))
		value <- as.matrix(value)
		return(nrow(value) * ncol(value))
	} else {

observedStatisticsHelper <- function(model, expectation, datalist, historySet) {
	if ('numStats' %in% slotNames(expectation)) {
		if (length(expectation@numStats) > 0 && !is.na(expectation@numStats)) {
			return(list(expectation@numStats, historySet))
	if (length(expectation@data)==0 || is.na(expectation@data) || !.hasSlot(expectation, 'dims')) {
		return(list(0, historySet))
	if (is.numeric(expectation@data)) {
		data <- datalist[[expectation@data + 1]]
	} else {
		data <- model[[expectation@data]]
	if (is(data, "MxDataDynamic")) {
		# need to revisit TODO
		return(list(0, historySet))
	obsStats <- data@observedStats
	if (data@type == 'cov') {
		if (data@name %in% historySet) {
			return (list(0, historySet))
		n <- nrow(data@observed)
		dof <- n * (n + 1) / 2
		if (!single.na(data@means)) {
			dof <- dof + length(data@means)
		historySet <- append(data, historySet)
	} else if (data@type == 'cor') {
		if (data@name %in% historySet) {
			return (list(0, historySet))
		n <- nrow(data@observed)
		dof <- n * (n - 1) / 2
		if (!single.na(data@means)) {
			dof <- dof + length(data@means)
		historySet <- append(data, historySet)
	} else if (is(expectation, "MxExpectationBA81")) {  # refactor TODO
		if (!is.na(expectation@weightColumn) || !is.na(data@weight)) {
			dof <- nrow(data@observed) - 1
		} else {
			dof <- nrow(rpf::compressDataFrame(data@observed)) - 1
    historySet <- append(data, historySet)
	} else if (!is.null(obsStats[['cov']])) {
		if (data@name %in% historySet) {
			return (list(0, historySet))
		numThresh <- sum(!is.na(obsStats[['thresholds']]))
		numMeans <- sum(!is.na(obsStats[['means']]))
		numSlope <- sum(!is.na(obsStats[['slope']]))
		n <- nrow(obsStats[['cov']])
		dof <- numThresh + numSlope + numMeans + n*(n+1)/2 - 2*sum(ncol(obsStats[['thresholds']]))
		historySet <- append(data, historySet)
	} else {
		# Incorporate row frequency and weight information? TODO
		dof <- 0
		observed <- data@observed
		for (i in 1:ncol(observed)) {
			colname <- colnames(observed)[[i]]
			fullname <- paste(data@name, colname, sep='.')
			if ((colname %in% expectation@dims) && !(fullname %in% historySet)) {
				dof <- dof + sum(!is.na(observed[,i]))
				historySet <- append(fullname, historySet)
	return(list(dof, historySet))

observedStatistics <- function(model, flatModel, constraintOffset) {
	datalist <- flatModel@datasets
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
	expectations <- convertExpectationFunctions(flatModel, model, labelsData, new("MxDirectedGraph"))
	retval <- constraintOffset
	if (length(expectations) > 0) {
		historySet <- character()
		for(i in 1:length(expectations)) {
			result <- observedStatisticsHelper(model, expectations[[i]], datalist, historySet)
			retval <- retval + result[[1]]
			historySet <- result[[2]]

fitfunctionNumberObservations <- function(fitfunction) {
	if (("numObsAdjust" %in% slotNames(fitfunction)) && !single.na(fitfunction@numObsAdjust)) {
	} else {

numberObservations <- function(datalist, fitfunctions) {
	datalist <- Filter(function(x) !is(x,"MxDataDynamic"), datalist)
	dataObservations <- sapply(datalist, slot, name = "numObs")
	fitfunctionObservations <- sapply(fitfunctions, fitfunctionNumberObservations)
	return(sum(as.numeric(dataObservations), as.numeric(fitfunctionObservations)))

computeFValue <- function(datalist, likelihood, chi) {
	if(length(datalist) == 0) return(NA)
	datalist <- Filter(function(x) !is(x,"MxDataDynamic"), datalist)
	if(all(sapply(datalist, function(x)
		{length(x@observedStats) > 0 || is(x,"MxDataLegacyWLS") }))) return(chi)
	if(all(sapply(datalist, function(x)
		{x@type == 'raw'}))) return(likelihood)
	if(all(sapply(datalist, function(x)
		{x@type == 'cov'}))) return(chi)
	if(all(sapply(datalist, function(x)
		{x@type == 'cor'}))) return(chi)

computeFitStatistics <- function(likelihood, DoF, chi, chiDoF, numObs,
				 independence, indDoF, saturated=0, satDoF=0) {
	if (!is.na(independence) && !is.na(likelihood) && independence < likelihood) {
		warning(paste("Your model may be mis-specified (and fit worse than an independence model),",
			      "or you may be using the wrong independence model, see ?mxRefModels"))
	CFI <- (independence - indDoF - likelihood + DoF)/(independence - indDoF - saturated + satDoF)
	TLI <- 1
	rmseaSquared <- 0
	RMSEA <- 0
	RMSEACI <- c(lower=NA, upper=NA)
	RMSEANull <- 0.05
	RMSEAClose <- NA
	if (!is.na(chiDoF) && chiDoF > 0) {
		TLI <- ((independence-saturated)/(indDoF-satDoF) - (chi)/(DoF-satDoF))/((independence-saturated)/(indDoF-satDoF) - 1)
					# Here we use N in the denominator as given in the original
					# RMSEA paper. The difference between N and N-1 is negligible
					# for sample sizes over 30. RMSEA should not be taken seriously
					# such small samples anyway.
		rmseaSquared <- (chi / (chiDoF) - 1) / numObs
		if (length(rmseaSquared) == 0 || is.na(rmseaSquared) ||
		    is.nan(rmseaSquared)) {
					# || (rmseaSquared < 0)) { # changed so 'rmseaSquared < 0' yields zero with comment
			RMSEA <- NA
		} else {
			RMSEA <- ifelse(rmseaSquared < 0, 0.0, sqrt(rmseaSquared))
			ci <- try(rmseaConfidenceIntervalHelper(chi, chiDoF, numObs, .025, .975))
			if (!inherits(ci, "try-error")) RMSEACI <- ci
			RMSEAClose <- rmseaPCloseHelper(chi, chiDoF, numObs, null=RMSEANull)

catFitStatistics <- function(x) {
	cat("CFI:", x$CFI, '\n')
	cat("TLI:", x$TLI, '  (also known as NNFI)', '\n')
	if (length(x$RMSEASquared) == 1 && !is.na(x$RMSEASquared) && x$RMSEASquared < 0.0) {
	  cat("RMSEA: ", x$RMSEA, " *(Non-centrality parameter is negative)", "  [95% CI (", x$RMSEACI[1], ", ", x$RMSEACI[2], ")]", '\n', sep="")
	} else {
		cat("RMSEA:  ", x$RMSEA, "  [95% CI (", x$RMSEACI[1], ", ", x$RMSEACI[2], ")]", '\n', sep="")
	cat("Prob(RMSEA <= ", x$RMSEANull, "): ", x$RMSEAClose, '\n', sep='')

