
Defines functions .updateFile .sortHelperFile .sortHelperActive .sortHelper .updateHistoryButtons .updateHistory .createWidget.history sortHistory rmHistory lastHistory jumpHistory initHistory importHistory forwHistory firstHistory exportHistory clearHistory backHistory addHistory

Documented in addHistory backHistory clearHistory clearHistory exportHistory firstHistory forwHistory importHistory initHistory jumpHistory lastHistory rmHistory sortHistory

#                 PBS Modelling                  #
# -----------------------------------------------#
# This file aims to include functions specific   #
# to the history widget and other GUI functions  #
#                                                #
# Authors:                                       #
#  Jon T. Schnute <schnutej-dfo@shaw.ca>,        #
#  Alex Couture-Beil <alex@mofo.ca>, and         #
#  Rowan Haigh <rowan.haigh@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>       #
#                                                #
# The history widget creates a bunch of standard #
# PBS widgets, which call the appropriate func-  #
# tions as if a power-user created history.      #

#              HISTORY FUNCTIONS

# save history
# Arguments:
#  hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
addHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	x <- PBS.history[[hisname]]                 # old history
	itemLen <- length(x)-1                      # don't count header
	index <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index  # make it a real index
	insertMode <- getWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$modename)[[PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$modename]]
	if (is.null(insertMode) || index==0) {
		insertMode <- "a"
	if (insertMode=="a") {
		#insert to the right of current index
		#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+2]] <<- getWinVal()"))
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+2]] <- getWinVal()
		if (index < itemLen) {
			for(i in (index+2):(itemLen+1)) {
				#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]] <<- x[[i]]"))
				PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]] <- x[[i]]
		#point index to inserted pos
		#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- index+1"))
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- index + 1
	else if (insertMode=="b") {
		#insert to the left of current index
		#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+1]] <<- getWinVal()"))
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+1]] <- getWinVal()
		for(i in (index+1):(itemLen+1)) {
			#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]] <<- x[[i]]"))
			PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]] <- x[[i]]
	else if (insertMode=="o") {
		#overwrite the current index
		#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+1]] <<- getWinVal()"))
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[index+1]] <- getWinVal()
	else {
		stop(paste("unknown insert mode:", insertMode))
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  Move back in history.
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
backHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory function help")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	i <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index
	if (i < 2) {
		#cat("history widget: warning, current position is already at front of history list.\n")
	#PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- i <- i-1
	i <- i-1
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- i"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- i
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )                      # does not modify PBS.history
	setWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]], winName=win) #i is always one lower
	.updateHistory(hisname)                               # does not modify PBS.history
	if (!is.null(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func))
		do.call(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func, list(),envir=.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin]]$env)

#  Remove all history elements from
# Arguments:
#   hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
clearHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	tmp <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]
	tmp$index = 0
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]] <<- list(0)"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]] <- list(0)
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]] <<- tmp"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]] <- tmp

#	len <- length(PBS.history[[hisname]])
#	if (len > 1) {
#		for(i in 2:len) {
			#PBS.history[[hisname]][[i]] <<- NULL #something weird is happening here
#			rmHistory(hisname)
#		}
#	}
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  Save PBS history to a file
# Arguments:
#   hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
#   fname   - initial filename to save under
exportHistory <- function(hisname="", fname="")
	if (hisname=="") hisname <- getWinAct()[1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]]))
		stop("unable to export history. Incorect history name given.")

	if (fname=="")
		fname <- selectFile( initialfile=paste(hisname,".History.r", sep=""), mode="save" )
	if (fname=="")
		stop("no filename given.")

	x = PBS.history[[hisname]]
	x[[1]] <- NULL # remove history widget info
	writeList(x, fname)

#  Move to first history slide.
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
firstHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="")
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
		jumpHistory(hisname, 1)
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  Move forward in history.
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
forwHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	i <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index
	if (i >= (length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1)) {
		#cat("history widget: warning, current position is already at end of history list.\n")
	#PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- i <- i+1
	i <- i+1
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- i"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- i
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )
	setWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]], winName=win) #i is always one lower
	if (!is.null(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func))
		do.call(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func, list(),envir=.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin]]$env)

