# Copyright 2018 Venelin Mitov
# This file is part of PCMBaseCpp.
# PCMBase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PCMBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PCMBase. If not, see <>.
#' Get a vector with all model parameters unrolled
#' @param model a PCM model object
#' @param ... passed to methods
#' @return a numerical vector
#' @examples
#' PCMParamGetFullVector(PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$model.a.123)
#' @export
PCMParamGetFullVector <- function(model, ...) {
UseMethod("PCMParamGetFullVector", model)
#' @export
PCMParamGetFullVector.PCM <- function(model, ...) {
R <- PCMNumRegimes(model)
k <- PCMNumTraits(model)
spec <- attr(model, "spec", exact = TRUE)
res <-, lapply(names(model), function(name) {
if(is.PCM(model[[name]])) {
PCMParamGetFullVector(model[[name]], ...)
} else if( is.Global(model[[name]]) ) {
rep(as.vector(model[[name]]), R)
} else {
# Sigmae_x can be _Omitted.
if(is.Omitted(spec[["Sigmae_x"]])) {
# in this case Sigmae_x should be appended as fixed 0 (this is required by
# the C++ classes)
res <- c(res, rep(0.0, R*k*k))
#' @export
PCMParamGetFullVector.MixedGaussian <- function(model, ...) {
R <- PCMNumRegimes(model)
k <- PCMNumTraits(model)
spec <- attr(model, "spec", exact = TRUE)
# X0 should be _Omitted in every sub-model
vecX0 <- as.vector(model[["X0"]])
# Sigmae_x can be _Omitted or not _Omitted in sub-models. If it is not _Omitted
# the Sigmae_x in the sub-model overwrites the Sigmae_x in the parent model
vecSigmae_x <- double(0)
if(!is.Omitted(spec[["Sigmae_x"]])) {
vecSigmae_x <- as.vector(model[["Sigmae_x"]])
# replicating the global parameters for each model
res <-, lapply(model, function(o) {
if(is.PCM(o)) {
vec <- c(vecX0, PCMParamGetFullVector(o, ...))
if( !("Sigmae_x" %in% names(o)) && !is.Omitted(spec[["Sigmae_x"]]) ) {
vec[(length(vec) - length(vecSigmae_x) + 1):length(vec)] <- vecSigmae_x
} else {
#' A S3 generic for creating C++ backend objects given a model, data and
#' a tree.
#' @description Replace calls to PCMInfo() with this method in order to use C++
#' for likelihood calculation.
#' @param X a \code{k x N} numerical matrix with possible \code{NA} and \code{NaN} entries. Each
#' column of X contains the measured trait values for one species (tip in tree).
#' Missing values can be either not-available (\code{NA}) or not existing (\code{NaN}).
#' These two values have are treated differently when calculating
#' likelihoods: see \code{\link{PCMPresentCoordinates}}.
#' @param tree a phylo object with N tips.
#' @param model an S3 object specifying both, the model type (class, e.g. "OU") as
#' well as the concrete model parameter values at which the likelihood is to be
#' calculated (see also Details).
#' @param SE a k x N matrix specifying the standard error for each measurement in
#' X. Alternatively, a k x k x N cube specifying an upper triangular k x k
#' Choleski factor of the variance covariance matrix for the measurement error
#' for each node i=1, ..., N.
#' Default: \code{matrix(0.0, PCMNumTraits(model), PCMTreeNumTips(tree))}.
#' @param metaI a list returned from a call to \code{PCMInfo(X, tree, model, SE)},
#' containing meta-data such as N, M and k. Default:
#' \code{PCMInfo(X, tree, model, verbose, preorder=PCMTreePreorderCpp(tree))}
#' @param verbose logical indicating if some debug-messages should be printed.
#' Default: FALSE
#' @param ... passed to methods.
#' @importFrom PCMBase PCMInfo PCMTreeJumps PCMApplyTransformation is.Transformable
#' PCMNumRegimes PCMNumTraits PCMTreeNumNodes PCMTreeNumTips is.Global is.Omitted is.PCM
#' @return a list to be passed to PCMLik as argument metaI.
