
Defines functions .fill_spec ai_classify.OpenSpecy ai_classify.default ai_classify filter_spec.OpenSpecy filter_spec.default filter_spec max_cor_named get_metadata.OpenSpecy get_metadata.default get_metadata ident_spec match_spec.OpenSpecy match_spec.default match_spec cor_spec.OpenSpecy cor_spec.default cor_spec

Documented in ai_classify ai_classify.default ai_classify.OpenSpecy cor_spec cor_spec.default cor_spec.OpenSpecy filter_spec filter_spec.default filter_spec.OpenSpecy get_metadata get_metadata.default get_metadata.OpenSpecy ident_spec match_spec match_spec.default match_spec.OpenSpecy max_cor_named

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @title Identify and filter spectra
#' @description
#' \code{match_spec()} joins two \code{OpenSpecy} objects and their metadata
#' based on similarity.
#' \code{cor_spec()} correlates two \code{OpenSpecy} objects, typically one with
#' knowns and one with unknowns.
#' \code{ident_spec()} retrieves the top match values from a correlation matrix
#' and formats them with metadata.
#' \code{get_metadata()} retrieves metadata from OpenSpecy objects.
#' \code{max_cor_named()} formats the top correlation values from a correlation
#' matrix as a named vector.
#' \code{filter_spec()} filters an Open Specy object.
#' @param x an \code{OpenSpecy} object, typically with unknowns.
#' @param conform Whether to conform the spectra to the library wavenumbers or not.
#' @param type the type of conformation to make returned by \code{conform_spec()}
#' @param library an \code{OpenSpecy} or \code{glmnet} object representing the
#' reference library of spectra or model to use in identification.
#' @param na.rm logical; indicating whether missing values should be removed
#' when calculating correlations. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param top_n integer; specifying the number of top matches to return.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), all matches will be returned.
#' @param cor_matrix a correlation matrix for object and library,
#' can be returned by \code{cor_spec()}
#' @param order an \code{OpenSpecy} used for sorting, ideally the unprocessed
#' one; \code{NULL} skips sorting.
#' @param add_library_metadata name of a column in the library metadata to be
#' joined; \code{NULL} if you don't want to join.
#' @param add_object_metadata name of a column in the object metadata to be
#' joined; \code{NULL} if you don't want to join.
#' @param rm_empty logical; whether to remove empty columns in the metadata.
#' @param logic a logical or numeric vector describing which spectra to keep.
#' @param fill an \code{OpenSpecy} object with a single spectrum to be used to
#' fill missing values for alignment with the AI classification.
#' @param \ldots additional arguments passed \code{\link[stats]{cor}()}.
#' @return
#' \code{match_spec()} and \code{ident_spec()} will return
#' a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}()} containing correlations
#' between spectra and the library.
#' The table has three columns: \code{object_id}, \code{library_id}, and
#' \code{match_val}.
#' Each row represents a unique pairwise correlation between a spectrum in the
#' object and a spectrum in the library.
#' If \code{top_n} is specified, only the top \code{top_n} matches for each
#' object spectrum will be returned.
#' If \code{add_library_metadata} is \code{is.character}, the library metadata
#' will be added to the output.
#' If \code{add_object_metadata} is \code{is.character}, the object metadata
#' will be added to the output.
#' \code{filter_spec()} returns an \code{OpenSpecy} object.
#' \code{cor_spec()} returns a correlation matrix.
#' \code{get_metadata()} returns a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}()}
#' with the metadata for columns which have information.
#' @examples
#' data("test_lib")
#' unknown <- read_extdata("ftir_ldpe_soil.asp") |>
#'   read_any() |>
#'   conform_spec(range = test_lib$wavenumber,
#'                res = spec_res(test_lib)) |>
#'   process_spec()
#' cor_spec(unknown, test_lib)
#' match_spec(unknown, test_lib, add_library_metadata = "sample_name",
#'            top_n = 1)
#' @author
#' Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{adj_intens}()} converts spectra;
#' \code{\link{get_lib}()} retrieves the Open Specy reference library;
#' \code{\link{load_lib}()} loads the Open Specy reference library into an \R
#' object of choice
#' @importFrom stats cor predict
#' @importFrom glmnet predict.glmnet
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setorder fifelse .SD as.data.table rbindlist
#' @export
cor_spec <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
cor_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
cor_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, library, na.rm = T, conform = F,
                               type = "roll", ...) {
  if(conform) x <- conform_spec(x, library$wavenumber, res = NULL, type)

  if(!is.null(attr(x, "intensity_unit")) &&
     attr(x, "intensity_unit") != attr(library,  "intensity_unit"))
    warning("Intensity units between the library and unknown are not the same")

  if(!is.null(attr(x, "derivative_order")) &&
     attr(x, "derivative_order") != attr(library,  "derivative_order"))
    warning("Derivative orders between the library and unknown are not the same")

  if(!is.null(attr(x, "baseline")) &&
     attr(x, "baseline") != attr(library,  "baseline"))
    warning("Baselines between the library and unknown are not the same")

  if(!is.null(attr(x, "spectra_type")) &&
     attr(x, "spectra_type") != attr(library,  "spectra_type"))
    warning("Spectra types between the library and unknown are not the same")

  if(sum(x$wavenumber %in% library$wavenumber) < 3)
    stop("there are less than 3 matching wavenumbers in the objects you are ",
         "trying to correlate; this won't work for correlation analysis; ",
         "consider first conforming the spectra to the same wavenumbers",
         call. = F)

