
Defines functions .def_features def_features.OpenSpecy def_features.default def_features collapse_spec.OpenSpecy collapse_spec.default collapse_spec

Documented in collapse_spec collapse_spec.default collapse_spec.OpenSpecy def_features def_features.default def_features.OpenSpecy

#' @rdname def_features
#' @title Define features
#' @description
#' Functions for analyzing features, like particles, fragments, or fibers, in
#' spectral map oriented \code{OpenSpecy} object.
#' @details
#' `def_features()` accepts an \code{OpenSpecy} object and a logical or
#' character vector describing which pixels correspond to particles.
#' `collapse_spec()` takes an \code{OpenSpecy} object with particle-specific
#' metadata (from `def_features()`) and collapses the spectra to median
#' intensities for each unique particle.
#' It also updates the metadata with centroid coordinates, while preserving the
#' feature information on area and Feret max.
#' @return
#' An \code{OpenSpecy} object appended with metadata about the features or
#' collapsed for the features.
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{data.table::setDTthreads(2)}
#' tiny_map <- read_extdata("CA_tiny_map.zip") |> read_any()
#' identified_map <- def_features(tiny_map, tiny_map$metadata$x == 0)
#' collapse_spec(identified_map)
#' @param x an \code{OpenSpecy} object
#' @param features a logical vector or character vector describing which of the
#' spectra are of features (\code{TRUE}) and which are not (\code{FALSE}).
#' If a character vector is provided, it should represent the different feature
#' types present in the spectra.
#' @param \ldots additional arguments passed to subfunctions.
#' @author
#' Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz
#' @importFrom data.table data.table as.data.table setDT rbindlist transpose .SD :=
#' @export
collapse_spec <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname def_features
#' @export
collapse_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname def_features
#' @export
collapse_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, ...) {
  # Calculate the median spectra for each unique feature_id
  ts <- transpose(x$spectra)
  ts$id <- x$metadata$feature_id
  x$spectra <- ts[, lapply(.SD, median, na.rm = T), by = "id"] |>
    transpose(make.names = "id")

  x$metadata <- x$metadata |>
    unique(by = c("feature_id", "area", "feret_max", "centroid_y",


#' @rdname def_features
#' @export
def_features <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname def_features
#' @export
def_features.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname def_features
#' @importFrom imager label as.cimg
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table setDT rbindlist data.table
#' @export
def_features.OpenSpecy <- function(x, features, ...) {
  if(is.logical(features)) {
    if(all(features) | all(!features))
      stop("features cannot be all TRUE or FALSE because that would indicate ",
           "that there are no distinct features", call. = F)

    features_df <- .def_features(x, features)
  } else if(is.character(features)) {
    if(length(unique(features)) == 1)
      stop("features cannot all have a single name because that would ",
           "indicate that there are no distinct features", call. = F)

    features_df <- rbindlist(lapply(unique(features),
                                    function(y) .def_features(x, features == y))
  } else {
    stop("features needs to be a character or logical vector", call. = F)

  obj <- x
  x <- y <- feature_id <- NULL # workaround for data.table non-standard
                               # evaluation
  md <- features_df[setDT(obj$metadata), on = c("x", "y")]
  md[, feature_id := ifelse(is.na(feature_id), "-88", feature_id)]
  md[, "centroid_x" := mean(x), by = "feature_id"]
  md[, "centroid_y" := mean(y), by = "feature_id"]

  obj$metadata <- md


#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @importFrom stats dist
.def_features <- function(x, binary, name = NULL) {
  # Label connected components in the binary image
  binary_matrix <- matrix(binary, ncol = max(x$metadata$x) + 1, byrow = T)
  labeled_image <- imager::label(imager::as.cimg(binary_matrix),
                                 high_connectivity = T)

  # Create a dataframe with feature IDs for each true pixel
  feature_points_dt <- data.table(x = x$metadata$x,
                                  y = x$metadata$y,
                                  feature_id = ifelse(binary_matrix,
                                                      labeled_image, -88) |>
                                    t() |> as.vector() |> as.character())

  # Apply the logic to clean components
  cleaned_components <- ifelse(binary_matrix, labeled_image, -88)

  # Calculate the convex hull for each feature
  convex_hulls <- lapply(
      as.data.frame(which(cleaned_components >= 0, arr.ind = TRUE)),
      cleaned_components[cleaned_components >= 0]
    function(coords) {coords[unique(chull(coords[,2], coords[,1])),]

  # Calculate area, Feret max, and feature IDs for each feature
  features_dt <- rbindlist(lapply(seq_along(convex_hulls), function(i) {
    hull <- convex_hulls[[i]]
    id <- names(convex_hulls)[i]
    if(nrow(hull) == 1)
      return(data.table(feature_id = id,
                        area = 1,
                        perimeter = 4,
                        feret_min = 1,
                        feret_max = 1)

    # Calculate Feret dimensions
    dist_matrix <- as.matrix(dist(hull))
    feret_max <- max(dist_matrix) + 1

    perimeter <- 0
    cols = 1:nrow(hull)
    rows = c(2:nrow(hull), 1)
    for (j in 1:length(cols)) {
      # Fetch the distance from the distance matrix
      perimeter <- perimeter + dist_matrix[rows[j], cols[j]]

    # Area
    area <- sum(cleaned_components == as.integer(id))

    feret_min = area/feret_max #Can probably calculate this better.

    data.table(feature_id = id,
               area = area,
               perimeter = perimeter,
               feret_min = feret_min,
               feret_max = feret_max
  }), fill = T)

  # Join with the coordinates from the binary image
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    features_dt$feature_id <- paste0(name, "_", features_dt$feature_id)

  feature_points_dt[features_dt, on = "feature_id"]

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OpenSpecy documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:09 a.m.