fitStatistics <- function(model, retval) {
	datalist <- generateDataList(model)
	likelihood <- retval[['Minus2LogLikelihood']]
	saturated <- retval[['SaturatedLikelihood']]
	independence <- retval[['IndependenceLikelihood']]
  if (is.null(model@output$fitUnits)) return(retval)
	if (model@output$fitUnits=="-2lnL" && is.null(model@output$chi)) {
		chi <- likelihood - saturated
	} else {chi <- model@output$chi}
  if (is.null(chi)) return(retval)
	DoF <- retval$degreesOfFreedom
	satDoF <- retval$saturatedDoF
	indDoF <- retval$independenceDoF
	nParam <- dim(retval$parameters)[1]
	Fvalue <- computeFValue(datalist, likelihood, chi)
	if (model@output$fitUnits=="-2lnL" && is.null(model@output$chiDoF)) {
		chiDoF <- DoF - satDoF # DoF = obsStat-model.ep; satDoF = obsStat-sat.ep; So sat.ep-model.ep == DoF-satDoF
	} else {chiDoF <- model@output$chiDoF}
	retval[['ChiDoF']] <- chiDoF
	retval[['Chi']] <- chi
	retval[['p']] <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(chiDoF==0,1.0,pchisq(chi, chiDoF, lower.tail = FALSE)))
	retval[['AIC.Mx']] <- Fvalue - 2 * DoF
	retval[['BIC.Mx']] <- (Fvalue - DoF * log(retval[['numObs']]))
	AIC.p <- Fvalue + 2 * nParam
	BIC.p <- (Fvalue + nParam * log(retval[['numObs']]))
	sBIC <- (Fvalue + nParam * log((retval[['numObs']]+2)/24))
	AICc <- Fvalue + 2*nParam + (2*nParam*(nParam+1))/(retval[['numObs']]-nParam-1)
	retval[['satDoF']] <- satDoF
	retval[['indDoF']] <- indDoF
	IC <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=3, dimnames=list(c("AIC:", "BIC:"), c('df', 'par', 'sample')))
	IC[,'df'] <- c(retval$AIC.Mx, retval$BIC.Mx)
	IC[,'par'] <- c(AIC.p, BIC.p)
	IC['BIC:','sample'] <- sBIC
	IC['AIC:','sample'] <- AICc
	if(length(model@output) && (is.null(model@output$fitUnits) || model@output$fitUnits=="-2lnL")){
		retval[['informationCriteria']] <- IC

	retval$fitUnits <- model@output$fitUnits
	retval$fit <- if(retval$fitUnits == '-2lnL'){ retval[['Minus2LogLikelihood']] } else if(retval$fitUnits %in% c("r'Wr", "r'wr")) {retval[['Chi']]}

	fi <- computeFitStatistics(likelihood, DoF, chi, chiDoF,
		retval[['numObs']], independence, indDoF, saturated, satDoF)
	for (k in names(fi)) retval[[k]] <- fi[[k]]

omxRMSEA <- function(model, lower=.025, upper=.975, null=.05, ...){
	smod <- summary(model, ...)
	x2 <- smod$Chi
	df <- smod$ChiDoF
	N <- smod$numObs
	rmsea <- smod$RMSEA
	ci <- rmseaConfidenceIntervalHelper(chi.squared=x2, df=df, N=N, lower=lower, upper=upper)
	pn <- rmseaPCloseHelper(x2, df, N, null)
	return(c(ci[1], est.rmsea=rmsea, ci[2], null=null, `Prob(x <= null)`=pn))

rmseaConfidenceIntervalHelper <- function(chi.squared, df, N, lower, upper){
	# Lower confidence interval
	if( pchisq(chi.squared, df=df, ncp=0) >= upper){ #sic
		lower.lam <- uniroot(f=pChiSqFun, interval=c(1e-10, 1e4), val=chi.squared,
			degf=df, goal=upper, extendInt="upX", maxiter=100L)$root
		# solve pchisq(ch, df=df, ncp=x) == upper for x
	} else{
		lower.lam <- 0
	# Upper confidence interval
	if( pchisq(chi.squared, df=df, ncp=0) >= lower){ #sic
		upper.lam <- uniroot(f=pChiSqFun, interval=c(1e-10, 1e4), val=chi.squared,
			degf=df, goal=lower, extendInt="upX", maxiter=100L)$root
		# solve pchisq(ch, df=df, ncp=x) == lower for x
	} else{
		upper.lam <- 0
	lower.rmsea <- sqrt(lower.lam/(N*df))
	upper.rmsea <- sqrt(upper.lam/(N*df))
	return(c(lower=lower.rmsea, upper=upper.rmsea))

pChiSqFun <- function(x, val, degf, goal){
	goal - pchisq(val, degf, ncp=x)

rmseaPCloseHelper <- function(x2, df, N, null){
	1-pchisq(x2, df=df, ncp=N*df*(null)^2)

parameterList <- function(model, flatModel) {
  parameterListHelper(model, flatModel, FALSE)

parameterListHelper <- function(model, flatModel, withModelName) {
	ptable <- data.frame()
	if(length(model@output) == 0) { return(ptable) }
	estimates <- model@output$estimate
	errorEstimates <- rep.int(as.numeric(NA), length(estimates))
    if (!is.null(model@output$standardErrors)) {
	    se <- model@output$standardErrors
	    errorEstimates[match(rownames(se), names(estimates))] <- se
	matrices <- generateMatrixList(flatModel)
  parameters <- flatModel@parameters
	if (length(estimates) > 0) {
		matrixNames <- names(matrices)
		for(i in 1:length(estimates)) {
			mLocation <- parameters[[i]][[5]][[1]] + 1
			mRow <- parameters[[i]][[5]][[2]] + 1
			mCol <- parameters[[i]][[5]][[3]] + 1
      mat <- matrices[[mLocation]][[1]]
      dn <- dimnames(mat)
      if (!is.null(dn[[1]])) mRow <- dn[[1]][mRow]
      if (!is.null(dn[[2]])) mCol <- dn[[2]][mCol]
			lbound <- parameters[[i]][[1]]
			ubound <- parameters[[i]][[2]]
			if (withModelName) {
				ptable[i, 'model'] <- model@name
			if (!is.null(names(estimates))) {
				ptable[i, 'name'] <- names(estimates)[[i]]
			} else {
				ptable[i, 'name'] <- paste("p", i, sep="")
			ptable[i, 'matrix'] <- simplifyName(matrixNames[[mLocation]], model@name)
			ptable[i, 'row'] <- mRow
			ptable[i, 'col'] <- mCol
			ptable[i, 'Estimate'] <- estimates[[i]]
			ptable[i, 'Std.Error'] <- errorEstimates[[i]]
			ptable[i, 'lbound'] <- lbound
			ptable[i, 'ubound'] <- ubound