#  Import PBS history from a file.
# Arguments:
#   hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
#   fname   - initial filename to open from
importHistory <- function(hisname="", fname="", updateHis=TRUE)
	if (hisname=="") hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]]))
		stop("unable to import history. Incorect history name given.")

	if (fname=="")
		fname <- selectFile( mode="open" )
	if ( is.null( fname ) || fname=="" )
		stop("no filename given.")

	newHist <- readList(fname)
	insertMode <- getWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$modename)[[PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$modename]]

	a <- PBS.history[[hisname]]
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]] <<- list()"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]] <- list()
	index <- max(0, min(a$index, length(a)-1))
	if (insertMode!="b" || index==0)
		index <- index + 1
	i <- 1

	repeat {
		if( !length(a) && !length(newHist) )
		if( i > index && length(newHist) ) {
			#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[i]] <<- newHist[[1]]"))
			PBS.history[[hisname]][[i]] <- newHist[[1]]
			newHist[[1]] <- NULL
		} else {
			#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[i]] <<- a[[1]]"))
			PBS.history[[hisname]][[i]] <- a[[1]]
			a[[1]] <- NULL
		i <- i + 1
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- 1"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- 1

	#update with new history settings
	if (updateHis)
		jumpHistory(hisname, index)


#  Setup the History "list".
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
#   indexname - customized index widget name
#   sizename  - customized size widget name
#   overwrite - retain old history?
initHistory <- function(hisname, indexname=NULL, sizename=NULL, buttonnames=NULL, modename=NULL, func=NULL, overwrite=TRUE)

	if (!exists("PBS.history", envir = .PBSmodEnv)) #.GlobalEnv))
		PBS.history <- list()
		PBS.history <- get("PBS.history", envir = .PBSmodEnv) #.GlobalEnv)

	if (is.null(func) || func=="")
		func <- NULL
	if (!is.null(func)) {
		if (!exists(func,mode="function",envir=.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin]]$env)) {  #look for function in the original environment
			cat(paste("Warning: cannot find function '", func, "'.\n", sep=""))
			func <- NULL

	if (!is.list(PBS.history))
		assign("PBS.history", list(), envir = .PBSmodEnv) #.GlobalEnv)

	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]]) || overwrite) {
		PBS.history[[hisname]] <- list(0)
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]] <- list(index=0) #the first element is the index, all other elements are history items
	#save names of entry boxes
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$indexname <- indexname
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$buttonnames <- buttonnames
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$sizename <- sizename
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$modename <- modename
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func <- func
	assign("PBS.history", PBS.history, envir = .PBSmodEnv) #.GlobalEnv)

#  Need history name
#   and what index to jump to - or what entry to pull it out of
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
jumpHistory <- function(hisname="", index="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	if (is.numeric(index))
		i <- index
	else if (index=="")
		i <- as.numeric(getWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$indexname))
		i <- as.numeric(getWinVal(index))

	if (i > length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1 || i <= 0) {
		cat("Error: history index is out of bounds.\n")
	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- i")) #update index
	PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- i # update index
	setWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]], winName=win)       #i is always one lower
	if (!is.null(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func))
		do.call(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func, list(),envir=.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin]]$env)
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  Move to last history slide.
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
lastHistory <- function(hisname="")
	if (hisname=="")
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	if(length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1 > 0)
		jumpHistory(hisname, length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1)
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  If index is numeric - delete history in that spot
#  else delete the history where the current index points to 
#  (and not the value of the current index box - as a user might not have pushed enter)
# Arguments:
#   hisname   - history instance name if multiple are active
rmHistory <- function(hisname="", index="")
	if (hisname=="") 
		hisname <- getWinAct()[1]
	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]

	if (!is.list(PBS.history)) 
		stop("History not intialized - see initHistory")
	if (!is.list(PBS.history[[hisname]])) 
		stop(paste("History \"", hisname,"\" not intialized - see initHistory", sep=""))

	if (is.numeric(index))
		i <- index
		i <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index

	if (length(PBS.history[[hisname]]) == 1) {
		cat("History list is already empty.\n")

