
Defines functions quadeAllPairsTest.default quadeAllPairsTest

Documented in quadeAllPairsTest quadeAllPairsTest.default

##  quadeAllPairsTest.R
##  Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Thorsten Pohlert
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
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#' @name quadeAllPairsTest
#' @title All-Pairs Comparisons for
#' Unreplicated Blocked Data (Quade's All-Pairs Test)
#' @description
#' Performs Quade multiple-comparison test for unreplicated
#' blocked data.
#' @details
#' For all-pairs comparisons of unreplicated blocked data
#' Quade's test can be applied.
#' A total of \eqn{m = k(k-1)/2}
#' hypotheses can be tested. The null hypothesis
#' H\eqn{_{ij}: \theta_i = \theta_j} is tested in the two-tailed test
#' against the alternative
#' A\eqn{_{ij}: \theta_i \ne \theta_j, ~~ i \ne j}.
#' The function has included two methods for approximate p-value estimation:
#' \describe{
#' \item{TDist}{p-values are computed from the t distribution}
#' \item{Normal}{p-values are computed from the standard normal distribution}
#' }
#' If no p-value adjustment is performed (\code{p.adjust.method = "none"}),
#' than a simple protected test is recommended, i.e.
#' all-pairs comparisons should only be applied after a significant
#' \code{\link{quade.test}}. However, any method as implemented in
#' \code{\link{p.adjust.methods}} can be selected by the user.
#' @references
#' W. J. Conover (1999), \emph{Practical nonparametric Statistics},
#' 3rd. Edition, Wiley.
#' N. A. Heckert and J. J. Filliben (2003). NIST Handbook 148:
#' Dataplot Reference Manual, Volume 2: Let Subcommands and Library Functions.
#' National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook Series, June 2003.
#' D. Quade (1979), Using weighted rankings in the analysis of complete
#' blocks with additive block effects. \emph{Journal of the American
#' Statistical Association}, 74, 680-683.
#' @template class-PMCMR
#' @examples
#' ## Sachs, 1997, p. 675
#' ## Six persons (block) received six different diuretics
#' ## (A to F, treatment).
#' ## The responses are the Na-concentration (mval)
#' ## in the urine measured 2 hours after each treatment.
#' ##
#' y <- matrix(c(
#' 3.88, 5.64, 5.76, 4.25, 5.91, 4.33, 30.58, 30.14, 16.92,
#' 23.19, 26.74, 10.91, 25.24, 33.52, 25.45, 18.85, 20.45,
#' 26.67, 4.44, 7.94, 4.04, 4.4, 4.23, 4.36, 29.41, 30.72,
#' 32.92, 28.23, 23.35, 12, 38.87, 33.12, 39.15, 28.06, 38.23,
#' 26.65),nrow=6, ncol=6,
#' dimnames=list(1:6, LETTERS[1:6]))
#' print(y)
#' ## Global test
#' quade.test(y)
#' ## All-pairs comparisons
#' quadeAllPairsTest(y, dist="TDist", p.adjust.method="holm")
#' @keywords htest nonparametric
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{quade.test}}, \code{\link{friedmanTest}}
#' @export
quadeAllPairsTest <- function(y, ...)

#' @rdname quadeAllPairsTest
#' @aliases quadeAllPairsTest.default
#' @method quadeAllPairsTest default
#' @template two-way-parms
#' @param dist the test distribution. Defaults to \code{"TDist"}.
#' @param p.adjust.method method for adjusting p values
#' (see \code{\link{p.adjust}}).
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom stats pairwise.table
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust.methods
#' @export
quadeAllPairsTest.default <-
             dist = c("TDist", "Normal"),
             p.adjust.method = p.adjust.methods,
        dist <- match.arg(dist)
        p.adjust.method <- match.arg(p.adjust.method)

        DNAME <- deparse(substitute(y))
        if(is.matrix(y)) {
            groups <- factor(c(col(y)))
            blocks <- factor(c(row(y)))
            GRPNAMES <- colnames(y)
        else {
            if(anyNA(groups) || anyNA(blocks))
                stop("NA's are not allowed in 'groups' or 'blocks'")
            if(any(diff(c(length(y), length(groups), length(blocks))) != 0L))
                stop("'y', 'groups' and 'blocks' must have the same length")
            DNAME <- paste0(DNAME, ", ",
                            deparse(substitute(groups)), " and ",
            if(any(table(groups, blocks) != 1))
                stop("not an unreplicated complete block design")
            groups <- factor(groups)
            blocks <- factor(blocks)
            o <- order(groups, blocks)
            y <- y[o]
            groups <- groups[o]
            blocks <- blocks[o]
            GRPNAMES <- levels(groups)

        k <- nlevels(groups)
        b <- nlevels(blocks)

        ## <FIXME split.matrix>
        y <- matrix(unlist(split(c(y), blocks)), ncol = k, byrow = TRUE)
        y <- y[complete.cases(y), ]
        #    n <- nrow(y)
        r <- t(apply(y, 1L, rank))
        q <- rank(apply(y, 1, function(u) max(u) - min(u)))

        s <- q * (r - (k + 1) / 2)
        w <- q * r
        ## s is a matrix of ranks within blocks (minus the average rank)
        ## multiplied by the ranked ranges of the blocks
        A <- sum(s ^ 2)
        B <- sum(colSums(s) ^ 2) / b
        S <- colSums(s)
        W <- colSums(w)
        if (dist == "TDist") {
            METHOD <- "Quade's test with TDist approximation"
            DIST <- "t"
            denom <- sqrt((2 * b * (A - B)) /
                              ((b - 1) * (k - 1)))
            compare.stats <- function(i, j) {
                dif <- abs(S[i] - S[j])
                tval <- dif / denom
            PSTAT <- pairwise.table(compare.stats, levels(groups),
                                    p.adjust.method = "none")
            compare.levels <- function(i, j) {
                dif <- abs(S[i] - S[j])
                tval <- dif / denom
                pval <- pval <- 2 * pt(abs(tval),
                                       df = (b - 1) * (k - 1),
                                       lower.tail = FALSE)
            PVAL <- pairwise.table(compare.levels, levels(groups),
                                   p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)
        } else {
            METHOD <- paste("Quade's test",
                            "with standard-normal approximation",
                            sep = "\t")
            DIST <- "z"
            n <- b * k
            denom <- sqrt((k * (k + 1) * (2 * n + 1) * (k - 1)) /
                              (18 * n * (n + 1)))
            nn <- length(w[, 1])
            ff <- 1 / (nn * (nn + 1) / 2)
            compare.stats <- function(i, j) {
                dif <- abs(W[i] * ff - W[j] * ff)
                zval <- dif / denom
            PSTAT <- pairwise.table(compare.stats, levels(groups),
                                    p.adjust.method = "none")
            compare.levels <- function(i, j) {
                dif <- abs(W[i] * ff - W[j] * ff)
                zval <- dif / denom
                pval <- 2 * pnorm(abs(zval), lower.tail = FALSE)
            PVAL <- pairwise.table(compare.levels, levels(groups),
                                   p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)
        colnames(PSTAT) <- GRPNAMES[1:(k - 1)]
        rownames(PSTAT) <- GRPNAMES[2:k]
        colnames(PVAL) <- GRPNAMES[1:(k - 1)]
        rownames(PVAL) <- GRPNAMES[2:k]
        MODEL <- data.frame(x = y, groups, blocks)
        ans <- list(
            statistic = PSTAT,
            p.value = PVAL,
            method = METHOD,
            p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
            data.name = DNAME,
            model = MODEL,
            dist = DIST
        class(ans) <- "PMCMR"

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