computeOptimizationStatistics <- function(model, flatModel, numStats, saturatedDoF, independenceDoF, retval) {
  datalist <- flatModel@datasets
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
	expectations <- convertExpectationFunctions(flatModel, model, labelsData, new("MxDirectedGraph"))
	# get estimated parameters
	estimates <- model@output$estimate
	# should saturated/independence models include means?
		type <- datalist[[1]]@type
		means <- datalist[[1]]@means
		# if there's raw data, then use means in saturated/independence models
			useMeans <- TRUE
		} else {
		# if there's not raw data, only use means if they're present
				useMeans <- FALSE
			} else{
				useMeans <- TRUE
		# number of variables
		if(datalist[[1]]@type != 'raw'){
			if(datalist[[1]]@type == 'none'){
				nvar <- nrow(datalist[[1]]@observedStats$cov)
				nvar <- dim(datalist[[1]]@observed)[2]
		} else if( length(expectations) == 1 ) {
			nvar <- length(expectations[[1]]@dims)
		} else {
			nvar <- 0
	# if there are multiple or zero datalists, then do nothing
	} else {
		useMeans <- NA
		nvar <- 0
		# how many thresholds does each variable have (needed for saturated and independence DoF calculation)
	obj <- expectations
	# grab the thresholdLevels object and expected means; punt if there is more than one expectation
	if (length(obj)==1){
		if ("thresholdLevels" %in% slotNames(obj[[1]])){
			thresholdLevels <- obj[[1]]@thresholdLevels
			if (length(thresholdLevels)==0){thresholdLevels <- rep(NA, nvar)}
		} else {
			thresholdLevels <- rep(NA, nvar)
	} else {
		thresholdLevels <- NULL
	# number of continuous variables, provided there is just one expectation
	if (!is.null(thresholdLevels)){
		continuous <- sum(is.na(thresholdLevels))
	} else{
		continuous <- NA
	# number of thresholds in the model
	if (!is.null(thresholdLevels)){
		thresh <- sum(thresholdLevels, na.rm=TRUE)
	} else{
		thresh <- NA
	# constraints, parameters, model degrees of freedom
	retval[['constraints']] <- calculateConstraints(model, flatModel)
	retval[['estimatedParameters']] <- nrow(retval$parameters)
  if(any(sapply(obj,function(x){"MxExpectationGREML" %in% class(x)}))){
    retval[['estimatedParameters']] <- retval[['estimatedParameters']] +
	if (is.null(numStats)) {
		retval[['observedStatistics']] <- observedStatistics(model, flatModel, sum(retval$constraints))
	} else {
		retval[['observedStatistics']] <- numStats
	retval[['degreesOfFreedom']] <- retval$observedStatistics - retval$estimatedParameters
	# calculate or populate saturated degrees of freedom
	if(is.null(saturatedDoF)) {
		retval[['saturatedDoF']] <- retval$observedStatistics - (nvar * (nvar-1) / 2 + continuous*(1+useMeans) + thresh)
	} else {
		retval[['saturatedDoF']] <- saturatedDoF
	#The "saturated model" has no sensible definiton with GREML expectation:
	if(any(sapply(obj,function(x){"MxExpectationGREML" %in% class(x)}))){
		retval[['saturatedDoF']] <- NA
	# calculate or populate independence degrees of freedom
	if(is.null(independenceDoF)) {
		if(!any(sapply(obj,function(x){"MxExpectationGREML" %in% class(x)}))){
			# indDoF = 1 df per continuous variable variance + 1 df per continuous mean + 1 df per threshold
			retval[['independenceDoF']] <- retval$observedStatistics - (continuous*(1+useMeans) + thresh)
		} else{
			#TODO: the GREML expectation doesn't currently have a way to know how many phenotypes there are in every case.
			#For now, leave the GREML independence model undefined
			# #With GREML expectation, the independence model has a variance for each phenotype, and the same fixed effects as the fitted model:
			# retval[['independenceDoF']] <-
			# 	retval$observedStatistics - sum(sapply(obj,function(x){length(x@yvars)})) - sum(sapply(obj,imxExtractSlot,name="numFixEff"))
			retval[['independenceDoF']] <- NA
	} else {
		retval[['independenceDoF']] <- independenceDoF
	# set NULLs to NAs
	if (is.null(retval$saturatedDoF)) {
		retval$SaturatedDoF <- NA
	if (is.null(retval$independenceDoF)) {
		retval$IndependenceDoF <- NA
	retval[['saturatedParameters']] <- retval[['observedStatistics']] - retval[['saturatedDoF']]
	retval[['independenceParameters']] <- retval[['observedStatistics']] - retval[['independenceDoF']]
	# calculate fit statistics
	retval <- fitStatistics(model, retval)