	#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]] <<- PBS.history[[hisname]][-(i+1)]"))
	PBS.history[[hisname]] <- PBS.history[[hisname]][-(i+1)]

	#change index if it was the last element
	if (i > length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1)
		#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <<- length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1")) #set index to size
		PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index <- length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1 #set index to size
	#change values to current index
	i <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index
	if (i > 0) {
		setWinVal(PBS.history[[hisname]][[i+1]], winName=win) #i is always one lower
		if (!is.null(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func))
			do.call(PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$func, list(),envir=.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin]]$env)
	.updateHistoryButtons( hisname )

#  Sort history
# Arguments:
#  hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
sortHistory <- function(file="",outfile=file,hisname="")
	if (file!="") {
		return(.sortHelperFile(file, outfile))
	if (hisname!="") {
	currHist <- NULL
	if (exists("PBS.history",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
		currHist <- names(PBS.history)
	if (!is.null(currHist)) {
		radios <- list(list(type="label", text="Select an active window history to sort", sticky="w", padx=12))
		i <- 2
		for(h in currHist) {
			len <- length(PBS.history[[h]])-1
			if (len==1)
				items <- "(1 item)"
				items <- paste("(", len, " items)", sep="")
			radios[[i]] <- list(type="radio",
			                    text=paste(h, items),
			i <- i+1
		radios[[i]] <- list(type="button", "function"=".sortHelper", action="active", text="Sort Active History", sticky="w", padx=12)
	else {
		radios <- list(list(type="label", text="No active history widgets could be found.\nTry creating a window with a history widget.", sticky="w", padx=12))
	win <- list(title = "Sort History",
	            windowname = "sort.History",
	            .widgets = c(
	                  list(type="label", text="Active History                                            ", font="bold underline", fg="red3", sticky="w")
	                  list(type="label", text="Saved History                                            ", font="bold underline", fg="red3", sticky="w"),
	                  list(type="label", text="Open a saved history file to sort and select a file \nto save to. (which can be the same file)", sticky="w", padx=12),
                         list(type = "grid", .widgets = list(
                             list(type="entry", name="openfile", sticky="e", padx=12, width=30, mode="character"),
                             list(type="button", "function"=".updateFile", action="open", text="Open From", sticky="w", width=10)
                             list(type="entry", name="savefile", sticky="e", padx=12, width=30, mode="character"),
                             list(type="button", "function"=".updateFile", action="save", text="Save To", sticky="w", width=10)
                         list(type="button", "function"=".sortHelper", action="file", text="Sort Saved History", sticky="w", padx=12)

#               HIDDEN FUNCTIONS

.createWidget.history <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#FIXME TODO figure out a better naming convension for what vars should be returned, or hidden by getWinVal
	#currently, anything with "PBS." is NOT returned. maybe we want PBS.hidden.XXXXX
	indexname=paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".index", sep="") #widget name that stores/displays the index number
	sizename=paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".size", sep="") #widget name that displays the size of history
	modename=paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".mode", sep="") #widget name that displays the size of history
	textname=paste( "PBShistory.", widget$name, ".caption", sep="") #widget name that displays text

	button_names <- list( 
		first = paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".button.first", sep=""),
		back = paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".button.back", sep=""),
		"next" = paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".button.next", sep=""),
		last = paste("PBS.history.", widget$name, ".button.last", sep="") )

	widget$name <- paste(winName, widget$name, sep=".")