  if(!all(x$wavenumber %in% library$wavenumber))
    warning(paste0("some wavenumbers in 'x' are not in the library and the ",
                   "function is not using these in the identification routine: ",
                   paste(x$wavenumber[!x$wavenumber %in% library$wavenumber],
                         collapse = " ")),
            call. = F)

  lib <- library$spectra[library$wavenumber %in% x$wavenumber, ]
  lib <- lib[, lapply(.SD, make_rel, na.rm = na.rm)]
  lib <- lib[, lapply(.SD, mean_replace)]

  spec <- x$spectra[x$wavenumber %in% library$wavenumber,]
  spec <- spec[,lapply(.SD, make_rel, na.rm = na.rm)]
  spec <- spec[,lapply(.SD, mean_replace)]

  cor(lib, spec, ...)

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
match_spec <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
match_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
match_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, library, na.rm = T, conform = F,
                                 type = "roll", top_n = NULL, order = NULL,
                                 add_library_metadata = NULL,
                                 add_object_metadata = NULL, fill = NULL, ...) {
  if(is_OpenSpecy(library)) {
    res <- cor_spec(x, library = library, conform = conform, type = type) |>
      ident_spec(x, library = library, top_n = top_n,
                 add_library_metadata = add_library_metadata,
                 add_object_metadata = add_object_metadata)
  } else {
    res <- ai_classify(x, library, fill)

  if(!is.null(order)) {
    .reorder <- NULL
    match <- match(colnames(order$spectra), res$object_id)
    setorder(res[, .reorder := order(match)], .reorder)[, .reorder := NULL]


#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
ident_spec <- function(cor_matrix, x, library, top_n = NULL,
                       add_library_metadata = NULL,
                       add_object_metadata = NULL, ...){
  if(is.numeric(top_n) && top_n > ncol(library$spectra)){
    top_n = NULL
    message("'top_n' larger than the number of spectra in the library; ",
            "returning all matches")

  out <-  as.data.table(cor_matrix, keep.rownames = T) |> melt(id.vars = "rn")

  names(out) <- c("library_id", "object_id", "match_val")

  if(is.numeric(top_n)) {
    match_val <- NULL # workaround for data.table non-standard evaluation
    setorder(out, -match_val)
    out <- out[!is.na(match_val), head(.SD, top_n), by = "object_id"]

    out <- merge(out, library$metadata,
                 by.x = "library_id", by.y = add_library_metadata, all.x = T)


    out <- merge(out, x$metadata,
                 by.x = "object_id", by.y = add_object_metadata, all.x = T)


#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
get_metadata <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
get_metadata.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
get_metadata.OpenSpecy <- function(x, logic, rm_empty = TRUE, ...) {
    logic <- which(names(x$spectra) %in% logic)

  res <- x$metadata[logic, ]

    res <- res[, !sapply(res, is_empty_vector), with = F]


#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
max_cor_named <- function(cor_matrix, na.rm = T) {
  # Find the indices of maximum correlations
  max_cor_indices <- apply(cor_matrix, 2, function(x) which.max(x))

  # Use indices to get max correlation values
  max_cor_values <- vapply(1:length(max_cor_indices), function(idx) {
    cor_matrix[max_cor_indices[idx],idx]}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

  # Use indices to get the corresponding names
  names(max_cor_values) <- rownames(cor_matrix)[max_cor_indices]


#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
filter_spec <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
filter_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
filter_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, logic, ...) {
    logic = which(names(x$spectra) %in% logic)
  x$spectra <- x$spectra[, logic, with = F]
  x$metadata <- x$metadata[logic,]

  if(ncol(x$spectra) == 0 | ncol(x$metadata) == 0)
    stop("the OpenSpecy object created contains zero spectra, this is not well ",
         "supported, if you have specific scenarios where this is required ",
         "please share it with the developers and we can make a workaround")


#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
ai_classify <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
ai_classify.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")

#' @rdname match_spec
#' @export
ai_classify.OpenSpecy <- function(x, library, fill = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.null(fill)) {
    filled <- .fill_spec(x, fill)
  } else {
    filled <- x
  filled$spectra$wavenumber <- filled$wavenumber
  proc <- transpose(filled$spectra, make.names = "wavenumber") |>

  pred <- predict(library$model,
                  newx = proc,
                  type = "response") |>
  names(pred)[1:3] <- c("x", "y", "z")
  pred$x <- as.integer(pred$x)
  pred$y <- as.integer(pred$y)
  pred <- merge(pred, data.table(x = 1:dim(proc)[1]), all.y = T)

  value <- NULL # workaround for data.table non-standard evaluation
  filt <- pred[, .SD[value == max(value, na.rm = T) | is.na(value)], by = "x"]

  res <- merge(filt, library$dimension_conversion, all.x = T,
               by.x = "y", by.y = "factor_num")
  setorder(res, "x")


.fill_spec <- function(x, fill) {
  blank_dt <- x$spectra[1,]

  blank_dt[1,] <- NA

  test <- rbindlist(lapply(1:length(fill$wavenumber), function(x) {
  ))[, lapply(.SD, function(x) {

  test[match(x$wavenumber, fill$wavenumber),] <- x$spectra

  x$spectra <- test

  x$wavenumber <- fill$wavenumber


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OpenSpecy documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:09 a.m.