print.summary.mxmodel <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Summary of", x$modelName, '\n', '\n')
		if (length(x$compute)) {
			cat("compute plan:\n")
		if (length(x$dataSummary) > 0) {
	if (!is.null(x$npsolMessage)) {
		if ((x$statusCode == "not convex/red" || x$statusCode == "nonzero gradient/red") &&
			    (is.na(x$maxRelativeOrdinalError) || x$maxRelativeOrdinalError > 0)) {
			cat(paste("Your ordinal model may converge if you reduce mvnRelEps\n",
				"  try: model <- mxOption(model, 'mvnRelEps', mxOption(model, 'mvnRelEps')/5)\n\n"))
	params <- x$parameters
	if (!is.null(params) && nrow(params)) {
		cat("free parameters:\n")
		params$lbound <- mapply(highlightProblem, params$lbound, params$lboundMet)
		params$ubound <- mapply(highlightProblem, params$ubound, params$uboundMet)
		params$lbound[is.na(params$lbound)] <- ""
		params$ubound[is.na(params$ubound)] <- ""
		params$lboundMet <- NULL
		params$uboundMet <- NULL
		if (!is.null(x$bootstrapSE) && length(x$bootstrapSE) == nrow(params)) {
			params[['Std.Error']] <- x$bootstrapSE
		if (!x$verbose) {
			if (all(is.na(params[['Std.Error']]))) {
				params[['Std.Error']] <- NULL
			if (all(params$lbound == "" & params$ubound == "")) {
				params[['lbound']] <- NULL
				params[['ubound']] <- NULL
		if (!is.null(params[['Std.Error']]) && !is.null(x[['seSuspect']])) {
			seCol <- match('Std.Error', colnames(params))
			before <- params[1:seCol]
			stars <- mapply(highlightProblem, rep('',length(x[['seSuspect']])), x[['seSuspect']])
			fullStars <- rep('', nrow(params))
			fullStars[match(names(x[['seSuspect']]), params$name)] <- stars
			if (length(params) > seCol) {
				params <- cbind(before, 'A'=fullStars, params[(seCol+1):length(params)])
			} else {
				params <- cbind(before, 'A'=fullStars)
		if (!is.null(x$bootstrapQuantile) && nrow(x$bootstrapQuantile) == nrow(params)) {
			bq <- x$bootstrapQuantile
			params <- cbind(params, bq)
		cmap <- 1:ncol(params)
		isBound <- colnames(params) %in% paste0(c('l','u'),'bound')
		params <- params[,c(cmap[!isBound], cmap[isBound]),drop=FALSE]
	if (!is.null(x$CI) && length(x$CI) > 0) {
		cat("confidence intervals:\n")
		if (any(is.na(x$CI[,c('lbound','ubound')])) && !(x$verbose)) {
			cat("  To investigate missing CIs, run summary() again, with verbose=T, to see CI details.", '\n')
	} else if (x$CI.Requested) {
    cat("To obtain confidence intervals re-run with intervals=TRUE\n\n")
	if(x$verbose && length(x$CIdetail)){
		cat("CI details:\n")
	if(length(x$GREMLfixeff)>0 && any(sapply(x$GREMLfixeff,length)>0)){
		cat("regression coefficients:\n")
	cat('Model Statistics:', '\n')
	EP <- matrix(
		c(x$estimatedParameters, x$saturatedParameters, x$independenceParameters,
		x$degreesOfFreedom, x$saturatedDoF, x$independenceDoF,
		x$Minus2LogLikelihood, x$SaturatedLikelihood, x$IndependenceLikelihood),
		nrow=3, ncol=3,
			c('       Model:', '   Saturated:', 'Independence:'),
			c(' |  Parameters', ' |  Degrees of Freedom', paste0(' |  Fit (', x$fitUnits, ' units)'))
	cat('Number of observations/statistics: ', x$numObs, "/", x$observedStatistics, '\n\n', sep="")
	constraints <- x$constraints
	if(length(constraints) > 0) {
		for(i in 1:length(constraints)) {
			name <- names(constraints)[[i]]
			if (constraints[[i]] == 1) plural <- ''
			else plural <- 's'
			cat("Constraint", omxQuotes(simplifyName(name, x$modelName)), "contributes",
				constraints[[i]], paste("observed statistic", plural, '.', sep=''), "\n")
	if (!is.null(x$infoDefinite) && !is.na(x$infoDefinite)) {
		if (!x$infoDefinite) {
			cat("\n** Information matrix is not positive definite (not at a candidate optimum).\n  Be suspicious of these results. At minimum, do not trust the standard errors.\n\n")
		} else if(x$verbose==TRUE) {
			cat("condition number of the information matrix: ", x$conditionNumber, "\n")
	if (x$verbose==TRUE && !is.null(x$maxAbsGradient)) {
		cat("maximum absolute gradient: ", x$maxAbsGradient, " (",names(x$maxAbsGradient),")\n")
	# Chi-square goodness of fit test
	if(x$verbose==TRUE || (!is.null(x$Chi) && !is.na(x$Chi))) {
		chival <- x$Chi
			chidof <- NA
		} else {
			chidof <- x$ChiDoF
		chipee <- x$p
		cat("chi-square:  ", "\U03C7\U00B2 ( df=", chidof, " ) = ", chival, ",  p = ", chipee, '\n', sep="")
		cat("Information Criteria: \n")
		IC <- x$informationCriteria
		colnames(IC) <- c(" |  df Penalty", " |  Parameters Penalty", " |  Sample-Size Adjusted")
	# Absolute fit indices
	if(x$verbose==TRUE || any(!is.na(c(x$CFI, x$TLI, x$RMSEA)))){
	if(any(is.na(c(x$CFI, x$TLI, x$RMSEA)))){
		cat("To get additional fit indices, see help(mxRefModels)\n")
	# Timing information
	cat("timestamp:", format(x$timestamp), '\n')
		cat("frontend time:", format(x$frontendTime), '\n')
		cat("backend time:", format(x$backendTime), '\n')
		cat("independent submodels time:", format(x$independentTime), '\n')
		cat("cpu time:", format(x$cpuTime), '\n')
	cat("Wall clock time:", format(x$wallTime), "\n")
	if (x$verbose==FALSE && !is.null(x$optimizerEngine)) {
		cat("optimizer: ", x$optimizerEngine, '\n')
	cat("OpenMx version number:", format(x$mxVersion), '\n')
	cat("Need help?  See help(mxSummary)", '\n')
	if (!x$wasRun) {
		message("WARNING: This model has not been run yet. Tip: Use\n  model = mxRun(model)\nto estimate a model.")
	} else if (x$stale) {
		message("WARNING: This model was modified since it was run. Summary information may be out-of-date.")

setLikelihoods <- function(model, saturatedLikelihood, independenceLikelihood, retval) {
	# populate saturated -2 log likelihood
	if(is.null(saturatedLikelihood)) {
		retval$SaturatedLikelihood <- attr(model@fitfunction$result, "SaturatedLikelihood")
	} else {
		retval$SaturatedLikelihood <- saturatedLikelihood
	# populate independence -2 log likelihood
	if(is.null(independenceLikelihood)) {
		retval$IndependenceLikelihood <- attr(model@fitfunction$result, "IndependenceLikelihood")
	} else {
		retval$IndependenceLikelihood <- independenceLikelihood
	# populate model -2 log likelihood
	retval$Minus2LogLikelihood <- model@output$Minus2LogLikelihood
	# set NULLs to NAs
	if (is.null(retval$SaturatedLikelihood)) {
		retval$SaturatedLikelihood <- NA
	if (is.null(retval$Minus2LogLikelihood)) {
		retval$Minus2LogLikelihood <- NA
	if (is.null(retval$IndependenceLikelihood)) {
		retval$IndependenceLikelihood <- NA

setNumberObservations <- function(numObs, datalist, fitfunctions, retval) {
	if(is.null(numObs)) {
		retval$numObs <- numberObservations(datalist, fitfunctions)
	} else {
		retval$numObs <- numObs

generateDataSummary <- function(model) {
	datalist <- generateDataList(model)
	retval <- lapply(datalist, summarize)

##' imxEvalByName
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param name name
##' @param model model
##' @param compute compute
##' @param show show
imxEvalByName <- function(name, model, compute=FALSE, show=FALSE) {
   if ((length(name) != 1) || typeof(name) != "character") {
      stop("'name' argument must be a character argument")
   if (!is(model, "MxModel")) {
      stop("'model' argument must be a MxModel object")
   if (hasSquareBrackets(name)) {
      components <- splitSubstitution(name)
      eval(substitute(mxEval(x[y,z], model, compute, show),
         list(x = as.name(components[[1]]),
            y = parse(text=components[[2]])[[1]],
            z = parse(text=components[[3]])[[1]])))
   } else {
      eval(substitute(mxEval(x, model, compute, show),
         list(x = as.name(name))))

boundsMet <- function(model, retval){
	params <- retval$parameters
	lbound <- params$lbound
	ubound <- params$ubound
	estimate <- params$Estimate
	threshold <- model@options[["Feasibility tolerance"]]
	if (is.null(threshold)){
		threshold <- getOption("mxOptions")[["Feasibility tolerance"]]
	threshold <- as.numeric(threshold)
	lboundMet <- mapply(compareBounds, estimate, lbound, MoreArgs=list(threshold))
	uboundMet <- mapply(compareBounds, estimate, ubound, MoreArgs=list(threshold))
	params$lboundMet <- lboundMet
	params$uboundMet <- uboundMet
	retval$parameters <- params

compareBounds <- function(estimate, bound, threshold){
	if (is.na(bound)){
	absDelta <- abs(estimate - bound)
	return (absDelta < threshold)

highlightProblem <- function(bound, boundMet){
	if (boundMet){
		if (is.numeric(bound)) bound <- round(bound,4)
		return(paste(bound, "!", sep=""))
	else {