	#initialize a list to be used once the window is created
	initHistory(widget$name, indexname=indexname, sizename=sizename, 
		buttonnames=button_names, modename=modename, func=widget[["function"]])

	historyGrid <- 
	list(type="grid", nrow=2, ncol=1, font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="sunken", padx=widget$padx, pady=widget$pady, .widgets=
				list(type="grid", nrow=3, ncol=4, font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="flat", padx=0, pady=0, sticky="we", .widgets=
							list(type="button", text="<<", name=button_names[["first"]], font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="firstHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text="<",  name=button_names[["back"]], font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="backHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text=">",  name=button_names[["next"]], font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="forwHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text=">>", name=button_names[["last"]], font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="lastHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0)
							#list(type="label", text="Index", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text="Sort", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="doAction", action=paste("sortHistory(hisname=\"",widget$name,"\")",sep=""), sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="entry", name=indexname, value="0", width=5, label="", font="", entryfg=widget$entryfg, entrybg=widget$entrybg, "function"="jumpHistory", action=widget$name, enter=TRUE, mode="numeric", padx=0, pady=0, entrybg="white", edit=T),
							list(type="entry", name=sizename, value="0", width=5, label="", font="", action="", enter=TRUE, mode="numeric", padx=0, pady=0, edit=F),
							list(type="button", text="Empty", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="clearHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0)
							list(type="button", text="Insert", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="addHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text="Delete", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="rmHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text="Import", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="importHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0),
							list(type="button", text="Export", font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, width=5, "function"="exportHistory", action=widget$name, sticky="", padx=0, pady=0)
				list(type="grid", nrow=1, ncol=3, font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="raised", padx=0, pady=0, sticky="we", .widgets=
							list(type="radio", name=modename, value="b", text="before", font="7", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, "function"="", action=widget$name, mode="character", sticky="w", padx=0, pady=0, edit=T),
							list(type="radio", name=modename, value="a", selected=TRUE, text="after", font="7", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, "function"="", action=widget$name, mode="character", sticky="w", padx=0, pady=0, edit=T),
							list(type="radio", name=modename, value="o", text="ovr", font="7", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, "function"="", action=widget$name, mode="character", sticky="w", padx=0, pady=0, edit=T)
	if( !is.null( widget[[ "text" ]] ) ) {
		widget$text <- tolower( widget$text )
		text_wid <- list(type = "text", name = textname, height = 6, width = 18, 
                       edit = TRUE, scrollbar = TRUE, fg = "black", bg = "white", 
                       mode = "character", font = "", value = "", borderwidth = 0, 
                       relief = "sunken", sticky = "", padx = 0, pady = 0 )
		if( widget[[ "textsize" ]] > 0 ) {
			if( widget$text == "n" || widget$text == "s" )
				text_wid$height = widget$textsize
				text_wid$width = widget$textsize
		if( widget$text == "n" || widget$text == "s" ) {
			historyGrid$nrow <- historyGrid$nrow + 1
			if( widget$text == "s" ) {
				historyGrid$.widgets[[3]] <- list( text_wid )
			} else { #North
				historyGrid$.widgets[[ 3 ]] <- historyGrid$.widgets[[ 2 ]]
				historyGrid$.widgets[[ 2 ]] <- historyGrid$.widgets[[ 1 ]]
				historyGrid$.widgets[[ 1 ]] <- list( text_wid )
		} else { # E or W
			historyGrid$borderwidth <- 0
			historyGrid$padx <- 0
			historyGrid$pady <- 0
			newGrid <- list(type="grid", nrow=1, ncol=2, font="", fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg, byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="sunken", padx=widget$padx, pady=widget$pady )
			if( widget$text == "w" )
				newGrid$.widgets = list( list( text_wid, historyGrid ) )
				newGrid$.widgets = list( list( historyGrid, text_wid ) )

			historyGrid <- newGrid
	widgets <- .convertOldGridToNewGrid( historyGrid )
	tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
	if (widget$import!="")
		importHistory(widget$name, widget$import, FALSE)
	.updateHistoryButtons( widget$name )
	return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

# update widget values
# Arguments:
#  hisname - history instance name if multiple are active
.updateHistory <- function(hisname)
	indexname <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$indexname
	sizename  <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$sizename

	if (!is.null(indexname))
		x[[indexname]] <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index

	if (!is.null(sizename))
		x[[sizename]] <- length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1

	win <- strsplit(hisname, "\\.")[[1]][1]

	setWinVal(x, winName=win)

