
Defines functions getICI calcICI dfICI calcIciMode

Documented in getICI

#' @title Calculate Inter-Click Interval
#' @description Calculate inter-click interval for click data
#' @param x a \linkS4class{AcousticStudy} object, a list of \linkS4class{AcousticEvent}
#'   objects, or a single \linkS4class{AcousticEvent} object
#' @param time the time measurement to use. \code{start} will use the \code{UTC} value,
#'   \code{peak} will use the \code{peakTime} value if present (currently present in
#'   \code{standardClickCalcs}, this is the time of the peak of the waveform)
#' @param callType the call type to calculate ICI for, usually this is \code{click}
#'   but also allows users to specify \code{whistle} or \code{cepstrum} to calculate this
#'   using other detector data
#' @param verbose logical flag to print messages
#' @param \dots not currently used
#' @details Calculates the ICI for each individual detector and across all detectors.
#'   ICI calculation is done by ordering all individual detections by time, then taking
#'   the difference between consecutive detections and approximating the mode value.
#' @return the same object as \code{x}, with ICI data added to the "ancillary" slot
#'   of each AcousticEvent. Two items will be added. $ici contains all of the
#'   individual inter-click intervals used to calculate the ICI, as well as an "All"
#'   ICI using all the combined data. $measures will also have a ICI measurement added
#'   for each detector, this will be the single modal value. Data in the $measures spot
#'   can be exported easily to modeling algorithms. \code{getICI} will just return either
#'   the values stored in $measures for \code{type = 'value'} or a dataframe of the
#'   individual ICI values used to calculate these (with columns indicating separate Channels,
#'   eventIds, and detectorNames) for \code{type = 'data'}
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @examples
#' # setting up example data
#' data(exStudy)
#' exStudy <- calculateICI(exStudy)
#' # each event has its ICI data stored separately, these are 0
#' # because there is only a single click in this event
#' ancillary(exStudy[[1]])$ici
#' # also saves it in measures that will get exported for modeling
#' ancillary(exStudy[[1]])$measures
#' @name calculateICI
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @export
setGeneric('calculateICI', function(x,
                                    time=c('UTC', 'peakTime'),
                                    callType = c('click', 'whistle', 'cepstrum', 'gpl'),
                                    ...) standardGeneric('calculateICI'))

#' @rdname calculateICI
#' @export
setMethod('calculateICI', 'AcousticStudy', function(x,
                                                    time=c('UTC', 'peakTime'),
                                                    callType = c('click', 'whistle', 'cepstrum', 'gpl'),
                                                    ...) {
    events(x) <- lapply(events(x), function(e) calculateICI(e, time, callType, verbose, ...))

#' @rdname calculateICI
#' @export
setMethod('calculateICI', 'AcousticEvent', function(x,
                                                    time=c('UTC', 'peakTime'),
                                                    callType = c('click', 'whistle', 'cepstrum', 'gpl'),
                                                    ...) {
    callType <- match.arg(callType)
    detData <- getDetectorData(x)[[callType]]
    time <- match.arg(time)
    detData <- detData[!is.na(detData[[time]]), ]
    if(is.null(detData)) {
        if(verbose) {
            message('No detector data found for call type "', callType, '" in event "', id(x), '"\n')
    detNames <- unique(detData$detectorName)
    iciList <- vector('list', length = length(detNames) + 1)
    names(iciList) <- c(detNames, 'All')
    for(d in detNames) {
        thisIci <- dfICI(detData[detData$detectorName == d, ], time)
        thisIci$detectorName <- d
        iciList[[d]] <- thisIci
    allIci <- dfICI(detData, time)
    allIci$detectorName <- 'All'
    iciList[['All']] <- allIci

    oldIci <- ancillary(x)$ici
    if(!is.null(oldIci)) {
        iciList <- safeListAdd(oldIci, iciList)
    ancillary(x)$ici <- iciList
    # browser()
    # filter outliers before mode calc
    iciMode <- lapply(iciList, function(i) {
    names(iciMode) <- paste0(names(iciMode), '_ici')
    ancillary(x)$measures <- safeListAdd(ancillary(x)$measures, iciMode)
    x <- .addPamWarning(x)

calcIciMode <- function(ici) {
    ici <- ici[ici > 0]
    if(length(ici) == 0) {
    if(length(ici) == 1) {
    if(!is.na(sd(ici)) &&
       sd(ici) != 0) {
        iciZ <- (ici - mean(ici)) / sd(ici)
        ici <- ici[abs(iciZ) < 2]
        if(any(abs(iciZ) < 2)) {
            iciZ <- (ici - mean(ici)) / sd(ici)
            ici <- ici[abs(iciZ) < 2]
        if(length(ici) == 0) {
        if(length(ici) == 1) {
    den <- density(ici)
    mode <- den$x[which.max(den$y)]
    if(mode < 0) mode <- 0

dfICI <- function(x, time='UTC') {
    # check if peakTime is full time or just time within the waveform
    # 1e4 arbitrary, but UTC as numeric will be ~ 1e9
    if(time == 'peakTime' &&
       is.numeric(x$peakTime[1]) &&
       x$peakTime[1] < 1e4) {
        x$peakTime <- as.numeric(x$UTC) + x$peakTime
    if('Channel' %in% colnames(x)) {
        bind_rows(lapply(unique(x$Channel), function(c) {
            calcICI(x[x$Channel == c, c('UID', 'BinaryFile', 'Channel', time)], time)
    } else {
        calcICI(x[, c('UID', 'BinaryFile',time)], time)

calcICI <- function(x, time) {
    # x <- x[, c('UID', time)]
    if(nrow(x) == 1) {
        x$ici <- 0
    x$sort <- as.numeric(x[[time]])
    x <- arrange(x, .data$sort)
    ici <- x$sort - c(x$sort[1], x$sort[1:(nrow(x)-1)])
    x$ici <- ici
    x$sort <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname calculateICI
#' @param type the type of data to return, one of 'value' or 'data'. 'value' returns
#'  the single ICI value for each detector, 'data' returns all the individual ICI values
#'  used to calculate the number returned by 'value'
getICI <- function(x, type=c('value', 'data')) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(is.AcousticStudy(x)) {
        result <- suppressPamWarnings(lapply(events(x), function(e) getICI(e, type)))
        noICI <- sapply(result, function(r) is.null(r))
        if(all(noICI)) {
            pamWarning('No ICI data found, run "calculateICI" first')
        if(any(noICI)) {
            pamWarning('No ICI data found in event(s) ', names(result)[noICI], n=6)
        if(type == 'data') {
            result <- bind_rows(result, .id='eventId')
    if(!is.AcousticEvent(x)) {
        stop('Input must be an AcousticStudy or AcousticEvent')
           'value' = {
               isIci <- grep('_ici$', names(ancillary(x)$measures), value=TRUE)
               if(length(isIci) == 0) {
                   pamWarning('No ICI data found in event ', id(x), ' run "calculateICI" first.')
           'data' = {
               if(is.null(ancillary(x)$ici)) {
                   pamWarning('No ICI data found in event ', id(x), ' run "calculateICI" first.')

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