parseLikelihoodArg <- function(input, arg) {
	input <- input[[arg]]
	if (is.null(input)) {
	} else if (is.numeric(input)) {
	} else if (is(input, "MxModel")) {
		name <- input@name
		if (is.null(input@fitfunction)) {
			stop(paste(omxQuotes(name), "model passed",
				"to summary function does not",
				"have top-level fitfunction in",
				deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)
		if (length(input@fitfunction@result) != 1) {
			stop(paste(omxQuotes(name), "model passed to summary",
				"function does not have a 1x1 matrix",
				"result in fitfunction in",
				deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)
	} else if(is.list(input) && length(input)==2) {
		stop(paste("List of length two (illegal argument) passed to", omxQuotes(arg),
			   "argument of summary function. You probably meant to use",
			   "the refModels argument instead."), call. = FALSE)
	} else {
		stop(paste("Illegal argument passed to", omxQuotes(arg),
			"argument of summary function in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)

parseDfArg <- function(input, arg) {
	input <- input[[arg]]
	if (is.null(input)) {
	} else if (is.numeric(input)) {
	} else if (is(input, "MxModel")) {
		name <- input@name
		if (is.null(input@fitfunction)) {
			stop(paste(omxQuotes(name), "model passed",
				"to summary function does not",
				"have top-level fitfunction in",
				deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)
		if (length(input@fitfunction@result) != 1) {
			stop(paste(omxQuotes(name), "model passed to summary",
				"function does not have a 1x1 matrix",
				"result in fitfunction in",
				deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)
	} else {
		stop(paste("Illegal argument passed to", omxQuotes(arg),
			"argument of summary function in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)

refToLikelihood <- function(model) {
	if (is(model, "MxModel")) {
		if (!model@.wasRun) stop("Reference model must be run to obtain fit indices")
	} else if (is.list(model)) {
	} else {
		stop(paste("Illegal argument passed to refModels",
			"argument of summary function in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)

refToDof <- function(model) {
	if (is(model, "MxModel")) {
		if (!model@.wasRun) stop("Reference model must be run to obtain fit indices")
	} else if (is.list(model)) {
	} else {
		stop(paste("Illegal argument passed to refModels",
			"argument of summary function in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-1))), call. = FALSE)

summarizeBootstrap <- function(mle, bootData, bq, summaryType) {
	if (summaryType == 'quantile') {
		t(apply(bootData, 2, quantile, probs=bq, type=1))
	} else if (summaryType == 'bcbci') {
		zcrit <- qnorm(bq)
		out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(mle), ncol=length(bq),
					    sapply(bq, function(x) sprintf("%.1f%%", round(100*min(x), 1)))))
		for(i in 1:length(mle)) {
			z0 <- qnorm(mean(bootData[,i] <= mle[i]))
			for (qx in 1:length(bq)) {
				phi <- pnorm(2*z0 + zcrit[qx])
				out[i,qx] <- quantile(bootData[,i], probs=phi, type=1)
	} else {
		warning(paste("boot.SummaryType =", omxQuotes(summaryType),
			      "is not recognized"))

summary.MxModel <- function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  out <- try(summary.MxModel.Impl(object, ..., verbose=verbose), silent=TRUE)
  if (is(out, "try-error")) {
    if (!object@.wasRun) {
      # Maybe should never happen?
      stop("This model has not been run yet. Tip: Use\n  model = mxRun(model)\nto estimate a model.")
    } else if (object@.modifiedSinceRun) {
      stop(paste("This model is in an inconsistent state.",
                 "Tip: Use\n  model = mxRun(model)\nto re-estimate the model."))
    } else {

summary.MxModel.Impl <- function(object, ..., verbose) {
	model <- object
	dotArguments <- list(...)
	if (!is.null(dotArguments[["refModels"]])) {
		refModels <- dotArguments[["refModels"]]
		satModel <- refModels[['Saturated']]
		indModel <- refModels[['Independence']]
		saturatedLikelihood <- refToLikelihood(satModel)
		saturatedDoF <- refToDof(satModel)
		independenceLikelihood <- refToLikelihood(indModel)
		independenceDoF <- refToDof(indModel)
	} else {
		saturatedLikelihood <- parseLikelihoodArg(dotArguments, "SaturatedLikelihood")
		saturatedDoF <- parseDfArg(dotArguments, "SaturatedDoF")
		independenceLikelihood <- parseLikelihoodArg(dotArguments, "IndependenceLikelihood")
		independenceDoF <- parseDfArg(dotArguments, "IndependenceDoF")
	numObs <- dotArguments$numObs
	numStats <- dotArguments$numStats
	namespace <- imxGenerateNamespace(model)
	flatModel <- imxFlattenModel(model, namespace, TRUE)
	flatModel <- constraintsToAlgebras(flatModel)
	flatModel <- eliminateObjectiveFunctions(flatModel)
	convertArguments <- imxCheckVariables(flatModel, namespace)
	flatModel <- convertAlgebras(flatModel, convertArguments)
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
	flatModel <- expectationFunctionConvertEntities(flatModel, namespace, labelsData)
	flatModel <- populateDefInitialValues(flatModel)
	flatModel <- checkEvaluation(model, flatModel)
	dependencies <- cycleDetection(flatModel)
	dependencies <- transitiveClosure(flatModel, dependencies)
	freeVarGroups <- buildFreeVarGroupList(flatModel)
	flatModel <- generateParameterList(flatModel, dependencies, freeVarGroups)

