
Defines functions checkDepthCol depthFromDb depthToDf depthToEvent addHydrophoneDepth

Documented in addHydrophoneDepth

#' @title Add Hydrophone Depth Data to an AcousticStudy
#' @description Add hydrophone depth to an AcousticStudy or AcousticEvent
#' @param x an \linkS4class{AcousticStudy} to add depth data to
#' @param depth a data frame of depth values to match to data from \code{x}.
#'   Must have column \code{UTC}, and a column containing depth data to be
#'   specified by \code{depthCol}. If not provided and \code{x} is an
#'   \linkS4class{AcousticEvent} or \linkS4class{AcousticStudy} object, then
#'   the depth data will be read from the databases contained in the \code{files}
#'   slot of \code{x}
#' @param depthCol the name of the column containing depth in the dataframe or
#'   database. If left as \code{NULL}, will search for a single column containing
#'   the word "depth" or "Depth"
#' @param thresh maximum time apart in seconds for matching depth to
#'   data, if the closest value is more than \code{thresh} apart then the
#'   depth value will be set to \code{NA}
#' @param \dots additional arguments for other methods
#' @details Depth values will be matched to the data
#'   by using data.table's rolling join with \code{roll='nearest'}. After the
#'   join is done, the time difference between the matched rows is checked
#'   and any that are greater than the set threshold are set to NA. This is
#'   done to prevent accidentally matching weird things if an incomplete set
#'   of depth data is provided.
#'   If \code{x} is an \linkS4class{AcousticEvent} or \linkS4class{AcousticStudy},
#'   then \code{depth} can be omitted and will be read from the databases contained
#'   in the \code{files} slot of \code{x}.
#' @return the same data as \code{x}, with depth data added. All AcousticEvents will
#'   have depth data added to all detector dataframes as column \code{hpDepth}
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @examples
#' data(exStudy)
#' # need to update database file to local directory
#' db <- system.file('extdata', 'Example.sqlite3', package='PAMpal')
#' exStudy <- updateFiles(exStudy, db=db, bin=NA, verbose=FALSE)
#' exStudy <- addHydrophoneDepth(exStudy)
#' getClickData(exStudy[1])
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setkeyv key setDT setDF as.data.table
#' @export
addHydrophoneDepth <- function(x, depth=NULL, depthCol=NULL, thresh=60, ...) {
    if(!is.null(depth) &&
       !is.data.frame(depth) &&
       !is.numeric(depth)) {
        stop('"depth" must be a dataframe or NULL to read from database.')
    if(is.numeric(depth)) {
        for(e in seq_along(events(x))) {
            x[[e]] <- depthToEvent(x[[e]], depth, thresh)
        x <- .addPamWarning(x)
    if(is.data.frame(depth)) {
        needCols <- c('UTC', depthCol)
        missingCols <- needCols[!(needCols %in% colnames(depth))]
        if(length(missingCols) > 0) {
            stop('Depth data needs column(s) named ', paste0(missingCols, collapse=', '))
        if(!inherits(depth$UTC, 'POSIXct')) {
            stop('UTC must be converted to POSIXct in "depth" data')
        depthCol <- checkDepthCol(depth, depthCol)
        depth <- select(depth, all_of(c('UTC', depthCol)))
        for(e in seq_along(events(x))) {
            x[[e]] <- depthToEvent(x[[e]], depth, thresh)
        x <- .addPamWarning(x)
    dbMap <- bind_rows(lapply(events(x), function(e) {
    for(d in unique(dbMap$db)) {
        thisIds <- dbMap$id[dbMap$db == d]
        thisDepth <- depthFromDb(d, depthCol)
        for(i in thisIds) {
            x[[i]] <- depthToEvent(x[[i]], thisDepth, thresh)
    x <- .addPamWarning(x)

depthToEvent <- function(event, depth, thresh) {
    for(d in seq_along(detectors(event))) {
        detectors(event)[[d]] <- depthToDf(detectors(event)[[d]], depth, thresh)

depthToDf <- function(x, depth, thresh) {
    # Check for right columns and proper types
    if(is.numeric(depth)) {
        x[['hpDepth']] <- depth
    needCols <- c('UTC', 'depth')
    missingCols <- needCols[!(needCols %in% colnames(depth))]
    thisType <- attr(x, 'calltype')
    if(length(missingCols) > 0) {
        pamWarning('Depth data needs column(s) named ', paste(missingCols, collapse = ', '))
    if(!('UTC' %in% colnames(x))) {
        pamWarning('Data needs column UTC.')
    depth <- rename(depth, 'hpDepth' = depth)
    if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(x$UTC))) x$UTC <- pgDateToPosix(x$UTC)
    # dummies for calculating time difference for threshold check later

    # setDT(x)
    x <- dropCols(x, 'hpDepth')
    x <- as.data.table(x)
    x$dataTime <- x$UTC
    # depth <- checkGpsKey(depth)
    if(!inherits(depth, 'data.table')) {
    depth$depthTime <- depth$UTC

    setkeyv(x, 'UTC')
    setkeyv(depth, 'UTC') # removing channel key from gps if its there i guess

    result <- depth[x, roll='nearest']
    result[abs(dataTime - depthTime) > thresh, c('hpDepth') := NA]
    result$UTC <- result$dataTime
    result[, c('depthTime', 'dataTime') := NULL]
    if(any(is.na(result$hpDepth))) {
        pamWarning('Some depth matches exceeded time threshold, setting',
                   'value to NA.')
    attr(result, 'calltype') <- thisType
    # setDF(x)

depthFromDb <- function(db, depthCol=c('Sensor_0_Depth'), extraCols=NULL) {
    con <- dbConnect(db, drv=SQLite())
    if(!('Hydrophone_Depth_Data' %in% dbListTables(con))) {
        pamWarning('No "Hyrophone_Depth_Data" table found indatabase', basename(db))
    thisDepth <- dbReadTable(con, 'Hydrophone_Depth_Data')
    depthCol <- checkDepthCol(thisDepth, depthCol)
    thisDepth <- select(thisDepth, any_of(c('UTC', depthCol, extraCols)))
    # setDT(thisDepth)
    # thisDepth$db <- db
    thisDepth$UTC <- pgDateToPosix(thisDepth$UTC)
    thisDepth <- rename(thisDepth, 'depth' = depthCol)


checkDepthCol <- function(df, depthCol=NULL) {
    if(is.null(depthCol) ||
       !(depthCol %in% colnames(df))) {
        maybeDepth <- grep('[Dd]epth', colnames(df), value=TRUE)
        if(length(maybeDepth) == 0) {
            pamWarning('Could not find any depth column in table')
        if(length(maybeDepth) > 1) {
            naCol <- apply(df[maybeDepth], 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
            if(sum(!naCol) == 1) {
                depthCol <- maybeDepth[!naCol]
            } else {
                pamWarning('Could not determine single depth column, please specify with "depthCol"')
        if(length(maybeDepth) == 1) {
            depthCol <- maybeDepth

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PAMpal documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.