#' @examples
#' metaICpp <- PCMInfoCpp(
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$traits.a.123,
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$tree.a,
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$model.a.123)
#' PCMBase::PCMLik(
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$traits.a.123,
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$tree.a,
#' PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$model.a.123,
#' metaI = metaICpp)
#' @export
PCMInfoCpp <- function(
X, tree, model,
SE = matrix(0.0, PCMNumTraits(model), PCMTreeNumTips(tree)),
metaI = PCMInfo(
X = X, tree = tree, model = model, SE = SE, verbose = verbose,
verbose = FALSE, ...) {
UseMethod("PCMInfoCpp", model)
#' Fast preorder of the edges in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return an integer vector containing indices of rows in \code{tree$edge} in
#' their preorder order.
#' @examples
#' PCMTreePreorderCpp(PCMBase::PCMBaseTestObjects$tree.a)
#' @export
PCMTreePreorderCpp <- function(tree) {
trCpp <- PCMBaseCpp__OrderedTree$new(tree)
nodesInPreorder <- rev(trCpp$OrderNodes(1:PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)) + 1)[-1]
match(nodesInPreorder, tree$edge[, 2])
#' @importFrom abind abind
PCMExtractAbCdEfLmr <- function(metaI) {
k <- metaI$k
M <- metaI$M
N <- metaI$N
pc <- metaI$pc
tr <- metaI$cppObject$tree
# internal node ids from 1 to M
nodeIds <- sapply(seq_len(M), function(n) tr$FindIdOfNode(n) + 1)
nodeStates <- lapply(seq_len(M), function(n) {
ExtractMatrix <- function(i, offset) {
matrix(nodeStates[[i]][seq(offset + 1, offset + k*k)], k, k)
ExtractVector <- function(i, offset, name) {
nodeStates[[i]][seq(offset + 1, offset + k)]
ExtractScalar <- function(i, offset, name) {
nodeStates[[i]][offset + 1]
omega = abind(lapply(
ExtractVector, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k + k*k + 1),
along = 2),
Phi = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k + k*k + 1 + k),
along = 3),
V = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k + k*k + 1 + k + k*k),
along = 3),
V_1 = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k + k*k + 1 + k + k*k + k*k),
along = 3),
A = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1),
along = 3),
b = abind(lapply(
ExtractVector, k*k + k + 1 + k*k),
along = 2),
C = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k),
along = 3),
d = abind(lapply(
ExtractVector, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k),
along = 2),
E = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k),
along = 3),
f = abind(lapply(
ExtractScalar, k*k + k + 1 + k*k + k + k*k + k + k*k),
along = 1),
L = abind(lapply(
ExtractMatrix, 0),
along = 3),
m = abind(lapply(
ExtractVector, k*k),
along = 2),
r = abind(lapply(
ExtractScalar, k*k + k),
along = 1)
#' @importFrom PCMBase PCMLmr PCMInfo PCMApplyTransformation is.Transformable
#' @export
PCMLmr.PCMInfoCpp <- function(
X, tree, model,
SE = matrix(0.0, PCMNumTraits(model), PCMTreeNumTips(tree)),
metaI = PCMInfo(X = X, tree = tree, model = model, SE = SE, verbose = verbose),
root.only = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
) {
if(is.Transformable(model)) {
model <- PCMApplyTransformation(model)
par <- PCMParamGetFullVector(model)
status <- metaI$TraverseTree(par, mode=getOption("PCMBase.Lmr.mode", as.integer(11)))
if( status == "" ) {
PCMLmr_vec <- metaI$StateAtNode(metaI$M - 1)
} else {
# An error has been produced during the call
if(root.only) {
# number of traits (variables)
k <- metaI$k
list(L = matrix(PCMLmr_vec[1:(k*k)], k, k),
m = PCMLmr_vec[k*k+(1:k)],
r = PCMLmr_vec[k*k+k+1]
} else {
#' Converts the logical matrix pc into a list of vectors denoting the (0-based) TRUE-indices in
#' each column
#' @param pc a logical matrix.
#' @return a list
PCListInt <- function(pc) {
lapply(1:ncol(pc), function(i) (which(pc[, i]) - 1))
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