	retval <- list(wasRun=model@.wasRun, stale=model@.modifiedSinceRun)
	retval$parameters <- parameterList(model, flatModel)
	if (!is.null(model@compute$steps[['ND']]) && model@compute$steps[['ND']]$checkGradient &&
	    !is.null(model@compute$steps[['ND']]$output$gradient)) {
		gdetail <- model@compute$steps[['ND']]$output$gradient
		retval$seSuspect <- !gdetail[,'symmetric']
		names(retval$seSuspect) <- rownames(gdetail)
	if (is(model@compute, "MxComputeBootstrap")) {
		bq <- c(.25,.75)
		if (!is.null(dotArguments[["boot.quantile"]])) {
			bq <- sort(as.numeric(dotArguments[["boot.quantile"]]))
		summaryType <- 'bcbci'
		if (!is.null(dotArguments[["boot.SummaryType"]])) {
			summaryType <- dotArguments[["boot.SummaryType"]]
		cb <- model@compute
		if (!is.null(cb@output$raw) && is.na(cb@only) && cb@output$numParam == nrow(retval$parameters)) {
			raw <- cb@output$raw
			mask <- raw[,'statusCode'] %in% cb@OK
			bootData <- raw[mask, 3:(nrow(retval$parameters)+2), drop=FALSE]
			if (sum(mask) < .95*nrow(raw)) {
				pct <- round(100*sum(mask) / nrow(raw))
				warning(paste0("Only ",pct,"% of the bootstrap replications ",
					       "converged. Accuracy is much less than the ", nrow(raw),
					       " replications requested"), call.=FALSE)
			if (sum(mask) >= 3) {
				retval$bootstrapSE <- apply(bootData, 2, sd)
				retval$bootstrapQuantile <-
					summarizeBootstrap(retval$parameters[, 'Estimate'], bootData, bq, summaryType)
	} else if (any(grep('^boot\\.', names(dotArguments)))) {
		warning("No bootstrap data found. See ?mxBootstrap")
	retval$GREMLfixeff <- GREMLFixEffList(model)
	retval$infoDefinite <- model@output$infoDefinite
	retval$conditionNumber <- model@output$conditionNumber
	if (length(model@output$gradient)) {
		agrad <- abs(model@output$gradient)
		retval$maxAbsGradient <- agrad[ order(-agrad)[1] ]
	retval <- boundsMet(model, retval)
	retval <- setLikelihoods(model, saturatedLikelihood, independenceLikelihood, retval)
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
  fitfunctions <- convertFitFunctions(flatModel, model, labelsData, dependencies)
	retval <- setNumberObservations(numObs, flatModel@datasets, fitfunctions, retval)
	retval <- computeOptimizationStatistics(model, flatModel, numStats, saturatedDoF, independenceDoF, retval)
	retval$dataSummary <- generateDataSummary(model)
  retval$CI.Requested <- length(model@intervals) > 0
	retval$CI <- as.data.frame(model@output$confidenceIntervals)
	if (length(retval$CI) && nrow(retval$CI)) {
		retval$CI <- cbind(retval$CI, note=apply(retval$CI, 1, function(ci) {
					# This should probably take into account whether both bounds
					# were requested and consider the optimizer codes also. TODO
			if (any(is.na(ci)) || ci[1] == ci[3] || ci[1] >= ci[2] || ci[2] >= ci[3]) {
			} else {
	retval$CIcodes <- model@output$confidenceIntervalCodes
	statusCode <- model@output$status$code
	if (!is.null(statusCode)) {
		message <- optimizerMessages[[as.character(statusCode)]]
		retval[['npsolMessage']] <- message
		retval[['statusCode']] <- as.statusCode(statusCode)
		retval[['maxRelativeOrdinalError']] <- model@output[['maxRelativeOrdinalError']]
	if( .hasSlot(model,"compute") && length(model$compute$steps$CI) ){
		retval$CIdetail <- model$compute$steps$CI$output$detail
	retval$timestamp <- model@output$timestamp
	retval$frontendTime <- model@output$frontendTime
	retval$backendTime <- model@output$backendTime
	retval$independentTime <- model@output$independentTime
	retval$wallTime <- model@output$wallTime
	retval$cpuTime <- model@output$cpuTime
	retval$mxVersion <- model@output$mxVersion
	retval$modelName <- model@name
	plan <- model@compute
	if (is(plan, "MxComputeSequence")) {
		gd <- plan$steps[['GD']]
		if (is(gd, "MxComputeGradientDescent")) {
			retval$optimizerEngine <- gd$engine
	retval$verbose <- verbose
	class(retval) <- "summary.mxmodel"

assertModelRunAndFresh <- function(model) {
	if (.hasSlot(model,".wasRun") && !model@.wasRun) stop("This model has not been run yet. Tip: Use\n  model = mxRun(model)\nto estimate a model.")
	if (.hasSlot(model,".modifiedSinceRun") && model@.modifiedSinceRun) {
		msg <- paste("MxModel", omxQuotes(model@name), "was modified",
			     "since it was run.")

assertModelFreshlyRun <- function(model) {
	if (model@.wasRun && model@.modifiedSinceRun) {
		msg <- paste("MxModel", omxQuotes(model@name), "was modified",
			     "since it was run.")

logLik.MxModel <- function(object, ...) {
	model <- object
	moreModels <- list(...)
	ll <- NA
	if (length(model@output) && !is.null(model@output$fit) &&
			!is.null(model@output$fitUnits) ) {
			ll <- -0.5*model@output$fit
		} else if(model@output$fitUnits %in% c("r'Wr", "r'wr")) {
			ll <- -0.5*model@output$chi
		#TODO: this doesn't count "implicit" free parameters that are "profiled out":
		attr(ll, "df") <- length(model@output$estimate)
	} else {
		attr(ll,"df") <- NA

	namespace <- imxGenerateNamespace(model)
	flatModel <- imxFlattenModel(model, namespace, TRUE)
	labelsData <- imxGenerateLabels(model)
  fitfunctions <- convertFitFunctions(flatModel, model, labelsData, new("MxDirectedGraph"))

	nobs <- numberObservations(flatModel@datasets, fitfunctions)
	if (!is.na(nobs)) {
		attr(ll,"nobs") <- nobs

	class(ll) <- "logLik"
	if (length(moreModels)) {
		c(list(ll), lapply(moreModels, logLik.MxModel))
	} else {