.updateHistoryButtons <- function( hisname )
	i <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$index
	n <- length(PBS.history[[hisname]])-1

	first_name <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$buttonnames[["first"]]
	back_name <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$buttonnames[["back"]]
	next_name <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$buttonnames[["next"]]
	last_name <- PBS.history[[hisname]][[1]]$buttonnames[["last"]]

	if( i == n ) {
		#last position
		setWidgetState( next_name, "disabled" )
		setWidgetState( last_name, "disabled" )
	if( i <= 1 ) {
		#first position
		setWidgetState( back_name, "disabled" )
		setWidgetState( first_name, "disabled" )
	#enabled buttons
	if( i < n ) {
		setWidgetState( next_name, "normal" )
		setWidgetState( last_name, "normal" )
	if( i > 1 ) {
		setWidgetState( back_name, "normal" )
		setWidgetState( first_name, "normal" )
	#if( i == ( length(PBS.history[[hisname]]) ) - 1 ) {}

# Helper functions for sortHistory

.sortHelper <- function()
	act <- getWinAct()[1]
	if (act=="active") {
		hisname <- getWinVal("hisname")$hisname
	} else if (act=="file") {
		openfile <- getWinVal("openfile")$openfile
		savefile <- getWinVal("savefile")$savefile
		.sortHelperFile(openfile, savefile)

.sortHelperActive <- function(hisname)
	#convert history into a data.frame (which is used for sorting)
	x <- PBS.history[[hisname]]
	if( length( x ) < 2 )
		stop( "History does not contain any items - unable to sort" )
	i <- 1
	hist <- NULL
	for( h in x[-1] ) {
		if( is.null(hist) ) {
			hist <- list() #matrix( nrow=length(x[-1]), ncol=length(h) )
			if( length( h ) )
				for( j in 1:length( h ) )
					hist[ j ] <- list(c())
		if( length( h ) )
			for( j in 1:length( h ) )
				hist[[j]][i] <- as.vector( h[[j]] )[ 1 ]
		i <- i + 1
	names( hist ) <- names( x[[2]] )
	#display sort widget, .done_sorting() takes care of saving the data
	hist <- as.data.frame( hist, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

	#trim down long strings (if multiple lines take first non empty line)
	.shortenStrings <- function(x)
		x <- strsplit(x,"\n")[[1]]
		needs_dots <- FALSE
		#grab first non empty element
		x <- x[x!=""]
		if( length( x ) == 0 )
			return( "" )
		if( length( x ) > 1 ) {
			needs_dots <- TRUE
			x <- x[1]
		if( nchar( x ) > MAX_STRING_LEN ) {
			needs_dots <- TRUE
			x <- strtrim( x, MAX_STRING_LEN - 3 )
		if( needs_dots == TRUE )
			x <- paste( x, "...", sep="" )
		return( x )
	#eval(parse(text="tmp.before <<- hist"))
	tmp.before <- hist; tput(tmp.before)
	if( ncol( hist ) > 0 ) {
		for( i in 1:ncol( hist ) ) {
			if( is.character( hist[,i] ) )
				hist[,i] <- unlist( lapply( hist[,i], .shortenStrings ) )
	.sortWidget( hist, hisname )

.sortHelperFile <- function(openfile, savefile)
	inHis <- readList(openfile)
	len <- length(inHis) - 1
	if (len < 1) stop("unable to sort empty history")
	x <- data.frame(new = 1:len)
	x <- fix(x); xnew <- order(x$new, na.last=NA);
	outHis <- list(inHis[[1]])
	j <- 2
	for (i in xnew) {
		if (!is.na(i)) {
			outHis[[j]] <- inHis[[i + 1]]
			j <- j + 1
	writeList(outHis, savefile)

.updateFile <- function()
	act <- getWinAct()[1]
	if (act=="open") {
		f <- selectFile( mode="open" )
		s <- getWinVal("savefile")$savefile
		if (s=="")
	} else if (act=="save") {
		f <- selectFile( mode="save" )

#===== THE END ===================================

Try the PBSmodelling package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PBSmodelling documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.