.standardizeParams <- function(x=NULL, model, Apos, Spos, Mpos, give.matrices=FALSE){
  if(is.null(x)){x <- omxGetParameters(model)}
  param <- omxGetParameters(model)
  paramNames <- names(param)
  model <- omxSetParameters(model, values=x, labels=paramNames, free=TRUE)
  model_A <- model[[model$expectation$A]] #<--the A matrix might not be named "A".
  A <- list( model_A$values, model_A$result )
  A <- A[[which.max(c( length(A[[1]]), length(A[[2]]) ))]]
  model_S <- model[[model$expectation$S]] #<--Likewise for S
  S <- list( model_S$values, model_S$result )
  S <- S[[which.max(c( length(S[[1]]), length(S[[2]]) ))]]
  M <- NULL
  	model_M <- model[[model$expectation$M]]
  	M <- list( model_M$values, model_M$result )
  	M <- M[[which.max(c( length(M[[1]]), length(M[[2]]) ))]]
  else{model_M <- NULL}
  I <- diag(1, nrow(A))
  ImAInv <- solve(I-A)
  SD <- sqrt(diag(ImAInv %*% S %*% t(ImAInv)))
  SD <- diag(SD,nrow=length(SD)) #<--Needed if line immediately above is a scalar.
  InvSD <- 1/diag(SD)
  InvSD <- diag(InvSD,nrow=length(InvSD))
  Az <- InvSD %*% A %*% SD
  Sz <- InvSD %*% S %*% InvSD
  	Mz <- M %*% InvSD
  	sparam <- c(Az[!is.na(Apos)],Sz[!is.na(Spos)],Mz[!is.na(Mpos)])
  	names(sparam) <- c(Apos[!is.na(Apos)],Spos[!is.na(Spos)],Mpos[!is.na(Mpos)])
  	sparam <- c(Az[!is.na(Apos)],Sz[!is.na(Spos)])
  	names(sparam) <- c(Apos[!is.na(Apos)],Spos[!is.na(Spos)])
.mxStandardizeRAMhelper <- function(model,SE=FALSE,ParamsCov,inde.subs.flag=FALSE,ignoreSubmodels=FALSE){
  #Recur the function for the appropriate submodels, if any:
  if(length(model@submodels) && !ignoreSubmodels){
        sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
  #Get A and S:
  model_A <- model[[model$expectation$A]] #<--Necessary because the A matrix might not be named "A".
  A <- list( model_A$values, model_A$result )
  A <- A[[which.max(c( length(A[[1]]), length(A[[2]]) ))]]
  model_S <- model[[model$expectation$S]] #<--Likewise for S
  S <- list( model_S$values, model_S$result )
  S <- S[[which.max(c( length(S[[1]]), length(S[[2]]) ))]]
  M <- NULL
  	model_M <- model[[model$expectation$M]]
  	M <- list( model_M$values, model_M$result )
  	M <- M[[which.max(c( length(M[[1]]), length(M[[2]]) ))]]
  #Find positions of nonzero paths:
  Apos <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(A),ncol=ncol(A),dimnames=dimnames(A))
  Spos <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(S),ncol=ncol(S),dimnames=dimnames(S))
  A_need_pos <- which(A!=0,arr.ind=T)
  S_need_pos <- which(S!=0,arr.ind=T)
  S_need_pos <- subset(S_need_pos, S_need_pos[,1]>=S_need_pos[,2]) #<--Lower tri only
  	Mpos <- matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(M),dimnames=dimnames(M))
  	M_need_pos <- which(M!=0)
  	Mpos <- NULL
  	M_need_pos <- NULL
  numelem <- nrow(A_need_pos)+nrow(S_need_pos)+length(M_need_pos)
  #Create output object:
  out <- data.frame(name=vector(mode="character",length=numelem),label=vector(mode="character",length=numelem),
  out$label <- NA
  j <- 1
  #Create position strings where needed and begin to populate output:
    for(i in 1:nrow(A_need_pos)){
      Apos[A_need_pos[i,1],A_need_pos[i,2]] <- out$name[j] <- paste(
        out$label[j] <- model_A$labels[A_need_pos[i,1],A_need_pos[i,2]]
      out$matrix[j] <- "A"
      out$Raw.Value[j] <- A[A_need_pos[i,1],A_need_pos[i,2]]
      out$row[j] <- ifelse(length(rownames(A))>0,rownames(A)[A_need_pos[i,1]],A_need_pos[i,1])
      out$col[j] <- ifelse(length(colnames(A))>0,colnames(A)[A_need_pos[i,2]],A_need_pos[i,2])
      j <- j+1
    for(i in 1:nrow(S_need_pos)){
      Spos[S_need_pos[i,1],S_need_pos[i,2]] <- out$name[j] <- paste(
        out$label[j] <- model_S$labels[S_need_pos[i,1],S_need_pos[i,2]]
      out$matrix[j] <- "S"
      out$Raw.Value[j] <- S[S_need_pos[i,1],S_need_pos[i,2]]
      out$row[j] <- ifelse(length(rownames(S))>0,rownames(S)[S_need_pos[i,1]],S_need_pos[i,1])
      out$col[j] <- ifelse(length(colnames(S))>0,colnames(S)[S_need_pos[i,2]],S_need_pos[i,2])
      j <- j+1
  	for(i in 1:length(M_need_pos)){
  		Mpos[1,M_need_pos[i]] <- out$name[j] <- paste(
  		if(!is.null(model_M$labels) && !isAllNa(model_M$labels)){
  			out$label[j] <- model_M$labels[1,M_need_pos[i]]
  		out$matrix[j] <- "M"
  		out$Raw.Value[j] <- M[1,M_need_pos[i]]
  		out$row[j] <- 1
  		out$col[j] <- ifelse(length(colnames(M))>0,colnames(M)[M_need_pos[i]],M_need_pos[i])
  		j <- j+1
  #Get standardized values:
  freeparams <- omxGetParameters(model)
  paramnames <- names(freeparams)
  zout <- .standardizeParams(x=freeparams,model=model,Apos=Apos,Spos=Spos,Mpos=Mpos)
  #Compute SEs, or assign them 'not requested' values, as the case may be:
  	if(!all(paramnames %in% rownames(ParamsCov))){
  			"some free parameter labels do not appear in the dimnames of the parameter estimates' covariance matrix;\n",
  			"are you running mxStandardizeRAMpaths() on a dependent submodel instead of on its multigroup container model?\n",
  			"the missing parameter labels are:\n",
  			paste(paramnames[!(paramnames %in% rownames(ParamsCov))],collapse=", "),sep=""))
    #From Mike Hunter's delta method example:
    covParam <- ParamsCov[paramnames,paramnames,drop=FALSE]#<--submodel will usually not contain all free param.s
    jacStand <- numDeriv::jacobian(func=.standardizeParams, x=freeparams, model=model, Apos=Apos, Spos=Spos, Mpos=Mpos)
    covSparam <- jacStand %*% covParam %*% t(jacStand)
    dimnames(covSparam) <- list(names(zout),names(zout))
    SEs <- sqrt(diag(covSparam))
    #SEs[diag(covSparam)<.Machine$double.eps] <- 0
  else{SEs <- rep("not_requested",length(zout)); names(SEs) <- names(zout)}
  #Add standardized values and SEs to output:
  out$Std.Value <- zout
  out$Std.SE <- SEs
  #Pull in raw SEs if requested:
    for(i in 1:numelem){
      if( (out$name[i] %in% paramnames) |
            (out$label[i] %in% paramnames) ){
        tdiags <- covParam[ifelse(is.na(out$label[i]),out$name[i],out$label[i]),
	if (length(tdiags) == 1) {
		# For diag, R will return a square identity matrix of size given by the scalar
		if(tdiags < 0 || is.na(tdiags)) {
			warning("Some diagonal elements of the repeated-sampling covariance matrix of the point estimates are less than zero or NA.\nThat's weird.  Raise an eyebrow at these standard errors.")
	} else {
		if(any(diag(tdiags) < 0) || any(is.na(tdiags))){
			warning("Some diagonal elements of the repeated-sampling covariance matrix of the point estimates are less than zero or NA.\nThat's weird.  Raise an eyebrow at these standard errors.")
        out$Raw.SE[i] <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(tdiags))
  else{out$Raw.SE <- "not_requested"}
mxStandardizeRAMpaths <- function(model, SE=FALSE, cov=NULL){

		warning("'model' (or one of its submodels) contains definition variables; interpret results of mxStandardizeRAMpaths() cautiously")

  #If SE=T,need to check for independent submodels because they will have their own Hessians;
  #recur main function as appropriate:
  inde.subs.flag <- FALSE
  if(SE & length(model$submodels)>0){
    RAM.subs <- (sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
    inde.subs <- sapply(model@submodels,function(x){x@independent})==TRUE &
      (sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
    	out2 <- NULL
      #if ALL submodels are either independent RAM models or non-RAM models:
        out <- lapply(model@submodels[which(inde.subs)],mxStandardizeRAMpaths,SE=T)
        if(length(out)==0){stop(paste("model '",model@name,"' contains no submodels that use RAM expectation",sep=""))}
      else{out2 <- lapply(model@submodels[which(inde.subs)],mxStandardizeRAMpaths,SE=T)}
    inde.subs.flag <- TRUE
  covParam <- NULL
  	#If user requests SEs and provided no covariance matrix, check to be sure SEs can and should be computed:
  		# if(length(model@constraints)>0){
  		# 	msg <- paste("standard errors will not be computed because model '",model@name,"' contains at least one mxConstraint",sep="")
  		# 	warning(msg)
  		# 	SE <- FALSE
  		# }
  		if(SE & length(model@output$vcov)==0){
  				msg <- paste("standard errors will not be computed because model '",model@name,"' has not yet been run, and no matrix was provided for argument 'cov'",sep="")
  				SE <- FALSE
  				warning("argument 'SE=TRUE' requires model to have a nonempty 'vcov' output slot, or a non-NULL value for argument 'cov'; continuing with 'SE' coerced to 'FALSE'")
  				SE <- FALSE
  		libraries <- rownames(installed.packages())
  		pkgcheck <- ("numDeriv" %in% libraries)
  		if(SE & !pkgcheck){
  			warning("argument 'SE=TRUE' requires package 'numDeriv' to be installed; continuing with 'SE' coerced to 'FALSE'")
  			SE <- FALSE
  			covParam <- vcov(model)
  	#If user requests SEs and provided a covariance matrix:
  		#Conceivably, the user could provide a sampling covariance matrix that IS valid in the presence of MxConstraints...
  			#msg <- paste("standard errors may be invalid because model '",model@name,"' contains at least one mxConstraint",sep="")
  		#Sanity checks on the value of argument 'cov':
  		if(!is.matrix(cov)){ #<--Is it a matrix?
  			cov <- try(as.matrix(cov),silent=T)
  			if("try-error" %in% class(cov) || !is.matrix(cov)){ #<--If its not a matrix, can it be coerced to one?
  				stop("non-NULL value to argument 'cov' must be (or be coercible to) a matrix")
  		if(nrow(cov)!=ncol(cov)){ #<--Is it square?
  			msg <- paste("non-NULL value to argument 'cov' must be a square matrix; it has ",nrow(cov)," rows and ",ncol(cov)," columns",sep="")
  		#Do its row and column names match?:
  		if(!length(rownames(cov)) || !length(colnames(cov)) || any(rownames(cov) != colnames(cov))){
  			stop("non-NULL value to argument 'cov' must have matching and complete rownames and colnames")
  		paramnames <- names(omxGetParameters(model))
  		if(nrow(cov) != length(paramnames)){ #<--Do its dimensions match the number of free parameters?
  			msg <- paste("value of argument 'cov' has dimension ",nrow(cov),", but '",model@name,"' has ",length(paramnames)," free parameters",sep="")
  		covnames <- colnames(cov)
  		#Do its row and column names match the free-parameter labels (ignoring permutations)?:
  		if(any(sort(covnames) != sort(paramnames))){
  			msg <- paste("the dimnames of the matrix provided for argument 'cov' do not match the free-parameter labels of '",model@name,"'",sep="")
  		covParam <- cov[paramnames,paramnames]
  #Check if single-group model uses RAM expectation, and proceed if so:
    if (!inherits(model$expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {stop(paste("model '",model@name,"' does not use RAM expectation",sep=""))}
  #Handle multi-group model:
  	out <- NULL
  	if (inherits(model$expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {
  		out <- list(.mxStandardizeRAMhelper(model=model,SE=SE,ParamsCov=covParam,ignoreSubmodels=TRUE))
  		names(out)[1] <- model@name
      out <- c(out,lapply(
          (sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
      if(length(out)==0){stop(paste("model '",model@name,"' does not use RAM expectation",sep=""))}
      out1 <- lapply(
          (sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
             sapply(model@submodels,function(x){length(x@submodels)>0})) &
      out <- c(out,out1,out2)
      if(length(out)==0){stop(paste("model '",model@name,"' contains no submodels that use RAM expectation",sep=""))}
      out <- out[names(model@submodels[which(
        (sapply(model@submodels,function(x){class(x$expectation)})=="MxExpectationRAM" |
#Alias using proper camel-casing:
mxStandardizeRAMPaths <- mxStandardizeRAMpaths

mxBootstrapStdizeRAMpaths <- function(model, bq=c(.25,.75), method=c('bcbci','quantile'), returnRaw=FALSE){
	bq <- c(min(bq),max(bq))
	if(!is(model, "MxModel")) {
		stop("'model' argument must be a MxModel object")
	if(!length(model@expectation) || !inherits(model@expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {
		msg <- paste(
			"MxModel ",omxQuotes(model@name),
			" does not use RAM expectation\n(to use mxBootstrapStdizeRAMpaths() on a RAM submodel, run the function directly on that submodel",sep="")
	method <- match.arg(method)
	realstdpaths <- .mxStandardizeRAMhelper(model=model,SE=FALSE,ParamsCov=NULL,inde.subs.flag=FALSE,ignoreSubmodels=TRUE)
	rawParams <- as.matrix(omxGetBootstrapReplications(model))

	#The tricky thing is that the output length of mxStandardizeRAMpaths() is not guaranteed to be the same for every replication...
	outputlist <- vector("list",nrow(rawParams))
	conformableFlag <- TRUE

	for(i in 1:nrow(rawParams)){
		modelcurr <- omxSetParameters(model,labels=colnames(rawParams),values=rawParams[i,])
		stdpaths <- .mxStandardizeRAMhelper(model=modelcurr,SE=FALSE,ParamsCov=NULL,inde.subs.flag=FALSE,ignoreSubmodels=TRUE)
		outputlist[[i]] <- stdpaths$Std.Value
		names(outputlist[[i]]) <- stdpaths$name
		if(conformableFlag && (nrow(stdpaths)!=nrow(realstdpaths) || !all(stdpaths$name==realstdpaths$name)) ){
			conformableFlag <- FALSE

	if( !conformableFlag ){
			warning("names of nonzero paths varied among bootstrap replications; returning raw list of standardized paths")
		else{stop("names of nonzero paths varied among bootstrap replications, and argument 'returnRaw' is FALSE")}
		outmtx <- matrix(NA_real_,nrow=nrow(rawParams),ncol=nrow(realstdpaths))
		colnames(outmtx) <- realstdpaths$name
		for(i in 1:nrow(rawParams)){
			outmtx[i,] <- as.vector(outputlist[[i]])

	out <- data.frame(realstdpaths$name,realstdpaths$label,realstdpaths$matrix,realstdpaths$row,realstdpaths$col,
	colnames(out) <- c("name","label","matrix","row","col","Std.Value","Boot.SE",
										 sprintf("%.1f%%", round(100*min(bq), 1)),sprintf("%.1f%%", round(100*max(bq), 1)))
		out[,8] <- as.vector(apply(outmtx,2,quantile,probs=min(bq),type=1))
		out[,9] <- as.vector(apply(outmtx,2,quantile,probs=max(bq),type=1))
	else if(method=="bcbci"){
		zcrit <- qnorm(bq)
		for(i in 1:nrow(realstdpaths)){
			z0 <- qnorm(mean(outmtx[,i] <= realstdpaths$Std.Value[i]))
			for (qx in 1:2){
				phi <- pnorm(2*z0 + zcrit[qx])
				out[i,7+qx] <- quantile(outmtx[,i], probs=phi, type=1)
	else{warning("unrecognized value provided for argument 'method'")}
	rownames(out) <- NULL

coef.MxModel <- function(object, ...) omxGetParameters(object)

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